The Scouter's Backpack

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Scouter’s Backpack Mecklenburg County Council • Boy Scouts of America

Fall of 2011

In this edition: 2 Scout Executive’s Notes/ Scouting Makes a Difference 3 Program 7 Memorials & Tributes/ Eagle Scout Scholarship Program 8 Eagle Nest

9 Hornets Nest

16 Exploring

10 Apache

17 Special Initiatives

12 Etowah

18 Finance News

14 Training 15 Membership

It is my duty to my country to love it, to respect its Constitution,to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Scout Executive’s Notes The picture on the front cover is from a July fourth celebration when Troop 118 sponsored by St. Stephen United Methodist Church retired Old Glory. Boys from the troop took center stage at Memorial Stadium and showed the greatest respect by retiring flags that have been flown for years with pride. These flags have represented our country, symbols that have proudly waved everywhere from the front porches of our homes, over our schools and businesses, to the bases in the Middle East. When the flag becomes worn, torn, faded or badly soiled, it is time to replace it with a new flag, and the old flag should be “retired” with all the dignity and respect befitting our nation’s flag. The young men of Troop 118 were flawless. They cut the blue star field out and then cut each stripe individually. The reason we don’t cut the blue star field is it represents the union of the fifty states and one should never let the union be broken. With the Scouts maintaining the fire, they reminded us about old Glory… • The 13 red and white strips represent the original 13 colonies that gained us liberty. • The white stripes represent the purity of our nation—as stated in the pledge of allegiance—one nation under God. • The red stripes remind us of the sacrifices made by those who have protected and defended our country for 234 years—the blood shed to preserved liberty and justice for all. • The blue is for truth and justice, like the eternal blue of the star-filled heavens. • The stars represent the fifty sovereign states of our union and is burned as it is, not as separate stars, recalling the motto on the great seal of the United States—E Pluribus Unum—Out of many, one. • The American Creed states, “It is my duty to my country to love it, to respect its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.” • Therefore, we retire flags with dignity and respect. Scouting is a tremendous opportunity for all young men. One of the greatest benefits is learning what it means to be a good citizen. Understanding that as an American, we are citizens of a nation with tremendous possibilities. We have duties and responsibilities to fulfill. This year in our council, Scouts have earned more than 450 Citizenship in the Community, Nation and World merit badges, and led flag ceremonies throughout our community. We are an education organization securing the future of our country. It is fitting that as we remember September 11th we celebrate our freedom as a Nation. Thank you again for delivering the promise of Scouting. In Service, Mark Turner Scout Executive

Scouting Makes a Difference in a Young Boy’s Life

William (above and far left) enjoys various activities with his peers.

William Fitzgerald Jr., age 13, of Troop 63 will not be overcome by obstacles set in his path. Having Downs Syndrome doesn’t stop him from enjoying the activities shared by his peers, as proven this summer when he enthusiastically accepted a challenge to defeat the “Iceberg.” The Iceberg is a challenging climbing apparatus extending from the lake at Camp Grimes. With much determination, William succeeded in climbing to the top. This is just one example of the challenges William takes on throughout his camp experience. His father, William Fitzgerald Sr., couldn’t be more proud of his son. He also recognizes the values being instilled within the Boy Scouts that promote unity, teamwork, and belonging. Fitzgerald states, “He has the confidence to tempt failure because trained, caring Boy Scouts of America staff, Scoutmasters, and peer Scouts appreciate his differences in the various Scouting activities from troop meetings to campouts and more notably, at summer camps, and enable him to feel that his efforts are just as important as those of others.”

Cover photo - Thank you Troop 118 for providing the cover photo.

Scouts participating in a flag retirement ceremony on July 4th of 2011. If you have photos you would like to submit for use in council publications, please email

Program Advancement and Service Opportunities with Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department

Our council is blessed to have an outstanding partnership with Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation. Director of Mecklenburg Park and Recreation Department, Jim Garges, is a member of the council’s executive board. Here are some facts that you may not know about our parks department. • 65+ parks with many playgrounds and athletic fields • 30+ miles of greenways (always expanding) • 20+ Recreation Centers • 8 fitness centes • 6 disc golf courses • 5 golf courses • 3 nature centers • 1 campground with rental tents and cabin • MUCH MORE!!! You can see that the opportunities abound for fun, adventure, environmental education and service. Here is some information on programs that are ongoing and expanding.

Boy Scout Merit Badge Programs

Various merit badge classes are offered at the three nature centers operated by the parks department (Latta Plantation nature Center, McDowell Nature Center, and Reedy Creek Nature Center). Each center has trained staff to offer many of the outdoor related badges. All of their instructors are registered with the council and certified as merit badge instructors. They will work with individual Scouts, patrols, or individuals. For details on the badges at each location please visit this website:

Service Opportunities with Park and Recreation

There are countless opportunities for Scouts and leaders of all ages and skill levels to get involved with service. This is a win-win situation for both organizations. Our scouts all need service hours for rank advancement and due to budgetary cuts, the park department is working with many less employees and count on volunteers like Scouts step up.

Eagle Scout Leadership Service Projects

Eagle Scout Leadership Service Projects are best accomplished through the three nature centers (Latta Plantation, Reedy Creek, and McDowell). All three are fully staffed and their staff can help guide you thorough the process. The Scout will have to look at the property and come up with ideas on his own. You can check out details on the website:

Unit Service Projects

Mecklenburg Park and Recreation is also a great place for service hours for a pack, troop, team, or crew. There are projects for all ages and skill levels. Some are one time projects and some can be ongoing. They have an “adopt a park” program for units that would like to have a long term relationship with a neighborhood park. Please contact Volunteer Services Coordinator, Lori Saylor, at 704-353-0504 or

3 Council Professional Staff Scout Executive Mark Turner Assistant Scout Executive Tony Morton Field Director Gary Moore Program Director Dave Ritchie Finance Director Carlton Crump Exploring/Scoutreach Director Justin Lewter Apache District Director John Crapster Apache District Executive John Bittinger Etowah District Director Mike Rusho Hornets Nest District Director Alan Keiger Hornets Nest Sr. District Executive Roger Penny

Council Support Staff Office Manager Gene Conder Accounting Specialist Jackie Torrence Finance Assistant Terrie Bailey Finance Associate Carole Stojetz Registrar Jo Esposito Graphic Specialist Lisa Murphy Operations Service Assistant Kris Evans Scout Shop Coordinator Laura Hollowell Scout Shop Associates Phyllis Perry Michelle Owens Camp Rangers Belk Scout Camp Mac McCullough Mecklenburg Scout Reservation Chris Williams


