The Sheaf October 24, 2013

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THE sheaf

Is your Halloween costume offensive to another culture? OPINIONS 14

24 October, 2013 • The University of Saskatchewan student newspaper since 1912

Canadian history takes off from the Diefenbaker Canada Centre. NEWS 3

One week before playoffs begin, the Huskies football team is in the lurch. SPORTS 5

New reality show puts local bar Tequila in the spotlight. CULTURE 9

Trick-or-Eat ANNA-LILJA DAWSON Senior News Editor

Neighbourhoods are in for a fright this Halloween as they open their doors to trickor-treating students requesting healthy, nonperishable food items instead of candy. For the fifth year in a row, students from the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union Food Centre will collect food for the Saskatoon Food Bank, with a small portion of the proceeds going to support the centre. The centre’s goal is to gather $500 worth of food. Last year, the Food Centre recruited 250 volunteers who collected 7,500 pounds of food. The U of S team was the third largest team in Canada and one of the nation’s top five donors. USSU Food Centre Co-ordinator Alex Gao said the centre’s goal is to beat last year’s record. Gao said that students like participating in Trick-or-Eat because it is a way they can lend a hand to their local food bank. “Students, college-aged, can go trick-ortreating again and they can really help the food bank a lot,” Gao said. Student societies from the Colleges of Engineering, Nursing and Dentistry have all expressed interest in participating. Trick-or-Eat hopes to collect $550,000 worth of food and raise $50,000 in online donations. The proceeds from cash donations will be used to support local soup kitchens, food banks and shelters across Canada. Health Canada defines household food insecurity as “the inability to acquire or consume an adequate diet quality or sufficient quantity of food in socially acceptable ways, or the uncertainty that one will be able to do so.” Household food insecurity is often associated with the financial inability to access adequate food. Over 1.6 million Canadians households experience food insecurity — nearly 3.8 million people, 1.1 million of which are children. STEPHANIE MAH




U of S future examined by Student Council, University President

THE sheaf

ANNA-LILJA DAWSON Senior News Editor

Editor-in-Chief: HenryTye Glazebrook, Production Manager: Samantha Braun, Senior News Editor: Anna-Lilja Dawson, Associate News Editor: Scott Davidson, Photography Editor: Jordan Dumba, Graphics Editor: Cody Schumacher, Culture Editor: Nicholas Kindrachuk, Sports Editor: Kim Hartwig,

Opinions Editor: Travis Homenuk, Copy Editor: Tab Rahman Web Editor: Carter Bryden, Ad & Business Manager: Shantelle Hrytsak, Board of Directors: Pete Yee, Matt Chilliak, Jenna Mann, Dan LeBlanc Index Graphic: Stephanie Mah Office Numbers: Advertising 966-8688 Editorial 966-8689

The Sheaf is non-profit, incorporated and studentbody funded by way of a direct levy paid by all partand full-time undergraduate students at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S). Membership in the Society is open to undergraduate students at the U of S, but all members of the U of S community are encouraged to contribute to the newspaper. Opinions expressed in the Sheaf do not necessarily reflect those of the Sheaf Publishing Society Inc. The Sheaf reserves the right to refuse to accept or print any material deemed unfit for publication, as determined by the Editor-in-Chief. The Sheaf is published weekly during the academic year and monthly from May through August. The Editor-inChief has the right to veto any submission deemed unfit for the Society newspaper. In determining this, he/she will decide if the article or artwork would be of interest to a significant portion of the Society and benefit the welfare of Sheaf readers. The Sheaf will not publish any racist, sexist, homophobic, or libelous material.

Corrections • In the U of S middle of the pack for freedom of expression on campus’ cover story from last week, our graphic wrongly identified the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union’s policies received a grade of “C” while their practices received a grade of “B” in the 2013 Campus Freedom Index. The USSU’s policies actually received a grade of “B” and the practices were given a “C” grade. We apologize for the error. • In the Women’s hockey team sweeps Bisons article and the list of upcoming Huskies games from last week’s paper, we wrongly claimed that the University of Alberta was in Calgary when it is in fact in Edmonton. We apologize for the error. • If you find any errors in this edition of the Sheaf, please bring them to the attention of

katoon 15 Years in Sas

Marion Mutala



24 October, 2013 •

Launching Baba’s Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Wedding Monday, October 28, 7:00 pM

ted Barris

Reading & Signing The Great Escape: A Canadian Story Wednesday, October 30, 7:00 pM

Members of the University Student Council had the opportunity to give university president Ilene Busch-Vishniac feedback on the latest vision document at the Oct. 17 meeting. The document, titled Vision 2025: From Spirit to Action, is the University of Saskatchewan’s concept of how it will function over the next 12 years. Currently in the draft stage, Busch-Vishniac is consulting with the campus community for feedback on the strategy. The final version is expected to be released in the spring of 2014. One of the key guiding principles the document states is to not “gratuitously duplicate” research or educational programs that may be found elsewhere within the province. U of S Students’ Union President Max FineDay said he was concerned whether this meant that the vision anticipates closing any of the colleges that are present both on the U of S and University of Regina campuses, which include engineering, nursing and education. Busch-Vishniac said the U of S is not looking to eliminate any programs that are duplicated and that this principle applies only to the creation of new programs. “We need to create new programs where either no one is doing it yet in the province,” Busch-Vishniac said, “Or where student demand is so great ... that we need a second program. “It is not in this vision that we would necessarily be closing anything.” Jordan Sherbino, USSU vice-president academic affairs, said he was concerned that the vision document was contradictory to the university’s purpose of serving the people of Saskatchewan by providing them with a postsecondary education. Sherbino pointed out that the vision document plans to grow and improve the university by increasing admission standards to attract the best students and that this would make it harder for Saskatchewan residents to access post-secondary education. Busch-Vishniac said research has shown that institutions with higher admission standards receive more applicants and that this has been the case in the United States and Europe. “The harder you make it for students to get in, the higher you raise the standards, the more attractive you become to the best students and the higher the number of applicants you get,” BuschVishniac said, adding that the university will have to assure that the changes to admission will not have a negative impact on underprivileged communities in Saskatchewan that seek post-


University President Ilene Busch-Vishniac talked openly with memebers of University Student Council about the vision document detailing the future of the campus.

secondary education. The arrival of students in Saskatoon is positive not only for the university but for the city as well, Busch-Vishniac said. Citing Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi, Busch-Vishniac said that when students go to a university they often stay in that city after graduation and become taxpayers. The absence of any recognition of the university’s satellite campuses in the document was a concern voiced by Jenna Moellenbeck, USSU vice-president operations and finance. Moellenbeck said the USSU executives recently visited some satellite campuses and found that there was a sentiment of marginalization felt by the students therein. Every year Busch-Vishniac does a provincial tour visiting some of the satellite campuses. She said the tours are essential in maintaining a strong partnership with these campuses. Similarly, USSU Vice-President Student Affairs Nour Abouhamra said there was no mention of students at all in the vision and wanted to know how the university plans to address the student mental health crisis. Busch-Vishniac assured Abouhamra that students will be re-integrated into the vision document and that, in terms of mental health, universities should be be doing more for students. “We are seeing more and more students who have, in particular, real challenges with a variety of mental challenges,” Busch-Vishniac said. “We are not great, [here] at universities,

at recognizing and dealing with those” kinds of problems. “One of the things that we know is that when students face challenges, that affects their academic performance dramatically,” BuschVishniac said. Students from the Indian Teacher Education Program and the Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program expressed concern that a paragraph of the vision document indicated that these programs and the Northern Teacher Education Program would be cut. Busch-Vishniac said the paragraph was poorly phrased and will be rewritten for clarity and that there is no intention of cutting these programs. In terms of programs and the future of the U of S, the document reads that the university “will resist the temptation to see funding as more than it is — a constraint rather than a driver of what we, as a public institution, should be doing.” When asked for clarification, Busch-Vishniac said the U of S will accept funding for projects, research and programs that are already within its broad scope of strengths and that new initiatives will not pursued simply because the funding is available. “We have to have the authority and chutzpah to choose for ourselves what we think are the right directions and to see money as the facilitator to get us there. We will not just chase the dime,” Busch-Vishniac said.

Drive would be completely flooded, further reducing the flow of traffic on the road. The eastbound lanes of College Drive that were closed from Oct. 19–21, were partially reopened on Oct. 22 Workers attempted to weld patches onto the line on Oct. 20, but the repairs were unsuccessful due to the pressure on the line. The water line in question is approximately 100 years old and as a

result, finding parts to repair it has proven difficult. Workers said the earliest the replacement parts could arrive is Oct. 25. City workers encouraged students and motorists to be patient while the situation is resolved as their work is largely dependent on the availability of replacement parts. In an email sent out to the campus community, university officials assured students and faculty that U of S water is safe for consumption.

BRIEF: University shut down due to water main replacement SCOTT DAVIDSON Associate News Editor

The University of Saskatchewan shut down all non-essential services on the main campus just before noon on Oct. 21 due to difficulties arising from sewer work on College Drive. This led to all daytime classes being cancelled. However, classes resumed at 6 p.m. the same day. The Murray Library — including the university archives and the art department — was also closed for the day Work to find a solution to the problem led to reduced water pressure on the campus. When City of Saskatoon workers went to replace an underground valve on Oct. 19, they found that a major water main within the campus vicinity was in unusable condition. According to one of the workers on site, who chose to remain anonymous, the water line had a number of holes in it. “Right now, they’re trying to figure out if they want to fix it or replace it,” the worker said. At this point, the water main is still highly pressurized and is a significant safety hazard. Because of the size of the line and the fact that it feeds a number of secondary pipes, workers are having difficulty reducing the flow of water enough to make further work on the line safe. A second city worker said that if the line were to break due to the pressure, College


Low water pressure due to construction on a water main caused the university to close non-critical services on Oct. 21.



Med school weaknesses defined

24 October, 2013 •

ANNA-LILJA DAWSON Senior News Editor

The areas of weakness that led to the College of Medicine being put on probation have been made public. Lou Qualtier, acting dean of the college, received a letter from the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools and the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (CACMS/LCME) on Oct. 16 detailing the college’s shortcomings. The letter sent to Qualtier outlines the areas of non-compliance as well as recognizes how the college plans to address them immediately. Areas of non-compliance include issues with understanding authority and responsibility within the college, inadequate supervision of students while on clinical rotations and objectives being unclear to residents, faculty and students. The accrediting bodies noted that the distribution of authority and responsibility within the College of Medicine is not well understood. The college is currently under the governance of an acting dean and the academic leadership structure puts a large amount of responsibility on a few individuals. Although the college has a restructuring plan that includes the creation of three vice-deans positions, the current situation was found lacking these figures as well as department chairs and leaders of other organizational units and staff. These leadership roles are necessary for the College of Medicine to accomplish its goals. It is unknown how or if the restructuring plan will impact the college’s ability to fulfill its mission. The CACMS/LCME noted that the College of Medicine failed to meet the requirement of having a system to monitor and help faculty members define the different kinds of patients and clinical experiences that students encounter. Faculty are responsible for monitoring

The CACMS/LCME outlined the College of Medicine’s shortcomings in a letter to acting dean Lou Qualtier on Oct. 18. and modifying students’ experiences to ensure that all objectives of the program are met. The college has a list of rotations that includes clinical encounters and procedures. However, the level of student responsibility and nature of the clinical experience are not fully described. Many of the student responsibility levels in clinical rotations were noted as “observe” — the lowest level. The objectives of the medical students’ education and assessments are not made clear to students, faculty, residents and other individuals who are directly

responsible for the facility’s educational benefits. Communication with many clinical disciplines is inconsistent and it is unclear whether all faculty members with teaching roles are aware of their objectives within the college. Residents who supervise or teach students — medical undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows — in the biomedical sciences were noted as being unfamiliar with educational objectives of the course or rotation. The CACMS/LCME also observed that these residents were not prepared for their teaching and assessment


duties. All residents must participate in Teaching Improvement Project System training before completion of their residency. However, many residents do not complete their training until “well into their first year of post-graduate training.” Students expressed concern that there was inadequate supervision by family physicians while they were in their obstetrics and gynecology rotations in Saskatoon. Students in clinical learning situations must be supervised at all times. Lack of supervision jeopardizes student and patient safety as well as examinations of student progress.

