TSC Spring 2011 Week 8

Page 1

Taking a different perspective on the popular website

Out with the old... ...and in with the new Graham



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Students complete triathalons over the course of two weeks


Diplo rocked the Locatelli Center Wednesday night, playing to a crowd of around 700 Santa Clara students and guests for APB’s spring concert. He played a set with songs from artists such as Far East Movement, Nicki Minaj and ex-girlfriend M.I.A., all while mixing in beats from James Blake and Sleigh Bells, and teasing samples from his side project Major Lazer. The show was opened by Fortune Cookie, Mario Champagne and the winner of the Santa Clara student DJ battle, Atlas. Students described the show’s atmosphere as “electric,” which especially apparent at the end of the show when Diplo invited audience members on to the stage to dance.

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(6T12D630]<2)&,2<1/C6512:63C60<23778E516C2 Courtney Seymour President ASG

Seymour, junior marketing major: “I previously served on two other ASG commissions freshman year as senator and sophomore year as organizational development coordinator and I enjoyed both of those positions. I really enjoyed being involved and being aware of all the things that were happening on campus and also things that occur within administration and playing the role that makes a difference with students. That’s why I really wanted this position.”

Taara Khalilnaji Editor in Chief Santa Clara Review

Khalilnaji, junior communications and philosophy major: “I’ve been involved with the (Santa Clara) Review since my freshman year. This year I became a member of staff and not only did I realize how much I love the Review and everything that we publish, create and edit, but I love the staff and I love the culture. I also want a career in publishing so I went for the Editor position. My team and I want to create more awareness on campus. We are proud of our long time standing at Santa Clara.”

Gustavo Magana Director Multicultural Center

Magana, junior political science major: “I always had a lot of respect for the position of director since my freshman year, when I found out what it was. It’s very integral to what the MCC is and to a lot of students it is very important. My biggest vision is that we get more people to actually sit back and actually care about issues of race and ethnicity and sexism, gender issues and homosexuality and all the hate that different groups suffer at one point or another and continue to suffer.”

Ryan Selewicz Editor in Chief The Redwood

Matt Rupel Editor in Chief The Santa Clara

Rupel, sophomore communications major: “I started as a reporter and an editor, and I just really enjoyed it. I saw that it was a great opportunity, and I wanted to take on more responsibility and sort of have that feeling of being involved. I’d like to make the newspaper more popular to the student body. I’d like it to be something that every single student reads every Thursday. I’d like to expand our presence online — basically I want the paper to be more directly involved with the students’ lives.”

Jaclyn Sunzeri Director APB

Sunzeri, junior psychology major: “I love APB and wanted to do more. I was originally interested in HR, but I talked to Alex Young and she said ‘Why not apply for director?’ So I applied and I got it. I want to draw more attention to the Locatelli center, it’s a great space, but students get turned off because of the distance. I also want to bring more student interest to our concerts. LMFAO was our biggest concert ever, and we want to continue to have that sort of excitement for our shows.”

Drew Hodun Director SCCAP

Selewicz, sophomore web design/engineering major: “I decided to apply to be Editor In Chief of The Redwood because I had a lot of ideas to change to the way things were done, and I thought I could set a certain quality standard that would inspire staff members for years to come and even after I am gone. I’m excited to be here for my second year because we have a lot of other returning staff members with a lot of great ideas and motivation.”

Hodun, junior religious studies and physics major: “I have somehow been involved in SCCAP every year here at Santa Clara. I was really excited at the opportunity to give back and help empower this coming year’s staff to put on awesome programs and create opportunities for all the Santa Clara Community to get involved with local communities and issues of social justice. I’ve learned so much from everyone. SCCAP has really defined my experience at Santa Clara and I’m excited to give back.”

Sara Martineau Director KSCU

Martineau, junior philosophy and French major: “I applied for a student leadership position because I have truly enjoyed my involvement with KSCU this past year, and felt I could successfully serve as general manager in the coming year. I have been working for the radio station as a music manager for the past academic year. I look forward to putting on more live shows as well as improving the website to the point that it may become a destination for students.”



