1 minute read
ABM Club Explores Stock Market
By Grazielle Ann Leal
LastApril 18, the Accountancy, Bussiness, and Management (ABM) Club executed a webinar entitled ESCALATE: Exploring the World of Local Stock Market at the JRU Auditorium.
Students from the ABM strand cohered in the said event to know the fundamentals of investing and to understand the business operation, circulation of money, and investment industry.
Mr. Nilo Barcelona, a JRU SHS faculty, is the resource speaker. He highlighted students’ understanding of the methodical approach and risk in the stock market.
“Every individual has a different risk appetite and outcome of the risks,” according to Mr. Barcelona. He also emphasized that while his approach may be suited for him, it cannot be tantamount to saying it will be effective for everyone.
ESCALATE: Exploring the World of Local Stock Market ABM Club JRU SHS FB Page