Touch the Sky looks at a unique part of Canadian heritage SCOTT DAVIDSON Associate News Editor The Diefenbaker Canada Centre is giving the University of Saskatchewan community a look into the history of Canada’s aviation industry. The exhibit, called Touch the Sky: The Story of Avro Canada, examines the rise of and fall of one of Canada’s foremost aviation companies. Touch the Sky opened in late June and runs until Dec. 15. Avro Canada was an aircraft manufacturing company founded in 1945 and closed in 1962. It is best known for developing the Avro Arrow during the 1950s. “It’s interesting how much more there is to the company than the Arrow,” said Leland MacLachlan, a student interpreter at the Diefenbaker Canada Centre. “The C102 jetliner [that Avro created] was the first commercial jetliner to fly in North America.” The Arrow was intended to be a purely Canadian fighter jet which would be wellsuited to perform across the unique and varied conditions posed by Canada’s northern climate. “For Canada, it should be a source of national pride,” MacLachlan said. “To create something so advanced in a field like aviation, when we have such a powerful neighbor to the south, is impressive.” Despite the Arrow’s prototypes showing promise in testing, the project was mysteriously cancelled by John Diefenbaker’s government on Feb. 20, 1959 — a day now

known as Black Friday in Canada’s aviation community. All existing Arrow prototypes were subsequently destroyed. Avro Canada went out of business just three years later. The elimination of the Arrow project by the Diefenbaker government led to the loss of 15,000 jobs at Avro Canada and is considered to be the beginning of the end for the company. The cancellation of the Arrow has been subject to controversy ever since. Some feel that the cancellation is the result of American interference or a government conspiracy. However, the Diefenbaker government stated the reason was in fact the cost of the program, which accounted for 40 per cent of Canada’s defence budget at the time. Touch the Sky was developed completely in-house by the Diefenbaker Canada Centre staff. Curator Teresa Carlson took the lead in researching the exhibit and was assisted by students and staff at the centre. Faculty from across the U of S also participated in the creation of the exhibit. Russell Isinger, university registrar and director of Student Services, wrote a thesis on the Avro Arrow in 1997 and loaned artifacts from his personal collection of Arrow memorabilia to be displayed in the exhibit. The Diefenbaker Canada Centre also got help from the country’s aviation community. The Canada Space and Aviation Museum in Ottawa lent a nose cone from one of the Arrow prototypes to the exhibit. “The museum community really supports each other. Everyone wants the next person to


A nose cone from an Avro Arrow prototype is on display at the Diefenbaker Canada Centre. do something bigger and better,” said Terresa Ann DeMong, manager of the Diefenbaker Canada Center. Other artifacts were bought on eBay or were donated by private parties. DeMong said the exhibit has been a big success. She added that since the exhibit opened the centre has seen a huge uptick in undergraduate traffic, especially through the exhibit. The Diefenbaker Canada Centre will host a discussion panel on Avro Canada with faculty from the engineering and political studies departments at 7 p.m. on Nov. 20. The session is open to everyone.



24 October, 2013 •

Nigerian students voluntarily leave Canada after nearly 500 days in hiding ANNA-LILJA DAWSON Prairies and Northern Bureau Chief SASKATOON (CUP) — After 16 months of hiding in Regina churches, Victoria Ordu and Favour Amadi have returned to Nigeria. Ordu and Amadi were seen at the Regina International Airport the morning of Oct. 18 when they voluntarily left the country. Ordu and Amadi sought sanctuary after they both received deportation orders on June 19, 2012. Both women had worked at a Regina Wal-Mart in the spring of 2011

without proper social insurance numbers or work permits. Ordu quit as soon as she realized her error, however Amadi was arrested while at work. The University of Regina students were both in their third year of studies — Ordu studying theatre arts and Amadi international studies. U of R President Vianne Timmons was reported as being present at the airport when the two students began their journey home. Timmons told CTV News Regina that “they’re worried and they’re scared and


Favour Amadi (left) and Victoria Ordu in a Regina church months after they went into hiding.

they’re young girls, young women. And they’re frightened. They also seemed calm.” Amadi and Ordu’s plan to leave on their own accord had been on the table since September, Timmons said in the same segment. The students hope their chances of being readmitted into the country will be better if they leave willingly. Timmons and the U of R have shown their support for Ordu and Amadi since the women went into hiding. Timmons fundraised $6,000 to cover the students’ flights home. She told CTV News Regina that she help fund the young women’s return because she cares deeply about them and wanted them to be able to see that they had support in the community. The issue surrounding the women’s deportation orders has been met with criticism of the Harper government and its toughon-crime stance. In particular, Wascana MP Ralph Goodale spoke out against the heavy consequence of deportation in an Oct. 30, 2012 debate in the House of Commons. “With respect to these Nigerian students, whose only offence was the honest mistake of working for two weeks at Wal-Mart, the minister knows that deportation would destroy their education and damage them for life,” Goodale said in the debate. “Other people in similar circumstances have been given simple fines, so why deportation in these two cases? How is that consistent with others who have just been given fines?” The Canadian Border Services Agency issued a press release announcing the removal of the students on Oct. 18. “The removal of these individuals demonstrates the commitment to maintaining the integrity of Canada’s immigration program,” the CBSA press release stated.

Unearthing the secrets of magic SCOTT DAVIDSON Associate News Editor

A University of Saskatchewan professor is trying to conjure up information on magic. Frank Klaassen, a history professor, recently discovered a 16th century manuscript that describes a gruesome ritual for conjuring ghosts. Klaassen found the manuscript — known as Sloane 3853 — at the British Museum in London while doing research for his latest book on magic in the Middle Ages. The process described in the text involves digging up a body, burning its heart and a finger and summoning a demon named Asazell to act as a mediator between the living and the dead. The ritual ends with a spoken mass service, serving as an apology for disturbing the spirit. It is unclear who wrote the manuscript, but it appears to date back to the reign of Elizabeth I in the late 16th century. Klaassen said he has come across a lot of strange information while doing research, but this manuscript stands out above the rest. He added that he has found no comparable information in his studies. When asked by a student during an open lecture if there was any evidence of the ritual being attempted, Klaassen replied, “God, I hope not. But there were people crazy enough to try it.” Klaassen said that magic in the 16th century was drastically different than what people see as magic today. Conjuration, such as what is described in the manuscript, was its own distinct sub-genre. Despite the morbidity of these rituals, Klaassen said practicing magic wasn’t rare at the time. He cited a list of high-profile English politicians from the period, such as explorer Humphrey Gilbert, as evidence of this. “It’s not like it’s a niche thing, although they were thought of as a little whacko,” Klaassen said. Klaassen became interested in magic while completing his undergraduate degree at the University of Waterloo and has continued researching the topic since. He said he is

particularly interested in how magic was viewed from both scientific and religious points of view in the 16th century. As far as he knows, Klaassen is the only person doing research specifically into 16th century magic. He also wrote a book titled The Transformations of Magic; Illicit Learned Magic in the Later Middle Ages and Renaissance, published in 2012. Klaassen teaches a U of S course on the history of magic and spoke on the subject as part of the Classical, medieval and renaissance colloquium series on Oct. 17. Researching magic manuscripts can be a daunting task, Klaassen said. Not only are many written in code, but written English from the time is nearly a distinct language in itself. To add to this, many manuscript collections are poorly catalogued, so it can be difficult to tell what is actually in them. Because of the sheer number of surviving magic manuscripts from the 16th century,

which Klaassen said is in the hundreds, there is an abundance of information waiting to be rediscovered. “What’s amazing about the world of manuscripts is that there’s so much people haven’t seen yet,” said Klaassen. To get students interested in pursuing this type of research, Klaassen teaches a manuscript studies course. The class instructs students to read 16th century handwriting and even gives them a chance to read magic manuscripts. “We look at stuff that no one has ever seriously considered. I’ve got [the manuscripts] in my collection because I wanted to spend time on it but literally no one has ever worked on it,” Klaassen said. Keeping with the occult theme of his research, Klaassen said he might be interested in writing a book on the history of Halloween in the future. “It’s almost as intense as Christmas. What’s with that?” Klaassen said. “Clearly, people are still interested in the supernatural.”


U of S professor Frank Klaassen rencently discovered a 16th century manuscript that includes instructions on how to summon ghosts.

U of S new briefs SCOTT DAVIDSON Associate News Editor

CLS study offers insight into growing global health problem Research conducted at the Canadian Light Source is shedding some light on the effects of arsenic contamination in groundwater. Iris Koch, a researcher from the Royal Military College of Canada, and a research team from CLS examined frogs, toads and water samples collected from a waste water site at a mine near Seal Harbour, N.S. The samples were tested for arsenic using X-rays. The results of Koch’s research show that while the samples have discernable levels of arsenic, which is toxic, the animals appear to be healthy. Koch says this raises questions about how living organisms adapt to living in environments with elevated levels of arsenic. The study could help researchers understand how arsenic contamination occurs and how it spreads to water supplies and surrounding environments. This information could one day be used to curb arsenic poisoning in human populations. Arsenic contamination of public water supplies is a major health issue in countries such as China, India and Bangladesh.

New pharmacy practice centre opens on U of S campus The University of Saskatchewan officially opened the new Apotex Pharmacy Professional Practice Centre in the E-wing of the Health Sciences Building on Oct. 18. The facility will allow undergraduate students in the U of S pharmacy program to practice working in a real-life pharmacy setting. The practice centre includes a cutting-edge simulation laboratory which is similar to those that students could work in following graduation. Apotex Canada donated $1.5 million to the U of S to open the original Pharmacy Professional Practice Centre in the Thorvaldson Building in 2008. The practice centre was moved to the Health Sciences Building when the newly expanded E-wing opened in mid-2013. U of S President Ilene Busch-Vishniac, Dean of Pharmacy and Nutrition David Hill and Apotex Director of Government Relations Elie Betito were on hand for the centre’s opening.

U of S professor researches the impact of climate change on Canada’s boreal forests A newly published research paper from a University of Saskatchewan researcher warns that climate change could begin to affect Canada’s forests in the near future. Jill Johnstone, an associate biology professor at the U of S, co-authored the paper with researchers from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, the University of Alaska Southwest and Murdoch University in Australia. The paper says that rising global temperatures — which are predicted to increase the number of forest fires — could negatively affect the ability of certain types of trees in Canada’s boreal forests to regenerate. Most trees in the Canadian boreal forest are serotinous conifers, meaning they have sealed cones on their uppermost levels. When the heat from a forest fire reaches these cones, they open and release seeds which fall to the ground and propagate. Research done by Johnstone and her colleagues shows that frequent forest fires could disrupt this process and prevent coniferous trees from regenerating properly. Boreal forests cover approximately 60 per cent of Canada’s land area. Conifers are the most common type of tree in this region.