Key Summer Camp Dates for 2012: February 22

Camp Grimes Program Preview Meeting @ Council Service Center 6:00 PM

March 28

On-line Merit Badge Registration Begins @ 9:00 am

May 1

Balance of Camp Fees Due

May 18-20

Beaver Days and First OA Ordeal @ Camp Grimes

May 30

Program Summer Camp 2012 – “The Adventure Continues”

Camp Grimes 2012 -Reserve your spot for Camp Grimes today! This year we will celebrate 36 seasons of Scout camping at Camp Grimes. There is still space available in 4 sessions ( June 24-30, July 1-7, July 8-14, & July 15-21). Stay tuned for further information at The positive word is out about Camp Grimes. In 2011 we had an attendance record serving many Mecklenburg Council Troops as well as troops from Florida, Pennsylvania, and Baltimore, Maryland. Many sessions will be closed by the end of the year. Make your reservation today to insure your week of choice.

2012 Camp Grimes Highlights:

Six periods of merit badge classes are offered each week. Every week is Eagle Week. Merit badges are scheduled to allow a Scout to take up to 6 Eagle required merit badges each week. Water sports (skiing) is offered on site each week. Camp has full schedule of requested merit badges. Plans being developed for enhanced Eagle area with permanent classrooms.

• Returning camp staff - Most of the camp staff returns each year. This provides for outstanding instructions and consistency in programming.

Pre-Camp Leaders Orientation @ Council Service Center 6:30 pm

• ATV Program-Scouts 14 & up will have a chance to learn how to safely operate and

Camp Grimes Staff Week

• Wet and High – Scouts 14 & up will work on whitewater kayaking, C.O.P.E. and climbing.

Summer Camp Begins!

• Afternoon troop sign – For a taste of the merit badges offered during the sessions, troops

June 10-15 June 17

maintain an All Terrain Vehicle. They will earn the state license for this program. (This is a pilot program and we are hoping the BSA National will make this a permanent program soon) There will be an opportunity for an offsite whitewater and climbing on natural rock. can shoot, participate in metalwork, woodcarving, swimming and more

• Trailblazer Program – Offers new Scouts a chance to advance by completing many of the tenderfoot and second class skills. Some of the first class skills will also be offered.

• Two shift meals – Less congestion in the dining hall.

• Campfires – New amphitheater and sound system will make them more fun and interesting. • Merit badge and troop events computer scheduled in advance. This eliminates the need for blue cards.

Summer Camp Staff Positions Available:

Our council is blessed with two of the finest camping properties in the Southeast. Many of our units work hard to help maintain and improve Mecklenburg Scout Reservation and Belk Scout Camp. Requirements for a great summer camping experience include a quality and energetic camp staff. Applications are still being received by Council Program Director, Dave Ritchie, for counselors and instructors. These staff members are responsible for teaching Scouting skills to our campers. They serve as merit badge counselors and role models for younger Scouts. Paid positions start at 15 years of age. Counselor in Training (CIT’s) is a great experience for 14-year-old Scouts who are interested in becoming staff members in the future. Scouts normally volunteer for one or two weeks during the season. Those interested in a staff position can apply on-line at Contact Dave Ritchie, Council Program Director @ (704) 342-9328 or On-line merit badge class registration continues on This is the sixth year that troop leaders will be able to register on-line for merit badge classes at Camp Grimes and it keeps getting better each year. Council volunteer, Lynn Snuggs, has designed a program that has greatly increased our efficiency to get Scouts registered. Stay tuned to for further details.

Program STAFF Dave Ritchie

Summer Camp Dates: Camp Grimes Week 1 June 17-23 Week 2 June 24-30 Week 3 July 1-7 Week 4 July 8-14 Week 5 July 15-21 Webelos Adventure Camp Session 1 July 8-11

Session 2 July 12-15 Session 3 July 15-18 Session 4 July 19-22


International Scouting Opportunities:

David Ruggles Named Council International Representative The council is pleased to announce that David Ruggles has accepted the position of International Scouting Representative for the Mecklenburg County Council. The International Scouting Representative promotes and organizes any international opportunities including World Scouting Jamboree, International Camp Staff Program, World Friendship Fund, and camping exchange programs. If you have any ideas on international opportunities please contact David Ruggles at Impressions from 2011 World Scout Jamboree in Sweden The 22 World Scout Jamboree was held on July 27 through August 8 in Rinkaby, Sweden. Our council had several Scouts and leaders attend this experience. Here are some comments from our participants. Dr. Stuart Tucker (one of the contingent leaders): “As our Delta flight 69 from Copenhagen touched down at ATL on Sunday, August 7, Southern Region Troop 70205, hailing from Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, and both Carolinas, cheered their return to the USA after 12 days at the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Rinkaby, Sweden. Mecklenburg County Council Scouts Drew Hebeisen, Tyler Martino, William Turner, Scott Orlip, and Brandon Warters, and ASM Stuart Tucker all camped in Subcamp Summer in Village Stockholm, with neighboring troops from UK to the north, Sweden to the south, South Africa to the east, and Japan across the dirt road to the west, Wales, Belgium, Italy, and Ethiopia close by. Scouts had opportunities for simulated icewall climbing, carpet surfing, circus skill practice, and walking on water inside an inflated ball. The WSJ featured a unique Camp in Camp activity, and Scouts traveled off-site to camp in a Swedish Scout summer camp with Swedish or Norwegian Scouts who visited the WSJ a few days later. With 70% of the attendees being girls, Scouts had plenty of time for socializing, impromptu sit-down discussions, new games like Spider or Peg Challenge, and shared meals in campsites. Although we had rain on our arrival and on the night of our departure, there were no damp spirits. Many Scouts wanted to stay longer. In 2015, then next WSJ convenes in Japan, and some are planning to attend already, as IST (International Service Team staff ) or Assistant Scoutmasters.”

