Living in
The Overflow
Life in the overflow of the Holy Spirit - [we have become] We have been justified by faith unto good works prepared for us by God (Gal 2:16). We have objectives to fulfil for the Kingdom of God. God’s Spirit is available to us in unlimited measure God will pour into us as long as we are willing and available to be filled by Him. He wants to fully inhabit the temple of our lives. Let us say we are like a well; then we are 6
April - June 2020
meant to be filled with good, clean water fit for purpose. My deepest desire is to see ALL the saints/the Ecclesia come into this reality in the Kingdom of God. God explained it to me in a picture of a well being so deeply dug that it is filled to overflowing from a wellspring that bubbles up from underground. It keeps the well pure and the water free of contaminants.
Since the water is churning with life there is no possibility of it becoming stagnant; it spurts out and over like a fountain onto everything that is close by. This is a picture of God’s desire for you and me. The question is how deeply have we dug our wells and are they flowing freely? If not, what is blocking up our wells?