December Coverage Report 2017

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The Savoy Media Highlights December 2017

The Savoy Rooms and Suites Media Highlights

Monthly Unique Browsers: 3,802,719

Circulation: 50,000

Circulation: 50,000

Hill Resident, The {Main}

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

UK Friday 1, December 2017 24,25,27,2 2633 sq. cm Pub Stmt 38200 Monthly page rate ÂŁ1,500.00, scc rate ÂŁ0.00 020 7792 2626



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408945906 - MARPHI - A20344-1

Hill Resident, The {Main}

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

UK Friday 1, December 2017 24,25,27,2 2633 sq. cm Pub Stmt 38200 Monthly page rate ÂŁ1,500.00, scc rate ÂŁ0.00 020 7792 2626



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408945906 - MARPHI - A20344-1

Circulation: n/a

Circulation: 95K Instagram followers

Isn’t it just so magical at this time of year? Christmas really knows how to brighten the atmosphere, especially with all the glittering decorations and illuminations across the West End. The most exciting part is when you get to check into the glamorous hotel known as The Savoy, just in time for Christmas.

The Savoy hotel is well known for its richness in history, from its iconic elegance during the English past to the new world sophistication we see today. The hotel lobby always wins my heart, from the familiar sound of shoes echoing on glossy chequered floors to its finely detailed ceiling, completed way back in the Edwardian era. My attention is immediately caught by the charmingly evocative Christmassy scent wafting throughout the room and, turning around, I see the Savoy’s majestic Christmas tree standing proud and pristine, covered with dozens of red, gold and green ornaments, reminiscent of Victorian days gone by, with fresh pine, dried orange and cinnamon, designed by the British fragrance house, Penhaligon’s, in partnership with the Savoy.

Circulation: 95K Instagram followers

Soon the suite is ready and it is time to check in. My first impression is the expansive hallway and the breath-taking views of the London skyline, including the iconic Big Ben, London Eye and the River Thames. The suite itself is called Personality Suite, named after and inspired by some of the Savoy’s most celebrated residents who made the hotel their London “home from home”. The one bedroom Edwardian suite is named after Claude Monet, reminding us of some of his most famous works, which depicted and reflected his time in London. I think I’m in paradise and, perhaps in the future, one of the rooms could be named “The Rollinson London”? We shall see! Did I hear something? Yes, afternoon tea is calling. The Thames Foyer at The Savoy Hotel is the perfect setting for afternoon tea, a grand Edwardian building filled with classical Art Nouveau and impressive Corinthian columns. The glassdomed ceiling floods the room with natural light and an impressive gazebo houses the finest Steinways and Son grand piano in an elegant winter garden setting. Each table comes with a polished silver vase of red roses set against a pristine white linen tablecloth, bespoke Wedgwood crockery, exclusive to The Savoy, and traditional silverware. The best part of the afternoon tea experience is the warm and hearty scented scones served in white linen with a choice of homemade lemon curd, traditional strawberry jam and clotted cream. To be honest, you can never have too many.

Circulation: 95K Instagram followers

The Savoy hotel is a perfect location in the heart of London, within short walking distance to Covent Garden, Trafalgar Square, River Thames, Regent Street and Fleet Street, a perfect opportunity for a stroll and walk off that long, leisurely afternoon tea. Well, I have a dinner to try out at the famous Simpson’s Restaurant in the Strand in a couple of hours’ time – a great British classic restaurant, perfected since 1828. Their unique culinary story is a tale of traditions upheld, undiluted by the tide of time over two centuries. Today, Simpson’s in the Strand offers a landmark London dining experience and I am already looking forward to seeing the menu they are offering. The Savoy offers many other restaurants which you can try, such as Kaspar’s at The Savoy and the Savoy Grill, owned by Gordon Ramsay. If you are still feeling well fed from the afternoon tea experience, you can go for a nightcap at the American Bar, known as the longest surviving cocktail bar in London and one of the most renowned in the world. Don’t forget to try one of their signature cocktails, which is to die for. Or you may wish to try the Beaufort Bar, with its Art Deco opulence and character cocktails.

Next morning, to my amazement, can you guess? It’s snowing! Perfectly timed to capture the iconic view over breakfast, and the final touch to illustrate how The Savoywill give you a getaway to remember. Especially for those who stay over Christmas and New Year in style.

