The social final web

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inaugural sale


10 . 5 . 13 3 5 4 8 S TAT E H W Y 5 4



– i –

Welcome... to

The S o cial

We want to welcome you to what we think is the future of the Simmental breed and it is all available at what we call The Social. A sale offerring representing what we think are some of the most spectacular Simmental genetics available anywhere. We are grateful to be apart of a breed that has such a strong presence in the cattle industry today. The early breeders set a great foundation and the breeders of today have helped position Simmental to be a breed of choice for a multitude of segments of the cattle world. Whether you are focusing on purebred, commercial, show ring or club calves Simmental genetics have a presence and are making a huge impact. The sale offering from SVJ/D&D Simmentals, Hearthstone Farms, Phelps Farm and Scheiderer Farms is one that anyone can benefit from. The breeders of the cattle in this sale have raised numerous national champions and have sent cattle into all segments of the industry and they have worked for those who purchased them. We look forward to seeing you at Hearthstone Farms Sale Facility for The Social.

Thank You and Best Regards,

S V J /D & D Simmentals H e a rt h ston e Farms S ch e i d e rer Farms P h e l p s Farm

– ii –



SVJ/D&D FARMS 724 263 1725 svj/d&d

Valerie Mankey & Duane Snee 456 Ringland Ridge Rd | Amity, PA 15311

HEARTHSTONE FARMS 937 508 8066 Gary & Heather Staley 3548 St. Rt. 54 | Urbana, OH 43078

PHELPS FARM 937 349 0001 Hearthstone

Dale Phelps P.O. Box 434 | Milford Center, OH 43045

SCHEIDERER FARM 614 873 5103 Roger & Kevin Scheiderer 8520 St Rt 161 E | Plain City, OH 43064

Accommodations: Country Hearth Inn Urbana, Ohio

937-484-4210 Econo Lodge Urbana, Ohio 937-652-2188 Fairfield Inn Springfield, Ohio 937-323-9554 Country Inn & Suites Springfield, Ohio 937-322-3600 Courtyard Marriott Springfield, Ohio 937-322-3600 Dayton International Airport- less than 1 hour Port Columbus Airport- less than 1 hour Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Intl Airportapproximately 150 miles

Sale Address: 3548 State Route 54 | Urbana, OH 43078


From Columbus, Ohio and east: Take I-70 West to Exit 66 (Hwy. 54). Follow Hwy. 54 North for 10 miles to Hearthstone on your left. Watch for road signs as Hwy. 54 makes several turns. From Dayton, Ohio and west: Take I-70 East to Exit 47 (US 4 North) to Springfield and US 68 North. Follow US 68 North approximately 7-8 miles to Hickory Grove Rd. Turn East on Hickory Grove Rd. and then South, when you meet Hwy. 54 Hearthstone is on your right. From Urbana, Ohio and north: Take US 68 South to the town square and go East on US 36 to Taco Bell and then South on Hwy. 54 for 4 miles to Hearthstone which will be on your right

ga ry sta ley 937 508 8066

Sale Contacts Paul maulsby 979 587 2835

Va lerie M a nkey 724 554 0446

Dalton Lundy 502 727 6898

Jered Sh ipm a n 806 983 7226

Tim Bur ke 402 750 0440

Roger A llen 715 684 9222


auctioned by: Ron Kreis 740 683 3235 Vet: Woodside Vet Clinic

Dr. Levan 937 645 5415 Maryville, OH – 1 –


Queen Me S613

2/ 9 / 06


Purebred S immental



Nichols Legacy G151

CNS Dream On L186

CNS Sheeza Dream K107W ce 10.5

bw 2.1

ww 61.5

yw 79.9

mce 9.2


P olled


B lac k



Circle S Leachman 600U Triple C Queen Me L014 Hart Hollywood Queene700 milk 15.3

mww 46.0

stay 24.8

api 130.9

ti 65.9

The dam of our cornerstone female CNS Queen Me is a direct daughter of the infamous female Harts Hollywood Queen who put Triple C Farms on the map. Hollywood Queen is a true matriarch in the Simmental breed and her progeny have gone on to be prolific donors and AI sires. CNS Queen Me S613 is the dam of Lots 1-5 and grand-dam of 6 and 7, she is following in her dams foot steps and is a corner stone female for the SVJ/D&D program. Many great cattleman feel like Queen Me S613 is one of the most outstanding Simmental females walking today. In last years sale a daughter sold to Kim Klotz for $17,500 for half interest and she and her calf went on to be crowned as cow/calf champions at the National Western. Another daughter sold to Anna Maulsby which went on to have a very successful show career with highlights being calf champion at Simmental Junior Nationals and Champion Simmental Female at the San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo Junior Show. Queen Me offspring are becoming foundation females. They are impressive and competative in the showring but are wowing people as brood cows. Just like those before them the calves selling in “The Social” representing the Queen Me cow family are stout, high volumed and have a deadly look. The next great show heifer and donor are here. – 2 –




