Vocella Graphic & Community Shopper

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About Us

Vocella, Inc. (pronounced vō-chellä) is a multimedia company that aims to engage, excite, and empower people through compelling and entertaining products and services with a hyperlocal focus on community, business, arts, culture, and entertainment.

We are delighted to introduce the latest chapter in our journey: the Vocella Graphic. This newly designed newspaper boasts a sleek and modern aesthetic, featuring stunning artwork and informative articles. Crafting this visually captivating paper has been a labor of love, with our dedicated team painstakingly perfecting every aspect, from its appearance and tone to its expanded coverage area.

Furthermore, nestled inside, you will still find the trusted Community Shopper, complete with all the familiar content you’ve come to rely on. This includes classified ads featuring help wanted listings, rummage sales, and more, as well as business news, events, and community updates.

So, thank you for joining us as we continue to grow and do our very best to serve our communities.

Publishing & Sales Team

J.C. & Susan LaBar


Karolyn Moltzan

General Manager/Lead Design

McKenna Layne Design/Social Media

Erica Kingston Editorial/Copy Editor

Christian Marshall Community Ambassador/Sales

From the Designer:

Dear Valued Readers,

Do you enjoy learning? I am the type of person who is constantly Googling. Sometimes it’s seemingly pointless pop trivia. Sometimes it’s historical facts, current events or statistics. I love learning science related information. I have an insatiable curiosity. A need to know.

In a world that never stops changing, it can seem like the goal line is always being moved further away in our quest for knowledge. Instead of being a hurdle, that means every day is a new opportunity to learn something, whether it is knowledge gained or even a skill.

Learning may have felt like a chore when we were in school. But learning due to our own intrinsic motivation offers a different perspective. Suddenly learning takes on an all new meaning with benefits and value we may not have recognized in our younger years.

Each new skill learned, every piece of knowledge gained, keeps us from getting stuck in the same old routine. It helps us adapt to change, handle new challenges and see things in a new light that may help us understand the perspectives of those around us.

Let’s keep our minds open and our curiosity fresh, not just for job titles or applause but because it enriches our souls and strengthens our spirit. Let’s always be ready to dive into new adventures of understanding and discovery — because when we’re learning, we’re not just existing; we’re really living.

Here’s to our never-ending journey of discovery,


Find us on Facebook and Instagram: @thevocellagraphic and @thecommunityshopper


Visit us online at www.vocellagraphic.com and www.communityshopper.com

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Office hours are by appt. only. Reach us by phone or email: Monday - Thursday | 9:00 am to 5:00 pm & Friday | 9:00am - Noon

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Contact Us PO Box 389 1411 West Dakota Parkway, 2A Williston, ND 58801 701.572.4851

FFA Creed

I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds – achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years.

I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging; for I know the joys and discomforts of agricultural life and hold an inborn fondness for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny.

I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others. I believe in my own ability to work efficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge and skill as I can secure, and in the ability of progressive agriculturists to serve our own and the public interest in producing and marketing the product of our toil.

I believe in less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining; in the life abundant and enough honest wealth to help make it so–for others as well as myself; in less need for charity and more of it when needed; in being happy myself and playing square with those whose happiness depends upon me.

I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task.

2 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM In this issue
This Issue
PROFILES 03 — Williston FFA NEWS BRIEFS 04 — St. Joseph's Catholic School — CHI teddy bears OIL & AG 05 — Cropland value up 10% — Product of USA label HEALTH & WELLNESS 07 — Mental health month — The Bookshelf book review BUSINESS 08 — Ekblad celebrates 73 years COMMUNITY SHOPPER Directory 10 Classifieds 11 Realty & Job Listings 12 Job Listings 13 Job Listings & Business 14 Announcements & Events 15 Business 16


Williston FFA furthering the future of agriculture




On April 25, senior Haylee Sundby walked up to the podium at the high school theater and struck the gavel — a start to the meeting that would become the last call to order, in proper parliamentary procedure, that Sundby would preside over as the Williston Future Farmers of America chapter president.

