2020 Summer South Atlantic Regional Journal - The Sensational - Farewell Commemorative Edition

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A. DAOT Author Alfreada Kelly with Soror Melody Harris B. DAOT Author Trevy McDonald with Soror Christa Newkirk C. DAOT - Author Dr. Yierini Hodges-Murad D. DAOT Winnye Wilks with Soror Antoinette Cody E. DAOT Author Janice Kelsey with Soror LiMia Bowen F. DAOT Author T'keyah Keymah and Soror Kimberly Anderson G. DAOT Author Melissa Lawson and Soror Anizsa Grant H. DAOT Author Jondahlyn Holston and Soror Kendra Grant

D E LT A A U T H O R S O N T O U R - H O S T E D B Y C H A R L O T T E A L U M N A E

Sensational THE

JUANITA B. MASSENBURG Regional Director PRECIOUS JEMISON Regional Representative





DELORIS B. HARGROW Regional Secretary REV. DR. TRISH HARLESTON Regional Chaplain BRIDGETTE WILSON Regional Journalist


FRANCES McIVER Regional Parliamentarian

4-5 Messages from the Regional Director and Representative 7

Our Sensational Biennium


The 2020 Pandemic

KAYE WEBB Assistant Regional Parliamentarian


12 An Interview with the Regional Director



16 Love Letters from the States

DOMINIQUE GEAR State Facilitator

28 A Precious JEM

ALFREDA BRYANT State Secretary

51 Around the Region


70 Sensational Sorors

REGAN SADLER State Facilitator

88 Sensational Scholars

JONI WILLIAMS State Secretary

VA L EADER S HIP MICHELLE LEWIS State Coordinator KA'MYIA GUNN State Facilitator





FANCHON GLOVER State Secretary CASSANDRA MURPHY Regional Photographer

Farewell from the

s o u t h at l a n t i c r e g i o n a l d i r e c t o r

My Dear Sorors, It is with varied emotions that I share this message for the Farewell Edition of The Sensational for my term as Regional Director of the South Atlantic Region. When we think about saying farewell, it is associated with a departure or an ending. But, in the context of our journey over the last 4 years, I’m proud to say that we as a community of sorors have fared well in every aspect of sisterhood, scholarship and service. In this final Journal, we are able to reflect on our unwavering dedication to fulfilling and serving with purpose. Although times are challenging and every day met with uncertainty, our Chapters and leaders have adjusted to make sure the needs of our communities and members are met. Throughout the pages of this edition, you will celebrate just how well we have fared as a region and an organization of the brightest and most resilient women I know.

The release of this edition coincides with our Regional Conference, “A Delta Love Affair”, which was to be hosted by Richmond Alumnae in Richmond, Virginia. Although we will not meet in person physically, we will honor and love on each other just the same -- albeit virtually and socially distanced. The theme was chosen to highlight a gathering of, and genuine display of sisterly love. I extend words of love and appreciation to our Regional Journalist, Bridgette Wilson, for the countless hours she and the Information and Communications team have devoted to preparing publications that would showcase our chapters and members’ accomplishments and service. With Delta love, I am forever grateful to my leadership team for always standing with me; to my predecessors for laying the foundation upon which I continued to build; and to all the sorors of the South Atlantic for “Keeping it Sensational”. With Love and Appreciation,


South Atlantic Regional Director


Greetings from the

s o u t h at l a n t i c r e g i o n a l r e p r e s e n tat i v e

Greetings Sorors! Thank you all for a wonderful biennium. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your 24th South Atlantic Regional Representative! Saying goodbye is a part of our life and let’s not be sad about this. Rather, let’s treasure all the good memories and look forward to the beautiful future. As you read through this journal, reflect on the many lessons that were taught and the memories that brought us all closer. May God continue to bless each and every one of you as we continue to “Keep it Sensational!”

I would like to thank all of you for the unwavering support that you have shown me since being elected in August 2018 in Charlotte, North Carolina. I am so humbled and grateful to represent the Sensational South Atlantic Region. Now, let us continue to be Sensational forever more and always remember that our work in Delta is truly a liftetime committment and a beautiful “Delta Love Affair!” Forever Sisterly,


South Atlantic Regional Representative


A Daughter's Tribute Mom,

I’m so glad I get to write this and not be on a stage. The tears wouldn’t allow me to make it through! Wow! I cannot believe it has been four years. It seems like it was only yesterday when they called your name as the new RD in Virginia Beach. That was one of my most proudest moments. I saw how hard you worked to get there. I saw how much you believed that if it was for you, then it would be for you. And it was! You have been so dedicated and steadfast to this role and I couldn’t be more proud of the things you have accomplished. You have created some wonderful initiatives in your region and even been an innovator in doing things that no other region has done! I couldn’t be more proud to call you my Mom. You continue to set examples and show me what it means to be a great leader, mentor and friend. What it means to be fair and hear and see all sides. I couldn’t be more proud to have a Mom that instills those traits in me...And even in the midst of this, you still were able to be GiGi to my babies and Mom to me. You will never know how grateful I am for you. Your faith in God is impeccable and even when I feel I need an extra boost of faith, you step right in and fill that void. I couldn’t be more grateful to have you as my Mom. I thank God for you each and every day. Congratulations Mom on a job well done. I pray that this next journey in your life brings you much needed relaxation and down time as you truly deserve it! In a few months, we would have been taking a trip to some beautiful location but The Rona had other plans. No worries. Rona won’t hold us down forever. We will celebrate soon! Love you Mom!

Mundi Massenburg Gattis 6


Biennium 2 0 1 8- 2020

Scholarship Donations from South Atlantic Region Chapters


As reported by July 20, 2020

Regional Programming

Public Service Donations to Local Charities



All Chapters have conducted effective Five Point Programmatic Thrust programming

Chapter Seed Grants

8 Chapters Awarded

Kappa Omicron - UNC-Chapel Hill Theta Iota - UNC-Wilmington Johnston County Alumnae Knightdale-Wake Forest Alumnae Northern Virginia Alumnae Raleigh Alumnae Shelby Alumnae Walterboro Alumnae

Sorors Reclaimed


Leading Scholars

8 Seniors

has a cumulative GPA of 4.00


collegiate sorors have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher


collegiate sorors have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher


of collegiate sorors have a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher



Written by Angela T. Clark

start of 2020 was exciting! It was full of clear vision and amazing possibilities. However by March of 2020, no one could have anticipated how severely COVID-19 would change the entire landscape of our communities and country. The subsequent ban on travel, multiple industries and state shutdowns meant the effects were felt globally.

What used to be minor issues are now major concerns for every chapter in our region. As we move forward in Delta, we have the daunting task of integrating new technology into our chapters. In March 2020, National President and CEO Beverly E. Smith decided to take precautions to protect our National Headquarters staff and operate remotely until further notice due to COVID-19. This change meant learning how to conduct the business of Delta without being able to meet face to face. In some cases, chapters across our region had conference call contingencies in place. However, in other cases, some chapters had to upgrade their technology literally overnight. The creation of remote meeting options were crucial to the basics of hosting chapter and committee meetings. Across the region, chapters showed their ability to pivot in unprecedented times in order to meet the needs of not only chapter members but also the community.


COVID-19 hits A novel coronavirus, also known as, COVID-19 made it to the shores of America and most of the country had to go on lock down. Many Americans had to shelter in place and life would never be the same again.

The new normal In April, several chapters have begun the virtual meeting process. Greenville (SC) Alumnae held April and May chapter meetings via zoom achieving the highest number of attendees in chapter history. “Our efforts to include so many of our current members virtually would never have happened without our dedicated Technology Committee and the leadership of Soror Topeka Simpson, said President Pamela B. Askew. “ Her team has created a seamless process that includes incorporating our Delta Dears as well as new members to increase participation.”

Six-feet apart please Social distancing can be used to think out of the box creating a way to remain productive. In Virginia, President Stephanie Drummond of Fredericksburg Alumnae shared several of their chapter fundraisers with the added component of keeping sorors safe. “We coordinated carry out events where meals could be purchased and taken home as well as an online popcorn fundraiser to help support our chapter projects. We are committed to continuing what we can to support our local economy.”

Collaboration is key Cross collaboration partnerships with the areas of our Five-Point Programmatic Thrust and chapter committees has been a focus of Asheville (NC) Alumnae. “We have already shared two installments of a virtual restorative yoga from Physical and Mental Health.” shared President Tiffany King Iheanacho. “We are thrilled to now present our upcoming Achievers African-American Essay Contest, a partnership between our Arts and Letters Committee and Educational Development. The contest to celebrate and learn about african-american history is accepting applications from July 6 to August 21.”

Thriving in 2020 Although this outbreak has grappled with every aspect of the American economy, chapters in the South Atlantic Region are still striving to carry on the business of Delta serving and connecting with each other and our communities even in a different way..


Anniversary During the 26th National Convention held in Chicago, Illinois, August 1960, the directive was given by then National President, Jeanne Noble, to proceed with the creation of a new region – The South Atlantic Region. The creation of the South Atlantic Region made it the seventh region of the Sorority. The Southern Region, which then included South Carolina, and the Eastern Region, of which North Carolina and Virginia were apart were much too large for effective relationships both in travel and programming. The geographical proximity, the common pressures of social issues and the inherent feeling of state kinship which is shared by Virginia and the Carolinas made the union a more logical one. The region consisted of 54 chapters – 17 undergraduate and 37 graduate chapters with 1400 financial members making it the second largest of the seven regions, at the that time. Soror Marietta Cephas of Petersburg, Virginia, accepted the appointment as Regional Director of this new region in September 1960. The first South Atlantic Regional Conference was held at South Carolina State College in Orangeburg, South Carolina, April 6-8, 1961. Our dearly beloved Founder Soror Jimmie Bugg Middleton graced this inaugural conference and extended greetings to the more than 100 sorors in attendance. Soror Cephas presided. The second Regional Director, Edith Tweedy, was elected in 1964 at the second South Atlantic Regional Conference in Petersburg, Virginia. We have made great strides in our rich 60-year history, including facilitating the 29th Regional Conference virtually due to an unprecedented pandemic. Today, the South Atlantic Region is under the leadership of the Regional Director, Juanita B. Massenburg of the Durham Alumnae Chapter and Soror Precious Jemison serves as the Regional Representative. The region consists of 160 collegiate and alumnae chapters located in Bermuda, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. 10

Dr. Bertha M. Roddey 20th National President Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated S p e c i a l Fa r e w e l l M e s s a g e

Dear Soror Massenburg, As your term as Regional Director comes to a close, I take this opportunity to thank you for your hard work and commitment to the South Atlantic Region and to our Sorority. Over the last four years, your tireless efforts have increased the credibility and visibility of the South Atlantic Region and its members both within the Sorority and throughout North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Bermuda. Your vision of incorporating strategic planning, communication, training opportunities, engagement, and public service has been recognized and will continue to reap rewards. This vision is further evident in the talented sorors who participated in the Region’s programs and for the relationships developed with the communities that this region serves. It is my pleasure to thank you for your dedication and commitment and to wish you the absolute best in all your future endeavors. I will always remember and cherish your kindnesses and courtesies to me personally. I also extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to you as the newest member of that very ‘elite’ group – Past South Atlantic Regional Directors. Peace, Joy and Love Always,

Bertha M. Roddey, Ph.D. 20th National President Past South Atlantic Regional Director


uanita’s ourney


An Interview with Regional Director Juanita Massenburg

Written by: Bridgette Wilson

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give yourself four years ago?

Being the leader of this great region along with a wonderful Regional Representative, I know for sure that it takes a village. My vision four years ago emphasized the phrase, “Together we will” and together with this sensational region and my leadership team of 266 members, we most certainly did! It took a village with varied skill sets to make sure the region was covered. I would have told myself four years ago that without question, it takes as many sisters as possible to join the journey.

What are your thoughts when you look back at your Vision for this region four years ago? My State Coordinators and I looked back at the past four years and the region has accomplished a great deal and yet there is still more work to do. I am pleased that God allowed us to work together for good. I want to thank everyone in the region for embracing our vision and thank everyone for the effort to get it accomplished.

What are you going to do to relax once your administration comes to a close?

What is your biggest achievement?

Well, the standard answer is . . . I’m

As Regional Director, you don’t pat yourself on the back because it takes a village. What I count as an accomplishment is seeing the chapters throughout the region getting involved and leading activities that represent our Five Point Programmatic Thrusts. I truly enjoyed seeing chapters get excited about submitting their wonderful stories to the journal and participating in the regional awards. It’s all about the chapters. We do not have a region without the amazing work of the chapters. Chapter involvement and engagement is key. What is also extremely important to me is collegiate chapters having a voice in the region . Soror Jemison kept the collegiates in the conversation. My leadership team made it a priority to ensure that all chapters had a voice in the region. In order to have that open dialogue, we launched the Real Talk series with hot topics at State Meetings. We made sure that we elicited key experts to address the hot topics. We also had open mic sessions at the State Meetings so that sorors could express themselves. We collected that feedback and worked to put it into action.

What is your wish for the region?

going to Disney World!!!

But given

this pandemic, I won’t be doing that any time soon. My husband and I love to get away to the mountains. It’s so peaceful and relaxing. I especially enjoy the beautiful panoramic views. But for now, until things can normalize in our world, the trip to the mountains will be our deck! The deck will be our fabulous mountain view! I plan to put my feet up, relax and just chill with the grandkids. That will be my getaway!

I wish the incoming Regional Officers much success! It is very important that I support the new Regional Director (RD) and the new Regional Representative. I have prepared for that transition so that she (the new RD) can hit the ground running. I lean very heavily on the past RDs as well as my RD sisters. They are truly the wind beneath my wings. I want every soror in our region to know that we are a very special region. We are very creative and innovative. They call us Sensational for a reason! Ultimately, I pray that the region stays excited and energized about the future. I want every soror to stay involved because giving sorors an opportunity to serve is very important to me. It’s more than enough room for sorors to serve. WE are better off when sorors can serve. 13

Snapsh ts Years


National Executive Board with Sorors Massenburg, Jemison and Cunningham. AA

Soror Massenburg with her husband Danny, her daughter Mundi. Along with Mundi's husband and their three beautiful children.

RD Juanita Massenburg, National President and 14 CEO Beverly Smith, and Danny Massenburg

Soror Massenburg participates in the March on Selma re-enactment.

Snapsh ts Years


Past Regional Directors along with Regional Director Massenburg (center) AA

All seven regional reps on the left standing beside all seven regional directors on the right.

Honorary Member Daphne Maxwell Reid receives gift from Soror Massenburg

15Massenburg Soror Cheryl Hickmon, Soror and other sorors.

Soror Massenburg, National President and CEO Beverly Smith along with other sorors attend a national Democratic Debate.

Past Regional Representative Sierra Cunningham and Soror Massenburg


State Coordinator ROSETTE SIMMONS “I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” This quote has always resonated with me, and seems appropriate when I think of my time spent as Bermuda Coordinator under the direction of Soror Juanita Massenburg. Soror Massenburg challenged me to strive for excellence. She was approachable and willing to listen whenever I had questions – characteristics I found welcoming and affirming as a coordinator. Thank you Soror Massenburg for your encouragement and leadership. You have demonstrated the qualities needed to lead a team of intelligent and phenomenal women. To my sister coordinators - Monica Owens, Michelle Lewis and Selene Brent - you have become very special to me. You are dearly treasured Delta Sisters and friends. Thank you for your support and encouragement. I look forward to enjoying many years in Delta with you. The true joy I have received while serving as the Bermuda Coordinator stems from the outpouring of love given by the Sorors of the Sensational South Atlantic Region. When I stepped into a meeting and received their warm greetings, I felt the love of an enduring Sisterhood. I have had the opportunity to participate in State Meetings, Regional Conferences and National Conventions as a member of the dais. I have been blessed to have grown in Delta. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and continuously learn about our illustrious Sorority. To the Bermuda Alumnae Chapter, thank you for allowing me to serve as the Bermuda Coordinator and represent our beautiful island. Sorors, it has indeed been a pleasure to serve as part of the South Atlantic Region Leadership. I have been truly blessed to have met and served with some amazing women on my life journey in Delta. This “Delta Love Affair” has been a blessing. Keeping it Sensational…. With sisterly love, Rosette


State Coordinator SELENE BRENT Where has the time gone? My how it flies when you are having fun. I can honestly say I have had the time of my life these past four years as I reflect on working with the South Atlantic Regional Leadership Team, the North Carolina State Leadership Team, my sister State Coordinators (Monica, Michelle, Rosette), the sorors across the state of North Carolina, and all my beautiful sorors throughout the entire region. The things that I have learned and the places I have gone, and the opportunities I have experienced have been so rewarding. I want to thank Soror Juanita B. Massenburg, the Sensational South Atlantic Regional Director, for affording me this once in a lifetime opportunity. The confidence you had in me allowed me to learn and grow so I can be the best Delta I can be. I am forever grateful for your vision, your guidance, your support, and your love. I would also like to thank my fantastic, dedicated, and hard-working state team: Melissa Hayban; State Facilitator; Kristin Williams, State facilitator; Dominque Gear, State Facilitator; and Alfreda Bryant, State Secretary. It is amazing how many miles are in North Carolina, and it seems that at times we were traveling them all, but it was all because of the love we have for Delta. No words will ever be able to express how much I appreciate you and all that you gave all you had so we could be a unified team. The best part about being the State Coordinator is the interaction you have with the chapters and sorors you work with to “coordinate” regional and state events. We got to know each other well with the late-night phone calls, texting, numerous meetings, but the results have produced amazing special and spectacular events. A special thanks to the following host chapters for working with me over the four years:  Spring State Meeting – Union County Alumnae Fall Leadership Meeting –  Project HERS – Alpha Lambda (NCCU) Knightdale-Wake Forest Alumnae  Delta Day at the NC General Assembly – Western Wake Alumnae  NC Divine 9 Legislative Day – Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area  Founders Day East – Goldsboro Alumnae Alumnae  Fall Leadership Meeting – Raleigh Alumnae  Founders Day West –  Pride in Our Heritage Tour – Durham Alumnae Lexington (NC) Alumnae & Union County Alumnae  Spring State Meeting –  NC Statewide Founders Day – Jacksonville (NC) Alumnae Durham Alumnae  Spring State Meeting – Salisbury Alumnae  Delta Day at the NC General  NC Divine 9 Legislative Day – Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Assembly – Raleigh Alumnae Alumnae  NC Divine 9 Legislative Day – Chapel  “She Changed The World” – Western Wake Alumnae Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae  Fall State Meeting – Hickory Alumnae  Fall State Meeting – Oxford-Henderson Alumnae  Founders Day East – Greenville (NC) Alumnae

 Founders Day West – Winston Salem Alumnae & Pi

Omicron (Wake Forest University)  First South Atlantic Region Community Prayer Breakfast – Duplin County Alumnae

 NC Statewide Founders Day – Johnston County Alumnae  NC Divine 9 Legislative Day – Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area  60th Anniversary Celebration - Durham Alumnae

I am proud my name will be recorded in the history books as serving the State of North Carolina and the South Atlantic Region. It is a journey that has impacted my life like no other, and I will never forget. Thank You South Atlantic Region for EVERYTHING! “All of my love, my peace, and happiness I’m going to give to Delta.”


State Coordinator MONICA OWENS “A true Delta is never glad when others go wrong, she is gladdened by goodness, ….always eager to believe the best, always willing to help others in the slow process of growth… Her love never disappears.”

