25 april 25 issue all

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Since 1966

Vol. 40, Iss. 24


UCCS Student Newspaper University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Bennet Omalu discusses NFL research, motivation




Surveys seek to raise awareness of resources for students 2


Vice Chancellor discusses UCCS policy 3


‘Take Back the Night’

Event raises awareness of sexual assault 5


Bennet Omalu spoke to a full house on April 19 at the Gallogly Events Center during the annual UCCS Significant Speaker Event.

Audrey Jensen Abbie Stillman ajensen4@uccs.edu astillma@uccs.edu

Film Festival

16th edition allows opportunities for students to showcase work 5



Get rid of bad habits before you start your job search 9

Creative Majors Creativity comes in all shapes and sizes 9


When we look over the history of our nation, we can’t imagine why the social norm would ever be to harm ourselves. On April 19, Bennet Omalu, one of the first pathologists to publish research on chronic traumatic encephalopathy in a National Football League player explained to over 1,100 UCCS students and community members why the glorified American sport of football should be anything other than the social norm. Omalu, whose findings inspired the popular film

“Concussion,” introduced himself as an equal with the audience and said he had come to share his story. He integrated his findings and research throughout his speech, which addressed the struggles he faced throughout his childhood growing up in Nigeria and his journey to become a doctor. He started medical school by age 16 and suffered varying difficulties before his success. As Omalu shared his story he emphasized the importance of living your life the way you want to regardless of what anyone tries to tell you, including prestigious doctors and the NFL. “Bennet you are just as majestic as the stars. Don’t let depression define who you are, the world cannot understand

you, so be you,” he said. He entertained the audience with his passionate voice and occasional spurts of falsetto exclamations. After he provided the audience with an inspirational first half hour of motivating quotes that people who have endured pain in life could relate to, he tied in the story of his research and the battle he faced to bring awareness to his findings. When Omalu moved to the U.S., what he found was completely different than what he expected. He explained that September 2002 was the first time he sat down and watched American football and wondered, “Why was there a need to wear a helmet if (football) was an

intelligent sport?” Omalu said he studied brains in his home that helped lead to his findings. Several people affiliated with the NFL told him not to publish his research. “No matter how big the NFL may be,” Omalu said, “the life of one NFL player is more valuable than the NFL put together.” When he did publish his research, Omalu said he had to package the idea of CTE like he was introducing a product to the market. He repeatedly delved into the idea that everyone, no matter what or who they affiliate with, all share the same spirit. “Use your talent as you would use money, make a difference in the lives of other people, don’t make it about you.”

Golf success at conference championships The women’s golf team, left, took second while the men’s team, right, won the RMAC. The men’s team will advance to the NCAA South Central Region Championships May 2-4 in Las Cruces, N.M.


Baseball, women’s lacrosse sign first players 11


Softball-esque sport partners with UCCS organizations 11



News Green Action Fund helps develop sustainable projects

April 25, 2016 | 2

Rachel Librach


For those seeking to develop their innovative and sustainable creations, the Green Action Fund can provide funds to get their research off the ground. GAF is a committee of students, faculty and staff that take proposals for sustainablyminded projects from anyone on campus and can allocate money to help complete the project. The pool of funding money is derived from a $5 solar fee paid by students every semester. As of April 19, the fund had $206,000 of unencumbered funds available to allocate, which increases by about $55,000 every spring and fall semester. Summer enrollment provides anywhere between $20,000 and $30,000 depending on student attendance. GAF has four types of grant applications and while the money isn’t meant to fund an entire project, the real-world experience and initial kickstart can be very beneficial to students.


From left to right, Mae Rohrback, Alex Greanias and Julie Galusky are on the Green Action Fund.

One particular student group that was approved for a grant said their project would not exist today without the aid of GAF. A group of five students who created the Edible Landscaping project applied for a small grant through the GAF. Edible Landscaping plants annual and edible plants throughout campus for students to take advantage of and admire on their way to class. Junior Julie Lake and senior Amanda Roark, geography and environmental studies majors,

are two of the five students in this group. The team asked for $4,000, which covered the cost of items such as irrigation, compost, mulch, walkways, signage and plants. Edible Landscaping is currently a pilot program. Roark said their mission is to change student’s states of mind about producing their own food and being active in the community. “Part of this project is to model to people that growing food is easier than you might

think and to promote people having their own garden in their home and growing their own food as much as they can instead of going to buy it,” she said. Julie Galusky, GAF project coordinator, said her office understands the money comes from student fees and they make sure to invest wisely. “We respect where that money comes from and we want to make sure that it really does reflect our students and what they need, what they want, and what will most

benefit them and our campus,” she said. Galusky said there are four types of grants available to applicants. The first is the Research Seed Grant, which was just added this year and has a cap of $5,000. Galusky said that the Seed Grant is given to smaller projects or those in the beginning stages of development to help them get started with their research or prototypes. “We realized that there may be a need out there for students and faculty to just get some traction with their project in order to apply for larger grants,” she said. The second type of grant is Conference Attendance. GAF will pay for a group’s traveling expenses if they attend a conference or contest relating to sustainability. The third is the Small Grant, which awards $15,000 or less. The fourth, the Large Grant, provides $15,000 or more to fund projects, not research. These projects have to be focused on changing the operations or practices on campus in some way.