Circulation: 8,500

The Savoy Food and Beverage Media Highlights

Circulation: 186,667

Circulation: 186,667

Circulation: 186,667

Circulation: 2,618,942

Monthly Unique Browsers: 914,847,550

Circulation: 827,588

Mónica R. Goya @Monica�Goya

1 


¿Cómo es beber en el mejor bar del mundo?


Nos tomamos una copa en el American Bar de Londres Más sobre:

Hotel 5*, Trending Topic, Vida nocturna, Bares y pubs, Reino Unido, Londres


¿Cómo es beber en el mejor bar del mundo?

Espectáculo de precisión © Mónica R. Goya

Pocos bares son un destino en sí mismos, y el American Bar del Savoy es uno de ellos. Inaugurado en 1893, dicen que Winston Churchill, un habitual, hasta guardaba su propio whisky allí, y son muchos los iconos del siglo XX, desde Marilyn Monroe a Frank Sinatra o Michael Caine, los que se dejaron caer por el lugar. No hay más que 12/15/2017 ¿Cómo es beber en eldel mejor barpara del mundo? de las paredes bar dejarse impresionar por su historia. �jarse en las fotografías �rmadas que cuelgan

Nadie puede discutir que, pase lo que pase, el American Bar del hotel Savoy ha sido, es y seguramente siempre El visitante informado no se sorprenderá al ver que uno de los bares con más solera del mundo no tiene entrada será uno de los mejores sitios en los que dejar que se el tomándose una copa. Y ya si crees en 12/15/2017 es pare beber en tiempo el mejor bar del-desde mundo?el propia. Asimismo, dirá a sus acompañantes al¿Cómo acercase al lobby del hotel que se accede al bar-, que esa ránkings y listas, el mes pasado este histórico bar fue declarado el mejor del mundo (por primera vez) en la lista de calle (Savoy Court) es la única de todo el país en la que se conduce por la derecha, como en el resto de Europa.  "11" FOTOS  VER Espectáculo de precisión Bars. ¿Cómo es beber allí? los 50 Best © Mónica R. Goya

Pura clase © D.R.

Pocos bares son un destino en sí mismos, y el American Bar del Savoy es uno de ellos. Inaugurado en 1893, dicen VER 11 FOTOS

que Winston Churchill, Tiempo de lectura 4 minutos un habitual, hasta guardaba su propio whisky allí, y son muchos los iconos del siglo XX,

Estos ason losSinatra mejores baresCaine, del mundo: World's Best No Bars desde Marilyn Monroe Frank o Michael los que se The dejaron caer por50 el lugar. hay más que

�jarse en las fotografías �rmadas que cuelgan de las paredes del bar para dejarse impresionar por su historia.  El visitante informado no se sorprenderá al ver que uno de los bares con más solera del mundo no tiene entrada


propia. Asimismo, dirá a sus acompañantes al acercase al lobby del hotel -desde el que se accede al bar-, que esa calle (Savoy Court) es la única de todo el país en la que se conduce por la derecha, como en el resto de Europa. El Hotel Savoy está situado en el Strand, en el centro de Londres, muy cerca de Trafalgar Square y de Covent Garden. Cuando los clientes del hotel llegaban, tanto en carruajes como en automóviles, permitirles conducir por la derecha signi�caba que el chófer no tenía que rodear el coche para abrirles la puerta.


Pura clase © D.R.

Tiempo de lectura 4 minutos

El Hotel Savoy está situado en el Strand, en el centro de Londres, muy cerca de Trafalgar Square y de Covent Garden. Cuando los clientes del hotel llegaban, tanto en carruajes como en automóviles, permitirles conducir por la derecha signi�caba que el chófer no tenía que rodear el coche para abrirles la puerta.


Garden. Cuando los clientes del hotel llegaban, tanto en carruajes como en automóviles, permitirles conducir por la derecha signi�caba que el chófer no tenía que rodear el coche para abrirles la puerta. Circulation:


En el Savoy escriben sus propias normas © Alamy

Una vez dentro del lobby del Savoy, el American Bar está situado a mano izquierda y allí lleva desde 1904. Hay que subir unas escaleras –también hay acceso para personas con movilidad reducida- y allí nos recibirá el atento 12/15/2017 ¿Cómo es beber en el mejorElbar del mundo? art déco de los interiores hacen pensar personal vistiendo la clásica y muy reconocible chaqueta blanca. estilo

en los tiempos de Harry Craddock, posiblemente el jefe de bartenders más famoso del American Bar, tanto que Él es autor del Savoy Cocktail Book, un libro publicado en 1930 que sigue considerándose la biblia de los hasta tiene su propia estatua de cera en el Madame Tussauds. bartenders y continúa reeditándose a día de hoy. Asimismo, se cree que Craddock, británico emigrado a Estados

Unidos, fue el último en mezclar legalmente una bebida alcohólica en aquel país antes de la entrada en vigor de la Ley Seca en 1920, poco antes de que el reputado barman volviese a su país natal.