These are the statements I reflect on when I think of Soror Massenburg and when she appointed me as State Coordinator for South Carolina. She provided the platform for me to grow in Delta in ways I never imagined possible. She wanted the best for me and believed the best in me to serve the Region and in particular the Sorors of South Carolina. Her love never disappeared. Thank you forever for this opportunity. The last four years have been nothing less than sensational as I have had the opportunity to work with all 46 chapters in South Carolina. It has truly been my pleasure to serve each of you as we all grew in Delta. I thank each of you for your support through your presence, participation, and prayers. There are a few chapters that I must highlight as they answered YES to the call of hosting a regional event. Special thanks and love go to the following:

and . Thank you to all of the Sorors serving on the Regional Leadership Team who in some manner shared their time and talents on behalf of the Sorors of South Carolina. I would like to thank the Sorors who made up the South Carolina Leadership Team. They served with dedication and diligence – Soror Joni S. Williams as State Secretary and Sorors Jordan BarnesHowze and Regan Sadler as State Facilitators. Thank you to my Sister State Coordinators – Selene Brent, Michelle Lewis, and Rosette Simmons. You have been more than Sorors. We have been friends, leaning posts, and sisters. Sorors thank you for allowing me to serve you. I love you all and look forward to seeing you in person in the near future. With All of My Love, Monica


State Coordinator MICHELLE LEWIS How can something that begins during a hurricane and ends amidst a global pandemic be described as one of life’s greatest moments? In the fall of 2016 when Soror Massenburg formally introduced her Leadership Team, we were carefully watching weather reports of an impending hurricane that was threatening the east coast and the region that we reside in. During that meeting Julia Chavis was introduced as the State Facilitator and Fanchon Glover, the State Secretary of Virginia. Together we would serve as the State Leadership for two years before having Ka’Myia Gunn join us as Facilitator after Julia’s graduation. Sorors Julia and Ka’Myia are both innovative and creative thinkers, always eager to provide insight from a collegiate perspective. Soror Glover has served as an exceptional member of the team with outstanding organizational skills and a warm, welcoming, gentle spirit. I am forever grateful to have served with this amazing group of Delta women to ensure that we provided a voice for Virginia Chapters, represented our members at regional events, and encouraged all to uphold the ideals and mission of our beloved Sorority. The conference calls, emails, text messages, late nights, early mornings and road trips throughout the region will always hold a special place in my heart and Delta experience. These years have been filled with joy working with chapter presidents, as well as regional and national committee members. It was an honor to join chapters for anniversaries, speak at chapter events, and assist with navigating the day-to-day operations of chapter management. During the planning of various statewide events we developed lifelong relationships and strengthened existing ones. The journey allowed us to work together with some Presidents for one year and others throughout the entire four years. Your support and kind words pushed us to keep going when we felt as though we couldn’t go any further. As we close out this administration with our 29 Regional Conference, “A Delta Love Affair”, I continue to reflect on the moments that remind me why I love our sisterhood. I love the collaborative spirit of sorors across the state who came together to participate in our hands-on Day of Service at the State Meetings - which included serving meals at homeless shelters, reading books at schools, and conducting STEM activities. I love the selfless giving during our Founders Day events in which thousands of dollars were raised to support our HBCUs and various local organizations. I love the Membership Intake Process and witnessing the bonding among chapter members and welcoming new initiates. I love that even during a pandemic our chapters and members continue to fight for justice, encourage voting and prioritize social action. I especially love the bond with my sister Coordinators - Monica, Rosette and Selene. th

Finally, with more love and appreciation than I can express in these pages, I thank Soror Juanita Blackwell Massenburg for her friendship, mentorship, leadership and encouragement. Thank you for always pushing me out of my comfort zone and always being open to exploring the “what ifs”. I will always treasure our talks and endless stream of out of the box, out of the ordinary dreams - many of which came to fruition. Thank you for appointing me to serve as the Virginia State Coordinator and knowing how all of our various talents, experiences and personalities would meld into one Sensational Team!

Richmond Alumnae (Central and Tidewater chapters); Charlottesville Alumnae (Western Area Chapters) Virginia Beach Alumnae (Statewide) and Prince William County Alumnae (Northern chapters) Franklin Tri-County Alumnae (Statewide); Northern Virginia Alumnae (DMV Areawide) Chesterfield Alumnae (Statewide) Prince William County Alumnae (Spring 2017); Roanoke Alumnae (Fall 2017); Portsmouth Alumnae (Spring 2018); Fredericksburg Area Alumnae (Spring 2019); Newport News Alumnae (Fall 2019) Mu Upsilon (William & Mary) and Williamsburg Alumnae Petersburg Alumnae Hampton Alumnae (2017-2020) Richmond Alumnae, Chesterfield Alumnae, Henrico County Alumnae, Petersburg Alumnae, Alpha Eta, Beta Epsilon, Eta Tau, Rho Rho (2020) Richmond Alumnae, Beta Epsilon, Eta Tau, Rho Rho

wishes JUANITA MASSENBURG & PRECIOUS JEMISON SOUTH ATLANTIC REGIONAL DIRECTOR AND REPRESENTATIVE After four years of stellar leadership, Soror Juanita Massenburg brings her administration to a successful close. She has had two amazing partners on this journey, Soror Sierra Cunningham and Soror Precious Jemison.

My Sorors Massenburg and Jemison, I’m sure you’ve wondered when this day would come. Hard to believe it’s time to pass your leadership mantle. Reflect on your successes and things you wish you could have done better. Just know every minute of your time, commitment and care of this sensational region is greatly appreciated. Congratulations!!!!! — ANDRIA M. JEFFRIES, PAST SOUTH ATLANTIC REGIONAL DIRECTOR

Soror Massenburg thank you for your outstanding leadership as Regional Director of the South It has been an honour to know and serve with Regional Director, Juanita Massenburg over the past four years. She has always been a supportive leader. I have enjoyed getting to know Regional Representative Precious Jemison these past two years and serving with her on the National Membership Services Committee.

Atlantic Region. You have been a great source of support for the Charlotte Alumnae Chapter. Thank you for keeping it sensational! With Delta Love, I wish you nothing but the best in the years to come. — MELODY HARRIS, CHAPTER PRESIDENT CHARLOTTE ALUMNAE


Congratulations Regional Director

Soror Jemison congratulations on your success as Regional Representative of the South Atlantic Region. We appreciate your support of our recent chapter programs and enjoyed the time that we spent with you. We wish you all the best in the years to come and you are welcome to Charlotte anytime! —MELODY HARRIS, CHAPTER PRESIDENT


Bermuda Alumnae Chapter would like to extend warmest well wishes to Soror Juanita Massenburg for her unfailing support. Likewise, we send appreciation and sisterly love to Soror Precious Jemison. Congratulations on outstanding service to the South Atlantic Region. We have appreciated the support of the international chapters during their tenure.

Massenburg and Regional Representative Jemison. We thank you for four years of exemplary leadership. You have led the South Atlantic Regional through these current unprecedented crises. We are grateful for your support and leadership during the 107th Founders Day Program. Well wishes in your next endeavor.


Beloved Sorors Massenburg and Jemison, thank you for four years of sensational leadership. Under your leadership, Camden Alumnae hosted the Spring State Meeting and welcomed 17 women into our beloved sisterhood. Your vibrant personalities, loving spirits, and unwavering dedication to the sisterhood will always be remembered. Job well-done sorors!



You have been a true inspiration to me. While leading my chapter under your administration, I learned invaluable lessons in leadership. Words alone cannot adequately express my gratitude. You stand very tall among leaders in Delta.


Congratulations fearless leaders for completing four-years of service. You have led and navigated chapters successfully, instilling the fundamental values embracing love and sisterhood all the way. As the journey ends, faith continues to remain as your leadership faces a new normal. God has greater things in store for you in Delta. —JEAN SIMS, ELIZABETH CITY ALUMNAE CHAPTER

Soror Juanita B. Massenburg, thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve in your administration. The knowledge I gained is invaluable. Your leadership, vision, and courage have kept our region sensational. Soror Precious Jemison, thank you for lighting the way for collegiate sorors. You are truly a precious gem!



2020 VA Statewide Founders Day Hosted by Chesterfield Alumnae Chapter


Photo credits: Anita Pearson Photography Cassandra Murphy

2020 NC Statewide Founders Day Hosted by Johnston County Alumnae Chapter Photo credit: Tarsha Burroughs


2020 SC Statewide Founders Day Hosted by Bennettsville-Cheraw & Hartsville Alumnae Chapters Photo credit: Cynthia Bennett & Mary Haile


Written By Rev. Dr. Trish Harleston South Atlantic Regional Chaplain

SEIZE THE LESSONS Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and in all thy getting get understanding. — Proverbs 4:7 (KJV)

E R T A I N LY, L I F E H A S P R E S E N T E D us with unexpected and unsolicited

transitions in recent months. In our individual, spiritual, and organizational lives, we’ve become exposed to communication and social engagement without personal interaction. This is a concept that we may have never thought possible just a few short months ago. Much about our normal daily existence has changed and much of it has felt eerily uncomfortable. But as we near the end of this Sorority year, and as we surpass months of our newly defined and unprecedented normalcy of life, we must pause to reflect on how these transitions have affected us and how they will impact our future. In other words, what have we learned through this? Inherently, much of our conversation has been on confirming the stability of those we care about and engaging in discussions on daily status updates. But have we taken a moment to seize the lessons that are prevalent as we evaluate the triumph and trials of our revised human existence? What will all of this mean when we look back at what has transpired? What are the lessons that are illuminated as we engage in a society with simultaneous triple threats: economic instability, global pandemic and social unrest?

Lesson One: We learned that we can pivot on a dime. Having been blessed with stellar leadership who discerns the voice of God and who moves by the wisdom of God, we’ve shown flexibility during adjustments that could have deterred our vision or aborted our goals. But because we rested upon our Christian Principles and chose to be led by the power of God, the pivot in our processes proved to be effective as we remained relevantly active, involved and focused. Lesson Two: We learned that prayer is our greatest stabilizer. This has proven to be a season of sifting as well as shifting. The prayer warriors within our organization never faltered in consistently petitioning the Lord to keep us covered and to keep us safe. Although early morning prayer may not have been the desired choice for everyone, we discovered that in this season, it would be the only choice to maintain a stable existence. 25

Lesson Three: We learned that there really is safety in the shelter of the Almighty. There is no greater peace than in the safety of the arms of God. As we faced unprecedented circumstances of uncertainty, we continued to be certain of the hand of God upon our lives. We learned that even in a pandemic, the Lord will not leave us nor will He forsake us. We learned that there is no force greater than the love of Jesus for us. We learned that when news reports and social media outlets are magnifying the events of this world, we must continue to magnify the name of Jesus above them all and that regardless of what life presents us, we have a Savior who promises that we can run to Him and be safe. Sorors, let us seize the lessons we learned in this season.


Hickory Alumnae Chapter thanks Sorors Juanita Massenburg and Precious Jemison for their guidance and leadership. Godspeed to you both! Well wishes are also extended to the entire South Atlantic Region leadership team. Blessings to you all! — HICKORY ALUMNAE CHAPTER

Soror Massenburg – Your professionalism and grace will be remembered! You have done wonders and I pray that this is not the last time that the SAR or DST will see your talents and creativity! Soror Jemison - Thank you for four years of outstanding leadership! Good Luck in your future endeavors!

Thank you for your service and commitment to creating a Sensational South Atlantic Region. We appreciate your dedication to our sorority and its future.




We love and appreciate Sorors Massenburg and Jemison. Our farewell wishes When you meet Juanita Massenburg she has a twinkle in her eyes and smile on her face and she makes you feel you were put in your position for a reason. Thank you for your support. Much success and love as you continue your path. Your phone will get a break! —CYNTHIA SMITH


are summarized in three words. Sisterhood: Sincere, Illustrious, Sisters, Tenacious, Energic, Resourceful, Helpful, Optimistic, Outstanding, and Dedicated. Scholarship: Scholastic, Courageous, Honest, Obedient, Loving, Ambitious, Respectful, Sensational, Happy, Intelligent, and Powerful. Service: Serviceable, Enthusiastic, Reasonable, Vivacious, Intuitive, Compassionate, and Enthusiastic. — VIRGINIA OWENS, CHAPTER PRESIDENT HAMPTON ALUMNAE

Thank you Soror Juanita B. Massenburg for your exemplary contributions of leadership to the region and the sorority. Your confidence, collaborative leadership style endorsed building relationships with chapters, and you made it a priority to be accessible to all members.

Thank you Soror Massenburg for your leadership of the Sensational South Atlantic Region and for your guidance, care, and concern for chapter presidents.



Soror Massenburg, I cannot begin to thank you enough for the opportunity you provided me to grow and learn in Delta by serving as your South Carolina State Coordinator. I will always cherish these memories and be forever grateful for your leadership, vision, sisterhood and most of all love. I pray God continues to bless you. Soror Jemison, it has been a pleasure to experience your enthusiasm and commitment to Delta Sigma Theta. I pray you will continue this course as you transition into alumnae life. God bless you.



Photo credits: Gerald Butler Tarsha Burroughs Cassandra Murphy



Precious Jem


Written by Sondra Hines Yates

oror Precious Jemison was catapulted into the Delta limelight when elected Regional Representative (RR), during the 2018 South Atlantic Regional Conference in Charlotte, N.C. A collegiate at the time, Jemison quickly finessed fulfilling a jam-packed travel schedule and leadership duties. The transition was a little bumpy; and along the ride, Jemison embraced a valuable lesson.

“I learned to not procrastinate,” she says with a chuckle, adding putting things off was her worst enemy and oddly her best friend too. That mishap didn’t prevent Jemison from pursuing to bridge the gap between collegiate Sorors transferring to alumnae chapters, one of her key goals. “The transition can be tough for collegiates,” she says speaking from experience; adding searching for a job, going to grad school, etc. often are top priorities for college graduates. “My transition was not as smooth due to my travel schedule.” As the daughter of a minister, Jemison consistently relied on her faith, especially when things didn’t go as planned. For example, her first National Convention in New Orleans, ended early due to a natural disaster, Project HERS, the retreat for collegiates was canceled, as well as the upcoming regional conference cycle, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, those mishaps paled in comparison to four of her fondest memories:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Sitting next to 20th National President, Dr. Bertha Maxwell Roddey. “The experience was surreal.” Attending Delta Days at the Nation’s Capital. Jemison says that event puts into perspective how social action hugely affects members beyond college campuses and local chapters. “All sorors should attend DDNC.” Road Trips with Soror Andria Jeffries (past SA Regional Director) and Soror Dena King, Chair, SA Region Social Action. “They mentored me, made sure I was groomed and was always ready,” she says. “I treasure this time the most.” 54th National Convention, NOLA – Jemison says she enjoyed attending practice for the Opening Ceremony. “It was an honor to be among national presidents, regional directors, etc. It was a good time.”

Advice for the Incoming Regional Representative

Another opportunity Jemison is embracing is life after her role as RR. Her plans are to become more active in her chapter (North Charleston Alumnae), perhaps run for office, assist the incoming RR as needed and help to groom future leaders.

• • • • • • •

While Jemison ponders what’s next, one thing is certain. A personal mantra to the incoming RR and other sorors, “Keep God first in everything you do.”


Do not be afraid to delegate tasks It’s ok to say no, particularly if the idea/project is not a good fit for collegiate members Stand up for what you believe, because there is a job to do Think before speaking and watch your body language Continue encouraging collegiate members to join alumnae chapters Network as much as possible. “I was offered jobs in NC, SC, and VA, all because I took opportunities to talk to sorors across the South Atlantic Region.”


wishes to

juanita massenburg and precious jemison South Atlantic Regional Director and Representative

Thank you Sorors Juanita Massenburg and Precious Jemison for your outstanding leadership and guidance over the past four years and biennium. You both have kept the region sensational and continued the trailblazing standard of the “baby” region. Best wishes on your future endeavors. — PORTSMOUTH ALUMNAE CHAPTER

On behalf of the Bennettsville-Cheraw Alumnae Chapter, we wish you, Soror Massenburg and Soror Jemison, God’s speed as you continue your Delta Journey. You have served with distinction and have made and given innovative ideas that will benefit us for years to come in Delta!

Just wanted to thank the entire Regional Team for all your hard work and guidance that you have provided to us all. Great Job! — SANDY STAMPS


We wish you the best and thank you for your awesome leadership to the Region during the past four years. It was our pleasure to carry out your HBCU initiative whereby over $17,000 was gifted to four institutions. — CYNTHIA BROWN, CO-CHAIR, MARION PAYNE,CO-CHAIR, EDUCATION AWARENESS COMMITTEE

Thank you Sorors Massenburg and Jemison for your amazing leadership and for ensuring that social action remained an important aspect of the work for our sorors. You kept our Region Sensational and socially active. On behalf of all the social activists in SAR, we love you and wish you the best. — DENA KING, ESQ. REGIONAL SOCIAL ACTION CHAIR


Durham Alumnae congratulates Sorors Massenburg and Jemison for outstanding leadership, unwavering service, support and dedication for the Region. We are very proud of you and have enjoyed supporting your vision. Soror Massenburg, you are treasured, truly loved and one of a kind. We are grateful for both of you and wish you well!

Congratulations to Sorors Juanita Massenburg and Precious Jemison. You have guided our region with professionalism, and grace. You both have been an inspiration for all of us and the Danville Alumnae Chapter extends its warmest wishes and prayers for continued success in your next endeavors. — DANVILLE ALUMNAE CHAPTER


Soror Massenburg, we will forever remember our time as shadows for you and Soror Beverly Smith for the 2020 NC Statewide Founders Day. Peace and Blessings.

Thank you for all the support and goodwill you have shown over the years. The sweet memories of working with Delta women like you will be hard to forget. Wishing you well on your next chapter in Delta. — LOUDOUN COUNTY ALUMNAE CHAPTER


Sorors Massenburg & Jemison, We love you! — WILMINGTON (NC) ALUMNAE CHAPTER

The Theta Iota Chapter gives thanks to Sorors Juanita Massenburg and Precious Jemison for their service, hard work, and dedication. As they continue to embody the values of what it means to be a Delta woman in leadership, we wish them nothing but success in all that they do. — UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA @ WILMINGTON 31

It has been an AWESOME and GRATIFYING experience working with you on this threelegged journey of RD, RR & SS! Thanks for the memories and much Success and God’s Blessings to you as you continue to serve in our Beautiful Sisterhood. — LISA S. KING NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP & STANDARDS COMMITTEE 2016-2020

V OTE. It’s an election year!

Written by Alonia Moses-Johnson

Across the nation, there are those vying for political office on the local, state and national levels. No matter where our party loyalties lie, it is our civic responsibility to exercise our right to vote. Many who came before us staged sit ins, marched, and boycotted for this very right. We would be remiss if we didn’t take this action seriously. We must not only let our voices be heard, but demand it through our votes.

Are you registered?

For registered voters.

Absentee voting.

If you are not registered to vote,

Visit https://www.usa.gov/voting

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,

please visit https://vote.gov/. It has

to access information such as

states have made the process of

information for each states’ voter

sample ballots, upcoming

absentee voting by mail easier.

registration requirements. Help

elections, how to update voter


your family members and friends

registration information, and

voting contains information on

get registered as well.


absentee voting. Each state has different rules with regard to this method of voting so read carefully.