Library surveys seek student opinion on resources Joe Hollmann jhollma3@uccs.edu

There are a lot of resources available to students on campus, and the Kraemer Family Library is trying to make students more aware of what they are. To help, UCCS conducted a 19-question survey aimed at gauging the level of awareness students had of certain resources available at the library. Conducted online through a Google form linked to student emails sent out through the student list service, the survey was completed by 290 students. A few resources surveyed included research consultation, textbooks (for two-to-four hour loaning periods) and headphones. Joel Tonyan, the systems and user experience librarian and chair of the marketing committee for the library, was in charge of administering the test. According to Tonyan, only around half of the respondents

were aware of the textbook loan program. Tonyan said he believes the surveys the library conducts help both students and the library. “People know about books and CDs but not some of the less traditional items,” said Tonyan. He said the library offers hundreds of thousands of electronic books, as well as access to over 200 academic online databases. Some of the more useful but not well known resources the library offers include dry erase markers, phone chargers, oneon-one research consultation and an online chat platform. Kris Knigge, sophomore mechanical engineering student, was not aware of the research consultation, but was aware of the ability to check out textbooks. “I really like the textbook rental, it’s better to not carry my own around,” he said.


A quote from the library namesake above the entrance to the library.


Two students utilize one of the many available resources the library provides.

Knigge said he learned he could rent a textbook by asking the front desk if they had one available. This survey wasn’t the first the library has conducted. The library has also conducted surveys on graphic novels, where they received close to 500 responses, and another survey on renaming the reference desk which received around 400 responses. Tonyan said the library has continued to keep up with trends, mentioning changes such as a transition from an off-

campus VPN to a proxy server, the increasing inventory of electronic sources and the ability to reserve study rooms online. Martin Garnar, dean of the Kraemer Family Library, explained that student’s busy schedules limit their ability to explore the available options and that students may become comfortable with familiar resources rather than branching out. “Everyone’s pressed for time between class and work schedules,” he said. Many students at UCCS do

not visit the library because of online programs or general avoidance, according to Garnar. Garnar said the library has continued to adapt to innovative ways of accessing information, adding the library must adapt to the major shift in where resources are coming from. “Libraries are shifting from warehouses of knowledge to creating knowledge” said Garnar, adding the library will soon put in new furniture that will facilitate that goal. “We want to create that space to create new knowledge.”

News Vice chancellor discusses plagiarism at UCCS Kyle Guthrie


According to a 2011 study from the Journal of Excellence and Ethics, 38 percent of college students surveyed admitted to paraphrasing segments of another person’s paper into their own without footnoting it, and 14 percent admit to falsifying or fabricating a bibliography. But despite this, plagiarism cases at UCCS are reportedly low. “In three years of operation, we have had one case (of plagiarism),” said David Moon, associate vice chancellor for Undergraduate Education and Academic Planning. “I don’t have any sense that there are departments that have

either students who commit this more often, or where the faculty are particularly diligent in finding students who have done so.” Moon is responsible for convening the student academic honor code committee when needed in order to define what constitutes plagiarism. He also oversees where faculty report and archive individual cases. “(Plagiarism) really comes down to the idea of using other people’s work without acknowledging it,” said Moon. “We don’t have a specific threshold; individual faculty make the determination in their own courses. The bigger issue is whether or not you have taken someone else’s work.” When a student is discovered cheating, it is up to the individual


Students complete work in open spaces in the library.

April 25, 2016 | 3


Though the device on the cover is outdated, the idea of plagiarism is not.

faculty member to determine whether an offence has been committed, and what level of punishment is to be taken. “The faculty member has the complete authority to make the finding,” said Moon. “That’s not the final word, but they have the authority to make it in the first place. Anything up to failing the course, they have the ability to impose. That decision cannot be appealed.” While students cannot appeal the sanction, Moon said they have the right to appeal the finding of the faculty member.

Several tools are available for teachers to detect plagiarism such as SafeAssign (which is automatically integrated into BlackBoard). Moon said a lot of the best detection comes from common sense and personal experience. “I have to say that the cases I have had where the alarm bells went off… I immediately knew just from reading the paper… such as an abrupt change of style. Personal experience plays into it.” Moon said that the cases of plagiarism at other universities are far greater than UCCS.

“I was at the University of Texas in Austin,” Moon said, “and it was rampant and well organized. You had to be vigilant all the time in making sure that you didn’t make it easy to cheat.” “When I came here (in 1992) I found a very different atmosphere.” Moon said he believes there is still plagiarism at UCCS but that the atmosphere makes for less cases. “My gut tells me that we have noticeably less cases, and my guess is that we are somewhere in between (other universities).”


4 | April 25, 2016

Options for reporting sexual assault on campus Abbie Stillman astillma@uccs.edu

Sexual assault is a serious crime that can happen anywhere and to anybody. UCCS has several different ways a victim or a bystander can report a sexual assault case. “If a person wants to make an anonymous report or not have police involvement, the two places they can go is the Counseling Center and

Health Center, both of which are confidential reports,” said UCCS police lieutenant Marc Pino. There are also nonconfidential people to tell who are required to report the incident. “Faculty and staff members are all considered mandatory reporters, and they will then report it to campus police department,” said Pino. If a victim wants to report their crime to police

personally, you can always go directly to the police department or you can call them to have them come to you. The campus also has anonymous online reporting options with safe2tell.org and ethicspoint.com. Both pages can be found on the UCCS police website. “That’s more for somebody thinks someone is a victim, they can report it and then we get the information and we

would go out and talk to that person,” said Pino. Pino said that at UCCS, about 50 percent of victims want to continue with the investigation and the other half prefers not to. Victims who report a crime but do not want to pursue it at the time can still decide to change their minds. “(Victims) have ten years to change their mind, come back and finish the investigation,” said Pino.