Circulation: 827,588

El menú del American Bar incluye algunas de las creaciones del legendario Craddock, pero si hay algo por lo que los críticos alaban este bar es por no dejarse intimidar por en suelpropia historia y apostar por la innovación y el nuevo 12/15/2017 ¿Cómo es beber mejor bar del mundo? talento. Así Erik Lorincz, el décimo bartender jefe de la historia del American Bar, propone un menú que recorre el

país de costa a costa en cinco secciones, empezando por el condado de Kent, el jardín de Inglaterra (The Garden of England) y acabando por Castle Rock, el emplazamiento del castillo de Edimburgo. La preparación de los cócteles es un espectáculo de precisión delicioso. Los mixólogos parecen tener una elegancia innata que la chaqueta blanca –introducida por Harry Craddock-, el pelo engominado hacia atrás y el delicado espejo tras la barra realzan. El jazz interpretado por el pianista (todos los días de seis de la tarde a cierre) añade encanto y elegancia a la sala y es un motivo más para visitar el bar. El servicio es excelente, como cabría esperar de un hotel como el Savoy, lo


mismo pidas un cóctel que un agua con gas.

¿Cómo es beber en el mejor bar del mundo?


Erik Lorincz, a los mandos © American Bar

Los cócteles más baratos comienzan en 16 libras, 11,50 para los que no llevan alcohol. El cóctel más caro del bar es el Sazerac, que está en 5.000 libras por el elevado precio de las botellas con las que se elabora. Entre las 11:30 y las 16:00 ofrecen un pequeño menú de almuerzo que incluye tomate, mozzarella y salmón ahumado o café y cupcakes.

Erik Lorincz, a los mandos © American Bar

Los cócteles más baratos comienzan en 16 libras, 11,50 para los que no llevan alcohol. El cóctel más caro del bar es el Sazerac, que está en 5.000 libras por el elevado precio de las botellas con las que se elabora. Entre las 11:30 y las 16:00 ofrecen un pequeño menú de almuerzo que incluye tomate, mozzarella y salmón ahumado o café y cupcakes. Lo mejor para no tener que esperar –no admiten reservas- es evitar las horas más concurridas, que normalmente coinciden con las funciones de teatro. Por ello, lo más acertado es acudir hacia las cuatro de la tarde, o después de las ocho. El bar está abierto desde las 11:30 de la mañana (las 12 los domingos) hasta medianoche a diario. La etiqueta del American Bar no es muy estricta y realmente no hay necesidad de ir en traje o en tacones. Los pantalones vaqueros no son un problema para entrar, si bien el ambiente general suele ser más sobrio y su web advierte que el código de vestimenta es “casual y elegante” y que no admiten ropa deportiva.

Lo mejor para no tener que esperar –no admiten reservas- es evitar las horas más concurridas, que normalmente

Circulation: 827,588 12/15/2017

ÂżCĂłmo es beber en el mejor bar del mundo?

Time Out {Main}

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

UK Tuesday 19, December 2017 26,27,28,3 2987 sq. cm ABC 309030 Weekly page rate ÂŁ3,880.00, scc rate ÂŁ44.50 020 7813 3000



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Article Page 7 of 8

410285236 - DEBMAT - A20344-1

Time Out {Main}

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

UK Tuesday 19, December 2017 102 413 sq. cm ABC 309030 Weekly page rate ÂŁ3,880.00, scc rate ÂŁ44.50 020 7813 3000



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410286687 - DEBMAT - A20344-1

Bar Magazine {Main}

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

UK Friday 1, December 2017 34 119 sq. cm Pub Stmt 12500 Monthly page rate ÂŁ2,250.00, scc rate ÂŁ0.00 01795 509109



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408910769 - ILOSTR - A20344-1

Bar Magazine {Main}

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

UK Friday 1, December 2017 34 82 sq. cm Pub Stmt 12500 Monthly page rate ÂŁ2,250.00, scc rate ÂŁ0.00 01795 509109