Election Day Election Day is Tuesday, November 3rd. Go to the polls armed with knowledge of the issues and your particular candidate’s stance on that issue. Also have a full understanding of your rights as a voter. It is imperative that we do all we can to vote and encourage others to do the same. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is an organization that upholds causes of social action in high regard. Participate in voter registration drives; point others to pertinent information; be an agent of change. 32

Written by Dena King, Esq. Regional Social Action Chair


s e l or

The Census is mandated by the Constitution and occurs every ten years - it counts every living person in the United States! Responding to the census affects the amount of funding a community receives, how a community plans for the future, and determines the number of seats each state has in Congress and political representation at all levels of government. Census data determines how federal funding will be distributed in local communities for schools, hospitals, fire departments, roads and other public services. How has the South Atlantic Region helped communicate 2020 Census information? In 2019, we provided training materials and disseminated information to help prepare sorors. Census information was discussed during each of the Divine Nine Legislative Day events and social action meetings. Chapters partnered with the US Census to hold various training opportunities and town hall meetings for sorors and members of the community. Social media was used to educate the community about the importance of the census and to dispel myths about completing the census. During the pandemic, virtual census training meetings were completed. Additionally, care packages were distributed in the community with information about the census. We also identified areas with low response rates and focused our efforts in those areas to educate the community. Have you completed your census questionnaire? Have you shared information with your family, social groups and church members to ensure they complete the census? If not, take time today to complete your confidential census questionnaire online at: https://my2020census.gov or by phone at 844-330-2020. The completion process is quick and easy. Your response helps direct billions of dollars in federal funds and will impact your community for decades. Because your life matters, you count. Since you count, you need to be counted. Get counted by completing the 2020 Census. #DSTUCount


Farewell Wishes juanita massenburg and precious jemison South Atlantic Regional Director and Representative

Soror Massenburg, on behalf of the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter, thank you for leading the sensational South Atlantic Region for four years! We appreciate you, your support and dedication. Please take time to relax and renew! Soror Jemison thank you for your commitment to the South Atlantic Region, especially while a college student. God bless you in your career and life. — ANGELA HATTON, CHAPTER PRESIDENT RALEIGH ALUMNAE

Soror Juanita Massenburg, Your dedication to the Sorority is appreciated immensely. You provided a vision to the South Atlantic Region that lives up to its reputation. Thank you for ensuring the growth of the sensational South Atlantic Region. I admire the model that you set for all to aspire. — NICHOLE PATTERSON CHARLOTTE ALUMNAE CHAPTER

Soror Juanita Massenburg and Soror Precious Jemison, You have exemplified the essence of SENSATIONAL leadership by serving with true purpose, unwavering dedication, excellence, intelligence, grace, and dignity to our region; while setting the stage for greatness to follow. Thank you for your exemplary leadership and service! — LUMBERTON ALUMNAE CHAPTER

NCCU Alumnae Sorors salute you. Blessings to you and thank you for your service. Eagle Pride! — D. LAVERNE HARRISON, RALEIGH ALUMNAE CHAPTER

Soror Massenburg and Jemison, Four years have come and gone yet the memories of strong leadership and SISTERS striving to motivate and strengthen the Sensational South Atlantic Region will last forever. THANK YOU for your time, service and vision! It was truly a Delta Love Affair!



Soror Massenburg, from the “Real Talk” sessions, the Regional Prayer Breakfast, to the Virtual Day Party you have led with vision, purpose and dedication… while always, “Keeping it Sensational.” Soror Jemison, it has been a pleasure to work with you and see your growth within our region and sisterhood. Best wishes!

Sorors, you have been amazing guardians for our region. Your direction and guidance have helped us build a better chapter as we continue to serve our community. May God bless you with the fulfillment of your dreams as you continue your spectacular work in Delta. — SANDHILLS ALUMNAE CHAPTER

— MICHELLE LEWIS VA STATE COORDINATOR To our sensational dynamic duo, Sorors Massenburg and Jemison: Thank you for your leadership and support of our illustrious Sorority and Sensational South Atlantic Region. Your unwavering dedication is your legacy. We wish you the very best.


On behalf of the Rock Hill Alumnae Chapter, thank you both for your support, guidance, and leadership during your tenure. God’s blessings on your next chapter in Delta! — SHERILLE D. BARBER CHAPTER PRESIDENT ROCK HILL ALUMNAE

Soror Massenburg, it has been an honor and a privilege to serve on your leadership team for the past 4 years. Soror Jemison, thank you for your undying devotion to keeping it sensational for the South Atlantic Region. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. — TABATHA TURMAN, CHAIR REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE


Thank you for you both for outstanding leadership and continuous support demonstrated during your term. The love and kindness you displayed will be forever cherished. The Norfolk Alumnae Chapter appreciates the time you both shared during our 90th Anniversary Celebration. May God bless you both. — SHAUNA C. BARRINGER CHAPTER PRESIDENT NORFOLK ALUMNAE

Congratulations for a job well done as our sensational Regional Director and Representative! Thank you for your sacrifice and commitment in leading our region with purpose and dedication. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve under your leadership. Best wishes! —PAMELA MURPHY LEWIS CHARLOTTE ALUMNAE CHAPTER


It has truly been an honor to serve in Soror Massenburg's administration. I have grown so much in the past four years. I have truly enjoyed working with an amazing team of sorors that are dedicated to the regional Information and Communication Committee. Having the privledge of working for the Sensational South Atlantic Region has been an amazing experience and one that has allowed me to collaborate with the wonderful sorors throughout the region.


Soror Juanita Massenburg’s vision board, real or virtual, included being elected the Regional Director of our Sensational South Atlantic Region. Upon being elected four years ago, her prior years of commitment, dedication, and service to Delta prepared her for this role to which she envisioned. Juanita was filled with purpose and resolve to not only maintain the Sensational portrayal of the Region, but to “super-size” it! And that she did! Her leadership and innovations outlined elsewhere in this Journal speak confirmation to truth. Soror Massenburg is a well-organized task “master” who leads with compassion and fortitude. When asked to become a member of her Leadership Team, I did not hesitate to respond in the affirmative and I have never looked back on that decision. This four-year journey as the Regional Parliamentarian has been a most rewarding experience filled with challenging opportunities, teachable moments, and fond memories that I will cherish. Thank you, Soror Massenburg! Under your leadership, the Region remains to be exceptionally Sensational!


It has been a real pleasure to serve on this regional leadership team. Our work has truly embodied the theme "Serving with Purpose and Dedication... Keeping it Sensational." Through the work of the team, the region has been informed, trained, motivated, comforted and enveloped in the true sisterly spirit. Building on the strong leadership of the past, the Regional Director and the Regional Representative have left a clear blueprint for sustained and continued growth and development of the Sensational South Atlantic Region.



Chaplain's Council


The last four years serving on the South Atlantic Regional Leadership Team as Regional Chaplain has allowed me to serve in ministry with an organization that I love with all my heart. Of course, any opportunity to minister to the lives of others is an incredible assignment from God, however, when He trusts us to minister in circles of those whom we admire, respect and love, it is an amazing honor for which I will forever be grateful. It has been a pleasure to serve under the leadership of Regional Director Juanita Massenburg, who has always allowed and often encouraged each of us to consistently keep Christ at the center of our sisterhood. Additionally, serving with my dear clergy sisters on the SAR Chaplain’s Council since 2016, who dedicated themselves to keeping this region lifted in prayer as we support our spiritual vision, has been a joy beyond oratorical expression. As we embark upon a new season, my prayer for each of us is that we will always know the love of Christ through the kindness of others, that we will always trust the timing of God when we can’t see the answer, and that we will always know that the hand of God will hold us, will keep us and will sustain us in every circumstance. Finally, whatever He calls us to in this next season, “Let the favor of the Lord be upon us, and establish the work of our hands.”



D el o r i s H ar gr o w REGI O N A L S E C R E TA RY

Alfreda Bryant

Joni Williams

Fanchon Glover






As I reflect on the last four years serving on the Leadership team, I have to say first and foremost, I was grateful for the opportunity. I felt blessed to have served as the South Atlantic Regional Secretary. Serving in this position afforded me the opportunity to meet and get to know many sorors, traveled to various cities within the region, and mastered new skills. Within our region, I saw sorors working together to truly make the South Atlantic Region Sensational. As a servant, I pray I have served this region well, and know that I did the very best I could. "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10) Thank you Soror Massenburg for the opportunity. With love and always willing to serve, Deloris Baker Hargrow SA Regional Secretary

As I reflect back to receiving the call from the newly elected Regional Director, Juanita Massenburg, I was overcome with excitement to have been chosen to serve as the NC State Secretary. My heart was pounding as I prepared my mind and family for the task at hand. I was ready to put the pencil to the paper. Imagine my first meeting... calling the names of the chapters (granted I made some mistakes in pronunciation) but ultimately, I survived. Interactions with the state coordinators and chapter presidents was a truly rewarding experience. They are a talented group of sorors working day and night for the state and the region. I also appreciate the many occasions that allowed me to sit, watch and absorb all I could from Regional and National Leaders that shared my space. For my sister state secretaries, we not only worked to make sure chapters received the information needed, but we formed a bond, a sisterhood, that has brought us to a lasting friendship. One to be cherished for a lifetime. I must say I am pleased to have served and somewhere along the way, I hope and pray I touched, encouraged, made you smile and made a difference to someone. With Delta Love, Alfreda Bryant

As I reflect on the past four years, it has been an honor to represent my home state of South Carolina and provide service to so many throughout the Sensational South Atlantic Region. Serving on the leadership team afforded me the opportunity to meet new sorors, travel to beautiful destinations, and serve alongside a phenomenal group of women! I have memories to cherish and share throughout my lifetime. In Galatians 6:9 ESV, we are instructed to not grow weary of doing good, for in due season, we will reap if we do not give up. As we continue in fortitude to progress the legacy of our Founders, I encourage you to continue doing great things and being God's representation on the Earth. I look forward to more opportunities for uniting in sisterhood, serving our communities, and working collaboratively to promote scholarship! With Appreciation, Joni Williams

I have enjoyed my term serving on the Virginia Leadership Team partnering with Michelle, Julia, and Ka’Miya. As the State Secretary, I was able to get to know each of the Virginia chapter presidents and enjoyed being able to assist when needed. A special thank you to my Sorors of the Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter who have supported me during this journey. I want to extend my gratitude to Soror Massenburg for giving me this opportunity. As a MIT trainer, I was fortunate to build and create new bonds of connection with many Sorors across the state and the region. Best wishes to the next administration and much love to all of the Sorors in the Sensational South Atlantic Region. (Jeremiah 29:11) With Delta Love, Fanchon Glover 39

Farewell Wishes juanita massenburg and precious jemison South Atlantic Regional Director and Representative

On behalf of the Fort Bragg Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, we want to wish farewell to our Sensational Dynamic Duo, Soror Juanita Massenburg and Soror Precious Jemison. Farewells are not forever, and they are not the end, this message only means until we meet again. — FORT BRAGG AREA ALUMNAE CHAPTER


The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter (NoVAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated extends its appreciation for your dedication to the Sensational South Atlantic Region. Under your leadership, NoVAC celebrated 60 years and is ever more poised to continue its community service throughout Northern Virginia.

Thank you Soror Juanita Massenburg and Soror Precious Jemison for your leadership. Soror Massenburg and I started this journey together in 2016 and we are both transitioning in 2020 to greater and more awesome adventures. Best wishes to both of you! — RITA TEAL ORANGEBURG ALUMNAE CHAPTER


Soror Massenburg, thank you for your relentless pursuit of excellence! I am grateful to have served under your leadership for these last two biennial. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. 40


Soror Juanita Massenburg and Soror Precious Jemison your goal of “Keeping it Sensational” in the region was surpassed. We are blessed due to your leadership, commitment, and poise. You showed us how to keep it moving in the face of adversity. — SHENITA CUNNINGHAM, CHAPTER PRESIDENT WESTERN WAKE ALUMNAE

Thank you Soror Juanita Massenburg and Soror Precious Jemison for your diligence and faithfulness to the chapters in the South Atlantic Region. We wish you the best on all your future endeavors and it was an honor working with each of you over the years. God Bless!

The members of Walterboro (SC) Alumnae Chapter would like to say thank you for your sensational work and dedication to the South Atlantic Region during these last four years. We wish both of you much success with your future endeavors. — WALTERBORO ALUMNAE CHAPTER

Congratulations! You have guided our region with professionalism, and grace. You both have been an inspiration for all of us and the Danville Alumnae Chapter extends its warmest wishes and prayers for continued success in your next endeavors. — DANVILLE ALUMNAE CHAPTER




It has been an honor and privilege to serve under your extraordinary leadership in the Sensational South Atlantic Region. Thank you for your unwavering support of Florence Alumnae and affording me the opportunity to learn, grow, and lead in Delta. — TONYA F. MACK, PhD. CHAPTER PRESIDENT, FLORENCE ALUMNAE DELTA PEARL

Thank you for your leadership and service to the South Atlantic Region. We are eternally grateful for your guidance and support to our chapter, the region, and the Sorority. The quality of your leadership has been an inspiration to us all. We wish you the best in your future endeavors.


Throughout your reign you have exhibited the compassion, intelligence and leadership that has made the South Atlantic Region so proud. The sorors of Franklin Tri-County Alumnae Chapter are so appreciative of the support you have shown to our chapter. Continue on the path that God has set before you. —JOE ANN B. FAULK, CHAPTER PRESIDENT FRANKLIN TRI-COUNTY ALUNAE

Social Action THE RED ARMY.

From an early age, Soror Dena King had a passion for social action causes and working in synergy with others. While attending North Carolina State University, she honed that interest by studying law, participated in voter registration events, volunteered on student government, student conduct and NPHC, as well as serving her collegiate chapter Mu Omicron (the first African-American sorority to be chartered on campus). The hunger to help others, coupled with a law background helped shape King’s career choice – she became an attorney, specifically a prosecutor, a segment of the law grossly underrepresented by Blacks.

Dena King, Esq. Regional Social Action Committee Co-Chair

Hence, Soror King, the regional co-chair of the South Atlantic Social Action committee enthusiastically led a committee of dedicated sorors along with Regional Representative Precious Jemision. They engaged as change agents for the region's social action agenda. “I’m passionate about how our political process affects every aspect of our lives,” says King, explaining the charge to serve on this committee. “This is a platform that God has given me. It can often be overwhelming, but it’s a blessing.”

THE SOCIAL ACTION AGENDA. Under their reign, the ‘platform’ included guiding the social action agenda for the region from collegiate to Delta Dear sorors. The charge may have appeared enormous, but not impossible. “People in our region know, social action conversations are not held without Deltas at the table,” King says referencing one specific project. The project, “She Changed the World: NC Women Breaking Barriers,” is an initiative by the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources to Precious Jemison Regional Social Action Committee Co-Chair celebrate the achievements of NC women. Though noteworthy for women, the project is immensely significant for Black women. The year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing and protecting women's constitutional right to vote. The project insisted our organization be one of the first women’s groups represented in initial discussions. The committee immediately catapulted the social action agenda and goals: voter registration, census, human trafficking, domestic violence, red/white/blue dialogue with law enforcement, gun reform and more recently - When We All Vote, a voter registration challenge. "We cannot do things in isolation. When we partner together we can make a bigger impact,” King says referencing the sorority’s yearly Divine 9 Legislative Day and reverence from fellow participating Greek organizations. As this leadership role winds down, both King and Jemison remain optimistic. They are appreciative for members on the committee and delighted to see sorors engage individually in causes aside from Delta, i.e. health care reform. With the same hunger unleashed as a collegiate, Soror King will continue to advocate for others, something we are all grateful for!


All of my Love


SIERRA CUNNINGHAM Written by Angela T. Clark

Currently residing in “famously hot” Columbia, South Carolina and active with the Richland County Alumnae Chapter, we chatted with Past Regional Representative Sierra Cunningham about life after her service. A Patient Affairs Coordinator at the South Carolina Department of Mental Health’s central office, Sierra took time out of her busy schedule to answer some questions about life, transition and the way she’s fulfilling her lifetime commitment to our organization.

What accomplishments have you achieved from that last day as Regional Representative until now that you most cherish? The ones I have made internally, such as my growth in mindset, my strong relationships with sorors, friends and family. I am growing and learning everyday, and it excites me to know I haven't accomplished half of the things God has willed for me.

What has been the biggest challenge you have faced in your transition from collegiate to alumnae chapter? Sometimes it feels like "seasoned sorors” forget what it's like to truly transition and the growing pains that come with leaving college. We are grappling with financial struggles, loneliness and stress. Navigating a new environment of finding yourself and figuring out your life can become a hard balance to find.

If you could change anything about your time as Regional Representative, what would it be and why would it have been important? I would not change anything. It was a learning experience and I had an amazing partner along the way. I stayed true to myself the entire time, which is most important to me. I smashed the mold. I remained people oriented and I never got blinded by the lights, glitter, and glamour.

What one thing would you tell undergraduates Sorors? Stay true to your commitment and pay your dues!! Delta is a learning and growth experience. Remember that you define the letters and never allow the letters to define you. I would also advise them to seek a mentor, and cherish them. I miss my quality time with "Mama Massenburg " including our long talks and laughs.

What do you wish someone had told you before you left office? I wish that someone would have told me to keep going. After leaving a position like Regional Representative it can be hard and intimidating to seek leadership again. Will people remember you ? Do they even like you ? When these thoughts come to mind I think of all the sorors who still call and embrace me daily. I can say that my leadership journey is not over, so stay tuned!




juanita massenburg and precious jemison South Atlantic Regional Director and Representative

The Roxboro Alumnae Chapter extends sincere gratitude to two beautiful sorors. Soror Juanita Massenburg and Soror Precious Jemison, you have served our region well. We commend you on your outstanding leadership during all four years, and we wish you much success in your future endeavors. Thanks for leading by example. — ROXBORO ALUMNAE CHAPTER

As you move into new ventures, wherever you go and whatever you do, let your dreams and aspirations be as fulfilling as the knowledge and experience you imparted on us. You have made us all better. —LAURINBURG ALUMNAE CHAPTER

I would like to wish Sorors Juanita Massenburg and Deloris Baker-Hargrove a grand farewell! Thank you for all you’ve done to make our region and our chapter, Duham Alumnae, SENSATIONAL! Job well done on an outstanding four years of leadership! The South Atlantic Region was led with grace, with compassion, and with a servant’s heart. We wish you the best as you embark upon your next chapter! — RICHLAND COUNTY ALUMNAE CHAPTER


Peace and Blessings to all!


Life’s journey allows us to cross paths with people like you, people who are simply AMAZING!! Your love and strong leadership gleamed throughout your tenure as regional director and regional representative. Thank you for showing us how to “KEEP IT SENSATIONAL!” We love you; well wishes! — CHESAPEAKE-VIRGINIA BEACH ALUMNAE CHAPTER

Georgetown Alumnae Chapter members send warm wishes of appreciation to Soror Juanita Massenburg and Soror Precious Jemison for your untiring work and leadership the past four years. You have served the SAR sensationally with purpose and dedication. We are eternally grateful.

We extend violets to Soror Juanita Massenburg and the Regional Leadership Team for allowing the South Atlantic Region Ritual and Ceremonies Committee to support all regional ceremonial events. We will continually endeavor to preserve the beauty, dignity, and reverence of the ritual and ceremonies of our beloved sisterhood. — DEBORAH R. HOWARD, REGIONAL RITUAL & CEREMONITES CHAIR REGIONAL RITUAL & CEREMONIES COMMITTEE MEMBERS

“When you’re with someone you trust in, never needing to pretend, someone who helps you know yourself...you know you’re with a friend” (Amanda Bradley). Soror Massenburg and Soror Jemison, this expresses the affections, fondness, and tenderness of the Hartsville Alumnae Chapter. Thank you for being a valued team. — HARTSVILLE ALUMNAE CHAPTER


Thank you for your leadership and warm and kind spirit. Really appreciate the unity you have stressed and implementing prayer in all our Delta business. You have a warm spot in my heart. — KIMBERLY HINTON RALEIGH ALUMNAE 45

Someone said “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” No one prepared you for the perils you faced with Hurricane Barry and COVID-19. The swiftness of the cancellation notices was appreciated. Thank you for your exceptional leadership. — LESTERINE STURDIVANT ROCKY MOUNT ALUMNAE

The Shelby Alumnae Chapter is appreciative of your leadership during the past four years. From the well-informed state meetings to the sensational regional conferences, your stellar leadership never wavered. Soror Massenburg and Soror Jemison, job well-done! — PATTY SMITH CHAPTER PRESIDENT SHELBY ALUMNAE CHAPTER

sincer e appr e c i at ion to the so u t h at l an t ic Re gion

"Research Matters: Creating Possibilities to Achieve Health and Wellness for All of us." The Delta Research and Educational Foundation (DREF) is grateful to Regional Director, Juanita Massenburg, and Regional Representative, Precious Jemison, for their unwavering support of DREF’s initiatives and programs. The South Atlantic Region’s support of the All of Us Research Program has been instrumental in conducting a community awareness campaign that informs African Americans about the importance of understanding and participating in biomedical research. Since 2017, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has recognized and funded DREF as a National Community Engagement Partner with the All of Us Research Program. DREF and its collaborative partners, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and the National Council of Negro Women have unified to present the national health initiative entitled “Research Matters: Creating Possibilities to Achieve Health and Wellness for All of Us.” To learn more about the partnership and volunteer opportunities visit www.joinallofus.org/DRE


Snapsh ts Years


Soror Massenburg gathers with other leaders of the Divine Nine. AA

Pastor Shirley Caesar, Honorary Member, served as the guest speaker at the 2019 Virginia Statewide Founders Day Observance.