Scout Drew Hebeisen added his comments: “The World Scout Jamboree was a great experience. From the moment we got off the plane in Copenhagen, to when we got on the plane to go home our days were filled with fun. The food at the international restaurants were great, especially the fried cheese at the Czech restaurant. There were lots of activities to do. Almost every morning we had an activity to do to get a bead. These activities were very interesting. My favorite activity was the tomahawk throwing. The patch trading was also very fun. Some Scouts also traded neckerchiefs and uniforms. There was also a tower you could walk up and take pictures. It was a great view of the jamboree. It was a fun time at camp in camp, we got to go canoeing to a small island. The arena shows were fun. The world jamboree was a great experience.” Special Boy Scout Programming at the NASCAR Hall of Fame Contact Teresa Robertson for more information.704.654.4437 or


STAFF Dave Ritchie

Program Philmont Scout Ranch

Philmont Scout Ranch is the BSA’s premier High Adventure base. Owned and operated by the Boy Scouts of America, Philmont challenges Scouts and Venturers with more than 200 square miles of rugged New Mexico mountain wilderness in the Sangre de Cristo range of the Rockies, with elevations ranging from 6,600 to 12,441 feet. Nearly 100 staffed and trail camps are connected by more than 350 miles of challenging trails. Backpacking treks, horseback cavalcades, and training and service programs offer young people many ways to experience this legendary country. Most Scouts enjoy Philmont by participating in a 12-day Philmont Expedition as part of a 12-member crew. The council will have three 12-member crews in its contingent for a Philmont expedition in June-July of 2013. Adult applications for advisor positions are being accepted now through Feb. 15, 2012, using the High Adventure Adult Leader Application form found at Questions may be directed to the Council Service Center, attention Dave Ritchie Program Director, at

Memorials & Tributes


The Mecklenburg County Council has a Memorial/Tribute Fund established for its Scouters and supporters to make living and lasting tax deductible contributions to the Scouting program. Contributions may be made for any amount as a living memorial or lasting tribute to a departed relative or in honor of someone. Condolences, recognition or congratulations may be expressed through the use of the Memorial/Tribute Fund, when material gifts or remembrances may not be desirable or appropriate. Upon receipt of a contribution, the council will mail a card to the family or group in whose memory or honor the gift is made and send an acknowledgement to the donor.

In Memory of

In Honor of Hank Donaghy By:

Joe and Maryanna Murtagh

Tom Moore By:

Dan and Jeannette Davis

Mark Houseman By:

Gene and David Conder Bill and Rita Warters Ben Yarborough Larry Banks Barry Douthitt Tanya Hartje Bob and Sharon Shaner Pack 70 Artis and Janice Boyd Bob and Kelly Lang Roger and Shawn Penny Alan and Cathy Keiger

Eagle Scout Recognitions and Scholarships Program

Brian Eichenbranner By:

Robert and Stephanie Vanderford

Dorothy Renfrow By: Julie Crenshaw

Catherine Harrill Lawing By: Al and Nancy Selby

For many years the Sons of the American Revolution has recognized the many common bonds of purpose and principles shared by the SAR and the Boy Scouts of America. This is your invitation to participate in our recognition and scholarship program. There are three levels at which you might receive recognitions and/or monetary awards. 1. The Mecklenburg Chapter NCSSAR in cooperation with the Mecklenburg BSA County Council presents certificates to each new Eagle Scout. The chapter also presents a medal and a cash award to the winner of the scholarship competition each year within our Chapter. The 2011 Mecklenburg Chapter winner was Eagle Scout Christopher Lawing from Troop 355 sponsored by Sharon United Methodist Church. 2. The North Carolina Society of the Sons of the American Revolution selects a state winner who receives a handsome Eagle trophy and a cash award as well. The state winner is chosen from the individual North Carolina SAR chapter winners. The 2011 NC state winner was Eagle Scout David Helbig from Zebulon, NC. 3. State winner’s applications are submitted to the SAR national Eagle Scout Committee which meets each spring to judge state winner entries and from them to select the three top National Scholarship winners. The top national winner receives an $8,000 scholarship award. The first runner-up receives a $4,000 award and the second runner-up receives a $2,000 award. The annual competition is conducted on a calendar year basis. Any Eagle Scout is eligible to apply who is still registered actively in a Scout unit provided that he does not reach his 19th birthday in the calendar year of application. An Eagle may apply more than one year. The details of the programs may be found at the SAR Web site: You will find a place on the web site “Youth Programs” and under that “Eagle” click on “Eagle”. You can download and print: • The Scholarship Application Form • The four generation ancestry chart • Instructions for the required essay Request for Eagle Scout recognition certificates should be submitted by individual Scoutmasters through their district to the Mecklenburg Council for Scouts in this council. Applications for the 2012 scholarship contest should be received by December 15, 2011. The Mecklenburg Chapter NCSSAR contact for the Eagle Scout recognition and scholarship program is Jim Wood and he may be contacted at Please send him any questions.


The Eagle Nest

Troop 3, Myers Park United Methodist Church John C. Foery, Jr. Troop 4, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Austin William DeMordaunt Zachary Taylor Grigg Troop 8, St. Matthew Catholic Church Andres Lara-Uribe Michael Vincent Sardo Troop 9, St. Patrick Catholic Church Daniel Vaughan Miller Scott William Morgan Troop 10, Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Weston Babcock Cranor Troop 13, University City United Methodist Church Benjamin L. Cournoyer Jared Dalton Duke Walker Johnston Smith Troop 15, St. Francis United Methodist Church Daniel Benjamin Doyle Charles Joseph Guthrie Robert Emory Walls Troop 16, First Presbyterian Church Boyd Wayne Coggins III Troop 17, Christ Episcopal Church James Franklin Howe Troop 19, Huntersville Presbyterian Church Bradley Thomas McDonnell Dillon Joseph Sellie Taylor James Turner Troop 23, Christ United Methodist Church Stephen Michael Lamb Troop 33, Sardis Presbyterian Church Matthew Dean Bowen David Ashley Marsh

Troop 39, Matthews United Methodist Church Bryan Anthony Clark Samuel Alfred Keoseyan William Henry Turner Oliver Ryan Westmoreland

Troop 107, University Park Baptist Church Dondre Jamal Lewis-Freeman

Troop 198, St. Luke Catholic Church Patrick Ryan Sturm

Troop 112, Forest Hill Church Michael Boyd Bradley

Troop 42, Hopewell Presbyterian Church Austin Bradley Tadlock

Troop 116, St. Johns Episcopal Church Alexander Wood Bosworth Grant Thomas Bosworth Mason Allen Goodman Grant Charles Schoonmaker Andrew James Taylor

Troop 236, LDS-Fort Mill Ward/ Charlotte South Stake James Call Christopher Vincent Davis

Troop 45, Central Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Zackary Tanner Henderson Troop 51, Cooks Memorial Presbyterian Church Joseph Andrew Bost John Alexander Gammons John Christopher Harris Nicholas J. Shaner David Christopher Stewart Troop 55, Myers Park Presbyterian Church Lee Wickstrom Jenison Benjamin Albert MacBain Scott Callicott Ortlip James Ross Winston