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Cartoon by Austin Alleman



The first Republican primary debate was held on May 5 in South Carolina. Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain and Gary Johnson all battled it out to be see who will contest Obama in the presidential race in 2012.


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Brook Boniface

Feliz Moreno



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“All of high school was essentially an exercise in how to fit in. No matter the situation, it was almost always better to blend in. Luckily, college is not high school and difference is more likely to be accepted and celebrated.”

Fun ways to recycle TSC

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Crema Coffee offers cappuccinos to energize students during long study sessions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Question of the Week by Dylan


Desbelet Berhe, '14

“I will be working at SeaWorld again.”

Avery Reiss, ‘13

“I’m going to be retaking organic chemistry and working at a local gym. “

C6(57<;.+(87)8).+8.!+<8+.":+(+.@78&. 56(9. ?6::,@66*. +<*. K(6+*@+,A 9)\'9. +5I7876<)-. W6(. 9X+5G:9-. K(7+<+./78>&9::-.+.8&9+8(9.+(8).5+A J6(-.7).95I+(B7<;.6<.8&9.+*H9<8'(9. 6C . +. :7C98759. 8&7). )'559(. @78&. 8&9. 7<89(<+876<+:. 86'(. 6C . _^+@<N. %&9. /')7>+:-`. +. C6:B. (6>B. 5')7A >+:.@(7889<.I,.!8+<C6(*.Z<7H9()78,. '<*9(;(+*'+89.Y+(57+."&+<."+6D. %&7). )'559(-. K(7+<+. +<*. 8&9. >+)8. 6C . _^+@<`. @7::. )8+(8. 8&97(. 86'(.+8.8&9.)9>6<*.:+(;9)8.7<89(<+A 876<+:.5')7>.C9)87H+:.7<.8&9.@6(:*-. 8&9. e+9;'. E<89(<+876<+:. /')7>. W9)87H+:. 7<. !6'8&. Y6(9+D. W(65. e+9;'-. 8&9,. @7::. 8(+H9:. 86. "&7<+. +<*. "+<+*+. I9C6(9. >6<>:'*7<;. 8&9.86'(.+8.8&9.$9@.]6(B.E<89(<+A 876<+:.W(7<;9.W9)87H+:D. R). +. J'<76(-. K(7+<+. )87::. &+). G:9<8,. 6C . 8759. 86. 5+B9. G:+<). C6(. +C89(. ;(+*'+876<D. ?6@9H9(-. )&9. +:(9+*,. (9C')9). 86. _fG7;96<A&6:9F. T&9()9:CU. 7<86. )8(7>8:,. +<. f9*'>+A 876<F. 6(. fG(6C9))76<+:F. 8(+>BD`.

K(7+<+. )+,)-. _E. &6<9)8:,. 9<J6,. +<*.C7<*.H+:'9.7<.I68&.G+8&)-.+<*. I9:79H9. 8&9(9F). +. @+,. 86. I+:+<>9. 8&95. 86;98&9(D`. %&+8. I97<;. )+7*-. 7<.G'()'7<;.8&9.G(6C9))76<+:.(6'89-. K(7+<+. @6':*. I9. C6::6@7<;. 7<. 8&9. C668)89G). 6C . 5+<,. 68&9(. 75G(9)A )7H9.!+<8+.":+(+.+:'5<7D. ?9(9.+8.!+<8+.":+(+.Z<7H9()78,-. )8'*9<8).+(9.9<>6'(+;9*.86.*(9+5. I7;.+<*.G'()'9.8&97(.7<89(9)8).7<.+. H+(798,. 6C . +>+*957>. +<*. G(6C9)A )76<+:. C79:*)D. e+<>9-. 8&9+8(9. +<*. 5')7>. 9<>65G+)). 6<:,. +. C9@. 6C . 8&9)9-.I'8.+(9.G9(&+G).8&(99.6C .8&9. 56)8.9X>787<;D. R). 8+:9<89*. )8'*9<8). 9<89(. 7<86. 8&9.G(6C9))76<+:.@6(:*-.8&9,.5')8. *9>7*9. &6@. 86. I9)8. 5+B9. ')9. 6C . 8&97(.8+:9<8)D.[<9.8&7<;.7).>9(8+7<N. !"Z. )8'*9<8). @7::. >6<87<'9. 86. )&7<9.I68&.6<)8+;9.+<*.6CCD. !"#$%&$'@%$A->#'@%-%/)B'%$' +B%-%/)B0/&,1)2,'"-'%$'345678849 :;:61'

