SHARE Magazine says goodby to its published hard copy format and goes fuylly digital. Join us on SHARExtra to read our writer’s blogs.

Also visit where you can stream topical discussions on demand.
Oct 2022

SHARE Magazine says goodby to its published hard copy format and goes fuylly digital. Join us on SHARExtra to read our writer’s blogs.
Also visit where you can stream topical discussions on demand.
Oct 2022
AAs we seek Your face Lord, we realized that part of our mandate on earth is to go and to make disciples of all nations teaching them to observe the things that Jesus did. Jesus gave instructions to His disciples to go to all nations. He assured them that He would be with them even unto the end of the age. This ‘Great Commission’ is an important part of our lives as believers.
In Matthew Chapter 4:18-22 Jesus called His disciples to be with Him so that He could make them fishers of men. They immediately followed Jesus. We should also do the same!
We should go because this is the will of the Lord for our lives. This call was to preach and teach about the Kingdom of God, to deliver men from sin and bondage and to cause them to
be translated into the Kingdom of God. The scriptures say that the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise (Prov. 11:30). The whole earth is groaning and waiting on our manifestation to deliver them. Let’s go!!
The call to go was not only for the disciples, it was for us. This involves a decision and willingness on our part. It means that our priorities have to be right if we are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We need a mindset that is not conformed to this world but is transformed by the renewal of our minds, that by testing we may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Rom. 12:2). We will go!!
Lord, we thank you that of all the people in this world, You have
chosen us to go and bring the good news of Your Kingdom to a lost world. Thank You for Your love for the lost and for the Spirit of unity prevailing among us. Lord, give us a willing and obedient heart to carry out this mission. Give us wisdom, knowledge and understanding as we go. We ask for the Spirit of discernment to be able to know good from evil and to take the appropriate actions.
Thank You for the Spirit of boldness, knowing that You have not given us a spirit of fear, but one of love, power and a sound mind. We pray that Your word will be quick, powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb 4:12). As we go, we pray that lives will be transformed by Your Spirit oh, Lord; as You prepare hearts to receive You through us in Jesus name. We pray for your will to be done and your Kingdom to come in Jesus name, Amen! p
Taking the Next Step 6 A message from the founder Developing Writers 8 An endorsement from Jennifer Williams
In the Beginning & Now 10 A message from Dr. C. B. Peter Morgan
Tributes 14 - 16
Jo-Ann Richards-Goffe
Lisa Wilson
Maureen Hanson David Ferguson Cheryl A. Williams Teddy A. Jones Tony Bryce
Video Tributes 17
Khainne Berry Sharon Bett
Yvonne Chin Amoni Foster
Judane Hemmings Sashell Mckayle
Rev Christine Nelson
Anya-Jean Phillips
Shantell Stobbs
Abigail Tyrell
Tanya Walker Natasha Wyer
Testimonials 18 - 25
From Karen Daley
Suyin Sutherland
June Alecia Cooper
Dr. Joel Brown Barbara Payne
Did you Know? 26 Leadership is… World in View 28 CBDCs and the Mark of the Beast
#YouthSHARE - Mentoring our Millennials 32 Message from our Team Members
THINK - Film 34 A Jazzman’s Blues - A Netflix original
Poem: Ministering to the Millennials 36
By Jennifer Williams
In Praise of Hymn 38 We’ve Come this Far by Faith
SHARE MAGAZINE is a FREE Christian quarterly that deals with challenging Christian topics that have been mostly ignored or left unanswered. The magazine includes written articles, poems and thoughts etc. Read our online version at www. where you can go to our blog to discuss articles or order a printed version. If you would like to submit articles, join our writers group, or to get involved in any other way kindly email us. SHARE MAGAZINE is produced by Select Arrow, the publishing arm of United In Christ charity number 1140448.
Throughout this magazine the editor & contributors seek to present a balanced and accurate view of Scripture’s teaching. We are all on a journey of studying and understanding God’s Word. Because of this, all we can offer is as balanced an understanding as the Holy Spirit has offered us at this time. The views or opinions represented in this publication are personal to each of our contributors and may not fully represent those of any other contributor or editor.
Some writers may use UK spelling while others may use US spelling as our writers are from different regions of the world.
All the adverts in this magazine are from Christian organisations. Kindly consider supporting those who advertise with us. For more details on advertising costs etc. go to: thesharemagazine. com/advertise-with-us/
WWe thank God for this past decade marked with faith, growth, perseverance, and grace. Also, we thank you our faithful readers /faith partners, for without you it would have been miserable but your love, prayers and support has kept us going.
Share Magazine began in 2012, when our founder and then Chairman Homer A. Slack was moved by God to find another effective way to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ out to as many people as possible. There was tremendous biblical illiteracy; people were just not reading the Bible and though ‘born again’ or church attending, they were not experiencing spiritual growth. We believe that the only antidote for these symptoms is copious amounts of the word of God, but in a format that is simple, accessible and more digestible. Two issues were published before I came on board in 2014. The magazine changed its format and scope and has continued to evolve to meet the needs of its readers with each successive issue.
Something that is significant to note about this publication is its biographical nature. As our team of voluntary writers and contributors pour out of their overflow we are reading the pages of their lives. It is this authentic, real-time effect that I believe that sets our publication apart. SHARE has never been afraid to tackle hard topics as we always saw it as a personal challenge for growth. You can track our personal growth by following our successive issues. We literally share the light that we are presently standing on as we grow in our faith. We don’t always
have the answers but we sure have the determination like the Bereans of yore, to delve into the research and through consensus and prayer find the truth.