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408910814 - ILOSTR - A20344-1

Circulation: 26,469


Circulation: 124,218

THE SAVOY AND PENHALIGON’S TEAM UP FOR CHRISTMAS The scent of Christmas is in the air at the luxury London hotel BY FRANCES


Monthly Unique Browsers: 296, 668

When two British icons come together to celebrate Christmas, you can guarantee an abundance of good cheer. This year, the Savoy has joined forces with Penhaligon’s to launch ‘Christmas in the Air’, a threedimensional, interactive installation running throughout the hotel that takes inspiration from Victorian traditions. On entry, marvel at the ceiling-high tree festooned with crimson ribbons and limited-edition Savoy-print baubles, its base surrounded by piles of presents waiting to be unwrapped, all against the backdrop of an enormous pop-up story-book designed by the artist Kristjana Williams. Take your seat at the wheel of a vintage automobile, side by side with a top-hatted and besuited robin, and embark on a virtual journey into a fairy-tale of your own making.

16 of the Best Afternoon Teas in London Monthly Unique Browsers: 296, 668. Because you can never have enough finger sandwiches, tea and

scones – especially at Christmas!

Afternoon tea is quite possibly the most British of all institutions. But once in a while, an egg and cress sandwich and a scone need a little jazzing up. These are the current 16 best afternoon teas in the city, from the traditional to the innovative, and a few Christmas specials…


World-renowned for its iconic High Tea, The Savoy is constantly updating its menu to ensure its guests enjoy the very best of the season. This season, they have paired up with Penhaligon’s to bring the scents of Christmas to the hotel, with delicate pastires using notes of cinnamon, oranges, juniper and pine needles to evoke guests’ festive nostalgia. Add a glass of Louis Roederer Vintage for that extra sparkle. Served in the magnificent Thomas Foyer and accompanied by live piano music, The Savoy’s High Tea is a London classic. From £68 per person, daily.

Circulation: 7,657

Circulation: n/a

Circulation: 101,075

Circulation: 101,075

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

Where London? {Main}



UK Friday 1, December 2017 62,63,64,6 2417 sq. cm Pub Stmt 75352 Monthly page rate ÂŁ4,115.00, scc rate ÂŁ0.00 020 7242 5222

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Christmas time in London


Circulation: n/a

London at Christmastime | The Province

So, now with our internal fairy lights merrily flickering, we head into the night time that turns London into even more of a winter wonderland.


Our next tour takes us past a whirl of theatrics: the window dressing of Fortnum & Mason’s – the renowned purveyors of fine food – on Piccadilly before dipping down through Trafalgar Square (time it wisely, and you’ll catch carol groups warbling for an hour beneath its Christmas tree – an annual present for 70 years from Norway for help in the Second World War) -and the Strand where even brighter lights adorn the store’s newly installed skating rink at Somerset House. Hugged by 450-year-old history and Neoclassical walls (it’s previously home to the Duke of Somerset as well as the country’s public records for births and deaths, and,shines er, at one like point the tax office),during the Skatethe at British capital a bauble Somerset House with Fortnum & Mason is just about the grandest place holiday season you’ll ever attempt an arabesque. The mood lighting, the hot chocolate, theLucy dazzling tree, the killer late nights (disco, hip-hop and grime are all By Hyslop due to take star turns with DJ takeovers during the next month) will all “So here it is, Merry Christmas / Everybody’s having fun slake your thirst for the perfect wintry scene with some thoroughly Look to the future now / It’s only just begun…” modern trimmings. Or take your carving skills to the rink set up at the Tower of one London – the to centuries executions and the If there’s chorus thathome heralds the start of the ho-ho-ho holiday distinctive red-and-black Yeoman Warders known as rockers season in London, it’s the ubiquitous playing(otherwise of Seventies’ British Beefeaters, a moniker from the when theyEverybody. were paid, in part, well, Slade’s perennial Christmas hit, era Merry Xmas with beef). You’ll hear the time-honoured jingle jovially blasting out from many Of course, food is everything comes to–ain jolly old nightclubs. stores, restaurants and even –when mostitironically trendy English London it well. chef Skye Gyngell’s But, fearChrimbo not, that and tune’s about does all that’s on Renowned repeat: when it comes to elegant Spring restaurant is next to the rink at Somerset House and just England’s capital, celebrating Christmas is elevated to a sport that’s down the Strand at the tony Savoy Hotel, its famous afternoon tea now become more competitive every year. boasts a woody scent of Christmas in the Air by luxury perfumers To really get your fill of the festive spirit – and remove much of the Penhaligon’s for a Scents of Christmas Festive Afternoon Tea combined hustle and bustle of the city – mainly ignore the Tube transit system and with brandy mousse, mulled pears and gingerbread. Over at Victoria, take the flaneur’s approach. Wrapped up snugly (of course), there’s opposite Buckingham Palace, you’ll find The Rubens Hotel where a Festive Royal Afternoon Tea will see not only a more traditional yule Christmas chocolate log on the menu but the Queen’s Jammy Dodger