Knowing what your confidential options are is important, said Pino. “Some people will report to faculty members not knowing they are mandatory reporters.” Pino commented that the police are a good source to go to simply because they are always there. “We can walk them through the process of getting an exam, seeking other sources that are helpful like victim advocates.”

Humanities master’s program in progress, may be offered in 2017 Kyle Guthrie


A master’s degree in humanities is going to be offered at UCCS. The degree will differ from a history degree. History examines research methods and how they apply to history, while a humanities degree emphasizes a particular field and its own set of methodologies, according to humanities program director Teresa Meadows. While the requirements of the degree are not complete,

Meadows said she is hoping to see it offered by next year. “We have aimed at an initial cohort of about 10 students, and building to a program that would have about 30 students in it at any given time and I would hope that we could see it in the academic year for 2017,” said Meadows. The emphasis of the degree focuses on flexibility and community involvement. One way the degree program hopes to accomplish this is to engage members of the community by creating a collaborative effort between

the two, according to Meadows. Students will learn how to apply theory to historical context, she said. “One of the things that’s really exciting about the flexibility of this master’s is that it will allow for that interaction between theory and craft, so we can be looking at the social historical context of something, but we’re also looking at how that is performed,” said Meadows. “We want to maximum flexibility in terms of the type of people this would benefit

and in terms of how the degree is put together.” Both traditional and nontraditional students are being considered, according to Meadows. “We wanted to be flexible to include part-time students, who are working while obtaining their degree, along with students who are working to get their degree quickly, and even those who are doing the more traditional program,” said Meadows. Freshman film studies major Erin Mitchler said she likes the idea of humanities

degree. “I’m surprised that it is not already a degree. I think it is a really well rounded subject area, so I think that people could fit a lot into it,” said Mitchell. Sophomore film studies major Charles Moore also expressed support for the proposed degree. “I think that it’s a very valid degree to get, and even though I wouldn’t personally go into (strictly) humanities, I think it’s important that people have the ability to get that degree if they want.”


April 25, 2016 | 5

Theater capstone projects display students’ college journey

have expressed their message through dance, song, instrument and acting, said Chandler-Mills. “Some of them showcase multiple characters that they’ve learned to physically and vocally be. People play

instruments, sing and dance, whatever they know they can do to tell their story of where they’ve come from,” she said. Chandler-Mills said the process students go through to create their project is vulnerable.

“These capstones tend to be very revealing about what students in the class go through or have gone through or what talents they possessed that maybe none of us have ever been aware of or come to realize,” she said. Senior theater major Alex Williams is preparing a play for his capstone. The play is about a friend who committed suicide over the holiday break. After coming to terms with the event, Williams wanted his capstone project to be not only a tribute to his friend, but also an exploration into the physiological aspects of death and gun violence. Williams said he will explore the fear of death and other philosophical concepts. “I go on to use a toy gun as a prop saying that it’s not real, and it can’t hurt me, and

according to Ruth. The Helen and Arthur B. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing is an important part of UCCS history because the Beth-El nurses were among the first students at UCCS, according to Ruth. “Beth-El’s nursing students were here on campus in 1965 when we started as a university. Here, on this campus. So they were among the very first students on the very first day,” said Ruth. The book was a collaborative effort that included nursing alumni. Ruth began writing the

book in 1983 when a group of student alumni wanted to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Beth-El nursing program. With only a small file on the entire 75 years of history, Ruth said she compiled all the information in one book with the help of different departments, Beth-El students, alumni and faculty that supplied the content. Slowly, over the expanse of 33 years, she collected enough stories for her now published piece of work. “This is our book, and I always refer to it as our book,” said Ruth, explaining that

she put all of the information together, but it was a massive collaboration of different departments and Beth-El students, alumni and faculty that supplied the content Archives librarian Mary Rupp coordinated the event with the archives department. Rupp explained that while there will be tables with pictures, records and historical artifacts, Ruth’s presentation is the main focus of the event. “Not only is it the history of the school of nursing, but it’s also very integrated into the history of Colorado Springs,” said Rupp.

Rachel Librach


Just as an architect completes the construction of an arch with a capstone, seniors are tasked to complete a project that symbolizes the pinnacle of their undergraduate college career. Senior theater majors must prepare a ten minute performance that communicates the major events in their life as part of their senior capstone project. Some performances are humorous while others are more tragic. VAPA instructor Leah Chandler-Mills said she has seen many senior capstones over the years and believes each one to be different. Projects are not limited to one medium; students


Alex Williams, senior theater major, dedicated his capstone project in memory of his friend that he lost to suicide.

I’m in control of this,” he said. Williams composed scenes in his performance where he is using physical theater and displaying emotion through the body’s movements rather than relying on text. The VAPA department has helped to develop these skills, according to Williams, who added that a big misconception is that VAPA students have it easy and they don’t have to work as much. “We spend hours just like anybody else would for their capstone, but whereas other people go out and do research or field work, our way of doing that is trial and error,” he said. “Every class we come up with something new to present and everyone helps give constructive criticism on your work.”

