September 12, 2019

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SEPTEMBER 12, 2019

The Sheaf Publishing Society

The University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis.|@usasksheaf


Huskie football is back on track after the home opener The dogs captured a 40-7 win against UBC Thunderbirds. TANNER MICHALENKO Victoria Becker/ Photo Editor


Students participate in the traditional toga race at halftime during the U of S Huskies Homecoming game on Sept. 6, 2019.


The dogs captured a 40-7 win against UBC Thunderbirds. The 2018 Hardy Cup champions took care of business in week two of the 2019 Canada West football season. “It wasn’t really us [in week one] — a lot of self­-inflicted stuff,” head coach Scott Flory said about the teams’ five turnovers in the opening week loss on the road against

the Manitoba Bisons. Flory praised the improvements made by starting quarterback Mason Nyhus. “He’s a special kid, a special talent, and only going to get better with each snap,” Flory said. The Nyhus’ era appears to be promising, as the Regina product has paid his dues as an understudy during his first two seasons as the Hus-

kies’ backup QB. “I’m very comfortable with the offense — I know the playbook very well,” said Nyhus. Going on to praise the 6,278 fans in attendance at Griffiths Stadium in Nutrien Park, he said, “I wasn’t surprised by any means, we have a great atmosphere every time we play at home.” Nyhus was relieved to get the big win.

“Everything tastes better, feels better, everything is better after a win. [Starting the season] 1-1 is huge instead of 0-2, no doubt.” The next matchup for the Huskies will be on the road against the provincial rival Regina Rams. “I’m still at home in Regina — it is my hometown,” said Nyhus. “I’m definitely excited for it, no doubt about it.”

USSU bylaws preclude international students from executive positions An international student says those on study permits cannot run for the USSU executive. NATHALIE BAQUERIZO

An international student finds that a conflict with the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union bylaws and study permit restrictions mean that international students cannot run for executive positions in the student union. María Celeste Nuñez, a fourth-year Ecuadorian student in environmental earth sciences, considered running for the vice-president of student affairs position in the

USSU April 2019 elections when she noticed a conflict between the USSU bylaws and Canadian regulations for students on a study permit. Executive members of the USSU are required to take a maximum of 6 credit units per term, making them parttime students; as an international student, Nuñez cannot work on- or off-campus without a full-time student status. Nuñez says the USSU bylaws restrict international students’ participation in the union. “There is definitely a con-

flict between the immigration situation and the USSU bylaws,” Nuñez said. “They restrain and limit the accessibility of international students to run for executive positions in the USSU.” USSU General Manager Caroline Cottrell says the bylaws might not prevent all international students from taking on executive positions, given the variation in immigrant status. Nonetheless, all U of S international students on a study permit need to keep full-time student status to work on- or off-campus,

the exception being students with permanent residency who are not considered international students at the university. The union’s bylaws were created by the students themselves, and all executive positions are full-time paid jobs. Cottrell says changing the bylaws to allow for international full-time students to hold the position would potentially result in executive members with less time for their work responsibilities. Continued on pg. 3

In the Aug. 29 issue, the article “Huskie athletics year in preview” stated incorrect information. The new chief athletics officer is Dave Hardy, not Dave King. Colton Klassen is in his fourth year with the Huskies, not fifth year. Lastly, the women’s hockey team did reach the semifinal stage in 2018-19. We apologize for this error. If you spot any errors in this issue, please email them to

At a glance: NEWS

3 Puppies are part of the new U of S brand platform


7 Gordie Howe Sports Complex funding dispute settled


8-9 U of S students reflect on success in activism



YXE Harm Reduction


14 Back to school with Hope


Welcome Week photos



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Lawsuit against university comes to an end, public shares concerns The court sides with the U of S in a freedom of information case. NOAH CALLAGHAN STAFF WRITER

After years of trying to remove the censorship of an event’s recording, a group made up of current and retired University of Saskatchewan faculty, citizens and alumni say they are too fiscally constrained to appeal the court’s decision. The case in question began in 2015 when The Saskatoon StarPhoenix reported on Peter W.B. Phillips, a professor from the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy. The article claimed the professor had undeclared connections in his research to the agri­-business behemoth Monsanto. Following the increased

media attention and allegations, Phillips took part in an organized, closed symposium at the university on Dec. 2, 2015 titled “Research Management and the Right to Know.” The event was invite only and had 20 attendees from U of S faculty, administration, research funders and industry representatives. D’Arcy Hande, a retired archivist at the U of S, submitted an access to information request to the U of S on behalf of the group Academic Integrity Committee U of S in August 2017, requesting the symposium’s recorded transcripts. In November 2017, the university released the 42-page transcript, however, the document had over 85 per cent of its content blacked out and the

names of the non-U of S participants were removed. Hande says his call for transparency in this matter was based on the belief that private meetings go against the university’s ideal purpose as a publicly-funded institution while devaluing its integrity. “Discussion is open for public scrutiny in a university setting,” Hande said. “We’ve got a public university where openness and transparency should be one of the primary objectives.” At Hande’s request, Information and Privacy Commissioner of Saskatchewan John Kruzeniski reviewed the U of S’s actions in June 2018. In Kruzeniski’s opinion, the U of S did not appropriately apply the Local Authority

WEB EDITOR Minh Au Duong OUTREACH DIRECTOR Sophia Lagimodiere AD & BUSINESS MANAGER Shantelle Hrytsak BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mikaila Ortynsky Jacob Lang Laura Chartier Matthew Taylor Sonia Kalburgi Tyler Smith

ADVERTISING (306) 966 8688 EDITORIAL (306) 966 8689 Mission // The mission of the Sheaf is to inform and entertain students by addressing issues relevant to life on campus, in the city or in the province. The newspaper serves as a forum for discussion on a wide range of issues that concern students. Written for students, by students, it provides unique insight into university issues through a student perspective. The staff of editors, photographers and artists collaborate with volunteers as student journalists to create a product relevant to students on the University of Saskatchewan campus. Land Acknowledgement // The Sheaf acknowledges that our office is built on Treaty Six Territory and the traditional homeland of the Métis. We pay our respects to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and affirm both the importance of our relationship with Indigenous peoples and students at the U of S and our commitment to recognize and remain accountable for our collective history.

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Jared Rodriguez / Flickr

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and he recommended they release a larger portion of the transcripts. However, the university did not follow the privacy commissioner's recommendation. Hande, with the support of the Academic Integrity Legal Action Group, launched a petition and raised the $12,000 needed to initiate court proceedings in August 2018 to have the “excessive redactions removed.” The Court of Queen’s Bench released its judgement in May 2019, ruling in favour of the U of S saying “there was a ground rule for the symposium which established an environment of confidentiality.” After years of contention, the petitioning of the transcripts seems to have come to an end. Although Hande and the Academic Integrity Legal Action Group believe they have grounds to appeal the court's decision, they have “reluctantly” ceased pursuing the case further because the cost of legal fees makes it unfeasible. To appeal the court’s decision they would need to raise at least another $10,000. Despite having reached an impasse, Hande remains critical of the court's decision. “We’ve got this [rule] that every time … there’s a meeting on campus, … this dome of secrecy comes down and the people of Saskatchewan who fund this institution will never know what happened,” Hande said. In a statement to the Sheaf, Karen Chad, the U of S vice-president of research, says the court’s judgement “strengthens the protection of academic freedom and privacy.” “Academic freedom enables members of our university to pursue research and ideas — even those that are controversial or unpopular — without fear of interference,” Chad said. “It is critical to the work the University of Saskatchewan does to improve communities throughout the province, country and world.”