24 October, 2013 •


Huskies come up short against Bisons


The seventh ranked University of Saskatchewan Huskies men’s football team fell to the visiting University of Manitoba Bisons 33-26 and 4-3 on the season. The loss means the Huskies will have to wait until after the final week of the season to see where they will finish in the standings. Depending on who wins, the Dogs could finish anywhere from second to fourth in the Canada West division. However, they are guaranteed a playoff berth thanks to Regina’s loss. The game got off to a slow start, but halftime saw things perking up to become an exciting back-and-forth affair. The two teams alternated scoring the entire second half and the Huskies had a chance to tie the game in the fading minutes but quarterback Drew Burko’s pass was intercepted, ending the threat. Manitoba quarterback Jordan Yantz threw for four touchdowns, including the game winner with 5:50 left in the fourth quarter. The Dogs opened the scoring on their first drive of the game. Kicker Denton Kolodzinski connected on a 33-yard field goal to give the Huskies an early 3-0 lead. Kolodzinski’s counterpart Nick Boyd tied the game with a 26yard field goal of his own. Late in the opening quarter, Yantz hit


The Huskies will have to wait for the upcoming week’s results to see where they land in playoffs. Nic Demski for a 21-yard touchdown pass making the score 10-3 in favour of the visitors. Kolodzinski hit from 29-yards out in the second quarter to cut the difference to 10-6 at halftime. In the third quarter, Dexter Janke gave the Huskies back the lead with a 15-yard

Upcoming Huskies Games Men’s Football • Oct. 26 in Regina vs. University of Regina Rams at 1 p.m. • Nov. 1 Canada West semi-final [opponent and time TBA] Men’s Soccer • Oct. 26 in Winnipeg vs. University of Winnipeg Wesmen at 6:30 p.m. • Oct. 31 Canada West quarter-final [opponent and time TBA] Women’s Soccer • Oct. 26 Canada West quarter-final in Langley vs. Trinity Western University Spartans at 6 p.m. Men’s Hockey Oct. 25 and 26 vs. University of Lethbridge Pronghorns at 7:00 p.m. Women’s Hockey • Oct. 25 and 26 in Lethbridge vs. University of Lethbridge Pronghorns at 7:00 p.m. Nov. 1 and Nov. 2 vs. University of Calgary Dinos at 7 p.m.

touchdown run. Janke finished with 59 yards rushing in the game and the one touchdown. Manitoba recorded a safety to cut the Dogs lead to a mere 13-12. On the next Huskie possession Kolodzinksi would hit his third field goal of the evening, this one from 37 yards out, to make the score 16-12 for the Huskies. With time winding down in the third frame, Dustin Pederson hauled in a 27-yard touchdown

Men’s Volleyball Oct. 26 vs. University of Alberta Golden Bears at 8:00 p.m. Oct. 27 vs. University of Alberta Golden Bears at 4:00 p.m. Nov. 1 and Nov. 2 vs. Trinity Western University at 8:00 p.m. Women’s Volleyball Oct. 26 vs. University of Alberta Pandas at 6:15 p.m. Oct. 27 vs. University of Alberta Pandas at 2:15 p.m. Nov. 1 and Nov. 2 vs. Trinity Western University Spartans at 6:15 p.m. Men’s Basketball Oct. 24-26 Graham Shootout • Nov. 1 in Kamloops vs. Thompson Rivers University WolfPack at 8:00 p.m. • Nov. 2 in Kelowna vs. University of British Columbia Okanagan Heat at 8:00 p.m. Women’s Basketball • Nov. 1 in Kamloops vs. Thompson Rivers University WolfPack at 6:00 p.m. • Nov. 2 in Kelowna vs. University of British Columbia Okanagan Heat at 6:00 p.m. Home Game

Canada West Standings Men’s Football 1. Calgary 2. Manitoba 2. Saskatchewan 2. UBC 5. Regina 6. Alberta

Women’s Soccer GP-W-L 7-7-0 7-4-3 7-4-3 7-4-3 7-2-5 7-0-7

*Top four teams qualify for playoffs

Men’s Soccer

Prairie Division 1. Saskatchewan 2. Alberta 3. Calgary 4. Winnipeg 5. Mount Royal 6. Lethbridge

GP-W-L-T 14-8-4-2 13-7-4-2 13-6-6-1 14-4-7-3 13-4-7-2 13-2-10-1

Pacific Division 1. UBC 2. Victoria 3. UFV 4. Trinity Western 5. UNBC

GP-W-L-T 12-11-1-0 12-8-3-1 14-5-7-2 12-4-5-3 12-2-7-3

*Top three teams from each division qualify for playoffs

1. Victoria 2. Alberta 3. Trinity Western 3. UBC 5. Saskatchewan 6. Calgary 7. UFV 8. Regina 9. Mount Royal 10. Manitoba 11. UNBC 12. Winnipeg 13. Lethbridge

Women’s Hockey GP-W-L-T 12-10-2-0 12-9-1-2 12-8-1-3 12-8-1-3 12-8-2-2 12-6-4-2 12-5-4-3 12-5-5-2 12-3-8-1 12-1-7-4 12-1-9-2 12-1-11-0 12-0-10-2

*Top six teams from the division advance to playoffs

1. Regina 2. Lethbridge 3. Saskatchewan 4. Manitoba 4. UBC 6. Lethbridge 7. Calgary 8. Mount Royal

GP-W-L-OTL 6-5-1-0 6-4-1-1 6-4-2-0 6-3-2-1 6-3-2-1 6-2-2-2 6-2-3-1 6-1-5-0

*All eight teams advance to playoffs

Men’s Hockey 1. Alberta 1. Calgary 3. Regina 4. Manitoba 4. Mount Royal 4. Saskatchewan 7. UBC 8. Lethbridge

GP-W-L-OTL 6-6-0-0 6-6-0-0 6-3-3-0 6-2-4-0 6-2-4-0 6-2-4-0 4-1-3-0 4-0-4-0

*All eight teams advance to playoffs

13-305-009 – Advanced Education - Post Secondary Education Thursday, October 24, 31, November 7, 14, 2013 | The Sheaf BW (5” x 9”)

from Yantz, pushing Manitoba ahead 19-16 after three quarters of play. The see-saw action continued in the fourth, with Shane Buchanan restoring the Huskies’ lead on a one-yard touchdown run. The Bison’s answered just two plays later when Yantz threw a 41-yard touchdown to Matt Sawyer, who would go on to finish with three catches for 89 yards and one touchdown for Manitoba. Kolodzinski tied the game at 26 with a successful field goal from 46-yards back. making him a perfect 4-4 on the night. Yantz found Alex Vitt for a touchdown to close scoring for the game and hand the Huskies their third loss of the season. Burko completed 21 of 38 passes for a total of 324 yards and one interception. His favourite target for the night was Kit Hillis, who caught 10 passes for a total of 134 yards. Hillis also had one carry for 44 yards. Dane Bishop led the Huskies defense with seven total tackles. Travelling to Regina next weekend to take on the 2-5 Rams, the Dogs will need a win if they want to have a shot at a home playoff game and the second seed in the Canada West playoffs. The U of S is currently in a three-way tie for second with the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds and Manitoba. The Calgary Dinos maintain their stranglehold on first place with a 7-0 record. The Huskies take on the University of Regina Rams on Saturday Oct. 26 in Regina. Canada West playoffs begin November 1.



Huskies winless against Mount Royal Cougars KIMBERLEY HARTWIG Sports Editor

Despite a solid effort, the Huskies couldn’t come away with a win against the Mount Royal University Cougars on Oct. 19 and 20 in Calgary, Alta. The results stopped the Cougars bid for the post-season, as the team is now eliminated from playoff contention, while the Huskies moved closer to finishing the year in the top spot of the Prairie Division with a 8-4-2 record. Mount Royal came out of the gates strong to start Saturday’s match, pressuring the Huskies defence and generating scoring opportunities in the opening minutes of play. However, it was the Dogs who struck first with a goal in the 18th minute. Thirdyear striker Garrett Peters sent a rocket past Cougars keeper David Thelheimer to give the Huskies an early 1-0 lead. The Cougars levelled the score 20 minutes later when Trevor McPhee netted a penalty kick. The Huskies would pull ahead before the end of the first half, with midfielder Luigi Bekwayo scoring his sixth goal of the season off an assist from Brett Levis to put the Dogs in the lead 2-1 to end the first. Ten minutes into the second half the home team levelled the score once again. Cody Cook blasted the ball past Huskies keeper Michal Bandula to bring the tally to 2-2. The two teams raised the intensity for the remainder of the match, as both sides received warnings for hard tackles. Neither team was able to break the deadlock and the match finished at 2-2. Bandula recorded two saves, while Thelheimer blocked three. The Cougars outshot the Huskies 8-6. The bad blood from the end of Saturday’s match spilled over as Sunday’s game


The Dogs hold top spot in the division, three points ahead of the Alberta Golden Bears.

began with both teams bringing plenty of aggression to the pitch. The bout was littered with hard tackles and six yellow cards were handed out to players. There was no love lost between the two sides, as heated words were exchanged between players and coaches. The Huskies had a chance to score in the opening frame when Garrett Peters took a shot on net, but the ball sailed just outside the post. The half ended in a 0-0 draw. For the second match in a row the Cougars capitalized off a penalty kick, which was awarded after a Cougar player was brought down by Jordan Farahani in the box. Tyrin Hutchings put the ball past Bandula for a 1-0 lead. The Dogs pressured the Cougars in their own zone but couldn’t find the net despite seeing an additional seven minutes of play added to the scoreboard. The Huskies succumed to the Cougars 0-1. Bandula turned away a single shot while Thelheimer stopped four. The Huskies outshot the Cougars 8-4. The Huskies play their final game of the season against the University of Winnipeg Wesmen on Saturday Oct. 26 in Winnipeg.

24 October, 2013 •

Women’s soccer team scores record KIMBERLEY HARTWIG Sports Editor

Thanks to a 3-0 home victory over the University of Northern British Columbia Timberwolves on Oct. 20, the Huskies women’s soccer team set a single season points record. The Huskies scored 26 points over 12 games, more than any other team in the program’s 29year history. The squad also tied the record for most wins in a season with eight. The Huskies got on the board quickly with a goal two minutes into the match. Fifth-year midfielder Daniela Fuenzalida sent a pass to striker Jenelle Zapski that she put past Timberwolves keeper Jordan Hall. The half ended with the Dogs leading 1-0. The home team extended their lead in the second half, adding another two points to the scoreboard. Fuenzalida scored a goal of her own in the 53rd minute when she netted Jennifer Miller’s free kick into the top right corner. Fuenzalida was awarded player of the game for her efforts. Six minutes later Nicholle Morrison pushed the Huskies’ lead to 3-0, scoring her third goal

of the season. The Dogs continued to pressure the Timberwolves for the remainder of the match as they took an additional six shots on net. Hall was able to turn all shots away but the Timberwolves offence never got going. The match ended in a 3-0 shutout. Hall made 10 saves on the day while Huskies keeper Cara Santaga made four, recording her fourth clean sheet of the season. Next up for the team is the post-season. The Dogs finished fifth in Canada West after going 8-2-2 on the season and will take on the Trinity Western University Spartans in the Canada West quarter-final match. The Spartans finished in a tie for third place with an 8-1-3 record. The Huskies met the Spartans once this season, recording a 1-1 tie on Sept. 21. The Huskies will have to bring their best to the pitch as they have never beaten the Spartans, who will also boast home field advantage. This is only the second time the team has advanced to the playoffs. The Huskies fell to the University of Regina Cougars in last year’s quarter-final match. The Huskies face the Spartans in Langley, B.C. on Sat. Oct. 26.


Striker Nicholle Morrison’s goal helped the Huskies break the single season points record.

Dog Watch: Charlie Power KIMBERLEY HARTWIG Sports Editor

Huskies’ football player Charlie Power is looking to trade in his green and white uniform for red, black and white when he suits up for the Calgary Stampeders. The Okotoks, Alta. native was drafted 28th overall to the Stampeders in the Canadian Football League Entry Draft in 2012. Last summer he spent time on the practice roster but decided it wasn’t quite his time to make the foray into the big leagues. “I got that experience, but decided I wanted to come back and finish my degree and play another year with the Huskies,” Power said. “If that works out in the future that’d be great. I’d like to explore that for a bit. It’s fun to try and go as far as you can in the sport.” Power spent his first two years playing with the Huskies football team as linebacker, but at the start of his third year he made the switch to slotback. “It was a pretty big change,” he said. “I played a little bit of slotback in high school but nothing at this level. It took a bit of adjusting. I think I picked it up fairly quickly.” Moving positions wasn’t Power’s own design. His coaches asked him to make the change for the benefit of the team and, although it’s not something he would have considered on his own, he trusted their judgement. “I went with it and it worked out pretty well. I think making that switch from linebacker I gave the offence a bigger receiver that can be a possession receiver and do some blocking,”

Power said. “Being a big athletic guy has helped our offence get more dynamic.” So far he’s been very successful in his new role. This year Power has recorded one touchdown and 143 receiving yards. Being the one to bring the ball into the endzone is something he didn’t get to experience holding down the trenches as a linebacker. “It’s definitely exciting; you don’t get a feeling quite like that on defence,” he said. “When you get to score [touchdowns] at home they’re always special because of the fans and the fireworks.” Even before he was on the end of scoring drives, the atmosphere was one of Power’s


favourite parts of taking to the field. “The fans out here are great; there’s no better fans in Canada West,” he said. “It’s great to play a sport and have that support and feel like you actually have fans out there.” Power’s versatility doesn’t stop at just two positions. The Stampeders put Power in yet another role — that of fullback. All of these changes could be disorienting, but Power is taking it in stride. He has enjoyed the excitement that comes with playing football since he was young. “As a kid I liked hitting — you didn’t get to do that in school,” Power said. “It was something that I was fairly good at and it

took a lot of athleticism and was challenging. I never really got bored of it.” It’s been anything but a boring season for the Huskies, who sit in a three-way tie for second place in the Canada West division with the University of Manitoba Bisons and the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds. Having already secured a playoff position, it’s now a fight for home field advantage and gaining momentum going into the postseason. “Getting in the playoffs is a big step and from there it’s anybody’s game,” Power said. “Our focus is on getting to the Hardy Cup first but the end goal is always the Vanier.” The top ranked and undefeated University of Calgary Dinos have given the Dogs the most trouble this year, but Power thinks the team has the skills to knock them from the throne. “I think if we clean up some of our mistakes and we play good games that we can beat those teams,” he said. “We’ve definitely got to stop shooting ourselves in the foot. “From the offensive perspective it’s putting the ball in the endzone. We’ve moved it pretty well but once we’ve gotten to the 30yard line in we haven’t put touchdowns on the board. If we can figure out how to do that we’ll be in a good position.” As for playing for the enemy once his time with the Huskies is over, Power sees it as more of a homecoming than a betrayal. “I grew up in Calgary so I was always a Stamps fan. I was never really a Riders fan.”



