The Scouter’s
Backpack Summer 2012
Mecklenburg County Coun
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Scout Executive’s Notes Congratulations to our 2012 Silver Beavers! David Brawley David earned his Eagle Scout in Kannapolis, NC. He spent many summers with his troop at Camp Barnhardt and continues to have many life-long friends from his youth. David was a member of the Order of the Arrow and attended Philmont. David joined Troop 15 at St. Francis United Methodist Church with his son and they visited Philmont in 2005. David has served on the council’s executive board since 1994, helping with fund-raising activities and serving as the council’s assistant Treasurer. David credits much of his success in life to the values he learned in Scouting.
Clark Davenport Clark and his son joined Troop 65 at Philadelphia Presbyterian Church in 1986. He has served as an assistant Scoutmaster, troop committee member, Eagle Scout advisor and mentor. He has also spent many summer vacations at Camp Grimes. He is Wood Badge trained and is a Brotherhood member of Catawba Lodge. Clark firmly believes that Scouting is the best youth program in the world and feels that this program will continue to produce exemplary citizens and leaders in our communities, country and world.
George MacBain George began as a den leader in Pack 55 at Myers Park Presbyterian Church. He moved to the troop when his son moved up in 2006. He is active on the troop committee, works on the popcorn sale and is also a merit badge counselor. He has served as the Apache District Friends of Scouting chairman and the Apache District Chairman. George currently serves on the council’s executive board. He is a life-long member of Myers Park Presbyterian Church. George thinks Boy Scouts of America is the best youth organization a young man can be associated with and looks forward to being of service for years to come.
Bill Rose Bill has served as a den leader, Cubmaster, and pack trainer for Pack 214. He has also served as assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 140 of Cross and Crown Lutheran Church. He was the 2010 council roundup chairman. He is currently serving as the Webelos Adventure Camp director. He is Wood Badge trained and is an Eagle Scout. Bill has a dedication to teach both adult and youth in return for what so many gave him years ago and looks forward to being able to serve for years to come.
Dale Salter Dale has dedicated his life to Scouting. He started as a Boy Scout in 1968, earning his Life rank and become a member of the Order of the Arrow. He has served as a Cubmaster, assistant Cubmaster, pack trainer, den leader, Webelos leader and Roundtable Commissioner. He has taught Webelos activity pins and Cub Scout sports and academic belt loops. Dale continues to teach courses at Scouter Success Seminar, Pow Wow, Webelos Adventure Camp and many other district and council activities. He is known as “Mr. Dale” by youth and adults. He enjoys helping the Cub Scouts with fishing while they are at camp.
Mark Spisak Mark began his adult Scouting career as a den leader in Pack 8 at St. Matthew Catholic Church. He held several positions in the pack and troop before becoming the Scoutmaster. Mark is certified as a National Archery Association Coach and Certified NRA instructor, thus training hundreds of Cub Scout leaders to safely use the shooting sports ranges. Mark feels sometimes God whispers and sometimes he roars. Around Boy Scouts you get the chance to hear both.
Dan Schulte Dan began his adult Scouting career as a den leader in Pack 13. He soon became Cubmaster and later Scoutmaster of Troop 13. Under his leadership the troop grew from 20 boys to a pack of over 100. Dan has served as a Philmont Scoutmaster, Jamboree Scoutmaster, district committee member and has earned his Wood Badge beads.
Dwayne Thomas Dwayne has served as Scoutmaster, Venture crew advisor, unit commissioner and Chartered Organization Representative. He is the Latter Day Saints Scouting coordinator for the council and the surrounding areas. Dwayne has attended Wood Badge and served on staff. He helps with the annual Friends of Scouting campaign and works on the SEALS courses. He has worked extensively with the youth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints where he has served in both ward and stake positions.
3 Council Professional Staff Congratulations to our 2012 Silver Beaver Award recipients! We held our 96th Annual Recognition Banquet on Thursday, April 26. This award is the highest recognition awarded to Scouters within the jurisdiction of a local territory by the National Court of Honor, based upon research and nominations by the local council. The award is made for noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth by registered volunteers. We greatly appreciate their service and devotion to Mecklenburg County! -Mark Turner Scout Executive
Years of Service
Scout Executive Mark Turner Assistant Scout Executive Tony Morton Field Director Gary Moore Program Director Dave Ritchie Development Director Carlton Crump Exploring/Special Initiatives Director Justin Lewter Exploring / LFL District Executive Jonathan Russell Apache District Director John Crapster Apache District Executive John Bittinger Etowah District Director Mike Rusho Hornets Nest District Director Alan Keiger Hornets Nest Sr. District Executive Roger Penny
Assistant Scout Executive Tony Morton Retires
Assistant Scout Executive Tony Morton will retire from the Boy Scouts of America on June 30th after 37 years of service. Tony is an Eagle Scout and growing up spent many summers serving on camp staffs in the Birmingham Area Council. As a teacher and coach before joining the Scouting profession, Tony was head wrestling coach for Hueytown High School in Alabama, winning the 4A State Championship in 1974. He is a graduate of the University of Alabama (Roll Tide!). Tony’s love of Scouting runs deep. He started his career with the Boy Scouts as a District Executive in Rome, Georgia. He moved to Louisville, Kentucky in December 1978 serving as a District Executive, Development Director and Field Director for the Lincoln Heritage Council. In December 1994 Tony arrived in Charlotte as the council’s Finance Director. Tony became the council’s Assistant Scout Executive and Chief Financial Officer in 1997.
During his tenure in our council, Tony has given leadership to our council’s Friends of Scouting campaign and has seen it increase from $350,000 to over $1,000,000. Gross popcorn sales have increased from $500,000 to $1,100,000. He was instrumental in bringing the corporate Sporting Clays event to Charlotte which now raises over $50,000 annually for the council. One of Tony’s primary responsibilities was the council’s annual Leadership Dinner. This year’s dinner netted $340,000 with almost 700 guests attending. The council wishes Tony and Sonia well as they move back to Kentucky to be closer to their family. Tony’s leadership will be greatly missed by the council and staff.
Thanks to Rodney Royal for providing the cover photo.