biscuit and mulled wine macarons. A city this geared up for Christmas? Now, that’s guaranteed to make this the most wonderful downtime of the year…

If you go… Skate at Somerset House with Fortnum & Mason: (Strand, London; Skate at the Tower of London ( See the lights of Oxford and Regent streets Check out winter villages and markets centrally at Winter Wonderland in


Caterer, The {Main}

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

UK Friday 8, December 2017 43 261 sq. cm ABC 7657 Weekly page rate ÂŁ3,975.00, scc rate ÂŁ30.00 020 7881 4802


Simpson's in the Strand

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409241802 - BRETWI - A20344-1

Circulation: n/a

team at hollandgreen is always one step ahead, so stay tuned for developments across the site. As always, we are keen to hear your feedback on the services we provide so we can improve the experience for residents wherever possible: do not hesitate to contact if you have any ideas. CHRISTMAS AT HOLLANDGREEN In true festive spirit, our Christmas trees will be decorated in all of the Hollandgreen receptions in early December. Concierge services across the building will continue as normal over the festive season; for urgent matters, please do not hesitate to phone +44 (0)20 3824 0750 or walk in to the management suite for assistance. For non-urgent matters, I will always endeavor to be available to meet you Monday to Friday with 48 hours’ notice - please book an appointment through the concierge, who will be delighted to assist. With the festive party season, we see a higher volume of rubbish. If you have rubbish to discard, simply call reception and one of our porters will come to collect it from you between 7am - 7pm. Please note that, due to council restrictions, we only accept domestic general rubbish and recycling. Please note that placing rubbish bags in the hallway or stairwell is a fire and tripping hazard, and could endanger someone’s life. Please therefore keep all refuse bags in your apartment until collected.

Local Offerings: GAIL’s Bakery As the instigators of the sourdough movement, GAIL’s believes that nothing beats the simple pleasure of good bread. Locals are spoilt for choice with nearly 30 varieties, with 19 different sourdoughs, as well as daily handmade pastries and a seasonal savoury menu. GAIL’s bakers make breakfast until 3pm every day including eggs and French Toast, in addition to baking pastries throughout the day. The bakery also makes soups, fresh sandwiches, salads for lunch and afternoon cakes. Baristas are trained by GAIL’s industry award-winning coffee specialists and serve GAIL’s House Blend coffee, roasted by Union Hand-Roasted Coffee. Only moments away from hollandgreen, the neighbourhood bakery is perfectly placed for residents who are looking for a new spot to visit for delicious food and coffee.

High Street Kensington, W8 6ND

MYHOLLANDGREEN.COM As a reminder to any new residents, here at hollandgreen we have an online portal designed for our residents to manage their property and facilities with ease. Within the portal, you will find a wealth of useful information regarding your apartment including the resident’s handbook, concierge contact details and information on systems including alarms, lighting and heating. To register, simply visit, click ‘register’ and follow the onscreen instructions. LEISURE CENTRE Opening hours during the festive season: Christmas Eve – Open as usual Christmas Day – Closed Boxing Day – Closed New Year’s Eve – Open as usual New Year’s Day – Open as usual

Hubert Kang

Afternoon Tea at The Savoy Afternoon Tea at The Savoy is an enduring custom where guests can choose from a range of teas served with finger sandwiches, homemade scones with clotted cream & jam and a mouth-watering selection of seasonal cakes and pastries. Guests are invited to dine in the Thames Foyer: a stunning glass dome floods this sociable spot with wonderful natural light and, beneath this, a pianist serenades guests from a winter garden gazebo as they enjoy our world-famous afternoon tea.

