3rd Issue of The Scroll S.Y. 2022-2023; Terrain of Creation: Experiences and Expectations

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VOLL VOL.LISSUENO3 ISSUENO.3 January-March2022 January-March2022 TheOfficialStudentPublicationof TheOfficialStudentPublicationof JoseRizalUniversity JoseRizalUniversity JuniorHighSchoolDivision JuniorHighSchoolDivision


Editor-in-Chief Princess Hannah Carnaje Managing Editor Marcus Dwein Ferrer


LiteraryEditor SheikAhmedMathewSagnip

SportsEditor XianDondonilla

FeatureEditor ChristineMaeTumacder


FilipinoLiteraryEditor JeraldRichmondPagnanawon

EnglishLiteraryEditor MayaGabrielleFabian


NewsWriter StephanieLagutom

NewsWriter KirstinShamiekaLlaban

FeatureWriter KatelynAtienza

NewsEditor XianCyrenMeriales

FilipinoLiteraryWriter JaninaCarolineCortez

SportsWriter MikkoAshleyAbanto

EnglishLiteraryWriter GianCleinLadia

EnglishLiteraryWriter CassandraLouiseHernandez


Cartoonist LesterNeoCobilla

Cartoonist AndreaJameelaEvangelista

FilipinoLiteraryWriter YuanSta.Ana

Cartoonist AleishaFelicityReal

Cartoonist AngelineNicoleHuizo

LayoutArtist RamonLuisConcepcion

LayoutArtist AndreaTaneza

If someone asks me what it is like to be a high school

If someone asks what it is like to student, my answer will be, "A tourist " A traveler who is student my answer will be "A tourist " A traveler who is unfamiliar with the road he or she would take Someone with the road she take Someone who is still trying to figure out which way to go who is still trying to figure out which way to go

I know some of you, or most of us, are carrying heavy I know some you, or most of us, are carrying heavy baggage filled with expectations from the people who baggage filled with expectations from the people who surround us It is so tiring that sometimes you would surround us It is so tiring that sometimes you would think of giving up However, if you think about it, a think of giving up However, if you think about it, a tourist has a tour guide-our family They can be your tourist a guide-our family They be parents, teachers, or even friends They will make sure parents, teachers, or even friends They will make sure that you will never shoulder the burden alone that you alone

Do not forget to bring your map It serves as a Do to bring your map It serves as a reminder of your dream destination and a guide to what reminder of your dream destination and a guide to what you expect ahead When you are lost, just look at the you expect ahead When are lost, just look at the compass that represents God Remember that He will compass that represents God Remember that He will always point you in the right direction As long as you always point in the right direction As long as you follow and trust Him, nothing will go wrong and trust Him, nothing will go wrong

Fellow Rizalians, keep in mind that on every trip that Fellow in that on every trip that we take, there are a lot of unexpected problems that we we take, there are a lot of unexpected problems that we must encounter We will be exhausted, hurt, and encounter We will be exhausted, hurt, and disappointed But please, do not quit Because that is disappointed But please do not quit Because that is part of our journey Those are 'our' experiences a our journey Those are 'our' experiences a foundation of what we will be in the future foundation of what we will in future

Stop pressuring yourself with overflowing Stop pressuring yourself overflowing expectations from others Instead take that as a expectations from others Instead, take that as a challenge to do better and be the best version of challenge to do better and be the best version of yourself Learn from your experiences and apply that yourself Learn from your experiences and apply that knowledge in the present in the present

The Scroll proudly presents our third issue with the proudly presents our third issue ttheme: heme: Terrain of Creation: Experiences and Terrain of Creation: Experiences and Expectations Expectations We would like to motivate all of you to We like to motivate all of to keep on moving keep on moving

EliseJamillaDeLeon MarjonMatthewBigata AtashiaMeiRama
start local soap business 115 5 Science Club, Kapisanang Filipino team up in an outreach program 116 6 Library exhibit showcases the works of Rizalians SPORTS SPORTS Light Bombers take down Brigadiers, kick off season with a feisty win 117 7 118-19 8-19 RIzalian's NGL 20-21 20-21 LITERARY LITERARY Your Choice Candles - Oras Na 22 22 23 23 Your Choice - Taglay ng Buhay 24 24 Taglay ng Buhay 25 25 Brain teasers 26 26 Comics 27-30 27-30


On March 8, the world commemora-

ted International Women’s Day, a celebration of women’s rights and the bringing of attention to issues such as gender equality and violence and abuse against women. The holiday has been designated as an official United Nations observance since 1975.

