Predatory behaviour info pack pdf

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The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine

The School of Canine Science presents

The Science of: Predation (including chase recall)

The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine

Contents 1.The School of Canine Science
 2.What to expect From our Courses
 3.Course Details 
 4.The Tutors
 5.Day One Itinerary 
 6.Day Two Itinerary
 7.Extra Information (including accommodation links and non-compulsory pre reading lists)

The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine

The School of 
 Canine Science The School of Canine Science is Nando Brown and Jo-Rosie Haffenden. Formally the Head of Training and Head of Behaviour for the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers and the stars of Channel 4 series Rescue Dog to Super Dog. Not content with being ace presenters and offering a tease of topics, the pair decided it was time to work independently and to provide a complete range of innovative courses including superb material, practical application as well packs for participants to take away and work from. 
 EVOLVE: Every participant comes from a place of previous knowledge and experience. The School of Canine Science looks to help participants evolve that is to develop and enhance their existing knowledge into something they can sell professionally. This includes updating old theories with the latest science as well as ensuring participants know all the facts. 
 INSPIRE: Nando and Jo are both extremely exciting and bold presenters known for their work on channel 4 as well as their internationally successful seminars. But the School of Canine Science is also about teaching participants to inspire their clients. Carefully selected exercises and explanations are taught to ensure participants know how to apply the theory and get their clients inspired to work with their dogs.
 THRIVE: The School of Canine Science wants all our students to have evolved knowledge and inspiring practical skills. Ultimately our job is to ensure your business thrives.

The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine

what to expect 
 from our Courses PRIOR TO ATTENDANCE: Prior to attendance all participants will receive a pdf booklet (this booklet) with their course details inside. This will include prior reading recommendations (not obligatory) along with practical information such as time, dates, venue information and the food situation. Where possible it will include hotel (dog and non dog) information as well as any health and safety notices regarding handling. The booklet will also include a bio of the tutor as well as a full itinerary of the course. 
 DURING THE SEMINARS, COURSES AND TALKS: A healthy happy cohort is of upmost importance at The School of Canine Science. As such, when teaching theory courses tutors will ensure participants have a comfortable workspace to learn on and continuous access to snacks and water - which we know is pivotal in learning! Digital versions of presentations are emailed 48 hours prior to the course. Tutors also ensure we break at least three times during the learning day to stretch as well as for breaks and food. The tutors also work hard to answer all questions and differentiate within tasks and lessons to ensure that each participant leaves having learnt something new without being overwhelmed. We also (even in the theory courses) usually have our 4 dogs with us to demonstrate training techniques as well as keep the atmosphere light and friendly. 
 AFTERCARE MATERIAL: Too many courses make complete sense at the time but then when you look through your notes afterwards half the material turns to brain sludge. At the School of Canine Science, each participant gets sent a full workbook so they can continue evolving their knowledge and skills afterwards. This includes notes on course material, what to read now references as well as How-To video reminders for practical that has been trained or discussed. 
 Day courses run 10am - 4pm. Lunch, snacks, coffee and tea is provided. We aim to ensure all participants are warm, comfortable and happy too. We ensure a friendly and non judgmental environment is provided and that there is plenty of opportunity to ask questions and share opinions. We aim to go for our dinner on day one of each course so that all course participants have an opportunity to mingle and network. Try and keep your diary free.

The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine

COURSE DETAILS Topic: The Science of Predatory Behaviour Level: Amber/Red (medium - high level aimed at practicing dog trainers and behaviourists) Date: March 7th and 8th 2017 Location: Royal Court Hotel - Tamworth Road, Keresley, Coventry CV7 8JG, Price: £145 for full 2 day course (10am - 4pm) Presenter: Jo-Rosie Haffenden/ Nando Brown About the course: The science of predation is a medium - high level technical behaviour course and is designed for professionals working with or hoping to work with dogs who present with challenging predatory behaviour. More than simply a recall course this two day seminar looks at problems with traffic chasers, bike chasers, hunting behaviour, scenting behaviour as well as the dogs that chase people and other dogs. All dogs have some form of predatory drive - that is to say they all originated from hunters and many of them are still selectively bred to hunt today. We use elements of the predatory motor pattern to get most natural working behaviours such as herding, guarding, tracking, stalking, flushing and biting. However, sometimes these behaviours can get dogs into trouble. From chasing cars, to stalking other dogs or herding children many owners struggle to control their dogs predatory drive. Food: Tea and coffee will be served with snacks as well as lots of water. The hotel can offer lunch or you can bring your own. Socialising and networking: Whilst there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and discuss topics during exercises, networking and socialising isn’t possible during the course of the actual seminar. As such you are all invited to dinner with Jo-Rosie and Nando Brown on the first night of the course. Venue to be confirmed. Dinner will give you the chance to turn the people around you into proper business contacts and to discuss and chat about opinions and backgrounds in more detail.

