The Saskatchewan Anglican, Dec. 2005

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December 2005

Chrismon Tree proclaims the Christmas gospel By Elizabeth Susa REGINA (QuA) - At Holy Trinity, Regina, there is a Chrismon tree made by members of the parish. Originating in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Ascension in 1957, it has spread to churches all over the world. The evergreen tree symbolizes the eternal life our Saviour won for us and is the background for the white lights and the white and gold Chrismons. The lights speak of Him who is the light of the world and the Chrismons (Christ and Monogram) proclaim the name, the life and the saving acts of Jesus. Chrismons are made either in white or gold or a combination of both. White suggests innocence, purity and the perfection of our Saviour. Gold is the symbol of the majesty of God and of the Son of Man. The three-inch gold spheres on the tree portray Jesus' teachings about the Father. The white spheres, that portray Jesus' teachings about Him-

self, are called "I AM" spheres. Kingdom spheres, which denote parables of the kingdom, are open balls of three concentric circles. A triangular area on the front of the tree is left for 13 Chrismons with special meanings. For example the Iota Chi, our Lord's monogram with roses, symbolizes His birth and humanity; the Self, an old silver sphere, represents the people who, as they look into it, see themselves, distorted and ugly, in their sinful state. As the old sphere is placed into the tree it takes on the reflection of the colours and lights and is transformed, as are the people when they enter into Christ and he into them. The “ Cross atop Orb” depicts our Lord holding the world and the heavens around it. It is topped with a cross to symbolize His dominion over the earth.

Celebrating the Church in Saskatchewan By Ivan Millard REGINA - Joining in the celebration of Saskatchewan's centennial, the Regina Council of Churches sponsored Vision 100 to celebrate the Church in Saskatchewan. In September Christian organizations numbering 26 set up displays at the Western Christian College depicting who they are and telling their story. Themes of celebrating the past, the state of the church today and exploring where God is leading were the topics of commentaries and discussions. The keynote speaker was the Reverend Vern Ratzlaff, pastor of the Nutana Park Mennonite Church, Saskatoon. Ratzlaff divided the past in terms of discovery, development and diversity. He noted that considering the First Nations long history, it was somewhat artificial to limit the history of religion in Saskatchewan to 100 years. The prairies were not a mission field for evangelizing but rather the churches followed the set-

tlers who came to this new land, noted Ratzlaff. In 1902 planning began for church unity that was the basis for three denominations joining in 1925 to form the United Church of Canada. At the start of the 20th century there was no rich cross-section of denominations. Ratzlaff said the church has lost the power it once had but “we do not have to outlaw Sunday shopping to have time to go to church.” He noted “that a reconfiguration of inter-church dialogue through joint ventures brings us together without structures. We need not have institutional uniformity to have interfaith understanding.” He concluded that a church that is no longer part of the establishment is more beneficial to the world. The celebration continued with a banquet and a very moving service of prayer arranged by Archdeacon Helena Houldcroft with dance and song. Chrismon Tree

Stewardship support extended REGINA - The position of Financial Stewardship Officer for the Diocese of Qu'Appelle has been extended until December 2006. This will allow the diocese to maintain stewardship support to any congregation who requests it. Tanya Condo will remain in this capacity. “Support is available through several methods and depends on the needs of the congregation,” said Mrs. Condo. Through this diocesan program she will continue to be available to discuss techniques and how to tailor them to meet the needs of the congregation, to lead exercises that solidify goals as well as to deliver homilies on Godly stewardship. “Stewardship is not about squeezing the last drop of cash from Liturgical dancer: Carmine Tait from Faith Lutheran Church. Photo - Martin Burgbusch

someone's wallet. Stewardship is our response to the love God has shown us, and our answer to God's call to serve His people. It is a different journey for each person and strong stewardship programs help people see what is already in their hearts. The goal isn't to twist arms, but to unlock barriers,” she said. Since many congregations do not know what they want or where to start, Mrs. Condo can aid in discovering the congregation's needs and how to best help. All services are offered at no cost to congregations. For more information call Tanya at: (306) 522-1608 or e-mail Evening and weekend meetings are available.

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