The world views women as the inferior sex to men, deeming them physically less capable and less intelligent. Over a century ago, women were deprived of their rights to education and suffrage. Society stuck to conventional gender roles for women, setting them up to become housewives for men, who, on the other hand, are perceived to be the better sex.

Stereotypes, gender roles, and discrimination have gone too far, depriving women of their rights, needs, and aspirations —and they have had enough of it.

In New York City in 1908, female garment workers protested against their working conditions and sought rights and suffrage. From then on, women's empowerment began to flourish across the globe. In 1917,

Russian women were the first to gain legislative rights in a country of major power. Thousands of strikes and movements can be seen throughout the 20th century where women fought and gained equal opportunities with men.

While women still experience prejudice and unequal treatment today, they have made significant progress in their pursuit of gender equality.

For instance, neither sex is withheld from their right to education. Rigid gender roles are no longer prevalent. Moreover, wives and husbands can both become breadwinners for their families.

Women now, unlike before, have a vast array of options for their career opportunities. They can freely exercise their suffrage and civil rights and have female representation in the government. They can now possess a loud voice to make a change for the young women growing up today, for themselves, and for a gender-equal world.

Gender equality means that the different behaviors, rights, needs, and aspirations of women and men are considered equal, regardless of whether they are born male or female. It does not mean for them to become the same; instead, it seeks fair treatment according to their respective needs. It is what the world ought to pursue for a better world.

"Gender equality is humanity’s fight, not women ’ s "
Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll

Nourishingthe MindandBodyof YoungChildren



The English Club, along with the Dramatics Club of Jo-

se Rizal University - Junior High School Division (JRUJHS), organized an outreach program in Barangay Hulo for Saturday Schoolers of Jesus First Christian Ministries (JFCM) on Saturday, December 10, 2022, carrying the aim of sharing one’s blessings through donating Bible Storybooks.

The said program started at exactly 3 p.m. and was hosted by selected club officers with the help of their club advisers, Mrs. Angeline C. Donato and Ms. Arlita Sion. Hand in hand, they taught the youth about the importance of being compassionate and polite.

Excitement and laughter filled the room as the children participated in the games prepared by Elaiza Criscel A. Nido, the English Club President.

A story entitled “Maskara ni Miko” was narrated well by Mrs. Angeline C. Donato followed by questions and answers. Winners were given prizes.

Furthermore, students from both clubs arranged the following supplies they ought to hand out. Whilst some provided books. The English Teachers contributed to buy additional prizes, snacks, and books the day before December 9, 2022.

All in all, at least 40 books were donated to JFCM, and last year’s Christmas season was unlike any other for both the children and the selected club officers from the JHS.

Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll


Children's Month Celebration FEATURE


In honor of the Children's Month, Mandaluyong City held multiple competitions for children of all grade levels. Under the guidance of teachers, some students of the JHS division were able to participate in the competitions.

The students joined a Spoken Poetry Competition, a Singing Competition, and an Advocacy Campaign Video Competition. For the Spoken Poetry Competition, Princess Carnaje prepared by writing her inspirations and memorizing her composition only a week before the competition. Redd Carreon prepared for the Singing Competition by looking up Kundiman songs and practicing ceaselessly. The Advocacy Campaign Video crew prepared by researching and familiarizing themselves with their chosen concept.