Queen Me A324

1 / 9 / 1 3 | P b S m | A 3 2 4 | P o lle d | B lac k | 2 7 2 2 2 2 4 ce 11.3

CNS Dream on L186 svf steel force s701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

CNS Dream On L186 CNS Queen Me S613 Triple C Queen Me L014

bw 1.7

milk 14.7

ww 65.5

yw 94.0

mce 10.7

mww 47.3

stay 27.5

api 137.9

ti 67.8


C onsi g ned by: svj /D & D farms



Queen Bee A233

1/ 12 /13 | Pb Sm | A233 | Po ll e d | Black | 2 7 2 2 2 2 6

ce 11.3

CNS Dream on L186 svf steel force s701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

CNS Dream On L186 CNS Queen Me S613 Triple C Queen Me L014

bw 1.7

milk 14.7

ww 65.5

yw 94.0

mce 10.7

mww 47.3

stay 27.5

api 137.9

ti 67.8

Consi g ned by: svj /D & D farms




Ruby Red A296

1 / 1 4 / 1 3 | P b S m | A 2 9 6 | P o lle d | R e d | 2 7 2 2 2 2 7 ce 11.3

CNS Dream on L186 svf steel force s701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

CNS Dream On L186 CNS Queen Me S613 Triple C Queen Me L014

bw 1.7

milk 14.7

ww 65.5

yw 94.0

mce 10.7

mww 47.3

stay 27.5

api 137.9

ti 67.8

C onsi g ned by: svj /D & D farms

– 3 –




First Lady z296

11/17/12 | Pb Sm | Z296 P o lle d | B lac k | 2 7 2 7 7 0 5

Westfall Voyager 721P BMR Explorer WW Miss My Dream 429R CNS Dream On L186 CNS Queen Me S613 Triple C Queen Me L014

ce 9.3

bw 1.4

ww 54.5

yw 67.7

mce 9.2

milk mww stay api 18.3 45.4 21.7 113.6

Consigned by: svj / D &D farms




Queen Me X63

10/9/10 | Pb Sm | x63 | Polled | Black | 2577438

WLE Power Stroke gws ebonys trademark 6N NJC Ebony Antoinette

CNS Dream On L186 CNS Queen Me S613 Triple C Queen Me L014

ce 11.3

bw 1.9

ww 62.0

yw 76.9

mce 4.9

milk 15.5

mww 46.5

stay 20.2

api 120.1

ti 65.3

AI Bred 4/9/12 | due 1/19/14 | ironhide 2624126 SVJ Queen Me X63 sells and what an opportunity! She is a direct daughter of CNS Queen me and was calf champion at the Simmental Junior Nationals and Grand Champion Simmental Female at the San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo. Her first calf is a keeper. She sells bred to ACW Ironhide 395Y who was Reserve Champion Bull at Kansas City, and Grand Champion at the North American, and Ft. Worth Stock Shows. This is an incredible mating and will make an outstanding percentage.

C onsi g ned by: svj /D & D farms and A nna maulsby – 4 –

ti 59.0




Shining Star A613

2 / 2 / 1 3 | P b S m | A 6 1 3 | P o lle d | B lac k | 2 7 5 0 2 0 9 CNS Dream on L186 svf wild fires dream DSC Wild Fire

ce 11.5

bw 1.9

ww 55.2

yw 73.6

mce 10.3

AJE/HS/MBCC Silversmith SVJ Queen me x613 SVJ Queen Me U613 milk 21.3

mww 48.9

stay 22.0

api 123.1

ti 62.5


C onsi g ned by: svj /D & D farms



Fancy Lady Z725

11/8 /12 | Pb Sm | Z725 | Po ll e d | Black | 2 7 2 2 2 3 9 SVF Steel Force S701 tjsc optimus prime 12w KS Miss Shes So Sweet 9

ce 8.9

bw 1.6

ww 63.3

yw 84.4

mce 5.5

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N svj queen me U613 CNS Queen Me S613 milk 16.9

mww 48.5


api 105.0

ti 62.9

Consi g ned by: svj /D & D farms

– 5 –


Stylish One

5 / 17 / 03


Purebred S immental



WLE Power Stroke

hc power drive 88H

Kappes Lady Irish F88 ce 9.2

bw 3.2

ww 59.7

yw 93.4

mce 5.2


P olled


B lac k



Hart Black Oasis F301 S&S Sahara D&D Dunks Miss Delight milk 20.3

mww 50.1

stay 18.3

api 107.5

ti 60.5

Stylish One is one of the most talked about females in the Simmental breed. She has left many speechless when they see her. Her offspring are the foundation of the SVJ herd and the success of the daughters, grand daughters and sons is unsurpassed in our program as well as many others throughout the US. The mating selling to Steele Force is as consistant as any we have ever had and there are an amazing set available to you in this sale offering. Perhaps one of the most impressive things about Stylish One besides her looks is the fact that her dam was shown to champion honors and just recently a grand daughter of Stylish One was named Reserve Grand Champion Female at Denver and the Simmental Breeders Sweepstakes. These calves will be the next one to carry on the family tradition.