Legal // The Sheaf, published weekly during the academic year and periodically from May through August, is an incorporated non-profit that is, in part, student-body funded by way of a direct levy paid by all part- and full-time undergraduate students at the U of S. The remainder of the revenue is generated through advertising. The financial affairs are governed by a Board of Directors, most of whom are students. Membership in the Sheaf Publishing Society is open to all undergraduate students at the U of S, who are encouraged to contribute to the newspaper. Absolutely no experience is required! The opinions expressed in the Sheaf do not necessarily reflect those of the Sheaf Publishing Society Inc. The Sheaf reserves the right to refuse to accept or print any material deemed unfit for publication, as determined by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief has the right to veto any submission deemed unfit for the Society newspaper. In determining this, the Editor-in-Chief will decide if the article or artwork would be of interest to a significant portion of the Society and benefit the welfare of Sheaf readers. The Sheaf will not publish any racist, sexist, homophobic or libellous material.

2 / NEWS



SEPTEMBER 12, 2019

University rebranding: Introducing two new reasons to attend the U of S Puppies are a part of the university’s new brand platform.

Guillermo Galvan Gracia/ Supplied


Any huskies spotted on campus in the past have traditionally been associated with the Huskies Athletics program. This year, however, the University of

Saskatchewan is incorporating the mascot into their marketing campaign to invite students to get “With the Pack.” The university is rolling out two new marketing campaigns: “With the Pack” and “Be What the World Needs.” The

first campaign targets current U of S students to provide a sense of community and to boost student engagement. The hashtag can be found on social media attached to photos of student activities. A highlight of the campaign is the promotional video released on Aug. 28, 2019, featuring two husky puppies on campus. Gord Hunchak, chief communications officer for the U of S, says the “With the Pack” branding campaign brings a change to the university’s usual marketing strategies. “Traditionally, USask has been somewhat reserved in its approach to branding with a focus on the campus, the university's heritage and the programs offered,” Hunchak wrote in an email to the Sheaf. “The messaging utilizing the husky puppies was to add a new level of fun, warmth and friendliness to the campus community.” Whereas the “Be What the World Needs” campaign targets a more international audience. This campaign is focused on enhancing the reputation and profile of the university both domestically and internationally. Hunchak says the “Be What

the World Needs” platform is meant to change the public perception of the U of S. “The new ‘Be What The World Needs’ brand platform is being developed to tell this USask story to the world — a world-class, researchintensive university with graduates and game-changing research having a significant positive impact not only here in Saskatchewan, but across the globe,” Hunchak said. “If successful, the brand platform will change the University of Saskatchewan conversation internally and externally, building our reputation and profile, locally, nationally and internationally.” Hunchak believes the “Be What the World Needs” platform will likely impact student recruitment. “With an enhanced reputation comes increased interest by students, faculty, researchers and donors, so the expectation will be a positive impact on student recruitment, domestically and internationally, and the same for faculty, research funding and donations, over the long-term,” Hunchak said. Both campaigns are part of

the U of S’s growing digital presence. Hunchak says the university sees the benefits of digital marketing as a “flexible, responsive, targeted and cost-effective” tool. “The only challenge with utilizing digital marketing is to ensure we stay current in a rapidlychanging digital landscape, and continue to understand where our audiences are,” Hunchak said. “The use of digital media will continue to grow in prominence at USask. That being said … traditional media continues to have an audience.” The transition to the new branding platform will roll out gradually over the last half of 2019. As to why the U of S made the decision to rebrand this year, Hunchak says the University Plan 2025, released last year, was an opportunity to change the university’s image. “‘The University the World Needs’ has the potential to redefine the perceptions, expectations and reputation of the University of Saskatchewan,” Hunchak said. “The university has been a world-leading university for decades; it’s time to let the world know about it.”

USSU bylaws preclude international students from executive positions An international student says those on study permits cannot run for the USSU executive. NATHALIE BAQUERIZO

Continued from cover “Part of the issue is that all executive members are also employees of the USSU and they are paid a full-time salary. So the expectation from the students is that they are doing a full-time job and they get some time, built into their contract, so that they can go to school,” Cottrell said. Nuñez believes that the workload would be manageable for full-time students. In past years, Nuñez has main-

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tained a full-time student status while holding executive positions in the Environmental Studies Students’ Association and the Latin American Students’ Association, as well as her current job as a student assistant at the International Student and Study Abroad Centre. “I am aware that the position is a full-time job, and a time demanding one, however, I believe that taking three classes — which is the minimum requirement to maintain a full time status — is manageable. Challenging, maybe, but not impossible,” Nuñez said. The next step would be for Nuñez to ask for a change in


the bylaws. She is not currently planning to put forward a resolution at a weekly University Students’ Council meeting to petition a special general meeting in which to change the bylaws in time for the upcoming October by-elections. Instead, she is waiting for the annual general meeting in November. Cottrell explains that in order to have the bylaws revised in November, the proposed amendments must be sent to her 20 days before the annual general meeting. “Once I have all the amendments, they go to our lawyers and they determine whether or not this follows the spirit

Victoria Becker/ Photo Editor María Celeste Nuñez poses for a photo in front of the USSU office on Sept. 7, 2019.

and intent of the USSU and fits with the non-profit corporation act,” Cottrell said. Nuñez plans to create a proposal ahead of the general meeting and gather the support of other international students she has worked with in the hope that they can call

attention to the issue and find a feasible solution. “My intention is not to specifically change the bylaws so I can run, but so we can provide more access to any international student that wants to run for these positions,” Nuñez said.

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University of Saskatchewan on track to replenishing reserves In 2018, university reserves dipped below the minimum amount dictated by the financial reserve policy. NYKOLE KING


After two years of tightening their belts, the University of Saskatchewan has a $5­-million surplus in their operating budget and are now restoring their reserves. Through cost-cutting measures and diversified revenue generation, the reserves now carry $12 million as of September 2019. This came as a welcome surprise as they held only $2.5 million in March of this year and it was forecasted that the operating budget would borrow another $12.5 for 2019. “We’ve been successful in balancing the budget but it is still quite tight, and because the previous statements were balanced because of one-time variances, there’s still work to do on ongoing costs,” said Greg

Fowler, vice-president finance and resources at the U of S. After the provincial government cut funding for the university’s operating budget as an austerity measure in 2015, the U of S dipped into its reserves. At the time, university coffers held $243.4 million, yet three years later they fell below the minimum amount dictated in university policy. University reserves are supposed to carry between $15 to $60 million, a ratio determined based on their annual expenditures, to mitigate the risks faced by the institution. Increased enrollment and raising tuition by an overall average of 3.4 per cent for 2019-20 played a part in offsetting the deficit, though Fowler maintains that “it’s a combination of a whole bunch of things that impact reserves.”

Victoria Becker/ Photo Editor Vintage safe sits unused in the U of S Peter MacKinnon Building on Sept. 6, 2019.