(l-r) Sorors Denise Riviere, Massenburg and Rosette Simmons

Durham Alumnae Chapter (DAC) gathers at the 2020 NC Statewide Founders Day. DAC is the home chapter of Soror Massenburg.

20th National President Bertha47M. Roddey and Soror Massenburg have a special moment

22nd National President Gwen Boyd, Soror Massenburg and the VA Leadership Team



juanita massenburg and precious jemison South Atlantic Regional Director and Representative

Soror Massenburg, what an honor it was to have dinner with my Regional Director at my very first Delta Days at the Nation’s Capital. The memory is forever engraved in my heart. Thank you for always being encouraging, uplifting, and genuine.. —SHANELL FRAZIER

Thank you Regional Director Massenberg and Regional Representative Jemison. Your leadership is outstanding and your service exemplary. Your guidance, dedication, and poise make all of us in the South Atlantic Region proud. Best wishes for your future. Your legacy is truly sensational! —SHERICCA MORRIS, RALEIGH ALUMNAE PAST PRESIDENT, 2007-2011

Soror Massenburg, thank you for the opportunity to serve as a collegiate advisor and member of the Information and Communications team under your tenure. You served the region sensationally and with elegance. Soror Precious, thank you for serving our region with diplomacy, maturity, and professionalism. Continued blessings to you both! — SONDRA HINES YATES CHARLOTTE ALUMNAE

The Richmond Alumnae Chapter offers two words to Regional Director Juanita Massenburg and Regional Representative Precious Jemison – THANK YOU! Often unsaid or not said enough, these two little words carry a big meaning in expressing our indebted gratitude to you for your “SENSATIONAL” service to and for our region.


Expressions of gratitude and respect to Soror Massenburg for Godly leadership. Serving during your administration has been a rewarding experience as you led with faith, integrity, authenticity and grace. Soror Jemison, what a joy it has been to observe your growth and commitment and I look forward to your future impact on our sisterhood. — REV. DR. TRISH HARELSTON REGIONAL CHAPLAIN


Most leaders give orders; you gave us direction. Most leaders give targets; you gave us a vision. Most leaders lead by authority; you led with respect. Farewell to our leaders who are loved and respected like no other. Sorry to see you go, but always remember, “you exemplified excellence!”

“Time flies,” and indeed it has under the leadership of our Regional Director Juanita Massenburg and Regional Representative Precious Jemison - a strong team devoted and committed to Delta. Oxford-Henderson Alumnae Chapter thanks you for your leadership, guidance, and direction. Blessings upon you both and your continued growth in Delta. — JACQUELYN WILSON, CHAPTER PRESIDENT OXFORD-HENDERSON ALUMNAE

Soror Massenburg was always pleasant and approachable. I enjoyed observing her serve Delta with such grace and poise. May the peace of God be with you.


Soror Massenburg, what a profound impact your leadership has had. Evidence of your knowledge and experience was evident from all corners of the region. Soror Jemison, you have left an indelible mark on our region. Your energy and effort continue to inspire many. Summerville Alumnae wishes you the best in all future endeavors.

Thank you for your service, with purpose and dedication, over these past 4 years, as the South Atlantic Regional Director. You have been a true leader and inspiration. I wish you well as you continue your work in Delta and all future endeavors.

Soror Jemison, God granted me an opportunity to serve you during a fall state meeting. You are, indeed, precious. — CHERYL H BROWN GEORGETOWN ALUMNAE

— VANESSA EVANS The sorors of Henrico County Alumnae Chapter thank you for your dedicated and steadfast leadership. Collectively you have created innovative and trendsetting initiatives that have gained National attention. Much success in your future endeavors.


Thank you for your commitment and for leading our sensational region. May your dreams remain big and your obstacles, minor. Stay true to yourself and your values, and you’ll surely go far in life. Wishing you continued success on your journey in Delta. — SHINESE COLLINS VIRGINIA BEACH ALUMNAE CHAPTER




Beaufort (SC) Alumnae Chapter

Committees pounce into action to respond to COVID-19 COVID-19 sprang upon us and changed our way of life overnight. Trying to combat an unseen enemy takes foresight and planning. Beaufort (SC) Alumnae Chapters Health and Wellness and Welfare committees pounced into action to respond to the crisis. We shopped numerous stores purchasing the ever-elusive staples of toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to deliver to Delta Dears who were advised to shelter at home. This was no small feat as stores were limiting purchases of these items to two per person. The Welfare committee, foreseeing the need for face coverings prior to media announcements, acquired and mailed handmade red and white masks to all eighty-five members so they would be equipped for public ventures. Always ready and ever serving, all chapter members were equipped with information and tools to successfully battle COVID-19.

Aiken Alumnae Chapter

Responds to COVID-19 with Delta Help The Aiken Alumnae Chapter impacted the community with a COVID-19 Response tagged - Delta Helps! The chapter donated 512 lunches to healthcare personnel, at five area medical facilities weekly during April and May by supporting eight neighborhood restaurants. Our backyard ”Red Army” assembled 187 care packets consisting of household sanitizer, liquid soap, toilet paper, and paper towels distributing the packets to senior citizens, families, and laid off workers. Additionally, sorors made and donated 231 face masks to a community environmental health fair/blood drive and a rural health center. Soror Earline H. Broaden, initiative chair, was very happy with the community’s enthusiastic response. “Delta Helps” definitely made a positive impact in the Aiken community.



Bennettsville-Cheraw and Hartsville Alumnae Chapter

Attends SC Statewide Founders Day Celebration Members of the Bennettsville-Cheraw and Hartsville Alumnae Chapters joined together to host the 2020 Statewide Founders Day Program. The theme was “Moving Forward on the Path that has been Set for Us.� The two-day event began Friday, January 31st with a welcome reception that was held at the Jerusalem Baptist Church Fellowship Hall and ended with the Founders Day Luncheon that was held Saturday, February 1st at the DeLoach Center in Hartsville, South Carolina on the campus of Coker University. The luncheon featured keynote speaker Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, our current National Chaplain who brought a soul stirring message to the over 700 sorors in attendance.

Burlington Alumnae Chapter Feeds the community.

The Burlington Alumnae Chapter partnered with the Alamance County Chapter of the NAACP to serve at their Sunday Feed Program. This program provides food for the needy in the community.



Camden Alumnae Chapter

Helps their community with voting and the census Camden Alumnae has always served Kershaw Counties (KC) elderly and underserved and we encouraged voting and 2020 Census participation. The chapter partnered with Kershaw County Council on Aging (KCCOA) to deliver meals weekly. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the chapter donated care packages to KCCOA seniors that included toiletries and other daily necessities which included a message of hope and love for those that may be lonely in a time of uncertainty. We partnered with Mt. Moriah Soup Kitchen to prepare and deliver meals to the homeless and sick; as well as participating in the Kershaw County First Steps Annual Family Holiday Celebration and provided one family in need gift cards and other needed items. Additionally, we donated books and cleaning supplies to the KC HeadStart Program, and distributed voting and Census material at the Camden Christmas Parade.

Chapel Hill-Carrboro Alumnae Chapter Celebrated 40 years of service

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 40th Anniversary on Saturday, December 14, 2019 at the Friday Center, Chapel Hill, NC. The theme was “40 Years of Fortitude: Growing Stronger, Reaching Higher”. A video presentation depicted the chapter’s historic journey of unwavering service in Chatham and Orange Counties, since its chartering on March 18, 1979. Mistress of ceremony was television personality Valonda Calloway. Electrifying musical performances were rendered by vocalist Yolanda Rabun and a powerful keynote address was given by NC State Senator Erica Smith. Special video presentations recognizing Juanita B. Massenburg, SA Regional Director, for her distinguished service and Nate Davis for his passionate service to the community were shared. A Love and Appreciation Tribute recognized our beloved member, Ishna J. Hall for outstanding contributions to our chapter and the Kappa Omicron Chapter at UNC Chapel Hill. Four public service events were also completed to celebrate the anniversary.



Charlottesville Alumnae Chapter Making Masks for COVID-19

The Charlottesville Alumnae Chapter (Charlottesville, VA) was invited, by another professional black organization, to participate in a project to make non-surgical masks for the Black community. The collaboration was initiated, in March 2020 immediately following the governor’s COVID 19 orders, as a response to the lack of masks for the black community. A group of five sorors: Valerie Adams-Bass, Aleta Childs, Lisa Harris, Dale Johnson and Wanda Whitley, put their sewing and mending skills to work and made over 250 non-surgical masks. Thank you sorors!

Charleston Alumnae Chapter 2010 Census during the pandemic

The Charleston Alumnae Chapter, in partnership with the South Carolina United Way, was awarded a mini-grant and determined low response areas based on the 2010 Census. The town of Hollywood, SC was selected to focus our efforts. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all in-person events were shifted to virtual activities through our Facebook page. Charleston County residents were encouraged to enter a giveaway contest to be eligible for weekly drawings to receive a $25 ecard by showing their Census 2020 confirmation. Pamela Evette, the SC Lt. Governor designated and promoted June 17th as National Census Day. CAC implemented a "Count Me In Challenge" between June 8-17 encouraging sorors to contact five people about completing the census questionnaire, submit their names using #countmein to become eligible to win a $25 ecard.



Chesapeake-Virginia Alumnae Chapter Community Chat on the 2020 Census

On February 29, 2020, The Chesapeake-Virginia Beach Alumnae Chapter (CVBAC) hosted “A Community Chat on the 2020 Census”, in partnership with Bethany Baptist Church and Reverend H. Patrick Cason. This event was the first installment of a “Community Chats” series being hosted in their service area. The Community Chat began with a panel discussion with expert panelist from the federal, state, local, and Community entities. Key Speakers were Colin Louis of the US Census Bureau, Virginia State Delegate Cliff Hayes, and Don Carey, Retired NFL Cornerback. A Community Resource Fair followed and allowed participates to learn about available community resources, Voter Registration and Restoration of Rights. Additionally, Census recruiters were on-site to meet job seekers. The Chesapeake-Virginia Beach Alumnae Chapter was grateful for the opportunity to discuss the event on Soror Ella Ward Radio Show. The Chapter will continue to host future chats on social justice and local voter education.

Chesterfield County (SC) Alumnae Chapter Celebrated 20 years of sisterhood, scholarship, service

The Chesterfield County (SC) Alumnae Chapter was established on April 24, 1999, at Grandview Presbyterian Church in Chesterfield, SC with 14 college-educated women. On May 5, 2019, sorors, community members, and friends celebrated 20 Years of Sisterhood, Scholarship, and Service! The inaugural President, Soror Loretta S. McNeal, received the Sisterhood award. Three young ladies participated in the 2019 Jabberwock Pageant for scholarships. Northeastern Technical Community College received an unrestricted scholarship award for adult learners. Madgielene Malloy, Thomas LeGrand, Jr., and Dr. Melvin Wilkerson received service awards for their many contributions to the chapter.

Every October, the Kappa Omicron Chapter or Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. hosted our annual Domestic Violence Series in



Denbigh Alumnae Chapter

Love for Delta Dears on Mother's Day Special Events and Membership Services committees joined together to show love and gratitude to our Delta Dears during Mother's Day weekend by surprising them with "To Our Delta Dears, Happy Mother’s Day" signs. Sorors were overjoyed and appreciative to be thought of on such a special weekend. Gestures were all performed while practicing social distancing. Members enjoyed making signs and banners for the festive occasion. Denbigh Alumnae loves their Delta Dears!!!!

Danville Alumnae Chapter N95 masks distributed

The Danville Alumnae Chapter purchased and donated N95 face masks to area volunteer Rescue Squads throughout the service region of Danville, Pittsylvania County, Halifax County in VA, and Caswell County in NC. More than 200 face masks were distributed during the COVID-19 pandemic at a time when Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was in limited supply for local first responders. The project was in cooperation with the chapter’s physical and mental health and community initiatives.



Dillon-Marion County Alumnae Chapter

First virtual May Week celebration Dillon-Marion County Alumnae Chapter organized and hosted its first Virtual May Week to highlight its activities and programs that address the sorority’s Five Point Programmatic Thrust. During the week of May 24-31, 2020, the chapter recognized community leaders for their past and present contributions as well as graduating seniors for their future plans to impact society in each area. Community members in the Dillon-Marion County service area were informed about the chapter’s programs through public service videos and posts on the chapter’s social media pages. The culminating activity featured the announcement of the four recipients of the chapter’s annual scholarship award. The chapter also virtually paid tribute to the life, legacy, and leadership of its founding chapter president, the late Soror Christine B. Washington.

Duplin County Alumnae Chapter Donated 150 backpacks to local students

The Duplin County Alumnae Chapter Education Committee was involved in numerous projects and public service activities. The committee partnered with The KEMBA Association and Kappa Rho Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., and donated 150 backpacks. One hundred were donated directly to students and the remainder to local school districts. In addition, a Wallace Police Department officer and a Wilmington Fire Department female facilitated the “Emergency Response and Emergency Preparedness Workshop” while sharing insight, checklists, and stories for Delta Academy, GEMS, and EMBODI. In November, the youth programs and Arts and Letters Committee attended the Harriet movie. In February, the chapter hosted Wilmington on Fire, an 1898 documentary that highlighted the burning of a black community in Wilmington, North Carolina. In November, EMBODI and community participants assisted the chapter with its community service project, an Adopt-a-Highway initiative.



Fayetteville Alumnae Chapter Votechella - Are you 2020 ready?

The Social Action Committee of the Fayetteville Alumnae Chapter put a spin on a popular music festival called, Coachella. Our event was renamed “Votechella” in an effort to engage and educate millennials, college students and high schoolers on the 2020 Census and North Carolina voting requirements. “Votechella” hosted elected officials, community leaders and educators. One of our partnering agencies was the City of Fayetteville Youth Development Department. The department prepared and presented a dynamic presentation that left the audience standing with praise and appreciation. As a non-partisan event, we ensured that each political party was invited and that all parties were represented. Each attendee had the opportunity to visit representatives and ask questions. Some of our partners included Beta Chi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi, Fayetteville Branch of NAACP, Democracy NC and the Fayetteville Alumnae Delta Foundation.

Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter Sorors participate in a Black Lives Matter rally

On June 3, Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter members participated in a Justice for Black Lives Car rally hosted by the Fairfax County NAACP.



Fort Bragg Area Alumnae Chapter

Red Cape Crusaders for change For the 2019-2020 sorority year, the Fort Bragg Area Alumnae Chapter’s (FBAAC) Social Action Committee addressed social justice awareness using the theme, RED CAPE CRUSADERS FOR CHANGE. On March 1, to commemorate the March on Selma Anniversary, chapter members took the Red Cape Crusaders theme on the road to Selma, Alabama. Before walking in the march, chapter members visited the National Memorial for Peace and Justice to pay respect to our ancestors who lost their lives to lynching. It was an emotional remembrance that we, as Deltas, stand on the shoulders of those who gave their lives that we might secure the right to vote. The chapter’s social action committee produced a documentary about the history of March on Selma and how the chapter prepared to attend the event. Please view the documentary with this link.

Georgetown Alumnae Chapter Stand up and be counted

Georgetown Alumnae Chapter (GAC) is committed to educating the community on the importance of the 2020 Census. GAC engaged in a collaborative effort with the NAACP and members of the Divine Nine of Georgetown County. Together, a 2020 Census Complete Count Committee (CCC) was formed. The committee began its work by forming teams for attendance areas of Georgetown County. They organized and hosted a series of five town hall meetings. Residents were given opportunities to listen to presentations by a Census Partnership Specialist and for comprehensive question and answer sessions after the presentation. Each town hall meeting became a family experience with a meal served at the event. The CCC committee used social media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter), news outlets, messages from faith-based leaders, and the distribution of 3,000 flyers (placed in school lunch bags for students) to say, Stand Up and Be Counted! 58


Hampton Alumnae Chapter 100 Dresses campaign

The Arts and Letters Committee of The Hampton Alumnae Chapter partnered with The Program Planning and Development Committee and The Hampton University Fine and Performing Arts Department for this community outreach project. The Performing and Fine Arts Department announced this exciting new project: The Hundred Dresses: Stop the Bullying, Stop the Violence Campaign.The play is based on the Newberry Award Book,The Hundred Dresses, by Eleanor Estes and updated for Generation X. This theatrical performance masterfully handled bullying, friendship and forgiveness. Delta Academy, GEMS and girls from Y.H.Thomas Community Center enjoyed the performance. A special performance was held for fifth and sixth grade girls from two Hampton City Schools. At the end of this performance there was a mini anti-bullying workshop. HAC Sorors purchased and donated over 100 Dresses and each girl was presented with a new dress.

Hickory Alumnae Chapter Blessings in a Backpack Project

Hickory Alumnae Chapter, serving a four-county area (Burke, Caldwell, Catawba and Iredell Counties) is very aware of food insecurities that plague mostly children of color. Hunger causes negative impacts to education and the challenges are felt by the children, their families, school administration and staff. Prior to COVID-19, impacted learners may have been well-fed during the week at school, but weekends proved to be particularly daunting. Hickory Alumnae targeted schools in our service area to share our blessings with those in need through our Blessings in a Backpack Project. The generosity of the South Atlantic Region sorors, resulted in a successful public service project initiative for the 2019 North Carolina Fall State Meeting, hosted by Hickory Alumnae Chapter! The five targeted schools were blessed to receive a share of more than $4,000 to aid in the fight against hunger and the detriment to learning. “Thank you� for your support! 59


Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Alumnae Chapter

Preparing Delta GEMS for the future Hilton Head Island – Bluffton Alumnae Chapter Delta GEMS participated in an advanced Etiquette Seminar, High Tea, and Fashion Show at Indigo Run Golf Club on Hilton Head Island, SC. on November 17, 2019. Mrs. Claudia Buckingham presented the advanced etiquette seminar to help the girls learn how to conduct themselves in various situations. The tables were set in High Tea fashion, and a few Delta GEMS modeled fashions. Soror Connie Pouncy made fascinators for all in attendance. Sorors Marion Payne, Wanda Wood-Knox, and Connie Pouncy, GEMS Chairpersons, also conducted sessions about Human Trafficking, Money Management, and College/Career/ Military Selection. Moreover, there were two service activities to help the GEMS realize the importance of giving back to the community. The GEMS’ Chairpersons kept the connection with the GEMS during the COVID-19 pandemic by checking in with them, and the graduates received gift cards.

Johnston County Alumnae Chapter Young Entrepreneur Program

As part of its Economic Development Program, Johnston County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. conducts the biennial Young Entrepreneur Program (YEP) for high school students between the ages of 14-19. Participants learn fundamental business and economic concepts, explore career interests and opportunities, and have a legally incorporated business at the completion of the program. Chapter members and community business leaders provide support and mentors up to two years following completion of the program. A Young Entrepreneur of the Year is named and recognized at the culmination of the chapter’s program activities. The winner is awarded a $5,000 scholarship to the college of his/her choice and the Young Entrepreneur Program participants each received $250 for their business start-up capital.



Kappa Omicron Chapter

Beyond Biology: Womxn's Health Conference The Beyond Biology: Womxn’s Health Conference was a fullday conference and resource fair centered on the social and environmental impacts on women’s health. Participants of the event were able to gain resources from local health organizations such as Counseling and Psychological Services and Orange County Rape Crisis Center that taught participants how to exercise stronger physical and mental health while also promoting it for others. In addition to the resources, participants were able to interact with women of achievement from various backgrounds in order to learn how to become allies, and work toward the betterment of women’s healthcare. Jelyse Dawson, yoga instructor and soror, provided techniques that help with relieving stress and anxiety. Kendra Redd, our second keynote speaker, provided a lecture about fear and how we can turn our fear into confidence. As a domestic violence survivor, Ms. Redd used her story to inspire participants to pursue their goals.