– 6 –




She’s The One A355

2/ 5/1 3 | P b Sm | A355 | Po ll e d | Black | 2 7 2 2 2 2 9 ce 10.6

CNS Dream on L186 svf steel force s701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

HC Power Drive 88H svj Stylish one S&S Sahara

bw 2.2

milk 17.2

ww 64.6

yw 100.7

mce 8.7

mww 49.4

stay 24.2

api 126.1

ti 65.2


Consi g ned by: svj /D & D farms



Special Lady A530

2 / 1 0 / 1 3 | P b S m | A 5 3 0 | P o lle d | blac k | 2 7 2 2 2 3 2 ce 10.6

CNS Dream on L186 svf steel force s 701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

HC Power Drive 88H svj Stylish one S&S Sahara

bw 2.2

milk 17.2

ww 64.6

yw 100.7

mce 8.7

mww 49.4

stay 24.2

api 126.1

ti 65.2


C onsi g ned by: svj /D & D farms



Stylish One A057

2/ 5/1 3 | P b Sm | A057 | Po ll e d | Black | 2 7 2 2 2 3 0 ce 10.6

CNS Dream on L186 svf steel force s701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

HC Power Drive 88H svj Stylish one S&S Sahara

bw 2.2

milk 17.2

ww 64.6

yw 100.7

mce 8.7

mww 49.4

stay 24.2

api 126.1

ti 65.2

Consi g ned by: svj /D & D farms – 7 –


She’s The Dream Y728

4/ 1 9/ 1 1


Purebred S immental



CNS Dream On L186

svj wild fires dream

DSC Wild Fire ce 10.1

bw 3.0

ww 56.7

yw 79.4

mce 10.0


P olled


B lac k



Remington Red Label HR SVJ Shes the one u728 SVJ Stylish One milk 22.9

mww 51.2

stay 23.1

api 119.4

ti 60.6

SVJ She’s The Dream Y728 couldn’t have been named any better. She has truly been a dream for SVJ, The Maulsby family and all involved with her stellar show career. She was junior calf champion at the 2012 National Western and Reserve Grand Female at the 2012 Breeder Sweepstakes Junior Show. Reserve Grand Female at the 2013 National Western and Grand Champion Junior Simmental Female at the 2013 Ft. Worth and Houston Livestock shows. She has had a great run and is working well in embryo transfer so now is your chance to be apart of the next chapter of this stellar females journey to elite brood cow status.

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She’s The Dream A283


2/ 6/1 3 | P b Sm | A283 | Po ll e d | Black | 2 7 2 2 2 2 0 CNS Dream on L186 SVJ Wild Fires Dream DSC Wild Fire

ce 10.4

bw 2.6

ww 55.8

yw 78.0

Remington Red Label HR SVJ Shes the one U728 SVJ Stylish One

mce 10.1

milk 23.1

mww 50.9

stay 23.1

api 120.2

ti 60.7

Selling this full sister to SVJ She's The Dream Y728. She is a carbon copy of her sister at this point. We expect great things to come from this female.


Consi g ned by: svj/D & D farms


She’s The One U728


P u r e bre d S imm e n tal S e x e d e mbryo s

CNS Dream On L186 SVJ Wild Fires Dream DSC Wild Fire Remington Red Label HR SVJ Shes the one U728 SVJ Stylish One

Full Sib to She’s The Dream

Projected EPDs


ce 10.4


bw 2.65

ww 55.8

yw 78.05

mce 10.15

milk 23.1

mww 50.95

stay 23.05

api 120

ti 60

Selling three sexed female embryos that are full sibs to the SVJ She's The Dream Y728. We are gauranteeing 1 pregnancy is transfers are done by and accredited embyologist.

C onsi g ned by: svj /D & D farms

She’s The Dream Y728


Purebr ed S imm e n tal e mbryo s SVF Steel Force S701 FBF1 Combustible Lazy H Burn Baby Burn R34 SVJ Wild Fires Dream SVJ She’s The Dream Y728 SVJ Shes The One U728

Selling three embryos that will be some of the first to sell out of the Champion Female SVJ She's The Dream Y728 and the Reserve Grand Bull at the 2013 National Western. Combustible is creating excitement around the Simmental circles and is making his mark We are gauranteeing 1 pregnancy is transfers are done by and accredited embyologist.

