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Savers of Life and Earth: A Pursuit of Creating an Environmental Blueprint

Words by Mdpn. Jestoni S. Sararaña, Mdpn. Syrus Miguel S. Santamena, and Katherine C. Bordador

Photos by Mdpn. Syrus Miguel S. Santamena


Opportunity has happened; we got a chance to visit one of the greenest places situated above a mountainous area here in Iloilo. Sitting at a round table under the swaying trees that protected us from the sun’s rays, hearing the chirping musical sound of the birds around the area, and embracing the wind’s breeze—it is indeed a breath-of-fresh-air kind of place. In front of us is the owner of the place, happiness written all over his face. We witnessed it, and we could say that it’s the emotions of satisfaction for the recognition of the place’s got at a moment. As an introduction, we asked him, “Sir, why did you choose the environment?” He looked in nowhere as if reminiscing about the root of everything, then he diverted his attention to us and said, “I started to fall in love with nature when I was in high school. I started my appreciation there and realized, na kung lonely ka gale, kung gina akigan ka ni nanay mo, kung wala ka friends na maka istorya, ara gale si nature na makadtuan mo—this is my heaven,” he responded with a face lit up with impish glee. Hon. Marcelo Valentine S. Serag, a graduate of the Master in Public Administration at the Lyceum of the Philippines University and Leadership and Development Management at the Asia Institute of Management (AIM), a father of three, an environmentalist, and currently sitting his last term as the Board Member of the First District of Iloilo, is the man behind the strong foundation of the San Joaquin Life and Earth Savers Organization (LESO). He has fallen in love with nature since he was in grade school, and now his burning passion for the environment has made him an advocate for its protection and preservation. A decade of love and passion has developed into some worthwhile activities and programs for environmental protection. As a board member, he is an elected official, though by heart he is an advocate of environmental protection. Some believe that he’s just doing it because he’s a public official; nevertheless, the reality is that he’s been the chairperson of the committee on environment since then, which he personally chose because it’s his advocacy. The heart of B.M. Val will always go back to nature, no matter what he achieves in life or what problems he may encounter. Nature has been his haven; he has dreamed of it since he was young.

The Underlying Purpose

Located in the secluded area of Brgy. Cata-an San Joaquin, Iloilo, Igbulawan Farm was created to fulfill the desire of living in harmony with nature and the love and appreciation for plants and the surroundings. The area is known for its pristine natural landscape and a prepossessing transformation of the environment. Igbulawan Nature Farm offers visitors the chance to escape from the hurly-burly life in the city and a time to pamper themselves by appreciating the beauty of nature. The admission fee costs Php 200.00 , which includes an entrance fee and nature’s fee that are both worth Php 50.00. While the Php 100.00 is consumable for coffee, foods and beverages. Nature’s fee serves as your contribution to environmental protection as this goes to the San Joaquin Life and Earth Savers Organization’s environmental advocacy and operations (LESO). The concept of transforming the local youth group and newage leaders into a force of goal-oriented individuals gave rise to the initial motivation for the organization’s foundation. In order to utilize young people as agents of change through projects and activities aimed for environmental protection and preservation, LESO was created in 2014. The group is engaged in several purposeful activities like leadership development, tree planting, coastal cleanups, disaster preparedness and response, bloodletting, livelihood training, and financial aid for school through scholarships. Currently, there are 125 active members in the organization. For eight years, LESO has consistently “walked the talk” and sparked change by deed. Every path established is maintained for its intended future. Their leisure in Igbulawan supports the environmental activities of LESO, which include the annual Earth Hour, Earth Day, and Arbor Day. LESO also raises awareness of the environmental problems we currently face through various activities and initiatives. Maintaining the beauty of our earth, conveying the value of the environment, and working to ensure its welfare are part of their goals. The organization provides activities for the benefit of its members so they can further discover nature and all of its aspects. The LESO’s purpose is to remind people of how important the environment is and how we should all do our part to protect what’s left, even in small ways. The project’s supporters believe that even a tiny contribution will make a significant difference in rescuing and preserving both the environment and humanity. Along the way of chatting, glasses of lemonade are served. While sipping, we talk about the cleanliness of the surroundings. We gained a lot of knowledge and were astounded by their managerial style. According to Mr. Serag, they have a rule that says visitors aren’t permitted to bring food unless they stay the night. Plastics and other rubbish are strictly prohibited inside the farm; in fact, there isn’t a single trashcan in the vicinity, and that’s the point because the farm is a “trash-free” nature park, one method for preserving the area’s purity and greenery. As time goes by, the conversation continues to be riveting, disregarding the rising darkness of the sky and the escalating cricket noise. Running through our discussion, we’ve reached the subject of their implemented policies. Smiles swiftly reach his eyes before he utters these words: “We have a set of rules. One, Iwanan mo na shota mo, huwag lang ang basura mo,” we burst into laughter as we picked up the point of the hugot lines. Mr. Serag follows with an explanation of why he chose to use that creative way of reminding the tourists who visited the place. For him, he wants something interesting and unique. Since we were living in the 21st century, we thought that instead of putting serious quotations like “Don’t throw your garbage,” why not make them more relatable? He developed these concepts for communicating the park’s rules so that they would stand out and be appreciated, especially by the younger generations. Laws were scattered around the area through painted signage made from cuts of wood. We were struck by the significance of those Hugot lines. It’s like a simple logic that even a kid can decipher easily— meaningful and a very creative way of making.

