The society issue 5 september 2015

Page 1


Gothic Acquisitions

- Spot the Goth

Page 5

- The People’s Choice

Page 6

Introductions: - The Legends of the Ages...

Page 9

- Gothic Commandments

Page 11

Events: - ICON 2015 – Vikings


Page 18

- Who is “The Society Magazine”

Page 23

- Lady K, Lady Kimberleigh

Page 25

- Annari- Not just Any Other Goth - Traditional Goth, The Featured Goth

Page 33

- The Black Vault

Page 40

Page 37

Gothic Acquisitions /

Music Category: - Traditional Gothic Music History

Page 49

- Top 10 Music

Page 56

Poster: - Poster: Lady K

Page 65

Featured Legend of the Ages: - Peter Steele

Page 66

Body Modification: - Tattoos

Page 75

- Piercings Hair & Makeup: - Inspiration Sensation! - Traditional Goth isn’t Dead!!! Home & Garden: - Gothic Gardening


Page 82 Page 86 Page 89 Page 93

Gothic Acquisitions

Life’s Thorns: - Consulting the Seers

Page 95

- Technology & Cowardice

Page 98

- Venting, Ranting or Just Letting Go‌.

Page 103

Poetry & Literature: - Exile

Page 111

- Trapped in a Mortal Shell

Page 113

- Falling in Reverse

Page 114

Reviews: - Traditionally Bella

Page 118

Where can TSM be found? - Back Page Poster


Page 123

Spot the Goth The Goth‌

As most, if not all Goths know, finding someone who shares similar views and lifestyle choices is no easy feat.

fortunate. From us here at SAGS we hope to fill that void in time and with the endeavours we have planned.

Our country is fairly small and our society more so, thus making it difficult to find kinship, a friend or just meeting someone that's similar to you.

Our goal is to connect the entire gothic population in the country by sharing stories, experiences, art, literature, lessons learned, and our own unique preferences...

This issue has been noted in many cities in South Africa, and especially amongst the smaller towns. There are several online features along with mobile platforms that offer some form of communication, but none are really lasting or filling the emptiness we have inside of us. So how do we manage to fill this hole? We can't all move to one big city, although that would be most

As some of you might know, we have an active Facebook group up and running: South African Gothic Society. This serves as a way of communicating with the community. Getting to know new people and raising awareness on what the general gothic community prefers. As a long term goal we plan to spread to all social networks, to ensure maximum coverage and ensuring we cater to all the

How will we go about accomplishing this? By entertaining our readers! The aim is to give you an interactive magazine so that you can participate in every issue and feel part of what’s happening

Goths. Our main goal is to set up our own web page that will be fully intractable with its forum. Given enough time and support we would like to host our own social events and gatherings just like those we see in other magazines. So from all of us here: Welcome! We look forward to working with you and we can't wait to hear your views and comments.



This endeavour was created and given power so that we can better supply our readers with content that you would prefer. We have vast categories with numerous subcategories within them, and they are all designed to supply you with an entire spectrum of Gothic literature. Each and every category is here to serve you with the best reading material it can, and who better to inform us of what you’d like to see and read about than you, the reader? There are several articles tagged where you have direct access to request something specific that you would want to see featured or covered in the magazine. This power is yours so grab it and make use of it.

As always, we haven’t limited it just to choices, as the reader, you also have the chance to become a writer or author with published works. Should you have any work you have written that you are keen to see published and shared, you are more than welcome to contact any one of the editors and they will help you get this done. Other than that, should you be willing to write or cover an article, story or event, we invite you to contact us. We will provide you with all the information you would need and with all the help you’ll require, but it can only work when you’re ready to. So think about this, and when you are ready, you know where we are and you know how to get to us.

-MGR 6|Page

Courtesy of Ariana

"The chakras are power points on your body that guide health, intuition, spirituality and sense of self. If you find some part of your life lacking, put a gemstone of that color on your chakra and meditate to activity-positive energy"

• Base chakra: Black- The basic foundation of who Goths are physically, mentally and spiritually is represented by the base chakra. Vitality and selfpreservation vibrate on this level. Black absorbs negativity, promotes grounding and


stability; which is why it is the favored color of witches.

• Sacral/sexual chakra: White or Gold- Our sexual chakra involves our interpersonal relationships, including romantic and creative growth. White represents our innocence, in the frills of lace and the gentle texture of antique silk. Gold represents the solidity and growth of friendships and relationships and prosperity of following our creative instincts.

• Solar plexus: Blue - That “gut feeling” or intuition you have about certain things, come from your solar plexus. Learn how to tune into your personal power and trust it. The blue of the sky and water represent the healing energy we have within ourselves.

• Third eye: Silver- Our mind, our subconscious, and spiritual thoughts are all contained in the third eye chakra. Silver can be the glint of steel of a knife needed to cut through to the truth of the matter.

• Crown:  Heart: Crimson -Who we are, our passions and what drives us on an emotional level is represented by the heart chakra. Crimson can represent our desire as well as our passion. It is the pulse of life, our very blood.

• Throat: Green- The way we communicate is represented by the throat chakra. Green can represent growth and creativity. A sip of absinthe might help to open up a closed throat chakra.


Purple- What Goth doesn't aspire to royalty and all the lushness it represents? Our crown chakra is our direct link to divinity, enlightenment, angels, and the spirit world that guides us.

*This is a special feature that we introduced into the magazine, something that will be available in each issue and that you won’t find anywhere else. The following article says it all, and this feature falls under the people’s choice as well. (People’s choice is a small venture where you, the readers, can vote and nominate what you’d like to see in the magazine

It’s our main priority to bring the Legends to you. From legendary actors and It’s our main priority to bring the Legends to you. From legendary actors and The name says it all, the beyond great, and the perfect, those that never die but live on... Those who neither time nor life can subdue and simply cannot be forgotten. A legend lives forever and this is what we're bringing to you.

actresses that brought us some of the best on screen Gothic and Alternative shows, to artists- painters, and illustrators. We will find renowned authors, poets, and craftsmen. We’ll find works of art, masterpieces, and creations of awe.

Our “Legends throughout the Ages” will be musicians- the astounding vocalist; the groovy drummer; the sick bass player and the keyboard maniac. It’s our main priority to bring the Legends to you. From legendary actors and

Who they are, what they are, what makes them legends, their history, their legacy and their promise. This is but a taste of what we will bring to you from these legendary gifts creativity presented us with. Events, gatherings, and happenings that


made such an impact that it would never be forgotten.

fall under this section paying homage to those

It will be our very own Gothic history which will help build our futures. Our stalking grounds‌ Let's face it, we do not have much, but some are of such calibre they simply can never be thanked or appreciated enough. We will bring it all to you, every legend in the making, from the smallest scale to the largest. If it’s noteworthy you will find it here, and we want you to take part in the Legends of the Ages.


Legends are born, they are made and in time they will leave this world. We strive to ensure that although they are gone, they will not be forgotten. We pay a tribute of sorts, a memorial and a remembrance, a farewell to what we lost - this will

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that did so much for us.

The Gothic Commandments  The history and origins of your heritage shall be known to you. Knowing where you come from ensures you know where you’re going.  Respect towards yourself shall be rivalled with respect you have for other Goths, be they from other Gothic subcultures or non-Goths. Respect is a courtesy we can afford to give freely.

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 Our future in Gothdom, our existence, is ensured by our baby Goths. Educate them, teach them, and guide them, but most of all protect them; be an elder to them. Guide them to the right side of darkness. Being an elder to your youth is not being superior to them, remember this.  The dress code you live by, you shall wear it proudly, regardless of what others think or

say. It’s who and what

Thou shall not judge,

you are. You need to be

but respect their choices

content with what

and back down instead

you are. The opinions of

of forcing your words of

others only matter if


you want them to.  All have opinions and  Music - our biggest source of food for the black souls we own. We are a diverse community with vast cultures, faiths, and peoples, and we as Goths have evolved into many gothic subcultures because of our differences. Respect your cousins and be there for them; they are part of what makes Goth, Goth. If their music isn't appreciated,

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before seeing it as an act of war, give them chance to finish, to share their opinions and thoughts, and then choose to respond or ignore. There's never a need to be rude.  Knowing is half the battle. Know the origins of the Gothic music you listen to, know the King and Queen. Know the Lords and Ladies leading the

dark chanting of

vile and damned, we

music. Know who they

all hate such people

are! Know what they

even though hating is


such a waste of valued emotion. Regarding

 Gothic garb is expensive. Accessories, make up, and jewellery even more so, not to talk about BOOTS, and we all want to look our best Goth. Never steal to complete the wanted look, never steal from

being an elitist, being an ASS: no one wants a smart ass Goth. If you want to be one, keep it to yourself. Respect your Gothic family whether you approve of their comings and goings or not.

another Goth, nor from a non-Goth. We are a proud people, do not diminish that.  Just like we detest those who preach to us, claiming us to be evil,

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 We are creative, bright, artistic, and groomed people. Our dark nature gives us an appreciation for beauty like no other. Be proud of what you do and how

you do it. Art is

rare. Rather be the

beautiful to those in

understanding one, the

need of seeing it Not

patient one, and help

everyone appreciates

them see

what they see, for they do not always know how to appreciate or how to see different forms of beauty. So, be proud of what you create, whether appreciation is shown or not. The right and appreciative eyes are out there.  Your non-Goth friends may not understand why you do what you do. Do not think less of them, rather help them understand. Friends are scarce, good friends are

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 It is your Gothic duty to know Bauhaus, as it is to know Siouxsie and the Banshees. They were amongst the first of our kind in music. They must never be forgotten.

 You are a Goth, so you will think for yourself and you shall choose for yourself, none shall bully or force you; you have a family to rely on!

 Fashion… You shall

really are. We are up

know to first lace boots

against bad media so it

then a corset.

will require all of you to fix and set the record

 It is your duty to


support your local purveyor of dark and

 When they are not of

alternative goods.

our dark family you

Know who they are and

shall still pay them

be the support they need

respect. You shall be

you to be.

well mannered and you shall treat them

 Education… We do not

honestly and kindly,

appreciate or take

thus representing us in

kindly to the mundane

good nature and

mislabelling, judging or

showcasing that we are

condemning us because

not a bunch of brooding,

they do not know what

moody and

we are. So, when they

unwelcoming people.

come asking, it should

The world can only

be an opportunity to

change its outlook of us

grab at, informing and

if we show it to them.

teaching them what we

Be proud to be a Goth!

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 Bands, gatherings and

stronger, darker and

events: these things are

blacker than all our

hosted for your

dark hearts combined

enjoyment, to unite

can imagine

you with your fellow dark brothers and

 Our Gothic culture has

sisters. They exist for

grown, and it shall

you to enjoy, to be who

always grow. Our

you are. These events

different cultures in

and gatherings take

the human race, our

great time and effort to

difference as people, our

host, and it’s done for


you, so do your part and

understandings and

support it. Don’t sit

choices, all this makes

bitching that nothing

us different. Faith,

exists for you, but when

religions, locations,

there is you do not do

kinship, and heritage;

your part.

these are but a few

 Give first without expecting to receive anything in return. Live by this and our Gothic empire will grow

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traits that makes us who we are, and this has led to the various Gothic subcultures existing today.