Fowler says that the one-time payment of $10 million from the provincial government was more significant to improving their financial status than the increase in tuition. Those grant dollars resulted from the university lobbying to restore the one-time $20 million cut from 2017. “[Tuition] does help support the university but tuition is not as much of a factor in the budget as the government grant. The impact is good but we try not to use tuition to balance the budget — we’re looking at other factors,” he said.

FREE PANCAKE BREAKFAST with Dean Peta Bonham-Smith

Drop by the Arts Building for pancakes, sausages, coffee and more! The Welcome Back Breakfast is presented by the Office of the Dean.

Tuesday, Sept. 17 | 8 am | Outside Arts 146

Enter for a chance to win a $100 Shop USask gift card! 4 / NEWS

The Arts and Science Experience

Instagram Contest ONE DAY ONLY | TUESDAY, SEPT. 17 1. Follow @USaskArtSci on Instagram 2. Post a photo that shows your Arts and Science experience 3. Include the hashtag #USaskArtSci Contest open to all College of Arts and Science students. One winner will be drawn from eligible entries received before midnight.

Fowler says they are looking at long-term plans to stay on track with replenishing the reserves, including forecasting enrollment and tuition. Fowler says they predicted modest inflows of revenue for the year. Instead, they saw a $10 million return on university investments and $5 million more than expected from fundraising endeavors. Fundraising efforts are not without a cost. In August, The Saskatoon StarPhoenix reported that U of S President Peter Stoicheff spent over $49,000 in travel expenses last year. Fowler said it is “one of the costs of doing business.” With $40 million in fundraising revenue expected next year, travel expenses reportedly see a “very, very large return on investment.” Overall, Fowler is proud of the collaboration between administration and colleges in addressing the funding shortfall. The colleges saved $3 million this year through cost-saving measures. “We’re all working together as a community, as a university, the senior leaders — which includes the deans and the vice-presidents — are all working together well to try and make the best we can to serve the students,” Fowler said.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2019



Week two NFL rundown

The National Football League is back, and order is restored for football fans. TANNER MICHALENKO In each issue of the Sheaf during the NFL season, your trusted SPORTS & HEALTH EDITOR “Sports & Health” section will provide its readers with a rundown of the week that was, while teeing up the upcoming week. “Sports & Health” will also provide shaky — at best — betting advice for the brave student gamblers on campus. Oddsmakers set what is called the point spread for each game. When a team is favoured to win, they are allocated a certain amount of points they have to cover. For example, if team A (-3) is favoured against team B by three points, team A would have to win by more than three points for their bettors to cash in. A three-point win by team A would result in a push, meaning all bettors just receive their money back. If team A were to win by two points or less, or loses outright to team B, team B’s bettors cash in.

Arizona Cardinals at Baltimore Ravens (-13.5) What a start it was for Lamar Jackson and the Baltimore Ravens in their week one victory. Jackson threw for a career-high five touchdowns while producing the most points scored in a single game in the history of the franchise. The Ravens beat the Miami Dolphins 59-10. The Cardinals settled for a tie in week one against the Detroit Lions. Arizona scored 17 unanswered points in the fourth quarter to send the game to overtime. Don’t let this double-digit point spread scare you from taking the Ravens. They should be able to beat Arizona by at least two touchdowns. Dallas Cowboys (-5.5) at Washington Redskins Cowboys QB Dak Prescott threw for a career-high four touchdowns in his week one win against the New York Giants. Meanwhile, the Redskins were the biggest underdogs in week one. Washington jumped out to a shocking 17-0 lead against the Philadelphia Eagles before eventually collapsing and giving up 24 points in the second half. Take Dallas on the road here and look for Prescott to have another good day distributing the ball. Seattle Seahawks at Pittsburgh Steelers (-4) The Seahawks squeaked away with a 21-20 win against Cincinnati in week one. Pittsburgh started their season on the wrong foot with a 33-3 loss on the road to New England. The Steelers still have never won in New England during the Tom Brady era. Trust Seattle here to cover the spread, even if Pittsburgh wins, it should be by a slim margin less than four points. Buffalo Bills (-2.5) at New York Giants The Bills scored 17 unanswered points last week to come back from a 16-0 deficit and stole a win from the New York Jets. This week, they should hope they get off to a better start against the Giants, a team that put forth a lacklustre effort in a 35-17 loss to the Cowboys in week one. Until the Giants take the QB keys from ageing QB Eli Manning, stay away from betting on them. However, even if the Bills win, it might not be enough to cover the -2.5 spread. San Francisco 49ers (-1.5) at Cincinnati Bengals The 49ers handled their business last week in Tampa to start the year 1-0. Meanwhile, the Bengals are 0-1 even with a career day — 418 yards passing — from QB Andy Dalton. 49ers QB Jimmy Garoppolo missed some open throws in week one and finished with a light 166 passing yards. Take the Bengals at home for this game that is a nearly a pick-em. They played a much tougher opponent last week on the road in Seattle and lost by just one point. For the 49ers to win, Garoppolo must play better than he did last week. Los Angeles Chargers (-2.5) at Detroit Lions The Chargers survived a late comeback from the Indianapolis Colts last week, winning in overtime 30-24. The Lions blew their lead against the Cardinals which ended up being a tie game after overtime expired. Outside of an outstanding debut from rookie tight-end TJ Hockenson, there is nothing on this Lions team that gives me the confidence to bet money on them. The Chargers should be able to win this one on the road — the only concern would be if they can cover three points. Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers (-3) Last week, the Vikings looked like a really good football team, running out to a 28-0 lead against the Atlanta Falcons before winning 28-13.

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Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Carolina Panthers (-6.5) Even with a new head coach, Buccaneers quarterback Jameis Winston looked like his old self in week one, throwing three interceptions against a San Francisco 49ers team that had only recorded two interceptions over all 16 games last season. The Buccaneers lost to the 49ers 31-17. The Panthers week one effort was at least better than Tampa’s. Carolina lost 30-27 to last year’s NFC champions, the Los Angeles Rams. Considering Winston’s bad start to the season, I would stay far away from trusting him with your money. Plus, short weeks are always more difficult for the road team that must travel. Be confident in Carolina at -5. They should be able to handily beat the Buccaneers by at least a touchdown.

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Green Bay rang in the new season on Thursday night against the Chicago Bears, winning 10-3 in an under­-whelming game for the casual fan. This is a big matchup that likely carries playoff implications in the National Football Conference’s North Division. Trust the Vikings (+3) here. Even if they lose, it should be by less than three points. Jacksonville Jaguars at Houston Texans (-8.5) The Jaguars chances for success this season fell off of a cliff in week one. QB Nick Foles injured his clavicle bone on a 35-yard touchdown pass in the first quarter and the team never recovered, losing 40-26 against the Kansas City Chiefs. The free-agent QB acquisition is out without a time table for his return. Houston is coming off a two-point loss on the final play of the game against the New Orleans Saints in a thrilling week one Monday night football matchup. Without Foles throwing for Jacksonville, stay away from the Jaguars. Covering 8.5 points is quite the task, but Deshaun Watson and the Texans should be able to do it. New England Patriots (-18.5) at Miami Dolphins The defending Super Bowl champion New England Patriots are off to another promising start. They hosted the Steelers in week one and beat them handily, 33-3. The Dolphins are a dumpster fire. Following their opening week 5910 loss to Baltimore, there were reports that numerous Dolphin players had requested a trade following the embarrassing blow-out game. This is a tough one to call as it is the biggest spread of the week. Betting on the Patriots appears to be safe, just be wary of a nasty back-door cover by Miami. Kansas City Chiefs (-8) at Oakland Raiders Last week, Chiefs QB and reigning NFL MVP Patrick Mahomes looked just as good as he did in 2018, throwing for three touchdowns and 378 yards in a 40-26 victory. Meanwhile, the circus that is the Oakland Raiders picked up somewhat of a surprising win in week one against Denver. Bet on Kansas City to easily blow out the Raiders in Oakland here, although the silver and black seem to be trending in the right direction after cutting ties with Antonio Brown. New Orleans Saints at Los Angeles Rams (-3) Drew Brees and the Saints came away victorious against the Houston Texans in week one on a game-winning field goal as time expired. The Rams squeaked out of week one with a three-point win against the Carolina Panthers. This game might shape up to be a close one if the Saints defense can keep up with the Rams’ offense. Take the Saints here as three-point underdogs. Continued on pg. 6