Troop 118, St. Stephen United Methodist Church Matthew Henry Anderson Bryant Russell Cornett Troop119, South Mecklenburg Presbyterian Church John Alexander Beall Andrew R. Brady Amit Jain Troop 144, Blair Road United Methodist Men Alexander Ronald Mabes

Troop 355, Sharon Road United Methodist Men’s Club Jacob Ellisor Henry Troop 405, St. Martins Episcopal Church Highlind McCabe Mullen Jared Collin Smith Tropp 406, Church of Jesus Christ Waxhaw Ward Brooks Anthony Butler Alexander Robert Hall Troop 413, Christ Covenant Church Christopher David Dayton Travis Michael Hutchinson Casey Michael McGuire Troop 447, Concerned Citizens of Scouting Michael Andrew Reaser

Troop 56, Steele Creek Presbyterian Church William Rodney Osborne, Jr.

Troop 148, Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church Siddharth Vibhakar Modi

Troop 58, Lions Club of Davidson Michael Alan Heaton Robert Wilkes Poole

Troop 153, Albemarle Road Presbyterian Church Stephen William Brown

Troop 502, Harrison United Methodist Church Tyler Scott Melvin Linwood Alan Robinson Grey Rawls Skelton

Troop 65, Philadelphia Presbyterian Church Ted Howard Biggers III Landon Osborne McNair

Troop 156, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Austin O’Neal Baughan

Troop 615, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Marcel Walter Boss

Troop 72, Bethel Presbyterian Church Daniel Gerard Safirstein Troop 79, Carmel Presbyterian Church Alexander Talbot Almquist William Perry Almquist Troop 82, Davidson United Methodist Church Philip E. Piraino Jackson D. Ulmer Troop 87, Citizens for the Prosperity of Scouting Zachary Nathaniel Craddock

Troop 162, St. Anns Catholic Church Garrett Lee Fowler Alexander Fagan Funck James Michael Ivey Michael Joseph Begley Kuhn Troop 164, Providence Presbyterian Church Jack R. Sherrie Troop 174, St. Gabriel Catholic Church Christopher Allen Guin Troop 186, Robinson Presbyterian Church Andrew James Jarvis

Gus Mandrapilias has made contributions in the name of all Eagles Scout listed above to the Council’s permanent endowment fund.


Hornets Nest STAFF District Chairman Artis Boyd 704.371.5215

2011 Cub Scout Day Camp

A big thank you to Day Camp Director Bob Coughlin, Program Directors Michael Perrott and Dennis Tucker and their entire staff for another successful Cub Scout Day Camp. 275 Cub Scouts had a great time in the Old West!!

District Commissioner Terence Thompson 704-948-4559 District Director Alan Keiger 704.342.9325 Sr. District Executive Roger Penny 704.342.9348

Cub Scouts enjoyed a variety of great activities at Day Camp this summer!

Fall Roundup

Our 2011 Fall Roundup is off to a great start! Please continue to follow up with prospects that you might have. Also, please make sure that all applications and fees are turned in to the Scout Service Center in a timely manner. A special thanks to Ken Key for his hard work as our Roundup chair this fall.


Our 2011 Webelos-ree is fast approaching. It will take place at Belk Scout Camp on November 4th-6th. Registrations are due at the Scout Service Center by October 14, 2011. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Camp Director Bob Lang at , or by phone at 704-577-7259. You can also contact Program Director Steve Mazur at or by phone at 704-584-9047.

One of Our Own Recognized

The Hornets Nest District has honored the memory of one of our own with a James E. West Fellowship. Mark Houseman, a dedicated Scouter and Friend of Scouting, suddenly left us on June 11, 2011. Mark will further be remembered and honored by the placing of a brick bearing his name in the sidewalk in front of the Scout Service Center. The James E. West Fellowship involves a gift of $1,000 or more to a local council’s endowment fund to perpetuate Scouting in the future. Thank you to all that helped contribute to this effort.

Key Dates for October

6 District Committee meeting, 7 p.m. at Huntersville Presbyterian Church 13 District Roundtables at 7 p.m. at The Park Church (formerly University Park Baptist Church) 14 Webelos-ree Registrations are due at the Scout Service Center

Key Dates for November

3 District Committee meeting, 7 p.m. at Huntersville Presbyterian Church

4-6 Hornets Nest District Webelos-ree at Belk Scout Camp 10 District Roundtables at 7 p.m. at The Park Church (formerly University Park Baptist Church) 21 District Award Nominations are due 24 District Banquet Reservations are due

Key Dates for December

1 District Banquet, location TBD 7 District Trainings to include: Rechartering and Youth Protection


STAFF District Chairman George MacBain 704.954.1139 District Commissioner Christopher Kubala 704.996.2043 District Director John Crapster 704.342.9324 District Executive John Bittinger 704.342.9336

Important Dates: 1 1 7-9 13 13 13 4-6 10 10 10 14 16 18-20 21 3 8 13-15

October Trail’s End Popcorn Sale Begins Trailblazer Day @ Belk Scout Camp Cub-o-ree at Belk Scout Camp District Committee Meeting Adult Leader Roundtable District Commissioner’s Meeting November Boy Scout Camporee @ Camp Grimes District Committee Meeting Adult Leader Roundtable District Commissioner’s Meeting Take Order Popcorn Orders Due Popcorn Show & Sell Settlement SEALS Popcorn Prize Deadline December Take Order Popcorn Distribution District Banquet at St. Matthew Catholic Church Popcorn Take Order Settlement Dates

19 All Popcorn Prizes Finalized

Apache 2011 Journey to Excellence

When a unit, district and council earns the Journey to Excellence award, it makes a statement that the program provided to our youth is quality driven. This year there are three levels of qualification, your unit commissioner will be visiting your unit by the end of November to go over your progress and level achieved. Then we will be recognizing your unit at the district banquet with a streamer. If you would like more information visit www. or contact your district executive. Go for the GOLD!

2011 Friends of Scouting Campaign Progress

Thank you everyone for participating this year in our Friends of Scouting Campaign. Our district goal for Friends of Scouting was $200,000. As of August, we were at 104% of goal with pledges over $209,000 for Scouting. Great job everyone!!! A big thanks to David Allen for chairing this year’s campaign.