Former nursing instructor to present collaborative book Eleanor Sturt


Colorado Springs is littered with pictures of the past life it led as a mining town, but also as a center for health and healing from tuberculosis. Former nursing instructor Jo Ruth will present her book, “We are Beth-El Nurses: A Heritage of Caring at the Foot of Pikes Peak,” on April 29 from 2-3 p.m. in the third floor apse of the Kraemer Family Library. The book is a collection of stories and pictures explaining the history of Beth-El nurses,

The Lowdown What: ‘We are Beth-El Nurses: A Heritage of Caring at the Foot of Pikes Peak’ Where: Kraemer Family Library Third Floor Apse When: Friday, April 29 at 2 p.m. How much: Free to students

Biology professor wins professor of the year for second time Kyle Guthrie


Students voted Sabine Allenspach as professor of the year for the second time this March. The first time the biology professor received the award was also the first year she taught. After her second nomination this year, she said she recalled being told the news by one of her students, and recounts thanking the students for supporting her with their nominations and votes. “To me, it means the world because, again, this is coming from the students, it isn’t something self-nominated. After the nomination I thanked the students for believing in me,” said Allenspach. Students who take Allenspach’s class said they enjoy her enthusiasm and availability during and after lecture. “She goes above and beyond for her students in the lecture and outside of lecture. She is always available for office hours,

over email. She doesn’t care about just the teaching of the class, she cares about you as a She is one of the most person overall,” said sophomore wonderful, passionate biomedical science major Alyssa teachers I have had. She Stuck. loves her subject, loves Allenspach shows enthusiasm her students, and is for her subjects, which is probably the reason why I encouraging to students, have stuck with my major. according to senior biomedical science major Molly Spalding. - Molly Spalding, senior “She is one of the most biomedical science major, wonderful, passionate teachers on professor Sabine I have had. She loves her Allenspach subject, loves her students, and is probably the reason why I have stuck with my major,” said Spalding. a feeling that if I ever lose those Born and raised in Switzerland, Allenspach received butterflies about teaching, then I won’t be teaching anymore,” her Bachelor of Arts at 21 years old before moving to the U.S. said Allenspach. While she initially thought Allenspach said she believes personal passion for of pursuing a career in anesthesiology, she said she both students and subject is realized that her true passion was important. “My priority is my students, teaching. “Even to this day, every time and I think students appreciate that when you, as an instructor, I walk into the classroom I still get butterflies, because I get so walk into a classroom and tell excited. I look forward to being them that their concerns are my concerns.” in class with my students. I have


Sabine Allenspach teaches biology at UCCS.


6 | April 25, 2016

Fourth annual ‘Take Back the Night’ highlights ways to deal with sexual violence Hannah Harvey hharvey@uccs.edu

Respect on Campus held their fourth annual “Take Back the Night” event on April 21. Hosted to recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month, ROC coordinated with the Office of the Dean of Students and the Wellness Center to put on the event. Three speakers who had personal ties to sexual assault in some way included UCCS psychologist Trent Claypool, TESSA interim advocacy manager Kristy Bootes and UCCS alumna Ashley Coffey. Pizza, drinks and door prizes were also handed out. Claypool, a staff psychologist for the Wellness Center, presented ways that students can help people they know who have experienced sexual assault or sexual violence. He also emphasized the importance of empowering survivors and validating their experience to help them feel safe. Coffey discussed her

The best predictor of a victim’s recovery process is going to be from the person they disclose the information to, so it’s super important for people to be aware of these things. – Ethan Wade, student and outreach and awareness coordinator for Respect on Campus


The dean of students, Steve Linhart, watches as the audience participates with the speaker.

experience as a mental health counselor. Coffey said she works with teenagers impacted by sexual assault and domestic violence. Helping others to work through the experience and find a solution is important,


The participants walk and chant to represent ‘Taking Back The Night.’

according to Coffey. “The price we pay to live on this planet is to serve,” she said. In Bootes’ presentation, she talked about her experience as a victim advocate when she was in the military, and how TESSA can be a resource for those who have been impacted by violence. “Take Back the Night” is an international event that has been around since the 1970s. It was started by women in Vancouver, Canada who wanted to protest flawed logic regarding rape culture, according to student Ethan Wade, outreach and awareness coordinator for Respect on Campus. “The idea was that instead of people teaching our young people not to commit acts of sexual violence, they would teach women to be afraid to go out alone in public at night, so these women in Vancouver decided they would take back the night figuratively,” said Wade. ROC is UCCS’ sexual violence outreach and prevention program, and awareness is critical, according to Wade. “The best predictor of a

victim’s recovery process is going to be from the person they disclose the information to, so it’s super important for people to be aware of these things.” At UCCS “Take Back the Night,” two to three speakers share their experiences with sexual violence and how to handle situations involving sexual assault. Marching follows the presentations, fit with picket signs. A moment of silence for those who have died because of sexual assault and violence follows, according to Wade. Wade said marches happen nationally and are usually hosted by rape crisis and violence shelters. At this year’s event, participants marched from the University Center to the cluster of dorms surrounding Columbine Hall shouting various chants about ending rape culture. After the march, participants gathered around the Clyde statue for a candle light vigil to hear sexual assault statistics. Of these statistics, it was shared that one in five women and one in six men have been affected by sexual assault or

domestic violence. In Colorado, these numbers are three times higher. “Everybody knows someone who has been sexually assaulted or been in some kind of abusive relationship,” said Wade. While the event itself has not changed, the way in which students conceptualize rape culture and sexual assault has, according to Wade. “In the last few years, the university has done a lot to educate students, so there have been a lot more people aware,” said Wade. For more information on sexual assault or ROC, visit uccs.edu/~roc/.