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Local sports complex closer to completion after funding dispute settled Saskatoon’s Gordie Howe Sports Complex can move forward with the expansion. TANNER MICHALENKO SPORTS & HEALTH EDITOR

Saskatoon Mayor Charlie Clark remembers a time when the Gordie Howe recreational area in the Holiday Park neighbourhood was an eyesore for the city. “Eight years ago, when I was a councillor, we had delegation after delegation come in and tell the city, ‘The fields suck, the dressing rooms suck, the stands suck, it’s getting beat down, players are getting injured and we’re embarrassed,’” said Clark. Clark, along with Premier Scott Moe and Member of Parliament Jonathan Wilkinson, announced that the federal government would allocate funds for the third phase completion of the Gordie Howe Sports Complex at a press conference at the complex on Sept. 4. Over the summer, the federal government was in disagreement with the provincial government who wanted to prioritize recreation and culture projects using funds that were allocated to public transit. In August, Moe aired out his frustration with the federal government via Twitter, calling on them to make adjustments to Canada’s 10-year infrastructure

plan by transferring funds from the $307-million public transit stream to the $56-million community, cultural and recreation stream. The premier says that they are able to move forward with higher priority projects as the federal government has promised that the funds from the CCR stream will be replenished. The complex is one of 12 CCR projects across the province given the green light to move forward with construction from a collective funding totalling $72 million. The impressive facility, once completed, will become an all-season and multi-sport complex inside the Holiday Park neighbourhood. Although this is a breakthrough for the city and the province, there are still over 1,400 other CCR projects that have requested funding. “We had $1.6 billion in applications so there is no shortage of need,” said Moe, who recognized that more changes are likely to be needed. “We continue to ask the federal government to open up those two funds so the cities can use those dollars where their priorities lie.” Wilkinson, who is also a Saskatoon native, addressed the

Continued from pg. 5 Chicago Bears (-3) at Denver Broncos Mitchell Trubisky and the Bears lostin week one, tying for the least points scored in week one with just three. Joe Flacco’s Broncos lost the ladder half of Monday night football against the Raiders in week one. Placing money on this game is a move only meant for die hard fans of either team. Everyone else should stay away from it.

Tanner Michalenko / Supplied

dispute between the levels of government, saying that “disagreements are normal and you have to work through them.” Despite the disagreements between governments, Clark is hoping for a more smooth process in the future. “It’s a 10-year agreement and this was the first round. Now, I’m hoping it can be a little clearer and a little smoother so we don’t have so much confusion leading up to it.” The chairman of the Friends

of the Bowl Foundation, Bryan Kosteroski, was a bit emotional commenting on the announcement. “Going back eight years to now, this project has been in our hearts. The partnerships that we’ve seen have been tremendous,” said Kosteroski. “Nine sporting organizations are working together here now — that is unheard of.” The partnership spans across various sports and will be instrumental to the growth of athlet-

ics inside the city and across the province. “We’re like a family, everybody works together. Now, we’ve increased the opportunities for kids today, tomorrow and for many, many years,” Kosteroski said. The 11 other projects that were approved for funding include upgrades to Regina’s Globe Theatre, new drinking water treatment plants in various small towns and the installation of a fibre internet network in Whitecaps Dakota First Nation.

Check out more photos from Welcome Week on pg. 15

Philadelphia Eagles (-1.5) at Atlanta Falcons Carson Wentz’s Eagles took down the Redskins in week one after falling down 17-0 in the first half, finishing the game on a 32-10 scoring run to secure the win, 32-27. The Falcons did not look good in their opening game, falling behind 28-0 to the Vikings in the 28-12 loss. Take the Eagles here and hope that they continue their quality of play where it left off in last weeks’ come-from-behind win. Cleveland Browns (-3) at New York Jets An offseason filled with hype had oddsmakers labelling the Browns as a Super Bowl contender this season. The extensive media coverage was all for nothing in week one as Cleveland suffered an embarrassing 43-13 loss to the Tennessee Titans. The Jets are another team that got considerable off-season praise. They too had a disappointing performance in week one, losing 17-16 after surrendering a 16-0 lead to the Bills. This is a risky game to bet on, but one has to believe that Baker Mayfield can lead the Browns to a win in week two by at least a field goal. These point spreads are courtesy of Westgate Las Vegas Superbook, last updated on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 9 p.m.


Victoria Becker / Photo Editor

SEPTEMBER 12, 2019


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The power of student voices: Students’ successful call for Mifegymiso coverage How U of S medical students’ activism sped up Saskatchewan’s coverage of Mifegymiso. Ana Cristina Camacho


In the months leading up to the p r o v i n c e ’s decision to cover Mifegymiso, medical student activists at the University of Saskatchewan were constantly present in the media’s coverage of the story. Their call yielded success; they now reflect on the platforms that helped them be heard. In March, a group of students from the College of Medicine met with Minister of Health Jim Reiter to advocate for universal coverage of the abortion pill Mifegymiso. The meeting followed an open letter that reportedly garnered attention from various stakeholders and activist groups. At the time, Saskatchewan was one of two provinces in Canada still not covering the pill. The other province, Manitoba, was also receiving pressure from a medical student group. After the initial meeting, Lara Witt, a third-year medical student and the reported leader of the group, said that “it wasn’t an easy meeting by any means.” In an interview

Marco Verch / Creative Commons

with the Saskatchewan Medical Association, Witt says the students indicated to Reiter that despite the typical slowness of politics, they intended to stay involved until progress was made. “We told him if we don’t hear from him in a month he can expect another open letter and he’s going to see how annoying we can be, and he accepted that. So it was a very productive meeting,” Witt said.

The students’ insistence paid off. After three months of public talk around accessibility, economics and ideology, the Saskatchewan government announced the universal coverage of Mifegymiso in June, a week after Manitoba. The months spent advocating for the cause were a learning time for the students involved. For Jessica Froehlich, a second-year student in the College of Medicine,

dealing with the political side of her field was a somewhat new experience and a learning opportunity. “Even if I came out of [a meeting] thinking it went horrible, it was still something I could reflect on and learn from,” Froehlich said. “I tried to frame it as a period of growth and trying new things — those are always scary, but as Saskatchewan residents, it is our right to be able to meet with our political leaders.”