Princess Carnaje won fifth place in the Spoken Poetry Competition, Redd Carreon won fourth place in the Singing Competition, and Ethan Baltazar, Christine Tumacder, Princess Carnaje, Sophia Perez, Katelyn

Atienza, Shimae Pagaran, Andrew Tubello, Earla Belano, Bernice Tan, and Asiana Antiporda won fourth place in the Advocacy Campaign Video Competition.

As JRU-JHS representatives, they did not let us down. Seeing the fruitful results, we can say that their efforts paid off!

The purpose of the competition was to inspire all kinds of children and even people. As such, the participants have learned their own lessons from the competition. Those who were informed of the competition on short notice proved that their determination helped them achieve good things even with limited time. The participants also realized their privilege to have supportive parents, friends, and teachers. Additionally, through these competitions, they were able to raise more awareness about the circumstances of less fortunate children.

Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll

BookTalk Showdown2022: competingwith passion

Last December 2, 2022, Junior High School (JHS) students gathered in the auditorium to watch the annual Book Talk Showdown where Princess Hannah B. Carnaje of 10-A, with her chosen book ‘Something Spectacular’ by April Avery, won overall champion.

The competition started as the participants began presenting their books one after another. Each of them shared what their chosen book was about, why the students should read it, and how it has affected their life and their perspective on it.

The members of the Booklovers Club organized the program. The annual competition participants were book readers who had the conviction to share their thoughts and knowledge of their chosen books.


InteractClubinitiatesa ChristmasOutreachProgram

The Interact Club, in cooperation with the Social Studies Club, the Character Education (CHED) Club, and String & Glee Club, collaborated to entertain and make a positive difference to the kids of Barangay Addition Hills on December 16, 2022, and was broadcasted on the official Facebook page of the Interact Club.

Everyone had their fair share of donations for the children of Addition Hills; the members of the Social Studies Club gave slippers, while the members of the CHED Club provided snacks.

Officers of the participating clubs and student teachers also prepared a variety of games for the children; Interact Club officers and student teachers prepared a dance performance.

String and Glee representatives sang their hearts out along with their ukuleles. The program paused to allow them to serve the macaroni soup prepared, and the games resumed.

Before the program ended, club presidents who participated in the outreach program gave a speech. Interact’s President Marc Castro wished everyone good health and urged them to stay happy.

CHED President Gabrielle Anne Teodoro thanked everyone for the warm welcome and support for the outreach program

Joie Laco, the president of the Social Studies Club, highlighted that children are the main focus of every Christmas celebration and he also emphasized to be grateful for everything we have.

Finally, Ms. Marienelle Lara, the Interact Club Advisor, acknowledged those who participated in the outreach program. The children were given loot bags and slippers at the end of the program.


Jose Rizal University JHS
The Scroll

JRUaidsBarangayBagong Silangresidents,helps startlocalsoapbusiness


On the 20th of January, the Jose Rizal University - Junior High School (JRU-JHS) Division, held an outreach program at

Barangay Bagong Silang Learning Center to help jumpstart a soap-manufacturing business for families that will flourish and become a source of income for the nearby locals.

Mrs. Grace Marie B. Martin, the Junior High School principal, gave the opening remarks, where she discussed providing a sustainable business for the selected families that was expected to thrive and create opportunities for more people.

First, the beneficiaries of the program received a bag of the ingredients necessary to craft a dishwashing soap.

Then, the faculty demonstrated the process of creating the soap.

Lastly, they will create their first batch of soap and they may sell it to help them earn money.

To expedite the process, JHS class representatives, faculty, and volunteer residents aided in mixing the soap ingredients.

As part of the closing remarks, the families expressed their gratitude to the people and local bodies that made this possible.

The university vowed to offer assistance to ensure that the business remains profitable whenever it is needed.

University JHS - The Scroll
Jose Rizal

ScienceClub,Kapisanang Filipinoteamupinan outreachprogram


An outreach program, spearheaded by the Science Club and the Kapisanang Filipino, was organized to provide presents to students

from the Barangay Daang Bakal Day Care Center on Friday, January 27.

