1 minute read
by Maya Gabrielle Fabian
I tread through a meadow, grass lay beneath my feet, In search of purpose, waiting for destiny to meet Then came a noise, like a bird losing flight My eyes make their way to an angel in sight
His wings like milk, just like a dove A boy who fell from the heavens above I reach out to him, let him know my name
He bowed his head in silence, as if he were ashamed
He wept in my arms, and told me he tried
Who knew it'd be so hard to sail across the sky?
I wiped away his tears and told him not to fret, For he might succeed if he tried again
He ran across the field, far and wide Flapping his wings in hopes to fly
When he finally did, a sad truth had dawned
We knew that by the evening, he'd be long gone
I gave him a kiss, and I bid him goodbye, The boy who once fell, now up so high He gently smiles, knowing that we'd part The angel makes his flight to reach beyond the stars