For reservations, email or

Berwickshire News & East Lothian Herald {Main}

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

UK Thursday 7, December 2017 34 64 sq. cm ABC 4264 Weekly page rate ÂŁ5,063.85, scc rate ÂŁ8.37 01289 306 677



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409213961 - BRETWI - A20344-1

Edinburgh Evening News {Main}

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:

UK Saturday 2, December 2017 22 550 sq. cm ABC 18362 Daily page rate £5,462.10, scc rate £17.85 0131 620 8620



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Jamie Magazine {Main}

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Friday 1, December 2017 26,27 1067 sq. cm Pub Stmt 47021 page rate ÂŁ8,000.00, scc rate ÂŁ0.00 020 75661770



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Her Vintage Life {Main}

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Circulation: 1,491 12/6/2017

Kaspar's at The Savoy have launched a festive Oyster and Champagne Bar menu! - Urban Intention - Things to eat and do in a


NOVEMBER 30, 2017



Kaspar’s at The Savoy have launched a festive Oyster and Champagne Bar menu!









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Fancy going fancy this Christmas? This December, Christmas shoppers will be able to refuel and replenish in the stunning surroundings of Kaspar’s after trawling Central London ’s chaotic outlets.

On Novemb

PEOPLE ALSO READ Dip your Hawksmoor Christmas BOOK NOW!

Burger in a jug of gravy for a festive feast! You can win the chance to stay the

Guests will choose from a spectacular selection of seafood and

night in the Coca-Cola truck this

Champagne, from the carefully curated menu, during their few hours


of recess. McCain are launching a ‘Roastaurant’

On the menu is British Oysters, scallops, Cornish crab meat, poached

where you can build your own roast,

prawns plus lobster, sharing platters and of course Kaspar’s Ryan

however you like it!

뀒 Search London

e.g. city, region, district or specific h Check-in date

낦 6

Dec '17

Check-out date

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Dec '17

Beluga Caviar with blinis & sour cream.


The Times {Main}

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UK Friday 8, December 2017 13 220 sq. cm ABC 450064 Daily page rate £16,645.00, scc rate £75.00 020 7782 5000


Simpson's in the Strand

TMS | @timesdiary

Johnson Sr’s slimline tonic Stanley Johnson, chieftain of the blond clan, has left seclusion after two weeks in the I’m a Celebrity jungle. The newly svelte 77-year-old couldn’t help but boast of his trim waistline after a diet of rice and beans. “I’ve lost 9 kilos. I’m now 12st 9lb. I haven’t been that weight since 1954,” he said. When Johnson flew to Australia there was political turmoil at home and he’s curious to find out what’s happened since. “I’m looking forward to checking my emails,” he said. “I want to know if Boris is still foreign secretary, for example.” Yesterday’s story about Joseph Connolly’s book signing gaffe reminded Brian Yardley of when Monica Dickens, a descendant of Charles Dickens, did a signing in Australia. After one customer stated her name, Dickens inscribed the book to “Emma Chizzitt” before being informed that the lady was merely asking for the price.

ode to absent friends At the launch of Fall Out by Tim Shipman, the Sunday Times political editor, the author apologised for the Westminster heavy hitters who couldn’t be there. “David Davis can’t be with us because he’s pulling an all-nighter writing the 58 impact assessment papers,” he said. “George Osborne also can’t be here but that’s fine. He’s already bought ten books to use as logs to warm up the frozen body parts in his freezer.” After that Google robot became a chess champion, some are worried that sophisticated artificial intelligence could take over the world. Gavin Esler,

the former BBC journalist, doesn’t think we have to worry about these online algorithms just yet. “Amazon just emailed me a few suggestions for books I might like to buy for Christmas,” he said. “I wrote two of them.”

low-profile husband Harriet Harman scooped the top prize at the Parliamentary Book Awards and used her speech to right a 35-year wrong. When she entered the Commons in 1982 she was criticised for thanking everyone but her husband in her acceptance speech. It was only while going through her papers to research her autobiography that she realised why. The speech was in his handwriting and he had forgotten to add himself. The festive season is often used as an excuse to swing the lead, but Wakefield council is taking things to extremes. One journalist called it yesterday and after a few rings was played a recorded message. “This is Wakefield council press office,” it began. “We are now closed until the third of January.”