Scouts had a blast at the Hornets Nest District Annual Cuboree. See page 9 for more on this story! If you have photos you would like to submit for use in council publications, please email
Council Support Staff Office Manager Gene Conder Accounting Specialist Jackie Torrence Finance Assistant Terrie Bailey Finance Associate Carole Stojetz Registrar Jo Esposito Graphic Specialist Lisa Murphy Operations Service Assistant Kris Evans Scout Shop Coordinator Laura Hollowell Scout Shop Associates Phyllis Perry Michelle Owens Camp Rangers Belk Scout Camp Mac McCullough Mecklenburg Scout Reservation Chris Williams
Council News Check Out These Incredible Scouts! Scout Travis Carpenter Saves Coworker’s Life
Local Scout Turns Love for Adventure into a Passion for Helping Others
Starting when Austin Timm was a young boy, he had what his family thought were inexplicable fears, especially those of drowning and heights. However, as Austin grew older, he became more comfortable with outdoor activities such as skiing, rock climbing and swimming. You might say this can be attributed to his involvement with the Boy Scouts, as well as numerous travel opportunities he took with his family. Now 24, Austin began Scouting as a Tiger Cub at Pack 162 chartered to St. Ann Catholic Church. He moved through the Cub Scout program and into Troop 162 where he earned the rank of Eagle Scout. After becoming an Eagle Scout, Austin went on to attend Montana State University to study Biotechnology. While he enjoyed his Biotech classes, he soon spent more time outdoors than in the classroom. Shortly after, Austin joined the Montana National Guard and the Gallatin County Search & Rescue. He became a member of the Alpine rescue team, the helicopter rescue team and a swift water rescuer. Witnessing his fear, his family and friends never thought it possible that he would go on to love and excel at the things that he most feared. In addition to the above accomplishments, Austin was also given a prominent role in a Public Service Announcement/ Commercial (PSA). This PSA currently airs on the National Geographic Channel. Once a year Austin returns home to visit and stops by his former Troop 162 to meet and talk to the current members. The knowledge and experience gained through Scouting and his awareness of the world through his travels has given him a great desire to help others and the environment. He now lives each day with excitement and purpose. (The original and entire story of Austin Timm’s life can be found at
On Monday, March 26th at 9am, Travis Carpenter looked up from his work station and noticed that his fellow employee, Lee, was sitting on the floor with his legs straight out in front of him. Travis walked over to see why he was sitting on the floor and noticed that Lee’s leg was bleeding. When Lee released his fingers from his leg to show Travis the injury, blood shot up about 10 feet in the air; a main artery had been punctured. From his extensive first aid training in Boy Scouts, Travis immediately knew what to do. While the other staff members stood around asking each other what they should do, Travis sprung into action. He grabbed some paper towels and a long-sleeved shirt. Using these items, Travis placed pressure directly against the bleeding and knew to keep the leg elevated until he could figure out what to do next. Then suddenly, Lee went into shock. Travis instinctively began to talk to Lee to reassure him that everything would be okay and that he would get him to the hospital. Travis then began asking which employee knew how to get to Rowan Regional Medical Center, as Travis was not familiar with Salisbury. Travis told a specific employee to get the truck, and told another one that he was driving. Lee was placed on a palate and rode in the truck bed while Travis kept pressure on the bleeding. Lee was treated and released from the hospital that day and was back at work on Tuesday for a half-day. The bravery of Eagle Scout Travis Carpenter saved Lee’s life.
NC American Legion Eagle Scout for 2012
Congratulations to Bobby Kawecki on being named North Carolina American Legion Eagle Scout for 2012. Bobby is in Troop 80, chartered to Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church. This is the second time in three years that Bobby has been chosen for this honor. Bobby received a plaque and a $250 scholarship. He has also been named as a runner-up in the American Legion National Eagle Scout of the Year. He received a $2,500 college scholarship for this honor. Bobby joined Scouting as a Tiger Cub and earned his Eagle Scout in June 2009. He graduated from Olympic High School in June and will attend the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill this fall.
Program 2013 National Jamboree—See You at The Summit
We are less than one year away from a true “mountain top” Scouting experience at the 2013 National Jamboree. This will be the first official jamboree at the newest BSA Property, The Summit in West Virginia. Our steering committee lead by Bob Branan has been busy pulling together the logistics of our council contingent. Currently we have accepted 3 council contingent troops to attend the jamboree. It is not too late to express your interest. We are still accepting applications online for our waiting list or the possibility for more space to open up. Just go to to get all of the information and start your reservation process. This will be an event that all Scouts will want to attend. The cost of the experience is $1180 and includes the jamboree fee, transportation, food, and memorabilia. Interviews for Scouts will take place on August 26 with troops beginning to meet in the fall of 2012 to prepare for the jamboree experience.
After interviewing many great candidates the steering committee has selected the following leaders to represent our council contingents: Scoutmasters Jack Burke (Troop 7) David Stojetz (Troop 164) Frank Williams (Troop 39)
2nd Assistant Scoutmasters Paul Garberina (Troop 13) Chris Greene (Troop 198) Al Nedrich (Troop 174)
1st Assistant Scoutmasters Joe Culpepper (Troop 39) Joel Farrand (Troop 148) Eric Swinson (Troop 46)
3rd Assistant Scoutmasters Tyler Buchanan (Troop 74) Zachary Kierstad (Troop 65) Jacob Hedman (Troop 7)
Paul Summers (Crew 174) has been selected to lead our Venturing Crew should we have sufficient interest in sending a crew.
Scout Trailblazer Adventure Day
Our council has partnered with the U.S. Sportsman’s Alliance to offer a great opportunity for adventure. Trailblazer Adventure Day is an action filled day for families to come out to Belk Scout Camp to enjoy activities such as climbing, crafts, zip line, boating, nature, shooting sports, BMX cycling, geocaching, sports, games and much more. There will also be some great demo events throughout the day that Scouts will not want to miss. While this event is geared toward introducing new families to camp, all Scouting families are invited to join in on the fun. When: Saturday, September 29, from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM Where: Belk Scout Camp- 9408 Belt Road, Midland, NC 28107 Cost: Cost: $10 (lunch, patch, and activities included) if paid by Wednesday, September 26. $12 after. See article on to register online.
BACKPACK (USPS) 250-720 Published quarterly by: Mecklenburg Co. Council Boy Scouts of America, Inc. 1410 East 7th Street Charlotte, NC 28204
STAFF Dave Ritchie
2012 Council Officers
The council’s annual business meeting was held on May 21, 2012 and the following were elected to serve as council officers: Benton Bragg Council President Henry Harkey Past Council President John Sequeira Council Commissioner Ron Martin Treasurer David Brawley Assistant Treasurer Palmer McArthur Council Attorney Mack Patterson VP-Program Ken May VP-Membership Joe Grier VP-Administration Bill Nichols VP-Properties Stern Dixon VP District Operations Chipp Bailey VP-Exploring Steve Jegier VP-PR/Marketing These officers will serve from May 21, 2012 to May 27, 2013.
STAFF Dave Ritchie
Program and Facilities Upgrades to Enhance Program for Scouts and Leaders
Our council is blessed to own two wonderful camping properties that serve our Scouts, leaders and our community very well. Both Belk Scout Camp, near Midland, NC and Mecklenburg Scout Reservation (Camp Grimes) in McDowell County are available to our units and for district and council events year round. Each camp gets an incredible amount of use throughout the year. Because of your generosity and participation in Friends of Scouting, popcorn sale, and support of our council’s camping program, this is possible. Highlight projects for this year include: the completion of the Leadership Development Center at Belk Scout Camp, Amphitheater at Belk Scout Camp, 6 Adult Staff Cabins at Camp Grimes and a new roof on the Dining Hall at Camp Grimes.