Brothers and sisters from a variety of places and standings, all with a unique black heart to their desires, be they Traditional Goths, Casual Goths or all out Cyber Goths, we will respect one another for who we are. We each have a purpose and role to play, and the more we as Goths grow and expand, the stronger we as a culture become. Appreciate your brothers and sisters, and the subculture they represent, in the end they represent Goth, and Goth is what we're all about.

By MGR & Raven

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ICON 2015 – Vikings ICON is a Comic-andGames convention that held their 24th annual event this year on 17-19 July. The event was held over three days at Jabula Recreation Centre. The main attraction of ICON is the table top gaming, where games from Catan to Warhammer, to Yi-Gi-Oh to Magic: The Gathering were played for the duration of the weekend. Various tournaments and

competitions were held during the course of the weekend. On Sunday the fest concluded with the prize giving and the ICON dinner. There was a hall with stalls selling geeky merchandise like superhero figurines, comic books, clothing, jewellery, contact lenses, foodstuffs, original art, and board games. This area was packed with people perusing everything on offer. Outer Limits had the biggest spot, on the stage, selling comics for R10, plushies, figurines,

Board games available to be played in one of the rooms. Catan

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games, and all the dice you could ever want. Sin Bin: Graphic and Fashion Design was there with their accessories and various geeky items. Reigning Red supplied the corsets and jewellery, while Vile Photography and Art sold art and delicious treats. The chocolate fudge was amazing. Eye Voodoo had a stall with their range of cosmetic contact lenses and they are very helpful to answer questions regarding their wares. A large area was set aside for the Warhammer players, who require quite some space for their elaborate figurines and playing field. For those of you who are not acquainted with Warhammer, it really is something to check out, even if just for the vast

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A Warhammer army

array of armies one can build and paint. The paint jobs people do on the miniature figurines are phenomenal. There was also a painting competition where Warhammer figurines were judged on their paint job in various categories.

Tales of Teana had a stall where one could do some LARPing (Live Action Role Playing). There were Vikings, mages, elves, and even a leopard girl who were casting spells and attacking each other with weapons. One could also challenge a LARPer to a fight.

Lenore: The Cute Little Dead Girl

On Saturday there was also a cosplay competition, but all three days had attendees who were cosplaying. There was a great variety of costumes including a host of anime characters, Vikings, Steampunks, movie characters, game characters,

Marvel plushies LARPers after a round.

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Superheroes, and even Warhammer characters.

If you are into gaming and all

All in all, it was an enjoyable

great event to check out.

experience and we would definitely attend again. The venue is starting to get a bit small, for all the attendees,

things Geeky, then this is a Next year they will be celebrating their 25th ICON with Star Wars as the theme. May the Force be with you.

but it is great to see so many people support Geek culture in South Africa

Devin from Sliding Doors Cosplay won first prize as the Mad Hatter A Viking brandishing his sword and shield.

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By Annari du Plessis

Margeaux from Oh Hai Maruh Cospleh as Alice from Alice: Madness Returns

Also see: ICON 2015 Brochure ICON Facebook Group ICON 2015 Event Complete ICON album by Annari du Plessis

Christopher from Northmens Armour/Cosplay as a Warhammer Blood Raven.

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Who is The Society

We follow directly in the


footsteps of the South African

What is it and why is it? The

follow the same guidelines, rules,

following is a brief introduction of who we are, what we’re about, and where we intend to go with TSM.

SAGS TSM is South Africa’s official Gothic Lifestyle magazine. It is the first endeavor which the SAGS launched after its startup, with the same goals as bringing Goth to all Goths, sharing that creed and the goal of uniting all Goths.

Gothic Society, and by that we and steps to ensure we offer exactly what we intend to.

OUR MISSION: To publish quality based content, and accurate news articles revolving around the Gothic nature. To staff and employ creative, intelligent, and out of the box writers and artists, ensuring that we offer the best found columns, reviews, articles, and art work. To ensure we offer informative


content that’s based on true

To offer and supply every Goth

accounts that can serve a unique

with what they need, and what

purpose. E.g. inspirational and

they want. To be a beacon for

guidance columns, that can be

every seeking Goth out there.

applied and made use of. To also have a contact person in place

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should further questions require answers? To supply an accurate rating on our music topics, reviews, and charts, including our general reviews. To ensure they are truthful and written with an open and just mind-set. With our advertising, we wish to ensure we offer our best support in helping our clients. To market and promote them, offering fair and just prices, helping them build themselves. To always publish truthful content with a fair thinking, publishing what should be heard of and not to unjustly discriminate or promote.


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So, ladies and gentlemen, for Issue 5 of The Society Magazine, the chosen type was the Traditional Goth. For this RAD type we chose a RAD Goth to portray them from her eyes, and we chose none other than Lady Kimberleigh. Not only is she one of the fairest amongst them all, but she even has the stunning eyes to accompany her elegance and beauty. Below you will find some questions we had for her, who she is, what she is, her plans, goals and dreams, they’re all there for your own reading

DGE is an endeavour of the SAGS, but falls under management of House of Goth; more specifically, JHB’s House of Goth has custody and management over DGE, but as it is with all SAGS ‘tagged’ endeavours, in no way whatsoever are any of them limited. JHB HoG is busy with vast expansions and plans for future events, and Lady Kim will be there. Do take note for she is going to take it all by storm. You’ll be sure to notice the hard work Lady Kim is investing in JHB


for all of you. Follow all of the

What is not there? She

upcoming events. The JHB HOG

mentioned being the first model for SAGS’s Dark Gothic Elegance, but more than that, she is the up and coming face of DGE, the first and chosen model to represent DGE.

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SAGS related news feeds for team, of which Lady Kim is also a part, is busy with a massive project for all of you, so do take your time and honour her the way she deserves to be.

Q: Favourite Colour? A: Red (Blood Red!) Q: Favourite TV Series? A: Vikings / Game of Thrones, anything brutal. Q: Favourite Item of clothing? A: Combat Boots / Docs  Q: Favourite Console? A: PS4 Q: Favourite Food? A: Pizza or anything cheesy… Q: Favourite Animated Series? A: Dethklok and Brickleberry… Q: Favourite Local Band? A: BOARGAZM!!! Q: Favourite International Band? A: Slipknot/ the Sisters of Mercy. I have many… Q: Favourite Alcohol? A: Anything with Vodka Q: Tattoos? A: 7 of them

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Please give us a brief introduction of who you are? It’s difficult to sum myself up briefly, I’m quite the personality, but I’ll try, so here goes. I’ve raised myself and have been working since the age of 14. I’m quite odd and have been called

see the funny side in the gory murder jokes. I go out of my way to have responsible fun, and I’m always the one to make sure everyone is safe at the end of the day. I’m known to be witty and I can break tension in any fight or situation with a funny comment. I’m kind of a mediator. So that’s me  Sort of…

“psycho in a good way,” yet a fun and loving person. Anything with meaning grabs my attention and

What are you

I’m always eager to know and

currently working

learn more. I’m really down to


earth and have been known to put myself in other people’s

I am quite focused on my work at

shoes too much. My all-time

the moment, as I work in the

favourite video game is Dragon

International Freight/Logistics

Age, or any RPG for that matter. I

industry, this takes up a lot of my

could spend days playing video

time as I am the type of person

games, or at least until my hands

that takes pride in what I do, so

start cramping up and I need to

I’m very involved. I have had to

stuff my face with food. My ideal

put time aside for myself to spam

night would definitely be sitting

people with the overflowing

at home jamming games with a

amount of ideas for photoshoots

few friends. I am easily adjusted

I have bottled up that I would

and get along with any person.

love to do, and I’ve realized that

I’ve been known to have a dark

it all comes with time. When the

sense of humour, but the people

time is right, an opportunity will

that know me as the person I am

present itself. I am also working

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alongside well-known people in

that you need to have quite a lot

the heavy metal family

of patience when it comes to

organizing a music festival for

jobs and gigs. It’s never unicorn

HOG which will take place on the

poop and rainbows, but hard

14th of November at the German

work, patience, and good efforts

Club in Edenvale. I am hoping to

pay off at the end of the day.

see everyone there.

What or who inspired What is your biggest

you to become a

accomplishment so


far? I’ve always been interested in the In life, I would say getting my

industry, I used to model through

degree for Personal Assistance at

an agency from quite a young

17. Other than that, being the

age. I was the kid that didn’t

first model for SAGS’s Dark

want to play outside, I wanted to

Gothic Elegance is quite a good

do my hair up and play around

accomplishment in my books. I

with make-up, then steal my

have a list… I’m pretty sure this

mother’s phone to take selfies…

question only means for one.

She still says I’m a selfproclaimed “Selfie Queen.” I used

With everything there is good and bad. What was your

to put on her dresses and parade around the house asking my family to pretend the passage was a runway.

biggest lesson learnt in this

Do you wish to be a


runway model someday? If not

I’ve learned that you won’t always get what you want, and

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please tell us what

type of modelling you want to do. I would not mind, as I do have experience in runway, but I prefer photographic/digital modelling. There is a lot more you can do with the editing, props and backdrops in the photoshoots. I also love brainstorming ideas for photoshoots, because there’s no limit on what you can do.

Has modelling been a childhood dream for you or did the opportunity arise itself? I’ve always wanted to be a model, not because I wanted my looks to take me places, but because I’ve always wanted to have my face put out there to further/better myself as a person, and to meet more and more people. Life is short; you have to accomplish your dreams, even if the world says you can’t.

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Photo Credit :Annari’s Photographic Endeavours

Explain to us your feel of modelling: is it all about stilettoes or combat boots? Black or colourful? A little bit of everything? I’m quite flexible; I’m normally into combat boots and corsets. But I’ve been known to throw on a blonde wig and do a “Barbie Doll” photoshoot. I have been told before I have a split personality when it comes to shoots. Give me any idea, and I’ll go with it, as long as I have fun… and I always have fun 

What is your ideal date/ night? Food and movies or series, I’m not really someone that goes out much, although when I do, it’s go big and go home… try to get me out of the moshpit! That’s an issue we have when I get out I never want to leave.

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Contact details Cell: 076-236-9889 Email: Email for fans? Facebook/Twitter/Instagram? Facebook: kimmykims.chaye or search “Kimberleigh Fae Chaye” Twitter:


Instagram: kimblehhhh


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Annari, not just any other Goth… Well, ladies and gentlemen, here she is, another Goth amongst the dark and cryptic bunch, but she’s not just any other Goth. She not only has a knack for investigative writing, but a keen eye for art and the HOT Element. Here she is: Lady Annari, designer, creator, DJ, Cosplayer, photographer, and writer. A Goth with multiple marvellous talents. In issue 5 we cover the Traditional Goth aspect and type and Lady Annari has done us the honours of doing the photography work, and what an amazing job she has done. We asked her to share a bit about herself and below you’ll find all you need to know, so take the time to appreciate who she is and what she has to offer.

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Photo by Fringe Photography

What do you do for a living? I do admin, database

iconography, archaeology, the history of fashion, astronomy, and more.

maintenance, and data capturing

When did you start

for a living. It can get quite

making and selling

boring sometimes, but the work


environment is nice, so that makes up for it.