Golden Bears overpower Huskies 24 October, 2013 •


The University of Alberta Golden Bears left Rutherford Rink with two wins against the Huskies men’s hockey team in hand. The Dogs lost both games to the number one ranked Gold Bears on Oct. 18 and 19. Following the losses the team sits seventh in the Canada West division with a 2-4-0 record. During the first match on Friday night the Huskies were in a good position to post a win until two third-period goals within 16 seconds of each other by the Bears snuffed out the chance. The Huskies were first on the board after forward Derek Hulak’s goal just shy of the six minute mark in the second period. Zak Stebner sent a pass to Hulak along the Golden Bears blue line, which he quickly fired toward Alberta’s net. The puck hit goaltender Kurtis Mucha’s blocker, but still found its way into the net after rolling down his leg and over the goal line. The Golden Bears tied the game with seven minutes left in the same frame. Alberta’s Levko Koper took a shot from the slot, but Huskies defencemen got in the way. Fortunately for the visiting team, Kruise Reddick was in the perfect position to chip the rebound past Huskies netminder Ryan Holfeld. Tied at 1-1 in the third period, two quick goals by Jamie Crooks and Ian Barteaux led the Golden Bears to victory. Crooks scored the first goal at the 6:17 mark after he snapped a pass from Brett Ferguson over Holfeld’s glove. Barteaux added insult to injury when his slap shot found the net at 6:33. The Huskies got one of the goals back when Kenton Dulle maneuvered the puck past Mucha and brought the Dogs within one of the tie. The squad kept pushing for

the equalizer but a high-sticking penalty left them short-handed with less than three minutes left to play and they couldn’t recover from the disadvantage. Saturday’s game saw much of the same, as the Huskies once again beat the Golden Bears to the scoreboard. The Dogs first goal came off the stick of captain Brennan Bosch during a five-on-three advantage at the end of the first period. Bosch fired the puck into the top shelf past Alberta’s goalie Luke Siemens. Alberta tied the game during a power

The Huskies women's hockey team is only two points back from the top of the Canada West standings after returning from Edmonton, Alta. with one win and one loss. The Huskies are now 4-2 on the season and sit in third place behind the University of Regina Cougars and this past weekend's foe, the University of Alberta Pandas. The Huskies dropped the first contest 1-3 to the number two Pandas on Oct. 18. Natasha Steblin got scoring started in the fading minutes of the first period when she flicked a shot past Huskies goaltender Cassidy Hendricks to give the Pandas a 1-0 lead which the team held onto through the the first intermission. The home team continued to pressure the Huskies in the second period, creating numerous scoring opportunities. It was quality goaltending from Hendricks that kept the game close as she turned away all shots that came her way. The Huskies scored their first goal of the night to level the score off a turnover in the Panda zone. Captain Cami Wooster corralled the puck and sent a stinging slapshot over Pandas netminder Michala Jeffries’ shoulder. The Pandas outshot the Huskies 22-9 after the first two periods, but the score stood tied at 1-1. Penalties hurt the Huskies in the third period, as the Pandas were awarded three straight power plays. The Pandas broke the Dogs streak of 15 killed penalties with a goal on their second one-man advantage. Jayden Skoye scored to edge the home team ahead 2-1 with a backhand shot past

front of the net and quickly flicked the puck past Holfeld for a 3-2 lead. The Huskies left the net unoccupied to gain a one man advantage in the fading minutes, allowing Koper an empty net goal for the 4-2 Golden Bear triumph. Holfeld made 33 saves on the night while Siemens made 31. The Golden Bears edged the Huskies in total shots 37-33. The Huskies host the University of Lethbridge Pronghorns on Friday Oct. 25 and Saturday Oct. 26.

The Huskies men’s hockey team will look to get back in the win column after posting two losses last weekend.

Huskies women’s hockey team keeps pace with top of pack KIMBERLEY HARTWIG Sports Editor

play of their own when Jordan Hickmott capitalized on the advantage two and a half minutes into the second period to draw even at 1-1. The Huskies pulled ahead 2-1 when Dulle’s shot bounced off Siemen’s chest and into the net. Five minutes later Hickmott scored his second goal of the night to bring the two teams even once again. The winning goal for the Golden Bears came off a shot by Rhett Rachinski at 15:43 in the third period. Rachinski found the puck at the right faceoff circle after a scramble in

Hendricks with 15 minutes left to play. The Dogs thought they had tied the score with nine minutes remaining, but the goal was disallowed and the Pandas maintained their one point lead. Lindsey Cunningham tallied the final goal of the night for the Pandas into an empty net to end the contest at 3-1 for Alberta. Hendricks made an impressive 25 saves while Jeffries made 12. The Huskies needed an overtime goal to down the Pandas 3-2 on Oct. 19. Kandace Cook and Sarra Greschner scored in regular time and Wooster netted the gamewinning goal in additional time. After a scoreless opening period, the Huskies were first on the scoreboard in the second. Cook scored just over a minute into the period during a powerplay to notch the Huskies ahead 1-0. The Pandas responded in the eighth minute when Jocelyn Zabrick netted a goal to level the game. The Dogs pulled ahead 2-1 after Greschner scored the final goal of the period when the Pandas were shorthanded yet again. With five minutes left to play, Janelle Froehler closed the gap and sent the game into overtime. Wooster’s goal at the eight minute mark secured the victory for the Dogs. Huskies goalie Karen Lefsrud stopped 34 shots while at the other end of the ice Lindsey Post turned away 19. The Pandas outshot the Huskies 37-21 on the night. The Huskies take on the University of Lethbridge Pronghorns on Friday Oct. 25 and Saturday Oct. 26 in Lethbridge.


Multi-Faith Chaplains Association


Everyone loves hot chocolate and ice cream, and the chaplains at the U of S would like to make sure that you get some! Come visit us for our annual Open House for a warm cup of hot chocolate or a cool cone of ice cream. Drop by the University Chaplains office in MUB room 118 on Friday, November 8th, any time between 9:30 am and noon, for a treat. See you there! All are welcome. University Multi-Faith Chaplains Association on behalf of all the Chaplains. ABORIGINAL CULTURAL LIAISON Aboriginal Students’ Centre Marquis Hall 110 97 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK. S7N 4L3 Mr. Dion Tootoosis p: 306-966-2924 e: ECUMENICAL CHAPLAINCY Anglican, Presbyterian, United University Chaplain’s Office Memorial Union Building 118 93 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK. S7N 5B2 The Rev. Emily Carr p: 306-491-8505 HINDU FAITH Bala Muthuswamy 1302 College Drive p: 306-370-2636 e:

JEWISH University Chaplain’s Office Memorial Union Building 118 93 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK. S7N 5B2 Rabbi Claudio Jodorovsky p: 306-343-7023

PENTECOSTAL CHAPLAIN University Chaplain’s Office Memorial Union Building 118 93 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK. S7N 5B2 Drew Campbell p: 306-241-0835

LUTHERAN Lutheran Campus Centre 1302 College Drive Saskatoon, SK. S7N 0W5 Paul Sartison p: 306-653-2509

ROMAN CATHOLIC St. Thomas More College 1437 College Drive Saskatoon, SK. S7N 0W6 Michael LacLean p: 306-966-8931 André Lalach p: 306-966-8930 Madeline Oliver p: 306-966-8940

MULTI-FAITH COORDINATOR Dr. Joel Schindel p: 306-717-7128 MUSLIM University Chaplain’s Office Memorial Union Building 118 93 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK. S7N 5B2 Syed Ibn Iqbal p: 306-880-1715

UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC Sheptytsky Institute 1236 College Drive Saskatoon, SK. S7N 0W4 Laurie Friesen p: 306-244-7720 André Lalach p: 306-966-8930



24 October, 2013 •

Vampire Beat invites ghouls and monsters out to dance

Upcoming Events

NICHOLAS KINDRACHUK Culture Editor PAVED Arts is throwing it’s second annual Halloween bash, where everyone is invited to dress up and dance to their heart’s content. Vampire Beat is more than just a halloween dance party. It aims to blend the artistic side of it’s venue and display everything PAVED stands for: photography, audio, video, electronic and digital art. The organization also partnered with Blackflash Magazine, a local photography and new media magazine, to throw the party, where the proceeds go to funding for both organizations. Of course the main draw of the event is it being a video dance party, meaning that there is going to be a host of psychedelic visual art to go along with the live music. This is all done in an effort to make Vampire Beat one of the most unique parties out there. With the show already being sold out, it’s clear that the Saskatoon masses are taking notice. “Just 2 years ago, we had to really push hard in terms of promotion to sell out the event. This year it sold out more than a week in advance,” said Reilly Forbes, one of the event organizers. Music is king at any party, and Vampire Beat has an excellent line up, featuring DJ Market Mall, Ravewind and headliner Helium 3. Known for his fusion of electronic and atmospheric sounds, Helium 3 is sure to get the party bumping all through the night. Another of the unique aspects to the event is the return of the wall. Similar to the more commonplace

Thursday Oct. 24 • Pink at Credit Union Centre • Jordan Klassen at Vangelis

Friday Oct. 25 • Frank Turner at Louis’ • Loretta Lynn at Dakota Dunes Casino A glimpse into the music set up at Vampire Beat. photo booth, which will be present as well, allows people to come and make gifs (popular internet video pictures) of themselves which will be later posted in a collage on their website. This is not only for drunk friends to embarrass themselves with, but a way to be creative while having fun and maybe create a memorable gif to mark the occasion. The costumes do play a large part of at any Halloween event, even just to spectate the variety and complexity of then. Fittingly, there will be a contest for best costume to add extra incentive to dress your best. There is a lot to look forward to, but there’s also a lot of mystery as to what else


they have in store for the night. “I don't want to give too much away, but we always try and push the envelope in terms of what we present visually alongside the music,” teased Forbes. With all of the excitement, Forbes and the rest of organizing crew feel very passionate about how great of a party they can throw. “Vampire Beat is the counterpoint to everything that can be potentially terrible about partying on Halloween. It's a party that people talk about for weeks after, saying ‘This is what a party is supposed to be!’” Vampire Beat scares up some fun at PAVED Arts on Oct. 26. Tickets are sold out for this year.

