Together, we can spark an interest in tech

We are proud to introduce CompTIA Spark curriculum for middle grades! Working with educators, we have developed curriculum specifically to help fill an important gap in tech education. Reaching students before high school, it is designed to build digital fluency and spark interest in technology.
Thanks to support from CompTIA, this incredible resource is FREE (and always will be free) for all middle schools. It is a gift from the tech industry to future generations.
CompTIA Spark curriculum opens doors to new possibilities, builds skills and confidence for life, and inspires students to explore the exciting world of technology.
You are invited to join us in our mission to bring technology education to as many middle school students as possible by empowering educators with this free, fun, easy-to-implement curriculum.
Let’s work together to inspire the next generation of technology professionals!
Introduce educators and community leaders in your network to CompTIA Spark today. Help make sure your local middle school teachers know about this new free technology curriculum. Scan the QR Code for more info and resources.