I started in August 2012 during a

What are your

unemployed. It began when I

hobbies and

made a lace choker with beads


very bad time when I was

hanging from it and people said that I should really think about

Most of my hobbies include

making things to sell. Since then

making something or being

I’ve started working at my current

creative. My hobbies include

job, but I kept on making things

making jewellery, sewing,

to sell, because I like being

photography, amateur modelling,

creative and the extra money has

drawing, gaming, reading, DJ’ing,

come in really helpful. The

and listening to music. I DJ at

jewellery I make is mainly gothic

Attrition events and used to DJ

and steampunk, but sometimes

for Zeplins before they closed. I

there are pieces that do not fit

recently started cosplaying,

these two styles. I recently began

because I like dressing up and

incorporating geeky elements

making stuff and cosplay is the


perfect combination of those two things. I also like reading up about things I am interested in. My interests include poetry, music, animals, biology, bugs, ancient near eastern studies,

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Where can someone

Where can one find

find your jewellery?

your photography?

I have a Facebook page called La’ila Designs. (La’ila means “night” in Hebrew.) I also usually have a stall at the monthly Attrition events, at Emalyth events, and this year I’ve started doing bigger events like Geekfest and the Neighbours Magical Medieval Fayre.

I have a Facebook page for that called Annari’s Photographic Endeavours. I chose that name because I don’t really think of myself as a photographer. I am still very much an amateur and have a lot left to learn. I mainly started the page so I can post the band photos publicly where the bands themselves and all their

Tell us more about

fans can see it.

your photography. I’ve always liked taking photos,

Tell us about your

inspired by the beauty I see

cosplay interest.

around me. Back when we still had film cameras, I had to be much more careful with taking photos, because it was expensive and you couldn’t just delete the bad ones. I like taking photos of bugs with my macro tube. It opens up a whole new world which we so easily miss. Another favourite subject is band photos. I love capturing the energy and special moments of a band’s performance.

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I began cosplaying earlier this year after I saw some photos of friends who are into the hobby. I used to think cosplay is all about anime and I’m not an anime fan, so I never considered doing it. I then realized that one could cosplay basically any character you want. My first cosplay idea was the brown Dothraki outfit that Daenerys wears in the first season of Game of Thrones. It is

about 90% complete and I plan on finishing it for Rage.

Where can we find your cosplay? I have a cosplay page, TG Cosplay, to keep my cosplay separate from my personal Facebook.

Photo by Muller Time TheOgraphy

Part of the La’ila Designs stall at this year’s Neighbours Magical Medieval Fayre

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challenging punk scene during the late `70’s and early `80’s.

Siouxsie Sioux & Johnny Rotten

The Origin of Traditional Gothic Subculture Thanks to the pioneering efforts of musical acts such as Siouxsie and The Banshees; Bauhaus; The Cure, Sisters of Mercy and Joy Division the gothic subculture was able to take its dark roots in the fertile soil of England’s vibrant, thriving and culturally

Starting in the form of a ‘postpunk’ offshoot (evidence of which can be seen in the close relationships between acts such as The Sex Pistols and Siouxsie and The Banshees) traditional gothic subculture begins primarily with the musical influence of its predecessors. One does not have to look very far to see the influence that the dark, mysterious, poetic and beautiful themes of musical acts such as David Bowie; Eurythmics and The Velvet Underground must have had in shaping the approach from which the first traditionally ‘gothic’ bands began lamenting their darkest passions – just look at the many songs originally written and performed by these artists that have been and still are being covered to this day. For example: back in the

The Cure

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hey-day of traditional gothic music, bands such as Bauhaus covered David Bowie’s ‘Ziggy Stardust’ and how modern acts such as Clan of Xymox from The Netherlands have released an MCD entitled ‘Heroes’ which as the name suggests, contains multiple versions of David Bowie’s classic goth romantic ‘Heroes’. Another example of modern reverence for the oldschool is The Cruxshadows cover of Eurythmics’ ‘Here Comes the Rain Again’ in which the dark overtones of the music is honoured and the electronic influences are also preserved in all their gloomy glory. Even stronger so, the raw and unadulterated attitude of acts such as Iggy Pop and The Sex Pistols can be seen exemplified in more aggressive sounding bands such as Christian Death; Joy Division and later on groups like Fields of The Nephilim and The Cult who appeal to the dark sounds and themes of goth but still retain a more traditionally ‘rock’ sound.

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The influence of the British punk scene is further cemented into the foundations of gothic culture by the strong aesthetic sentiments and visual elements of the dress style popularised in the British punk scene by the designs of Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood. These individuals are credited with pioneering the iconoclastic imagery of the British punk scene of the late seventies by presenting anti-establishment clothing designs (such as the infamous t-shirt featuring the face of Queen Elizabeth with actual safety pins pinned through the image) that feature predominantly black threads - a fashion style that is clearly

displayed by goth bands of the era and should not be confused with the more aggressive and extravagant look of punk that emerged from the American punk scene in the `80’s As the look and sound of Goth slowly spread from Germany and England through to the rest of Western Europe and The States, so did the fashion aspect thereof begin to naturally evolve into a species of its own - reflecting the undying passion for the dark side of human nature and life itself. This passion was radiated by its contrast to the bright pastels and colours of the mainstream culture of the time in the pale faces and dark eyes of The Goths. Adorning themselves in gleaming silver jewellery and flowing threads to compliment the royal composure they maintained over the plastic conformity of the mundane masses, they displayed ironically tacky undertones to spite the false pretences of society.

- Freak (28-09-2015)

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Traditional `80's Goth

The Black Vault

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Step right up! The Vault is waiting... All trinkets and curios can be found by the nearest stall. Sate your thirst for the unusual and caress the desire to discover more about the most dingy and taboo corners of our vast and mysterious world‌ Come one! Come all! Witness the weirdest and gander the ghastly! Freaks opposing nature and blasphemy alike! Come one! Come all! For the price of admission!

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Imagine that, darling readers: A beautifully sunny day on which you have decided to grace the fairgrounds, umbrella overhead and your sleeves well drawn over your wrists. You walk the muddy and sparsely grassy paths that intersect and crisscross between gaudily displayed stalls and equally loud carnies, having merely a moment ago enjoyed an orange ice-pop and witnessed a juggling show and acrobatic tumblers as they fly and swing above the crowds.

Your ears are filled with the clamor of jovial childish squeals; delighted guffaws and conversations, all of this noisily competing with the obnoxious tumbling tunes of the many games and clowns with music boxes. Possibly feeling a little claustrophobic within the whirl of excitement and bustle, you find yourself wandering toward the far end of the grounds, where a dandily clad man in a peppermint-striped jacket and boater hat is loudly proclaiming, through a brass mega-phone, of amazing spectacles and mind-boggling acts. Of bearded ladies and monkey men; lobster boys and fish people… Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and witness the hardly imaginable weirdness that is the Side Show….

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Alice Bounds – The Bear Woman Born in Calcutta, India, 1878, Alice was something of an oddity. Inheriting the bodily abnormalities from her mother, she was born without radius and ulna (that is the forearm to you and me), patella (kneecap); tibia and fibula (shins) and her

hands and feet appeared webbed. Clearing a height of a mere four feet, her stumped limbs and black body hair resembled that of the American Black Bear, and thus earning her the title, or alternative names: “The Bear Woman” or “Ursa the Bear Woman”. Alice had begun her sideshow career in 1880, having been brought to the United States of America and made to star in the Dreamland Circus Sideshow.

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The year 1896 saw her married and bearing a child whom is reported to have been born without Alice’s abnormalities. She continued to tour and appear in sideshows between 1906 and 1921, travelling between the United Kingdom, where she had taken up her residence, and the United States, frequently appearing at Coney Island and visiting her mother in New Jersey.

Darwin’s Missing Link We are all aware of the theory born from Charles Darwin, sometimes seen as regarding a missing link in man’s supposed evolutionary chain. Taking advantage of man’s gullibility, the subject of this theory had been greatly seized by opportunists who attempted to claim fame and fortune from their astounding “discoveries”. Most attractions were made from the use of various kinds of persons with strange genetic anomalies, which included mental handicaps; bodily deformity and an unusually generous coating of body hair.

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the young anomaly. For a price of $350 (which, in that era was a substantial amount), the two men had bought Krao from her parents and traveled her to England, where she was adopted by Guillermo Antonio Farini, and put on display in numerous shows.

One which had particularly caught my fancy, was that of Krao: Krao was native to Laos, Thailand, born in 1872. Having been born with a coarse coat of black hair that covered her entire body, as well as an unusual set of teeth, Krao had been displayed as a curiosity, which had ultimately lead to her being discovered by a Norwegian explorer and his assistant, a professor. The two had been commissioned on a scouting mission for a western showman, when they had stumbled upon

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Although her appearance was that of a typical sideshow attraction, she was a normal little girl with the usual feminine tastes: she had quite a liking for ribbons, dresses and shoes.

vocabulary only consisted of approximately 500 words. A brief description of Krao had appeared in the Royal Aquarium exhibition:

Krao had discovered that the people who visited her shows were highly enthralled by concocted tales of her wild living in Laos, and so she had worked with her handlers, inventing an entire history of her supposed origin: living and climbing trees, a diet consisting of dried fish, wild rice, and coconuts, as well as an entire community whose

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"The eyes of the child are large, dark and lustrous; the nose is flattened, the nostrils scarcely showing; the cheeks are fat and pouch-like; the lower lip only rather thicker than is usual in Europeans; but the chief peculiarity is the strong and abundant hair. On the head it is black, thick and straight, and grows over the forehead down to the heavy eyebrows, and is continued in whisker-like locks down the cheeks. The rest of the face is covered with a fine, dark, downy hair, and the shoulders and arms have a covering of hairs from an inch to an inch and a half long." Our morbid fascination with the cruel and unusual

is what allowed the flourishing of such exhibits. After all, how dreary would the world be if there were no such curiosities? These that uproot and thrust us into a seemingly alternate universe that stretch our sense of the comfortable until it is paper-thin. Imagine a world without the Krao’s and without the Alice Bounds… rather, do not imagine it, as the thought of a lacking in what we enjoy is all too upsetting…. Come one, come all! Step outside and witness the amazing features of Earth, the Wondrous Freak! I do hope that you found this admission to The Black Vault as quite the spectacle, my dearest readers, as cages, views and jars filled with oddities and wonders entice you enough to beckon you all hitherto for more. Until our next show…

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‌ From the Desk And if oF now and then you awake up on the steps of Mistress Gray. a palace, on the green grass of a ditch, in the from Les Petites Poems et Prose "Eniversy-Vous" (Get Drunk) By Charles Baudelaire, translation by Caro Soles

gloomy loneliness of your own room, your drunken state gone or disappearing, ask the wind, the waves , the stars, the birds, the clock, ask everything that runs

It is essential to be drunk

by, everything that groans

all the time. That's it! The

or rolls or sings,

great imperative! To

everything that speaks,

avoid feeling the

ask what time it is; and

appalling weight of Time

the wind, the waves, the

breaking your shoulders,

stars, the birds, the clock

bending you to the

will answer you: "It's time

ground, get drunk and

to get drunk! Don't be

stay that way. But on

martyred slaves to Time,

what? On wine, poetry,

get drunk! Endlessly

goodness, please

drunk! On wine, virtue,

yourself. But get drunk.

poetry, pleases yourself!"

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- An undead biopsy and retrospective of the origins of gothic music By Melt Kruger

If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution. Emma Goldman

The Bands That Rocked the Cradle

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All revolutions begin with a single idea. A spark of discontentment with the status quo, kindling slowly at first, until it spreads like wildfire to change the face of governments, society and, of course, popular culture.

musicianship and primitive song structures were long gone. Post-punk was open-minded, assimilating a myriad of influences, from punk and krautrock, to disco, funk and reggae. Experimental. Artistic. Honest.