C onsigned by: svj/D &D farms

Dam of Donor

Projected EPDs ce 9.5

bw 2.6

ww 60.7

yw 89.5

mce 10.4

milk 21.25

mww 51.55

stay 24.35

api 125

ti 64

– 9 –


New Edition x500

2 / 24 / 10


1/ 2 sm 1/ 2 an



OCC Genesis 872G

Duff New Edition 6108

OCC Dixie Erica 814G ce 5.6

bw 1.4

ww 56.6

yw 82.7

mce 4.5


P olled


B lac k



3C Macho CRR Elizabeth T828 CRR Miss Justine milk 18.3

mww 46.5


api 90.7

ti 58.8

Lucy is a moderate framed 1/2 blood straight from the heart of the Zeis program in Nebraska and is developing into a premiere donor for our program. Lucy was champion Percentage Simmental Female at the Simmental Breeders Sweepstakes. Lucy is a very consistant producer and her 3/4 heifer calves that are in the sale are outstanding. They will stand a lot of competition and will go on to great breeding pieces. Lucy will be on display sale day.

– 10 –


15 SFPC Lucy 1026A 2 / 1 5 / 1 3 | 3 / 4 sm 1 / 4 a n | 1 0 2 6 A | P o lle d | B lack CNS Dream on L186 STF Shocking Dream SJ14 STF Miss J0114

ce 12.0

bw 0.55

ww 59.5

yw 87.5

mce 6.6

Duff New Edition 6108 Zeis New Edition x500 CRR Elizabeth T828 milk 17.65

mww 47.35


api 117

ti 66


C onsi g ned by: S cheiderer Farm



Lucy 14A

2/1 5/1 3 | 3 /4 sm 1/ 4 a n | 14A | Po ll e d | B lac k CNS Dream on L186 STF Shocking Dream SJ14 STF Miss J0114

ce 12.0

bw 0.55

ww 59.5

yw 87.5

mce 6.6

Duff New Edition 6108 Zeis New Edition x500 CRR Elizabeth T828 milk 17.65

mww 47.35


api 117

ti 66

Consi g ned by: S cheiderer Farm




Lucy 123A

2 / 1 5 / 1 3 | 3 / 4 sm 1 / 4 a n | 1 2 3 A | P o lle d | B lack CNS Dream on L186 STF Shocking Dream SJ14 STF Miss J0114

ce 12.0

bw 0.55

ww 59.5

yw 87.5

mce 6.6

Duff New Edition 6108 Zeis New Edition x500 CRR Elizabeth T828 milk 17.65

mww 47.35


api 117

ti 66

C onsi g ned by: S cheiderer Farm

– 11 –

Burning Up U142




Purebred Simmental



WLE Power Stroke

gws ebonys trademark 6N

NJC Ebony Antoinette ce 8.7

bw 3.2

ww 63.6

yw 85.5

mce 4.2







HC Power Drive 88H Triple C Burn it up N34L Triple C Burning Power L3 milk 21.8

mww 53.7

stay 18.5

api 108.5

ti 63.3

The Burn It Up cow family keeps rising to the top by being present in the pedigree of many high selling Simmental cattle. Some of the most reputable breeders in the business have Burn It Up genetics in their programs. They are very consistant and have worlds of rib and demension with dynamic eye appeal. SVJ Burning Up U142 is proving herself to be one of the highlights of this illustrious lines. All of the calves are great!

– 12 –




Done Right A363

2/ 6/1 3 | P b Sm | A363 | Po ll e d | Black | 2 7 2 2 2 3 3 ce 10.4

CNS Dream on L186 svf steel force s701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N SVJ Burning up U142 Triple C Burn It Up N34L

bw 2.2

milk 17.9

ww 66.5

yw 96.8

mce 8.2

mww 51.2

stay 24.3

api 126.9

ti 66.7


Consi g ned by: svj/D & D farms



Precious Dream z55

2 / 2 5 / 1 2 | P b S m | Z 5 5 | P o lle d | B lac k | 2 6 4 7 7 4 7 CNS Dream on L186 cns pays to dream T759 Triple C Burn It Up N34L

ce 10.6

bw 1.7

ww 59.0

yw 83.3

mce 8.3

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N SVJ Light me up Triple C Burn It Up N34L milk 20.5

mww 49.9

stay 20.6

api 127.6

ti 67.6

AI Bred 3/12/13 to bmr Explorer 2385799 Pasture ex. 4/15 - 6/30 to he’s all that 2652604


Out of a full sister to U142 named SVJ Light Me Up she has done a great job in our program and was a division winner at Denver and is continuing to make her mark with her progeny. This female has outstanding data profile and is packed full of power and performance. The Pays to Dream Females are making great cows and this is a great genetic package. She sells bred to the impecable BMR Explorer.