Laurinburg Alumnae Chapter Building homes in the community

Laurinburg Alumnae Chapter worked with Habitat for Humanity. On the last workday, one volunteer group did not show, leaving only the site manager and LAC! Despite being short on manpower, we hung blinds and installed shelves in the closets and pantry. At the end of the day, the site manager said, “I’m so happy; I didn’t think we were going to get all this accomplished today”. We laughed and stated never underestimate a DELTA!!



Loudon County Alumnae Chapter Let's get moving together

Nothing feels better than knowing you can take care of yourself mentally and physically. The Membership Services Committee of the Loudoun County Alumnae Chapter (LCAC) partnered with Master Lee’s Martial Arts Academy of Loudoun County to promote LCAC’s "Let's Get Moving Together" initiative. In collaboration, we offered a self-defense class that gave sorors an opportunity to learn new skills, while training both their body and mind. One of LCAC's very own, Soror Vera Stewart, helped Master Lee teach new levels of hand-eye coordination, while also enhancing overall fitness. Several sorors expressed that the increased feelings of safety and self-confidence they experienced were unparalleled.

Lexington Alumnae Chapter

Spreading cheer during the pandemic The Lexington (NC) Alumnae Chapter shared the message, “Davidson County, we are all in this together. Stay positive and stay safe.” About 15 cars of sorors participated in a parade that drove through the communities of Lexington and Thomasville, NC with balloons and signs of cheer and encouragement during the Covid-19 pandemic.

If you’re looking for a way to get fit and sharpen your mind, be like the Loudoun County Alumnae Chapter and try a selfdefense class in your area. Let's Get Moving Together, sorors!



Lumberton Alumnae Chapter 2020 Census Church Liaisons Project

Lumberton Alumnae Chapter (LAC) Social Action Committee was awarded a grant from NC COUNTS. The goal is to engage, educate, and enroll historically undercounted populations in the 2020 Census. LAC planned several face-to-face activities, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, LAC could not finish the work and was forced to stay-at-home. While many throughout the county were impacted, LAC was busy working. Social Action created the “LAC 2020 Census Church Liaisons Project.� Liaisons identified 10 area churches. We used their directories to make phone calls in order to educate and assist with the completion of the 2020 Census. Several of the churches put Census information on outside signage boards to inform the public. The pandemic did not stop LAC Liaisons. LAC believes it is important to make sure everyone is counted in Robeson County.

Norfolk Alumnae Chapter

The Mildred Dudley Peters Scholarship is awarded Although our nation is facing unprecedented times and unimaginable events, it has not deterred our commitment to service, sisterhood, and scholarship. The Norfolk Alumnae Chapter was immensely proud to present the Mildred Dudley Peters Scholarship to another young scholar who will be attending Bowie State University. Norfolk Alumnae Chapter continues to take joy in providing financial relief as another deserving Norfolk student embarks upon their higher education journey.



Oxford-Henderson Alumnae Chapter Celebrating 75 years of service

The Oxford-Henderson Alumnae Chapter celebrated 75 years of sisterhood and service on May 10, 2020. The chapter was established on May 10, 1945, under the Greek letter name of Gamma Beta Sigma with the town of Oxford, NC as the nucleus. In 1958, the Greek letter name was changed to the Oxford-Henderson Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Plans were underway for a grand Gala; however, due to Covid-19, the gala did not take place. Nevertheless, the chapter supported its service areas of Franklin, Granville, Vance, Warren, and Mecklenburg County, Virginia. The following organizations received donations to support their efforts in assisting the community during the pandemic: Franklin County, Blessings Giving Pavilion; Granville County, Area Congregations in Ministries (ACIM); Vance County, Area Christians Together in Service (ACTS); Warren County, Loaves and Fishes Ministry and Mecklenburg Co., Virginia, Clarksville Food Pantry.

Orangeburg Alumnae Chapter Walking in love and sisterhood

The Orangeburg Alumnae Chapter has participated in virtual meetings, as have other chapters, since March. With a continued focus on an uncompromising commitment to our Sisterhood, Walking in Love and Sisterhood was an initiative implemented by the Membership Services and Physical & Mental Health committees. During this climate of health and social crises, this collaboration focused on bringing sorors together in a social distancing activity to close out the sorority year. On Saturday, June 13, 2020, from 9:13 am – 10:13 am, a total of 77 sorors, including 10 guests gathered to promote physical fitness and to foster a strong sisterly relationship. With a requirement of masks when together, whether completing a 4-mile trail or a 1½ mile track, sorors were intent on walking to help reach their 10,000 daily steps. The result was a bonding activity that helped to reclaim six sorors.



Petersburg Alumnae Chapter PAC Pen Pal Program

The Petersburg Alumnae Chapter (PAC) culminated the PAC Pen Pal Program, P4, at William A. Walton Elementary School in Prince George County, Virginia. Sorors LaToya James and Malinda Dake collaborated with counselor, Tammarra Lewis, to facilitate the program for fifth-grade girls. PAC President, Tanisha Mitchell; Principal, Chrystal Barnwell, and parents approved and supported the program. The platform encouraged young ladies to use their voices to discuss issues without judgment, fear, or apprehension. Handwritten letters were scanned and emailed to the program coordinators who printed and disseminated the correspondence. The P4 luncheon was the program’s culminating event; its theme: “Beauty and Brains.” Students were showered with symbols of inspiration, confidence, love, admiration, and respect. A personalized copy of Meko and the Money Tree by Soror Eulica Kimber was presented as well. Gifts were collected in a customized “Beauty and Brains” knapsack provided by PAC.

Portsmouth Alumnae Chapter Dance your heart out

The Portsmouth Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. continues to diligently serve and support the Portsmouth community through continued efforts to stamp out cardiovascular disease. On February 26, 2020, Portsmouth Alumnae hosted its Annual Heart Healthy Line Dancing event at Images Restaurant and Lounge. The line dancing event was created by the Physical and Mental Health committee to educate the community by distributing information from the American Heart Association while having fun learning new dances and participating in raffles. With well over 100 people in attendance, everyone truly had the opportunity to dance their hearts out. A total of $750.00 was raised in honor of the many individuals affected by cardiovascular disease. The Heart-Healthy Line Dancing event was a night of fun, dancing, and fellowship.



Richland County Alumnae Chapter Celebrated joint three-month long Founders Day observation

The Richland County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta in conjunction with Columbia (SC) Alumnae and the Iota Chi Chapter (University of South Carolina) participated in a three-month long celebration to commemorate the founding of our illustrious sorority. The celebrations spanned the four counties in the chapters’ service area. In January, sorors gathered in Richland County for a Rededication Ceremony and fellowship reception. In February, sorors traveled to Fairfield County to participate in a joint worship service followed by a fellowship dinner. The culminating event was a joint project that allowed sorors to show what Deltas really do which is serve their communities. In March, sorors donated essential items to organizations in Lexington and Richland counties, and committed to on-site service at various agencies prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Raleigh Alumnae Chapter Wake Up and Read Book Drive

Members of the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter volunteered as readers for the fourth consecutive year in the annual Read Across America program at Walnut Creek Elementary School in Raleigh, NC on March 2-6, 2020. Raleigh Alumnae’s Arts & Letters Committee annually organizes sorors to participate as part of the chapter’s community outreach initiative to highlight the importance of childhood literacy in the Raleigh, NC/Wake County community. This program also provides positive images of African Americans serving in the community. In addition, Raleigh Alumnae collected 100+ books from September 2019 – February 2020 to donate for the school’s annual “Wake Up and Read” Book Drive. The community-wide Book Drive focuses on childhood literacy by providing students access to 10 free books they can read during the summer and add to their personal libraries. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this event was canceled. Books will be distributed at a later date.



Rock Hill Alumnae Chapter You are not alone

The Rock Hill Alumnae Chapter partnered with the Kappa Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. to host a virtual Mental Health Forum, “You Are Not Alone”, on Sunday, May 31, 2020. The event addressed important mental health challenges and provided various resources using social media. There were over 1,100 viewers that virtually attended this forum.

Rocky Mount Alumnae Chapter First to establish an endowment

The Rocky Mount Alumnae Chapter made history in February by being the first National Pan-Hellenic Council organization in the local area to establish an Endowment with the Edgecombe Community College Foundation. Dr. Gregory McLeod, President of Edgecombe Community College, and Lynwood Roberson, Executive Director of the Foundation, visited the chapter’s May virtual chapter meeting to acknowledge the donation. The Endowed Scholarship was established to reflect the chapter’s commitment to education, economic development and community service. The scholarship will provide financial assistance to AfricanAmerican students of Nash or Edgecombe County, pursuing a degree or certification in higher education.. The yearly scholarship covers tuition, fees, books, and program-related expenses. Soror Lesterine D. Sturdivant serves as Chair of the Endowment Task Force and Soror Barbara B. Smith is the Chapter President. 67


Shelby Alumnae Chapter

Donates non-perishables to senior center The Neal Senior Center's “Meals-On-Wheels” program provides weekly home delivery of meals to seniors who are assessed to be homebound. During the Thanksgiving holiday, meal deliveries are unavailable and the center is closed. In order to provide the seniors in this program with enough food for a total of five meals during this time, the sorors of the Shelby Alumnae Chapter donated requested non-perishable food items including jars of peanut butter, saltine crackers, 140 cans of vienna sausage, canned beef stew, and Sunny D citrus beverages.

Roxboro Alumnae Chapter The Masquerade

The Roxboro Alumnae Chapter held its first annual Adult Prom Masquerade Ball on Saturday, February 29th at the Kirby Cultural Arts Complex. It was a night of elegance and one to remember. The venue was adorned with masks, feathers and beads as attendees enjoyed an evening of dinner and dancing. Chapter members took to the floor to entertain guests with a stroll, and everyone took photos in their masks in front of the masquerade-themed backdrop as a memory keepsake of the evening. This inaugural ball was a complete success and showcased the Roxboro Chapter’s presence within the community. The proceeds from this fundraiser will not only provide financial support to the chapter’s numerous community service initiatives, but will also support higher education through scholarships. What an unforgettable event!



Suffolk Alumnae Chapter Community Health Fair

The Suffolk Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated held a Community Health Fair on February 29, 2020. The purpose of the health fair was to provide educational information on health promotion and disease prevention. Services provided were based on the organization’s Five-Point Programmatic Thrust. Thirty-seven vendors provided prostate health education, depression education, blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, vision, and hearing screenings. Suffolk Alumnae partnered with local businesses including Sentara Healthcare and Bon Secours. Free mammograms to the uninsured were provided by Chesapeake General Hospital and the Suffolk Police Department provided Domestic Violence seminars. Voter’s Registration occurred and 2020 Census information was also provided. Chapter business owners provided information on insurance and financial/estate planning and an exercise class was given by the YMCA. Overall there were 117 volunteers, 61 attendees. The evaluations showed 90% strongly agreed that they were satisfied with the fair.

Summerville Alumnae Chapter

Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline

The Summerville Alumnae Chapter sponsored a viewing of the Ava Duvernay documentary, “13th” followed by an interactive panel discussion led by community leaders of our service area.The theme of the event was “Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline”. The panel included representation from law enforcement, the religious community, school administration, government, and youth mentorship. Young men from our EMBODI program were in attendance. In recent years, terms such as crisis, at risk, marginal and endangered have been used with increasing regularity to describe the plight and condition of black males. With the increasing rates of school violence, drug activities, increased school dropout rates, and untimely deaths of African American males the Summerville Alumnae Chapter was challenged to present an event for the community. This event was structured to re-focus, re-direct and regain the attention of middle to high school age African-American males in Dorchester County, SC.



Virginia Beach Alumnae Chapter Coping with mental health during a pandemic

Union County Alumnae Chapter Creating new ways of giving back

Businesses and schools aren’t the only organizations adapting the way they deliver their services during the Covid-19 pandemic. Community service organizations, like the Union County Alumnae Chapter (UCAC), have continued their commitment to the community with creativity and collaboration. Much like local restaurants have adapted their menus to carryout and delivery, the chapter, who serves breakfast at the local community shelter, continued to serve breakfast during the pandemic— grab-and-go style. The pandemic even created new ways of giving back. In addition to creating new partnerships, UCAC delivered over a hundred masks to the residents at a senior living center and 450 snack bags to the heroes at Atrium Health Union.


The Virginia Beach Alumnae Chapter (VBAC) hosted a successful virtual mental health panel discussion on Thursday, May 14th via the chapter’s Facebook page. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Physical and Mental Health Committee wanted to focus on the current situation. The topic was, I Never Felt Like This Before: Coping with Your Mental Health During the Pandemic. The discussion was moderated by Chapter Soror and local TV Host, Soror Stephanie Walters. Panelist included Chapter Soror Dr. Laconda Fanning (Psychological Services), Vivian McCorey (Emergency Services Crisis Counselor), Mr. Romeo Mosely (Behavioral Health Therapist and School Psychologist), and Dr. Tenarian Warren (Psychologist and Retired Police Officer). The discussion touched on coping mechanisms for dealing with our new normal and provided available mental health resources for those that are in need. The conversation has over 3,000 views to date and can still be viewed on the chapter’s Facebook page.


Western Wake Alumnae Chapter

Mental Health Training for Law Enforcement The Western Wake Alumnae Chapter facilitated and sponsored a Mental Health First Aid Training for Law Enforcement Public Safety for the Morrisville Police Department. WWAC partnered with Alliance Health to facilitate the eight-hour training with the purpose of assisting 100% of the sworn officers with understanding the mental health challenges in the Morrisville community. The training was facilitated by two Alliance Health mental health outreach representatives. A total of 24 sworn officers and one WWAC member received their three-year Mental Health First Aid USA Certification, certifying that they were trained to provide initial help to people experiencing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, psychosis, and substance disorders. Each participant was given a Deterra Drug Disposal Pouch to safely dispose of narcotics and unused medication while in the field.

Wilmington Alumnae Chapter Keeping it moving with virtual May Week

Wilmington (NC) Alumnae stepped into the box of what the nation has called the “New Normal.� They implemented a virtual May Week with much success. Each night the program included a welcome, devotion, the activity, Delta poetry and closing prayer. The activities began with a spiritual word, mental health awareness session, virtual painting bible study, line dancing/exercises. The virtual platform gave sorors the opportunity to remain connected during the pandemic. On May 9, the chapter presented local leaders with a framed certificate representing the Delta Violet Award based on the Five Point Programmatic Thrust. The week-long events concluded with a survey to enhance the programs of activities for the upcoming year.


Sensational Sensational SORORS SORORS ALMA JONES Soror Alma Jones joined the Summerville Alumnae Chapter in 1996 and brought with her an extraordinary level of social engagement. As a tireless proponent for civil rights, she has been involved in the movement since 1959. Jailed nine times during her participation in the movement, she suffered a physical injury that yielded a permanent scar. Soror Alma remained undeterred. As President of the Ridgeville (SC) Branch of the NAACP since 2006, she collaborates with the Dorchester County Jail, registering detainees to vote who have not been formally charged. She works with NAACP attorneys to review cases of prisoners that may be released on probation, whereupon she assists with job placement. She has tutored children of incarcerated parents and she works with the area men’s shelter providing meals and soliciting donations for hygiene items. Soror Jones was initiated in 1982 through the Detroit Alumnae Chapter.

ANGELA CHIN Angela Chin, a member of the Kappa Omicron Chapter at UNC Chapel Hill and a collegiate member of our National Scholarship and Standards Committee was among 29 inductees into the Order of the Golden Fleece, the oldest honorary society on campus. She was recognized for her advocacy for students of color, including serving as executive director of Black Students Abroad.

ANITA WHITE COL. (Ret.) Anita A. White is a COVID -19 Warrior. She retired from the United States Army as a logistician and joined the Medical Reserve Corps as a Social Worker. She changed her Army greens to the Social Worker citron uniform of masks and gloves into the battle against COVID-19. She is working with the Pittsylvania County Health Department as a call operator and a testing traffic controller. Soror White lives by the words of Nannie Helen Burroughs, “Nobody in the world ever wins success or a place of usefulness until he or she is absolutely wedded to a cause."


Sensational SORORS ANNA HICKS-HAGER Soror Annie Hicks-Hager was presented with the Order of the Long Leaf Pine, by NC State Representative Garland E. Pierce. The award is presented to individuals who have made a significant impact and shown exemplary service to their communities and the State by the Office of the Governor She was honored for having taught fourth grade at R.B. Dean Elementary School for 20 years, beginning in 1960, and at Pembroke Elementary School, NC Teacher Academy and for Robeson County Adult Education Program. She was also awarded the NC Retired School Personnel Volunteer Award for volunteering more than 2,000 hours in school and community activities. She remains an active member of St. George United Methodist Church, in Maxton, chairperson of the finance committee, Robeson County Partnership for Children Board of Directors and a member of Laurinburg Alumnae since 1987.

SHERIFF ANTOINETTE IRVING On January 1, 2018, Dr. Antionette V. Irving became Sheriff of the City of Richmond facilitating one of the largest Sheriff's Offices in the Commonwealth, to include over 450 sworn and civilian staff members. Since taking office, Sheriff Irving’s has focused on establishing a culture of excellence by implementing a professional development and career path initiative for the staff, establishing strong community partnerships, and equipping residents of the Richmond City Justice Center with the resources they need to prepare themselves for successful re-entry into society. In addition, she has provided support and resources to the community for senior citizens, individuals with disabilities, and children living in marginalized neighborhoods. In addition to her BA in Criminal Justice from Shaw University, Sheriff Irving earned her Master of Science in Administration from Central Michigan University, and her PhD in Business Administration with a concentration in Criminal Justice from North Central University.


Sensational Sensational SORORS SORORS CAMISHA WILLIAMS Camisha Williams is the operating partner at Lighthouse Therapeutics, a clinic that provides occupational, physical, and speech therapies to children in Kershaw County and the surrounding communities. Dr. Williams launched a second location in Sumter County that extends services to children with autism, sensory issues, and other language impairments. Visit her website at www.lighthousetherapeuticssc.com.

DR. CHARLENE WHITAKER-BROWN Dr. Charlene Whitaker-Brown is a member of the Charlotte Alumnae Chapter in Charlotte, North Carolina. Dr. Whitaker-Brown has worked in healthcare for more than 20 years and is a Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In addition, she is a family nurse practitioner treating patients at Sanger Heart and Vascular Clinic-Atrium Cabarrus in Concord, North Carolina. Dr. Whitaker-Brown’s most recent accomplishment is the completion of a post master’s degree as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on May 10, 2020. Dr. Whitaker-Brown plans to continue to bridge her passion for treating her cardiac patients and those with mental health disorders.

CHERON BURNS Soror Cheron Burns is the owner and operator of Rx Catering-DC Metro a full-service catering business. Since 2007, Rx Catering has provided meals to schools, businesses, and government entities. In early March, businesses, and schools that she services closed because of CoVID-19. Faced with laying off staff; Cheron decided to provide meals to healthcare workers. Armed with Faith and Fortitude the first, “Healthy Meals for Healthcare Workers,” were delivered on March 31. As of June 1, she has received donations and funding from sponsors, which has allowed her to prepare and deliver over 4,750 meals to healthcare providers and first responders. Thankful for the support, Soror Burns believes through God all things are possible. Her company’s motto is, “We Cook with Love…Just What the Doctor Ordered.” Free meals for frontline workers during these unprecedented times is an expression of love and is just what the doctor ordered. 74

Sensational SORORS COLETTE McEACHIN Soror Colette Wallace McEachin was elected Commonwealth’s Attorney for the City of Richmond in November, 2019. She is the first woman and the first AfricanAmerican woman ever elected Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney. She has worked in that office for over 20 years. Prior to her election she was the Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney responsible for supervising prosecutors in the General District Courtrooms that handled misdemeanor crimes, felony preliminary hearings, and traffic cases. She also supervised felony sexual assault cases and the Office’s community-based Sector prosecutors. She has prosecuted crimes at every level, from domestic violence to burglaries, rape and homicides. Soror McEachin was initiated into the Lambda Iota Chapter and graduated from Brown University, to later receive her Juris Doctorate from the University of Virginia School of Law. She and her husband, U.S. Rep. Donald McEachin, D-4th, live in Richmond and have three adult children.