Ed Thomas Amphitheater and Scott McElhaney Fire Ring to be Dedicated
The newest addition to Belk Scout Camp is a beautiful amphitheater by the lake. This facility opened this summer and has been a big hit so far with our campers and leaders. There is permanent seating for over 300 campers and room for overflow. The amphitheater is named in the memory of former council President Ed Thomas. The fire ring is named in honor of Scott McElhaney, a dedicated Scouter who passed away in 2010. We will be holding a dedication ceremony to commemorate the opening of this facility. We are in the design phase for a similar amphitheater that will be built at Camp Grimes in fall of 2012.
The amphitheater and fire ring above are two beautiful new additions to Belk Scout Camp.
Catawba Construction Company
The council camps are growing in use and require new facilities. Some of the shelters, buildings and other proprieties are aged and require minor repairs. Most of the work is the same as each of us do on our own homes. We have two choices: We can pay people outside of Scouting to do the work or we can group together, work as a team and complete as much as we can with volunteers. With cuts from outside funding groups, we can best manage our cost by volunteer construction. Funds saved can be invested in other programs for the council. What are we asking for? • Your time and commitment to work with us for about two weekends during the year. You are not signing up for all requests. Small groups will be put together for each project. • We are not asking you to fund the projects. • Bring your own small tools, large tools provided. What you get: • Satisfaction of being able to say, “I built that at camp.” You will be a long-term part of camp. • A chance to meet others in the Scouting family and share some great fellowship. • Meals while you are on site. • A chance to earn your Catawba Construction t-shirt. If you can be part of the Catawba Construction Co. volunteer team, please send an email to Joe Culpepper at To make this work, we need about 50 volunteers. This way we would be able to share the load and work with your schedule.
Memorials & Tributes Scout Shop News Our new Scout Shop summer hours are as follows: Monday through Friday 8:45 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Going hiking? Going camping? Prepare for your summer adventures by visiting our Scout Shop. Come see our assortment of new backpacks and sleeping bags, all competitively priced! We also have a variety of other camping supplies to enhance your camping experience. Go in style with one of our many new tee shirts.
Personalized Eagle Scout Invitations Now Available at the Scout Shop! (and at a great price!)
The Mecklenburg County Council has a Memorial/Tribute Fund established for its Scouters and supporters to make living and lasting tax deductible contributions to the Scouting program. Contributions may be made for any amount as a living memorial or lasting tribute to a departed relative or in honor of someone. Condolences, recognition or congratulations may be expressed through the use of the Memorial/ Tribute Fund, when material gifts or remembrances may not be desirable or appropriate. Upon receipt of a contribution, the council will mail a card to the family or group in whose memory or honor the gift is made and send an acknowledgement to the donor.
In Memory of Charlie Butterworth By:
Mrs. Robert Benfield and Mr. James Benfield Martin and Cindy McCarthy
Lee Everidge By: Jesse Everidge
Judy Scott By:
David and Barbara Berryhill Catherine and Tom Blottman Community House Middle School FXI Inc. Robert Greene Virginia and James Melton Judy Parks South Area Bus Drivers Whit and Arlene Spearman Barbara Svenson Richard and Susan Williams
In Honor of Visit resources/invitations.aspx to download an order form or to view more samples
Charlie Davidson By:
Martin and Cindy McCarthy
The Eagle Nest Congratulations to Our New Eagles! Troop 1 Church of the Holy Comforter Joseph Crosby Ignashe
Troop 65 Philadelphia Presbyterian Church Clayton William Johnston
Troop 3 Myers Park United Methodist Church William Sutton Ahlum
Troop 70 Paw Creek Presbyterian Church Michael Chaning Loyd Dallas Matthew Whittington
Troop 8 St. Matthew Catholic Church Michael Sean Sparre Troop 11 Providence United Methodist Church Colin Ewing Stewart Nicholas Palmer Thompson George McKinney Williams David Anderson Wooden Troop 13 University City United Methodist Church James Brentley Babb Nicholas Robert Watkins Troop 15 St. Francis United Methodist Church Joseph Andes Magraw Troop 17 Christ Episcopal Church Douglas Savage Bell, Jr. Craddock Springsteen Close Andrew Grayson Finley Franklin Craig Headen Matthew Shaw Hunter Troop 23 Christ United Methodist Church Macon Lamarr Peters Troop 33 Sardis Presbyterian Church Joshua Christian Blackwood Joshua Edward Connor Lorne Douglas Klein Troop 39 Matthews United Methodist Church Alexander Anatoli Albl Stephen Glass Christopher McCrady Williams
Troop 79 Carmel Presbyterian Church William M. Armstrong Hadley Huske Wilson Troop 82 Davidson United Methodist Church Austn M. Carpenter Conner Peterson Troop 95 Christ Lutheran Church Joseph Harrison Downing Scott William Snyder Troop 107 University Park Baptist Church Gregory Leon Woods, Jr. Troop 112 Forest Hill Church Caleb Reagan Whitlock Troop 115 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Devin William Nusbaum Troop 116 St. Johns Episcopal Church Benjamin Thomas Hinson Brent Marriott Milgrom III David Martin Sowers Troop 118 St. Stephen United Methodist Church Arjun Suman Gupta Adam Patrick Windham
Troop 144 Blair Road United Methodist Men Daniel Eugene Arrington Allen Richard Wooten Troop 148 Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church Aaron Daniel Medlin Troop 159 Windrow Homeowners Association Christopher Charles Cannon Troop 174 St. Gabriel Catholic Church John Andrew Corsi Troop 198 St. Luke Catholic Church William Jesse Leugers Troop 215 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Cory Christopher Griffes Troop 330 Stonebridge Church Community Micah Daniel Levinson Samuel Nicholas Lopane Troop 356 Mount Carmel Baptist Church Major Lamar Kay II John Kendrick-Tirado Troop 413 Christ Covenant Church Clayton Joseph Ferrazzo Spencer Charles Hutchinson John Michael Ellis Milton Troop 447 Concerned Citizens of Scouting Jordan Christopher Tolman Troop 502 Harrison United Methodist Church Tyler Robert Lindsey
Troop 45 Central Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Michael Thomas Baker
Troop 119 South Mecklenburg Presbyterian Church Troop 515 William Cody Gorman Albemarle Road Presbyterian Church Nicholas Tyler Melvin Kyle Wesley Vaughn Troop 122 Troop 777 Wings Home School Group Grace Covenant Church Caleb Timothy Barnes Jeffrey R. Hanks Jonathan Rayburn Wolff
Troop 51 Cooks Memorial Presbyterian Church William Grayson Smith
Troop 133 Sardis Presbyterian Church Sterling Hunter Lett Troop 140 Cross Crown Lutheran Church Bryan James McCollom
Troop 815 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Landon Ottley Cobb
Gus Mandrapilias has made contributions in the name of all Eagles Scouts listed above to the Council’s permanent endowment fund.