Marco Verch / Creative Commons


“I can harness this platform for others to use when their voices are marginalized,” Froehlich said. While the College of Medicine focuses on the technical side of educating healthcare workers, Froehlich says medical advocacy is also “really prevalent in the college.” Froehlich sees advocacy as part of her education and her responsibility as a student. “One of the pillars of being a medical student is being a health advocate… But if you take away “health” and just leave “advocate,” that should be a pillar for being a student,” Froehlich said. The students calling for Mifegymiso had access to various resources and supports. They drew on support from the college’s faculty and collaborated with those who had advocated for Mifegymiso before them. “It was a huge collective effort with a lot of students but also with people who have been working on this for years before,” Froehlich said.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2019



Internet Archive Book Images / Flickr

College of Medicine faculty members Sally Mahood and Megan Clark reportedly played a big role in informing and motivating the group. They also supported them in presenting a Mifegymiso coverage savings analysis in a May meeting with staff from the Ministry of Health. Froehlich says that talking to the Manitoba university students was also helpful for the group, and that the Manitoba government’s decision to cover Mifegymiso in June helped put pressure on Saskatchewan. “We were so happy when Manitoba got their funding, and then it didn’t take long for Saskatchewan,” Froehlich said. “For one week, Saskatchewan was the only prov-

of policy. Froehlich says that when considering issues for which to advocate, Mifegymiso was a good option. Not only was it actionable and impactful, they also knew it would appeal to government from a financial perspective as it stands at only a fraction of the cost of a surgical abortion. “What made Mifegymiso a good ask is that a lot of the changes you need in policy to have better health outcomes, they take time and more money and it’s more of an investment — it takes time to save money down the line,” Froehlich said. “We don’t like to always make it about finance, but it’s something that’s important to talk about.”

immediatly want to divide it,” Simonson said. “This is about women’s health. We wanted to bring this completely from the perspective of health because that’s how we saw it and how we thought the government would respond to it.” Simonson echoes Froehlich’s belief that advocacy for their patients should be an area of focus for medical students. “Being an advocate for patients is one of the most important things a physician could be,” Simonson said. “We didn’t get a lot of formal training on advocacy, but we network with other students across Canada and figure out what works and what doesn’t.” Simonson says the students brought energy to the conver-

People like the energy and youth that students bring to advocacy," Simonson said.

ince, and I think that might have put a little pressure on them.” Froehlich says that students are given learning opportunities and connections through the College of Medicine and that students have a responsibility to use these resources for good. “A lot of people in university have had some time to develop knowledge around the structural systems that lead to inequity and start to understand how policy can lead to better health,” Froehlich said. “Using that knowledge and information that we have is really important.” The calling for Mifegymiso coverage was a learning opportunity in itself; through it, the students acquired a deeper understanding of these structural systems and

The medical students also encountered the political side of healthcare in relation to the beliefs surrounding the topic of abortion. While the coverage of Mifegymiso was under review in April, the then Minister of Rural and Remote Health Greg Ottenbreit spoke at a pro-life event, raising questions around the impact of politicians’ beliefs on access to abortion. Samuel Simonson, a thirdyear medical student and one of the senior students involved in the call, said that the medical students steered clear of the divide in the topic of abortion, focusing instead on the healthcare benefits for which they were advocating. “We tried to remain apolitical. Abortion is a contentious issue, especially here in Saskatchewan, and people

sation even when they did not have the same expertise as other activists. “People like the energy and youth that students bring to advocacy. It’s not necessarily about knowing everything about the topic or being wellversed as a public speaker, but bringing the passion and the interest and the willingness to learn.” Simonson said. “A lot of it is recognizing that you are someone who can make a difference and can speak up about something that matters to you.” Froehlich says students have a place in advocacy despite their continuing education on the issue. “I’m always afraid of doing

something or saying something and what if it’s wrong,” Froehlich said. “Sometimes you have to accept that advocacy is usually done imperfectly. There’s always something you could have done differently, but at the end of the day, if you really care, you can’t let that hold you back.” Thinking about their success in the call for universal coverage for Mifegymiso, Simonson highlights that “this is just one small piece in the continuous struggle for reproductive rights.” Simonson is currently working on growing the advocacy resources available for medical students. He points to the Canadian Federation of Medical Students advocacy toolkit as a resource that is already available. “We are hoping throughout this year to start doing more workshops for medical students to help students feel more comfortable with advocacy,” Simonson said. “There’s a tonne of resources out there.” Froehlich sees the coverage for Mifegymiso as an example of the power and responsibility of having a platform as a medical student and encourages others to make use of it. “Your opportunities to advocate with the communities that you serve is one of the greatest privileges of being a medical student,” Froehlich wrote in a College of Medicine blog post directed at first-year students. “I can feel the change in how people listen more carefully when they know I am in medical school. It doesn’t mean that my opinions are more important than anyone else’s, but I can harness this platform for others to use when their voices are marginalized.”

I tried to frame it as a period of growth and trying new things — those are always scary, but as Saskatchewan residents, it is our right to be able to meet with our political leaders,” Froehlich said.

Graphics from



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A food fanatic’s guide to Saskatoon’s newest eateries ‘Toontown is at it again with some new food destinations. GABRIELLA FOURIE

Yay! Thai 152 2nd Avenue S From Karma Cafe owners Vivek and Roshni comes a new endeavour, Yay! Thai. Delivering delicious, authentic Thai cuisine in a welcoming environment, their goal is to combine nutrition and positivity to promote a happy, healthy lifestyle. If you’re vegan or vegetar-



Odla 801 C Broadway Avenue This restaurant is named after the Swedish word meaning to farm, cultivate or grow. If you’re looking for simple, creative and delicious meals using locally-sourced produce, head over to Odla. Husband and wife duo Arlie and Brett LaRoche provide delectable farm-to-table meals using seasonal fruits, vegetables, meat and honey. These fresh ingredients come

Ace Burger 1002 Broadway Avenue Feel like you may have heard of them? Before opening up a permanent location on Broadway Avenue, Ace Burger was a popular food truck cruising down the streets of Saskatoon, filling up hungry stomachs with burgers, milkshakes and handcut fries wherever they stopped. This burger joint prioritizes environmental sustainability in that everything on your tray is compostable — including the tray itself. Favourite burger: Crispy chicken burger Favourite drink: Strawberry milkshake Price: $ Instagram: aceburgeryxe

Beppi’s Gelato 616 10th St E #1 Just off Broadway Avenue, locals have been getting a little taste of Italy right here in sunny Saskatoon. Beppi’s Gelato stands out because of its wide array of artisanal gelato and sorbetto. If one serving of gelato isn’t enough for you — because let’s face it, there will never be such a thing as too much gelato — ask about one of their beautiful gelato cakes. They also have a variety of vegan and gluten­-free options too. Favourite flavour: Green tea Favourite drink: Latte Price: $ Instagram: beppisgelato


Saskatoon has always had a thriving food scene. Over the past year, many new restaurants and cafés have found a home here, adding to Saskatoon’s reputation for being a destination for foodies everywhere. In addition to having more restaurants per capita than anywhere else in Canada, Saskatoon was named ‘Canada’s Hottest New Foodie Destination’ by Forbes this year. To celebrate that, here are some of the newest local restaurants and cafés to grace the streets of our city.