Subsequently, each issue has a prophetic element as we tap into what the Holy Spirit is saying to us personally, we realise that as a part of the Church globally, we are flowing into that general stream of consciousness. Above all, our focus has been to maintain the purity of the Gospel truth that Jesus Christ taught and that the Apostles promulgated throughout the world. This is a faithful tradition laid down by our forebears and we treat it with reverence as we are cognisant of the heritage of the Gospel; the martyrdom and persecutions that many have suffered to pass it on to us is remarkable.
2022 going forward marks the decade for us to pass on the baton, prepare the Millennials for the work of evangelism and gospel teaching. The challenge that lies before us is to find new and effective ways to engage the Millennials to take up the baton and to inspire them enough to pass it on to Generation Z.
So, we have pivoted towards a more multimedia format in the case of YOUTHShare.Live a live streamed talk show discussing topical content that reflects the needs of the millennials. This has expanded into a global reach and with youth teams slowly developing. The goal is to see this format grow.
This means that we will suspend the printed format and we will lift the message from the pages and bring it to you on demand digitally. We have also opened the SHARE Extra Blog to all our contributors and invite more to join in sharing the burning word they have or to engage in lively debates online regarding topical issues. We are always looking for contributors, content creators, web designers, graphic artists and digital/ copy editors.
We must by all means, pass on this legacy and by doing so we have to invest in our youth and get them ready to run their leg of the race. The lanes of communication today are social media driven and we must hold our own in order to preserve our progeny.
Zechariah 4:7 The Voice
“Who are you, O mighty mountain of opposition? Before Zerubbabel, you will become nothing more than a smooth plain, and he will quarry the capstone and bring it out to the sound of people shouting, ‘God, grant it Your grace! God bless it!’” In God we can take that Media Mountain!
Let us continue to SHARE Truth [and see God] Change Lives! p
Love as always,
Israel could not give up the certainties of slavery for the uncertainties of freedom
CCrossing the threshold into 2023 marks SHARE Magazine’s entry into its tenth year. Our first magazine TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday) was published in June 2013. Our first printed magazine was entitled ‘Still a Pig?’ and was the first issue of 2014. Our journey from there to this point reminds me of Israel arriving at the borders of the promised land. Reflecting on their journey from Egypt is a very useful activity for all those on the Christian journey as we are.
First Phase: Israel left Egypt after 400 years, they were slaves for most of that time. They won their freedom to leave on the night of the Passover when the angel of death killed all the first born sons of Egypt. Israel wasn’t affected because they applied the blood of the lamb over their doors and windows as God instructed. This was a foreshadowing of our salvation from the slavery of sin and out of a condemned world by the blood of Jesus.
Second Phase: Israel was now free, out of Egypt and on their journey through the wilderness. The wilderness was meant to purge Egypt out of Israel’s system as the rudiments and challenges of this life are meant to flush the world and its practices out of our
system. This was where Israel failed as many of us today do. This epic failure was compounded by Israel actually making plans to return to Egypt. Numbers 14:1-4
Problem: Israel could not give up the certainties of slavery for the uncertainties of freedom. This was a catastrophic failure of faith. They found more security in the routines of their slavery than in the promises of God. In Egypt they were ruled by a structured government system and had the protection of the Egyptian army. They had a market day, a cleaning day, a get to and a leave work time and a fixed address they called home. None of this existed in the wilderness; they would need to fully trust and rely on God daily.
“Receiving their bread from us the people will clearly see that we take the bread from them to give it beck to them and they will be only too glad to have it so, as it will deliver them from their greatest anxiety and torture - that of having to decide freely for themselves. Never was there anything more unbearable to the human race than personal freedom.” Dostoevsky’s, The Grand Inquisitor.
How sad and dangerous it is when a people have become so fearful, faithless and mindless that they will accept the abuses of slavery for a handout rather than do the hard work that freedom and independence requires i.e. thinking, believing and creating. The Church is at this very place today where, like perpetual infants, we lie on our backs and cry ‘feed me, feed me even if your doctrine will enslave me please feed me’ but refuse to lift a page of the Bible to read and feed ourselves.
It came as a great shock to me when, after many years believing Israel was lost in the wilderness for 40 years, I discovered otherwise. It was not because Israel was lost why they did not enter the promised land but because they were stiff necked and blatantly refused to go in.
Third and Final Phase: God intended to take Israel into a land flowing with milk and honey as the third and final phase of their journey. Those who left Egypt however, did not make it into the promised land because they failed at phase two. The spies reported giants in the land and that further terrified a nation that was already struggling with doubt.
If we don’t have enough faith and flexibility to take on the next phase where God is leading, fully trusting Him to provide, protect and direct, we will not taste the milk and honey in the place of the fulfilment of God’s promises.
This ten year marker for the SHARE Magazine represents our entry into the next phase. As a team we must be able to drop whatever we relied on in the past and fully embrace by faith where God is taking us. The place of purging in the wilderness is meant to be followed by the place of reward. We will get there, if we can trust the God who brought us this far. Our challenge is to be a Joshua or Caleb who believed God’s promise to drive out their enemies ahead of them. By faith, let us together embrace the next phase. Come what may, let the will and work of God be done. p
Yours in Christ, Homer A. Slack (Founder)
II use this medium to offer an endorsement for the celebration of the tenth anniversary of Share Magazine produced by Homer and Angela Slack. I started writing articles in the SHARE Magazine late 2020 and I found it enriching. I must say that it is a timely and comprehensive magazine written by several authors and it covers numerous subject areas relevant for the Twenty-First Century. This magazine is written in simple language and is thematic in nature which allows a greater appreciation for each issue. The articles cover children, youth, women, sexuality domestic abuse, singleness and many more issues.