The club officers, together with the club advisers, Hazel Jane Mamangon and Ma. Nerie Corpuz, hosted the said event at the Daang Bakal barangay hall with the help of the barangay captain, Richard Bassig.

The hall was filled with children and their mothers as they engaged in the games prepared by both clubs.

Prior to that, the collection of donations was conducted on Monday, January 23, among the members of both clubs.

Monetary donations were converted into physical goods: hygiene products pledged by the Science Club and school supplies pledged by the Kapisanang Filipino.

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Jose Rizal University



Library exhibit showcases theworksof Rizalians

The Library Exhibit 2023 was finally opened to the public last February 13 at 3:00 pm with the theme “Transformation and Sustainability of Technology-Driven Rizalian Education,” at the Jose Rizal University’s (JRU) Main Library.

The major highlight of the Junior High School (JHS) exhibit was the robotics prototype created by the JRU-JHS students. They developed two concepts; “the smart home” and “smart parking lot,” based on Sustainable Development Goal Number 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Visitors could watch videos presented in the library showcasing the Rizalian talents and creativity on various technology prototypes and JRU-JHS students’ final research outputs on data analytics from last year.

The exhibit also included the outputs of the winners of the Minecraft Futuristic City during the Science Day celebration from 10A, 10D, and 10C, together with the SketchUp: House Floor Planning outputs of the Multimedia Arts members.

The Scroll, the JRU-JHS student publication, collated on a website for three consecutive years until their latest issue for the public to view during the exhibit.

The previous projects of the JHS students, like Digital Photography and Superimposition, were displayed on a wall for everyone to view their outputs, along with artworks of Andrea Mae Gillo of 7D that creatively drew the faces of the JRU-JHS teachers and our Principal, Mrs. Grace Marie Martin.

The JRU-JHS Exhibit was successfully led by Mr. Roberto Layague, the Social Studies Department, and the exhibit committee, which lasted until the end of the University Week.


LightBomberstakedown Brigadiers,kickoff seasonwithafeistywin.

The Jose Rizal University (JRU) Light Bombers kicked off the new season of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Season 98 juniors basketball tournament with a win against the Emilio Aguinaldo College-Immaculate Concep-

The opening games along with the official opening ceremony was held at the EAC Gym in Manila.

The first quarter ended with the Brigadiers leading by a score of 22–16.

From the six point lead, the Light Bombers gained momentum and cut the lead down to four during the 2nd quarter of the games.

The first half of the game ended with 37–42 on the board, with the Light Bombers taking the lead.

During the game, the commentators commended the Light Bombers' “Full Court Zone Press” and labeled it as a great strategy for the team's defense and mostly the reason why the Brigadiers were struggling to score whenever the ball was in their possession.

Eventually, the strategy continued to work as the Light Bombers started off the second half of the game with two three-pointers from JB Discutido and Zairose Mina.

The third quarter ended with a score of 51–57, with the Light Bombers still leading.

During the fourth quarter, the Light Bombers were up by ten points and ended the game with a 12 point lead over the Brigadiers

With only 2:49 left on the clock, Carl Bailon's two free throws, they were able to cut the lead down to 8.

However, the lead was immediately brought back into double digits after a bomb was dropped by Paul Enal for the Light Bombers.

And with a minute left, Lee Marin put the finishing touches on the score for the Light Bombers with a dominant 12-point win, 58-70.

At the end of the game, rookie Paul Edward Enal, was awarded “Best Player of the Game” with 12 points, 20 rebounds, three assists, and two blocks.

However, Enal was not the only player who stepped up for their team during the game, EAC-ICA's Lance Duñgo also finished the game with a 17-point performance along with six rebounds and one assist.

Alongside Duñgo, Villanueva and Bailon also contributed to the Brigadiers' numbers during the game.

The JRU Light Bombers joined the Mapúa Red Robins, Letran Squires, Perpetual Junior Altas, and San Beda Red Cubs in the winning column of the NCAA Juniors Basketball standings, all with a 1–0 record.

Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll
tion Academy (EAC-ICA) Brigadiers, 58-70.