C onsi g ned by: svj /D & D farms


Burning Dream Z99

4/8/1 2 | P b Sm | Z99 | Po ll e d | Black | 2 6 4 6 1 2 0 CNS Dream On L186 SVJ Wild Fires Dream DSC Wild Fire

ce 10.3

bw 2.5

ww 56.8

yw 76.5

mce 10.6

D&D High Mark SVJ Burning Desire w9 SVJ Burning Dream milk 22.4

mww 50.8

stay 21.2

api 119.6

ti 62.7

AI Bred 3/15/13 to AJE/HS/MBCC Silversmith 2434244 Pasture ex. 4/15 - 6/30 to he’s all that 2652604 Another decedent of the Burn It Up Cow Family. This bred has been one of the favorites all year. Her mother is out of D&D High Mark and our SVJ Burning Dream donor. This female is the total package, she is stout, powerful and very correct in her movement. She is front pasture quality.

Consi g ned by: svj /D & D farms

– 13 –







Purebred Simmental CNS Dream On L186

Kappes Trailblazer S516

Kappes Sadie M166 ce 6.3

bw 2.5

ww 67.7

yw 96.9

mce 10.7







G&L Avalanche 149F Falcks Fancy Drake Peggy Sue milk 17.6

mww 51.4

stay 20.6

api 103.9

ti 61.6

This very impressive donor cow we have decided to sell in The Social. Alaina is a very prolific cow. She flushes very well and we have a large embryo bank & pregnancies on the way, so we have decided to share this Macho female. Alaina has loads of capacity and feminity that will work well in both commercial and purebred seed stock programs. Sells open and ready to flush. Consigned by: Phelps Family

– 14 –



svj dsc

Sheza Dandy w71

Donor of Flush



Purebred Simmental flush

WLE Power Stroke

gws ebonys trademark 6N

NJC Ebony Antoinette ce 12.2

bw 2.8

ww 67.5

yw 90.4

mce -0.1



Hart Black Oasis F301 WAR Sheza dandy m751 JBH Sheza Dandy milk 17.7

mww 51.4

stay 13.8

api 103.2

ti 65.0

SVJ Sheza Dandy represents some of the most profound genetics to the modern Simmental. W71 is a grand daughter of the original Sheza Dandy cow and is a daughter of one of our foundation donors WAR Sheza Dandy who is a full sister to some of the greats in the breed such as WAR Nitro (National Champion) Sheza Cashmere and many many others. Recently W71 embryos were the highest selling embryos at the Simmental Breeders Sweepstakes. SVJ/D&D is selling the right to flush W71 gauranteeing six embryos and two pregnancies. All work must be done by Dr. Robert Stout, Eastern Ohio Embryo Facilty and the flush is at the buyers expense C onsi g ned by: svj /D & D farms

– 15 –

Lot 4/2/06

23 cns Antoinette 6104s


Purebred Simmental CNS Dream On L186

JDJ Charisma 20P

Nichols Beauty D93 ce 5.8

bw 3.1

ww 59.0

yw 85.4

mce 4.7







HC Power Drive 88H NJC SVF Antoinette K205 NJC TJF Hollye Hunter milk 15.7

mww 45.2

stay 19.2

api 117.5

ti 65.1

Consi g ned by: hearthstone farms and Mccubbins S immental

Here is an opportunity to purchase a very complete K205 donor. This baldy cow has done an incredible job for us. 6104S is a high volume, big boned, very eye appealing cow. – 16 –

We have flushed this cow and she produces very well. She is selling in her entirety. Owned with McCubbins Bardstown, KY


24 HF/mfnh Poker Face 5/25/09 | Pb Sm | 6104S | Polled | Black | 2491253

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N STF/rp savvy sr49 STF Desa Rae

ce 6.0

bw 3.6

ww 65.1

yw 93.4

mce 4.7

JDJ Charisma 20P CNS Antoinette 6104S NJC SVF Antoinette K205 milk 13.0

mww 45.5

stay 17.9

api 110.2

ti 65.0

bull calf sired by stf elan ex79 2533216 This young STF/RP daughter sells as a 4year old. This cow has done a nice job as well. Selling her may bull calf on her side. Owned with McCubbins, Bardstown , KY


Consigned by: H earthstone and mccubbins

25 cns Antoinette S609 1 / 2 S m 1 / 2 a n e mbryo s

OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Legend 616L OCC Blackbird 632J

CNS Dream On L186 CNS Antoinette S609 NJC SVF Antoinette K205

Dam’s EPDs ce 11.6

bw 0.8

ww 57.5

yw 81.1

mce 9.3

milk 17.0

mww 45.7

stay 22.6

api 137.5

ti 69.3

“Trixie”is the foundation of Hearthstone! S609 will be on display on sale day. We are offering 3 embryos by OCC Legend, and these should be some genetics with serious volume to say the least! Buy with a guarantee on the Dream On x K205 donor cow! One pregnancy guarantee if done by a certified embryologist.