The magazine is a gem, and it can be read in online format as well as it can be printed by those who desire same. It is designed ‘to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all as it addresses relevant and pertinent Christian issues with solid bible-based articles that will inform and equip God’s people to live the Christian life and to do the
work of the ministry.’ Based on the aim of the magazine, it also helps to discover new Christian literary and journalistic talent and provides a space through which many may develop their writing skills. I have benefitted from this privilege and looked forward to each issue as well as to contributing articles. The Magazine allows Christians to have good and wholesome literature to read as it touches subject areas that are sometimes popular or not so popular or may even seem controversial. In the end the word of the Lord is what prevailed.
It is clear that God uses simple faith and ordinary people sometimes to show His love, mercy, grace, provision, understanding, comfort, protection, guidance and His Will for mankind. The prose, poems, songs and stories in the magazine reveal the heart of Father God for His people and His original purpose for them which has never changed over the years.
This magazine captures the
essence of what people go through and how they navigated their way as they shape lives, save lives, give direction and influence others and trust the Lord. The hand of the Lord is at work in this magazine. The real-life stories and testimonies of people who were either saved or delivered by the Lord is amazing. It brings people’s lives and stories into present reality, thus showing that the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever.
I have been touched by the many subject areas covered by this magazine. It is a must read! I fully endorse this magazine and encourage others to even read the back issues which are still relevant today. God bless SHARE Magazine and its producers. All the best as you leave a legacy for persons of all ages over the last ten years p
II wonder, if these charges were brought against us in a court of law, would we be found guilty?
It is commonly held, at least in traditional religious circles, that the Heavens and the Earth were created by God. They both reflected His glory and His handiwork, “The Heavens declare the glory of God and the Earth manifests His handiwork.” (Psa.19:1)
Although His creation was self-sustainable, it required management to guard it and to steer its development in keeping with the will and purpose of its Creator. Hence God created mankind to steward and to govern it. And man was made in the “image and likeness” of God. (To borrow an expression from my son, Pastor Christopher Morgan, we were made with the DNA of God i.e. with the “Divine Nature Attributes”.)
As the Biblical narrative goes, we were placed in an idyllic garden with all that was needed for our wellbeing, and all that was required to ensure our stewardship in the governmental development of the environment.
But something went wrong. Man was deceived into believing that he could go it alone without God. He knew that he had in him the
very nature of God and possessed much of the ability of God. Indeed, He never lost the potential and the capacity to be visionary, creative and purposeful. Unfortunately, he assumed himself to be a god, pursuing all his goals for his own sake and toward his own end. The rest is history!
Everything that man creates, initiates, produces and organizes looks like a marvel and a great wonder. Indeed, “There is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof are the ways of death.” So the narrative records, “Every imagination of the heart of man is evil continually.” This is true in man’s domestic life, his social communities, his townships, cities and nations.
History has left behind the artifacts of Empires, Kingdoms and Civilizations which have become empty and fully depleted. Man made in the “image and likeness of God” has become a self-deceived, disoriented, disillusioned, despairing and self-destructive creature.
But God made provision for man’s redemption from sin and reconciliation with the FatherCreator. He would be restored to fulfil his stewardship role over creation and mandated to govern nations but only within the will and
purpose of God.
It is in this context and for this purpose that the Church was established, or more precisely, the “Ekklesia” community. To them was given “the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven”. This was a judicial and governmental authority entrusted to God’s “New Creation” saints. They are now possessed by the indwelling Spirit and Nature of Christ to steward the earth as in the beginning. Jesus stated it emphatically:
“Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you lose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matt.16:18)
This mandate was effectively initiated by Christ and left to be completed by His “Ekklesia”, as outlined in the prophetic promise recorded in Isaiah 61. Hence in the inauguration declaration of His ministry, He announced:
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; and to declare the acceptable year of the Lord.” (Lk.4:18-19a)
“These who have turned the world upside down have come here too…” (Acts
Is this the time to be
Dearest friends, I have been so busy that you haven’t seen my writings lately. I could not miss this opportunity to congratulate Homer, Angela and the SHARE Magazine team on doing this work for 10 years!
Where did the time go? This “baby” has somehow skipped the teenage years and grown into a full fledged “adult”. As I listened to the Lord carefully this is what I would impart for the following years to come:
It Is Time To Respond To The Call We’ve heard this word spoken so eloquently at times and at others with fiery passion that stirred the fear of the Lord within us. We need to respond thus…
“Yes Lord, have your way, let ONLY your will be done and your kingdom come. I surrender everything. Bless me Father and make me a blessing. Thank you Father that you not only hear but you answer my prayers. Amen”
When we say we surrender all
may we continue to live the Spirit led and Spirit filled life, no longer being led by the enemy’s hook of “how we feel” in the dimension of the soul realm.
May our response be based purely on faith and the absolute love for God. We cannot any longer wait for circumstances to be just right. After all faith is taking a step beyond limitations and adversity. Faith will cause one to move against the current.
Here is the biblical definition of faith found in Hebrews 11:1-3
I will use the New Living Translation for these particular verses.
1 Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. 2 Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation.
3 By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.
The absolute assurance that God will do what he said he would
do, and absolutely nothing is impossible for him to do.
Yes Lord, we move out in Faith!
Yet, there are still some who have done all that God requires and may be in the waiting season. Be encouraged, continue to wait. God is always on-time, He is never late. There will always be something that we need to wait in God’s presence about. These waiting seasons cause us to depend on God and keep us in the place of humility. Be assured He’s coming through for you and He will reward you in proportion to your waiting. Amen?
May these few words bless you and encourage you as you begin this new wonderful leg of the journey. Walk Good in Christ,’till we meet again! p
It has been such an honour and a pleasure to be a part of the SHARE Magazine team as a writer! My first exposure to the magazine told me that here was a publication that was not dealing with surface matters. The SelectArrow team is committed to meeting people where they are and dealing with the deep issues of spirit and life.