Iholdasimplecandleinthedark, Myhopelitupinjustaspark Eyeswideopen,it'slateatnight Mythoughtsechomypreviousplights

Inthisroom,I'mallalone Ifacemypast,it'setchedinstone ThethingsIdid,thethingsI'vesaid, Iamnoangel,Ihavemyregrets

EventhoughI'vemetpain, Iknowitisn'tallthesame Thislifeisaseriesofupsanddowns, I'vehitrockbottom,andI'vesoaredthroughtheclouds

Thiscandleofmineshallneverrunout, OnsomedayswhenI'msurroundedbymydoubts IamremindedofthislightthatIhold, Toseethefuturewithmuchhope.

Oras Na

Napakahalagangoras,kayahindinatinitodapatsayangin. Angmgabatanghindinakakaintindisabuhayayumabotnasalegalnaedad,

Orasna, Paralumakiatharapinangrealidad Mgamag-aaralnanagtaposngkolehiyo,

Orasna, Paramakakuhangtrabahoparakumitangsarilimongpera Iniwankangmahalmosabuhayathindinababalik,

Orasna, Paramagpatuloysabuhaykahitmasakit Kapagangiyongbuhayaygumuho,

Orasna, Paragumawangbago

Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll

Your Choice

Onemorning,afewdaysbeforesummervacationwasofficiallyover,Iwassittingattheendofour old,woodendiningtable Acrosstheotherendofthetablesatmymother,stilldressedinherpajamas, withherdark-brownhairtiedup.Shewaseatingthestore-boughtcerealIhadpouredforher.

I've noticed her glancing at me for quite a while now “Yes, mother?" I asked, triggering a conversation.Asshewasabouttoplacethespoonfulofcerealinhermouth,shesuddenlybrokedown. "Oh, my sweet girl, you ' re about to embark on a new adventure now, " she stated "College!" she continued,dramatically,yetwithagenuinehintofsorrowinhereyes.

I let out a slight laugh An awkward silence appeared, but it was shortly broken by my mother, whoasked,"Whatcoursedoyouplanontaking?"Ithoughtaboutitforasecond.I'mgoingtocollege;I shouldstarttakingthingsintomyownhands

"Iguessalittleadvicefrommyownmotherwouldn'thurt,"Isaid.Asmileappearedonherfaceas she replied, "Well, your father and I talked, and we were hoping you would consider taking medicine." Afterhearingthat,Icouldn’tdoanythingbutacknowledgehercommentwithasmileback

Ineverreallywantedtotakeaftermyparents'dreamsforme,butthelookontheirfaceswhenthey smiledwithprideandfaithinmewastoomuch Icouldn'tdecline

Awhilehadpassedsincethatconversation;itwasnowmysecondyearoftakingthiscourse You’d think that for someone to be studying a certain topic for so long and enjoying it, but not me, no, or at leastitwasn’tmewhowasenjoyingit

I really tried to make the most of learning medicine, but I just couldn’t see myself being satisfied with becoming a doctor anytime soon I knew my true passion was traveling, and oh, how I loved to travel Iwantedtobecomeaflightattendant Ineededtocallmyparents

I couldn’t believe it I was back at our house, sitting on the same seat I did that day when we had that conversation, though this time the pressure I felt was ahead of time. I heard a sudden noise and turnedaroundwhenIsawmymotherrushingdownthestairs,clearlyfilledwithenthusiasm

LITERARY 23 Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll

Hey,mom!”Igreetedherwithahug “OhLouise,you’vegrownupsomuchsincethelasttimeIsaw you!”shesaidbeforeturningaroundandtakingaseatbytheotherend,justlikeoldtimes.

I sat back down and decided to get straight to the point “So, mom” I hesitated “I was thinking of maybeswitchingcoursesnextyear,”Isaid.Ifelttheatmospherechangeasshesaidnothingbutturned tomewithastunnedlook

She was silent for a short while, but she then let out a sigh “Sweetie, you ’ re old enough to make your own decisions now,” she said, pausing. “As your mother, I want you to know I’ll be there to supportyoueverystepoftheway,”shecontinued

After realizing what she said, I could barely hold back my excitement I stood up and ran to her withahug.She,ontheotherhand,satthereformewithopenarms.