brandreth bandwagon Time magazine has named the women who spoke out against sexual harassment as its “person of the year”. Gyles Brandreth says that he, too, should join the #MeToo bandwagon. When he was 16 he was invited to lunch at Simpson’s in the Strand by the “glamorous godmother of a schoolfriend”. As the roast trolley arrived at their table, Brandreth felt his host’s hand on his knee. Then it rose up his thigh. Brandreth slipped a hand below the tablecloth and touched hers, as she pressed a coin into his hand. “Oh God,” he thought. “Is she hoping to buy my affections?” Then she whispered: “Give it to the waiter. You’re supposed to tip the carver.” grant tucker

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Circulation: 458,487

Monthly Unique Browsers: 721,475

The American Bar’s head bartender, Erik Lorincz Prince Harry & Meghan Markle just announced their engagement, so when your invitation arrives, here’s a spot to put on your agenda. The bar at the Savoy, called the American Barthis year took the title of World’s Best Bar for the first time in the hotel’s 127 year history. (You can find out about the other 49 fab bars here.) In this new 21st century cocktail movement a classic bar can seem complacent or even boring. But bar manager Declan McGurk and head bartender Erik Lorincz, turned the American Bar around without tossing it’s history aside. McGurk says “Four years ago when we came 20th in the World’s 50 Best Bars, we took it as feedback –it suggested to us that our bar wasn’t as engaging as it could be, particularly when you have a big head start with the name Savoy.The next day we had a meeting and we decided quite quickly that the history of the American Bar is important but we’re talking about it too much.We needed to start innovating and thinking beyond the story of the famous former head bartenders. Our history is like no other but the key to honoring this is to not just recycle stories, but write some ourselves.” The Savoy Cocktail Book, was published in 1930, is practically the bartender’s bible. It’s a compendium of classics from both side of the Atlantic. Ada Coleman, joined the bar in 1903, and was an icon of her time, famously creating classic gin cocktail the Hanky Panky.

East Coast & Wold Target {supplement2}

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To coincide with the yuletide display, guests can enjoy a Penhaligon’s afternoon tea, inspired by the flavours of Christmas. Think mulled pears, brandy mouse, gingerbread and chestnuts, wrapped up in pastries and served with a glass of Louis Roederer Vintage champagne. The Scents of Christmas Penhaligon’s Afternoon Tea is priced from £68 per person, 27 November 2017 until 01 January 2018; The Savoy, Strand, London WC2R 0EU

Circulation: 141,539

The Savoy The Savoy will be hosting a wonderful New Year’s Eve celebration in its Lancaster Ballroom, which will be exquisitely decorated for the event. Guests will enjoy a champagne reception with canapÊs followed by a four-course dinner. Complete with live entertainment, this will be a wonderful way to see in the new year.

The Savoy Other Highlights

Caterer, The {Main}

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High Life (British Airways) {Main}

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UK Tuesday 12, December 2017 24,25 173 sq. cm ABC 80208 Monthly page rate ÂŁ13,670.00, scc rate ÂŁ0.00 020 7550 8000



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UK Tuesday 5, December 2017 19 215 sq. cm ABC 477927 Daily page rate £46,000.00, scc rate £214.00 020 7931 2000


Simpson's in the Strand

Letters to the Editor

Blundering right to the happy Howards End

SIR – I loved the BBC interpretation of E M Forster’s Howards End, except for the closing shot. “The grass is coming up like mad,” cries Helen, “It’ll be such a crop of hay as never.” Then they all stride through a field of burgeoning winter wheat. Rosemary Eustace Malvern, Worcestershire

SIR – Perhaps the worst anachronism in this otherwise excellent adaptation was the scene where Margaret Schlegel was entertained to lunch at Simpson’s in the Strand, in the ground-floor Grand Divan Tavern – its famous dining room. Women were not allowed to lunch there until as late as 1984, having to use an upstairs room instead. Michael Sumpster Shaftesbury, Dorset SIR – The spotters of BBC anachronisms have been using Howards End as an opportunity to show off their knowledge – much like those who never fail to report a Union flag being flown upside down. Howards End is great entertainment, and I expect that most of us were glad that the street scenes were free of horse manure. Denis Jukes Hastings, East Sussex SIR – What is the obsession with finding fault with period irregularities and background music in Howards End? Why not just enjoy it for the excellent adaptation and acting? Gill Self Framlingham, Suffolk SIR – We nitpickers have been having a marvellous time with Howards End. For crying out loud: why could not someone have taught Mr Bast to wear a bowler hat properly? Pat Cooper Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire

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