straight from their holisticallymanaged farm, Farm One Forty. There is a market adjacent to the restaurant where visitors can pick up some fresh produce. Favourite meal: Butter poached northern pike Favourite drink: Pisco violetta Price: $$ Instagram: odla.saskatoon


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ian and looking for a new place to call your favourite restaurant, this is the place for you. On top of that, they are also environmentally friendly, using reusable bento boxes for meals on the go. Come for the delicious plant-based menu, and stay for the bright, cheerful atmosphere. Favourite meal: Mii kati Favourite drink: Pink hibiscus latte Price: $$ Instagram: yay.thai Sometimes, you just don’t

feel like cooking and having to do the dishes after, Or maybe you’re just looking to treat yourself. If you can relate to either, head over to these locally-owned restaurants and see some of the best food Saskatoon has to offer. While you are at it, keep an eye open for these soon-tobe-opened restaurants: Prairie Sun Brewery 650 Broadway Avenue Restaurant Kashmere 820 Broadway Avenue

Growing theatre company engages professional artists and community with fall production Saskatoon’s Ppl r Ppl Productions is moving to a larger venue for its upcoming performance of Little Shop of Horrors. NOAH CALLAGHAN STAFF WRITER

When Ricardo Alvarado and Kelsey Stone founded a musical theatre company nearly four years ago, they never could have predicted what it would grow to be. Ppl r Ppl Productions is an up-and-coming local theatre company with a lot of heart. Ever since their first year when they put on Rocky Horror Picture Show, they have continued to connect budding artists with an expanding audience through their performances of cult classics. Alvarado recalls how Ppl r Ppl’s past productions — which have been held at Persephone Theatre’s Backstage Stage and seats roughly 150 people — were selling out before opening night. “This year, we decided to go all out,” said Alvarado. “We have over 450 seats in the audience, so it’s a much bigger venture for us but I hope that people appreciate it and come out to have fun.” What made Alvarado choose to produce and direct Little Shop


of Horrors was how unforgettable the show was to him and how much it lends itself to Ppl r Ppl’s talents. “There is a darkness to the show that sometimes when done by bigger companies … [has to be geared] towards more of a family audience,” Alvarado said. “So, they kind of have to [gloss over] that stuff, whereas we are leaning into some of those themes heavily.” Part of what makes Ppl r Ppl Productions special is its dedication to entertaining audiences while employing and mentoring Saskatoon artists in meaningful ways. “We hire as many professionals as we can and work with local performers,” Alvarado said. “There is only so much professional work in the city, so if we can give a person a contract here or there, that is kind of our goal.” Although Ppl r Ppl Productions’ rapid growth makes Alvarado and Stone happy, it also means longer hours spent by the team dedicated to their shared passion for musical theatre. They both also work full time outside

their company, making their local connections critical. “Luckily we have been able to make these relationships with these other artists, and they just keep coming back and bringing more energy to the stage,” Alvarado said. “It may be our company but its really based on the people who come out to help us and even our audience.” These artists include University of Saskatchewan undergraduate student Kieran Johnston. He plays the lead role of Seymour, the meek florist working at the Little Shop of Horrors. Johnston, who began acting in high school plays, says he jumped at the opportunity to audition for the part after his positive experience working for the company last year. “Ricardo and Kelsey are both very attentive to the details, like every single thing needs to be sharp,” Johnston said. “So it’s very intense but I think the show’s turned out really well because in those artistic qualities we are definitely trying to raise the bar at every single rehearsal.” Alvarado says he wants to go

Victoria Becker/ Photo Editor Little Shop of Horrors advertised at the Broadway theatre on Sept. 5, 2019.

beyond people’s expectations of what musical theatre is and believes that there is something magical about how much value live performance and music adds to the story. “I am confident that if you come and sit in the audience that you are going to have the

best time and are going to leave wanting to come back the next evening,” Alvarado said. Little Shop of Horrors is on at the Broadway Theatre Sept. 26 to 29. Tickets can be purchased through the Broadway Theatre Box Office at $35 for adults and $30 for students.



SEPTEMBER 12, 2019

Euphoria is asking the real questions: Are the kids really alright? The show’s thoughtful handling of mental illness and addiction is what sets it apart from others. EMMA NEUFELD

HBO’s Euphoria is an adaption of the Israeli show of the same name. The explicit high school drama follows 17-year-old Rue Bennett, a girl fresh out of rehab with no intention of staying clean. Rue is played by former Disney star Zendaya Coleman who delivers an Emmy-worthy performance in this role. Her co-star, model and trans activist Hunter Schafer plays Jules Vaughn who is new to the California suburbs. The two become fast friends, and Rue finally decides to get clean because of Jules. While it doesn’t portray the most realistic high school experience, Euphoria successfully tackles issues teenagers are dealing with today. Addiction, sexuality, pornography, mental illness, teen pregnancy and sexual assault are a few of the topics addressed in the first season. Rue’s drug addiction began at age 13 when she tried some of her father’s painkillers to help her cope with her cocktail of mental illnesses. This is a timely show as the average user of illicit drugs starts at age 15. Though efforts are being made to reduce the stigma and create safe spaces for drug users — as seen with the creation of safe

consumption sites, even one here in Saskatoon — there is still a long way to go. One of the most powerful moments of the show is Rue’s overdose scene which lands her in rehab. The juxtaposition of a carefree Rue and Jules doing hallucinogens against the scene of Rue being found by her little sister after an overdose is jarring. Euphoria shows the tempting side of drugs while depicting the harsh, traumatic experiences that come with it. The show's characters are presented in an interesting and dynamic manner, and Jules is no exception. As a trans girl, she brings a unique perspective to the show. Jules is often presented as a beacon of light to the point where she is literally depicted as an angel in a Halloween party scene. While the show doesn’t hide Jules’ queerness and doesn’t paint her as a caricature of her sexuality, she has a personality outside of being transgender. She is a three-dimensional, full-fledged character whose story goes beyond her queerness. Unlike Euphoria, shows such as Skins, which romanticizes eating disorders and depression, and 13 Reasons Why with its oh-so-controversial depiction of Hannah Baker’s suicide, handle difficult topics carelessly and

Shawna Langer/ Graphics Editor

give impressionable viewers the wrong idea about mental illness. While vulgar at times, Euphoria tastefully handles Rue’s addiction and the delicate issues being dealt with by many of the other characters. A unique feature of Euphoria is its non-linear storytelling. Rue’s omniscient narration of the show allows her to jump across time and space to tell multiple sides of the story at once. Each episode begins with the

backstory of a different character, told in an attention-grabbing fashion, paying special attention to intersections and diversity. Even if you can’t relate to being a drug addict at 17, you can probably relate to Kat’s struggles with body image or Cassie and Lexi’s family issues. Euphoria has blown up largely thanks to its talented cast, hazy aesthetic and Doniella Davy, the show’s lead makeup artist. The makeup department is a huge part of what has made this show

so popular on social media. If you were to scroll through Davy’s tagged photos on Instagram, you would find nothing but teens covered in rhinestones and colourful eyeshadow, recreating the shows extravagant eye looks. With a cast full of new faces, an incredible makeup department and relevant, carefully portrayed subject material, Euphoria is addicting, binge­worthy and definitely deserves the hype.

YXE Harm Reduction is cleaning up the city one needle at a time A Saskatoon resident is taking drug-related harm reduction into his own hands.

