The Standard Newspaper March 14th, 2013

Page 1

Vol. 10 No. 11



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Fill flyers land in Uxbridge mailboxes DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard

UXBRIDGE: Uxbridge Township is advising residents to be aware of fill regulations, in light of a flyer recently distributed throughout the township soliciting fill sites. According to township staff, a flyer was recently distributed to most rural mailboxes in Uxbridge Township seeking fill sites for a variety of uses. The flyer advises residents that the company Millennium Earth Works from Woodbridge - has an ‘excess of clean, environmentally-certified soil’ and requires suitable filling locations. The company claims to offer services at no cost to the property owner, and that a per-load fee would be offered to the property owner depending on the volume of soil imported. According to Millennium Earth Works, a minimum of 50 loads are needed to apply for this service. Township CAO Ingrid Svelnis spoke to The Standard regarding what is required under the township’s site alteration by-law. “People will require a fill permit for the quantities they speak to and permits would need to be obtained from the Township of Uxbridge for land not regulated and from the Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority for lands in the regulated area,” Ms. Svelnis explained. Without the proper permits in place, property owners could unknowingly be exposing themselves to undue hardships should authorities become aware of improper filling activities on their property. “Unfortunately, without a permit people will find themselves being caught and as the property owner they are responsible and it would be a shame if people think that getting a flyer means all is well.” Ms. Svelnis added. It was further explained by Ms. Svelnis that for township-controlled properties, anything over five loads of fill requires a permit from the municipality. Anything greater than 10 loads of fill will require approval from Council. TURN TO PAGE 5


PICTURE PERFECT: Artist Harvey J. Walker inspects the details of ‘Birdseye Park Setting,’ at the recent opening of his Tree Spirits exhibit at the Kent Farndale Gallery in the Scugog Memorial Public Library. The BLAKE WOLFE The Standard exhibit runs until April 4.

Scugog Fire arbitration award prompts review BLAKE WOLFE The Standard

SCUGOG: A recent arbitration award for Scugog’s full-time firefighters, including a pay increase and recommendation for a four-day work schedule, has prompted a ‘complete operational and organization review’ of the township’s fire department. A report by Fire Chief Richard Miller on the award, announced last month after more than a year of waiting for the township, was recently presented to Scugog councillors. According to the report, the award, which covers the period between 2009 and 2012, provides for a salary increase every six months retroactive to January 1, 2009. Scugog’s full-time firefighters announced that they had become affiliated with the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) and Ontario Professional Firefighters

Association in October 2008, creating the Scugog Professional Firefighters Association IAFF Local 4679. Following a wage freeze in 2009 due to the bargaining process, the township provided firefighters with an interim pay increase of eight per cent (retroactive to 2009 wages) in May 2011, equal to just over $32,000. The remainder of the retroactive wages to be paid out will have an additional impact of $100,000 on the township’s bottom line in 2013, in addition to expenses such as benefits and pension payments. The report states that the total wage increase would amount to a 26.7 per cent jump for a first-class firefighter - from $63,500 in 2008 to $80,440 in 2012. Chief Fire Prevention Officer Gord Gettins would also receive an additional three per cent of salary in the form of ‘recognition pay,’ based on years of service, with two more firefighters set to receive the recognition pay beginning in October. TURN TO PAGE 4

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