DALPHINE JOPPY Norfolk Alumnae Chapter celebrates Dr. Dalphine A. Joppy on her recent appointment as the next Superintendent of Charles City County Public Schools in Virginia. Dr. Joppy has been an educator for over 20 years, and she previously held the position of Director of the Department of Professional & Organizational Development with Chesapeake Public Schools.

"Positive progress towards excellence, that's what we want . . . If you stand still and settle for the status quo, that's exactly what you will have." - BRIGADIER GENERAL HAZEL JOHNSON-BROWN 75

Sensational Sensational SORORS SORORS DEANNA REED

Soror Deanna Reed was the first African-American woman elected to the City Council of Harrisonburg, VA, and continues to make history as the city's first African-American female Mayor. She is also the Program Director for the On the Road Collaborative Program. Before she became director, in August 2015, Soror Deanna Reed served as the co-founder and director of Precious Gems Academy, a youth empowerment organization that served 65 ‘at-risk’ youth annually through its network of after school programs, in the Harrisonburg City Schools. She also created an original summer enrichment program for the Roberta Webb Childcare Center. Continuing her leadership and achievements in serving youth, Soror Reed is an advisor for the Iota Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, at James Madison University. She is also Vice President of Service of the Harrisonburg Women’s Service League and she serves as Vice President of the Charlottesville Alumnae Chapter.

DEE HUNT Child Protective Services deals with potentially life or death situations, which means that adequate training is paramount. Soror Dee Hunt, who has spent her 36-year career in the field, including 17 years with Cleveland County Department of Social Services, recently created a curriculum that could prove to be a game-changer for social workers. The REAL project, Realistic Environment to Aid Learning, uses simulation to give hands-on experiences to both new and veteran social workers. Henderson County DSS program administrators asked her to create the curriculum. It is currently being taught at Western Carolina University but has attracted the attention of Duke University and the state of North Carolina as a potential pre-service training. The course takes six full days and uses simulation to create realistic scenarios. It covers from the time a report is made to the time a child is removed from a home and enters foster care.

"Once you know who you are, you don't have to worry anymore." - NIKKI GIOVANNI 76

Sensational SORORS


The Duplin County Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. recognizes Soror Delilah Gomes as their “Sensational Soror.” Soror Gomes was initiated through the Alpha Lambda Chapter at NCCU, Spring ’52. An extraordinary pioneer, she is commended for her vision for change. On November 1, 2019, she was inducted into the Duplin County Hall of Fame, an honor bestowed to citizens for contributions made to their communities. An educator and historian, she implemented reading programs for children and published historical works that reflect on early black churches and schools. She also initiated the Duplin County celebration of Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.’s holiday, and established a collegiate chapter in Connecticut. She was a charter member and president of alumnae chapters in Connecticut and North Carolina. Committed to volunteerism, her accolades reflect her life as an idealistic visionary in her community.

DESERIA CREIGHTON-BARNEY Deseria Creighton-Barney is the current President of the VA Tech Alumni Association Board of Directors. Elected in 2019, she is the first Black female in the history of the university to hold this position. In addition to her primary role, she also serves on the VA Tech Foundation Board and the Alumni Advisory Board for the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences at Virginia Tech. Soror Creighton-Barney is a Talent Acquisition Specialist for Virginia Commonwealth University Health Systems in Richmond, VA. She was initiated into Lawrenceville Alumnae Chapter in Spring 1998 and has served a plethora of roles for Delta to include Recording Secretary of Lawrenceville Alumnae and Second and First Vice President of the Henrico Alumnae Chapter, where she is still an active member. Soror CreightonBarney believes “it is our duty to lift as we climb.”

DR. DEVIN PUGH-THOMAS Dr. Devin Pugh-Thomas received the distinguished NASA Early Career Initiative (ECI) award at the end of 2019. She has worked for NASA for 10 years and won one of three ECI awards selected from an Agency-wide proposal competition. The ECI award includes a $2.5 million project budget to support Dr. Pugh-Thomas’ research in space hardware development. As Project Manager, she leads a team of NASA scientists and engineers to develop a sensor supporting future missions to the moon and Mars. Dr. Pugh-Thomas was initiated into Delta Sigma Theta at Epsilon Theta, Spring 1998, and she has been a member of the Norfolk Alumnae Chapter since 2017.



Soror Diane Daniels Neal was initiated through Epsilon Pi, a city-wide chapter, in Brooklyn, New York on May 9, 1970. She, along with some of her line sisters, celebrated their Golden Milestone Anniversary via ZOOM on May 9, 2020. After Soror Neal graduated from Hunter College, New York, she joined Central Jersey Alumnae Chapter. She became a Golden Life Member. Her professional career as an educator impacted the chapter’s Five Point Programmatic Thrust activities. Soror Neal retired in 2010, moved to Bluffton, SC, in 2011, and joined with a cadre of 29 area sorors to charter Hilton Head Island – Bluffton Alumnae Chapter on February 26, 2012. Soror Daniels is committed to impacting the underserved in local communities. In the words of our beloved Soror Shirley Chisholm, Soror Daniels believes “Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.” There’s joy in our Sensational Sisterhood!

DIANE GIBBS Soror Diane Gibbs, a member of the Fort Bragg Area Alumnae was recently elected as the Director of the Federal Education Association (FEA) for Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS), one of the three operational areas within the Department of Defense Education Activity. Prior to her election, Soror Gibbs, previously held the position of President of the Fort Bragg Association of Educators. Soror Gibbs is the first African American to hold this position. An educator with over 26 years experience, Soror Gibbs’ Delta story began in l986 with the Lamda Omicron Chapter at the College of Charleston, Soror Gibbs became a member of the Fort Bragg Area Alumnae Chapter in 2007, and is a member of the chapter’s annual Big Hat Brunch Scholarship Fundraiser Committee, a signature event that averages an annual gross revenue of over $20K.

DR. DONNA HUGER Soror Donna Huger is a proud member of the Richland County Alumnae Chapter. Dr. Huger deservingly received the Palmetto State School Counselor of the Year award! Congratulations!

DOROTHYA "TRICY" NERO Soror Dorothya “Tricy” Nero is a proud member of the Richland County Alumnae Chapter. Soror Nero was awarded the 2020 South Carolina Career and Technical Education School Counselor of the Year. Congratulations!


Sensational SORORS EDITH ROMAINE Initiated into Delta Chi in 1971 at Elizabeth City State University, Soror Romaine has been making her mark in NoVAC since joining the chapter in 1973. She has held numerous leadership positions and managed several committees including SOL, public relations, fundraising and Teen Lift. In 2018, she was appointed chair of the newly formed Delta Dear Committee by President Pinckney. Soror Romaine’s enthusiasm to keep the nearly 100 Delta Dears motivated and uplifted is an act of love that echoes the words of Booker T. Washington, “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else". Soror Romaine is guided by the Yoruba proverb, “If we stand tall it is because we stand on the backs of those who came before us”. Soror Romaine says, "Our Delta Dears are committed and dedicated to lifting others as they continue on in our illustrious sisterhood.”

ELLAIN McGHEE BROOKS On May 9, the Oxford-Henderson Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 75th Anniversary with Soror Ellain McGhee Brooks, the chapter’s only surviving charter member. The chapter was established May 10, 1945 under the Greek letter name Gamma Beta Sigma with eight charter members. Due to restrictions with COVID-19, the planned gala for the 75th Anniversary was not able to take place but that didn’t stop our members from surprising our vivacious 95-year old Soror Brooks with a special grand parade. As Soror Brooks stood in her yard , chapter members in a caravan of 30 cars, adorned with balloons and signs, circled her driveway to celebrate the momentous occasion. When Brooks saw all the cars led by a deputy sheriff, she said “What is this a funeral?" I have never heard of anything like this!” During the chapter’s last virtual meeting on May 16, Soror Brooks said “I can’t believe you all pulled this off because I usually know everything and all I have done is lived a long time."

DR. ERMA FREEMAN Dr. Erma Freeman, a Chase City native, wanted to be a dentist for fairly simple reasons: good work, good money and time for family. She entered the Medical College of Virginia School of Dentistry in 1973. Dr. Freeman had a private dental practice in Ettrick for 20 years, was appointed by former Gov. L. Douglas Wilder to the Virginia Board of Dentistry in 1993, worked for 13 years as a dentist with the state Department of Corrections before retiring. Dr. Freeman was honored with a Trailblazer Award in late April as the Richmond dental school’s first black female graduate as part of the school’s “First 100 Dentists of Color” initiative. The initiative seeks to provide scholarships, mentorships and fellowship for the next 100 dental students of color at Virginia Commonwealth University. The more than 400 fellow students in the dental school had fewer than 10 black men and fewer than 10 women. 79


Soror Estella Hall Simons celebrated her 103rd birthday on June 9, 2020. Her family, sorors, and friends celebrated her with a drive-by parade at her home in Powellsville, NC (Bertie County). She is a member and chartered member of the Ahoskie Alumnae Chapter and is the proud mother of four children, grandmother of six, and great grandmother of four. Soror Simons’ daughter and two granddaughters are also Deltas. After marriage and raising a family, Soror Simons enrolled at Elizabeth City State Teachers College in 1951. She became a Delta in 1953 and was a founding member of the Delta Chi Chapter at Elizabeth City State. After graduating in 1955, Soror Simons taught in the Bertie County School system until retirement in 1982. Presently, Soror Simons finds joy in working in the community and in her church.

FELICIA E. WILLIAMS Sorors of Summerville Alumnae Chapter proudly recognize Felicia E. Williams, our newest published author. Published December 19, 2019, "A Message to Our Daughters: Turning Trials into Triumphs" is a collection of letters and stories from 16 brilliant and socially engaged women. Felicia and her co-authors convey earnest, raw, and unapologetic messages that are sure to empower, inspire, and encourage their daughters and generations of women to come. The writers share their personal experiences with issues such as abuse, divorce, death, and molestation. Each author through her personally transcribed letter conveys resilience, courage, strength, and a steadfast faith in God. Felicia shares the tragic loss of her mother from cancer as well as her personal battle with breast cancer. Initiated through Stone Mountain-Lithonia Alumnae Chapter in February 2009, Felicia has served Delta in many capacities. Currently, she is the Summerville Alumnae Corresponding Secretary and a member of several other committees.

GLORIA McNEIL Gloria McNeil , DNP, MA, MBA,RN, NEA-BC, CENP graduated from Duke University on May 10, 2020. She was one of four and the first African American to graduate from Duke University School of Nursing with a post-doctoral certificate as a Quality Implementation Scholar. The inaugural 12 month program was developed through partnership with Duke University School of Nursing and Duke Nuke Nursing and designed to address the demand for doctoral-prepared nurses to lead and co-lead quality and safety improvement initiatives utilizing data analytics and implementation science skills. Soror McNeil is a Past President and current Parliamentarian of the Durham Alumnae Chapter. She is the Associate Chief Nursing Officer and has been employed at Duke Health for over forty years after graduating from North Carolina Central University with a BS degree in nursing. 80

Sensational SORORS


Soror Gwen Hairston, one of the first African American students to integrate a formerly all-white school in Cumberland County, has served students in Virginia public schools for more than four decades; and she has inspired more than 8,400 students as a teacher and coach at schools all over the Commonwealth of Virginia from Stafford County to Roanoke City Public Schools. Many of Soror Hairston’s students have followed her example and become distinguished educators and leaders in their fields; she has also mentored more than 25 University of Virginia practicum students and three student teachers. Soror Gwen Hairston has numerous accolades such as the Southern District Elementary School Physical Educator of the Year Award by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) and the Virginia House of Delegates commendation for her incredible contributions to the Civil Rights movement and legacy of excellence as an educator.

KATRINA C. BURRUS Soror Katrina C. Burruss is an active member of the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter, where she serves on the Domestic Violence Committee. Katrina is a second-year doctoral student, wife, and mother. She is also a best-selling author, speaker, and advocate. Her most recent accomplishments include the creation of the BECOME H.E.R. Speaker’s Series which became an instant fan favorite. The half-day event is designed to empower, encourage, and educate women (and men) with a specific interest in finding the unique balance between love, leadership, and motherhood, as well as gaining advocacy skills while cultivating a holistic wellness agenda. The inaugural event hosted over 150 attendees! Most recently, she accepted a new role as a Clinical Lab Director and was featured in the globally acclaimed Sheen Magazine alongside media mogul and community activist Yandy Smith-Harris. This Delta and “She”preneur is making major moves!

KIMBERLY NESMITH Wife and mom of two, Soror Nesmith decided to take a leap of faith in 2019 by becoming an educational consultant, coaching educators nationwide with EL Education, LearnZillion, and her consulting firm, MissEducation Consulting. As a Parenting Consultant for Black River United Way, she delivers workshops on child sexual abuse and parenting. Soror Nesmith became an author in October 2019, publishing "The Big Magnolia Tree and I Am Loved." She and her husband guide couples through life after marriage with their blog, “I Do...Then What?” She also manages her family business, Happy Pappy Ice Cream Parlor. Kimberly, member of the Georgetown Alumnae Chapter, serves as Education Committee Chair, Jabberwock Committee Chair, and Technology Committee Member. Under her leadership, GAC reached over 1,000 families with Powerful Positive Parenting and STEM Workshops. Kim is an asset to her community and definitely a “Sensational Soror.” 81


Soror Lauren Graham, rising senior majoring in Business Administration, was 1 of 29 inductees into the Order of the Golden Fleece, the oldest honorary society at UNC-Chapel Hill. Lauren, president-elect of KO, was recognized as director of internships for the Institute of Politics, connecting with local, state, and federal government.

LYNDA STANLEY Dosher Memorial Hospital has named Lynda Stanley, who is a member of The Wilmington (NC) Alumnae as Interim Hospital President. Soror Stanley took on the Interim role after the Southport‘s Hospital CEO resigned. Soror Stanley served as COO from 1986-2014 when she became President of the hospital’s foundation. She is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives and has been a key figure in the success of the Dosher Hospital Foundation and the formation of the Brunswick Wellness Coalition. Soror Stanley will continue to serve as President for the Dosher Hospital‘s Foundation during the interim period. She is a graduate of The University of North Carolina of Greensboro and has a master’s degree in health administration from Central Michigan University.

MARCELINE "MARCIE" CATLETT Soror Marceline “Marcie” Catlett, member of Fredericksburg Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., became the first African-American Superintendent of Fredericksburg City Schools Nov 14, 2019. Soror Catlett attended Fredericksburg schools prior to nationwide integration. We congratulate Soror Catlett on this historic achievement and express our heartfelt gratitude for her life-long commitment to educating our youth. In additional to local chapter involvement, Soror McNeil has served on National and Regional level committees.


Sensational SORORS


Soror Marie Whitten’s final year of teaching has come to a close, and she should feel accomplished after teaching thousands of students within Western Albemarle High halls. For the past 38 years, she has dedicated herself to Physical Education, Health, Driver’s Education, and African Culture and Musical Dance. During her tenure, she has guided the Western Albemarle High School Warriors to 16 district titles, 13 regional crowns, and five state championships. In addition, she was named Virginia High School League Track & Field Coach of the Year three times. Soror Whitten has seen many changes and continuities as the years passed by. Her structured classes kept students engaged and actively demonstrated her devotion to the students and the content she has taught. As a fantastic teacher, mentor, and coach throughout the years, Charlottesville Alumnae Chapter is proud to have Soror O. Marie Whitten as a part of the community.

MICHELLE TUCK THOMAS Soror Michelle Tuck Thomas has recently been selected as the Regional Director of Region V in the North Carolina State Organization of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International (NCDKG). As president of the Beta Kappa chapter (NC) of Delta Kappa Gamma, she has been instrumental in bridging the digital divide amongst members and increasing membership participation by more than fifty percent. In May 2019, after successfully defending her dissertation entitled, Using Professional Learning Communities to Drive Tier One Response to Intervention (RtI) in Middle School Mathematics, she graduated from High Point University with a Doctoral degree of Education in Educational Leadership. Dr. Tuck Thomas is currently the Corresponding Secretary for the Roxboro Alumnae Chapter and is a member of the South Atlantic Regional Technology Team.

OLA P. WILLOUGHBY The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter is proud to recognize Soror Ola P. Willoughby for her 75 years of active membership and service in the Sorority.Soror Willoughby served as NoVAC's 5th President from 1969-1971. She is the proud mom of Soror Joyce Willoughby, who is also a member of NoVAC. In June 2020, NoVAC President Jameece Pinckney and 1st Vice President Melanie Carter honored Soror Willoughby’s tremendous dedication to the Sorority and the amazing 55 years of service to NoVAC by presenting her 75-year plaque. Turning 100 years young in November 2020, Soror Willoughby proudly said, "I was made in 1945. I attended the 1st National Convention. To reach 75 years in Delta has been a wonderful journey. I enjoyed it. I did a lot of work in Delta, but ninety-nine and a half just won’t do." Thank you, Soror Willoughby, for your continued service to the Sorority and NoVAC. 83

Sensational Sensational SORORS SORORS OLIVIA DAVIS Soror Olivia Davis, an honored member of the Virginia Beach Alumnae Chapter, was recently promoted to a Lieutenant in the US Navy. As a Surface Warfare Officer, she is currently in her second Division Officer Tour as the Gunnery Officer onboard the DELBERT D. BLACK (DDG 119). As the Gunnery Officer she supervises the conduct of naval fire guns and oversees the operation and maintenance of all gun armament. While carrying out her primary duties as the Gunnery Officer, she coordinated ammunition movements for seven other warships. She was hand picked to carry out the duties and responsibilities as the Training Officer as well. Outside of her primary duties, she serves as the Public Affairs Officer keeping unit personnel and their families informed with timely and accurate information. Shortly after her current tour, Soror Davis will be transitioning to shore duty with the intent to utilize her skills in other US Navy entities.

O'NITA BAKER Goldsboro Alumnae Chapter celebrated the 80th birthday of charter member Soror O'Nita Baker on April 27 with a drive-by birthday parade!

DR. PAMELA SENEGAL The Roxboro Alumnae Chapter would like to highlight Dr. Pamela Senegal as a Sensational Soror. Recently she received the Delta’s Choice Award at our annual MLK banquet for her work in the community. She is the epitome of what it means to be a trailblazer. Dr. Senegal became the 1st female president of Piedmont Community College in 2017. Under her leadership, she has been instrumental in collaborating with other colleges and universities for Pathway degrees, Community Educational partnership agreements and one of the most notable is the partnership between Piedmont Community College and Person County School system in making the Person Early College for Innovation and Leadership a reality. She also serves on the following boards: Economic and Community Development in Person and Caswell counties, Person Memorial Hospital, and the UNC World. Dr. Senegal is also mom to three sons and she is active in her church.


Sensational SORORS RENATA HEDRINGTON-JONES, PHD, MSW Soror Hedrington-Jones Walden University Core Faculty member, traveled to the University of Huddersfield in England for the International Coalition for Children with Incarcerated Parents to present preliminary research findings for a project known as the “Storybook Research Project.” The purpose of the study was to understand how parents and caregivers communicate with minor children about parental incarceration. Dr. Hedrington-Jones brought her findings to life in her book “Truth and the Big Dinner.” She is a recipient of the Nia, a National Association of Black Social Workers Lifetime Achievement Award; has presented at the Inaugural Congressional Social Work Caucus roundtable; is a DTEC Change Agent for the DC-MD-VA area; and, a presenter for the 2020 H.E. L.I.V.E. for Delta Teacher Efficacy Campaign for the Teachers Advocating to Lead Great Change summer series.