Lest we forget: killing time with teen slasher films

BILLY-RAY BELCOURT — The Gateway (University of Alberta)

Edmonton (CUP) — If the horror genre has taught us anything, it’s that our greatest fear is fear itself and that the human race is one deranged species. A terrifying combination of cannibalistic serial killers, teenage psychopaths, masked murderers and the iconic phrase, “I see dead people” is deeply entrenched in the minds of any child who experienced the horror films of the ‘90s. Most lovers of scary movies will wholeheartedly appreciate the terror-inducing narratives that were crafted during this decade as the industry produced films in almost every genre imaginable including alien, zombie, supernatural and psychological. But most memorably, the popularity of the ‘90s horror film placed the teenage slasher amongst pop culture royalty, creating a legacy of film conventions that continue to this day. These movies are also prime procrastination tools for any student

dying to escape from school work and the stresses of midterms. Despite the specificity of this genre, some of my favourite horror films were borne out of the notion that teenagers and young adults could mastermind vengeance-fuelled killing sprees. The intricate web of murders and the limited set of potential victims and perpetrators always generated suspense and anxiety. As someone easily startled by unsuspecting and dramatized “jumping out from behind the closed door” scenes, these slasher flicks always kept me tense and on the edge of my seat. Even if I know something is going to suddenly come hurdling into the frame I’ll still manage to make that awkward grunting noise when something surprises and scares you at the same time, which is why the slasher sub-genre fuels my love of horror films. Considered one of the most successful films of the decade, Scream was able to ingeniously satirize the clichés of the horror genre through its characters who

Ghostface, the famous masked murderer of the Scream series.


blatantly discuss the possible series of events based on classic horror flicks like Friday The 13th and Halloween. But most importantly, Scream left us perplexed about the origins of the killer. This created a new kind of movie watcher, one who shouted at the T.V. every five minutes trying to guess the murderer’s true identity. Ultimate glory for movie watchers wasn’t experienced until the credits rolled and the person who “called it” was crowned victorious. Scream situates us within a group of high school classmates, a police officer and a reporter as a masked murderer terrorizes the town with his revengefuelled rage. It effectively established a new storyline that proved to be both novel and interesting, paving the way for similar films. Released one year after Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer took this teenage murderer trope to another level by depicting all of its central teenage characters as capable of committing murder and suppressing its consequences. Taking place one year after the protagonists cover up a car accident that left one man dead, the film takes viewers on a suspenseful ride as the group of older teens are stalked by an unknown killer. Incorporating much of the same conventions as Scream, the identity of the hook-wielding murder and his motives are hidden behind even more death and human depravity, leaving viewers emotionally invested in the film’s outcomes. Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer will always be remembered as horror films that left viewers questioning the goodness of man and the hidden intentions of the pubescent population. But above all, these films are undeniably entertaining and deserve to be re-watched on Saturday nights, because let’s be honest, you weren’t actually going to do your readings anyways.

Saturday Oct. 26 • Switch in Time at Cosmo Senior’s Centre • Vampire Beat at PAVED Arts • Nosferatu at Roxy Theatre • Young Benjamins at Amigos • Ernesto Cervini at The Bassment

Sunday Oct. 27 • Chris Cornell at TCU Place

Monday Oct. 28 • Marion Mutala at McNally Robinson • Tomas Borsa co-founder of Line in the Sand at Agriculture 2D21

Tuesday Oct. 29 • Joanne Weber at McNally Robinson

Wednesday Oct. 30 • Burpees for Boobies at Lululemon Athletic • Oh What a Night at TCU Place • Chelsea Hotel: The Songs of Leonard Cohen at Persephone Theatre


24 October, 2013 •


New student group strives to remodel the arts ANDREW COOPER

University of Saskatchewan students are taking a new approach to student groups and how they can affect the arts. The student group, called Saskatoon Public Interest Research Group, are actively petitioning to pass the referendum necessary to establish Saskatoon’s own PIRG. The mandate of the PIRG at the U of S would be to facilitate ideas into action by funding projects, events and initiatives that students believe would benefit the campus and the community. “I think that there are tons of us at the university who have great ideas about how to promote social good on campus and in the community” said SPIRG event organizer Amanda Bestvater. The group will be holding the event at Louis’ on Wednesday, Nov. 6. The event will showcase a variety of local talent including Kay the Aquanaut, Jeans Boots, Howl Howl and Helium 3. “The purpose of this event is to bring together a bunch of students with all kinds of perspectives and ideas and introduce them to the idea of a Public Interest Research Group,” said Bestvater. “I’m really hoping that this event will raise awareness within the student body about how a PIRG can help bring their ideas into existence, and I’m hoping that everybody has lots of post-midterms, de-stressing fun.” Public interest research expands beyond what typical research usually happens at an academic institution. This includes raising awareness, advocacy, capacity building and


SPIRG organizers Melissa Gan and Amanda Bestvater spread the word.

support for any and all things associated with social, economical and environmental justice. There are PIRGs established on university campuses across six provinces, from Nova Scotia to British Columbia. The list of community projects these PIRGs have undertaken is extensive, ranging from arts festivals and progressive movie screenings to fair trade initiatives and solidarity movements. Even the University of Regina has an active PIRG, while the U of S has yet to establish one. “PIRGs are immensely beneficial for all universities and their communities at large, and in my eyes the benefits really are limitless,” said Amanda Guthrie, another SPIRG member. “PIRGs are about empowering students and community members to go out and make change and we at SPIRG see an immense need for this right now. I believe

the U of S not only should have a PIRG but needs a PIRG, because we currently lack the resources and space to make those types of endeavours towards social, environmental and economical justice.” In order to establish a PIRG at the U of S, students must bring a petition signed by 5 per cent of undergraduate students to student council. After a vote by student council, students will get the chance to vote in a referendum to approve the introduction of a fee starting the following school year with the option to op-out for those who are disinterested. Though many Canadian PIRGs charge as much as $10 in funding from each student, SPIRG is suggesting $2.50 per semester. The funding for SPIRG would come from this new fee, and in turn SPIRG would be able to provide funding and resources to initiatives by students working for social change. Any student who has paid the additional student yearly fee will have access to request funding for a project or working group. “It is important for students to realize, that for less than the price of a grande caramel macchiato, they can access resources, space, and people who want to help them achieve their goals,” Guthrie said. “Students will be able to utilize funding in numerous ways. This is exciting because SPIRG will be whatever U of S students want it to be, while creating social, environmental and economic change.” Many Canadian PIRGs allow for community members to pay a fee for membership into the organization even if they are not enrolled in the university, something the SPIRG hopes to

achieve. Students and community members alike would have the opportunity to use SPIRG to benefit their own groups, such as arts or business initiatives. The examples of current projects at other PIRGs are varied and often represent specific student or community needs. In Kingston, Ont. students and artists have founded a group through their university’s PIRG called the Kingston Mayworks Collective. This group “believes that bridging art and labour can bring about social change” is the approach given on their website. At other universities, including McGill and U of R, PIRGs grow community gardens on campus, donate the crops to outreach centres as well as promote awareness for sustainability, food production and land use. Regardless of what ambitions students foster, PIRGs across Canada campaign to make communities better places. “I think the event on Nov. 6 will be a rowdy time for students who want to hang out and dance a lot, and learn how to get involved,” Amanda Bestvater. “We invite the whole student body to come out to the event to listen to some good music and learn how they can create change.” Those who wish to learn more about the plan to make SPIRG a reality or join in themselves can attend one of the weekly meetings Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. in room B406 of the Health Sciences building. Additionally, the Saskatoon Public Interest Research Group Facebook page regularly updates their activities.

Tequila attempts to stop its fall from grace NICHOLAS KINDRACHUK Culture Editor

There was a point in time where Tequila was the hotspot and brought a fresh dance club atmosphere to Saskatoon. But eventually the hype died and the owners were left in a make-or-break situation. While most business owners would keep a rough patch like this to themselves, CEO Bryan “Chunk” Pawlachuk and President Simon Papadapoulos decided to have themselves filmed for a six part television series titled Nightclub Confidential, airing on City Saskatchewan. “About a year and a half into Tequila, Tony [Hrynchuk] from Fahrenheit Films was in town and we told him to come down. He decided to shadow us for a night and then comes back two months later telling us he sold a show,” said Simon. As it happened it wasn’t really the first idea for the show to be about the resurrection of Tequila, but rather to get a glimpse behind the scenes with the two dramatic individuals who run the business. However, at the time the bar was facing large financial losses and looking for something to bring back the business they once had. With the pilot episode of the show, a small glimpse is given into how they plan to implement changes, the majority of which were brought to the table by newly hired General Manager, Blair Anton. A large portion of the episode lays out the groundwork for the drama that is bound to ensue over the series, with Blair seeing that, even with big shows from renowned DJ’s like Steve Aoki, the club is losing money due to poor liquor sales. Blair sees the remedy for this being a complete style change, shifting towards a more country-rock styled bar, a commonplace theme in Saskatoon. Simon and Chunk however, believe this would take away the unique aspects of their club, which strives to emulate a Las Vegasstyled VIP bar that focuses on DJ-centric

electronic music a energetic lounge and bottle service. “The issue with a club like this... that we have found is that it’s very high maintenance. Everything has got to be set up perfectly — the smallest thing can set a customer off because they expect everything to be perfect when they come in,” Chunk said. “You look at places down the street and really, as long as they have booze and their staff’s there then they’re ready to rock,” Simon chimed in. While the owners express their concern for such dramatic change, a view is also given into the night-to-night life of running a club like Tequila. One of the key moments is during the chaos of the Aoki concert, where head bouncer Mitch Gauvin has to physically remove a violently drunk patron. Things only escalate from here as Simon has to keep track of two more unruly customers, finding himself defenseless in the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology parking lot. Living in Saskatoon, it’s tough to imagine what a T.V. show centered around Tequila would even be like. But once you start watching, it’s pretty easy to buy into the drama. The show has high production values and the first episode is able to find a good balance between it’s three separate aspects: the owners private life, the direction the bar is heading and the nightly chaos. Chunk and Simon are two animated and compelling individuals who bring a lot of life to the show. More than anything you want them to succeed as individuals, not just because it’s a local business. Surprisingly, for reality T.V., the show has a very authentic feel which adds to the entertainment. Nobody is playing it up for the cameras; this is just a glimpse into life at Tequila. Nightclub Confidential premiers Oct. 23 on City Saskatchewan at 10 p.m.


President of Tequila Simon Papadapoulos is commonly seen as the face of the business.

Financial Town Hall #6

Operating budget adjustments update Provost and Vice-President Academic Brett Fairbairn and Vice-President Finance and Resources Greg Fowler will provide an update on operating budget adjustments and answer your questions. Join us from 12:30 pm–1:30 pm in Convocation Hall on Tuesday, November 5. Students are invited to attend. For more information and to watch live online, visit



Spooky tal of Saskatch ANNA-LILJA DAWSON Senior News Editor In the University of Saskatchewan’s 106-year history, there have been thousands of students and faculty members that have walked the grounds, studied in the lecture halls and enjoyed one another’s company in the residences. But beneath the carefree exterior lies tragic stories of hopes gone awry and lives lost. As a result, the campus is a veritable graveyard of ghastly ghouls and unexplainable mysteries.

Saskatchewan Hall

With it’s eerie top floor leading to the tower and it’s chilling basement, Saskatchewan Hall is known for its history with the supernatural. There have been sightings of a chalky human figure in the residence. The figure watches students in their dorms, but upon being noticed floats into empty corners and dissipates. Despite its curious interest in students, the figure is not known to be malevolent.

The tunnels

Often mistaken for a cool breeze, the ghost of a deceased engineering student roams the tunnels beneath the university. Legend has it when the student dropped out due to his excessive partying, he took to living in the tunnels in shame of his failure and bankruptcy. He survived by stealing money and food from passersby. Years later, university staff are said to have found his decomposing body in the tunnels.

John Mitchell Building

A deceased student by the name of Hank supposedly haunts the drama department. He has been seen by audience members during a production of Hamlet and, to this day, he is still seen looming about the rafters and sets of the department. Before each opening performance, the cast and crew give him a peace offering of marshmallows.

Room 271: the Airplane Room

Built in 1912, the Peter MacKinnon Building is said to

Murray Library

This morbid tale originates from the mystery of why the shelves of the Murray Library’s upper floors are never full. The engineer who designed the library did not take into account the weight of books and as a result the building would supposedly collapse if the shelves were filled to capacity. The head librarian, who acted as a liaison with the engineer, was so ashamed of her lapse that she jumped from the library’s roof. Her ghost now haunts the library, removing books from the upper floors and is rumoured to be the cause of the library’s many missing books.