Congratulations on your first 10 years, and we look forward to the next 10 years. Onwards and upwards as you strive to complete the mission God has placed before you!
CREW 40:4 Kingston, Jamaica.
I think SHARE Magazine has been like an oasis in the desert. It has that rare combination of being edgy, relevant and Christian. It is easily shareable and really addresses real world issues to which people across different generations and cultures can relate.
I value the work because it’s writers and editors/producers are not afraid to boldly tackle matters of life that the Church, that us as Christians sometimes publicly avoid or are often silent on. A plus too, is that it aims to do so in creative ways, which makes the magazine engaging. SHARE Magazine is a vision, SHARE is on a mission, SHARE is about transformation. May the work continue to be water in dry and weary lands. Soli Deo Gloria!
Lisa Wilson, South Africa
Ten years, what a celebration! I write to congratulate the Founders and Senior Editors, Homer and Angela Slack of SHARE Magazine on achieving ten years in the production of a magazine relevant to our time.
Receiving a copy of SHARE Magazine and digging into its depth one’s vision increased and one’s faith grew exponentially with the level of teaching deeply embedded in scripture. One couldn’t but be impressed at Homer and Angela’s dedication to the vision, never wavering in the volume of production and the back breaking effort to meet each deadline.
Thank you both for sharing your vision through the printed word, a moment that has suddenly become ten years of related topics, life, and blessing. From a grateful recipient of the joy of SHARE Magazine.
Maureen Hanson, Retired Pastor, Grimsby Town, UK
There are times that you can recognize the ethos of a group or community of people based on their passion and focus. SHARE Magazine has always pursued the place of being on the pulse of what people (normally but not limited to the youth) are challenged with. They have always sought to bring godly solutions to those challenges.
Congratulations SHARE Magazine on being a consistent and relevant voice for the last 10 years. May you continue to be successful in your pursuit of godliness and help to mentor and raise up more persons to carry the torch that God lit through you.
Yours in His Service, Pastor David Ferguson Reconciliation Church Community Florida, USA.
Public Theologian and Marketplace Minister, Dr. Dior Forster of South Africa shared with us in class, “The Message of the Bible remains unchanged but it is in constant need of being forwarded to a new address.” I absolutely concur as I watch the fluidity of the postmodern world. Any serious conversation about reaching the Millennials and Generation Z in particular must grapple with the rapid pace of change which Social Media has heralded.
This is the context in which SHARE Magazine has emerged as a thought leader and agent of change. By bringing the message of hope contained in the Scriptures to the new address the magazine has ensured that there is a reduction in the gap.
In this regard I salute and congratulate the team at SHARE Magazine for rising to the fore and maintaining a high calibre of excellence to not only attract but sustain the attention of their target audience. Congratulations and Godspeed for much more impact.
With Warm Regards, Rev. Teddy A. Jones, “Coach TJ” Kingston, Jamaica.
It has been an absolute pleasure to be a part of Share Magazine over the last 3 years as a writer/ contributor. This is the first magazine of its type that I am aware of. The articles, live discussions and trainings are extremely important for the time we are living in. I am thankful to Homer and Angela Slack for being obedient to the calling on their lives and doing their part to ensure that the next generation has the truth which saves lives.
As SHARE Magazine celebrates it’s 10th anniversary, my prayer is that it would expand and reach billions in the years to come.
Yours in Christ, Cheryl A. Williams (Author, Educator) Alberta, Canada.
It is my privilege to recognise and celebrate the 10th Anniversary of SHARE Magazine. Such a milestone!
As a recent recipient and contributor, I particularly appreciate the biblical perspectives it affirms and the breath of coverage given to each salient theme. Each article whet my appetite and left me with a taste of the subject and a desire to delve deeper. Alongside such helpful content, are eye-catching graphics that represent each theme poignantly. It is obvious to me when I turn the pages of the SHARE Magazine, that good hearts, knowledgeable minds and skilful hands have been at work.
I pray that the SHARE Magazine continues to have reach and influence on hearts and minds. May this good work go from strength to strength and from glory to glory.
Every blessing to the creators and contributors.
Pastor Tony Bryce Olive Branch Community Church Bradford.
AA few years ago, I was asked by Homer and Angela to write a 500word excerpt for publication in the SHARE Magazine. I was totally caught off guard, and was very reluctant. In school, I always felt challenged when asked to write. I believed I lacked the intellect and confidence to fulfill such a task. However, I took on the challenge. On my first attempt, I rewrote the
text at least a thousand times. But it was through this first experience that I was taught how to depend more on the Holy Spirit; and, as a result, the writing became less challenging and very interesting. Again, I was asked to write another. This excerpt spurred a greater challenge that I did not know would change my life completely.
It is through the penning of this excerpt that God revealed His desire for me to draw closer to Him. First, He revealed the deepest secrets of my heart; then, led me to repentance and ultimately to rest in the opportunity of having an intimate relationship with Him. I am grateful that Homer and Angela were obedient in their call to develop the SHARE Magazine, a medium that God
has used to unveil the creative mind that he has instilled in all of its contributors. Homer and Angela, congratulations on 10 years of producing the SHARE Magazine! My prayer is that God will continue to bless your ministry as He uses it to inspire others to discover their creativity, in the same way it has inspired me. To Him be all the Glory, Honor and Praise. p
In His Love and Service, Karen. Be Blessed
Karen Daley, mother, cake artist, event planner and amateur to inspirational penning as led by the Holy Spirit.
“On my first attempt, I rewrote the text at least a thousand times”
“Whaaat? No, no, I can’t do that!”
That was my initial (and subsequent) response to Angela whenever she asked me to write an article for the SHARE Magazine. Finally, through a lot of encouragement and Angela nudging me on, I managed to write up an article, thinking that once she read it, she will soon realise that I am not the right person, and she will then not ask me anymore.
