The Standard Newspaper February 13th, 2014

Page 1

Vol. 10 No. 7



Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18



Professional Realtor Realty Executives Systems Brokerage

Headline North House

prepares for Coldest Night BENJAMIN PRIEBE The Standard

A VERY QUICK DIP: Divers in Port Perry’s Polar Plunge were in a hurry to climb back out of Lake Scugog on Saturday, Feb. 8. The annual event, which is held during Feb Fest in Palmer Park, benefits the Port Perry Hospital Auxiliary Foundation - this year 65 people took the plunge and raised approximately $18,200. See more photos on Page 3 of this week’s paper and on The Standard’s Facebook page. BENJAMIN PRIEBE The Standard

Uxbridge continues aid as Mount Albert rebuilds after fire hall blaze DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard

UXBRIDGE: In the days following a devastating blaze that destroyed the Mount Albert fire hall, work is currently underway on a temporary facility for the community, which also covers emergency calls in the northwest portion of Uxbridge Township. Uxbridge’s fire department will continue to respond to calls in the northwest corner of the township, which includes the hamlet of Zephyr while work continues on a temporary home for the East Gwillimbury fire department, located at 5866 Doane Rd. in Mount Albert, next to the sewage treatment plant. It is expected that the temporary hall will be up and running later this week, although Uxbridge will continue to respond to calls in the area as the department rebuilds following an early-morning fire at the Mount



Albert station on Feb. 2. “It will take some time before they can resume their coverage of the North western area of Durham Region. But, this is a great step forward and we would like to thank York Region and East Gwillimbury for their efforts in re establishing local fire service,” said Ward 2 Councillor and Zephyr resident Pat Molloy. Uxbridge fire chief Scott Richardson explained that his department will continue to respond to calls in the Zephyr-area for the foreseeable future. While the department will have a temporary facility will be open, Chief Richardson was unsure of the vehicles and equipment that would be available to the East Gwillimbury department as they continue their rebuilding efforts. According to Chief Richardson, East Gwillimbury’s fire department responds to approximately 33 calls per year in northwest Uxbridge Township.

NORTH DURHAM: North House, a homeless outreach centre in Cannington, came before Scugog and Uxbridge councils this week to offer an update on the centre’s recent progress and the goals they have set for the future. North House will represent Durham Region on Saturday, Feb. 22, by holding its ‘Coldest Night of The Year’ event, a two, five, and ten kilometre winter walk hosted in over 60 cities, including Uxbridge. The walk begins at Uxbridge Arena at 4 p.m., and runs until 8 p.m. Afterwards, chili and hot drinks will be served to all those particpating in the ‘Coldest Night of the Year.’ Further information and registration for the event will be found on-line at the North House web site at Organizers were very excited to state that North House has currently reached half of its $25,000 pledge goal; and is looking forward to a great turnout for this event. On Monday, Feb. 1, Scugog Township council heard a deputation from Ann Watson, Director of North House. Among the key issues, Ms. Watson presented statistics which show that North House was able to help a total of 28 adults and children in the Brock, Uxbridge, and Scugog Townships with their two-year-long ‘wraparound’ approach. “Wraparound is a comprehensive and dynamic method of working with clients,” reads a North House report. “We have been using the ‘housing first’ approach since day one, which has been the most successful. The first step to getting someone off of the streets is to get them into housing, after that we need to support them with financial planning, counseling, and health care to make sure they can stay on their feet.” The success of the small but hard-working North House team has not been without difficulty, as the greatest hurdle for their clients has been over coming mental health issues. T U R N TO PAG E 9

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