As the story goes, room 271 in the Thorvaldson Building was used as a flighttraining room during the Second World War. Students would write their name on paper airplanes and throw them into the porous ceiling. Wives and girlfriends of students gone off to fight would check the room daily to see if their loved one’s paper airplane had fallen, signifying that he had been shot down in the war. Now room 271 is said to be haunted by the spirits of the fallen soldiers.

College of Law

Students working late at night in the Law Library have claimed to have seen a robed figure wandering around silently. The figure supposedly collects old pieces of rebar to build a sculpture in an unknown location.

University Club

A dark apparition that is believed to be male has been sighted in the upstairs lounge. Unexplainable occurrences with electronics are associated with the lounge, such as radio stations switching from classical music to hip hop.

Thorvaldson Building

Thorberger Thorvaldson, the chemist who spearheaded research in concrete durability at the U of S, is said to haunt the building which bears his name. Longing for recognition of his work, Thorvaldson is rumoured to have requested to be entombed in the large concrete block on the building’s front steps. Legend has it this final wish was fulfilled.

The Airplane Room — highlight of many campus t leaving to serve as pilots in the Second World War.


24 October, 2013 •

les from the University hewan’s haunted past Diefenbaker Canada Centre

Many are surprised to hear that the late Prime Minister John. G. Diefenbaker and his wife, Olive, are buried on campus. However, visitors and staff of the Diefenbaker Canada Centre are even more taken aback when they see a ghastly figure walking through the exhibit, clad in a suit-and-tie — believed to be Diefenbaker himself.

Archaeology Building


be home to the ghost of the first history department head Arthur Silver Morton, who suddenly died one night in the building.

R.J.D. Williams Building

Home of the School for the Deaf until 1990, the R.J.D. Williams Building is a recent addition to the university. In those 20-some years, ghostly figures have been seen in the south end of the third-floor corridor and disappearing through the wall. Employees working on the main floor have heard sounds of children playing and running along the second-floor hallway. However, when they went up to investigate, the floor was deserted. The interior fire alarms have also been heard ringing by passing campus security officers who found nothing to have caused the alarms when they scouted the premise.

Peter MacKinnon Building

Arthur Silver Morton came to the U of S in 1914. As a historian, he served as head of the history department and university librarian until his sudden death in the Peter MacKinnon Building. Earlier that evening, Morton had an argument with then-university president J. S. Thomson. Known for his interest in preserving historic sites, Morton’s ghost was said to have appeared during the building’s restorations in 2004-5. Members of the Amati Quartet have reported feeling Morton’s presence in Convocation Hall as well.

Poultry Sciences Building

Students in the upper-level study carrels have often heard the sounds of a rocking chair and the smell of burning pipe tobacco.

Stories of graduate students returning to the building late at night to gather personal belongings have only added to the mystery of the old building. Upon leaving the empty building, taking care to turn off all the lights, students have seen a light that was somehow left on in a third-floor room. After returning to the floor, turning off the light and finally leaving the building, the light has unexplainably remained on. Other stories involving the third floor include accounts of disembodied voices that argue loudly, along with the mysterious wafting scent of a woman’s perfume through the area. Not to out do any other building on campus, the Archaeology Building has long been rumoured to be the home of the department head’s secret laboratory for research, outfitted with old equipment from Saskatoon City Hospital.

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24 October, 2013 •

13 Korea brings fresh blood to the horror scene CULTURE

24 October, 2013 •


For many the horror genre has gotten to be stale and predictable, offering little in the way of scares. However, Korean horror films are bringing something new beyond the typical blood and gore offerings. It’s no easy task to dish out the terror that leaves audiences dreading every dark corner for weeks. On a certain level, it seems like the North American side of production has been phoning it in with the same situations recycled for each new release, leaving viewers high and dry. If you have been feeling the same way and are looking for something that’ll actually catch you off-guard this Halloween, the Korean film scene has been under-appreciated in this respect for too long. A Tale of Two Sisters tackles more traditional themes of horror with a heavy dose of psychological terror. It follows two sisters, Su-mi and Su-yeon, living in an abusive home with their father Moohyeon and stepmother Eun-joo. But there’s something else at work in the home; a ghost of some kind is disturbing the well-being of everyone and making it no longer seem clear what is going on and who the abusers are. With a focus on the sisters and a bizarre series of events that go into the more graphic and sometimes shocking realms, A Tale of Two Sisters will be hard to get out of your head. What’s notable about the Korean horror genre is it’s willingness to push boundaries, both with it’s visuals and storytelling. While Western filmmakers have tried to emulate the style for North American audiences, it has mostly ended with adding gratuitous violence that contributes nothing substantial to the style and quality of the movie. Korean horror films look to get into the mind of the viewer and make them squirm with discomfort without overflowing with guts and entrails. A Tale of Two Sisters achieves this by

presenting a situation that is already hard to watch — that of familial abuse — and taking it into supernatural and psychological territory. These aspects make it unclear which character is mentally stable enough to give the viewers an honest perspective on the story. A Tale of Two Sisters is the most financially successful Korean horror film of all time and is a great place to get started for those looking to get into the genre. It has similarities to American films, with it’s haunted house setting and evil parents, as well as clear differences including a sense of dread that isn’t common in most American horror movies. With the upcoming remake of the Chanwook Park’s Oldboy, it’s fitting to look at his foray into horror: Thirst. Thirst is centered around Sang-hyung, a catholic priest who is well respected thanks to his noble and unflinching service to the church. He often volunteers at a hospital and on one visit agrees to be a subject in an experiment to create a vaccine that will eliminate the deadly Emmanuel virus. The experiment goes wrong, leaving Sang-hyung infected with E.V. Seemingly fated for death, he receives a blood transfusion that leads to a steady recovery back to full health. Unfortunately, the cure leaves him thirsting for blood and sees a return of his deadly symptoms if he does not consume any. The story only becomes more tangled, becoming one of romance and overwhelming guilt. Park manages to turn the vampire movie on its head with a unique situation and well-developed characters. What sets Thirst and Korean horror apart is their artistic flair, which adds depth to a genre that is usually seen as fairly shallow. There are few things as uncomfortable as watching Sang-hyung succumb to his passions for love while desperate for blood. The parallels it draws with the limitations of being in a priesthood and their temptations are handled with more originality and tact than most

Soo-hyeon hunts for his prey in I Saw The Devil. would normally associate with horror. Beyond the way these films handle depth in their story, each has a very individual sense of style. The cinematography isn’t looking to create jump scares but instead focuses on unsettling imagery to slowly force the viewer to watch every painstaking moment. I Saw The Devil wants viewers to think they are walking into a typical vengeancedriven action movie, which is far from the truth. Instead, it explores the fact that revenge movies are commonplace in Hollywood and are often on the lighter side of emotional spectrum. The film takes place from the point of view of Soo-hyeon — fiancé to the brutally murdered Joo-yun — as he sets out on a killing spree in search of vengeance for his would-be wife. The deeper and closer that he gets to finding the murderer, the more he finds himself in a series of traps that endanger all those around him. While it may not seem unique from it’s description, the violence from the central


character and villain, Kyung-chul, creates a muddled view of which man is better, causing the viewer to question if there is any morally good character in the film at all. The bloodthirst of both Soo-hyeon and Kyungchul brings in horror from the standpoint that the audience can no longer tell who is good and who is evil. I Saw The Devil certainly has style to its violence, making it an incredible watch, but the violence is not without reason. The film draws the viewer into its brutality and makes them feel twisted and guilty for cheering on the bloodshed. In the end, the part that’ll keep you up at night is your own bloodlust — and that is genuinely special thing for a movie to do. This is something that personifies that Korean horror scene as a whole. With all of the artistic flair, genre blending and palpable scares, what sets these films apart is the way they combine these aspects to make the audience feel involved in their films in a way that is yet to be rivaled in other regions.

Writers around the world gear up for NaNoWriMo WILLIAM LOUISON

November is approaching faster than most people would like. For students, it’s the last standing defence between Halloween parties and final exams. But for some 350,000 writers around the world, November is National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo, a non-profit organization that was established in 1999, calls would-be and established authors alike to write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days or less. On Nov. 1, participants begin working on their novels with the goal to reach the tremendous word count by 11:59 pm on Nov. 30. To most this doesn’t sound like fun at all. Even writers who’ve never participated before are leery of the daunting task. What fun could there possibly be in frantically trying to slab together 50,000 words in one month? The fun aspect to this task is actually quite simple to understand. NaNoWriMo presents writers with a challenge. The fact that it is so intimidating only bolsters its appeal. More than this, NaNoWriMo calls for a non-traditional approach to writing. Most people are caught up with jobs, school, projects, and other activities. Finding the time to write can prove a challenge in itself, so when that time is found it cannot be wasted. NaNoWriMo participants don’t have the time to edit their novels along the way. They don’t have time to dwell for too long on the finer points of the plot or spend hours crafting a unique dialogue or that perfect line. Instead, writers are subjected to “seatof-the-pants noveling” during a “month of literary abandon”, as the NaNoWriMo website so eloquently states.


For this reason, NaNoWriMo is fueled by unbridled creativity. The goal for the team at The Office of Letters and Light — the volunteers who make NaNoWriMo possible — is to encourage and empower creativity among writers from all over the world. Apart from being a challenge, NaNoWriMo also opens writers up to a whole community

of like-minded individuals. The official website is a haven for writers to share ideas, take part in discussions and encourage each other throughout the month. The volunteers working tirelessly to keep the website running, the abounding encouragement and the flowing creativity help to bring in established authors, who

offer pep talks for the participants that are made available on the website throughout November. Among the authors supporting NaNoWriMo this year are James Patterson and Marie Lu. Despite all of this, the question most often asked about NaNoWriMo is ‘why bother?’ There is no prize for completing the challenge and there is no single winner. Anyone who crosses that 50,000 word mark during the month is labelled as a ‘winner’. But if there is no prize at the finish line, why bother? The reward of NaNoWriMo is the feeling of self-accomplishment. Being able to craft an entire novel in one short month is no easy feat, but NaNoWriMo provides a fresh opportunity for writers who struggle with finding the time to write that novel they’ve been planning or those that suffer from the dreaded ‘writer’s block’. November is a time to forget about technicalities and just write — editing can be done later. What each participant chooses to do with their novels when the month is over is ultimately up to them. There is no publication contract to be had, but that is certainly an avenue to pursue. Over 250 novels that begun during NaNoWriMo have been published traditionally, including Sara Gruen’s Water For Elephants. Thousands of other authors have sought selfpublication. Perhaps the greatest thing about NaNoWriMo is that it is open to anyone who wants to give it a try — even if you’ve never written anything in your life. No matter why you start NaNoWriMo, you will become enveloped in a global phenomenon with hundreds of thousands of writers around the world.