By the late 1970’s, the British punk movement had all but run its course as the raw energy and brazen volatility that characterized the scene subsided into a mere shell of its former self. Exit stage right. Enter post-punk. Born from the smoldering ashes of the punk scene, post-punk became the musical and philosophic antithesis of everything that its predecessor had stood for. The often nihilistic ideology, purposely crude

Yet something entirely different was brooding beneath the surface, biding its time. A handful of bands soon abandoned the beaten path, infusing their music with themes of darkness, romanticism, and mystery, whilst their live shows embraced a vividly theatrical approach and became increasingly morose.

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The first wave of gothic rock took inspiration from post-punk and glam rock

alike, channeling postpunk’s dub influences into the rollicking bass guitars and synth excursions, while taking its visual cue from glam rock’s theatricality and image. Originally labeled “positive punk”, music journalists who witnessed the phenomenon soon started calling it “gothic”. The rest, as they say, is history. While there are many others who have influenced the genre, four bands soon emerged as the pioneers of what we know as gothic music today.

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Siouxsie and The Banshees formed in 1978 and released its debut album, The Scream, that same year. A sparse, bass-driven album, its eerie undertones were contrasted by razor-sharp guitars and accentuated by Siouxsie’s otherworldly vocal stylings.

Joy Division might have started off firmly within the realms of punk, but their (sadly only) two albums are perhaps amongst the most influential in the origin of gothic music. Desolate lyrical themes met claustrophobic and often funereal music that unknowingly would shape the future of gothic music, all the more ironic due to tragedy that would befall the band.

1979. Bauhaus. Bela Lugosi’s Dead. Front man Peter Murphy’s quintessential Bowieesque croon, combined with dark rhythms and violent picks scraping on guitar strings, created a distinctive sound that would become synonymous with the gothic music scene over their next four albums and undeniably part of the genre’s foundation.

The Cure’s influence on the Goth scene is undeniable, both in form and function. While much of the band’s output is maligned due to forays into more pop-orientated territories, Robert Smith and his band of un-merry men committed some of the most depressingly dark music to vinyl on

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Seventeen Seconds and Pornography. As mentioned earlier, these bands were not alone in shaping the dark chasm that is gothic rock. At the same time, or soon thereafter, The Birthday Party was putting its own uniquely Australian spin on the genre, whilst Killing Joke were musically murdering in the name of politics, war and Armageddon. There are others of course, but so little time…

A Gothic Romance 2.0 A revolution means nothing if its vision remains static and singular. A new ‘murder of bands’ soon emerged to not only refine the black print laid down by the so called “protoGoths”, but to also take it to new depths of despair and musical heights. As the scene evolved, so too did the dark romanticism and theatricality. Lyrics delved deeper into the abyss and bands took on a darker shade of black on stage. But the most significant leap that would define the “second wave” of Goth bands, would be the incorporation of a new range of progressive rock influences. The musical landscape had changed

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and so too did the tastes of artists in the gothic music scene. Elements of Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Motorhead, and The Stooges slowly began filtering through.

The Sisters of Mercy started marching to the beat of their own drum machine, aptly named Doktor Avalanche, taking gothic music into hitherto uncharted territories by creating sexy, dark and danceable underground hits such as Temple of Love, Vision Thing and Dominion (Mother Russia). The ongoing turmoil within The Sisters of Mercy eventually spawned The

Mission, which was as much of a split by Wayne Hussey from his former band as from its sound and aesthetics. Much more upbeat and pop-

orientated, The Mission added a unique touch of light to a darkened scene.

Fields of the Nephilim brought a vastly different look and sound to the genre, bringing elements to the table that shouldn’t work on paper, but absolutely did in practice and still do. Western themes, harmonica intros, metal influences, cinematic and conceptual overtones they were all there. Around the same time, gothic rock was spawning a new and vastly different subset of artists, focused on the atmospheric and more ethereal feel of the music, including

Dead Can Dance and Cocteau Twins.

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Deeper Underground The 90’s brought with it a change in musical perspective with the emergence of grunge and the rave culture. Record labels began throwing money behind mainstream preferences and many other genres were pushed aside. Gothic music headed underground, producing some of the most interesting artists in the process.

Rosetta Stone became a cult band, Garden of Delight embarked on a mission to bring Crowley, mysticism, and Lovecraft to the dark masses and

Children on Stun did things their own way by changing the dynamics of the typical goth sound.

Since the early nineties, gothic influences had also begun to take center stage in the music of many metal bands.

Therion, Cradle of Filth, HIM, and many others have acknowledged the influence that gothic rock has had on their music and many have paid tribute by way of cover songs.

The Future of Darkness Since the turn of the millennium, gothic rock has continued to ride the wave of a music industry that has shattered to pieces. Today, gothic music is very much alive and well in various forms.

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Artists like Wymond

Miles, Trust, the nowdefunct Beastmilk, The 69 Eyes, and Those Poor Bastards are carrying the blackened torch (in various incarnations, of course) for a subculture that is as undead now as it has ever been. Now, more than ever, we need to dig deep into a couple of graves to support our bands. But then, we never have minded getting our hands and ears dirty.

Top 10 Modern Goth Bands

10. London After Midnight (LAM) Considered to be part of the new generation of Goth Rockers, this musical project is the concept of mastermind Sean Brennan, songwriter, lyricist and multi-instrumentalist. LAM was raised in the '90s, in the LA music scene, and in particular, the plethora of

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area Rock and Goth clubs, with a dark, romantic, and yet political vibe that no one else had in the Goth scene. Brennan has in past interviews shown his disdain for the term Goth, claiming that it furthers limitation and confinement of music to a single genre. LAM is popular all over the globe, with a particularly huge fan base in Europe and South America. Brennan is also an open liberal, never hiding his support for human rights, animal rights, and environmentalism. LAM have shared the stage with such varied artists as The Cure, Green Day, HIM, Rammstein, and countless others. The band is still active today, though the most recent release, Violent Acts of Beauty, was in 2007.

black clothes, skulls, and religious iconography. Williams was a performer as well as a vocalist bringing cathartic performance art alive with his dark, gloomy and macabre music. Christian Death's debut album, Only Theater of Pain (1982) pretty much put the American Deathrock scene on the map.

9. Christian Death Deathrock visionary Rozz Williams created Christian Death in 1979, in the cities of Pomona and Claremont, just outside of the angst, fury, and aggression of the old school LA/OC hardcore punk scene. The band's name, morbid fashion style, and sound made an impact almost immediately. The simple, yet slower punk riffs seemed to fit with Christian Death's obsession with

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The band broke up after the record came out, and in 1983 Williams revived the Christian Death moniker with LA musician Valor Kand. This version of Christian Death released the albums Catastrophe Ballet (1984) and Ashes (1985), which featured both Rozz Williams and Valor Kand. Some consider these records to be precursors of the American Goth movement. Through years of infighting, drug abuse, lineup changes, and disagreements, Williams left the band he created

initially, while Kand kept on going. Williams eventually went on to other musical projects, and his own version of Christian Death, but in the mid '90s, he lost the legal rights to the name to Kand in court. Sadly, in 1998 after years of drug addictions, Williams was found dead, by apparent suicide. But Kand's version of Christian Death still defiantly marches on, to this day having released a dozen albums over the past 30 years, which have woven experimental, electronic, black metal and doom metal into the Goth sound and genre. Though today many purists still flock to the music, poetry, art, and tragedy of the first and original incarnation Christian Death and its true mastermind, Rozz Williams. Suffice it to say, both versions of the band with the same name and a troubled past, are crucial to the development and legacy of Goth music

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8. Skeletal Family When the band came into existence in the early '80s, many other so called Gothic Rock bands had been around for a few years. But there was something unique about the dark melodies, clean female vocals, and eerie guitar tones of Skeletal Family. The band's name was taken from the 1974 song, "Chant of the Ever Circling Skeletal Family" by David Bowie, and originally included singer AnneMarie Hurst, bassist Roger Nowell guitarist Stan Greenwood, drummer

Steve Greenwood and keyboard/saxophone player Ian Taylor. With five albums, many more singles, EP’s, and splits released over the past three decades, Skeletal Family still lives on, passing on the musical legacy of romantic darkness to younger generations of Goth fans at live performances. The band is still important to the scene, especially in its home base, the UK. Skeletal Family still features Greenwood on guitar and Hurst on vocals, and most recently released the album, Songs of Love, Hope and Despair (2009).

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7. Sex Gang Children This English post-punk Gothic Rock band was formed in the early 1980s, by bandleader and original member Andi Sex Gang. The band's career has spanned three decades. The band had a sound based on fuzzy, wild, tempo swings, heavy, slow bass lines, and an at times high pitched vocals. Although the original line up of the band only released one album, Song and Legend (1983), the band has a total of six full

lengths, and many more EP’s, singles, and rarities released over the years. The name of the band was used, after it was considered, but not chosen by the band Culture Club, featuring Boy George. Even though Sex Gang Children split up in 1984, the band's music has stood the test of time, and in the '90s a new version of the band surfaced, which continues to this day.

6. Alien Sex Fiend Alien Sex Fiend was born in

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London, in 1982, and came together by songwriters Nik Fiend and his wife, Christine Wade, aka Mrs. Fiend. With demented, dark imagery, sometimes out of this world shock rock theatrics, and an almost creature-like mythology behind this dark gloomy rock band, Alien Sex Fiend became a staple of the early Goth scene in the UK, but also expanded into other parts of Europe, Asia and North America. The band's peculiar sound, though based on postpunk Gothic Rock, also included experimental, classical, electronic, and even industrial elements. In 1986, the band toured as the opening act, for Alice Cooper, further broadening their appeal. Still going today, the band's only original members are Nik Fiend and his better half, Mrs. Fiend.

5. Fields Nephilim



Led by founding member Carl McCoy, Fields of the Nephilim began in the early 80s near London. From the start, the band took in many influences, including a darker twist on psychedelic music, hard rock, post-punk, and an orchestrated, industrial sound. They also incorporated a mysterious, dark cowboy style that saw the band constantly in all black, lather and boots. Fields of the Nephilim has a vibe like no other, with haunting songs, and a sound that was valiant,

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eerie, and beautiful all at once. McCoy was known to throw in many occult, biblical and apocalyptic references throughout the band's 30-year career. The name of the band refers to the biblical name for the offspring of fallen angels and mankind. Although the band has toured the world, and still occasionally play shows, they have remained a cult band.

4. Sisters of Mercy England's Sisters of Mercy have been producing a darker type of rock music that is grand in both scale and mystery. Led by founder, front man Andrew

Eldritch, the band stopped making new albums in the '90s, as a way to protest the corporate control in the music industry at the hands of record labels. Despite this, the band's fan base has grown over the years, and the music has early on taken in elements of punk, psychedelic rock, industrial, and even early metal. Numerous lineup changes, disputes over the name of the band, and other disagreements have not stopped Eldritch from keeping the band's dark aura and music alive. There is some debate over whether the band got its name from a song by Leonard Cohen, or an order of Catholic nuns, but none can debate the influence this band has had on countless musicians and bands today- from Danzig, HIM, AFI, and tons more.