So to my utter surprise, she said, “it wasn’t too bad, the content is good, it just needs a bit of tweaking,” and even more surprisingly, later on I learnt that it did bless people who read it. This readership feedback really made me take my writing seriously. That was the start of my journey into the SHARE Magazine. Even though I was first led, kicking and dragged to the water, to dip and taste it. I often doubted myself
but Angela knew the topics closest to my heart, and thus I felt a bit more comfortable with the assignments that she asked to me to write on a regular basis.
Through Angela’s literary guidance, reassurance and her inspiration, I have found that I have tasted the sweetness of the water, of writing, and it was very refreshing. SHARE gave
me this platform for which I will be eternally grateful. I have to admit that I felt that my voice was heard, and that I actually could express some of my own thoughts. What a wonderful experience it has been for me!
According to my dear editor, Angela, I have much, more to say. So, I will carry on trusting her judgement and I will do my best to remain close
to the Fountain of Life, which is my wellspring of inspiration. I look forward to SHARE Magazine pivoting in a new and exciting digital direction and I will have to keep up with all this ‘techie stuff’ but I’m up for it.
Congratulations SHARE Magazine! Ten years of consistently getting the gospel message out into the public sphere is remarkable. I pray for God’s continued blessing in all your
endeavours. p
IIt’s not very often that you come across a Magazine that is so comprehensive. From testimonials to instructions, strategies and biblical perspectives on hard and unmentionable topics such as masturbation, to name a few, SHARE Magazine has successfully navigated the literary space with its impactful and in sightful articles. As a recent contributor and reader of SHARE Magazine, I am totally impressed with the production
and publication of the Magazine. Apart from the thought provoking and life challenging articles, the attractiveness of the cover forces you to look beyond it, and once inside, you are pulled into a space that causes you to remain there until you have consumed every article.
A copy of this Magazine should be in every home and used as a tool in youth groups, as its topics are relatable to
“A copy of this Magazine should be in every home and used as a tool in youth groups”
many areas of family life and relevant to the inquiring minds of the youths. It answers questions that are difficult for some parents to talk about, and using it in youth groups will give young people a voice to express themselves in a nonthreatening environment and engenders and provokes thoughtful conversations.
As SHARE Magazine celebrates
its 10th anniversary, I pray that this medium will continue to be an avenue that cultivates and hones the skills of persons who have a desire and a commitment to writing, and that readers and contributors will be intentional in introducing this rare commodity to others.
Congratulations SHARE Magazine on your 10th anniversary and for sharing
By Cooper BA GuidanceOOn this milestone of ten years running, I would like to genuinely congratulate all contributors, and our incredible Editor Angela Slack. When Auntie Angela asked me to contribute an article several years ago, I remember thinking that I wasn’t sure what value I could really bring. Challenged by her unexpected invitation, I was prompted to dig deep, and I remember fondly how much she celebrated what I submitted and really championed my writing ability beyond what I could ever hope for.
The legacy of SHARE Magazine to me has been a productive platform where Christians can find and cultivate their voice, to speak to a wider generation at scale. The content is engaging, theologically rich, devotionally inclined and kingdom building.
My prayer is that the Lord will add to the number of contributors 10% increase year on year, and that the financial and human resources will come to expand and sustain this work until Christ’s imminent return! p
Yours in Christ, Dr. Joel Brown MD FRSA
“The content is engaging, theologically rich, devotionally inclined and kingdom building.”
SSince becoming a Christian I have loved studying, teaching and preaching God’s Word. However when asked to write an article for SHARE Magazine my answer was, “I can’t do that – I can’t write.”
I was encouraged to try by Homer and Angel and found it enjoyable although I did not think it was good enough for the magazine. That was 2015, as far as I can remember, since then it has been a privilege to be a regular contributor to Share besides building up my own confidence in writing. SHARE has been distributed to many countries too throughout its ten years history and it has ministered to the Body of Christ as well as having many wonderful personal testimonies of how God has changed people’s lives. I am sure these magazines are still being passed around now.
Congratulations SHARE on reaching your 10th birthday and long may you serve the people of God on the internet now. Thank you Homer and Angel for your vision, dedication commitment and faithfulness of which I have been a witness and given people like myself an opportunity which has led to the publication of 4 books.
God bless you as you continue with your vision serving the King of Kings. p
By Barbara Payne intercessor, evangelist, minister, holds Women Unite events in the UKLLeadership is the ability to influence others to achieve organisational goals. This involves giving guidance and direction to those over whom we have responsibility. It also involves leading by example. Effective leadership in the world and in the Church is in high demand. Leaders can be of any gender, age, class, or social, economic background. They represent authority and are regarded as role models who protect the image, the doctrine and standards of Jesus Christ.
One of the hallmarks of a God-fearing leader is one who walks righteously before God. To be righteousness is to be in right-standing with God, to walk uprightly, right living. A righteous person is one who walks in obedience to the word of God. A God-fearing leader is one who knows that he/she is under the authority of Christ.
Leadership looks like this… Leadership that evidences love will yield trust and respect. If you have joy, people will follow you just because they want to take part in that joy. A God-fearing leader puts God first - Matt 6:33, but seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
A God-fearing leader must put on the armour of God
“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Eph 6:11-18
A God-fearing leader is one who eats the right food. [That is motivated by a hunger for the things of God]. Jesus in St John 4:34 “My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.”
The Lord says if we love him we are to keep His commandments, “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land.” Isa 1: 19
A God-fearing leader must be humble
Matt 5: 5, says that the meek [ humble] shall inherit the earth. James 4: 6-10, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you.”
A God-fearing leader gets wisdom from God
“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.” Proverbs 3: 13-18,
A God-fearing leader must be discerning.