C onsi g ned by: H earthstone Farms – 17 –



and A

zeis bll



Miss Maximus

1/2 sm 7/16 an 1/16 ma Meyer Ranch 734

Maximus 391

G720 ce 5.5

bw 2.4

ww 49.0

yw 61.5

mce 2.8







GW Lucky One 686K GCF Miss Lucky Gal N42 4 milk 18.6

mww 43.0


api 92.4

ti 56.6

Selling flush on cow AND 1/2 interest on Heifer calf with option of full interest Another one of the Elites from the Maxie cow family. She is an amazing female that is the cornerstone of our program. We are selling 1/2 of her heifer calf at side with the option to double up and own her all. She will be an outstanding show heifer and donor prospect. C onsi g ned by: P helps & S cheiderer

– 18 –




Maxie’s Image 94A

3/4/13 | 1/2 sm 15/32 an 1/32 ma | 94A Polled | black | 2757164 Dikemans Sure Bet TJ Sharper image 809u TJ Miss Bando S27 Maximus 391 Zeis bll miss maximus GCF Miss Lucky Gal N42 ce 4.8

bw 2.5

ww 68.6

yw 101.6

mce 5.8

milk 19.7

mww 54.0


api 100.6

ti 69.7

The Maxie Cow family is unsurpassed at Phelps Farms. This female has been evaluated by many and all describe her as an outstanding female on foot. She was Reserve Champion Percentage Female at both Louisville and Denver Junior shows. She was Grand Champion at Sweepstakes as low %. Reserve Grand Jr show North am and Reserve Grand Jr show in Denver. She is the mother of the Lock and Load heifer. And a full sister to the mother of the 194 sale heifer by Sharper Image. We have 5 of these full sisters and this years model was Grand Champion Jr at the Sweepstakes this year. If Genetics mean anything, The genetic power of this cow family is consistant.


C onsi g ned by: P helps Family



Maxie 21A

1/22/13 | 3/4 Sm 1/4 an | 21A | Pending

Remington On Target 2S remington Lock N Load 54U Bar15 Miss Knight 78E-51G

Maximus 391 Zeis bll miss maximus GCF Miss Lucky Gal N42

Projected EPDs ce 6.05

bw 1.55

ww 57.1

yw 93.4

mce 5.95

milk 21.9

mww 50.4


api 95

ti 62

Very complete open heifer with a tremendous amount of eye appeal and soundness. This baldy female is going to make a very impressive bred female down the road. The N42 cow family runs deep in this female.

Consi g ned by: Phelps Family – 19 –




Leading Lady A672

1 / 5 / 1 3 | P b S m | A 6 7 2 | P o lle d | B lac k | 2 7 2 2 2 3 7 CNS Dream On L186 svf Steel force s701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

D&D Tank AQQ d&D Miss Perfection D&D Miss 2





















Perfection and her sister High Profile have stood the test of time in our program. They go back to Nichols Farms genetics like Black Destiny and Circle S Buck. Miss Perfection was Grand Champion at Keystone and Reserve Grand at the Ohio State Fair. We are selling two daughters by Steele Force as Lots 27 and 28. Both females have show ring presence and are built for longevity and front ring pasture status. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.


C onsi g ned by: svj /D & D farms

30 svj Perfect Dream A298

2 / 4 / 1 3 | P b S m | A 2 9 8 | P o lle d | B lac k | 2 7 2 2 2 3 8

ce 6.5

CNS Dream On L186 svf Steel force s701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

D&D Tank AQQ d&D Miss Perfection D&D Miss 2

bw 2.9

milk 19.1

ww 64.5

yw 95.3

mce 8.7

mww 51.3

stay 19.5

api 114.4

ti 65.7

Perfection and her sister High Profile have stood the test of time in our program. They go back to Nichols Farms genetics like Black Destiny and Circle S Buck. Miss Perfection was Grand Champion at Keystone and Reserve Grand at the Ohio State Fair. We are selling two daughters by Steele Force as Lots 27 and 28. Both females have show ring presence and are built for longevity and front ring pasture status. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.


C onsi g ned by: svj /D & D farms



Shaina Z55

1 2 / 2 5 / 1 2 | P b S m | Z 5 5 | P o lle d | blac k | 2 7 5 8 4 7 0 WLE Power Stroke GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N NJC Ebony Antoinette

Bold Future ESJ55 ESF1





















C onsi g ned by: H earthstone Farms

– 20 –




June Bug

6/1 5 /12 | Pb Sm | Z412 | Po ll e d | Black | 2 7 4 0 1 8 4 WLE Power Stroke GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N NJC Ebony Antoinette

ce 8.9

bw 2.8

ww 62.4

yw 82.2

RCC Headliner M6051 CNS J55 Shania P412 ESJ55

mce 4.0

milk 21.9

mww 53.1

stay 19.3

api 109.5

ti 62.6

AI Bred 6/10/13 to stf elan ex79 2533216 Very complete attractive bred female that comes from the J55 Cow Family. She will make a great foundation female.