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3. Siouxsie and the Banshees This band was formed in the late 1970s, by a bunch of rabid Sex Pistols fans. Sid Vicious even played drums with the band early on, before joining the Sex Pistols. Vocalist Siouxsie Sioux gave the band it’s eerie, romantic vibe, and provided the sound that was both upbeat and pop like, but still a tad morose. Early on, Robert Smith of the Cure played a role in the band, among numerous lineup changes. The experimental, slow, semi-punk riffs and later artsy dark wave synth pop sound made the band a

leader, not only in the postpunk and Goth cultures but also a leading act that foreshadowed the greater Alternative Rock scene of the 90s. Tons of bands cite Siouxsie and the Banshees as an influence, including U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers Morrissey, Radiohead, Massive Attack and Arcade Fire, among so many others.

2. The Cure Many might argue The Cure are not only one of the best Goth bands, but one of the best rock bands in general. With a sound that was built with walls of

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sound, soft musical textures, and songs that were dreamy, and sad, but still had a good beat, The Cure mixed gloomy nuances with beautiful music. Although the band has many recognizable hit songs, early on the band's punk sound evolved to a sadder, slower, and much more orchestrated version of music that fans all over the world have come to love. Led by the now iconic Robert Smith, the Cure began in the late 70s, and seemed to be fermented in the emerging sounds of rock music at the time: post punk, Goth, new wave, and eventually what would come to be known as alternative rock.

1. Bauhaus Regarded by many critics, fans and bands alike as the Godfathers of Goth music, Bauhaus formed in 1978 in Northampton, England. The band featured singer Peter Murphy, guitarist Daniel Ash, drummer Kevin Haskins, and bassist David J. With a very gloomy, almost vampiric sound that took from post-punk and added an extra dose of melancholia and darkness, the band had released four albums before breaking up in 1983.

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Murphy went onto a solo career (he headlines this Sunday's tattoo festival InkN-Iron in Long Beach), with the remaining members eventually forming Love and Rockets. But the lasting impact of the Bauhaus can't be denied. With the hit song, the band's most well-known, a gothic anthem was created, with the song, "Bella Lugosi's Dead". The band reunited in 1998, and again between 2005-08 for successful tours, and the 2008 album Go Away White. The information for this article was supplied by GOTH RADIO.UK

By Rudi Vermeulen ‘Draco�

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Peter Steele Legend of the Ages

Upbringing Peter Steele born January 4th 1962 as Petrus Thomas Ratajczyk in Brooklyn, into a Roman Catholic home. He was the youngest of six kids, the other five being girls. Peter started taking guitar lessons at the age of twelve and shortly after switched to bass.

(January 4, 1962- April 14, 2010) Front man and bassists for Goth- Metal band Type-O-Negative

He attended Edward R. Murrow High School in Midwood, Brooklyn. After he graduated he started working as a maintenance supervisor at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. He was required to drive garbage trucks and steamrollers. He still held this job when he formed the band Type O Negative.

Carnivore Peter’s first band was called Fallout which started in 1979 and lasted a short 3 years, until 1982. He then stated a band called Carnivore, who were a thrash metal band. In November 1985 Carnivore released

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their debut album “Carnivore”. The band members spelled their names in what they believed to be exotic ways for the album “Carnivore.” In 1987 they released their second album, “Retaliation.” Shortly after the release of “Retaliation“ the band split up. The band members felt that Peter’s lyrics were too profane. They wanted cleaner lyrics so that they could get some airplay. Peter felt different and this lead to the band splitting up. In 2006 Carnivore reformed. They played at Wacken Open Air in 2006.

Type O Negative

In 1989 Peter Steele formed the band Type O Negative along with his childhood friends, Josh Silver, Kenny Hickey and Sal Abruscato. Originally the band was called “Repulsion”. They had to change the name due to another band having the same name. They then changed their name to Subzero. Peter then got a “-0”tattoo. He later learned that there was another band who already existed called Subzero. One day Peter was listening to the radio and a radio ad for blood donation came on. The radio ad asked for members of the blood type, type O negative to donate. With the “-0” tattoo in mind, Peter then decided to name the band Type O Negative. In 1991 Type O Negative released their debut album “Slow, Deep and Hard.” The material for this album was originally

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meant for carnivore. This left the band sounding more thrash than the Goth metal sound we have grown to know Type O Negative as. This album spoke of love, revenge and contemplation of suicide. Steele attempted suicide himself, he stated in an interview: “On October 15th, I slashed my wrists. All I can say is that I fell in love with the wrong person.” The band faced some problem when touring Europe with the album “Slow, Deep and Hard.” Rumours raised about Peter’s social and political views. Some people went as far as calling him a Nazi sympathizer. Peter then later said that the Europeans misunderstood his humour and sarcasm. In 1992 Type O Negative released their second album “The Origin of Feces”. This album was recorded in studio but had a crowd playing over it so it sounded as if the album was recorded live. The audience on this album was extremely hostile and at one point they have to evacuate because of a bomb threat. The original album art was a close up of Peter’s anus.

In 1993 Type O negative released their third album, “Bloody Kisses“ this was their breakthrough album. This album focused on romance, love, sex, and death. The Song “Black No.1”pays tribute to the gothic subculture and a Goth girl Peter once dated. “We Hate Everyone” and “Kill all the White People” take on his critics about his political and social views. This album was the start of Type O Negative as one of the industry’s most influential bands. They eventually reached platinum status on this album. It was later rereleased as a digipak where they removed two songs and added another song as requested by the band. In 2006 there was a “Top Shelf” edition that included a bonus disc, “Rarities and Bsides”. Their drummer, Sal Abruscato left the band after this album was released. Following the album ‘Bloody Kisses,” in 1995 Peter posed for Playgirl magazine. He posed nude and was starred in the centrefold of the magazine. He was later told by band member, Kenny Hickey that only 23% of the subscribers are woman and other are gay men. After being asked by men to sign the magazine he somewhat regretted the decision. He then later said in an interview that “it was a naïve publicity stunt”.

Type O Negative then went on by releasing their album “October Rust“ in 1996. This is the first album where John Kelly is their drummer. Peter Steele designed the Vinland flag that appeared on the cover of this album. He based the design on a Nordic cross flag that incorporated his favourite colours. The concept of Vinland is also referred to in

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the title of the track “The Glorious Liberation of the People’s Technocratic Republic of Vinland by the Combined Forces of the United Territories of Europa.” The song “Green Man” had two meanings for Peter; it refers to when Peter worked in the park and the kids use to call him “The Green Man”; the other meaning is that the song about the Celtic embodiment of nature. The song “Red Water (Christmas Morning)” refers to the death of Peter’s father. This album also includes a Neil Diamond cover, “Cinnamon Girl”.

In 1999 Steele was going through a very rough time, dealing with personal issues. The band released their 5th studio album titled “World Coming Down”. The song “White Slavery” spoke about drug abuse and addiction. Steele also wrote three songs that suggested possible ways for the band members to die. “Sinus”- Death caused by overdosing on drugs. “Lung” - Death caused by smoking. “Liver”- Death caused by drinking alcohol. This album also features the songs “Everything Dies” and “Everyone I Love is Dead” these speak about the deaths of Peter’s family and loved ones. In the song “Who will Save the Sane” Steele sings about his experience with psychiatric treatment. The band very rarely played songs from this album at live shows. The music on this album would take an emotional toll on the audience. The entire atmosphere would change and the band decided it was best to not play the tracks off of this album. The band had mixed opinions of this album, the keyboardist, Josh Silver, felt that the music was very strong. Peter felt that the music related strongly to his personal life and the current issues he was dealing with more than it related to the audience.

Their sixth album was released in 2003 titled “Life is Killing Me”. This album was more uplifting compared to “World Coming Down” even though the lyrics spoke about self-pity, death, religion, drugs and hatred. The inside spine, under the CD tray has a message “Type O Negative is a Non-Prophet Organization.” The band wanted to name the album “The

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Dream is Dead” but due to rumours of the band splitting up they decided against it. The title track “Life is Killing Me” Peter criticizes the medical profession. The song “Nettie” speaks about Peter’s mother and “Todd’s Ship Gods (Above All Things)” is based on the shipyard his father use to work on. The song “We Were Electrocute” was about his beautiful ex-girlfriend and how they use to attract passers-by when in public together. Peter Steele’s favourite television characters influenced the song “How Could She.” His favourite television characters included Morticia Addams, Wilma Flintstone, Catwoman, Judy Jetson and many more. In memory of his “naïve publicity stunt” with playgirl Steele released a song called “I Like Girls”. The song “IYDKMIGTHTKY” is an acronym for “if you don’t kill me I’m going to have to kill you.” In early 2005, two years after the release of the album “Life is Killing Me” Peter decided to leave Roadrunner Records. Apart from having a poor offer from Roadrunner, Roadrunner also released an

unauthorized “Best Of” album from Type O Negative. Despite everything Peter remained on good terms with the record company. In October 2005, Peter appeared on the song “Enemy of The State” for Roadrunner united. In this song there is no lyrics. Peter simply mumbled random words. Joey Jordison commented:

album cover depicts the Russian mystic Rasputin. The title track talks about drug abuse and Peter describing how having a relapse killed a part of him. The song “Halloween in Heaven” is about all the dead rockstars and Steele was inspired by the death of his close friend, Dimebag Darrell.

“Peter just walked into studio and started mumbling words, even though there was no logical meaning you could see that they meant something to him” The internet then went crazy following a rumoured death due to a photo being posted online of a tombstone reading “Peter Steele (free at last) 1962-2005.” The photo was part of an article relating to his new contract with SPV Records. The website later removed the picture.

Peter Steele and Dimebag Darrell

Peter’s last performance was at the Harpos Concert Theatre on Halloween in Detroit, Michigan .

The final recording of Peter Steele was made in 2007 for the album “Dead Again.” Peter describe the alliance of Type O Negative and SPV Records as his probable favourite thing about “Dead Again.” The

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Peter lived a very complex life. He had many struggles with death, love and drugs. He made this known to all his fans through his music. He was a very big man standing at 6’6”, that is only 1cm shy of 2m and he also had a very vampyric look going for him. These two things combined had people describing him as

“mysterious”. He enjoyed lifting weights and reading about science and the European culture in his spare time.

Peter booked himself into a mental institute after his friends and family had an intervention about his drug abuse. He was bipolar and had clinical depression. This mixed with the drugs gave him very bad paranoia. He later spent 30 days in prison after he assaulted a loved one. Steele made light of his incarceration by wearing a prison uniform during his live performances. Peter was always an atheist but in 2007 he revealed he had changed to Roman Catholic stating: “There are no atheists in foxholes, they say, and I was a foxhole atheist for a long time. After going through a midlife crisis and having many things change very quickly, it made me realize my mortality. And when you start to think about death, you start to think about what is after it. Then you start hoping there is a God. For me, it’s a frightening thought to go nowhere. I also can’t believe that people

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like Stalin and Hitler go to the same place as Mother Teresa.” On April 14 2010 Peter Steele died of an aortic aneurysm. After his death the band never looked for anyone to replace him. John Kelly stated: “Even if there is somebody who could take his place it wouldn’t matter. We don’t have any interest in continuing. It’s impossible – It hasn’t even come up in any discussion. When Peter died, Type O Negative died with him. An oak tree was planted at Prospect Park (where Peter used to work) in memory of Peter Steele on November 21, 2011.