We must know the seasons of God that we are in (Isa 28:23-29) and operate accordingly. Discerners like the sons of Issachar- which were men that had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do. (1 Chronicles 12:32).
In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works in doctrine, showing incorruptness,
gravity, sincerity. Titus 2:7. Foster good relationship with followers- Temperance: Titus 2: 9. When a leader develops good relations with their followers, this leader gains their respect.
A God-fearing leader must pursue diligence
Proverbs 22:29, gives high commendation to leaders who fearlessly pursue excellence: “Seeth thou a man diligent in business? He shall stand before kings. He shall not stand before mean men.”
A God-fearing leader must be a servant leader
“And Whoever would be first among you must be slave of all, for even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
It is crucial that the Children of God be in the places of leadership where important and relevant decisions are made in the nations, because ‘abandoning’ that place may be a great negligence which will allow those who do not fear God to choose uncertain paths for humanity.
Take time to worship and praise God for the great and wonderful things that He has done. Praise is your highest occupation. As you praise Him you reestablish the proper chain of command and recognize Him as the King on the throne who has saved you. Honour Him for He is your Father. p
RRevelation 13 speaks expressly about the mark of the beast. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
Revelation 13:16-18 (NIV)
In years gone by, the biblical beast was described in obscure terms, there have been myriad speculations and projections surrounding the nature and character of the beast and ultimately how it will manifest itself on the world stage. Questions like when will it be revealed and how, have remained unanswered. Among other things, many believed it will be a supercomputer developed by China. The recent unfolding however, of digital currencies like Bitcoin is removing all doubt as to how this beast will enslave the world. Interestingly, even the ungodly are proclaiming that the direction the world’s monetary system is moving in is confirmation that we will soon be governed by a one world, centrally administered monetary system.
It is no longer a speculation on the future landscape but it is happening as we speak. Just tune in to any talk show, news programme or financial podcast and you will hear of the imminence of CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currency) that central banks around the world will issue. This is doubtless the next phase in the evolution of money. CBDCs will allow centralised control, monitoring, tracking and programming of every financial transaction of every single individual on the globe. This is no longer a myth.
To facilitate cross border transactions these CBDCs will have to converge at a CENTRAL GLOBAL EXCHANGE. This will form the network and platform upon which the mark of the beast will fully manifest itself.
In the UK, the recently appointed British Prime Minister was at the forefront of calling for a British version of the CBDC with the suggested name BRITcoin. No doubt commissioning the development of this digital currency will be top of his agenda as the new prime minister.
China has already put theirs in place and it is functioning. It is also interesting that China already operates on a system of centrally governed rewards and sanctions, including financial and penal ones, that is digitally stored and retrieved, giving them complete control over its citizens.
The US president had similarly commissioned the relevant department to research and begin developing their version of CBDCs.
India has already partially rolled out their version. These are all the big players on the world economic scene.
The attendant technologies of placing microchips underneath the skin, to trace, track and store data of individuals are also already in place having been piloted by Scandinavian countries. BIG data mining and storage is commonplace today. We are all familiar with algorithms and other forms of AI that monitor our behavioural patterns, catalogue our preferences and predict our future behaviour. We also have seen how efficiently vaccines were rolled out by Governments world wide, during the Pandemic.
We observed the ‘sheep-like’ compliance of the masses who are led and penned in with little or no resistance. This witless and dull response of the world is understandable but what about the Ecclesia - the called out ones of God?
We have all been forewarned from millennia and should therefore be forearmed for resistance against such tyranny of the state. Will we just toss our precious salvation into the pit of fire for monetary appeasement? The problem is that we too are being softened up for domination and compliance. There’s been a recent explosion of false prophets through whom the spirit of antichrist is grooming the Church, preparing and readying us to deny Christ and take the mark of the beast in the false hope of a prosperous utopian future. These false prophets against Christ’s instructions, have formed a hierarchical leadership structure by which they enthrone themselves as they dominate and manipulate God’s people. The average Christian today is also passive, compliant and without deep convictions or solid faith. One can look at Jezabel to get a good idea of what the antichrist false prophet will be like and there is evidence that her spirit is already at work in the church.
“What happens when the spirit of Jezebel is working through church leadership? This is the most frequent question I am asked in regards to this topic. How do we discern our own possible spirit of rebellion versus a leader operating in this spirit? In other words, if I’m calling everyone who tells me what to do, “Jezebel”, then I have issues.
On the other hand, if I’m subject to coercive behaviour against me by a church leader, then I need to get freedom from Jezebel. Just keep in mind that the spirit of Jezebel working through an individual wants freedom in the church so that they can have control, but the spirit of Elijah wants freedom in the church so that God can move.
(A good thing) It is a serious error to
believe that just because a church leader asks you to do something that you don’t feel like doing means that they have a Jezebel spirit.
In 1 Peter 5, Peter exhorts church leaders to “shepherd the flock of God exercising oversight”, but “not lording it over them”.
In other words, those in spiritual authority have been instructed by God Himself to not suffocate, manipulate, or make those under their care feel inferior to them in any way. Rather, Church leaders are called to care for the flock of God through instruction, correction, and counsel. Here is a profile/mindset of a church member who is under the influence of a Jezebel spirit working through a church leader:
1. “I can’t visit another church, special service, etc. or my church leader will become angry or verbally abusive.”
2. “If I don’t give them my money, they say I’m under a curse.”
3. “If I leave their church, they say I will become sick, poor, or miss my destiny.”
4. “My loyalty to God is measured by my loyalty to them.”
5. “I cannot make any life decisions without running everything through them.”
6. “I’m afraid of communicating to them how I really feel for fear of repercussions.”
7. “They are constantly asking me to serve them, but they’ve never asked how they can serve me.”
8. “I’m suspicious of other church leaders because they are always warning me of other church leaders.”