Trent Claypool, UCCS psychology professor, spoke as a representative for ‘Take Back the Night.’

Student film festival offers chance for networking, awards Halle Thornton


A night at the movies doesn’t have to cost you $20. Free to students and the general public, the 16th Annual Student Short Film Festival will be on May 1 in Dwire 121 at 3 p.m. Dining and Hospitality Services will also provide free food and drinks. Students of any major may submit up to two films by 5:30 p.m. on April 28. The films can be no longer than 15 minutes. There are 20 students currently working on their films, according to film club president Rob Bowen. A student panel of judges will review the films and hand out awards to both actors and

film makers at the festival. Six categories of film will be awarded: drama, comedy, documentary, experimental, fantasy and horror. This is the first year fantasy and horror will be offered as a category. Anyone can sign up to be a judge for the festival, and no experience with judging films is necessary. “The festival is a working opportunity for students,” said Bowen. Philosophy major Corie Prophet is submitting two documentary films, “Celebrating Life” and a narrative film of a person on their commute home from work. This is the first time that Prophet is participating in the festival.


The inspiration for “Celebrating Life” came from Prophet’s efforts to convey that there are a lot of happy moments in her life. “When people have bad things happen to them, I personally feel they sometimes let the bad circumstances they are presently facing, which can swallow them up if they

let it and they can forget about the more joyous times in life,” Prophet said. Prophet’s second film features clips filmed on Tejon Street in Colorado Springs. “This film was a class project, and I thought it came out pretty well for being my first film, so I chose to go ahead with the film festival and

give it a try,” said Prophet. The festival was started in 2000 by film studies program director Robert Von Dassanowsky. Von Dassanowsky wanted to provide a forum for all students interested in film to show off their work. The festival has not seen a large turnout the last two years due to booking issues, according to Bowen. “We had to have it on Mother’s Day the last two years, so the turnout was not what we would have liked,” Bowen said. Local filmmakers have attended the festival in previous years, and it is a great networking opportunity for students, according to Bowen.

April 25, 2016 | 7 Culture Pilates classes help to relieve stress, build strength Hannah Harvey


Students can take a class to learn how to work to the core of a difficult math problem to find an answer. But they can also take a class to get to their core physiologically. Pilates Theory and Practice, HSCI 1130, teaches students Pilates theory and how to work their core muscles. The two credit class has been offered since 2008 and continues to be popular among students of all majors. Pilates instructor Patricia Fryc has taught Pilates for the past three years. “I go over Joseph Pilates’ theory, core strength and then the physical component of the class to understand controlling your own body,” said Fryc. Fryc said the classes are typically small, but a variety of majors enroll. This semester, 12 students enrolled, but there have been up to 22 students in the past. “I have engineering, English, nursing and a lot of strength and conditioning majors in the class. Seniors may take exercise classes to fill up classes for financial

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Some pilates classes are held in University Hall and are open to all students.

aid purposes, and undecided freshman take them, too,” said Fryc. Students who take Pilates tend to perform better academically, according to Fryc. “I see the students who are passionate about getting good grades; they are mindfully present. They typically do well in their other classes.” Sophomore nursing major Rachel Payne said she enjoys the class because it serves as a stress reliever from difficult

classes. She said she has felt stronger over the course of the semester and enjoyed the class. “It’s helpful to come here and get your stress out. I picked it because I wanted to work out,” said Payne. Sophomore nursing major Taylor Weldon also enjoys the intensive nature of the workouts to relieve stress throughout the week. “I like to stay active and don’t want to go to the gym.

It’s a good class for staying healthy; if you don’t take care of yourself, then your GPA tanks,” said Weldon. Both Weldon and Payne said they would recommend the class to other students. While students have a chance to relax and do yoga in addition to their core workouts, the class can be intensive too. “One day, I think we did 160 squats,” said Weldon. The class is mostly activity based. Students take

10-15 minutes to warm up at the start of class, focusing on posture, breathing and abdominal expansion. After this, students break up into three groups and perform five to 10 timed exercises, according to Fryc. The exercises mainly focus on one’s core strength and body alignment. A written exam is still administered at the end of the semester to test students’ knowledge of exercises, the history of Pilates theory and describing form. For more information about the course, students can contact Fryc at pfryc@uccs. edu.


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April 25, 2016 | 8

University overestimate leads to mayhem with club, organization budgets Scribe Staff scribe@uccs.edu

The budgeting for the 2016-17 school year is a mess. An overestimate on the growth of the university and the resulting emptying of the safeguard carry forward fund of the student activity fee have combined to throw budget season for student clubs and organizationsinto a loop-de-loop that no one can get out of. Student clubs and organizations at UCCS are funded through the student activity fee, a $14 per student per semester fee that is pooled together and allocated by SGA. In the March 28 edition of The

Scribe, it was reported that UCCS over-projected the student enrollment increase in fall 2015. While the projected increase was 2.8 percent, the actual increase was 1.5 percent. This directly impacts the student activity fee, in which the amount of available funds changes based on the number of students at UCCS. As a result, the carry forward fund of the student activity fee, which contained surplus money from previous years, had to be emptied to account for the loss in expected revenue. But that wasn’t enough to fix the problem. Essentially all student club and organization budgets have experienced cuts for the 2016-17 school year, and

will experience deeper versions as the process is revisited this month. Many clubs and organizations, after getting a budget preliminarily passed, will have to return to the drawing board. These changes in budgetary allocations will directly affect the ability for students to have experiences outside of the classroom while at UCCS. This is what UCCS must be watchful for: shooting too high, too fast. With all the growth of this university, it is easy to get caught up in the tide. But university officials as well as students must keep both eyes open, lest more overestimates put students into situations that affect their experience while at UCCS.