Album Reviews 1. Slow, Deep and Hard: 3/5 rating Since this album was originally written for Carnivore it is very thrash. It is good none the less. Since I am not a thrash fan it was difficult for me to thoroughly enjoy it. If you love thrash then this album is for you. Favourite songs: “Der Unter Mensch” and “Prelude the Agony”

2. The Origin of Feces: 3.5/5 rating Four songs on this album were renamed from the previous album “Slow, Deep and Hard.” I did enjoy this album a little more. It’s an album I would put on and listen to start from finish while doing household chores or drawing on a lazy afternoon. Favourite songs: “Are You Afraid” and “Pain (Prelude the Agony)”

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3. Bloody Kisses: 5/5 rating One of my favourite Type O Negative albums. The lyrics are beautifully written, dark and vampyric. This album puts a lot more emphasis on Steele’s voice. It also features two of my all-time favourite songs “Christian Woman” and “Black No1”. This is an album you can listen to anytime and anywhere Favourite songs: “Can’t Lose You,” “Christian Woman,” and “Black No1”

4. October Rust: 5/5 rating This is my favourite Type O Negative album. I find it very easy to relate to. I feel like this album is perfection being put into a CD so that the world can have a taste. Favourite songs: “Be My Druidess,” “Red Water (Christmas Morning),” “My Girlfriend’s Girlfriend,” and “Die With Me”

5. World Coming Down: 4/5 rating A lovely album overall. However it is a rather depressing album. Something you can listen to when feeling under the weather. This album talks about drugs loss and death, something that all of us can relate to. Favourite songs: “White Slavery,” “Everyone I Love is Dead,” “Everything Dies,” and “World Coming Down”

6. Life is Killing Me: 4/5 rating Definitely very refreshing after the album “World Coming Down.” I enjoy this album very much. It’s very upbeat and puts me in an immediate good mood after a long day at work. Favourite songs: “I don’t Wanna Be Me,” “IYDKMIGTHTKY (gimme that),” “Less Than Zero” and “Anesthesia”

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7. Dead Again: 3.5/5 This album is good, but I was slightly disappointed. Compared to the three albums released before this album it was just not as “Type O Negative” in my personal opinion. It is still an album I will enjoy listening to. Favourite songs: “Halloween in Heaven,” and “Tripping a Blind Man”

In Closing Peter Steele’s death was a big shock in the alternative music and following industry. He was a great man, a man this world lost too early. It is heart-breaking to know that we will never hear his voice again. He lived a very troubled life and now he is finally at peace. If only he could see how much the world cared about him. How his music has helped me through rough times and many others, of that I am sure. Writing this article was an honour. Peter, may you know that you will be in our hearts forever, our hearts beat green for you and may you rest in peace.


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Body Modifications

TATTOOS So there are quite a few ways to go about finding out what tattoo to get and what would suit you. From quizzes on “gotoquiz” and quibble, to asking your friends what they think would suit you, where we all basically know that they all differ and we are each entitled to our own opinion, so you just not might agree with your oh so close friend… So let’s see if there are truly legit ways to decide upon some ink. As everyone knows, the first step would be to decide on what you want to get and what the meaning behind it

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would symbolise for you as an individual. Some people would get the same tattoo, a ship for example, yet they won’t symbolise the same meaning for the other person who got it. For instance, one meaning/ symbolism would be that their journey has been tough through sailing rough seas, others would be that they are homeward bound and seeking their way in life to a place where they could call home and then maybe another meaning that they will steer strong no matter how rough the seas may be, etc. So, getting a tattoo that

someone else has, doesn’t necessarily mean the same. Keep in mind that this is only one of the things to consider for now. Once that has been decided on, time for the next step‌ Location, location, location‌ Where will we be putting this marvellous work of art? Now this might be a bit more complex as there are a few other factors to look at. How much detail is in the tattoo? Will it be in colour? What size will the tattoo be? If you pick something simple, the sizing is easy since the detailing on the tattoo will be distinct and easy for the artist to complete in a quick session. Colour will have to be decided upon as you need to keep in mind what you think would suit the image/wording chosen for

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the tattoo. If you are uncertain, ask the artist for some ideas as to what they might think would be more reasonable. Now, below you will notice that there is a chart as to indicate where on the body the pain would be tolerable and where not. Ask yourself where you want the tattoo to be. Do you want people to notice it as soon as they see you? Do you want it somewhere you can cover it up? Where you can see it? Placing of ink is pretty debatable since we all differ with other aspects of what we would prefer. If uncertain, remember, the artist can always give an opinion as well when asked. Lastly, make sure that the artist is a professional. It is important that you trust that person enough to make that special mark on

you, which will be there forever, unless you get it removed by laser or covered with another tattoo.

Some pointers: Always insist that the needles be opened in front of you. Make sure that the gloves used by the artist are also fresh and new and clean. You can never be too careful. ;)

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Fascinating Facts

about Tattoos Tramps Stamps and Pregnancy Leaving the social connotations of the socalled “tramp stamps� well alone, there is at least one possible unforeseen drawback for women wishing to get a

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tattoo on their lower back. Some anesthesiologists have expressed concern that giving epidurals to pregnant women with tattoos may expose them to the potential complication of ink fragments entering the spinal cord. The risk would seem very minor,

especially for a tattoo more than a few months old, but the possibility remains. Of greater concern, it has been reported that the iron oxide in tattoo ink sometimes reacts during MRIs and may cause burns.


Macy’s was founded in New York City in 1858 and quickly grew into an empire. It has long since worked its way into the American public consciousness with its annual Thanksgiving Day

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Parade and 4th of July fireworks spectacular. The department store’s logo is simple and classic: a red star. Few realize that the star was actually taken from a tattoo that founder R.H. Macy wore on his forearm. In his youth, Macy found employment on whaling vessels, where he acquired the tattoo among other rough-andtumble sailors. Although a fictionalization of R.H. Macy was featured in the 1947 Christmas classic Miracle on 34th Street, the tattooed retailer had actually died some 70 years earlier.

Sponsorship Tattoos

Billy Gibby, known as “Billy the Human Billboard,” pays his bills with corporate tattoos, sporting more than two dozen, including some on his face. His work includes the logos of Liberty Tax Service, Host Gator, and several porn sites.

With some people willing to do almost anything to make a buck, and advertisers perpetually desperate to reach an audience, it is somewhat surprising that sponsorship tattoos took as long as they did to reach their stride. In 2013, New York real estate company Rapid Realty made an offer to their employees that many couldn’t refuse: get a company logo tattooed on your body, and receive a 15 percent pay raise. Dozens accepted the offer. Alaskan amateur boxer

Some sponsorship tattoos have actually been inked in the spirit of altruism. In 2012, a British man named Dave Ryder had multiple logos tattooed on his body to raise money for the son of a friend. The boy, who suffered from meningitis, had already had his legs and fingers amputated at the age of two.

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Vegan Black Ink

The life of a dedicated vegan can be quite difficult. Outside of large, cosmopolitan cities, their menu options can be extremely limited. Some, called “ethical vegans,” take it a step further, not only eliminating animal products from their diet, but refusing any product or lifestyle choice that stems from the exploitation of animals. This includes the wearing of leather, for instance, or

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the use of shampoo or cosmetics that have been tested on laboratory animals. It also means they would need to be very, very careful about where they get their tattoos. Although there are indeed vegan tattoo parlors, they are few and far between. Unfortunately, a lot of tattoo ink is made using bone char (burnt animal bones) and sometimes the resin of shellac beetles. Even if a vegan-friendly ink is secured, the soaps and ointments used to clean and treat the finished tattoo often contain animal by-products. Facts taken from “”…


Something that has become popular recently is what is commonly referred to as a dermal piercing. (This name is incorrect since the word ‘dermal’ literally means skin. It is also less of a piercing than it is an implant. The proper name is ‘single point surface anchor’ but we pretty much call it a ‘surface anchor’ or just an ‘anchor’. Though I don’t see the use of ‘dermal’ changing anytime soon.) So what is a Surface Anchor? It’s a piece of jewellery that was designed to solve

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a problem. You’ve probably seen a surface piercing where a bar with 90° ends is pierced under the skin, leaving 2 balls or discs visible with a hidden bar under the skin. This allows us to do piercings in places where traditional piercings simply can’t be done. Surface bars have varying degrees of success. The main problem was that people were looking for the same effect but just a ingle visible point. There’s just no way to do a surface piercing that leaves an uneven number of

balls/discs visible. Over the last few years, various solutions have been designed to solve the problem. Some more successful than others. I’m sure there will be even better designs as things evolve. The best design currently available consists of a base plate with a threaded post and a disc which screws into it. The plate is implanted under the skin leaving the disc visible. The discs are changeable by a piercer after a few months once it’s anchored enough. There are quite a few choices, from plain steel, black or gold discs to the same discs with coloured gems. (If the jewellery your

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piercer wants to use does not have a changeable disc and has a cone as the base instead of a long plate, then that’s most likely a skin diver. They do get sold as surface anchors by some piercers but they aren’t and they’re not a good option.) You’re definitely going to want to find someone who knows what they’re doing if you want one of these to be successful. Done right, surface anchors offer some very attractive and eye catching options. The right person will do them in the best way to suit your body and provide the best chance of success. Pro tip – Recently I saw an ad on Facebook for a piercing course. This is nothing new and they’ve been offered by various studios over the last few years. The basics are that they offer to teach and

certify you as a piercer in the space of around 15 hours. For this, they charge anywhere from R4, 000.00 -R25, 000.00+. You even get a free piercing kit, most likely consisting of poor quality equipment that they bought on the internet. I’m going to be very clear. The only way to become a qualified piercer is through an apprenticeship. You simply cannot learn the intricacies of body piercing in a few hours. Piercing courses are not the way. No decent studio will hire anyone who has a certificate from one of these courses and the only thing you’re going to accomplish are poor quality piercings and spreading of infection. Sterile practice alone takes months to learn. Not to mention everything else involved in being a good piercer.

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There are tons of people looking to break into the industry. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to get in through apprenticeships with reputable artists. An apprenticeship is not any easy experience but it teaches you a lot more than just piercing people. These courses may seem like a great shortcut but they’re not what you think. It’s frustrating when it’s your passion and you can’t get in. Those who are really passionate persevere and find the right path. The journey wasn’t easy for any of us but here we are. Of course, it stands to reason that you really shouldn’t go to anyone who completed one of these courses. Information contributed by the Conrad Feldman, Shawn Gillespie & the piercers at Beyond Body Modification

(The information provided here is meant to be informative only and should not be considered as a guide to piercing yourself and/or others. Find a good professional piercer.)

- Shawn Gillespie & Para-Noir

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Inspiration Sensation the look behinD “the

look” Back when Traditional Goths were a “thing” they drew their style inspiration from the music they listened to and from the artists they idolized. In fact, the label “Trad Goth” was created for them by the media and the “normal” society and they paid little attention to it, for some it became more of a joke than an actual label. Big influences on their style, be it hair, makeup or clothing, were bands such as Bauhaus, Siouxsie and The Banshees, The Sisters of Mercy, The Cure and The Velvet Underground. Since there were no retail

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stores selling “Gothic� clothing, they had to make do with what they could find in commercial stores. Trad Goth took many of their fashion styles from punk: fishnets, leather jackets, piercings and studded jewellery. They were the post-punk freaks. Their makeup was hugely inspired by Siouxsie Sioux, vocalist for Siouxsie and the Banshees. Below, is a very basic Trad Goth Stepby-step makeup tutorial:

Step 1: Start with a blank canvas. Take note that this can get messy and leave the clean-up until the very end!