9. “They consistently remind me of all that they’ve done for me and make me feel second class.
10. “I can’t respectfully ask any questions or share my perspective or it’s received as I’m being rebellious and insubordinate.”
If you are serving under a church leader where more than 6-7 of these attitudes and thoughts cross your mind often, you need to find freedom from the spirit of Jezebel. If you felt sick reading those ten points, it’s an immediate sign this spirit is at work against you now or has been in the past.
ByJeremiah Johnson watch?v=LaVxS56r6JE
So, we can conclude that the dress rehearsal is over and the objectives of A One World Government and a One World Religion under the leadership of the False Prophet, the Beast’s partner in crime, can now be realised with relative ease.
As stated in Revelation 13 CBDCs, like the 666, will give governments absolute power and control over everything individuals, companies and countries buy and sell. Digital money can be more effective in subduing nations and peoples, great and small, rich and poor, more than any other weapon of war and this is what the beast will use 666 to do. Get ready for the phasing out of cash. Cash gives its owner autonomy and control, something you will not have with a digital currency.
Look therefore, for a push for a cashless society, possibly even making cash illegal, when CBDCs are fully brought online and its power to control and manipulate the masses is fully realised. It is manifestly clear that CBDCs, that are gathering such momentum globally, are the foundation blocks of the 666 system.
Look out also for the false prophets who are motivated by the Jezebel spirit enticing God’s people away from Him towards worshipping another God and taking the mark of the beast. p
It is no secret that from the outset the religious and judicial authorities within the Temple, the Synagogue, and the Sanhedrin were at odds with His declaration and with the focus of His ministry. This was especially so when He hit the road with the public announcement:
“The time is fulfilled. The Kingdom of God is at hand…” (Mk.1:15)
This is the responsibility of the Ekklesia Community, to go into all the world and disciple nations, evangelizing the people and being the witness of Christ across the globe until the Kingdoms of the world have become the Kingdom of our God and of His Christ. (Rev.11:11)
It is my conviction that the Church is an instrument in the hand of God
designed to build a community of righteous men and women who are prepared to go beyond evangelism to community transformation and national development. I always remember a statement I made in an article written years ago when I was still in my teens: “The people you fail to lift up from the ground may one day put you under it.”
To what extent is the Church aware of its mandate to disciple nations?
What will it take for the Church today to respond to the needs of the people and of the State?
Does the local or Caribbean Church have a theological perspective that makes it relevant to its times?
Will God need to set aside the present traditional Church and declare again, “I will build my Ekklesia”, to answer the critical need of our contemporary culture?
Will the people who are poor, oppressed, sick, in bondage, powerless and imprisoned – will they still look to the Church for their hope, empowerment and acceptance in every sphere of their lives -- spiritually, socially, psychologically and economically?
Or will they continue to look to the sub-culture of entertainment, sports, gang leadership and the informal economy for their support and liberation?
The full article can be read on SHARExtra at: www.
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I’ve been with SHARE Magazine from 2017. Fresh out of University with a journalism degree, I was afforded the opportunity to write for #YouthSHARE [ the youth section of the magazine] to flex my writing muscles
as I became one of its contributors. The journey was quite exciting as I got to do stories I had not yet found an outlet for. Time elapsed and I spent a few months as one of the editors which was also amazing exposure for me. Growing in experience is one of the exciting things about working with this team of youth writers.
I cannot express the tremendous work SHARE Magazine is doing. The quality content it provides for the Christian community and the witness it provides for unbelievers is one I’m sure will hold much weight when God is giving His rewards. Happy Anniversary SHARE!
Hello readers, let me firstly say it has been a pleasure working with SHARE Magazine for almost 4 yrs, I can still remember getting my first opportunity to write an article on ‘PURPOSE’. One article led to others until I was given the opportunity to stand in as team leader for the new digital format called #YouthSHARE-Live and oh what a experience it has been!
SHARE Magazine has given not only the youth but all age ranges a platform to express, discuss, share and learn what it is to live a Godly lifestyle guided by biblical truth. We are encouraged to stand up for truth and what is right.
The best part about working with #YouthSHARE-Live is getting to see and hear the anticipated viewers and readers from across the world and having that ability to share knowledge with those who are willing to learn.
SHARE Magazine, my team and I applaud you, may God continue to guide and strengthen you and bless His plans as He uses you as a vessel to bring the light of Jesus Christ to others.
Hey, fellow readers of SHARE Magazine, I am one of the #YouthSHARE writers and I want to share with you why I love SHARE Magazine. To me, it is a place where I can express myself in Christ and witness the world. I love that I can do so at my pace and on the topics I want to consider.
For my future as a writer for SHARE Magazine, I am looking to present more apologetic issues on Theistic Evolution, and maybe consider tackling a hot topic in the Christian faith. I just wish all the best for the magazine as it continues to reach the lost.
AA Jazzman’s Blues is an American drama film written and directed by Tyler Perry and produced by Tyler Perry Studios.
A little history on the production of the film- Mr. Perry wrote the screenplay for the film in 1995 and waited on a response from Diana Ross to play a lead character in the movie and after 18 years of trying, he eventually gave up and moved on with casting the movie.
The film, set in 1947 in Southern USA, surrounds a young man named Bayou, played by Joshua Boone, who falls in love with Leanne, played by Solea Pfeiffer. Theirs was a forbidden love and over a 40-year time span many secrets are revealed to a man who is in politics named Johnathan Dupree, who is played by Kario Marcel. Johnathan who is against Black Civil Rights, was raised as a white child, his paternal grandmother who he never knew of presents him with letters that reveal the 40 years old secrets.
His true paternity becomes known to him as he begins to learn about his mother, Leanne’s love affair with Bayou. This was the cause for her to be sent North with her mother but she returned to the South years later and was forced by her mother to ‘pass as White’ and marry a White man.