Apache Fall Cub-o-ree

Our theme is “Native American Heritage.” The date for our Cub-o-ree is October 7th-9th. Location will be Belk Scout Camp. We are encouraging all Cub Scouts and family members to attend. Cost per participant is $12 which includes activities, Saturday lunch, a cool patch, souvenir cup and a great weekend of fun. Activities for the Cub Scouts will be archery, games, crafts and slingshots. Webelos will be doing archery, climbing and fishing. Many advancement opportunities will be available, so come on out for a great weekend. FUN! FUN! FUN! Thank you, Brian Shetron, for being our chairman for this event.

Trail’s End Popcorn

Good luck with the Trails End popcorn sale. We appreciate you supporting the Mecklenburg County Council. Do you have POPCORN FEVER? CATCH IT!!! If you have any questions, please contact Nicholas Orlandi our district popcorn chairman at 704-365-8638.

Boy Scout Fall Camporee

Our Boy Scout camporee will be November 4th6th at Camp Grimes. The theme of the camporee is first aid. Everyone who attends is in for a great time, please encourage your unit to participate. Our camporee committee would like all troop leaders present at the October Roundtable to go over the final details. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Jim Goda at

Cub Scout Fall Recruitment

School Night for Scouting sign-ups are now complete at all Charlotte Mecklenburg schools. We had an outstanding team of volunteers this year and it was a huge success. Encourage your new youth to attend Trailblazer Day at Belk Scout Camp on October 1st. See more details on the council website at All new youth registration forms and registration monies should be turned in to the Scout Office.

Apache Youth Protection Guidelines

New registering adults need to complete the online module of youth protection training found at A copy of the online certificate showing completion of the youth protection module is required to be turned in with all adult registration forms. Previously registered adults need to confirm the date of their last youth protection training. This training should be updated every two years. Don’t wait to the last minute to update yours.

October and November Roundtable

Roundtable will be on the second Thursday of each month. The meetings always start at 7:30pm and are held at Sharon Baptist Church. All adult leaders are encouraged to attend. Do you like Cracker Barrel’s? Come out to Roundtable and Chef Babb will fix you some great treats. The district would like to thank Al Nedrich for being our new Roundtable Commissioner. Al is a leader in Troop 174 and is a distinguished “Bobwhite.” We’ll send you a reminder via email if you are on our Roundtable sign-in sheet. To be added, send request to:

God Send Award Nominations

In each of our units we have an individual (registered or not) who is always willing to help your unit no matter what. When a job needs doing, that person is always ready, willing and able to help get it done. This person is a workhorse that you can count on all the time. They do it for the Scouts (not themselves). This award is for that person, as that person is a God Send to your unit. The award is a nametag showing the following information: • God Send Award - 2011 • The person’s name (first and last) • Unit name and number (Pack 123) As a unit leader you only need to do two things to give this award to that special person in your unit. 1. Give that person’s name and unit number to Bob Cochran before November 22nd. Bob can be reached at 704-846-2629 or . 2. The award will be presented at the district award’s banquet on December 8th @ 6:30pm at St. Matthew Catholic Church (Home of Pack and Troop 8). You also need to make sure that the person receiving the award is present at the banquet. This can be one way to honor and thank that person who does so much for your unit. Let them know how you value their work for the Scouts in your unit.

District Banquet

Mark your calendars for an exciting District Banquet. We will have the banquet on Thursday, December 8th at St. Matthew Catholic Church (home of Pack and Troop 8). Cost is $15 a person and we would like for every unit to be represented. Please make sure you nominate a deserving volunteer for District Award of Merit or for some of the other ‘leader of the year’ awards. Deadline to submit the nomination forms to the Scout Service Center is November 22nd. A banquet registration form should be on our district website soon. We will have the event catered and the food will be delicious. Del Whittaker is our banquet chairman. Thank you, leaders, for all you do to make our district the best!


Cub Scouts got to try exciting new things this year at day camp!


STAFF District Chair Bill Rose 704.668.1642 District Commissioner John Dick 704.544.7298 District Director Mike Rusho 704.342.9347


District Meetings: (No meetings in July or December) Roundtable 2nd Thursday Morning Star Lutheran Church, 7:30 p.m. 12509 Idlewild Road, Matthews District Committee Meeting 2nd Thursday Morning Star Lutheran Church, 6:00 p.m. 12509 Idlewild Road, Matthews District Commissioner Meeting 4th Wednesday Troop 39 Scout Hut 7:00 pm 801 S Trade Street, Matthews

Etowah Belk Beach 2011—Aloha, Hawaii!

Etowah Cubs Scouts had a glorious time in the land of sun and fun at Belk Beach 2011! 15 of our 20 packs participated in the 2011 edition of Etowah Day Camp, surviving the searing sands, salty beaches, and intense heat of the beaches of Belk! Over 300 participants were on the beaches every day. We had 170+ campers, 80+ adult staff, 35+ junior staff, and 30+ pixies for five days at Belk Beach. The campers and staff enjoyed BB’s, archery, swimming, boating, Scout skills, our brand new climbing wall, fishing, Aloha Island hula girls, an authentic Hawaiian fire dance show, and Nature Bob’s woodland adventure park! Again Etowah was blessed with a dedicated volunteer staff in 2011. We have many adult volunteers who no longer have youth in Scouting but continue to volunteer their time for day camp. We say thank you! We could not have a great program without you. We would like to especially thank our Program Director, Kurt Pearson, and Christie Silvestri, our Day Camp Director for a great 2011 camp. They put in hundreds of hours before the first camper ever arrived. Their dedication goes above and beyond all expectations we have for the Scouting program. We have a great core group of volunteer staffers who work on day camp all year round. Yes, we are already planning next year’s day camp: The Amazing Race for 2012! This will be a great adventure for all the Scouts and Scouters in the Etowah District. We are pleased to announce the key staff for 2012: • After five years as the Etowah Camp Director, Christie Silvestri, is retiring from this role. Did we say five years? Yes, five years of dedicated service, which involved thousands of hours of time and energy. Christie, we cannot thank you enough or ever repay you for your service. Christie will still be involved in camp as an advisor, mentor, and camp staff member. We will not let you go far. • Kurt Pearson will be our 2012 Day Camp Director. Kurt was this year’s Program Director and is the Committee Chair for Pack 65 at Philadelphia Presbyterian Church in Mint Hill. • Brad McLelland will be our 2012 Program Director. Brad has been our Day Camp Sports Director for several years. Most of the boys and staffers know Brad from the sports field at Belk. Brad is an Assistant Scoutmaster at Troop 39 at Matthews United Methodist Church. One thing is for sure—the staff is excited about “The Amazing Race 2012” Etowah Day Camp!