Hornets Nest 2012 Cuboree!
Cub Scouts Win the Battle for Belk!
Nearly 600 Cub Scouts, parents, siblings and adult leaders enjoyed a great weekend learning about the American Revolutionary War. Complete with muskets and artillery, and a mock campsite, boys gained first-hand knowledge of what it was like to be a soldier in the Colonial Army. Thanks to the 2nd North Carolina Regiment re-enactor group and the Sons of the American Revolution for providing a wonderful program. Congratulations to Co-Camp Directors Mark Giacomin and Dwayne Thompson and their staff for a great weekend. Dwayne is already preparing for next year’s Cuboree!
2012 Fall Roundup
“Before we can put Scouting in youth, we must put youth into Scouting!” That is what we will be doing this fall. Our Fall Roundup campaign is once again being led by Ken Key. Pack open houses will take place on August 30th at pack meeting sites all over the district. complete Roundup training will be provided at our August Roundtable on August 9, 2012 at The Park Church. Please don’t miss this opportunity to hear ideas and methods from other unit leaders that have helped their pack successfully recruit AND retain Cub Scouts.
Sr. Boy Camporee/Jamboree Scouts, parents, and leaders had a blast at the American Revolutionary War-themed 2012 Hornets Nest District Cuboree!
Changes in District Leadership
Plans are well under way for our Sr. Boy Camporee/Jamboree that will take place September 7-9, 2012, at the Mecklenburg Scout Reservation. More information is available at our district Roundtables and at our district Website,
Past District Chairman and now current District Nominating Chairman Artis Boyd is proud to announce that Bob McLaughlin has been elected as the new District Chairman for the Hornets Nest District. Bob has served the district in several capacities including Camporee Chief, District Training Chair, and most recently as a District Vice Chairman. Chairman McLaughlin has announced that the following volunteers will serve as District Officers for the 2012-13 Scout Year: Rex Byers, Vice Chair; Artis Boyd, Vice Chair in charge of the Nominating Committee; Bob Lang, Vice Chair; Pete Heikes, Program Chair; John Loch, Advancement Chair; Bob Coughlin, Training Chair; Tom Hickson, Camping Chair; David McDonnell, Membership Chair; Terence Thompson, District Commissioner. Please join us in thanking these great volunteers for their service. Also, thank you to Artis Boyd for his leadership over the past several years!
STAFF District Chairman Bob McLaughlin 704.948.8777 District Commissioner Terence Thompson 704-948-4559 District Director Alan Keiger 704.342.9325 Sr. District Executive Roger Penny 704.342.9348
Important Dates July
No District meetings or activities
2 District Committee Meeting, Huntersville Presbyterian Church at 7 p.m. 9 District Commissioner’s Meeting, The Park Church at 6:45 p.m. 9 District Roundtables,The Park Church at 7:15 p.m. 30 Pack Open House Night 7 p.m. at all Chartering Organizations
6 District Committee Meeting, Huntersville Presbyterian Church at 7 p.m. 7-9 Hornets Nest District Sr. Camporee/Jamboree at the Mecklenburg Scout Reservation 13 District Commissioner’s Meeting, The Park Church at 6:45 p.m. 13 District Roundtables, The Park Church at 7:15 p.m. TBD School Nights for Scouting TBD School Nights’ application Turn-in
4 District Committee Meeting, Huntersville Presbyterian Church at 7 p.m. 11 District Commissioner’s Meeting, The Park Church at 6:45 p.m. 11 District Roundtables, The Park Church at 7:15 p.m.
District Key 4 District Chairman Stuart Tucker District Commissioner Don Herzhauser District Director John Crapster 704.342.9324 District Executive John Bittinger 704.342.9336
Apache Message from Stuart Tucker, Our New District Chairman
To make a living and to support my Scouting obsessions, I practice medicine, specifically, internal medicine and the specialty of endocrinology. In March, as I was considering the request to take on the role of Apache District Chairman for the coming year, a sign outside a room at Mercy Hospital showed an inspirational quote. The quote was from Walt Disney—“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” Many impossibilities of life are decidedly not mechanical, like marriage, family, work, politics and economics. Scouting is one of these impossibilities. I have a handle on how a troop works from my experience as Scoutmaster for 9 years, and I can understand Baden-Powell’s plan for his troop of 22 boys on Brown Sea Island in Poole Harbor in Dorset, England from July 29 to August 9, 1907. The enterprises that have evolved to support modern Scouting, from recruitment and advancement and training leaders, from fundraising to camp facilities to feeding a 500 to 1000 people a day at summer camp or 40,000 per day at a Jamboree, from merchandise sales to managing staff payroll to publications are also so vast and intricate that I will never be able to grasp them entirely, but I can enjoy fun and safe Scouting adventures nevertheless. With this privilege of being a tiny part of a giant Scouting enterprise, first as a Scout in Richmond, Virginia, as a boy, and now as an adult in Charlotte, I have incurred a debt to those adults, who also as tiny parts of this enterprise set me on my way. I cannot pay them back directly, but my obligation reaches forward to the youth who will one day take my places. Just as it seems an impossibility that any 11 year old boy could become an Eagle Scout, just think of how much fun he and we have in creating the opportunities for him to safely climb that trail to Eagle. That is the same impossibility that the Apache District Committee faces on a grander scale, to create the opportunities for many youth (boys and girls) to join Scouting and advance in their skills, grow in character, develop in leadership. I appreciate this opportunity and I very much appreciate your sacrifices of time, energy, and money to take on this impossible job. We can plan now for plenty of fun as we work together doing the impossible over the next year.
Message from Don Herzhauser, Our New District Commissioner
It’s good to be back …….I can’t begin to tell you how good it feels to be active again in the Apache District and serve as your Apache District Commissioner. I’ve been immediately impressed with the outstanding and committed Unit Commissioner staff that’s focused on the success of every unit in our district. Throughout the upcoming year I’ll be looking for other strong leaders to add to the richness of our Unit Commissioner Staff. Please drop me an email at dherzhauser@carolina. if you’re interested in talking more about this rewarding role in the service of Scouting. I look forward to see many of my Apache District friends through the next year at roundtable and other outstanding Scout functions.