Jonathan Toman Editor-in-Chief

Audrey Jensen Managing Editor

Eleanor Sturt Copy Editor

Evan Musick News Editor

Hannah Harvey Culture Editor

Alexander Nedd

No official response leaves interpretation for coach firing

Jonathan Toman jtoman@uccs.edu

I’ve been backed into a corner. Last week, The Scribe reported that women’s basketball head coach Shawn Nelson’s contract had been terminated due to a violation of the terms of his contract. In the interest of telling the full story, I reached out to athletics on several different levels. I had a fairly candid conversation with a player on the team. The next day, she informed me via email that athletics had told her to relay this message: “you

can’t use anything in your article that I said about coach Nelson.” In the interest of getting an official response from UCCS, I reached out to Jared Verner, assistant athletic director for sports information. In a conversation with Verner, I was told unequivocally that I would not be able to chat with anyone in athletics, on the record or not, and that no other media outlet would be afforded a conversation, either. The unfortunate thing about all this is that without official word from anyone in the university, the reason for Nelson’s firing is left up for interpretation. Nelson was 47-17 in his two seasons as head coach and led the team to two appearances in the NCAA national tournament, the first appearances in program history. The best years of the program came under Nelson. His removal comes after former head coach Corey Laster was fired in spring 2014, after four seasons at the helm. He went 59-51 in total, improving the team’s record in three of the four seasons.

Clearly, there’s been more to both of these firings than success on the court, because both were successful. As a general rule in sports, coaches who are successful keep their job. Both Nelson and Laster’s firings don’t fit the bill. More questions than answers remain. The new hire, when it comes, will be the third coach since 2013-14, and the third for some of the players on the team. The program wins, but can’t seem to keep a head coach, and it’s up to everyone’s best guess as to why. The Scribe received a phone call from a parent who has a young athlete interested in coming to UCCS to play women’s basketball. After following our coverage, he wanted to know the full story. We couldn’t tell him, because we don’t know. The best we could do was forward him on to athletics. I’d rather that this story be told fairly in the news section, with well-developed and full coverage of why this happened and what the next steps are. But I’m in a corner, so here’s a column.

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April 25, 2016 | 9

All majors are creative; students should expand horizons on campus

Eleanor Sturt esturt@uccs.edu

To see creativity on campus, students know they can head to the next GOCA art exhibit or see a UCCS Theatre Company production. And that’s the problem. Creativity comes in all shapes and sizes. People assume that the only creative majors are visual and performing arts. Not only is this incorrect, this

generalization alienates the VAPA department from the rest of UCCS while simultaneously labeling other students as un-artistic. Is the VAPA department artistic? Yes, it’s in the name. But that doesn’t mean other majors are not artistic. You can’t be an engineer without a creative mind. You have to be able to look at a problem and solve it; problem solving is a creative function. Creativity is in every major, as much as colleges would like to convince us otherwise through easy generalizations. Because of these generalizations, students think they can’t be creative because they

are not a VAPA major or minor, which is ridiculous. All majors are creative. Of course, this alienation goes both ways. VAPA majors feel that they cannot have academic discussions, because their major is supposedly not academic or applicable to other places in life. Because both VAPA majors and non-VAPA majors feel alienated, this leads to an “us and them” phenomenon, which appears when you make a distinction between two groups, and this distinction creates a competitive or unfavorable mindset toward the other group. Now we have these two groups: the VAPA

majors and the nonVAPA majors, and neither wants to get involved with the other. I, as a theater major, love to talk about all the cool stuff the theater department is doing. We have amazing performances, workshops and the Osborne Theater. But ask me about what is going on at main campus, and I really can’t say. If it weren’t for working at The Scribe, I wouldn’t care, either. I haven’t attended any events outside of the VAPA department, because I either don’t know about them, or I expect I won’t have fun, because no other VAPA students will be there. On the flip side, I

barely ever see nonVAPA majors attending the music concerts, GOCA shows or theatrical performances. They expect these events to be for the artsy VAPA majors, and after all, no other majors will be there. This division between majors is not OK. Not only is it discouraging discussions between majors, but it creates judgment about people in differing majors. The main function of a university is schooling, but it is also about connecting people and trying new things. How can students be expected to communicate with people in the real world if they can’t do it now? I suggest you step out

of your comfort zone. Non-VAPA majors, go to a theater or a dance show. The visual arts are a beautiful thing, and the creativity seen is astonishing. VAPA majors, take some time out of your studio, and go to a main campus event. Go to a lecture, or attend an SGA meeting. Heck, take a class that has nothing to do with your major. As VAPA majors, we search for creative opportunities, but we need to realize the VAPA department is not the only department that holds creative minds. All departments have the potential to be creative, as do the people in them. Let’s start treating them as such.