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Step 2: This look was well known for its straight, dramatic and bold eyebrows. I drew a very rough shape using liquid eyeliner, but you can use a black eyebrow pencil as well. Note that if your brows are angled or have an arch, you're going to have to either broaden the straight brow, cover up your own brow, or tweeze the arched line. Step 3 Colour them with black eye shadow. Next draw a cat eye outline just below your bottom lash line, with a long tail extending to your temple and all along the crease of your upper lid. From corner to corner highlight your lower lash line white.

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Step 4: Finish up. Fill your cat eye with some black eye shadow and blend. I used a smudge brush to soften the lines but you can keep them sharp and solid if you so wish. Rock some red lips and you're done!! Happy painting, Folks!! By Roulette Seri



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Antirrinum Majus

Black Prince - Snapdragon Some contemporary witches believe this plant attracts dragon spirits (sylphs, fire elementals) that can help with the development of one's skills in divination. This flower was traditionally planted around the front of the British cottages to protect the inhabitants from witchcraft. This beautiful plant is also a very interesting plant, connected to many folktales. English folk planted snap dragons around the roof to prevent fire, and the grave of a legendary English dragon slayer was traditionally dressed with snapdragons.

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In Germany, these blooms were even believed to keep children safe from evil spirits if hung over their beds. How to Grow Snapdragon this is a Poisonous plant so proceed with caution.

Snapdragons are tough, easy

the plants flowering

to care for, and are planted


in summer for their lovely dragon-like flowers. They bloom continuously during the hot summer months.

And if you are not into the colour of the black prince these little gems bloom deep plums and purples, which in

Snapdragons thrive in humid

my opinion is perfect for

tropical and warm sub-

every Gothic Garden.

tropical conditions. They grow well throughout the country but are not suited to very dry summer regions, unless they can be watered well. Angelonia can take heat and full sun, but they will still flower in very light shade. These ‘toughies’ will even withstand heavy thunderstorms. They love sandy soils but will grow in all fertile, well-drained garden soils. Although the plants are drought tolerant and water-wise in tropical gardens, it is best to water moderately during dry spells. A monthly feeding will keep

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By Serephim Nereza

Question: I’ve been rebellious all my life, not caring what others think, especially the mainstream people, but since I've turned "more Goth" I’ve noticed that there are a lot of different opinions expressed about my

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lifestyle, and a lot of the misconceptions don't apply to me. I just want to ask: how can I deal with the worst of the judgmental people? I want to tear into them and argue, but I just feel like it makes things worse! Please help!

It must have taken you some time to come to terms with what your lifestyle is all about, and since other people’s criticism seems to matter to you, why not try and keep yours in mind about their lifestyles? I mean, we all have our opinions and not everyone will always agree with you, but in cases like these, it is best to just stay relaxed, collected and calm instead of biting their heads off. Unless you have some super intellectual questions to ask them which would just get their minds working in ways that they even did not know could happen… It is quite the defense mechanism which I have found rather indulging since I get a kick out of some peoples’ reactions. It deems us less rebellious and much more intellectual… 

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Question: How Goth am I? - I know there's lots of types of Gothic people, but I kind of don't fit in with one specific subculture, does this mean I'm not Goth or??? Sure I listen to the music classed as Goth, and I wear black and have boots etc., but I'm not exactly "Cyber Goth" or any of those I've seen on the Internet, and yes I have the Nyctophilia outlook on life, it's just that I just wonder if I can still call myself a true Goth? Dear one, there are some Goths who enjoy and find pleasure in being labeled as a certain type of Goth, while others, like myself, would have to come up with a term to try and define myself as I too doubt that there is a specific term for the “type” of Goth that I see myself to be… Maybe a freestyle/freelance Goth?

Which doesn’t exist I guess, yet it does not make me any less Goth than I really find myself to be. I still enjoy my gothic music, dress all black and wear heavy makeup at times, yet not every day, hence am I even Goth…? Truly the only way to give yourself credit for being a Goth is how you feel, what you think fits best for you…


Hi guys, I'm

generally a shy and antisocial person, but I want to get out there and see some Goth /metal bands live, and I want also to meet fellow dark minded people, any suggestions? Your best bet would be to just put yourself out there. Go to a local Goth club, start a conversation with someone which seems to fit what you are all about,

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which would be easy to spot since you know what you would be doing at a club etc. Sniff them out and hang with them, converse about music and up-coming events. That is the only way to broaden your circle… best of luck.

Technology has the means to benefit most aspects of our lives, yet people as always find the means to abuse it to suit their own unique excuses for being their pathetic selves.


So many things can be said about this, but they’re not of import at this given moment. Social media such as Facebook, Myspace and so many others exists for various reasons, but they’re used to bitch, to hate and to discriminate and at times to force our wills. You get people that constantly complain and moan about what they do not have, what they do not do or cannot do, why not complain about not doing what's required to get things?

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Simply put: why bitch about someone else having something you don't have when you can earn it? No two people are the same, so whether they got it for free or as a gift, you have no right to bitch about them having it. Do what is required to earn it instead of bitching about the difficulties that lie ahead. Stop using the crappy excuse of human behavior to justify cowardly excuses. Advice..., response or opinions... How many people slander things they hear from someone else about someone else? We bitch about that instead of bitching about them slandering others? Where's the justice in that? Especially when you bitch when it’s done to you afterwards? Opinions... Oh we love to speak our mind and lay claim to all the words; our tongues love to let loose without thinking or considering the consequences. We want

to be REAL and that's dominating others when the opportunity presents itself because power is so alluring, whereas people are people and being real means being an actual human being, treating people fair and with respect regardless of your feelings, but who am I saying this? We want to be real when we get to be all we can be, but when others do it, they’re a number of petty things you deep down really are: such as jealous, disrespectful, having a low moral compass... It’s simple. Instead of staying our tongues and just not saying anything, instead of not trying to be compassionate or caring, just keeping our mouths shut, we have to go about saying our piece because we deep down think our opinion matters that much because we've earned it. You should think again about what you've actually earned and just presumed you have claims to.

Let us not forget the friendship bond... Friendship is so vital, so

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important that it means we protect, cover up and do just about anything it takes to help a friend, and yes this is true, it’s called friendship... The Law is hard, but it is the Law, very few people agree with this, the same can be said for family and about family. When they slip up by choice or mistake we stand by them, but how many of these times is it to help them and how many times is it to cover for them, to further make them guilty and become accomplices because of the blood, family or friend bond, when has it become acceptable to wrong others? So, in our everyday life we preach to not wrong others, to rather help them and be there for them... We preach and teach this rhyme on a daily basis, but when one of those three cards gets played, this rhyme no longer matters? Since when? Since when has it become the right thing to do to help one who's guilty by screwing the victim or innocent party?

Have we as people fallen so far? Have we given up so much with the bullshit excuse that it’s just others guilty of this? Oh, this list can go on for pages of things we as everyday people are guilty of and I personally can probably write a series of this. When did we accept this? Or not this, but the crappy excuse that this is the real world? Last time I checked we can change the world, yet we're so set on just living it we don't care how crappy it goes because these problems aren't

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the ones we're dealing with... There's a saying that say we don't know our souls until they’re hurting, and it’s true, it’s another crappy thing we've just accepted blindly because it’s said and enforced by others...

Ladies and gentlemen, we do have the power to change things, but the change must start with who we are first. We can't save someone if we can't even save ourselves. We think we do, but in the long

run, we just screw ourselves more...These are hard but crappy topics, but they’re everywhere on a daily basis. I, Don, personally deal with many of these. I think they’re mostly petty but that's me and my not-so-social demeanor. Others don't share my perspectives on things, so it’s something to look at and to look over...

A firsthand experience has come up which I enjoyed immensely instead of seeing it as any sort of threat, because it came from a coward, a guilty and pathetic one. Yes, now I'm guilty of slandering, but instead of coming straight to me about the issue that's on the table, this said person chose to throw a tantrum like this person has done their entire lives because there's honestly a lack of so much that's vital to being a good person... Instead of facing or coming to me, this “brave” person threw this massive tantrum and ran to another select person creating a massive emotional issue,

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casting away every guilty choice leading to what has happened, and this select person, what is it that they do? Confront them about it? Any good friend, any real friend will do the right thing and tell their friend when they screw up or when they’re wrong. They do not help fabricate a crappy story to make me guilty of something I'd never even consider, they do not claim to know or be part of things that involves me which never occurred... And this only happened for one reason: cowardice which led to all of this. Names will not be named for obvious reasons but this shouldn't make it any less obvious... We are so eager, so happy to sacrifice what we are, what we can be for the idea of doing well, whether it’s really good or whether we think it’s good...

We are graced with technology and yes we don't always prefer or enjoy it, but we have it, we have access to it, but we squander it instead of using it to better whatever

we're able to better... We all know that this was never what we wanted; it was merely put in front of us and instead of fighting it, we either avoid it, ignore it, or pretend that it doesn't exist... We are all better than this, and we're all guilty. But none of us has any answer as to when we're going to start fixing it...


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Venting, ranting or just lettinG Go‌. The above are a mere example of terms and phrases we make use of to explain a following or upcoming event where we let go what's wrong or what's build up inside of us.

In no way is this wrong or a bad thing, but how we go about this does play a factor in several ways. For starters, where we choose to do this. Why? Letting go isn't a weakness, but it’s in most cases when we feel weak and have to blow off steam and let out what's been building up on the inside, so it is safe to assume that we vent because we feel weak at that particular moment and have to let go. Now this can either

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be due to anger that built to proportions where you were ready to 'blow your top' or as a result of something that made you emotionally sad or disappointed.

What we never should cast aside is that things can always get worse; and in this case it would be better to vent to a trustworthy person, or in the confines of privacy. People will use what they have against you at the earliest leisure it will benefit them; furthermore people will act upon weakness ,seeing you either angry beyond reason or sad and blue are both keys for them to use against you. This, however, may not always be the case, but it is always a possibility, especially with today’s life where everything is virtual and online. We do not always see the small lines connecting us to others. We may not know someone, but they get to know us through an intermediary, such as a mutual friend, for example. Now this right here isn't something we

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take into consideration. How many can say that they've said something that all the wrong people heard or know, and wondered how exactly this happened? We often overlook the small mistakes we ourselves make where privacy comes in. A vital note of importance to try and remember is; it’s when we feel at our lowest or angriest that we should stop, and consider what we're about to do, simply because it’s during this time that we do stupid, reckless or regrettable things, and that's usually because we've allowed our emotions to get the better of us. What we should remember is, that we are the masters of our lives, not our emotions. We may share the same body, but we have the control, we

get to choose. It does require discipline and willpower to stay calm when under stress, but it’s something we can teach ourselves. In fact, those are things we can exercise ourselves on a daily basis. It’s merely a matter of wanting to do that, wanting to be stronger where 'visually' it matters less. This, however, ties into an entirely deeper aspect which we can name selfcontrol, but that is not the focus of this article. You are welcome to send in questions should you have any.