Cub Scout Open House
Mark your calendars now Cub Scout leaders. Our annual open house recruit night at all Cub Scout pack chartered organizations will be on Thursday, August 30th starting at 7pm. Let Christopher Gamble know if your Cub Scout pack would like to participate by emailing him at ccgamble@ This is a great way to recruit new Cub Scouts and their parents and grow your pack.
School Night for Scouting
Make plans now to have several volunteers present at the August 9th Roundtable at Sharon Baptist Church. We will be going over the School Night recruiting game plan. All CMS elementary schools will be open one evening during the month of September (please be prepared to give us your school preference at the roundtable if not before). We will need many volunteers to get involved to be successful this year. Let’s get more youth involved in our great Scouting program. Christopher Gamble is again serving as our Fall Round-Up Chairman. Thanks Christopher for your leadership! All CMS elementary schools in Apache District will be open for recruitment one evening. Dates are: September 10th-12th and from the 17th-20th.
Apache Adult Leader Roundtables
Important Dates
Roundtable will be on the following dates at Sharon Baptist Church starting at 7:30pm: August 9th, September 13th, October 11th and November 8th. In July, we will not have any district meetings. On December 13th, we will be having our District Banquet at St. Matthew Catholic Church. Check our council website for more details. We need your help with providing an excellent program this year. If you or someone you know can help with Roundtable, please let Al Nedrich (District Roundtable Commissioner) know. He can be contacted at
July Camp Dates
Summer Camp @ Grimes Week 3
Apache Fall Cuboree
Mark your calendar now for this year’s fall Cuboree October 12th-14th. Location will be at Belk Scout Camp. We are encouraging all Cub Scouts and family members to participate. See the council website for more information. We are going to have so much FUN!
Webelos Adventure Camp Session 1
District Program Helps
Summer Camp @ Grimes Week 4
Please go to our district web site for two new segments that we believe will be beneficial to both units and adult leaders. There is a Fundraising Section where units can post their specific information about an upcoming fund raising event so folks outside their immediate unit may have the option to participate and help out. The second segment will be called Around the Campfire where unit leaders, parents and friends can see potential options for a weekend or day trip, suggestions where Eagle projects are needed, and just good old discussion topics.
Webelos Adventure Camp Session 2
Webelos Adventure Camp Session 3
Adult Training
Summer Camp @ Grimes Week 5
We suggest that ALL adults whose Youth Protection will expire in 2012 (and youth turning 18 this year) go ahead and take Youth Protection online. This 20-minute investment will pay off for the next 2 years! Please also review each Scouter’s Trained to Position status. If an adult has “crossed over” with his son, they may not be trained to the current position (Den leader to Assistant Scoutmaster; Pack Committee Member to Troop Committee Member).
Webelos Adventure Camp Session 4
Weekly District eNewsletter “Smoke Signal”
If you have information you would like to share with the district, please send that information to and it will be forwarded to the team to be added. Please make sure you have your contact information included should there be any questions. If you are not on our eNewsletter subscriber list, but would like to be added, then please send a blank e-mail to: from the e-mail address you want subscribed and the rest is automatic. We do not need any additional information. Or to unsubscribe, just send a blank e-mail to from the e-mail address you want unsubscribed and the rest is done automatically.
9 District Committee Meeting 9 Program Preview Roundtable/ School Night for Scouting Training 9 District Commissioner Meeting 30 Cub Scout Charter Organization Open House 10-12 13 13 13 17-20 22
Former Apache District Chairman George MacBain Receives the Silver Beaver Award
This year’s Annual Recognition Banquet was held on April 26th. George MacBain was one of eight to receive the Silver Beaver Award. Congratulations George! Thanks for all that you do.
School Night Recruitment District Committee Meeting Roundtable District Commissioner School Night Recruitment Scouter Success Seminar at CPCC Levine Campus (Adult Leader Training) 29 Trailblazer Day at Belk Scout Camp
STAFF District Chair Bill Rose 704.668.1642 District Commissioner John Dick 704.544.7298
Etowah Congratulations to District Award Recipients:
Etowah District recognized their volunteer leaders at an awards program on April 12 at the Culbertson Dining Hall at Belk Scout Camp. Special thanks go out to District Chair Bill Rose, District Commissioner, John Dick, and Chris Schatz, District Advancement Chair, who handled the arrangements for the event. Troop 140 of Cross and Crown Lutheran Church provided the set-up, decorations and meal for the evening. Troop 140 did an awesome job! Over 150 Scouters and Scouts attended this event. The evening concluded with a special James E West presentation to Christi Migliaccio. Please congratulate the following Scouters on their recognitions:
District Director Mike Rusho 704.342.9347
Silver Beaver Awards: Bill Rose Dale Salter Clark Davenport
District Award of Merit: Bart Carlson Mike Hastings Rich Jensen
Lifetime Service Award: Tom Mathern Patty Irwin
Commissioner of the Year: Brad McLelland
District Committee Member of the Year: Julia Sain
Volunteer of the Year: Carole Stojetz
Cub Scout Leader of the Year: Bob Adams
Boy Scout Leader of the Year: David Stojetz
James E West Fellows: Christi Migliaccio
District Meetings: (No meetings in July or December) Roundtable 2nd Thursday Morning Star Lutheran Church, 7:30 p.m. 12509 Idlewild Road, Matthews District Committee Meeting 2nd Thursday Morning Star Lutheran Church, 6:00 p.m. 12509 Idlewild Road, Matthews District Commissioner Meeting 2nd Thursday Morning Star Lutheran Church, 6:00 p.m. 12509 Idlewild Road, Matthews
Godsend Awards: The following individuals were recognized by their respective units for making a significant impact in the lives of young people:
• Christi Migliaccio – Etowah District • Diana Evdemon – Crew 447 • Aaron Lyles and
• John Silvestri – Troop 12 • Mike Ellis and
Michael Brians – Troop 15
Martin Britton – Pack 12
• Beth Cole and
Tara O’Brian – Pack 65
• Jeff Snyder – Troop 95 • Scott Bokhoven and
• Andrew Garrett – Pack 33 • Edmond Cook and • Scott Chadwick – Pack 135 • Monique Brooks and Lisa Kelley – Pack 140
• Ketih Butler and
Catherine Howard – Pack 144
• Diane Radey – Pack 159 • Tom Valiquette and John Palko – Pack 164
• Bradley Turner– Pack 198 • Molly Joyner and Eddie Joyner – Pack 214
• Becki Andrico – Pack 447 • Michele Matkin – Pack 515
Charles Clark – Troop 39
Ben Wilson – Troop 118
• Ivan Rietz – Troop 121 • Dana Long – Troop 133 • April Rose – Troop 140 • Tim Otten – Troop 144 • Marilu Byrd – Troop 147 • Mel Johnsen – Troop 159 • George Irwin – Troop 164 • Roy Padgett and Terry Dixon – Troop 413
• Andy Martin – Troop 447 • Bob Perrott – Troop 515.