ROSALYNDE M. FENNER Soror Rosalynde M. Fenner earned an Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership with an emphasis in organizational development from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. Her dissertation titled, "Female Leaders in Law Enforcement and the Dyadic Relationship with Subordinates," is a qualitative multiple-case study that explored how female leaders in law enforcement perceive how their decision-making and job performance are influenced by the dyadic relationship with subordinates. Soror Fenner is a retired Supervisory Special Agent with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and currently an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Saint Augustine’s University (SAU). She earned her M.A. in Criminal Justice from the City University of New York, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and her B.S. in Criminal Justice from SAU. Soror Fenner was initiated through the Gamma Rho Chapter at SAU, Spring 1984, and is a member of Knightdale – Wake Forest Alumnae.

DR. RUTH JONES-NICHOLS Dr. Ruth Jones-Nichols, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore, was named to the 2020 Inside Business “Power List”, annually honoring 100 individuals influencing Hampton Roads. Ruth has been on the “Power List” each year since 2015. Under Ruth’s leadership, the Foodbank annually distributes 14 million meals to individuals experiencing food insecurity. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Foodbank faced higher demands for food. By expanding partnerships efforts, the Foodbank overcame challenges and provided 1.5 million meals within the first six weeks of the COVID-19 response. Soror Jones-Nichols was initiated by the Mu Upsilon Chapter in 1995. She is the 13th Regional Representative for the South Atlantic Region. Currently, Ruth is chair of the Arts and Letters Committee of the Chesapeake-Virginia Beach Alumnae Chapter. 85


Soror Scottessa Hurte has been the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Metropolitan Business League (MBL) for the past year. The MBL has a membership of over 500 businesses and focuses on helping small, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses in Central Virginia. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization has conducted virtual town hall meetings to provide much needed information, as well as, over $40,000 in emergency grants to small businesses. For the last 6 years, Soror Hurte championed the MBL’s partnership with the Richmond Alumnae Chapter for the annual entrepreneurship series designed for new business owners. Over 150 entrepreneurs have completed the entrepreneurship program, resulting in more than 50 new local businesses. When not running the Board, Soror Hurte is the owner of Medical Staffing 360, LLC, a successful healthcare staffing agency that conducts business in five states.

SHEILA WILLIAMSON-BRANCH Danville Alumnae Chapter Vice President, Sheila Williamson-Branch, was honored by the Rho Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity at their 20th Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration. Using the theme “Celebrating the Dream by Honoring the Present,” she was recognized for her service and commitment to the community. Soror Williamson-Branch who was elected as the first African American treasurer for the City of Danville in 2016, is also an adjunct professor in the Graduate and Professional Studies Department at Averett University. She graduated in 1984 from Hampton Institute with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance, from Averett University in 1991 with a Master of Business Administration degree, and from Strayer University in 2009 with a Master of Science degree in Accounting. In 2012, she received a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies from Capella University and is completing coursework for a Doctor of Education degree in Higher Education Leadership.

SHELIA SIMPSON Soror Shelia Simpson is a community oriented member of the sorority. For many years, she served as Chair of Social Action adhering to the guidelines of the sorority's national program guidelines. As the concept of Community Impact and Involvement emerged in the South Atlantic Region, her energy was renewed. She organized and led the Delta Days at the City Council, Delta Days at the County Commissioners and Delta Days at the Board of Education ensuring chapter representation to learn and implement how the chapter could be of assistance to the community. She chaired the Food the Homeless and the Hungry Initiative seeking continuously to enhance the program by adding donations the chapter could provide for the citizens such as blankets, socks and hats. In the Summer of 2019, she presented an idea to the President for an all inclusive Greek giving and feeding date. After several meetings of the presidents and representatives of the greek organizations the plan was in place. In December of 2019, all nine of the greek organizations in Elizabeth City came together to provide food, gifts, clothes and many other items to nearly 100 under privileged citizens. Since then, she has been appointed to the city's Community Relations Commission. 86

Sensational SORORS


Soror Toya L. Evans, (Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter), and her daughters (Lauren Williamson and Soror Chanel Grant (initiated at Lambda Eta Chapter) are multi-unit/brand franchise owners in Maryland with Tropical Smoothie Café - Bowie, Landover Hills and a third location at Joint Base Andrews opening August 2020 and Hand & Stone Massage and Facials - Brandywine, opening September 2020. The trio recently signed with Choice Hotels in a program designed to increase the number of African Americans and women in hospitality. African-Americans are increasingly choosing franchising over traditional businesses. Soror Evans believes that franchising offers a route to building generational wealth and is proud to be doing it with her daughters. The team created a course for those interested in pursuing franchising. The comprehensive course covers the journey from idea to launch -- where to start, how to find the right franchise, how to find funding, and more. https://healthylivingventures.teachable.com

TOYKEA JONES Soror Toykea Jones, a 2004 initiant of Norfolk Alumnae Chapter, was appointed for a second term on the Board of Visitors for Old Dominion University (ODU). Ms. Jones, received her bachelor’s and master’s degree from ODU. She is dedicated to students pursuing higher education and established three endowments at her alma mater. Soror Jones continues to make strides not only in education but in her career. She currently works in medical sales for Johnson & Johnson, and since 2015, she has been working on a project for the women of Rwanda.

TRACY MORRISON Soror Tracy Morrison, a member of the Fort Bragg Area Alumnae Chapter, was honored by the Fayetteville Observer in their annual 40 under 40 top businesses and community leaders in 2020. Soror Morrison’s passion for political awareness and social action was highlighted and was instrumental in the election of Councilwoman Courtney Banks-McLaughlin as she ran and won her first seat as a Fayetteville City Councilwoman. A Social Worker with 8 years’ experience, Soror Morrison’s Delta Story began in 2010 with the Sandhills Alumnae Chapter. Soror Morrison became a member of the Fort Bragg Area Alumnae Chapter in 2014 and is an active member of the chapter’s Political Awareness/Social Actions Committee. 87

Sensational Sensational SORORS SORORS TYLETTE NEWKIRK Tylette Newkirk is the founder is of Crowns for Queens, a brand specializing in helping women on their journey to self-love and empowerment. She is also a Licensed Professional Counselor and the co-owner of YANA Counseling Services, LLC, located in Columbia, SC. Visit her website at www.crownsforqueens.com.

VALERIE A. WHITE Soror Valerie A. White is a COVID -19 warrior. She is a Family Nurse Practitioner with SOVAH Health- Danville. She has continued to triage her patients and recommend them for testing through out this pandemic as well as help them to maintain their health care regimens.

VICTORIA REVELLE, MPH Soror Victoria Revelle, MPH is a skilled health educator and an experienced public health practitioner. She is dedicated to reducing health disparities, increasing health equity and promoting cultural humility. Her public health work has been featured in print, social and broadcast media. As a Public Health Practitioner, Soror Revelle has demonstrated outstanding achievement locally and internationally through providing public health workshop programs in the United States, Italy, Spain and France. She has presented her research, regarding African Americans and sickle cell, nationally and in 2018 she became the first African American to receive the American Public Health Association International Health Section’s Young Professional Award. Additionally, Soror Revelle has coauthored Achieving Health Equity in the United States and has won numerous awards including Morehouse School of Medicine’s Top 10 Under 40 and North Carolina A&T State University’s Julia S. Brooks Achievement Award. Indeed, Soror Revelle maintains a resounding commitment to Delta!


Sensational SORORS WILLIE JOHNSON The “tech” industry is largely a man’s world. Women of color made up only 11% of the workforce in 2019, with Black women only comprising of 3% of the total. After 25 years of service with a leading tech firm, Willie J. Johnson transitioned into local government. She was promoted to Assistant Chief Information Officer, for the City of Fayetteville in Fayetteville, NC and proudly serves as a “three percenter.” Soror Johnson is a faithful member of the Fayetteville Alumnae Chapter serving and chairing several committees during her tenure. During the Covid-19 pandemic, not only did she successfully oversee the transition of the City of Fayetteville into the implementation of a virtual meeting platform but she also assisted the chapter into hosting virtual chapter meetings. Serving on the frontline covers many different aspects and careers; but information technology, where learning is the core. Soror Johnson is definitely a catalyst for change for an award winning IT department.


Sensational SCHOLARS Sensational SORORS ALEXIS LEMONE The Upsilon Mu Chapter, at Davidson College, would like to extend a warm congratulations to Soror Alexis Lemone. Her advocacy for Reproductive justice and dedication to eradicating Black health disparities is truly inspiring! Post-graduation, she is seeking to conduct health research at the National Institute of Health (NIH) or work as a medical scribe. During her gap year, she also plans to study for the MCAT as she prepares for medical school.

COL (RET.) ANITA WHITE COL (Ret.) Anita White, Danville Alumnae Chapter, graduated with a BS in Social Work from Longwood University. She was accepted in the honor societies of Phi Kappa Phi and Social Work. Her future includes obtaining her doctoral degree, becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and developing a private practice.

BRENDA HAIRSTON Soror Brenda Hairston received a Master of Education Reading Specialist degree form Averett University. An elementary school educator, Hairston plans to use her experience and knowledge in helping to improve student achievement in reading. She also serves as sergeant-at-arms for the Danville Alumnae Chapter in which she was initiated in 1996.


Sensational SCHOLARS

BRITTANY D. CALHOUN Soror Brittany D. Calhoun is a 2020 graduate of Chamberlain University with a Master of Science in Nursing with Distinction, with a Specialty in Healthcare Policy. Brittany is a member of the Norfolk Alumnae Chapter in Virginia since 2008. Brittany relocated to Atlanta, Georgia, where she works in the ICU of WellStar Hospital. Soror Calhoun’s continuing goal and passion is to stay abreast of all health issues and formulate new policies that will help the community that she serves.

BRITTANY ROBERTS Soror Brittany Roberts received a Master’s Degree in K-12 Physical Education and Health with a minor in Sport Administration from the University of North Carolina Pembroke. Soror Brittany will begin her Principal Preparation Program with North Carolina State University on May 23, 2020. She was awarded a $100,000 scholarship.

BRY REED The Upsilon Mu chapter, at Davidson College, would like to extend a warm congratulations to our recent graduate Soror Bry Reed. Soror Reed has demonstrated exemplary leadership and activism in the Black community. She was recognized for numerous awards including Alain Locke/Anna Julia Cooper Award for Excellence in Africana Studies, the Campus Change Agent Award, and the Leadership in Service Award. In the fall, Soror Reed will begin her doctoral program in American Studies at Purdue University.


Sensational SCHOLARS Sensational SORORS CHARMECA BROWN Soror Charmeca Brown attends Strayer University working on her Masters Business Administration. Her future plans are to seek God’s will for the next steps in life and pray to be better in all areas of life. In the workplace, Soror Brown will continue the development of her Supervisors while expanding connections and managing projects. As a lifelong learner, she plans to pursue certifications related to project management and information technology.

CHRISTIAN CARTER Soror Christian Carter of Mu Omicron graduated with a degree in Sociology and a minor in Women & Gender Studies. Christian plans on taking a “gap year” before working on a dual Master’s in Social Work and Public Health.

CHYRA SAVAGE Soror Chyra Savage of Mu Omicron graduated with a degree in Computer Engineering. Chyra will work as a Technical Consulting Engineer at Cisco Systems this summer.


Sensational SCHOLARS CRYSTAL BLUE Soror Crystal Blue earned a Masters of Social Work degree from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke.

CYNTHIA GLASS Cynthia Glass, Corresponding Secretary for Danville (VA) Alumnae Chapter, received a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Computational Science and Engineering from North Carolina A&T State University. Glass, who was initiated through the Mu Omicron Chapter in 1979, plans to conduct research and increase consumer awareness in transportation safety.

DANYALE "DANY" CALHOUN Danyale “Dany� Calhoun received a degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in Industrial & Systems Engineering. After graduation, Dany will begin her career at a company in Austin, Texas in the Advertising or Product Management field.


Sensational SCHOLARS Sensational SORORS DEIDRE CAPERS Soror Deidre Capers, a member of the Fort Bragg Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, graduated with a Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership from Liberty University.

DOMINIQUE GEAR Soror Dominique Gear serves as the NC State Facilitator. She was initiated through the Beta Kappa Chapter at Livingstone College in Spring 2018. Soror Gear graduated, earning an A.S. in Culinary Arts and a B.S. in Hospitality Management. Her future plans are to attend the University of Houston and obtain a Master of Science in Hospitality Management.

DWANA COOPER Soror Dwana Cooper earned a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on Literacy Leadership from William & Mary. She also earned endorsements as a Reading Specialist and ESL Specialist. Soror Cooper plans to train teachers in the science of reading, utilizing best practices in structured literacy and reading resources.


Sensational SCHOLARS GARDENELLA GREEN The Norfolk Alumnae Chapter would like to acknowledge Soror Gardenella Green as she recently completed the requirements for her Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Social Work from Norfolk State University. Dr. Green has been a faculty member in the Department of Social Work for the past 10 years. She currently serves as the CRAFFT Program Manager. Dr. Green looks forward to becoming a tenured full professor and eventually becoming Dean of a School of Social Work.

CYNTHIA GLASS Cynthia Glass, Corresponding Secretary for Danville (VA) Alumnae Chapter, received a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Computational Science and Engineering from North Carolina A&T State University. Glass, who was initiated through the Mu Omicron Chapter in 1979, plans to conduct research and increase consumer awareness in transportation safety.

HANNAH ARONSON Soror Hannah Aronson is the recipient of the Agnes Sentelle Brown Award for her outstanding character and academic ability. In September, she plans to move to Japan to work as an English teacher through the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program.


Sensational SCHOLARS Sensational SORORS IMAN FISHER Soror Iman Fisher graduated with a degree in Industrial Engineering focusing on Data Analytics and Advanced Manufacturing. Imani is currently interviewing for positions in her field.

DOMINIQUE GEAR Soror Dominique Gear serves as the NC State Facilitator. She was initiated through the Beta Kappa Chapter at Livingstone College in Spring 2018. Soror Gear graduated, earning an A.S. in Culinary Arts and a B.S. in Hospitality Management. Her future plans are to attend the University of Houston and obtain a Master of Science in Hospitality Management.

DWANA COOPER Soror Dwana Cooper earned a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on Literacy Leadership from William & Mary. She also earned endorsements as a Reading Specialist and ESL Specialist. Soror Cooper plans to train teachers in the science of reading, utilizing best practices in structured literacy and reading resources.


Sensational SCHOLARS INESHA K. HOWARD Congratulations to Soror Inesha K. Howard who received her Master’s Degree in Education from Liberty University. She plans on working as a school counselor.

JASMINE NEVERSON Soror Jasmine Neverson graduated from North Carolina State University with a degree in Environmental Technology & Management completing the University Honors Program. Jasmine will work with Kimley Horn & Associates Engineering Consulting Firm in Charlotte, NC.

JASMINE ROUSE Soror Jasmine Rouse, Mu Omicron Chapter, graduated with a degree in Textile Technology and a concentration in Medical Textiles from North Carolina State Univ. Jasmine will attend graduate school in the Fall to obtain a Masters in Textile Engineering or Biomedical Innovation & Development.


Sensational SCHOLARS Sensational SORORS JENNIFER THOMPSON Soror Jennifer Thompson, a 2020 graduate of Davidson College is the recipient of the Wangari Maathai Award for Africana. The award recognizes her commitment to environmental justice and community building, which includes co-founding the Sapelo Island Community Garden Project. Soror Thompson served as chapter president at Davidson College.

JESSICA ROBERTS Jessica Roberts graduated from College of Charleston with a B.A. in Computer Science and a minor in Spanish. A member of Lambda Omicron, she worked to protect the civil rights of students of color. She plans to become a full time working actress and use technology to better the world.

JOYCE BRUNSON-OLLISON Joyce Brunson-Ollison is the Vice President of Lexington NC Alumnae Chapter. She will be receiving her MSN in Acute Care Nurse Practitioner with a concentration in Adult Gerontology from UNC Charlotte. Her goals include being involved in first line prevention, education, treatment, and empowerment to promote quality of life.


Sensational SCHOLARS KAREN CLARE Soror Karen Clare, a member of the Fort Bragg Area Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated, Soror Karen Soror Clare received her Ed. S Doctoral degree in Special Education Curriculum & Instruction from Liberty University.

KAREN WICKER Soror Karen Wicker graduated with a Doctor of Ministry Degree in Pastoral Theology and Care Specialization from Hood Theological Seminary.

KAYLA WILLIAMSON-CLEMENTS Kayla Williamson-Clements is a proud 2020 graduate with a double major. She served in several roles in the chapter while diligently pursuing her studies with positivity, always seeing the silver lining in any situation. She will pursue graduate studies in the fall.


Sensational SCHOLARS Sensational SORORS KETURAH POSTELL Soror Keturah Postell graduated with a degree from North Carolina State University in Polymer & Color Chemistry with a concentration in Medical Sciences. Keturah plans on attending graduate school and eventually work full time in the medical device industry or in the area of sustainable textiles.

KIA JORDAN Soror Kia Jordan is a 2020 graduate of the Riordan MBA Fellows program at the University of California, Los Angeles, Anderson School of Management. Kia spent a year traveling coast to coast to participate in face-to-face sessions while also serving as Co-Chair for the Henrico County Alumnae Delta GEMS Program.

KIERRA CHRISTIE Kierra Christie graduated with a degree from North Carolina State University in Environmental Technology & Management and a minor in Environmental Toxicology & Biological Sciences. Kierra plans to attend graduate school in the fall and work towards a Master’s degree in Public Health with a concentration in Occupational Health & Safety.


Sensational SCHOLARS

KORIE A. GRAYSON Dr. Korie A. Grayson holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Cornell University. She plans to be a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Michigan under Dr. Lola Eniola-Adefeso's lab. She is also a widely recognized advocate for minorities and women in STEM fields.

MAYA CRUDUP The Theta Iota Chapter on the campus of University of North Carolina at Wilmington congratulates Maya Crudup as she graduated in the Class of 2020. Soror Crudup plans to pursue research positions in Public Health.

MAYA FOXWORTH Maya Foxworth’s tenacity shined through as a double major. She managed her studies with chapter duties in addition to the fact that MIT was in progress, and she did it with strength and determination. Her favorite line was “Tell Soror Beverly Smith, DST takes a lot of time and I have to graduate on time.” Soror Foxworth will pursue her Master of Public Health in August.


Sensational SCHOLARS Sensational SORORS MIRIAM CHISHOLM Miriam Chisholm is a 2020 graduate of the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health with a BSPH – Nutrition. Soror Chisholm will be working as a 2020 Chancellor’s Fellow before applying to medical school next year. She plans to go on to become a pediatric oncologist and conduct oncology research.

MORGAN NICOLE HINTON Morgan Nicole Hinton is a Sensational Scholar with the Alpha Lambda Chapter. Graduating from North Carolina Central University in Durham, North Carolina, Cum Laude, Soror Hinton received her Bachelor’s in Accounting and Business Administration in Entrepreneurship. She has accepted a position with a Fortune 100 company.

NATHALIE McCALL The Theta Iota Chapter on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington congratulates Nathalie McCall as a graduate of the Class of 2020. Soror McCall plans to pursue a career in Psychology while obtaining her MSW.


Sensational SCHOLARS

NYHRIE CHAPMAN Alpha Rho is proud to announce that Soror Nyhrie Chapman is a graduating senior of Shaw University with a BA in Political Science. She plans to attend North Carolina Central University to obtain her master’s degree in Criminal Justice and will continue on to attain a JD in Criminal Law.

PAIGE TALLEY Soror Talley of the Mu Alpha chapter, graduated Magna Cum Laude with a B.S. in Sociology and a B.A. in Music Education from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. She will be moving to New York to pursue her master’s degree in Sociology and Education through Columbia University.

