The Standard Newspaper September 12th, 2013

Page 1

Vol. 10 No. 37



Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

JULIE COLBY* assistant

LEE COLBY** ‘The Waterfront Guy’ PROfESSIOnaL REaLTOR 25 YRS 905-430-3000

Realty Executives Systems Inc.


** sales representative * assistant unlicensed

Terry Fox on the run from Scugog park rental fees BLAKE WOLFE The Standard

SCUGOG: Local residents taking part in the Port Perry edition of the Terry Fox Run this weekend will be doing so in a new location, after the event’s organizers switched the venue from Palmer Park to the Port Perry Fairgrounds following the request of nearly $1,200 in municipal user fees from the organizers of the annual charitable event. Local Terry Fox Run organizer Elizabeth McArthur said that she and other organizers were first notified of the fees by township staff on Aug. 15 - exactly one month prior to the Sept. 15 event - and were informed that the charges could not be waived. Although Ms. McArthur said that each year organizers complete the proper applications for permits, this is the first time that the municipality has not waived such fees in the Port Perry run’s 19-year history. In addition, she said that some of the fees requested had never been made known to the organizers. She said that in discussion with the township, she was told that as of this year, all Palmer Park users “had to abide by the same policies with no exceptions. “I gather there’s a lot of requests to use the park,” said Ms. McArthur, “but as a volunteer group raising funds for cancer research, there’s no way we can afford that.” The expenses quoted to the run’s organizers included: - Palmer Park rental at $667.70 per day, plus a $565 deposit - Hydro at $124.60 per day - Gazebo rental at $135.60 for four hours - Latcham Hall rental at $180.80 for four hours, plus $100 deposit for the use of tables and chairs for registration/barbecue/dedication area - An $80 road occupancy permit, plus $300 deposit. In discussion with township staff earlier this summer, Ms. McArthur said that she and the other organizers were invited to seek a one-time $500 grant for the use of the park. However, she noted that the money would only cover a fraction of the cost quoted for the use of the park that day. “It’s a non-starter,” said Ms. McArthur of the grant money. “We had to look at the bigger picture and we couldn’t cover any of those costs.” Scugog Mayor Chuck Mercier said that while the Terry Fox Run had previously been exempt from such fees, township staff had recently been advised by council to ensure that all users were subject to the applicable fees bylaw. He added that he had also advised the organizers of the available grant money for the park’s use.

PICTURE PERFECT: Caricatures were just one of the attractions at this past weekend’s 149th annual Uxbridge Fair in Elgin Park. The fair featured exciting rides and games, delicious carnival food, horse shows, tractor pulls, demolition derby and even a barnyard rodeo. BENJAMIN PRIEBE The Standard

Fill dumped without permit in Uxbridge DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard

UXBRIDGE: Work is expected to resume on an Uxbridge development, albeit with some changes to the agreement between the developer and the township following the unauthorized dumping of fill earlier this summer. On June 24, Toronto-based developer Fabio Furlan made a deputation to council outlining his need for a fill permit at Reach St. and Coral Creek Dr. in order to begin development of Phase 5 of the Estates of Avonlea. At that time, Mr. Furlan explained that, due to the topography of the land, approximately 10,000 cubic metres of fill would be needed at the site in order to meet grade requirements. Council then entered into a grading agreement

with the developer, with the expectation that all work be completed by Sept. 1, so as not to interfere with increased foot traffic in the area once school resumed. However, at the council meeting on Monday, Sept. 9, Mayor Gerri Lynn O’Connor expressed dismay that several provisions in the agreement have not been adhered to. “Fill has already been brought in without a permit, and it was supposed to be brought into the middle of the site, away from the property line,” said Mayor O’Connor. “Now, there is no baseline for well and septic system testing, and cracks in the neighbours’ yard due to heavy trucks on the property.” The alleged damage to the neighbouring property may be dealt with by hooking the property up to municipal services.




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