Etowah District Fall Camporee

The Etowah District’s fall camporee with a “Lewis and Clark” theme will be held at Belk Scout Camp on October 21 – 23, 2011. The mission statement for the camporee is: “To provide competitive events that will allow Scouts to explore and experience their Scouting heritage.” This year’s camporee will have some interesting new events such as kick bridge activity and a cardboard canoe race on Lake Belk! So bring your troop out to Belk and enjoy a great weekend. Our camporee staff for 2011 includes Steve Onxley of Troop 413 as the Camporee Chair. Sam Phifer of Troop 15 is the 1st co-chair and Bill Rhyne of Troop 140 is the 2nd co-chair. See you there.

Etowah Cuboree and Webeloree 2011:

We are trying some new ideas this fall for our Cub Scouts in Etowah. We will have a separate weekend at Belk for the Webeloree. In the past, the Webeloree has been the same weekend as the camporee. This will allow us to have the whole camp and add a Cuboree. Every Scout in every pack in Etowah can come out for a weekend of fun at Belk October 28-30, 2011. Our 2011 Etowah Cub Scout weekend will begin on Friday, October 28 with check-in. All Scouts and leaders should be checked in by 7:00 PM. The weekend will officially close on Sunday, October 30 with the completion of our closing Ceremony and cleanup.

Etowah Our theme this year is “The Amazing Race 2011.” There will be a program track for the Tigers and Cub Scouts and another track for the Webelos. Come out and enjoy the fun! Our overall “OREE” Chief for 2011 is Rick Jensen. Our Webeloree Chief is Bart Carlson and our Cuboree Chief is David Crowe.

Etowah Program Support:

We have a great group of dedicated Scouters in Etowah on the district program committee. If your unit needs assistance, advice, or someone to hear your idea please feel free to contact our committee members. They work extremely hard to help our units in Etowah have excellent programs for their Scouts. Program Chair: Bruce Fowler at Advancement Chair: Chris Schatz at Activities Chair: April Rose at Training Chair: Rick Jensen at Camping Chair: Steve Onxley at

Etowah New Units:

Please welcome Pack and Troop 111 at Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church in Matthews. They are led by Robert and Margo Young. The pack and troop were officially chartered in July of 2011, but have been working on organizing their units since November of 2010. Their new Scouts have been to Belk Scout Camp several times. Bart Carlson of Troop 33 and the Etowah District has been working side by side with the Youngs to get the 111 units off the ground. Thanks Bart! Crew 198 formed at St. Luke Catholic Church in August of 2011 with five very excited young ladies. They want to experience the same great outdoor activities that the Boy Scouts get to do. Crew 198 is led by Crew Advisor Hamp Dulin, and Committee Chair Dave Esposito.

Commissioner Service Opportunities

If you are looking for new ways to serve Scouting, then becoming a unit commissioner in Etowah may be just the ticket for you. Unit commissioners provide a link between our Scout units and the district and council. Their mission is to help our units succeed! If you are interested please contact our District Commissioner John Dick at or (704) 544-7298

Scouts did a great job collecting food for the Food Drive!


Etowah District Scouts couldn’t have had more fun this summer!



STAFF Bob Coughlin Rick Jensen Miriam Olynick WWW.MCCTRAINING.ORG

S.E.A.L.S. Scouts Excited About Leadership Skills November 11-13, 2011 Belk Scout Camp

This is a training course for current or troop leadership candidates who are 14 years old and younger. Participants will be shown how to apply leadership skills to troop operations and blend Scout spirit effectively into a boy lead program through their leadership position. Troops may submit two youth candidates for the course as well as name two alternates which may fill in to cover a vacancy of a candidate. Space is limited and all slots are filled on a first come, first served basis based on when the registration, payment, code of conduct, and medical forms are received at the Scout office. The course fee is $50.00 per person. Equipment lists and detailed instructions for arrival are posted on the S.E.A.L.S. website ( and will be sent to Scoutmasters upon their unit’s registration at the Council Service Center. A mandatory Scoutmaster meeting is held on Friday night from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. A second fall course is being offered on November 18 -20, 2011 at the same location and same schedule to help accommodate the expected high demand for the course. If registrations should not warrant both courses, the participants could be combined into a single course to be determined at that time. All Scoutmasters and participants will be notified if this should alter their original request and the best options will be discussed. If you have any questions, email Darren Seigler, course Scoutmaster at

Scout Shop News The Mecklenburg Scout Shop is now open from 10:00-4:00 on Saturdays and until 6:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday! We are always getting in new stock. Some of our new items include shirts and hats with the Summit logo. If you purchase $50 or more in merchandise you will receive a “Good Turn for Generations” Mecklenburg County Council history book for free! Come by and visit soon! Hours of operation:

Monday-Thursday 8:45 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Friday 8:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Saturday (STORE Only)10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


January 16th and February 26th 2011

• A full day lift ticket • A full set of ski equipment (including poles, skis & helmet: according to the Guide to Safe Scouting helmets are required for all down hill winter sports) • Group ski lesson • Meal voucher • A savings of $60! Registration by groups is encouraged. Individuals may also register. Official Council Refund Policy applies: no refunds for no-shows.

Registration cost $55 (in advance)

Note: price above expires 5 days before trip.

$60 (walk-in rate)

Check-in is from 8am - noon

Additional fees Full Day Snowtubing: $37 2 hrs. Snowtubing: add on $13 Snowboarding: add on $39 Extra meal voucher: $7

For Mountain House Lodging,

Call 1-800-607-snow (7669)

For more information contact:

Mecklenburg County Council at: 704.333.5471

Membership STAFF Field Director Gary Moore Gary.Moore


Roundup 2011

Our fall Roundup campaign, led by Scouter Christopher Kubala and Mayor Anthony Foxx is well under way. This year’s campaign is designed to recruit over 2,000 new Cub Scouts. We have a great start so far toward reaching our goal but the eventual success of the campaign is dependent upon the preparation and support of nearly 100 Mecklenburg Cub Scout packs, 1000s of volunteer leaders and the support of our public (CMS) and private schools here in the county. Our outreach to boys, families, and young adults in the Venturing and Exploring programs too, is paramount in preparing the leaders of tomorrow and the course our country chooses to follow for years to come. We salute these two gentlemen for their campaign leadership and recognition of the importance that Scouting can have in the life of our youth. I look forward to reporting soon, what is shaping up to be a great recruiting year for Scouting!