TAWANAKA TATE Tawanaka Tate is a 2020 graduate of Coker University in Hartsville, SC where she received a Master of Science in Management and Leadership. She is currently employed with the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services in Lee County as a Human Services Coordinator.


Sensational SCHOLARS Sensational SORORS TERRI MICHELE PAGE Terri Michele Page, DNP, APRN, WHNP-BC, is a recent, May 2020 graduate from the Virginia Commonwealth University located in Richmond, Virginia, where she earned her Doctorate of Nursing Practice Degree. Soror Page is a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner and consistently advocates for the health of women, especially adolescents.

TIFFANY PAULS Soror Tiffany Pauls is a recent graduate of Davidson College. She embodies what it means to be a go-getter! She has used her passion for Environmental Justice to uplift the community. We have no doubt that she will change the world! After graduation, she plans to take a gap year to work as well as prepare for law school.

"I want to be remembered as someone who used herself and anything she could touch to work for justice and freedom. . . I want to be remembered as one who tried." - DR. DOROTHY IRENE HEIGHT


Sensational SCHOLARS

TYRONGELLA DAVIS Soror Tyrongella Davis graduated from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke with a M.A. in Teaching. Soror Davis was also selected by her peers as the 2019-2020 Teacher of the Year for West Hoke Elementary School.

VANESSA EDMUNDSON Soror Vanessa Edmundson earned a Doctor of Education degree from the University of Phoenix.

"I wish you power that equals your intelligence and your strength. I wish you success that equals your talent and determination. And I wish you faith." - DR. BETTY SHABAZZ


2016-2020 SOUTH ATLANTIC REGIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM Juanita B. Massenburg Precious Jemison Deloris Baker Hargrow Bridgette Wilson Rev. Dr. Trish Harleston Frances McIver Kaye Webb Selené H. Brent Dominque Gear Alfreda Bryant Monica Owens Regan Sadler Joni Williams Michelle Lewis

Ka’Myia Gunn Fanchon Glover Rosette Simmons

REGIONAL OFFICERS Regional Director, Durham Alumnae Regional Representative, North Charleston Alumnae Regional Secretary, Durham Alumnae Regional Journalist, Raleigh Alumnae Regional Chaplain, Durham Alumnae Regional Parliamentarian, Durham Alumnae Assistant Regional Parliamentarian, Raleigh Alumnae STATE COORDINATORS/FACILITATORS/SECRETARIES North Carolina State Coordinator, Raleigh Alumnae North Carolina State Facilitator, Member-at-Large North Carolina State Secretary, Johnston County Alumnae South Carolina State Coordinator, Richland County Alumnae South Carolina State Facilitator, Richland County Alumnae South Carolina State Secretary, Charleston Alumnae Virginia State Coordinator, Hampton Alumnae Virginia State Facilitator, Richmond Alumnae Virginia State Secretary, Williamsburg Alumnae Bermuda Coordinator, Bermuda Alumnae REGIONAL COMMITTEES

Wanda Page Davida Hopkins Latisha Huckaby Sandra Scott Carlynn Lucas

Cynthia Alston Bell Joan Rhodes Copeland Terry Porter Holmes Cheryl Nunnley Mechelle Blunt Marilyn Gunter Keneshya Bartley Genevieve Farmer Kira Taylor Rev. Dr. Trish Harleston Vicki McCain Rev. Dr. Alycia A. Marcena Rev. Schrendria Robinson Katrina Smith Dr. Jacquie Hood Martin Dr. Lillie Stokes Carolyn Marks Hilton Cooper Karen Wicker Tayon Dancy Bemedicle Mangala Micaela Gladney Darlynn Thomas Cassandra Evans Dr. Debra C. McKoy

ADVISOR CIRCLE Regional Chair, Durham Alumnae Regional C-Chair, Columbia (SC) Alumnae NC Chair, Charlotte Alumnae SC Chair, Orangeburg Alumnae VA Chair, Denbigh Alumnae ARTS & LETTERS Regional Chair, Summerville Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Portsmouth Alumnae NC Chair, Raleigh Alumnae SC Chair, Richland County Alumnae VA Chair, Franklin Tri-County Alumnae Member, Danville Alumnae Member, Henrico Alumnae Member, Raleigh Alumnae Member, Iota Rho CHAPLAIN’S COUNCIL Regional Chaplain, Durham Alumnae Member, Greensboro Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Richland County Alumnae Member, Loudoun County Alumnae Member, Loudoun County Alumnae Member, Clinton Alumnae Member, Smithfield Alumnae Member, Florence Alumnae Member, Sandhills Alumnae Member, Western Wake Alumnae Member, Iota Rho Member, Pi Omicron Member, Delta Xi Member, Knightdale-Wake Forest Alumnae Member, Raleigh Alumnae

Rev. Kim Johnson Tonya Spruill Claudia Cofield Debbie Stanley Ritta Armstead Shellena Atlas Rev. Gloria Bolden Monica Callaway Michelle Green Pamela Hemphill Pamela Johnson Orphelia Livingston Robin Moore Chaneka Pigatt Cynthia Rioland Joan Robinson Lydia Simmons Gertie Smalls-Ford Patty Smith Ruby Steele Marion Thompson Tammy Wheeler Rhonda Bell Evelyn White Sierra Cunningham ShaVon J. Summers Syndey Gafford Leandra Keller Mundi M. Gattis Sheronda Rose Danielle Stokes Paula Battle Tyler Hood Patience Canty Erika Fosu Jasmine Tinoco Carolyn E. Henderson Carolyn Marks Cynthia Streater Pecora Richardson Lorette McNeil Bernadette G. Watts Sharon Parish Sheryl Dunning Kimberlee Higgs Christina Hayes-Bradham Deborah Fitzgerald Rev. Gloria Bolden Tabitha Turman V. Dianne Pledger Acquinetta Beatty Murline Ingram Marqueta Tyson

Member, Newport News Alumnae Member, Suffolk Alumnae Member, Western Wake Alumnae Member, Georgetown Alumnae Member, Fredericksburg Alumnae Member, Raleigh Alumnae Member, Charlotte Alumnae Member, Roanoke Alumnae Member, Georgetown Alumnae Member, Charlotte Alumnae Member, Knightdale-Wake Forest Alumnae Member, Sandhills Alumnae Member, Wilmington Alumnae Member, Hartsville Alumnae Member, Chesterfield Alumnae Member, Danville Alumnae Member, Portsmouth Alumnae Member, Charlotte Alumnae Member, Shelby Alumnae Member, Salisbury Alumnae Member, Charleston Alumnae Member, Lancaster Alumnae CHAPTER CHARTERING AND ACTIVATION Regional Co-Chair, Hampton Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Summerville Alumnae COLLEGIATE TRANSITION TASKFORCE Regional Chair, Orangeburg Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Denmark Alumnae VA Chair, Richmond Alumnae SC Chair, Orangeburg Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Northern Virginia Alumnae Member, Richmond Alumnae Member, Newport News Alumnae Member, Portsmouth Alumnae Member, Rock Hill Alumnae Member, Charlotte Alumnae Member, Northern Virginia Alumnae DELTA DEARS Regional Chair, Durham Alumnae VA Chair, Smithfield Alumnae SC Chair, Chesterfield County Alumnae Member, Denbigh Alumnae Member, Chesterfield County Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae DELTA INTERNAL DEVELOPMENT (DID) Regional Chair, Fredericksburg Area Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Columbia (SC) Alumnae NC Chair, Knightdale-Wake Forest Alumnae SC Chair, North Charleston Alumnae VA Chair, Suffolk Alumnae Member, Charlotte Alumnae ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Regional Chair, Prince William County Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Alumnae NC Chair, Wilmington Alumnae SC Chair, Sumter Alumnae VA Chair, Hampton Alumnae

Wanda James Gwendolyn Price Tammy Kelly Joyce Siler Lillian Horne Jada Grandy-Mock Michelle Jones Marian Payne Dr. Cynthia Brown Ann Boyd Lisa McCloud Wanda Taylor Denise Robinson Maya Ford Maryah Nwadeyi Vervatine Reid Remell Clemons Jacqueline Brodie JuJuan Mitchell Cynthia Hayes Pam Lipscomb Linda Meeks Holton Jane Fox Long Deborah Daniels Crystal Tart Felisha Whitaker Robin Wright Nina Jacobs

Member, Dillon-Marion Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Sumter Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Charlotte Alumnae Member, Henrico Alumnae EDUCATION AWARENESS Regional Chair, Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Northern Virginia Alumnae NC Chair, Charlotte Alumnae SC Chair, Columbia Alumnae VA Chair, Fredericksburg Alumnae Member, Raleigh Alumnae Collegiate Member, Alpha Mu Collegiate Member, Alpha Xi Member, Georgetown Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Knightdale-Wake Forest Alumnae Member, Beaufort Alumnae Member, Portsmouth Alumnae Member, Portsmouth Alumnae Member, Raleigh Alumnae Member, Winston Salem Alumnae Member, Richland County Alumnae Member, Enfield Roanoke Rapids Alumnae Member, Walterboro Alumnae Member, Bermuda Alumnae

Vicki Morgan Jean Sims Marthena Morant Correll Townes Karima Stevens

EMERGENCY RESPONSE TASK FORCE Regional Chair, Northern Virginia Alumnae NC Chair, Elizabeth City Alumnae SC Chair, Georgetown Alumnae VA Chair, Danville Alumnae Member, Bermuda Alumnae

Dr. Joan Packenham Quesa McLeod Valarie Gatlin Yulaundra Heyward Joia Freeman Lisa Seabrook Jutkita Wilson Shakailla DeLoach Syndey Coles Andrietta Barnett Lillian Davis

HEALTH AWARENESS Regional Chair, Durham Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Richland County Alumnae NC Chair, Greenville (NC) Alumnae SC Chair, Florence Alumnae Collegiate Member, Kappa Omicron Member, Dillon-Marion Alumnae Member, Bermuda Alumnae Collegiate Member, Nu Sigma Member, Raleigh Alumnae Member, Walterboro Alumnae Member, Raleigh Alumnae

Annette McFarland Marsha Goins Deborah Harris Annette McFarland Theodosia Shields Donna Crudup Leola Jenkins Alice Capehart Coral Wilson Michelle Cofield

HERITAGE & ARCHIVES Regional Chair, Chesterfield County Alumnae NC Chair, Greensboro Alumnae SC Chair, Charleston Alumnae VA Chair, Chesterfield Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, New Bern Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Hampton Alumnae Member, Bermuda Alumnae Member, Raleigh Alumnae

Bridgette Wilson Tisha B. Lowe

INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS Regional Chair, Raleigh Alumnae Member, Public Relations, Raleigh Alumnae

Venita Seward Angela T. Clark Alonia V. Johnson Sondra Hines Yates Paige Hairston Sharon Wigfall Colette Fladger Lisa Harris-Hampton Cassandra Murphy Tarsha Burroughs

Member, Union County Alumnae Member, Greenville (SC) Alumnae Member, Richland County Alumnae Member, Charlotte Alumnae Member, Richmond Alumnae Member, Charleston Alumnae Member, Loudoun Alumnae Member, Knightdale-Wake Forest Alumnae Member, Newport News Alumnae Member, Raleigh Alumnae

Dr. Robin Davis Antoinette Mann Edith Chance Dr. Focell Dozier Theresa Baker Tara Shuler Robbie Miller Cortni McKenzie Mutsa Kemp

INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS Regional Co-Chair, Columbia (SC) Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Northern Virginia NC Chair, Greensboro Alumnae SC Chair, Florence Alumnae VA Chair, Chesapeake-Virginia Beach Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Collegiate Member, Iota Rho Collegiate Member, Alpha Mu Member, Charlotte Alumnae

Natasha Palmer Angela Hatton Deirdre Hatcher Pat Parr Vonzella Vincent

INVESTIGATIVE TASK FORCE Regional Chair, Newport News Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Raleigh Alumnae NC Chair, Union County Alumnae SC Chair, Florence Alumnae VA Chair, Petersburg Alumnae

Princess Powell-McEvilly Betty Kelly Thessa Smith Schwanzetta Aikens Raschele McConnell Dr. Sheila Robinson Michelle McQueen Janice Winstead F. Michelle Richardson Pamela Hemphill

LEADERSHIP FELLOWS Regional Chair, Fairfax County Alumnae NC Chair, Greensboro Alumnae SC Chair, Greenwood Alumnae VA Chair, Portsmouth Alumnae Member, Concord Alumnae Member, Greensboro Alumnae Member, Chesterfield Alumnae Member, Union County Alumnae Member, Charleston Alumnae Member, Charleston Alumnae

Joni Hicks Rev. Dr. Alycia Marcena Rosemary Hickman Lynn Sawyer

MEMBERSHIP INTAKE Regional Chair, Chesterfield Alumnae NC Chair, Durham Alumnae SC Chair, Orangeburg Alumnae VA Chair, Denbigh Alumnae

Miranda Monroe Brenda Branic Diane Jones Katrina Young Mary Gore Jacquetta Hawkins Denise Royal Awilda Brooks Yvonne W. Pygatt

MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Regional Chair, Fayetteville Alumnae SC Chair, Columbia (SC) Alumnae VA Chair, Roanoke Alumnae Member, Charlotte Alumnae Member, Danville Alumnae Member, Oxford-Henderson Alumnae Member, Greensboro Alumnae Member, Fayetteville Alumnae Member, Columbia (SC) Alumnae

Dr. Melita Pope Mitchell Theresa Baker Sherille Barber Darlene Broughton Mikaila Keller

NOMINATING Regional Chair, Union County Alumnae Member, Chesapeake-Virginia Beach Alumnae Member, Rock Hill Alumnae Member, Berkeley County Alumnae Collegiate Member

Lisa Downey-Hood Cynthia Baez Vagella Smalls Angela Artis Cassandra Murphy Audrey Furness Melanie J. Carter Carmen Thorpe Tameka Reed Shericca Morris Tamara Holloway Maribel Beckwith Sandra Johnson Donna Edwards Pamela Murphy Lewis Angelique W. Witherspoon Alicia Smith-Freshwater Cutrice Ziegler Karen McAdoo Nadine Miller-Bernard Tarcia Flemming Karen Wicker Monica Calloway Meta Jackson Deborah Clarke Suzanne Morgan Belinda Pettiford Hilton Cooper Shameka Pollard Tiffany Darden Lorraine Coleman Norma Petway Smith Monica Newkirk Shellena Atlas Terri Copeland

PROGRAM PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Regional Chair, Portsmouth Alumnae NC Chair, Union County Alumnae SC Chair, Summerville Alumnae VA Chair, Franklin-Tri County Alumnae Member, Newport News Alumnae Member, Dillon-Marion Alumnae Member, Northern Virginia Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Knightdale-Wake Forest Alumnae Member, Raleigh Alumnae Member, Greensboro Alumnae Member, Newport News Alumnae Member, Charlotte Alumnae Member, Bermuda Alumnae PROTOCOL & TRADITIONS Regional Chair, Charlotte Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Durham Alumnae NC Chair, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Alumnae SC Chair, Sumter Alumnae VA Chair, Hampton Alumnae Member, Fayetteville Alumnae Member, Columbia Alumnae Member, Sandhills Alumnae Member, Roanoke Alumnae Member, Northern Alumnae Member, Union County Alumnae RECLAMATION Regional Chair, Greensboro Alumnae NC Chair, Oxford-Henderson Alumnae SC Chair, Florence Alumnae VA Chair, Denbigh Alumnae Member, Greensboro Alumnae Member, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae REGIONAL CHOIR Regional Directress, Raleigh Alumnae Co-Directress, Chesapeake-Virginia Beach Alumnae

Glennell Smoot Tara Honesty Kimberly Williams Yvette Miller Glynis Mason Demetria Jones Carrie Bethea Kathy Fails

REHABILITATION Regional Chair, Fort Bragg Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Rocky Mount Alumnae NC Chair, Knightdale-Wake Forest Alumnae SC Chair, Charleston Alumnae VA Chair, Norfolk Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Dillon-Marion Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae

Azzie Y. Conley Diane Reese Wanda Sloan Alesandria Watson Toyce Smalls Vickie Wiggins-Pittman Ebony Sneed Rhita Love-Daniels

RISK MANAGEMENT Regional Chair, Durham Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Fairfax County Alumnae NC Chair, Wilmington Alumnae SC Chair, Summerville Alumnae VA Chair, Richmond Alumnae Member, Suffolk Alumnae Member, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Alumnae Member, Bermuda Alumnae

Deborah Howard Faye Tate Williams Kimberly Stevens Sonya Fleming Debra Bryant Dorsey Devonne Smalls

RITUAL & CEREMONIES Regional Chair, Durham Alumnae NC Chair, Durham Alumnae VA Chair, Henrico County Alumnae Member, Portsmouth Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Richland County Alumnae

Precious Jemison Tayon Dancy Annie McDaniel Yvonne Lewis Vickie Williams Lisa Lucas Burke Tamela Tunsil Tracy L. Richardson Tisha Lowe T’Airra Belcher Sheila D. Henderson Telia Virgin Mary Phillips Lisa Reed Sharon Reed Nadine Livingston Jacovia Cherry Rohdina Harriott

SOCIAL ACTION Regional Chair, North Charleston Alumnae NC Chair, Western Wake Alumnae SC Chair, Columbia Alumnae VA Chair, Virginia Beach Alumnae Member, Newport News Alumnae Member, Portsmouth Alumnae Member, Northern Virginia Alumnae Member, Anderson Alumnae Member, Raleigh Alumnae Member, Chesterfield Alumnae Member, Spartanburg Alumnae Member, Johnston County Alumnae Member, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Alumnae Member, Bermuda Alumnae Member, Charleston Alumnae Member, Florence Alumnae Collegiate Member, Omicron Phi Collegiate Member, Iota Rho

Sharon Beard Lawanda Peace Darlena Broughton Maresa Driver Shafara Dozier Arvis Bridges-Epps Cynthia Bryant Robyn Massey Carlvena Foster Estella Randolph Vernida G. Hill Tiffany Matthews Kristen Stancil Crystal Dickerson Rhonda Long April Morgan Sonya D. Harris Alonia Johnson Michelle Tuck Thomas Vonzella Vincent Marjorie House

STEM Regional Chair, Durham Alumnae NC Chair, Rocky Mount Alumnae SC Chair, Berkeley County Alumnae VA Chair, Portsmouth Alumnae Member, Kingstree-Lake City Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Rock Hill Alumnae STRATEGIC PLANNING Regional Chair, Charlotte Alumnae NC Chair, High Point Alumnae SC Chair, Richmond Alumnae VA Chair, Summerville Alumnae Member, Durham Alumnae Member, Denbigh Alumnae Member, Fredericksburg Alumnae TECHNOLOGY Regional Chair, Northern Virginia Alumnae Regional Co-Chair, Columbia Alumnae NC Chair, Durham Alumnae SC Chair, Richland County Alumnae Member, Roxboro Alumnae Member, Petersburg Alumnae Member, Richland County Alumnae


Serving with Purpose, Serving with Dedication, Keeping it Sensational�

Thank You REGIONAL JOURNALIST Bridgette Wilson


EDITORS Angela T. Clark, Colette Fladger, Paige Hairston, Vyce Johnson, Sharon Wigfall, Tisha B. Lowe, Lisa Harris-Hampton, Sondra Hines Yates

PHOTOGRAPHERS Cassandra Murphy Tarsha Burroughs Venita Seward

Many thanks to the Informationand Communications Team for helping with the planning and creation of this farewell journal. We are also thankful to the many sorors across the region who contributed to this issue. I would personally like to send a special thanks to the following "honorary" Information + Communication Team members. They jumped in to help edit at a time when we really needed the help. Deborah Harris - Charleston Alumnae Kanika McIntyre - Loudoun County Alumnae Mary Haile - Richland County Alumnae Valorie McAlphin - Charlotte Alumnae I am eternally grateful to Pandora Frazier and Michelle Lewis for the contribution of their graphic design expertise to this farewell journal. I could not have done this without your help!

Details about future issues of The Sensational coming soon!





Convention 55TH NATIONAL


Special Collage Created by Venita Seward



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