Looking back, I have no regrets. What mattered to me was that these expectations I had set for myself were finally mine I didn’t care if it meant having to start from the bottom again I cared that thistimeIwasfinallylookingforwardtothejourneyIhadaheadofme.

Taglay ng Buhay

Hindimadalinglumakiatmamuhayparamatugunanangekspektasyonngiba Hindirinbiroang mgadapatmongmaranasanupangmagawaanginaasahanngmganakapaligidsa’yo

Akalangkaramihanaymadalingmabuhaybilangako,angalamnilaaykayakodahilkayangmga magulangko,dahilnabuhayakoupanggawiniyon

Sa araw-araw na gumigising ako ay parang mayroon akong bitbit na isang napakalaking responsibilidadnakailanmanayhindikonamanhiningiohiniling Kusanalamangitoibinigaysakin naakalamo’ynapakadalinggawin.

Bilang isang estudyante na nasa kaniyang huling taon sa Senior High School, inaasahan na ng karamihannaangtatahakinkongdaanayangdaannatinulakngakingmgamagulang

LITERARY 24 Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll

“MedisinaoAbogasya?Alinsadalawaangpipiliin mo?”

Dalawa lamang ang pamimilian ko at parehong hindikopagusto

Sa totoo lang, hindi ko rin talaga alam ang gusto ko para sa aking sarili Bakit? Siguro dahil nasanay akonaangopinyonngibaangnagtatakdasagustoko, nanakasalalaysaibaangdesisyonko

O baka naman alam ko sa sarili ko ang gusto ko, ngunit itinatanggi ko lang dahil alam ko naman na hindiiyonsusuportahanngmgamagulangko.

Mataasangekspektasyonnilasakindahilakoangpanganayatinaasahansaamingmagkakapatid Alam ng mga magulang ko ang mga pag-aalinlangan ko sa buhay kung kaya’t minabuti nilang paulanan ako ng mga paalala araw-araw tungkol sa inaasahan nila sa akin na siyang naging dahilan kung bakit isang araw ay nag lakas loob ako na ipaalam sa kanila ang nararamdaman at nararanasan ko.

At hindi ko iyon pinagsisihan. Oo, marami ang nadismaya at kasama na roon ang aking mga magulang Ang inaasahan nila ay magkakaroon sila ng panganay na doktora o abogado, bagkus naging isangnagmamay-aringmaliitnacafeatlibrary.

Noong una ay tila nagkaroon ako ng pagaalinlangan sa aking sarili dahil alam ko na hindi ito ang gustonila,ngunitdahilalamkosaakingsarilinaitoangakinggusto,naangbuhaykoayakinathindi dapatakonabubuhayparasaiba.

Ngayonkolamangnapagtantoangkagandahangtaglayngbuhay,kunggaanokasarapmamuhaysa isangbuhaynaiyoathinditilapagmamay-aringibaatkunggaanokagandaangkaranasannabinigay ngmundosaiyo,kahitgaanomanitokahirapokadali

Saatingbuhay,kunghindimotatakasanangekspektasyonngibaohindimomararanasanangiba’t ibangklasenghirap,hindimomapagtatagumpayanangnaismongmangyarisasarilimo

JHS - The
Jose Rizal University
COMICS 26 Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll
COMICS 27 Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll
COMICS 28 Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll
COMICS 29 Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll



In Norse mythology, Thor’s real mother is Gaea (disguisedasJörd),thegoddessoftheEarth.Asthe thundergod’srealmother,sheappearsinanumber of stories in Poetic Edda and Prose Edda, namely: Völuspá, Lokasenna, Gylfaginning, and Skáldskaparmál

ENTERTAINMENT 30 Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll

Highlights of the JHS Evening Presentation Highlights of the JHS Evening Presentation

Jose Rizal University
The Scroll

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