What are your summer plans?

Rico Chow, ‘12

“I have an internship with Ernstein Young and then I’m going home to Japan.”

Adam Irino, ‘14

“I will be working and playing baseball on a traveling team.”

Stephanie Clements, ‘13

I’m taking EMT classes and getting my EMT certification.”








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Contestants strut their stuff up on stage (top) during the annual male pageant, Mr. RLC. Christopher Waight of Saint Claire, was the winner. Particpants work the catwalk (right) in this year’s Drag Show which encouraged students to “put their gender in a blender.”







Senior Liza Stillman (middle) of the Master Debaters takes a swing during an intramural softball game as her teammates watch. !"#$%#&'()*+",)-./')01

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The sophomore from Florida was selected to participate in the 2011 NCAA Division 1 Men’s Golf Championships. Lamb is one of 10 individual qualifiers to the tournament, which will take place in San Diego. He was a top-10 finisher in four tournaments during the season.


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San Diego



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Saint Mary’s









Santa Clara

















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Santa Clara students working out in the Pat Malley Fitness and Recreation Center, which sponsored the Iron Bronco Triathalon. '&7-'*5%8"78"'*6"?7&('"$5-:6"g"7'H("'*6" A%8,789"'*-'":%+8'(=" C8" &6-57'./" $-&'7:7$-8'(" &-&65." *-;6"869-'7;6"6V$6&768:6("G7'*"'*6" )&7-'*5%8="K6%$56"(798"+$"?%&"-";-@ &76'."%? "&6-(%8(/"78:5+,789"-("-"G-." '%"('-."78"(*-$6"%&"(7<$5."?%&"-",7@ ;6&(7%8"?&%<"-:-,6<7:"('&6((= C8" -8." 6;68'/" '*6" &697('6&6," '&7@ -'*56'6(" G6&6" <%&6" '*-8" &6-,." '%" A6978" '*67&" '-(B(" %8" F$&75" 3]=" W7@ ;7,789"-55"%? "'*6"<756("6;685."%;6&" '*6"'G%"G66B("G%+5,"A6"6N+7;-568'" '%" &+88789" %;6&" ?%+&" 5-$(" -&%+8," L655%<." U765,/" 679*'" <756(" %? " A7B@ 789" d86-&5." 12" L655%<." 5-$(e/" -8," D+('" +8,6&" (7V" 5-$(" -'" '*6" #+557;-8"

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Freshman Ben Demaree (left), along with sophomores Nhunguyen Le and Richard Zhu wait for the sound of the gun.


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Senior Jimmy Bennet (top) pitches for the Master Debaters. Other memebers of the team await their turn to bat. (bottom) '*6"'6-<H("'&7+<$*/"A+'"'*6."-5(%" *-;6" -" '6-<" $*%'%9&-$*" '-B68" -8," $5-:6," %8" " ,7($5-." 78" '*6" 0-556."Q68'6&"*-55G-.=" )*6"78'&-<+&-5"($%&'("%??6&6," 78" '*6" ($&789" N+-&'6&" 78:5+,6" (%?'A-55/" (%::6&/" '6887(/" '&7$56(" ;%556.A-55/" -8," '*&66@%8@'*&66"

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For a complete schedule of upcoming Bronco games, see page 14 ("$.O'=%E.'"N '$D.'J..*'),'&D",.#' >@'?D.'M%#$%'!-%/%',L"/$,',$%NN2

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