Victoria Becker/ Photo Editor Tuk Gordon poses for a photo on Sept. 7, 2019.


Since March 2019, Tuk Gordon has been cleaning up garbage and needles and handing out snacks in an effort he dubbed as YXE Harm Reduction. This is not the first project of its kind. Gordon initially found this calling after volunteering with a friend on an initiative called Saskatoon Cares. Inspired by this project and armed with a few ideas for improvements, Gordon started YXE Harm Reduction.

Gordon describes it as a self-driven, community outreach project that focuses on snack handouts and needle and trash clean up. A needle exchange is also provided. “I don’t work out of anywhere. It’s just either my vehicle or what I carry,” says Gordon. “I’m able to kind of hang around and slither into spaces that normal people who do any kind of outreach can’t.” After spending time in Pleasant Hill and Riversdale, Gordon saw that there was a real need for

the services he was providing. The problems he was seeing aren’t specific to Saskatoon. Canada is currently facing an opioid crisis that is being called one of the worst public health crises in our country’s history. More than 10,000 Canadians have died from apparent opioid-related overdoses just between January 2016 and September 2018. Until very recently, there has been a lack of public services to help those who struggle with drug addiction. The stigma surrounding drug users fuels the public's apathy to their problems. However, in an enormous step forward, Saskatoon is set to open Saskatchewan’s first and only safe consumption site in July 2020. Such a facility would provide a safe, hygienic and supervised area for the consumption of drugs. With resources such as sterile equipment, naloxone — a medication that is administered in case of overdose — and connections to housing and health services, safe consumption sites

can provide the care that longtime drug users need to restart their lives. Gordon finds that people tend to respect him more when they find out that he isn’t affiliated with any organization. “A lot of people eventually find out that everything that I do out there is [voluntary] and is on my own time,” said Gordon. “And I think I just kind of get that different level of appreciation and respect.” Being a completely volunteerdriven enterprise, YXE Harm Reduction currently has no stable source of funding. “The number one question [I get] is how is this funded. It’s not. The previous organization that I was volunteering with … raised a decent sum of money … and that's kind of what has kept this afloat,” Gordon said. The initiative has been relying entirely on contributions from the community and local businesses such as The Better Good, Fable Ice Cream, Modo Yoga

Saskatoon and a few others. Gordon takes both monetary and non-perishable food donations. “Doing the garbage and the needles is really easy. It’s all the other stuff that’s kind of tricky. Like I’ve run out of money and snacks, and am always sourcing out things to give out.” In August, Gordon began working at AIDS Saskatoon as a drop-in supervisor. He plans on continuing his efforts with YXE Harm Reduction but knows that doing both of these will require a delicate balance. Moving forward, he is looking into making his outreach more of a planned endeavour instead of heading out whenever he could. With the safe consumption site opening up and efforts being made to destigmatize people who use drugs, a path is being paved towards a more accepting and empathetic society. To reach out to YXE Harm Reduction, email



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Doctor, lawyer or engineer: The first generation nightmare Are your parents pressuring you into a field you’re not sure about? AQSA HUSSAIN


Still not sure what you want to do with your life? Are your parents pressuring you to be a doctor, lawyer or engineer? Do you want to pursue another field? Well, trust me, you are not alone. This is a common occurrence in the lives of many students, but there is something acute about this experience for first-generation Canadians — also known as immigrants or children of immigrant parents. I am a first-generation Canadian myself, born in Canada after my parents immigrated from South Asia. Many of us have heard of the stories of struggles within our families, and the adversity our parents or grandparents faced trying to make it in this country. These stories often serve as reminders — parables that teach us to work hard and choose a career with which we could support our families. The toy stethoscope was a stepping stone for me. It was the beginning of being pushed towards a field of my parents’ liking rather than my own. Except as I grew older, I successfully dodged the parental expectations for becoming a doctor, lawyer or engineer. And you can too.

Here’s the thing — many immigrant parents sincerely believe that these three career paths are the best ways to find a future of stability in which you’ll be able to support yourself. And why shouldn’t they? We all know that these three fields can provide a good income. The problem kicks in when you find yourself at odds with your parents because none of these career paths sound like the right fit for you. If you’re wanting to go into one of these fields and it fulfills your parents dreams at the same time, that’s awesome — but not everyone is in the same spot. The sad reality of the immigrant narrative is that many of our parents had hopes and dreams for their lives and futures that just didn’t transpire. It’s unfortunate that this is a common theme, but we all know from those cliché coming-of-age movies that our parents’ dreams aren’t necessarily our dreams. The nightmare that comes with being a first-generation kid is that there are often numerous barriers that make communication between you and your parents extremely difficult. I’ve essentially grown up in a whole different world than my parents which creates obstacles including language, culture, religion and so much more.

Shawna Langer/ Graphics Editor

But you can wake up from this nightmare. You don’t have to be the vehicle for your parents’ dream to live on. You don’t have to spend years upon years of studying for a career you don’t want. You are truly able to do whatever. The key is to get your parents to understand and that won’t be easy. Whatever life path you choose to pursue, your parents need to see that it

is viable. Until you’re making a stable income and you can afford your own necessities, you might still be at odds with your parents. So is it worth it? I can’t really answer that for you. Maybe you’re not sure what you want to be and you’re not totally against following your parents’ directions. You might end up loving the career that you stick with. The thing is, you don’t

have to rush to figure it out. I still have no idea what I want to do, but I know I don’t want to be a doctor, lawyer or engineer — no hate, y’all are all great, I just can’t do that personally. I will definitely have some conflict and arguments with my parents because of this, but I would rather have that than spend the rest of my life unhappy in a career I don’t want.

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SEPTEMBER 12, 2019

Yo, I’m running here. City running in Saskatoon can quickly turn into an extreme sport. ERIN MATTHEWS OPINIONS EDITOR

Over the summer, I started running. Something inside me may have snapped in May when I decided it was the perfect day to lace up my faded Nikes and begin to propel myself at an unnatural speed down the cracked and uneven sidewalk of my neighbourhood. Perhaps I was trying to atone for some personal crime I committed. Perhaps I wanted to feel what it was like to be on the precipice of death, gasping for air — my brain starved for oxygen while lactic acid build up in my aching calves. Or maybe I just wanted to counter all the beer I was consuming over the summer. Whatever the catalyst was, I decided I was going to become a runner. At least for the season. Hopping on a treadmill at the gym like some kind of rodent on a wheel has never been appealing. There is something unsettling about running in place on a path that leads to nowhere. It’s an all too familiar representation of my academic and personal life.