Etowah Friends of Scouting:
Etowah District is closing in on our 2012 FOS goal of $140,000! We would like to thank each of our supporters and every Etowah unit that participated in the campaign. Congratulations on a great effort! We have 20 Etowah units that achieved FOS recognition levels: Foundation Unit $1000-$2500 Pack 15, Pack 33, Pack 46, Pack 140, Pack 144, Pack 198, Troop 95, Troop 121, Troop 133, Troop 144, Troop 164, Troop 198, Troop 413 Silver Eagle Unit $2500-$5000 Troop 65
Golden Eagle Unit $5000-$10,000 Pack 214, Troop 15, Troop 33, Troop 140
Platinum Eagle Unit $10,000-$20,000 Troop 39
Double Platinum Eagle Unit $20,000 + Troop 118
Have a safe and fun summer of Scouting activities for all of our Etowah units!
Cub Scout Round-Up is Around the Corner.
• Recruitment training and materials pick-up are scheduled for August 9th at 7:30 PM at
Morning Star Lutheran Church. All packs should have at least one representative attending this event to pick up their packets, review their school assignments, and get updates on any changes in the program. • Unit Open House Nights are scheduled for August 30th at your specific meeting locations. Specific turn-in locations will be discussed during the August Roundtable. • School Nights are slated for the weeks of September 10th and 17th. • Each school will have a lead pack that will coordinate all activities with school personnel and other packs also recruiting at that location.
Etowah District Annual Recognition Banquet
Please enjoy a few photos from our April 12th, 2012 Etowah District Adult Recognition Banquet. We had a great time!
Christi Migliaccio received the James E West Fellowship and the Godsend Award.
Julia Sain receives the District Committee Member of the Year Award.
Mike Rusho is a “life saver” to the Etowah District!
Christie Silvestri, Christi Migliaccio, Mary Ann Greene and Carole Stojetz come together for a picture.
Etowah District Boy Scouts of America 2012 Adult Recognition Banquet
Belk Scout Camp April 12, 2012
STAFF Bob Coughlin Rick Jensen Scott Whitlock WWW.MCCTRAINING.ORG
Training Scouter Success Seminars 2012
Scouter Success Seminars 2012 will be held on Saturday, September 22, 2012 at CPCC’s Levine Campus in Matthews. At this, our largest annual training event, we will offer over 40 different courses that will include all position-specific training courses for Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing Crew Adult Leaders; outdoor courses like map and compass, GPS and Geocaching, Dutch Oven Cooking, Campfires, and Backpack Cooking; Where to Go Camping, Board of Review Courses; and all about Eagle Projects and mentoring your Boy Scouts from Life to Eagle. Courses are geared to all levels of Scout leaders in all Scout programs, and for all experience levels. If you miss this event, you will be missing a great opportunity to learn how to deliver the promise of Scouting and how to help your unit provide a more exciting program for your Scouts. The council would also like to thank outgoing committee chair, Stan Nester, for his many years of loyal service to the council training committee. Under Stan’s leadership the council raised the bar for quality training and thousands of youth members and adult leaders, benefited from that service.
Miriam Olynick Named Training Committee Chair
Council Vice President of Program, Mack Patterson, has appointed Miriam Olynick as the Chairperson of the Council Training Committee. In this role, Miriam will give leadership to all aspects of the youth and adult leadership training in our council. It is our goal to have 100% of our volunteer leaders “trained to position.” Much of that can be accomplished on-line. We also provide specialized training in areas such as: Wilderness First Aid, Leave No Trace, Wood Badge, and more. Here is a little more about Miriam: Miriam was hooked on Scouting from the beginning. She has served as den leader, pack trainer, troop chaplain, Apache District training chair, and on the past 4 Wood Badge course staffs. She has been honored with the Talahi Webelos Leader of the Year Award, the Bronze Pelican award from the Diocese of Charlotte Catholic Committee on Scouting, the Apache District Award of Merit, and the Earle J. Gluck Training award. She is a proud member of the Owl Patrol from Wood Badge SR-782. Scouting has always had a strong presence in the Olynick family. Her husband, Peter, who currently serves as Scoutmaster for Troop 288 and on the Apache District Committee, was an active Cub and Boy Scout. Peter regaled stories of his trips on the Appalachian Trail and to the Explorer Olympics. Miriam’s son, Alex, now 19, was hooked from that first Tiger Cub meeting as well, and was awarded his Eagle rank in October, 2009.
Welcome New Membership Vice President, Ken May
Ken has served in several Scouting roles including Cubmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Chairman, Assistant District Commissioner and District Chairman of the Tsungani District (now called the Apache District for the most part). He is a longtime Scouter and was active in Troops in Nashville and Atlanta before joining Troop 8 at Matthews Catholic Church back in 1997. Ken is Wood Badge trained and has his Commissioner’s college PhD. Ken & Jo Ann are the proud parents of three UNC Chapel Hill graduates; Brian, Ashley and Michelle. Brian is an Eagle Scout with five palms and was a Camp Grimes summer camp counselor. Welcome Ken!
Membership Now Entering…“The Scout Zone”
On May 12th the Membership and Activities committees of the council hosted a recruiting event at Belk Scout Camp. Letters of invitation were mailed to kindergarten, first, fifth and sixth grade-boys, and current Scouts were encouraged to invite a non-Scout friend.
STAFF Field Director Gary Moore Gary.Moore
The events included BB and archery shooting, fishing, nature study, sports and games, Scout skills, crafts, BMX biking, climbing and zip-lining. Under the theme of “The Scout Zone” the event was directed to our youngest would-be Cubs and Scouts; to give them a taste of Scouting, to peak their interest and then refer them to their neighborhood Cub Scout pack or Boy Scout troop. Over 200 participants/ parents/siblings came out to enjoy this three-hour experience and we received contact information from over 100 boys to follow up on. We could not have pulled this event together without committed volunteers who were willing to step out of their unit and district responsibilities to help the council to staff it; especially to the council Activities Committee, Chairman Tanya Hartje, for their support in recruiting.
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But in the final analysis, Scouting is important because it is a life-changing experience for kids. Often times we think of this change happening over a great span of time…sometimes years…but not necessarily so in ALL cases. Here is an excerpt from an email and pictures sent to Scout Executive Mark Turner after this event. I think the message speaks for itself…thanks Ms. Soucey for your feedback and welcome to the Scouting family! “…I wanted to also take a minute to tell you how impressed I was with all of the volunteers at today’s event. My oldest son Connor waited for over two hours for the zip line. He talked about it all morning and couldn’t wait to get up there. When he did... he froze. I was on the ground, but I could hear him crying. I knew he was terrified. Mr. Silvestri, the volunteer who was working with him, was so patient. I heard nothing but encouragement from the kids up in the tower, the parents on the ground and the Scouts working the line. If anyone was upset that he was holding up the line, they didn’t show it. It took them a while but somehow they managed to talk him into taking that step off of the platform. We aren’t members of Cub Scouts now, but the second Connor stepped off that platform I knew we would be. When he climbed down the ladder, his knees were shaking but he was proud. On the way home, I reminded him that courage is not the absence of fear, but the mastery of fear. Thank you so much for helping him to learn that lesson and big thanks to the guys up in the tower for not giving up on him. I bet he never forgets it. I know I won’t.”