Before entering the workforce, learn how to act professionally

Alexander Nedd anedd@uccs.edu

Not many college kids can say that they’ve worked their dream job before graduation. But even at my job, the one problem I’ve found with work isn’t the task at hand; it’s the people. I hate how unprofessional people act. My job experience

has ruled for a wakeup call to students transitioning into their careers. There is a right and wrong way to be professional and more often than not, people fall to the latter. With any job, common knowledge should include showing up on time, don’t touch what isn’t yours and above all, treating everyone with the same amount of respect you want to be treated with. But as more millennials make their way into their career, the more I see these basic principles violated on a daily basis. Common infractions include cursing,

gossiping and taking what’s not yours. This isn’t high school. Hell, it isn’t even college. This is the brutal workforce. It’s never OK to talk about a coworker behind their back or insult people working with or for you. As a leader it is your duty to convey your company’s message without belittling others. I work in the news business. Like others in their respective fields, it’s a job that can eat up your best qualities. It’s not for the faint of heart and the most successful candidate has to have thick skin. But there is a line,

one which I hope to never cross in my professional career, when getting the job done blurs with acting like a complete youknow-what. You can be firm without coarse language. Cursing is never professional. And if a co-worker shares anything with you, be sure to leave it in a respectable manner. Emotions can run high in any business. It’s the urgency to get something on air, the frustration of no working equipment or a source that won’t go on camera. No one’s job is ever a piece of cake, but

This isn’t high school. Hell, it isn’t even college. This is the brutal workforce. what makes it tolerable is the people you work with, and if you don’t like your job, that’s a personal matter that should not be taken out on others. There is always a time and place for a conversation. Unless you want it to be your last day on the job, there is never a reason to yell and scream while on the clock performing whatever task your job calls for. There is a professional way to make changes within your job; if a situation

gets out of hand then I encourage you to get in contact with your HR supervisor. There are times for fun and games, but work is not one of them. While a fun atmosphere might prove beneficial for employers and employees alike, the ultimate goal still remains. We all have a job to do. It’s time we act like it and make it a priority. You might think your bad habits are OK now, but there is a boss who won’t put up with it in the future.

Political arguments are out of hand, debates need to turn into discussions

Hannah Harvey hharvey@uccs.edu

I’m told the presidential candidate I want to vote for in November is a lying, cheating scumbag that only wants to make money and won’t do much to benefit the American soil that I call home. The thought of a politically-fueled topic

makes me feel like I should prepare a fivesided argument in the chance that I’ll have to debate my way to the finish line. That’s the problem. Instead of having a discussion, all we do is debate. What happened to being openminded to see each other’s viewpoints? Or welcoming new perspectives to integrate them with our own? A simple discussion about why we’re voting for who we’re voting for that ends in a yelling match is pointless. We don’t have to agree with each other. But if one of us is open

A quick Google search will show a variety of scenarios of people failing to understand one another. to a perspective that we haven’t always supported or thought about, then the other party should do the same. Democrats and Republicans haven’t always played well together, and it feels like it’s getting worse. From “Bernie Bros” and “Trump’s Troops” to persecuting each other on social media and physically hurting one another, it needs to end. The violence, be it verbal or physical, isn’t limited to the

two opposing parties anymore. Angry Trump supporters told Colorado GOP chairman Steve House to kill himself because all 34 Colorado delegates went to Ted Cruz instead of Trump. The abuse doesn’t end with the GOP, though. A recent social experiment put on YouTube showed Bernie Sanders supporters assaulting a man holding a Trump poster on a street in north Hollywood. A quick Google search will show a

variety of scenarios of people failing to understand one another. While media tries to figure out whose supporters are more violent, we’re quickly losing sight of the most important issue of all: who’s going to lead the country once Barack Obama leaves the Oval Office in 2017. It’s OK if you’re against Trump. It’s also OK if you’re against Sanders. It’s OK if you’re for Cruz, and it’s OK if you fully support Clinton. Support the candidate that you align with. Instead of assaulting someone on the street or verbally harassing

someone online because they don’t agree with you, take time to listen to the other’s perspective. You don’t have to agree with everything you hear, but arguments don’t exist in every conversation you have, either. We’re so busy trying to win the argument and prove we’re more knowledgeable that the topic ends up lost in the process. A common ground needs to be found. Democracy is offering our individual input to make this country great, not prove that our opinion is the dominant one.

Life on the Bluffs Sudoku

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1 9


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“I got 3 more years left and

don't see myself making it through UCCS they are so unorganized” @ChelsooRuthless


6 4 7


7 9


Sweet Salty Tweets


“UCCS has so many damn

hills on campus how TF do girls wear heels all day long” @caitfitzstwitta

5 “is there a bring your cat to

Campus Chatter Eleanor Sturt, esturt@uccs.edu

What’s the most embarrassing drunk moment you have had while in college?

school day? if not there should be @UCCS”


March 28, 2016 | 10

Top Ten Ways to look like a UCCS student Halle Thornton hthornto@uccs.edu

10 Franticly walking to class 9

Not reading The Scribe


Wind-burned face from walking from Alpine to main campus


Nalgene with stickers


Macbook with stickers


Bruises on your knees from tripping up the Columbine staircase


That irritated face when waiting for the shuttle


Excellent parking spot stalking skills


Attempting to tan on the West Lawn when its 50 degrees outside


Minimal eye contact with people at tables

The Maze of life


Erika Hermanson, sophomore, nursing

“A friend knocked over a cup of water with his arm. It turned out it wasn’t water, but it was vodka. The carpet smelled like it for the rest of the semester.”