Running outside, however, was not any better. My usual routine would end after several blocks. I would stop, bent over in agony cursing every cigarette I had ever consumed in my past. Every muscle in my body would announce their once dormant presence, my knees would knock together and my toes would get caught on the edges of curbs. But something clicked this summer. I was able to find a space in my brain that would allow me to push past the pain and drop into it. A sixkilometre run would become my normal after work routine. The 40 minutes spent in my brain was welcomed, and I could push myself further each time I started pounding the pavement again. It was then that I noticed a peculiar pattern when I began a frequent routine through residential route. I became invisible. Cars either didn’t seem to notice me or they didn’t regard me as a pedestrian. They would fail to stop at marked crosswalks in school zones, cut me off turning at intersections that had walk lights, back out of drive-

Shawna Langer/ Graphics Editor

ways while I was in their path and nearly careen into me while turning into alleyways. It wasn’t just motorized vehicles — even a guy on his bike nearly ran me over as he was looking for cars at an intersection. When I announced my presence with a breathless ‘hey,’ it was as if a ghost had materialized from the empty space in front of him and he nearly fell from his bicycle. It’s daylight. I am highly visible. Yet my regular runs are more like an obstacle course where

one moment of inattention would lead to a horrible demise. Is it entitled driver aggression like what is experienced by cyclists in town? Is it a miscalculation of motorists who don’t grasp that the velocity of a runner differs from that of a casual pedestrian? Is it a case of the brain not registering my movement and speed? Have I actually become invisible like the girl in that first season episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Whether it’s psychological, neurological or supernatural, I

have to say that nearly getting taken out by a Saskatoon motorist really spices up the monotony of an evening run. If you’re a runner or a motorist — or both — it’s in everyone’s interest to pay attention to your surroundings. Don’t trust that you can make that turn before that person gets midway through the intersection, and don’t assume that the person behind the wheel will stop when you have the right of way. It’s a car-eat-pedestrian world out there.

German Cultural Centre 160 Cartwright Street East, Saskatoon, SK



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Back to school with Hope Feeling detached after being gone all summer? These tips are sure to help you succeed this year!

Khat’s out of the bag KHAT P.

The Sheaf presents back-to-school advice from Khat.

Q: What is the best way to make friends if you are new or just lonely? This is a loaded question. Going about making friends is different for every single person depending on if you have an introverted or extroverted personality. You could always join a group that appeals to your interest. Go to a board game night, join a drama class — they make you do weird shit with strangers right off the bat, but after that, friendship is easy. This way, you are put with like-minded people who enjoy doing the same activities you do. Q: How can I best balance a full course load while simultaneously maintaining my social life, getting enough exercise, eating a well-balanced diet and finding time to sleep? Can it be done? Yes, it can! It is not easy — and it won’t ever be easy — but if you’re dedicated enough, it can happen. This is assuming that you do not require six hours of socializing every single night. First and foremost, get yourself a day planner. This will help you with your daily personal goals and giving yourself reserved time for certain activities. To maximize your health, find a 15 minute workout you can do in your living room from home to start and finish your day. Pinterest is your friend in this department. Q: I want to delete my dating/ hookup apps. Is it possible to meet anyone offline anymore? The problem with this question is that no one actually wants to meet on dating sites, but it’s easy and less embarrassing should you be rejected. Your soulmate isn’t going to accidentally wander into your house late at night and sweep you off your feet. If you want to meet someone naturally, go to a public place, prepare your ego to be slightly bruised and bite the bullet. But don’t be creepy. Q: I don’t know if I can handle my course load, but if I drop any classes I won’t be able to graduate on time. I don’t know what to do. I’m already stressing. Stop. Breathe. Focus. Re-focus. You are punishing yourself by looking too far ahead and it’s causing you stress. Long-term goals are important, but not at the risk of detrimentally affecting you here and now. The worst that happens if you don’t graduate on time is that you take another semester. Is a timeline worth your mental health? Take this one day at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and nor is your degree. Need some advice? Email us your questions at


Victoria Becker / Photo Editor Students make use of the U of S beer gardens during welcome week on Sept. 6, 2019.


After four months of working the same shift everyday or relaxing on the beach, we seem to forget how to get back in the groove of things. While we are all a little shaky trying to get back into the swing of school, it’s important to keep a good school-life balance. The best way to do that is by knowing the resources available on campus. All students have the option of using the support services at the Wellness Centre, Pride Centre, Women’s Centre, Aboriginal Students’ Centre, Childcare Centre, Food Centre, Help Centre and Access and Equity Services, among others. Are you living in residence this year? There is even a Counsellor-inResidence program and free tutoring which includes the Faculty-in-Residence as well. Make sure to ask your resident attendant for more information on these programs because they have some great resources to share with you. Speaking about resources needed for classes, let’s take a look at the most archaic learning tool — textbooks. They are expensive but they don’t have to be. If a syllabus says it’s optional, think about whether or not you need it. If it says required, wait for the first week to find out if you will actually need it — sometimes it’s just a suggested book to read. Last year, I made the mistake of purchasing a $180 textbook that was not even used in the course.

Once you figure out what you need, check the U of S used textbooks Facebook page first. If you can’t find the book you need there, check Amazon. This year I saved $90 by purchasing one required text on Amazon. If both of those options are a no-go, you may just have to purchase through the bookstore. If you are in need of English novels, Westgate Books is an amazing place. On the topic of money, budgeting in university is important. Make sure to figure out how much income you have coming in and how much your expenses are. Next time you are grocery shopping, look at the prices carefully and the price per grams or price per 100 ml. You can often find a better deal by purchasing off-brand items as well. By doing this you will also ease your future stress. Keeping track of your budget, resources, appointments and classes may be a daunting task but a day-planner is the best way to figure this out. Indigo sells amazing planners, but if you are looking for a customized planner, check out For apps, two good ones to try are My Homework and Pocket Schedule Planner. Lastly, do not be afraid to be choosy about friends. With 22,400 students on campus, don’t settle for people who are not good for you. Relationships are important, so if you do not have a healthy friendship or romantic relationship, there are other people on campus for you. Throw yourself into activities to meet more people.

Show up to events on campus, talk to the person next to you in class, join a club or sign up for a recreational team. Find things you enjoy, and you will meet people with similar interests. After all, university is about growth.



SaSkatoon Symphony orcheStra

Eric Paetkau and Mark Turner discuss the season opening concert Brahms 4 Tuesday, September 17, 7 pm

Dr. katherine Stewart Public Lecture

Letting Nature Lead the Way: Restoring Arctic and Alpine Ecosystems Wednesday, Sept. 25, 7 pm

sheaf sept 12 to sept 18, 2019.indd 1

9/1/2019 12:42:04 PM

SEPTEMBER 12, 2019


Aqsa Hussain/ Layout Manager


Welcome Week Photos

Sophia Lagimodiere/ Outreach Director Victoria Becker / Photo Editor

Victoria Becker / Photo Editor

Sophia Lagimodiere/ Outreach Director


T H E S H E A F P U B L I S HI NG S OC I E T Y // S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 9

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September 23 - 27 Monday 09/23 Opening Ceremony Queer Talk

Tuesday 09/24 Sharing Circle

Thursday 09/26 Resource Fair Too Many Zoos

Friday 09/27 Drag Workshop Ye Olde Drag Show

in partnership with Aboriginal Students’ Centre


09/12 PARTY + 09/13

12 18TH th



09/16 09/17 09/18



all week I n t e r ac t i v e D i s p l ay a n d R e s o u r c e Ta b l e s


CLUB WEEK September 16

September 18

3:00 - 5:00 Club Expo @ Louis’ Loft (snacks and beverages provided)

2:30 - 3:30 Financial Skills Workshop @ Roy Romanow Student Council Chambers

September 17

September 19

10:00 - 2:00 Event planning drop in clinic @ Arts Ramp

1:00 - 2:30 Chair and Governance Session @ Roy Romanow Student Council Chambers

September 18 12:00 - 1:30 Bringing in the Bystander @ Roy Romanow Student Council Chambers

Jamie Bell 306 966 6967

For more information visit

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