Connor and his br Tristan, enjoyed shoo other, ting BBs.
Thanks for a great day, Janice Soucey
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Advancement News
One Hundred Years Of Eagle Scouts
(This is a special invitation by John Zseller, a Scouter in Nassau County, New York,) Nassau County Boy Scouts of America celebrates the 100th Anniversary of the 1st Eagle Scout in America, Arthur R. Eldred, Troop 1, Rockville Centre, N.Y. with a parade in Rockville Centre. The 100th Anniversary parade celebration for Arthur R Eldred will take place starting at 10:00AM on Saturday, September 8, 2012, at the Eldred Park, located at the corner of North Centre Ave and Parkwood. All Scouts and family members are welcomed to join Theodore Roosevelt Council, BSA and its staff. Arthur R Eldred received his Eagle award on August 21, 1912. Since that date, over 100 million boys have enjoyed the Boy Scouting experience but only 2 million plus Scouts have achieved the rank of Eagle. Arthur was born in Brooklyn, than moved to Long Island after his father died and became a member of Troop 1, Rockville Centre in Nov. 1910 (8 months after Scouting began in the United States). He advanced through the ranks and less than 2 years after joining he was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. We invite all councils to send a delegation of Eagle Scouts (maximum of 25) to march in our parade. Our Long Island Scout Camp site is available for overnight camping accommodations at no cost. Please contact John Zseller at or 1-516-797-7600, ext113. Mr. Scoutmaster, if you and your Eagle Scouts would like to attend this special event as a troop function, please contact Joel Moser, Council Advancement Chair, at email for further information.
Eagle Scout Project Information
Project Submittal Time Change - Please note that the Eagle Scout Project Workbook Proposal is no longer required to be turned into the Scout Office by noon on the 3rd Tuesday of the month for the Project Review Committee meeting that day. The new deadline time is 4:00pm on the 3rd Tuesday. This change will eliminate an unnecessary trip to the Scout Office beforehand for those Scouts opting to attend the 4:00pm review meeting. It will also allow additional time for turning in the Project Proposal for those not attending.
Lowe’s National Eagle Scout Project Grant
The Lowe’s Company has made available $100 Discover Gift Cards for the purpose of purchasing materials for Eagle Scout Service Projects. The Scout, while working on his project, can redeem it at any store honoring the Discover card. The grant application, along with instructions, is found on the council website, “Eagle Scout Information” under “Forms”. The completed grant application must be submitted with the Project Proposal at the time it is turned in at the Scout Office for the monthly Eagle Scout Service Project Review Committee meeting. To receive the grant, Lowe’s stipulates that the approved service project must be completed by the end of 2012; a copy of the completed Eagle Project Workbook with color photos of the project must be provided, and receipts for all of the $100 must accompany the workbook Because of the limited number of grants available, the Eagle Scout Project Review Committee will select the recipients based upon predetermined criteria.
Advancement Training
Three important advancement training courses will be offered at the Scouter Success Seminar coming up on Saturday, September 22, 2012, at the CPCC Levine Campus. Two will be the usual Merit Badge Counselor Training and the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook Training. If registration and facilities permit, Life Scouts who wish to learn more about the Eagle Scout Workbook may attend the latter course. Youth participation will be on a first come – first serve registration basis depending upon seating accommodations. The third course will be different from the past and all Troop Committee members and District Reviewers for the Eagle Board of Review are encouraged to attend. This training course will be a marathon of comprehensive training as to how Boards of Review are to be conducted. The first segment will be dedicated to the expectations of all Boards of Review with actual role playing to demonstrate the point. The last segment will be dedicated to covering the additional expectations of the Eagle Board of Review. Here special emphasis will be addressed concerning recent changes mandated by National in the “Guide To Advancement -2011”. The recent changes by National make it imperative that District Reviewers for Eagle Boards of Review attend this training course.
Scouts With Disabilities
Because of the changes by National BSA in the new publication “Guide To Advancement – 2011”, it has come to the attention of the Council Advancement Committee that Scouts with disabilities may now be advancing in the Scouting program with incorrect expectations. In order for a Scout with disabilities not be disappointed when it comes time for him be recognized for his advancement effort, it is imperative that they are advancing under the most recent guidelines. If you are a Cubmaster or Scoutmaster of a Scout with a disability, please contact Julia Sain, a member of the Council Advancement Committee. Her contact information is: 704-537-0550, ext. 16, or Julia will work with you to assure that your Scout has a most positive and productive advancement experience.
Finance News 2012 Executive Board Social and Heritage Reception
The council hosted its first combined Board Social and Heritage Reception at the Wells Fargo Museum on Wednesday, April 25, 2012. Sixty board members/spouses and endowment donors attended the event that was sponsored by Wells Fargo NA. In addition to the social gathering, event Chairman David Brawley presented James E. West Awards to Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Morgan and Will Barnhardt in memory of the his Grandfather William H. Barnhardt. The council thanks Wells Fargo for being such a gracious host!
STAFF Assistant Scout Executive Tony Morton Development Director Carlton Crump
Council Golf Tournament
The council hosted its 22nd Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, May 14 at the Peninsula Club. The event, which is a corporate cup format, honors the late John M. Belk and attracts companies from around the country. This year’s event was chaired by newly appointed board member, Rone Reed of US Trust. Rone and his committee did an outstanding job in organizing the event. This year, 21 companies competed for the coveted John M. Belk Memorial Cup on a beautiful Monday afternoon at Lake Norman. Immediately following play, there was an hour long networking cocktail party followed by the closing ceremony and dinner. Thanks to Troop 394 of the Johnson YMCA for serving as the color guard for the closing dinner.
Get Ready for the 2012 Popcorn Sale!
Teamwork can get you very far these days; it can help you sell enough popcorn to pay for your entire year of Scouting! Sign up your unit to sell popcorn for fall 2012! Start planning your sale today! Recruit your top sellers now; new products, new prizes, exciting incentives for both the unit and the Scout. The sale starts September 29, online sales start August 1. Check out www., sign up to sell popcorn online, learn all about the popcorn products and what prizes you can earn. If you have any questions, email Terrie Bailey at 2012 Program Highlights • New product line and packaging • Improved microwave product flavor • 36% more nuts in Caramel Corn with Almonds and Pecans • New prize program • Electronic gift cards • Free mobile app
Sign Up Today!