A Message From Christopher Kubala

2011 Mecklenburg Scout Roundup Chairman For more than 100 years, Boy Scouts of America programs have instilled in youth the values found in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Scouting helps youth develop academic skills, self confidence, ethics, leadership and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives. The Boy Scouts of America provides our children with programs and activities that allow them to try new things, provide service to others, build self-confidence and reinforce ethical standards. Scouting promotes activities that lead to personal responsibility and high self-esteem. As a result, when hard decisions have to be made, peer pressure can be resisted and the right choices can be made. We need our children to have the values of Scouting in order to be able to participate in our community as responsible adults. – See you around the campfire!

A Message From Mayor Anthony R. Foxx Honorary Chairman, 2011 Scout Roundup

I encourage all of you to actively participate in the Scouting programs here in Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. I was a Scout myself as a youth, and that experience helped to shape my self confidence and personal value system that has guided me in my everyday choices as a citizen and elected official. Scouting provides youth with a sense of belonging and instills positive personal values that last a lifetime. I believe that your son will benefit from his experiences in the program as I did, and I encourage you to get involved – You’ll both be better citizens if you do!

BACKPACK (USPS) 250-720 Published quarterly by: Mecklenburg Co. Council Boy Scouts of America, Inc. 1410 East 7th Street Charlotte, NC 28204


Exploring STAFF Vice President Art Gallagher 980.598.1012 District Chair Vanessa Benton Exploring Director Justin Lewter 704.342.9331


Exploring Parent Orientation Thursday, October 27th, 7pm Exploring NC Colleges Tour Saturday, November 5th

Join an Explorer Post Today

Now is the best time to join an Explorer post. If your high school student or your child have a particular career interest, they should consider becoming an Explorer. Contact us to find out what posts are available. Students are signing up right now!

Get Involved with Popcorn!

Calling all Explorers, Venturers and independent minded teens: If you want to try your hand as an entrepreneur we have a safe easy way to get you started— popcorn. Imagine selling Trails End gourmet popcorn online while earning giftcards and income along the way. Better yet, you’ll be helping to support a good cause. While other fundraising programs may offer you minimal incentives, we’re offering giftcards that allow you to spend your earnings as you please. Here are some benefits to getting involved: You earn a percentage of sales and receive gift cards to spend as you please. You never have to touch, pick up or deliver a single item. All sales are done online so you never have to collect any cash, checks or credit card information. You need only encourage family, friends and people you know to make a purchase and support your service via your personalized account. You can do that by Facebook, Twitter, emails, and text messages. That’s all there is to it. Once your account is set up there’s nothing left to do but drive people to your site. Earn the funds while you sleep to make it happen. Call or email Justin Lewter to get started. It costs you nothing to get started, and you’ll be happy you did.

Calling All Scouting Alumni and Eagle Scouts! We have been extended a special opportunity to participate on field as part of the opening ceremonies for the Dr. Pepper ACC Football Championship to be held on Saturday, December 3rd, at Bank of America Stadium. Last year we braved a rainy night and had around 130 Scouters and Scouts participate in the festivities. We were also able to gain free admission to the championship game in the Scouting section. Discount tickets will also be available for Scouting friends and families. More details will be available shortly on the website.

Gameday : December 3rd 2011

Have fun while supporting Scouting! Belk and Scouting have had a great partnership for many years. This year we are pleased to announce a special promotion for Scouts and Scouting Alumni. The Belk Bowl is now a primetime game on December 27. Scouting families will have a special opportunity to purchase tickets and support Scouting at the same time. This will be a festive atmosphere matching the ACC and Big East. Please type the following URL into your address bar to purchase your tickets in the Scouting family section. Individuals will need to use promo code “scouts” when ordering the tickets.

Gameday : December 27th 2011


Special Initiatives Waholi

Getting Ready for the Fall Soccer Season!

STAFF District Chairman Wunita Gary Mitchell District Commissioner Wunita Jeff Greene 704.491.5070 District Chairman Waholi Pablo de la Canal 704.609.2170 District Chairman Pueblo Michael Gleaves 704.299.6497

The Waholi District and the Scouting through soccer program began the fall season in September. Our parents and volunteers have given much time and effort to our units to provide a safe environment where children can have fun and learn life values through Scouting. We welcome the return of Maria La Paz as a program aide to the Waholi District. Maria has served as a volunteer in the Waholi District. She is assisting the district with the fall roundup recruitment. To participate in the Soccer through Scouting program or for more information please visit our website at: or call 704/649-3537.


Scouts Experience Fort Bragg

This summer Scouts from Troop 394 started a trend for the Pueblo District. In June of this year, Scout leader Isidore Sharpe and District Chair, Gary Mitchell, chaperoned the ten member troop on a tour of Fort Bragg, in Fayetteville, North Carolina. From sleeping in base barracks, riding in Humvees escorted by the base Garrison major to testing an anti-aircraft weapon simulator, to a boy each reported having an amazing time and are eagerly awaiting an opportunity to return. Both the unit leaders and base officials said they so thoroughly enjoyed this experience with our scouts that they’d like to repeat the experience for future scouts. We look forward to turning this tour into an annual adventure. A special thank you goes to our district chair; Gary was single-handedly responsible for making this trip possible.

2012 SCOUT NIGHT! Friday, February 24th, 7pm-TWCA For All Boy Scout and Cub Scout Units

$12 Scout Package Includes:

-Corner level game ticket vs. Oklahoma City Barons -Group announcement for your unit -2012 Scout Night patch

$15 Scout Package Includes:

-The benefits above AND... -Free hotdog and small soda ($10 value)

Sleepover with the Checkers in Time Warner Cable Arena! Scout Sleepover Package includes: • Post-game sleepover in Time Warner Cable arena: Sleep ON the ice (on insulated covering) *Only available to the first 750 Scouts to respond.

For only $8 more!

• Post-game player/coach talk • Watch a movie on the nation’s 2nd largest indoor video screen!

To book today call Natalie Jetton at 704-940-4084 or

And other activities


Finance News

STAFF Assistant Scout Executive Tony Morton Finance Director Carlton Crump

Endowment News

We are pleased to announce the James E. West 100 for the 100th Campaign has been extended through 2011. With a gift of $1,000 or more to the council’s endowment fund you will receive • A Framed Certificate • Pin and Knot • Engraved brick in the “100 Years of Scouting” walkway at the council office • Limited Edition “100 for the 100th” patch MECKLENBURG COUNTY COUNCIL BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 1410 East Seventh Street Charlotte, NC 28204

Gifts may be made to recognize Eagle Scouts, Silver Beaver recipients, honor Scoutmasters or mentors, in memory of special individuals or simply to help insure the future of Scouting for another 100 years.