24 October, 2013 •

Documentaries stick to the facts that Hollywood misses


Hollywood loves the phrase “based on true events” but how many of the films that follow that phrase are fact and how many are fiction? The Hollywood drama Argo, winner of Best Picture at the 2012 Academy Awards, loosely follows the story of the Canadian Caper, an undertaking by the Canadian government to remove six Americans out of Tehran during the Iranian Hostage crisis in 1979. The first few minutes of the film are a subtle intermingling of historical footage and grainy contemporary reproduction. The statement that the film is “based on true events” is superimposed on the screen followed by a sombre voice-over about the hostile political climate. It’s a film made for entertainment, and divergence from the cold hard facts should be expected from such a production. Hollywood has never been synonymous with truth. If one wants a truer version, Canadian film-makers Drew Taylor and Larry Weinstein have recently created a documentary that aptly serves that purpose. Indeed, documentaries about historical events are better, more informative productions than historical films. The Toronto film-makers released their documentary, Our Man in Tehran, at the Toronto International Film Festival on Sept. 12. The title character is Ken Taylor, the Canadian Ambassador to Iran at the time of the Iranian Hostage Crisis, who garnered the nickname ‘our man in Tehran’ from Prime Minister Joe Clark. The documentary shows that the rescue mission was a combined effort of several different people and was more heavily influenced by Canadian efforts than the Hollywood movie suggests. The documentary includes interviews with many of those involved in the undertaking, and only makes use of historical footage of the events. The Canadian government aided the Americans by making sure that airports were as secure as possible, preparing their passports, redoing them when the wrong dates were used by the Americans and rehearsing the Americans’ falsified identites that were on their Canadian passports. Those involved

Ben Affleck stars in Argo alongside Bryan Cranston, John Goodman and Alan Arkin. included Ken Taylor and John Sheardown, Taylor’s Chief Immigration Officer, who is not mention in the Hollywood film. Argo is based off a mixture of the true story of the Canadian Caper, the book The Master of Disguise by Antonio Mendez and “The Great Escape,” an article in Wired magazine by Josh Bearman. The rescue plot portrayed in Argo was headed mainly by a heroic Antonio Mendez (Ben Affleck). The film took several liberties for the sake of making the plot more dramatic and has been criticised for falsely depicting the British and New Zealand Embassies as turning away the Americans. In fact, most of the difficulties the escapees encountered during the latter part of the film were embellished or completely fabricated. There were no angry Iranian soldiers


breaking down glass doors, nor were their soldiers chasing down planes with police cars in hot pursuit. That is Hollywood doing what Hollywood does best: transforming a story into a spectacle. In reality, Tony Mendez was able to escort the diplomats through the airport and onto the plane with few hiccups. According to the writeup on this matter on the Government of Canada’s website, Sheardown and his wife were responsible for harbouring the five Americans who escaped. One of the escapees, an agricultural attaché named Lee Schatz, took refuge at the Swedish Embassy, while the five others, Consular attachés Joe Stafford and Mark Lijek, their wives and Robert Anders, head of the Consular Section, headed to Anders’ apartment. Schatz later left the

Swedish Embassy to rejoin his American fellows, some of whom were staying at the Sheardown residence while others were staying with Taylor and his wife. Argo has them all together in Taylor’s house. Taylor and Weinstein have been met with doubtful reactions for making their documentary so soon after the release of Argo. However, they insist that this is an important part of Canadian history that should be properly documented, rather than made solely to create profit. In truth, documentaries are the best — if not only — way to accurately retell historical events. Saskatoon’s Broadway Theatre debuted Our Man in Tehran on Oct 18 and played it through to Oct. 22. The documentary can also be accessed on Movie Central.

or what the significance is behind a First Nations headdress. The same issues can be brought forth for another culture’s outfits too. Our society continues to make cultural items of clothing ‘cool’ for everyone to wear. Mukluks are still a popular clothing item sold

everything; before we rock a pair of Mukluks or whip out a tribal warrior costume for Halloween, let’s think about what exactly it is that we’re doing. I’ve heard that the best writers are those who know their subjects through and through. Can’t we say the same about those who are the most fashionable? If we can apply this mentality to clothing, how can a person who presumably has very little cultural knowledge on First Nations clothing wear a beaded dress, a headdress or a pair of Mukluks? It doesn’t add up. If you’re not from a certain cultural background, you can never fully understand the trials and tribulations of its peoples. Of course you can try. You can be empathetic. You can attend ceremonies. You can even have friends from that culture. But unless you live it, you’ll never fully get it. This Halloween, please think twice before you decide to falsely represent another culture. After all, Halloween is a day to remember the dead, not offend the living. The University of Saskatchewan’s Pride Centre, the Aboriginal Students’ Centre, the Indigenous Students’ Council, the Student Teachers Anti-Racism Society and the U of S Learning Centre are launching the Is your Halloween Costume Offensive? campaign in collaboration with Take A Stand Against Racism.

Cultural outfits are not Halloween costumes TRAVIS HOMENUK Opinions Editor

More and more costume enthusiasts are finding it amusing to appropriate another cultural group’s identity for Halloween in an effort to be well-dressed, original and, in some cases, sexy. This needs to stop. Halloween is a great opportunity to dress up as a zombie, ghost or your favorite fictional character. Heck, if you want to go as a sexy kitty, be that sexy kitty. I’ve got a pair of cat ears you can borrow from my costume last year. Mee-ow! However, Halloween is not an opportunity or an excuse to offend someone or an entire cultural group because you’re trying to be ironic, funny or hot. I hate to be the perpetual Debbie Downer, but being as politically correct as possible is crucial in today’s society. After all, universities today are trying to move towards culturally inclusive methods of education. We should learn from this mentality by being culturally aware in our day-to-day lives. The sad reality is that those who do dress up as PocaHotties, tribal warriors or geishas for Halloween are most likely totally oblivious to the fact that they are offending entire cultures and nations. I think it’s safe to say the vast majority of us non-First Nations people don’t know the first thing about aboriginal beadwork,

Halloween is a day to remember the dead, not offend the living.


in stores, but I can’t help but feel a terrible sense of misrepresentation as I see some non-First Nations woman walking around in Mukluks with her Lululemon pants on as she glides into work at a trendy coffee shop. Mukluks are just one example, but I wonder how many people wear clothing from another culture because they know and understand the significance of it, and how many wear it just because “it looks super cute.” Wearing these items of clothing actually oppresses the culture whose fashions are being sported around in town. When you go as PocaHottie for Halloween, you’re saying that this is what a First Nations women should look like. When you throw on a sombrero accompanied by a poncho, you’re saying that this is what a person of Mexicandescent should look like. There are cultural consequences for


24 October, 2013 •


Are you strong enough to be sexy? NAOMI ZUREVINSKI

Strong is quickly becoming both the new skinny and the new sexy for women, but history has shown us that all body types have been sought after at one point or another. If you take a quick peek on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, there are more than a few people and pages devoted to creating more toned and muscular female bodies. Throw in eating clean and the countless before and after shots of ladies in bikinis who are ‘toning up,’ and the strict regulations for what a female body should look like becomes evidently clear. The message of what it means to have today’s ideal female body — visible abs and hardly any body fat — is everywhere. That’s great. Now women not only have to watch what they eat, but they also need to lift weights. I think I’ll just order a lifetime supply of vegan protein bars and move into the gym. It hasn’t always been like this. Once upon a time there was no such thing as a personal trainer or a skinny Starbucks drink. The ideal female body shape has been on a roller coaster for thousands of years, and the history of sexy shows us that if the ideal isn’t one thing, it’s another. Back in the 1800s the perfect woman was plump, pale and full-figured, appearing both fertile and nurturing. Women with more voluptuous bodies were put on a pedestal. But the 1900s hit and things changed dramatically and rapidly. Slender and trim became the new body type and women stopped wearing corsets to accentuate their body proportions. This continued into the 1920s. With the women’s rights movement came a more boyish look, complete with shorter bob haircuts and straight hips. This switched over once again in the 1950s and Marilyn Monroe’s body type was idolized: fullfigured and curvy. In the 1970s and 1980s, weight loss, dieting and the obsession with aerobics accelerated, and in the last two decades the pressure to be skinny has persisted. According to today’s society, women must be thin and have large breasts, leading women to seek alterations with extreme diets and plastic surgeries. According to Kate Moss, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,” and women are more obsessed with health than ever, aiming to be strong, toned and in shape. These are great aspirations if you look at


them objectively. Eating healthy is essential for giving your body nutrients, maintaining longevity and preserving your well-being. Lifting weights is also great for preventing osteoporosis and increasing bone density. There is nothing wrong with making healthy lifestyle choices, but where does this come from as an ideal? When I say ideal I mean what most people

The College of Arts and Science presents

Ross King Renowned author of Leonardo and the Last Supper, winner of the Governor General’s

Two free public events Monday, November 4, 10 AM C book signing

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co-sponsored by the Department of English and the MFA in Writing program

assume females should look like, whether they truly conform to this or not. And obviously not every woman fits or aims for this supposed ideal either. The ideal becomes popular because celebrities have it, media repeatedly portrays it, other girls you see or know have it and you have probably given some thought or effort to attaining it. It is therefore the product

of several factors, evident in the changing perceptions through time. In my ideal world I would eat cream puffs and peanut butter M&Ms all day without gaining a pound or giving it a second thought — but that just doesn’t happen. Who’s gained weight, who’s lost it, who was looking a little chunky in their skin-tight dress this past weekend and “Oh my God! The freshman fifteen,” are all hot topics of discussion. God forbid you get a little hungry while studying. When Glamour magazine conducted a survey on body image, they found that adolescent women have an average of thirteen hateful thoughts about their bodies per day. And when they anonymously surveyed women of all ages from across America, 97 per cent of women reported having at least one “I hate my body” moment each day. This is probably half the problem. Chances are that most ladies spend a solid portion of their time thinking about what’s wrong with their own body and then another hefty time chunk scrutinizing everyone else’s. Stereotypically, men’s bodies are supposed to be strong and muscular while women are biologically supposed to have more body fat. This trend of being strong could be considered healthier than the trend of being underweight or too thin, but even this obsession with strong has a slight catch to it — the desire is to be strong and slender, not strong and bulky. Females want to be thin and toned, not to look like bodybuilders. The pressure to look a certain way is monumental in today’s culture. The message that your body is somehow unacceptable the way it naturally looks comes from everywhere, and it is directed at both women and men. The problem with any ideal is that it is not going to be attainable for each person. Everyone’s body is different and no amount of grooming or work can change that. For two girls of the same height, a healthy weight will look different because their bodies are different. But strength can be more than physical. What is attractive will be unique to different people. Take a look at yourself; whether you’re strong, thin, curvy or anywhere in between, you’re gorgeous. Remember that at some point in history your body — exactly the way it is — was society’s ideal.

16 OPINIONS Doctor of pharmacy program creates questions

24 October, 2013 •


As the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Pharmacy & Nutrition initiates plans to evolve the bachelor of science in pharmacy (BSP) program into the doctor of pharmacy (Pharm D) program, students are left to question the impact of such a change. Overall, this move is a positive step for the profession, but more studies should be done before the college commits to changes that are accompanied with numerous unanswered questions. 2008 marked the release of the Blueprint for Pharmacy, a collaborative initiative designed to catalyze and facilitate the changes required to strengthen the profession’s alignment with the health care needs of Canadians. Concisely, the profession united to realize the common vision of providing optimal drug therapy for Canadians through patient-centred care. It is obvious that many pharmacists are still underutilized, existing as an important resource that has yet to be fully tapped. With changes in scope of practice, however, the roles of pharmacists have been expanding. Studies have provided extensive evidence proving that patients receive more optimal care when pharmacists practice within expanded roles and are more involved in the provision of care. It is this vision that has steered the profession towards greater involvement in providing clinical services in recent years. Advanced clinical care provided by pharmacists brings forth inquiries regarding the need for expanded roles. Herein lies the movement towards doctor of pharmacy programs across the country. Pharm D programs provide intensive handson clinical training, aiming toward producing graduates who will deliver the enhanced scope of practice called for by the country’s healthcare system — this is a good thing. With professional doctor of pharmacy degree programs already in place at the University of Waterloo, the University of Toronto, McGill University and the University of Laval, the U of S will not be the first to introduce such

a curriculum. Post-baccalaureate Pharm D’s have also been offered by the University of Alberta, the University of British Columbia, and the U of T. The college’s aim is to graduate the first class of U of S Pharm Ds in 2020. Until then, pharmacy students will continue to convocate with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. Many are left to wonder where their BSP will stand amid the future sea of Pharm D graduates. Some are skeptical of the validity of introducing a new entry-to-practice degree, while others are optimistic that the change

will aid in the attainment of the vision for pharmacy. Some say advancement of the current curricula is critical and inevitable in order to produce grads who will be capable of fulfilling the ever-changing roles of pharmacists. Others suggest that incremental improvements in care could be accomplished with the evolution of the current BSP program. Many grads already go on to achieve additional training through various residency programs and specialities. When it comes down to it, numerous questions are left not fully answered. Will the

implementation of the Pharm D program in Saskatchewan further propel the evolution and expansion of a pharmacist’s scope of practice? Will this new degree promote involvement in specialized care sectors? Are we facing another case of credential creep or are we talking about improving standards of care and outcomes for our people? The world of pharmacy at the U of S is changing. You can sit by and watch or hop on board and contribute to the endeavor. Regardless, it’s important to be critical of these changes every step of the way.