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Another important aspect that plays a major role into venting… How do we go about saying “I've had enough?” Do we storm out, find the nearest bar and get wasted? Do we set out to find a stronger controlled substance such as narcotics, or do we phone some friends to go on a joyride which ends in doing stupid things? These are a few examples, key ones, because they are usually the popular choices when people choose action as a release mechanism. There are various ways in venting. Some do it loudly, stating what they feel right then and there, regardless of who hears what, whether they need to or not. How does matter, because it will either postpone the issue, prolong it or worsen it. This step relies on an element I mentioned above: letting

our emotions control us, letting them dictate and get the better of us. Getting so angry that we don't care and grab the closest bottle of brandy, for example. That is in no way a solution, sure it is as most would say, it helps one forget for the moment, but realistically, what's forgetting for the moment really, when the problem is simply going to be there once the alcohol has left your system? Taking out your anger on someone else, how does harming someone else make your problem better? Being so down, or disappointed that we feel the need for drugs? Getting pilled that we simply do not care what comes or goes? Yelling and going off at others like some crazed person, how does any of this help you really? Now there's a lot of debate on some of these

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'elements' I mentioned. But let me state this; in the long term you want happiness, you want that fancy car, that big house, the wealth and good life, now those are all long term things to acquire, yet issues you choose to resolve with short term resolvers? It makes no sense; they are excuses we have programmed ourselves as worthy and acceptable through various means, for example that others do so, that we enjoy the activity, or more serious reasons. These are things that can be traced to your emotions again, be they anger, or sadness, enjoyment such as enjoying the specific activity. The thing is we will create an excuse to justify what we feel is right whether it’s right or not, especially when approached by it. It is up

to us as individuals to choose to find a better way instead of saying we're happy like this, when in fact it’s not us who are happy, it’s the illusion of the circumstance that makes us think we're happy.

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Why? (Now this reason right here says and asks a lot.) Why are we venting? Because we've reached our point? Are we about to snap or crack? Or are we fed up with current standings on how things play out and we intend to find a better way, or is it because of someone? Do we want to get back at them, or do we want to obtain something? What is our intentions of venting? Now this opens a lot of questions, of which only a select few will be covered, but as I stated, you are welcome to ask any questions you may have. Letting go because we've reached a limit is human and required, keeping things bottled up inside only worsens the issue. What is important is where and how... Serious matters are best left to privacy and trusted friends or

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family members. Letting go of information because you were angrier at someone than before to ruin something for them, or to degrade them; this doesn't solve any issue except for proving that you are in no way a good person for doing that. Breaking others down to gain a lead over them isn't business, nor a competition, those are excuses we deemed worthy and acceptable to mistreat and abuse others. Because someone says it, or does it, does not make it right, remember this. Foundations are either build to last, or build with loop holes and those crumble at the first hardship taking place, so a “why� always matters. Acquiring something or someone, by not doing it the right way means you didn't work hard for it, you didn't earn it, so you won't

appreciate it, nor ever know the true value of it. Working for something or someone requires knowing what you’re working for and how to obtain or earn it or them, requiring patience and discipline for starters. How many times do we vent because we're angry at someone? Whether they wronged us or someone we care for? How we deal with that does matter, once more, it’s when we allow our emotions more control that we overlook this reasoning right here. Doing the wrong thing for the right reason doesn't make it right. A saying I grew up with was: To go fast we need to go slow; which makes little sense unless you go slow and look at it. We often rush to get things done, which leads us to making mistakes which

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costs time to fix and redo. We overlook things which require time to complete. We skip things and we do things improperly and at the end of the day, we wasted more time than we tried to spare, whereas going slow gave us all the patience we required to do a quality job doing things the right way, sparing us coming back. This topic is open for discussion, it has quite a few openings for elaboration, but I leave that open to you. As always, should you have any questions, you’re welcome to email us at

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Poetry & Literature

Poetry: Song of Exile We are the battered and beaten Our insides discarded, our brains eaten Fear for our existence, fear for a new life Murdering our kind, our children and wives Seeking refuge from the people we now despise Seeking freedom, seeking this refuge, our demise I sing a song of home A song cast in stone We sing a song in our heart so vile This is our song of exile We all bleed the same

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We all share the land you claim We all die, in the burning flame To dub us outcasts is your shame We do not take what you earned We merely adapt to the bridges burned We do not steal, rape and murder We merely adapt to teach and nurture Accept us now, take us in Find the peace you so desperately need within Brokenness, cannot mend the broken Feeble tales of a damaged soul Don’t drag us down, don’t let us fall

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Trapped in a mortal shell Human race, infections of self-control Laced with lies, deceit and the need to console Great sadness, depression, darkness Lingering violence deemed harmless Spiritless in a body fragile Frustration deemed me hostile The power rises and there’s no contestation Like a demon, I am stuck with infestation Waiting on my destruction, my damnation Hoping for relief, my only way is mutilation Immortal, trapped in a mortal shell Dragged my spirit victoriously to hell Reincarnated by the ones I so loved Cast away, into brimstone I was shoved Abandoned by all hope Tangled by a noosed rope Discarded by the Angels dangling down on strings Tossed in the abyss, sacrificed with clipped wings

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By Para-Noir

Falling in Reverse She was poison, or so he said. He named her rose, because like all roses she was beautiful but she had thorns, big black poisonous thorns. She knew what men wanted; even more she knew what she wanted. She had a beautiful mind, twisted and sick, but beautiful amongst other things. She danced, oh how she danced. She didn’t even need music; her presence was enough to make everyone move with her rhythm of being. He used to love the way she was more into animals than people. Everyone loved her, how couldn’t they? She was warm like the smile she always wore. But he knew, he knew how she would only endure a conversation with people for a few minutes before making up some excuse to leave. The person would go on remembering the moment they spent with Rose. She always left an internal scar of warmth in anybody she interacted with. However she could spend hours talking to her cats and as crazy as it seems he was sure they knew what she was saying and how much she loved them. Rose never had the need for clubs and socializing, instead she stayed at home with vintage books and one of her cats on her lap. She would acknowledge his presence with a glare over her book into his eyes and when he saw the green in her eyes, a wave of calmness would wash over his entire being. He loved the way Rose woke up early to see the sun rise every morning, even on

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those cold winter mornings he will find her on the porch with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands. She will be staring at the sky with empty eyes. This always bothered him in some way, how can a girl who brings so much joy into this world be so empty within her own world? She painted on the days where she felt more creative. She never painted definite figures; it was more outlines of dark figures that resembled the creatures she always screamed about in the middle of night. She won many awards and prizes for her paintings. Rose never cared much for these awards to her. Her paintings were more than art; they were a reflection of something more sinister within her. He sometimes felt like he was delusional, how can Rose have anything other than warmth, love and compassion within her? One day Rose changed, she stopped reading, she threw her paintings in a bon fire that she made in the back yard. She just sat there for an hour staring at the ashes of what once was a beautiful form self-expression. He decide to go and sit next to Rose and for the first time she opened up, she cried, she screamed, and she had moments of silence. He sat there simply looking at her and knowing he would never be able to find the right words to fill the dark hole in Rose. Just then it hit him, what if Rose does not want the dark hole to be filled up? What if Rose struggles with not being able to embrace this darker side of her? What if Rose was never able to live the way she wanted to live? Rose went inside. Tears have dried on her cheeks causing a very uncomfortable crackling feeling. She left it like that.

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In some way it felt better now that she was able to let everything out. Rose looked at her cats. Oh! How she loved her cats. They knew everything, even more than what he knew. They will always know everything. That is what she loves about animals. They listen to you and they never let you down. As Rose walked into her room she smelt the old books on the bookshelf. She hasn’t read for over two months now. She looked outside. He was still sitting there by the bon fire, which was busy dying out, and soon everything will be ashes and forgotten. Nobody will ever look at those ashes and know that a part within her has died and it will never come back. He was just sitting there probably taking in all that has just been said by her. A rush of anger come over her. How could she have let him know about her self-destruction habits? Now he will forever have that piece of her with him. It was selfish of her to allow this burden upon him. She walked up to the mirror and as she looked into the mirror and opened her eyes Rose was gone and it was Me and He was my way of coping with myself, He never existed and Rose has won.

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Facebook: m/ParaNoir380436515460123/timeline/ ?ref=hl Wordpress: ts/day/paranoir93.wordpr

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Reviews Traditionally Bela!

“Can you play Bela Lugosi’s Dead?” She asked the DJ. Now, the funny thing is I was standing right behind her ready to request another Bauhaus song. So instead of making my request I

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simply walked away and her ‘original’ request got me thinking. Why would you go to a club to request a song that you play in your room a million times, that makes all the other goths in the club go ‘ugh’, and lastly, a song that the DJ has played twice before… in the same night! It is possible that it is simply tradition, I mean, of course it is! Let’s take Bela Lugosi’s performance in

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Dracula (1931), directed by Tom Browning- pure dark magic! If it’s one thing actors from this period knew how to do, they knew how to use their faces to convey feelings so pure and true. This film has no score so if you want to give it a go, be prepared for a strange lack of detail, but, once you lock onto character emotion and the voice of Dracula, you will be hooked.

Based on the novel by Bram Stoker, Dracula wishes to have a little bite of Mina Murray. The 1931 vampiric offering does not stick to the book so try your best not to compare too much. I notice with these old classics, horror aficionados either love or steer clear of them. Bela Lugosi sure does live on. Motionless in White track, We Only Come out at Night, opens with Dracula quote: “Listen to

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them, children of the night, what music they make”. While Ed Wood (1994), directed by Tim Burton, has a big slice of Bela Lugosi pie. The Duff (2015), directed by Ari Sandal, shocked me when lead actress threw some Bela references into a dull ‘not another teen movie’.

It is no secret that I make it my mission to watch this movie every Halloween

whether I find it thrilling or not, sometimes substituting it for Bram Stoker’s Dracula (just for that KeanuWynona dose). The next time I go to a club, I’ve decided not to roll my eyes every time the Bela Lugosi song plays. You know, I might just dance to all of them, I hope you do too.

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Contacts and Web Presence The Society Magazine has spread quite a bit since it launched, keeping to the promise of bringing Goth to all Goths, and doing that by spreading far and wide. First off, copies of the magazine can be found here, @ wmag The official Facebook Page for the magazine can be found here @ file.php?id=7162863517442 42 The magazine has an official Facebook page covering its Health and Beauty, Hair and Makeup and Fashion Categories which can be found here @

122 | P a g e AGSHealthandBeauty The support column and group names Life's Thorns and its Consulting the Seers category can be found here @ file.php?id=1439109419722 300 The Magazine also has an official WordPress Blog where the editors will share upcoming teasers, insider information and updates regarding the magazine which can be found here @ https://sagssocietymagazi The Black Vault, our bizarre, strange and horror category owns a blog on Tumblr which can be found here @ http://southafricangothics

Please also feel free to email us at the following addresses: Don van Deventer: Marketing Editor m Don van Deventer : Editor Lena Judkins: Publishing Editor Ross Fisher: Proof Editor Don van Deventer: Life’s Thorns Editor m Roche Coetsee: Hair & Makeup Editor Shandre Dalais: Reviews Editor Annari du Plessis: Health & Beauty Editor Frankie Gough: Body Modification

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Editorbodymod.sags@gm Annari du Plessis: Gauteng Events Editor: m Office Lena Judkins: Poetry & Literature Editor Complaints m

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