Consi g ned by: H earthstone Farms




Lizzie’s Star Z910

10/1 8/1 2 | P b Sm | Z910 | Po ll e d | black | 2 7 2 7 7 0 6 Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Dream On L186 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W

ce 10.2

bw 2.0

ww 64.1

yw 85.7

mce 8.2

Triple C Power Plus N23L Triple C Lizzie S83L FC No Joke milk 15.5

mww 47.4

stay 25.6

api 141.3

ti 70.8

Powerful and elegant describe this female. This heifer is like most from the Lizzie line. Huge middled, muscle and a good look. The dam to this heifer is a direct daughter of FC No Joke who has seen her share of championships and progeny who are a part of many reputable programs.


Consi g ned by: svj/D & D farms

34 pfk Linda’s Dream 162

3/2 5/1 3 | P b S m | 162E | Po ll e d | B lac k ce 18.4

CNS Dream On L186 stf Shocking dream sj14 STF Miss J0114

WSJ Encore WS Joy’s Delight X40 SOSF Ebonys Joy L-123

bw -0.3

milk 17.0

ww 62.4

yw 92.3

mce 8.7

mww 48.2

stay 22.9

api 145.0

ti 71.4

Consi g ned by: P helps Family

– 21 –


35 pfk Fancy Callaway 65A 2/20/13 | pb sm | 65A | Polled | black PVF-BF- BF26 Black Joker SS MR Callaway Zeis Miss Jesse G177

SAV Brilliance B077 Zeis Fancy 101Y WCS Ms Fancy 601S

Very moderate, deep open heifer. This female is going to make a very eye appealing show heifer.


C onsi g ned by: P helps Family



Honeymoon a35

2/14/13 | pb sm | a35 | polled | black | 2750211 3C Wally C240 BLK lchmn wall to wall 7305F LSF Cascade D47

ce 10.6

bw 0.8

ww 61.5

yw 77.9

mce 8.1

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N Hearthstone Honeymoons WS Miss Pepper G2 milk 16.9

mww 47.6

stay 16.6

api 108.3

ti 63.8

This is a rare find! Look at these proven genetics that are rare to find. Tracing back to the Leachman program that is the standard for performance and function.


C onsi g ned by: svj /D & D farms



Wildfire A15

3/26/13 | pb sm | a15 | polled | black | 2750207 CNS Dream On L186 svj Wild Fires Dream DSC Wild Fire

ce 13.6

bw 0.9

ww 54.3

yw 73.3

mce 14.1

CNS Dream On L186 SVJ SF Faith Miss Preferred milk 20.1

mww 47.2

stay 24.1

api 132.2

ti 63.6

This heifer ranks as one of our favorites. She is an outstanding red female and from the time she was born she has been a stand out. She is sound, with alot of capacity and a world of personality. She is a future donor female. API 132.2!

C onsi g ned by: svj /D & D farms – 22 –


Lizzie’s Dream a26





3/25/13 | pb sm | a26 | polled | black | 2750206

ce 8.9

bw 2.1

ww 53.4

yw 70.0

mce 9.4

milk 22.0

mww 48.7

stay 22.2

api 116.9

Ms Irresistible

5/2/13 | pb sm | a46 | polled | black | 2750208

ti 59.6

HC Power Drive 88H SVJ Ms Irresistible D&D Ms Black Charm

CNS Dream On L186 svj Wild Fires Dream DSC Wild Fire

BMR Explorer svj lizzies lady too w26 Triple C Lizzie S83L

CNS Dream On L186 svj Wild fires Dream DSC Wild Fire


ce 9.6

bw 1.6

ww 49.5

yw 69.3

mce 10.3

milk 25.7

mww 50.4

stay 21.9

api 115.0

ti 57.8

The good ones always trace back to Power Drive. The cross between Wild Fire and Power Drive always works. This female is extra fancy and the type you should be keeping in the herd. She will be a great asset to the new owners.

C onsig ned by: svj / D&D farms

Consigned by: svj/D& D farms


and A


Sweet Sensation 75R



The combination of SVJ Wild Fire’s Dream and the Great Lizzie cow family is a can’t miss combination. She has come to the forefront and has explosive growth and style. We have more purple ribbons from the Lizzie cow family than any of the others representing our program. This is a great show prospect as well as a cow. A great API of 116 and will the most consistant female in your program.