The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition resides in the Thorvelson Building, though some classes take place in the new Health Sciences Building.

Professors are entitled to teach their preferences GLORIA MELLESMOEN — The Peak (Simon Fraser University)


College of Law Admissions Information Session Thursday, October 31, 2013 4:00 p.m.

Professor Mark Carter, the Chair of the Admissions Committee, will discuss the application and admissions process. Following a general presentation, students are encouraged to ask questions and then participate in an informal gathering where their individual situations can be discussed with members of the College of Law.

The Honourable Calvin F. Tallis Classroom, Room 64, College of Law

BURNABY (CUP) — David Gilmour, a professor of English at the University of Toronto, has been the recipient of negative attention recently for admitting that he elects not to teach women authors in his lectures. This confession is problematic in that it judges and discredits an entire group of talented writers simply because they are women. While the way in which he defends his choice is poorly argued and riddled with sexism, there is nothing wrong with a professor opting not to cover female writers. Personal preference is an important factor in decision making for any medium and Gilmour’s rationale for teaching books written by men is that he likes them more than those written by women. If we suspend the implications attached to how he words his assertion, this is a fair point. Everyone who takes an interest in literature has preferences when it comes to what they study. As a person, Gilmour is allowed to prefer male authors in the same way that I can prefer post-modern authors. This is not necessarily a judgment on the authors themselves or their ability to write; it’s about who one is as a reader. When I say I dislike science fiction written by those with a background in science, it centres on me as a reader who does not have the patience for technical terms. Professors are also allowed to have preferences when it comes to literature and to claim otherwise would be a double standard. The best professors are always those who have an interest in what they are teaching, and this passion noticeably carries over into the way in which they lecture. It seems fitting

that in a subject with content flexibility, professors should select texts with attention to their personal preferences. As a student, I would much rather get a passionate series of lectures about novels written by men than have a professor teach me something that he or she dislikes out of mere obligation. It would be detrimental for an instructor to teach an author they dislike — conveying their biases throughout the course — than to simply refrain from teaching them at all. Those of us who like books written by women are far better off without people like Gilmour attempting to teach us about them. In one of his comments, Gilmour states that students looking to study women’s contributions to literature can “go down the hall.” Essentially, Gilmour is doing the U of T a favour by letting other instructors cover what he is ultimately less enthusiastic about. The truth of the matter is that there are a lot of us who do enjoy literature written by women and there are professors who are not only willing but excited to teach their works. And in all fairness, there are a considerable number of courses dedicated solely to women authorship. Gilmour choosing not to include women in his reading list is not going to change this fact. There is also a chance that some students might enjoy taking a course which focuses on male authors only. Gilmour is free to teach novels written by men if it makes him happy and students continue to enrol in his classes. Professors have the freedom to design their courses within the required parameters and students have the freedom to choose what they want to take. While his public opinion on the matter is contentious, choosing books he likes is not.


24 October, 2013 •


Questioning redundancy and referendum NOAH DAVIS-POWER — The Muse (Memorial University of Newfoundland)

ST. JOHN’S (CUP) — The Canadian Federation of Students in 1981 was an organization born from the fires of dissent and fanned into a powerhouse lobby group by student action across the country — hundreds of thousands of students coming together to fight for accessible post-secondary education for all Canadians and joining the fight for a better Canada. The CFS in 2013 is an organization on death’s doorstep, slowly withering away from separatism, their demise hastened by undemocratic and secretive policy — hundreds of thousands of dollars spent in legal fees to prevent locals from becoming independent while post-secondary education has become less important than taking leftleaning social stances. So the question is: do we still need the CFS? On Sept. 4, an announcement came from 15 student unions — the largest unified group action since 13 universities attempted to leave in 2009 — launching their petitions in an attempt to disaffiliate from the CFS. Those students are affiliated with such schools as the University of Toronto, York University, Ryerson University and Dawson College. “Many of us are long-time student organizers and have seen students attempt to reform the CFS from within for decades, but to no avail,” said Ashleigh Ingle, one of the spokespeople for the movement. The CFS has been open in their dismissal of resolutions on the national level to make their lobbying and finances more transparent — those on the inside who attempted reform are called dissenters. Post-secondary education in Canada is a jurisdiction controlled solely by the provinces. There are no national standards for post-secondary institutions, no federal ministry of post-secondary education and a considerable lack of funding from the federal government for Canadians wishing to attend post-secondary institutions. Because of these reasons and many more, is there any reason to be lobbying federally? In every administration since its founding, from Trudeau to Harper, each administration has turned down requests from the CFS to increase federal funding and involvement in post-secondary education in Canada.

Cash transfers for post-secondary education in the last decade have declined by 50 per cent when measured as a proportion of Gross Domestic Product and are down $400 million from 1992, all occurring alongside ongoing CFS lobbying. Today, the CFS persists to pester and as a result we are left with exactly what we started with 32 years ago: no standards, no ministry and no increased funding. Oddly enough, Newfoundland and Labrador now has the lowest tuition fees in Canada outside of Quebec’s postsecondary rates for native Québécois. In the Newfoundland and Labrador budget, the provincial government is at a point where an increase in the Advanced Education and Skills budget by $130 million would see post-secondary education in the province completely subsidized for all students attending their institutions. It is because of Memorial University Students’ Union and its predecessor, the Council of the Student’s Union in the province, that we are able to see fully provincial-funded tuition on the horizon for students in Newfoundland and Labrador. Students in Newfoundland took to the streets in the 90’s when former Premier Clyde Wells was in office, demanding a tuition freeze and reduction in tuition costs. It was because of actions like this that MUN students were able to freeze tuition, as noted by Premier Wells. Similarly in Quebec, when the former Charest government proposed a roughly $2,000 increase in tuition fees over five years, students from most — if not all — student organizations in Quebec took to the streets demanding the proposed hikes be abandoned. All of the major student groups in Québec, except for the FCÉÉ (the francophone branch of the CFS) — La Coalition large de l’ASSÉ, La Fédération étudiante Universitaire du Québec and La Fédération étudiants collégiale du Québec — took part in nightly rallies, boycotting class attendance and working with opposition parties to guarantee that post-secondary education in their province would remain accessible. As we saw, the Parti Québécois crushed the Liberals and Mme. Marois and the PQ immediately froze tuition fees. It is clearly because of heavy provincial lobbying, not the provincial components of the omnipotent CFS, that has brought these

provinces and many others to this point. CFS locals often run on surplus budgets composed of mandatory student fees, and yet we see no campaigns towards further socializing post-secondary education in Newfoundland. What we see from the provincial unit of the CFS are campaigns towards boycotting businesses in the provinces who do not share their leftist social views, chastising governments for making standardized cuts to social programs that are failing to produce results and taking orders from Ottawa about bottled water and AntiHarper propaganda.

not by material items but by the people who provide them. Let’s say a mother has been blessed with a baby girl. Stereotypically, she would host a baby shower where everything has been dunked in pink or rolled in glitter and lace. Then she has the baby, dresses her in the

most adorable frilly outfits with matching hats and encourages her to live in the magical world of My Little Pony. If this baby girl grows up to spend hours in front of the mirror, primping and perfecting herself to that day’s criterion of beauty, her pink hospital blanket is not to blame.

Because attention is diverted elsewhere during the entirety of the year, save the dropping of the provincial budget, why does the CFS exist? A more frivolous question is, why do we continue to fund a lobby-group for postsecondary education that focuses on everything but what it’s supposed to be lobbying for? The national board of the CFS operates on almost $4 million of membership fees. One would expect that this would be spent on campaigns lobbying the federal government for more federal involvement and funds towards PSE in Canada. Unfortunately, these funds go toward the Band-Aid court cases that plague the federation and keep separatist locals in the lobby group; they go toward announcing that the federation condemns Israeli occupation; they go toward holding onto aggressive staff and lobbyists that insist their budget be a private document to the federation. The funds that we pour into the CFS have now lost their way from the lobbying of the federal

government for a better post-secondary education system in Canada, and are now being used as life support for a slowly dying, self-absorbed ember of a once great flame of action. We must ask ourselves, is it worth it? Do we stay in an organization that has lost its way and fights for its own existence instead of student issues? Or do we fight for independence and call for referendum? It’s time for all provinces and all locals to take their lobbying in their own hands and separate from the Canadian Federation of Students.

What came first: the baby or the gender role? MEGAN FEDORCHUK

So you preg-oed your eggo. Congratulations! You are the proud owner of a brand new rugrat. And as soon as people are positive your baby bump is not just a Palm Bay pot, they will be dying to know: “boy or girl?” But does knowing the sex of your baby really make a difference in how your kid develops their individually gendered identity? Personally, I love surprises and would not want to know my baby’s sex before birth. In the words of Andy Warhol, “The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting.” Of course, most do not need a fancy quote to understand that the days leading up to a special event can be equally or more exciting than the event itself. I haven’t had the pleasure of pushing an eight pound tot through my lady bits just yet, but I imagine the phrase, “congratulations, it’s a boy” to be the cherry on top of a life-changing experience. All clichés aside, I do not believe that knowing the baby’s sex before birth has a significant effect on gender. But before you all start citing recent studies, allow me to elaborate. I believe that children are molded over time by observation and education. That is,



These childhood accessories are projections of the provider; they reflect the personal beliefs of the parent on how baby girls should be raised. Take the opposite, for example: a child is raised in a household where stereotypical roles are noted and opposed. If a baby girl is not given a tiara and tutu, I believe that she is not being influenced by the lack of pink, but by the ideals of those in pink protest. Chances are, parents or guardians who encourage more genderneutral toys have different belief systems than those who enter their little ones into beauty pageants. It’s probable that these baby girls and boys are absorbing the habits and mannerisms of their parents or guardians, not the material objects they play with. Not knowing the baby’s sex before birth can be advantageous. This way you can let future you worry about over-analyzing gender roles and subconsciously misguiding your little bundle of joy, rather than worrying about such things while you’re pregnant. Your child is going to inherit the heck out of you whether you like it or not. So think critically about how you directly or indirectly teach gender to your kids.



24 October, 2013 •

Fake News

Trio of caskets unearthed on College Drive


The water main break at the University of Saskatchewan caused havoc on Oct. 21 after City of Saskatoon Public Works crews discovered three wooden caskets stacked atop each other on the corner of College Drive and Bottomley Avenue. The caskets were immediately transported to the department of archeology for inspection. According to department head Pamela Downe, a circular saw had to be used to open the latches on the caskets. “We’ve never seen something so exciting at the U of S, so we were a bit hasty with the caskets. Before we really thought about what we were presented with, all of the caskets were open,” Downe said. All three caskets contain no remains, though claw marks can be seen on the inside of each lid. Foul play is suspected, as noted by Ernie Walker, professor of archeology. “We’re not sure why the caskets were put there, but it’s apparent that they are at least 100 years old because of the wood’s decomposition,” Walker said. However, it appears the department is attempting to hide what else they’ve discovered

about the caskets. An anonymous source has leaked that one of the caskets also contains a handwritten note claiming, “Debt will be the end, for foes cannot comprehend, the money people spend.” President Ilene BuschVishniac was taken aback by the discovery, noting that she believes in spirits. She’s worried that the U of S has unleashed evil unto its campus. “Caskets should never be opened, especially around All Hallow’s Eve,” Busch-Vishniac said. “It’s official university policy that ancient evils not be released until they can be controlled.” In a frantic move, BuschVishniac has ordered a supernatural cleansing of the entire campus. Spiritual healers, mediums and psychics are being flown in from all over Canada to deal with the issue. The President’s move has received criticism for frivolous spending, as the cost of this cleansing is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands. When asked about financial matters, Busch-Vishniac responded with, “We’re already in debt. What’s $100,000 more?”

Crossword XKCD.COM





24 October, 2013 •


Campus Chat What’s your favourite sexy Halloween costume?


Slutty Big Bird. Chelsey Braybrook

Michelle Lang

Nurse, because my girlfriend is a nurse.

Nicolas Bachynsky

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THE sheaf Do you make your own comics? Contribute to the Sheaf!

Sexy pine tree. Andrew Cooper



24 October, 2013 •

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