The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine

Your Tutor Jo-Rosie is an animal behaviourist with a degree in applied psychology and a post graduate in animal behaviour. Best known for her work co-presents channel 4‘s Rescue Dogs to Super Dogs, Jo-Rosie has enjoyed a range of other TV opportunities. She is currently working on new projects for channel 4. After finishing her formal education, Jo-Rosie worked for a large animal charity where her work included a large project about the rehoming and welfare of bull breeds called RespectABull. After moving into a large private behaviour clinic and working mainly with section 1 and 3 dangerous dogs, she became an independent expert witness and then went on to work for herself. Jo-Rosie set up a Sussex based behaviour and training company which is still thriving. In 2014 Jo-Rosie published popular training book ‘The Real Dog Yoga’ and is currently writing another title for the same publisher called ‘Desperate House Dogs’ which is set for release in 2017. Her passion for rescue dogs and in particular Pit Bull Terriers, has lead her to be one of the countries leading experts on the breed and as such she has been asked to talk on mainstream national TV, international and local radio as well as write for National and local papers on the subject. For the last year Jo-Rosie has enjoyed her role as Head of Behaviour for the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers lecturing both in the UK and Internationally and writing the level IV OCN accredited process for assessing behaviourists. Earlier this year herself and partner, Nando Brown, decided to stop lecturing for the IMDT to set up The School of Canine Science. A company which aims to help dog enthusiasts, dog trainers and dog behaviourists develop skills, evolve their knowledge base and thrive in business. ____________________________________________________________________

School of Canine Science. The School of Canine Science. The School of The

Your Tutors Nando has been working as a dog trainer and instructor for 12 years. Best known for his accessible style, impressive YouTube tutorials, big personality and awe-inspiring ability to train the tricky dogs that many people claim are untrainable.

Nando has also hosted his own international radio show. With hit videos receiving more than 20 million views and a Facebook page with over 20,000 fans Nando is now enjoying a successful career in television having worked with Jo-Rosie on Rescue Dog to Super Dog. He is currently working on new projects for channel4.

Nando is co-authoring a book with Jo-Rosie which is set to be published Spring 2017. As well as being an esteemed trick dog instructor – and founder of the In The Dog House trick dog titles, Nando‘s also made a significant contribution to the world of scent – and this year bought competitive nosework back on the UK radar by starting up The Man Hunt.

Nando teaches hundreds of new and experienced dog trainers across the world in all aspects of dog training and has been invited to run seminars and talk at various large conferences in South Africa, America, South America, New Zealand, Australia and throughout Europe. Earlier this year herself and partner, Nando Brown, decided to stop lecturing for the IMDT to set up The School of Canine Science. A company which aims to help dog enthusiasts, dog trainers and dog behaviourists develop skills, evolve their knowledge base and thrive in business. ____________________________________________________________________

The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine

Day 1 Itinerary 9:00am Introductions - Who we are ? - Who you are? - Why we are here and what we aim to cover? 09:30 What is predation? - Types of predatory behaviour - Watching, waiting, dogs who look - Pointing - Stalking - Flushing/ Chasing on sight/ Chasing on scent, - Holding/ Biting/ Bringing and Hunting to kill - Why do dogs continue to show predatory behaviour? - Video analysis - Violence, aggression or just instinct? - When predatory behaviour becomes a problem COFFEE AND SNACKS 11:30 What dogs have problems with predation and why? - Stats, studies and research (gender studies, breed studies, Nature vs Nurture) - The brain and predation - The body and predation LUNCH 1:30 Types of predatory behaviour and impact - Labeling and the uses/misuses of - Neurological categorisation - Video analysis - Body language and dogs that orient, stalk, chase, bite and/or kill - Dissection TEA AND CHOCOLATE 3:00 When is predatory behaviour useful? - Working dogs and the use of PMP - Situational context analysis

The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine

Day 2 Itinerary 09:00am What have we learnt? - Assessing dogs with predatory behaviour - Safety, management and control - Dog bite prevention COFFEE AND SNACKS 11:30 Underpinning for strategies to prevent predatory problem / can you train chase inhibition? - Puppy chase recall - Teaching dogs to come back - Play drive or prey drive? - off chase - exercises - demo LUNCH 1:30 Traffic chasers: assessing the problem - Neurological factors - Environmental factors - How to treat dogs with traffic chasing - Exercises 2:15 Dogs than chase other dogs - Social factors - Training exercises - Prevention and management - Reintergration - Live demo and video analysis TEA AND BISCUITS 3:15 SUPPORTING CLIENTS AND MAKING A LIVING - How to turn this practical into a behaviour case - Price plans and successful work schedules - Staying in touch ________________________________________________________

The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine Science. The School of Canine

 Information You will be responsible for finding accommodation and/or travel to the venue and there are accommodation suggestions below: Accommodation: - The Old Court Hotel itself is reasonable and also dog friendly with a fab field to walk in opposite (although dogs will not be invited to the lecture itself) It costs around £50 per night - The local premier Inn is East Ansty. This offer no frills accommodation and is not dog friendly. Prices are around £75 per night. - Macdonalds Ansty Hall is also around a 10 minute drive and is a slightly posher hotel. This is around £85 a night and is very pretty! - For those of you mad enough to camp - the local pitch is Sommers Wood caravan park. Books you can read prior to the seminar should you wish to be teacher’s pet - this is not necessary to attend the seminar - Dogs by Raymond Coppinger - In Defense of Dogs by John Bradshaw - The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson - The Real Dog Yoga by Jo-Rosie Haffenden - The Architecture of the Mind by Jaak Panksepp and Lucy Brine - Predation in family dogs (DVD) by Jean Donaldson - Stop! How to control predatory chasing in dogs by David Ryan - Handbook of Applied Dog Behaviour and Training. Vol. 2: Etiology and assessment of behaviour problems by Stephen Lindsay - Genetics and the social behaviour of the dog by Scott and Fuller - Chase: managing your dogs predatory instincts by Clarissa Von Reinhardt _______________NOT FOR YOUR DOGS___________________ This theory-based course is not for your dogs. We will have breaks however, if you have to bring your dogs they will need to remain in an appropriately ventilated vehicle throughout the course.

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