2011 Popcorn News

! a s U e h t s s Selling acro le rn Sa o c p o 2011 Boy Scouts of America P

This year's incentives for online sales– (August 1st to November 21st) Excellent Incentives and Prizes for 2011! This year, we aim to sell popcorn in EVERY state through online sales starting August 1st. Join us in helping to reach that goal while earning prizes along the way!


Online sales gives you the opportunity to sell popcorn across the nation, bringing you closer to your sales goal! It is easy to get started. Just set up an online account to sell at: (Click on Scouts)


The top “Selling Across the USA” Scout will receive 4 AMTRAK tickets to Washington, D.C., including $100 for food, for selling a minimum of $2,500 in at least 7 States.

• $15 Amazon Gift Card will be awarded to all Scouts that sell in 5 states excluding NC and SC

Become a member of the 600 club! Scouts can become a member of the $600 Club selling $600 in popcorn; earn a Zyclone, a neat patch and a ticket to the NASCAR Speedpark in Concord, NC $1,500 Club– all of the above and an additional $50 WalMart or gift card $2,500 College Scholarship Club- 6% of your retail sales goes into an interest bearing account at Trail’s End on the year you qualify. Scouts will earn 6% of any dollar amount sold each year after.

• $25 Amazon Gift Card will be awarded to the Scout that sells to the furthest point beyond Charlotte online • $35 Amazon Gift Card will be awarded to all Scouts that sell in 10 states excluding NC and SC • $100 Amazon Gift Card will be awarded to the Scout that sells in the most states including NC and SC


Earn an online sales patch for any online sale!

Earn a cool military patch for selling $100 in Military sales!

Perserving scouting for another hundred years! “100 for the 100th”

2011 Sporting Clays

Supporting the Boy Scouts of america

2011 Sporting Clay Event

We’re gearing up for our 9th annual sporting clays event on Wednesday, October 12 at Meadow Wood Farm in Waxhaw, NC. The registration fee is $2,000 for a 4-person team and includes breakfast, lunch, clays, shells, targets and awards. The competition begins with warm ups and breakfast from 8:00-9:00am and competition beginning at 9:15am. Please visit for further details.

Oktoberfest Dinner and Auction

Our Oktoberfest Dinner and Auction is planned for Thursday, October 20 at Felix Sabates’ Mercedes Benz of South Charlotte from 6-10pm. We are again looking forward to great food, fellowship and fun while raising dollars through over 150 donated auction items. Visit the council website, for ticket information and to donate and item for the event.

Finance News Support Our Troops!

We are glad to tell you that a SupportOur Troops.Org 40-foot cargo containing over $176,000 worth of microwave popcorn assembled by Scouts and good Americans is on its way to troops throughout Afghanistan! That’s 42 pallets and over 18 tons of good will served to 159,600 soldiers! What a great way for individual American citizens to thank our troops out there for protecting all of us here at home!

Who did this?

SupportOurTroops.Org, the Boy Scouts of America, and the Trail’s End Popcorn Company teamed up to pull this off.

Where did all this popcorn come from?

From the American People! The Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts went door to door down streets all across America and asked people if they would like to donate $25 or $40 of popcorn treats to the troops. And at $25-$40 a pop many people did.

About SupportOurTroops.Org


Operation Popcorn® is a fun and positive way to show support for our troops. Each case is labeled with a thank-you sticker to show gratitude. Not to mention it’s a great taste of home!

See what they have to say! June 6, 2011 - “Hey we love the Boy Scout popcorn in Kabul, do you know if they might be sending more? And I have already thanked the program at Trail’s End for their generosity. They have been great support and we give back to them at home through my son’s participation in Scouting. Thanks again to your program and helping lift the spirits of the troops.” –LTC Erik Well

The free online troop-supporter Community at SupportOurTroops.Org offers simple ways for all of us to thank and show support to American troops (our deployed neighbors) serving all over the world. It is a non-partisan, non-political civilian organization, welcoming civilians, active-duty families, and veterans as members.

This tasty gift is a showing of the good will of the people for their troops. Is this a great country or what?

“Boy Scouts, SupportOurTroops.Org, and Trail’s End Popcorn Company: A short note to pass on our sincerest gratitude to you all for donating thousands of cases of Trail’s End popcorn. We received your shipment a couple of weeks ago and have been busy distributing it to the work centers, MWR centers, military passenger terminals, etc. and have heard nothing but praise for you and the support you have for our US forces. Many of us were Scouts and remember the great things we did as young men & women, it is fantastic to see the Scouting program continuing to support the troops. Again, our sincerest gratitude to you all for the support of our forces both deployed and at home. Our Soldiers, Airman, Marines and Sailors thank you and say “Job Well Done!”   Respectfully, –Major Gerald

BACKPACK Mecklenburg County Council Boy Scouts of America 1410 E. 7th Street Charlotte, NC 28204

704.333.5471 704.377.4955 fax POSTMASTER Send address changes to Backpack 1410 East 7th Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28204

Calendar of Events October



2 OA Lodge Executive Board 1 Trailblazer Adventure Day 3 ACC Football Championship 5 Veterans Day Parade Popcorn Sales Begin Popcorn Distribution 11-13 SEALS Training 1-2 OA Fall Fellowship 7 OA Lodge Executive Board X-Treme Weekend 5 OA Lodge Executive Board 12 Council Commissioner Mtg Outdoor Leader Training 10 Council Commissioner Mtg Executive Committee Mtg 12-13 Wilderness First Aid Training 12 Sporting Clays Event 19 District Operations Mtg 14 Popcorn Take Orders Due 14 Dollar General 300 Race 20 Eagle Service Project Review Council Commissioner Mtg 15 Bank of America 500 Race 21 Council Program Cmte Mtg Executive Board Mtg 18 Eagle Service Project Review Council Training Cmte Mtg 15 Eagle Service Project Review 23-25 Scout Shop & Council Office 19 Council Program Cmte Mtg 16 Council Program Cmte Mtg Council Training Cmte Mtg closed for Christmas Council Training Cmte Mtg 20 Oktoberfest Dinner & Auction 27-30 Scout Shop Closed for Inventory 18-20 SEALS Training 24 District Operations Mtg 24-27 Scout Shop & Council Office closed for Thanksgiving


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