Leanne and Bayou secretly reunite after many years. Bayou reveals that he had faithfully written Leanne letters which she had been unaware of hence he received no reply; yet he patiently waited, confident in their love.
Bayou and Leanne could not be seen in public together, due to Leann’s passing as white and being married
to a white man running for governor and her brother-in-law being in the police. Leanne’s mother learns of her romance with Bayou and fears losing her new found status so; she lies and tells her son-in-law’s family that Bayou, a negro boy, whistled at Leanne. This infuriates her son-inlaw and he and his brother, in their rage, hunt for Bayou to kill him.
Bayou’s brother Willie Earl, played by Austin Scott, is a musician on his way to Chicago in search of stardom. Ira, played by Ryan Eggold, who is a German music promoter, helps Willie Earl to become a part of a famous band. Bayou, learns of the lynch mob coming after him, fleas with his brother and the German promoter to Chicago.
While on the road leaving the South, Ira pulls over for Bayou because he becomes sick. They both end up in a field talking. Bayou wants to return home as he believes he was a coward for leaving. So, in their conversation Ira describes to Bayou the horrible conditions and helplessness of living in a Jewish ghetto during the Holocaust. He lost his wife and daughter, who were shot and killed in front of him and there was nothing that he could do. He then says to Bayou, “Sometimes you just must go on so you can come back to help. I couldn’t help my family”. He then lets Bayou know that since then, he has helped many people and that once Bayou learns to survive then, he too can help others.
A powerful crossroads is reached in this scene; Mr. Perry inserted two different cultures, two different belief systems and from the outside looking in, two different races that are sharing the same pain. It is a German man who is sharing his story with an Afro-American man and yet their worlds are not that different and
their pain in that moment becomes unified. Ira expressed the conditions of the ghetto (which historically originated with Jews not AfroAmericans) because it is a parallel to Bayou’s life. In that moment, it was about one brother encouraging another brother; giving him just enough hope to keep going, until he is strong enough to help his loved ones. A series of choices are made in that field that ripple across many lives into the future. Whenever you meet someone at the crossroads of life, will you pass them by or will you surrender your heart to facilitate their salvation?
The power of God can be seen in this scene. 1 Samuel 16:7 states, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart”. This scene exemplifies a moment where it was about the heart and not ethnicity. Tyler Perry, is making a social commentary on current society and this challenge hangs poignantly, in the air.
Three questions we are asked: 1. Are we meeting people in their heart posture when they are sharing their testimony?
2. Are we vulnerable in our own pain so that we can help others out of theirs?
3. Are we true examples of Christ?
Go and see the film. It is a tragic love story about imperfect people who are all searching for meaning in their lives and who are grappling to understand the brotherhood of mankind. How they see the world and the people in it, how prepared they are to change it for good has far reaching consequences. p
You have been called by God for the Millennials, Chosen before the foundations of the earth, To show them how to experience the new birth, To declare God’s kingdom to a now generation, So as to bring forth righteous transformation, A woman, a man set apart for this season and time, A woman, a man in the kingdom at the right time.
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon you So this is what the Lord requires of you To do justly and to walk humbly before Him He has favoured you with His mercy and love Grace and peace are your portions from above Strength, victory and honour are yours to keep So position yourself to reach God’s precious sheep
You have been called by God for the Millennials God has blessed you with wisdom and vision to be bold
You are not intimidated, a rare treasure and precious gold
You are the head and not the tail, the apple of God’s eye
Sent to declare good news to the brokenhearted and those who cry Above and not beneath, under His wings He will keep Set straight path for your feet, for the Millennials you will meet
You have been called by God for the Millennials Reaching and setting the captives free is a must Look to the Lord as upward and forward you must thrust
You are chosen to reach the lost, the outcast, the oppressed This is part of God’s plan for you as in Him you rest The time is now, don’t let them die or perish The Millennials you must love and cherish
You have been called by God for the Millennials Rejoice and be happy, consider yourself blessed The Lord is with you, so don’t ever be stressed His grace is sufficient, you must not fail the test His plans for you and everlasting love are the best Seek His face and pray, so that by Him you will be directed
Answer the call, for the Millennials you are specially selected
Chorus One:
We have come this far by faith, Leaning on the Lord, Trusting in His holy Word, He’s never failed us, yet. Singin’ oh, oh, oh, can’t turn a-round, We’ve come this far by faith.
Verse One:
Just the other day, I heard a man say He didn’t believe in God’s Word, But I can truly say that I have found the way, And He’s never failed me yet. Oh, oh, oh!
[Repeat Chorus]
Verse Two: Don’t be discouraged When troubles come your way. He’ll bear all your burdens, Andturned all your night into say. Oh, oh, oh!
Chorus Two:
We’ve come this far by faith, Leaning on the Lord, Trusting in His holy Word, He’s never failed us, yet. Singin’ oh, oh, oh, can’t turn a-round, We’ve come this far by faith.
Singin’ oh, oh, oh, can’t turn a-round, We’ve come this far by faith. We’ve come this far by faith.
We’ve come this far by faith. Albert A. Goodson* (1933-2003). Written in 1956 for the Radio Choir of the Fellowship Baptist Church, Chicago, Illinois, where Goodson was music director. It was published by Manna Music Inc. in 1963, and included in the African American hymnbook, Lift Every Voice and Sing (1981). It has become very popular as a hymn of trust and hope, and of pride in what has been achieved. The phrase, ‘This far by faith’, has been used by African Americans to signify the struggle for justice, and Goodson’s song has become a part of that tradition. It has been used by many African American writers as part-title of their books: for example, Judith Weisenfeld. we%E2%80%99ve-come-this-far-by-faith