What To Expect In Igbulawan Farm

Time spent in nature is never wasted, as they say. Recently, people have been under a lot of stress, which is unquestionably hard on their energy and needs to be recharged. The farm provides a wide range of bamboo-themed hammocks and other amenities where you can relax and take a moment to get in touch with nature’s mind-alleviating composure. There’s also a place on the farm where individuals can hug a tree if they’re feeling stressed and it says that, “Hugging a tree increases levels of Hormone Oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for feeling calm and emotional bonding,” hugging a tree will assist people in releasing all of the negative energy in their bodies and minds, according to the scientific explanation of this quotation. It’s important to keep in mind that Igbulawan Farm is not a commercial park but rather a peaceful retreat and a place to commune with nature. Instead of giving the comforts of home, it helps individuals appreciate nature’s importance and the beauty of its rawness. You will be speechless as you gaze at the far-off mountains and the picturesque forest that blankets them. One should only breathe in serenity and breathe out happiness while here and be taken back by how the nighttime environment feels overall. The campfire, the starry sky, the sway of the trees surrounding you in the evening breeze as you listen to the sound of the crickets, and as you set your footstep at Igbulawan Farm, respect and follow the environmental principles as they are made to be an inspiration to everyone to work hard for the preservation of the environment. Through the planting and maintenance of plants, it also seeks to restore the abundance and quality of nature, soil, water, and air. Their team uses environmentally friendly farming techniques while creating the location, which complies entirely with criteria for responsible tourism. Truly more than just a farm, all features raise their environmental advocacy to a new level, making it an inland resort that supports environmental protection with the environmental laws they are implementing.

The Common Point

We are a product of our environment, which is vital to everyone’s survival because it is the only thing that makes life on earth possible. The environment is made up of all living things, including humans and flora and fauna as well as weather and climate. The environment not only helps to keep the climate in balance, but it also offers everything needed for human life. Due to human selfishness and disregarding the essence of natural resources, people continue to engage in some acts such as cutting down the trees and harming other vegetation, which has a negative impact on the ecosystem. Considering the significance of the environment, we should all work together to preserve it. Let’s safeguard our environment and continue to promote and keep funding initiatives that value mother nature.

The importance of putting your heart in our mother earth is to give back the love she gave us at the first moment of our walks. As we hold our own advocacies, we must play our role widely. To continue the connection between humans and nature, let’s break the boundaries between them and know our limitations by understanding and following the environmental rules. Igbulawan Farm and the people behind this fascinating project are one of those examples of how being a simple saver can make a big impact on our lives and the earth. Their expedition in creating Igbulawan Farm will serve as an environmental blueprint for a successful outlook as nature conservators.

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