3/26/03 | Pb Sm | 75R | Polled | Black | 2277775

ce -0.6

bw 3.7

ww 42.4

yw 50.5

mce -2.3

milk 16.9

mww 38.0


api 34.8

and A


Euneva y30

4/9/11 | Pb Sm | y30 | Polled | Black | 2622491

ti 39.2

Irish Black Knight D&D Orphan Annie D&D Scarlet

Hart Black Oasis F301 D&D Hummer D&D Black Scarlet

Black Max Wyr/jj Passion BF Miss Back In Black

BHCS Heat Seeker 23G BHCS Direct Hit 54 Cindy Miss DX


ce 5.5

bw 4.4

ww 65.7

yw 97.6

mce 3.1

milk 30.1

Pasture ex. 4/15 - 6/15 to Wild fires Dream

calf Registration 27512210

C onsig ned by: svj / D&D farms

Consigned by: svj/D& D farms

This a special female out of the great J&J program. Her calves have been outstanding and have always been profit makers for us. 75R calves have averaged $3500.00 for us and she has a lot more in her.

mww 62.9

stay 11.8

api 83.9

ti 60.2

These are old genetics that work time and time again. This female is deep bodied, easy keeping and great milking. We love the Oasis cattle. The calf is sired by Steel Force.

– 23 –

Wild Fire’sDream Y728




2 /1 5 /0 6 | 2 3 3 3 360

An amazing opportunity to capture genetics and to be able to create female progeny. We are selling sexed semen on all bulls listed.


L ot


42 Semen Packages


Silversmith U427

3/11/08 | 243 4244

Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Dream On L186 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W

PPSR Montana Irish 107D STF Montana Black KF25 STF Desa Rae

BS Mr Corrector 9111J DSC Wild Fire SLF Miss Red D426

CNS Dream On L186 JF Ebonys Joy 479P SOSF Ebonys Joy L-123

Selling 5 Units bw 1.2



ww 48.5


yw 65.0

mce 14.1

milk 24.9

mww 49.1

stay 22.8

api 124.5

ti 59.6

High Mark

S elling 1 0 Units ce 9.6

bw 2.6


L ot

ce 12.8

9 /1 5 /0 6 | 2 3 8 3 620

ww 59.7

yw 84.6


mce 8.4

milk 20.3

mww 50.1



ww 58.4

yw 74.0

mce 3.1

milk 20.9

Adkins/lazy H

SVJ Power Surge Westfall Voyager 721P Drake Summer Sister

D&D Tank AQQ D&D Miss High Profile D&D Miss 2

CNS Dream On L186 WW Miss My Dream 429R WW Miss Tempting 429R

mww 50.1

stay 12.2

api 98.2

ti 63.2

Blk Star

S elling 1 0 Units ce 8.2

bw 0.7


1 /1 8 /1 1 | 2 5 7 9 267

ww 47.6


yw 55.6

mce 9.3

milk 21.2

– 24 –

bw 1.8

ww 60.8

yw 91.8

mce 6.9

milk 18.6

mww 45.0

Power Surge

stay 18.5

api 96.5

ti 52.1

Conventional Semen 1/15/02 | 2143422

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

WLE Power Stroke HC Power Drive 88H Kappes Lady Irish F88

HC Power Drive 88H CNS Black Star T702 BH Miss MT 02K

Hart Black Oasis F301 S&S Sahara D&D Dunks Miss Delight

S elling 1 0 Units

S ellin g 10 U nits ce 10.4

ti 5.6

WLE Power Stroke GWS Ebonys Trademark 6n NJC Ebony Antoinette

L ot


bw 2.1

api 119.0

2/19/07 | 2385799

S ellin g 10 U nits ce 7.1

stay 18.8

mww 48.9

stay 24.7

api 125.3

ti 63.4

ce 14.7

bw 0.4

ww 50.3

yw 79.5

mce 12.4

milk 19.4

mww 44.5

stay 17.2

api 107.6

ti 56.1

Terms & Conditions

Cash or check, payable immediately upon conclusion of the sale and before animals will be moved. Seller will reserve the right to require a certified check as settlement before releasing any cattle.

Health Health papers will be furnished for interstate shipment. All animals have been tested as required for Brucellosis and Tuberculosis by a licensed veterinarian and meet the health regulations of the state of Ohio. If sale cattle are returned to the seller for any adjustment, they must meet the health requirements of the state to which they are returned. Guarantee Each animal sells full guaranteed under the Suggested Sale Terms & Conditions of the American Simmental Association shall be accompanied by an official certificate if registry.

Note All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. Neither the owners nor any other person connected with the sale assumes liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents or loss of property. Phone Bids Phone bids may be taken by contacting any of the sales staff or consignors. Announcements Any change of information other than that listed in the catalog will be announced from the auction block, and such announcements shall take precedence. We reserve the right to withdraw any sale lot not meeting our specifications prior to sale time. Update Information A supplement sheet will be available sale day with complete and up to date information.

Catalog Production and Advertising The Showbox Magazine Marketing Paul Maulsby & Megan Favorite Photography Pearls Pics


Video Production DV Auctions & Laramie Smith Insurance American Live Stock Inc. Jame Secondino 765 832 2697

20860 Clinton Rd. Paris, IL 61944

Pearl’s Pics

– 25 –

The 10 . 5 . 13 3 5 4 8 S TAT E H W Y 5 4



inaugural sale

svj/D&D – 26 –




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