Mikayla Boynton, sophomore, English education

“I threw up in my friend’s sink; it was pretty embarrassing.”

Jake Loveless, sophomore, biology “I haven’t had any while I’ve been in college.”


March 28, 2016­­ | 11

Women’s lacrosse, baseball programs bring in first recruits Taylor Garcia


A signing day for college athletics recruits was April 13, and with two brand new programs being built at UCCS, the women’s lacrosse and baseball team signed seven women and eight men to join the Mountain Lions. The two teams will be first-year programs next year and time is of the essence as they are trying to build their respective teams. While Colorado has beautiful weather during the summer months, both sports are played outside during times of the year when the weather is unpredictable. Baseball team head coach Dave Hajek explained that when recruiting players he is as straightforward as possible with his recruits. “We may be training in three different places, including indoors. And when we’re outside we may be playing in 35 degree weather; if the sun is out it may feel like 50, but I have to be honest with them,” said Hajek. He added that he doesn’t want to convince recruits to come here, he wants the players who want to contribute to something bigger than themselves. “Being a ground-up program has brought some hurdles. We have lost a couple guys to established programs, but I want guys who are excited about building something,”

Being a ground-up program has brought some hurdles. We have lost a couple guys to established programs, but I want guys who are excited about building something. I want the guys who are hungry for a challenge. COURTESY | SPORTS INFORMATION

– Dave Hajek, baseball team head coach, on recruiting

Four of the committed recruits for the UCCS women’s lacrosse team.

Hajek said. “I want the guys who are hungry for a challenge.” Women’s lacrosse head coach Christine Hatton echoed Hajek’s thoughts. “The girls who are looking to make a contribution their first year are the kind of girls I want,” Hatton said. “I have recruited a lot of high school team captains because they’re not only leaders, but they’re driven.” Hatton explained that lacrosse is still an up-and-coming sport in Colorado, which adds to the challenge of recruiting. She added that when she was hired, many of Colorado’s top lacrosse players were already committed to colleges. Recruiting in-state studentathletes allows for teams to budget their money more effectively, but for Hatton she has had success in recruiting out-of-state studentathletes. With commitments

coming from Illinois, Texas and Pennsylvania, Hatton explained that it’s not just athletes she is looking for. “I am recruiting high academic girls. If they work hard in the classroom, they will work hard on the field. It speaks to their work ethic and it will keep them out of trouble,” Hatton said. “Plus, most if not all of our commits are on academic scholarship.” Both the baseball and lacrosse team will have large rosters, ranging from 25-30 athletes. Not all of them will receive athletic scholarship and Hajek emphasized the importance of academics. “A big part of the recruiting process is being a good student. I don’t think high school athletes know that.” Hajek explained. “Student-athletes have to know academics are a priority. I want kids coming here who want to get a great degree.”

Hajek will hold a camp at the end of May and expects about 100 players will come to the camp to put their name into the mix, including members of the UCCS club baseball team. Using UCCS’ resources to her advantage, Hatton sells the campus to recruits. “Being Division II, there is a balance between life and lacrosse. Plus our school is bigger than most in the RMAC and Colorado Springs is a great location for both in-state and out-of-state students,” Hatton said. She added that lacrosse is normally played at private schools where tuition gets expensive quickly and the appeal of getting a University of Colorado degree has been a selling point to her recruits. “Once I get recruits on campus, they make their decision quickly.” Both teams will begin play in spring 2017.

Swingline Sport partners with UCCS organizations Halle Thornton


Established in 2014 by Wes and Molly Parker in Colorado Springs, Swingline Sport is inspired by softball, taking elements of the sport and using them in three-player teams. Nate Schwartz, UCCS alumnus and director of marketing for Swingline, said the sport hosted its first public tournament in the summer of 2015. “It’s three-on-three, so you don’t need a lot of people, and it is an opportunity to go outside and be active,” said Schwartz. Last fall, co-director of the Bachelor of Innovation program Colleen Styles and Swingline began working together with BI students. “The BI team provided insight and creativity,” said Schwartz, who added the partnership is beneficial for both sides, with the students gaining valuable business and work experience. Sophomore business major Casey Deppen worked with Swingline as a team lead focused on developing their app and website. “Working with Swingline has been an amazing experience,” Deppen said. “Wes is such a great guy who is very open to criticism and focused on making Swingline bigger and better every day.” A new group of students from the BI program works closely with Swingline every semester, according to their specialties.


Swingline Sport has collaborated with several organizations on campus.

“The students get more of a say and get to put in their input. They also get to build something from the ground up,” said Schwartz. The team focuses on different aspects of the business each semester, including technical issues, patenting, manufacturing, and engineering products. Swingline and students are currently working on an app and website for the company. Schwartz said that the team breaks down into small groups according to their specialty, and every week the team comes together and discusses the progress of their project. Swingline also sponsors the UCCS club baseball team and has started working with Pi Beta Phi at UCCS to host charity tournaments. One charity they are working

with is the First Book Charity, which gives children in different countries access to books. All of the proceeds from tournaments go to specific charities, and in the past Swingline has given to organizations such as the Colorado Springs Fire Department and American Cancer Society. The first tournament of this year will be held on May 21 in Memorial Park. Sign-ups are open until May 18, and all proceeds from the tournament will go toward Colorado Springs Parks and Recreation. Swingline will be holding leagues beginning May 1. To find out more about Swingline Sport, visit their Facebook page at www. facebook.com/swinglinesport.


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