The Standard Newspaper March 21st, 2013

Page 1

Vol. 10 No. 12

THURSDAY, March 21, 2013


Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX LEE COLBY** ‘The Waterfront Guy’ Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . XX PROfESSIOnaL REaLTOR 25 YRS Realty Executives Systems Inc. 905-430-3000 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX


JULIE COLBY* assistant



** sales representative * assistant unlicensed

‘Zero tolerance’ policy pitched for Scugog BLAKE WOLFE The Standard

A SSSSSSSSUPER MARCH BREAK: These local youngsters went wild on Friday, March 15, as Zoo to You brought an assortment of exotic animals, including this boa constrictor, to the Uxbridge Youth Centre as part of the UYC’s special March Break programs. DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard

Uxbridge graffiti bylaw gets new look DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard

UXBRIDGE: The township’s controversial graffiti by-law received a slight makeover recently following spirited discussions amongst councillors. At council’s meeting on the morning of Monday, March 18, a section of the by-law dealing with the sale of ‘graffiti implements’ was repealed by the members of council. “I think we need to keep this by-law, but need to take out section 2 (prohibiting the sale of graffiti implements) because that’s what has caused 90 per cent of our concerns,” said Mayor Gerri Lynn O’Connor.

Ward 5 Councillor Gord Highet, the one member of council to vote against the by-law when it was introduced in 2010, wished to see further changes made, particularly relating to those who are the victims of vandalism. “Section 3.2, (property owners and occupants shall at all times maintain a property free of graffiti) should come out too because, we are penalizing the victim,” commented Councillor Highet. “The blame should be with those committing the act, not those repeatedly hit by vandals.” However, Councillor Highet’s motion to remove that particular section was defeated with only Highet and Ward 4 Councillor Jacob Mantle voting in favour of the measure.

SCUGOG: In the wake of an assault incident at a recent Port Perry Minor Hockey game involving a parent and a 17-year-old referee, Scugog Township staff are crafting a ‘zero-tolerance’ policy for disrespectful behaviour at municipal facilities. Regional Councillor Bobbie Drew, who brought forth a formal motion on the policy at the March 18 committees meeting, said that the document would establish a “code of ethics” for facility users and protocol for staff in dealing with such incidents. According to Councillor Drew, township staff are expected to present a draft version of the policy at the April 8 committees meeting, after municipal staff began work on the policy following the Feb. 19 assault on the hockey ref. In that incident, a verbal exchange between the referee and two parents of Port Perry players began inside the arena, regarding calls made by the ref during the game. Police said that one parent later threatened the ref and kicked his legs in the parking lot. The assault took place in front of several people, including children, said police. One parent was charged and the ref was later suspended for his role in the incident. “As you’re all aware,” said Councillor Drew, “there was an incident at the arena a few weeks ago, and to the credit of staff, they have already started work on a zero tolerance policy, a code of ethics, for the township.” The councillor added that through the policy, she hopes the township will reach both local residents and visitors using municipal facilities with a message of security and safety for all guests. Councillor Drew added that representatives from Port Perry Minor Hockey said that such a policy is “exactly what they were looking for. They have some things in place but they were confused about where their jurisdiction ends and the township’s begins. TURN TO PAGE 4



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