Teamwork... That's what’s popping! 2012 Mecklenburg County Council Popcorn Sale
Exploring New Vice President of Exploring
The Mecklenburg County Council and the Exploring Division are proud to announce our new Vice President of Exploring, Chipp Bailey, Sheriff of Mecklenburg County. Sheriff Bailey has been a longtime supporter of Exploring and its mission, to help young people learn about future careers with caring and responsible adults. The Mecklenburg County Sheriff ’s Office sponsors Explorer Post 224, led by Advisor Deputy Christopher Stoop.
STAFF Vice President Chipp Bailey 704.336.6938 District Chair Vanessa Benton Exploring/Special Initiatives Director Justin Lewter 704.342.9331 Exploring / Learning for Life District Executive Jonathan Russell 704.342.9342
Chipp Bailey Vice President Exploring
Beginning his work in 1972, Sheriff Bailey joined the Mecklenburg County Police Department as a Patrol Officer. He continued his work with the county as an analyst and administrator, and became Chief Deputy in 1994. Chipp was appointed as Sheriff by the Mecklenburg County Commission in February of 2008, and won reelection the same year.
Sheriff Bailey and the Mecklenburg County Council would like to thank outgoing Vice President, Art Gallagher, for his consistent leadership and unwavering support in the Exploring program. Art is the President of Johnson and Wales University, and has worked diligently to promote Exploring in Mecklenburg County during his tenure. The Sheriff is very excited to begin his work to promote Exploring in Mecklenburg County, and believes that the mission of Exploring is crucial to the success of students in our community.
Post 890 Receives William H. Spurgeon Award
Explorer Post 890, chartered to Little Diversified Architectural Consulting, was honored with the William H. Spurgeon Award at the annual Council Recognition Banquet on April 26, 2012. Accepting the award on behalf of the firm was Post Advisor Ashley Hall and Post Committee Chairman Sarah Areheart.
The William H. Spurgeon Award is the highest award an individual or organization can receive to honor their work in Exploring.
Post 890 has been a chartered organization with our council since 1998. In that time, the volunteers at Little have worked tirelessly to show students the challenges and rewards of the interior design industry. Members work hard as individuals and teammates to develop a plan based on the needs of a client, and present them in a professional environment.
Exploring Impact Luncheon set for June 5th
The annual Exploring Impact Luncheon will take place at Johnson and Wales University on June 5th, from 11:45-1:00. The event will be hosted by new Vice President of Exploring, Sheriff Chipp Bailey. Renowned weatherman, and Eagle Scout, Larry Sprinkle will be the guest speaker. Larry will speak briefly about the importance of career exploration, and how he became involved in the field of meteorology. We will also be celebrating another successful year of Exploring in Mecklenburg County. If you are interested in getting your organization or business involved with Exploring next fall, or know someone else that might be interested, please contact Jonathan Russell at (704)-342-9342.
Special Initiatives
In Action!
Our outreach programs are growing stronger every day. Staff and volunteers are working diligently to provide improved outdoor experiences before and beyond residence camp this summer. In the last four months, Cubs and Scouts have enjoyed several camping trips including outings to Camp Grimes, Belk Scout Camp and South Mountain. Pioneering, first aid, cooking, hiking, climbing, C.O.P.E. and a host of other merit badges and advancement activities have been achieved thanks to our committed staff and volunteers.
Scouts geared up for Mountain Boar ding
The Scouting through Soccer program ends another spring season with three new chartered partners and dozens of youth excited about summer residence camp in July. The collaboration between Scouting and sports is proving to be a greater success than we imagined. Scouts and their families are continuing to participate in more traditional Scout activities and events, including camp card sales and residence camps. Best of all, we have two more Scouts from the Scouting through Soccer program that will be working on their Eagle projects after summer camp.
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Fun Days concluded to rave reviews. We added 5 new schools to our camp day outings at Belk Scout Camp. With an increased presence in CMS high schools, our Learning for Life programs for youth with disabilities will only grow this year. We look forward to the new partnerships that are forming as a result of expanding our programs to include the CMS Occupational Course of Study classes. A special thank you goes to the men and women of Wells Fargo who volunteered their time to help us kick off our first Fun Day for the season.
Fun and adventure brings troops toge ther!
We welcome Mr. Morris Rosen to the Wunita Service team. Morris has more than 30 years of Scouting experience; and more than a dozen years working with developmentally disabled Scouts. Morris will be providing leadership and support to our Scouts with disabilities in school and group home settings. Staff: Exploring/Special Initiatives Director: Justin Lewter • 704.342.9331 • Vice President, Special Initiatives: Bob Marshall • 704.383.9280 • Division Chair, David Lintz • 704.364.0227 •
trek r lunch on the bike fo t ou e m ti g in ak T
Periodicals Postage PAID Charlotte, NC
BACKPACK Mecklenburg County Council Boy Scouts of America 1410 E. 7th Street Charlotte, NC 28204
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Visit our Scouts in the News page at for outstanding news in local Scouting!
Calendar July
1-7 Week 3 Summer Camp 1 4 Independence Day – Service Center & Scout Shop Closed 9 8-14 Week 4 Summer Camp 13 8-11 Webelos Adventure Camp #1 15 9 Council Commissioner Mtg 11-14 Webelos Adventure Camp #2 21 12 Marketing Committee Mtg 22 13-17 Summit Shakedown 24-26 15-21 Week 5 Summer Camp 26 15-18 Webelos Adventure Camp #3 27 17 Eagle Scout Service Project Review 30 18 Order of the Arrow NOAC Planning Mtg 19-22 Webelos Adventure Camp #4 23 Council Executive Board Mtg 25 2013 National Jamboree Committee Mtg 26 Council Properties Mtg
Council Advancement Committee Mtg OA Lodge Executive Board Mtg Marketing Committee Mtg Council Commissioner Mtg Council Training Committee Mtg Council Program Committee Mtg Eagle Scout Service Project Review 2013 National Jamboree Committee Mtg OA Ordeal 2013 National Jamboree Scout interviews District Operations Mtg Cub Scout Recruitment Night
3 Labor Day – Service Center & Scout Shop Closed 5 Council Advancement Committee Mtg OA Lodge Executive Board Mtg 10 Council Commissioner Mtg 10-20 School Nights to Join Scouting 13 Council Properties Committee Mtg Marketing Committee Mtg 14-16 Xtreme Weekend at Camp Grimes 18 Eagle Scout Service Project Review 19 Council Training Committee Mtg Council Program Committee Mtg 22 Scouter Success Seminar 24 Council Executive Board Mtg 26 2013 National Jamboree Committee Mtg 28-30 OA Fall Fellowship 29 Trailblazer Adventure Day