A crowd of family and friends, FFA members and adviser Mrs. Seely Daniels shared a meal and watched awards be given, seniors members recite retiring addresses and the installation of new officers during the year-end annual FFA banquet at the Williston High School. As the senior members shared their final speeches, it was evident that what may have started as simply taking an agriculture class had led many into a role of leadership, growth and direction for their future.

“FFA brings students an opportunity to be engaged in their learning, and to take what they have learned and apply it to their world,” said Williston High School agriculture teacher and FFA advisor Seely Daniels. “It gives students a chance to belong to something amazing that is outside of sports and academics. A chance to take ownership for the decisions that they make, and a chance to make a difference in their own lives for years to come.”

FFA is a youth organization that began in 1928 by a group of young farmers whose mission was to prepare future generations for the challenges of feeding a growing population, according to ffa.org. Today, FFA has local chapters, of which North Dakota has over 90 active chapters, along with a state

and national level. FFA’s mission statement says that the organization strives to prepare members for leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

At the banquet, members were recognized for their achievements throughout the year at local and state competitions, as well as awards for those who held 4.0 grade point averages and the recipient of the Dustin Williams Scholarship.

The Senior Knowledge Bowl team, as a whole, placed third, landing them in the silver category with one member, Malia Burns, placing in the gold individual category. The other three members, Haylee Sundby, Gracie Strickland and Alyssa Stone, placed in the silver individual category.

The Livestock Judging team placed fourth in state and first in the district at the Roughrider Invitational in Dickinson. Two members, Sidney Adkins and Matthew Cobb, received gold, Brit Faulkner received silver and Malia Burns took bronze. At state Livestock Judging in Minot, the team competed with only three members and received bronze as Faulkner, Burns and Cobb received bronze individuals.

The Horse Judging team is made up of Alyssa Stone, Malia Burns, Matthew Cobb and Sayler Atkins and will compete in Fargo at the beginning of this month.

Saylor Atkins and Malia Burns were recognized as students who maintained a 4.0

GPA and earned their scholarship pin. Sidney Adkins, Malia Burns and Haylee Sundby fulfilled their lettering commitments and earned their FFA letters. Sundby was also chosen to receive the Dustin Williams Scholarship of $500.

Senior officers gave retiring speeches, reflecting on their time spent in FFA. Some said that they hadn’t been interested in agriculture until they took a class with Mrs. Daniels and joined the organization. All of them gave heartfelt thanks to their advisor for investing in and caring for them as individuals far beyond the classroom. Each senior member was honored with a slide show and walked across the stage with their families to symbolically retire their FFA jackets by hanging them on a coat rack.

Sundby served as chapter president for the 2023-2024 year and had been in FFA for three years, time of which she attributes to changing her life. Entering highschool, she was unsure of what she wanted to do after graduation and up until this past February, she hadn’t made plans.

“We vaccinated a puppy in Mrs. Daniel’s class and it made me realize that veterinary care is where I belong,” Sundby said. “Mrs. Daniels has always pushed me to be the best version of myself and she stood behind me in this just as she has with everything else. Agriculture is not something I ever thought I would be a part of, but with an amazing advisor like ours, it's hard to stay

ERICA KINGSTON ekingmediawriter@gmail.com

Erica is a freelance writer and copy editor. She is a wife and mother of four and loves road trips and being out on the prairies of North Dakota.

away from. She makes learning fun, she’s hands down one of the best teachers I’ve had and I am forever thankful for her pushing me to excel in FFA.”

Each year at the annual FFA banquet, new chapter officers are installed. Members vote on each position — sentinel, reporter treasurer, secretary, vice president and president — and the 2023-2024 officers, dressed in the proper attire of black pants and their navy corduroy FFA jackets, then lead the newly appointed officers to their positions behind the podium. The new 2024-2025 Williston FFA officers were introduced as sentinel Alyssa Stone, reporter Saylor Adkins, treasurer Tyler Sorenson, secretary Malia Burns, vice president Mason Weber and Cameron Andrson as president.

“It was a great night,” Mrs. Daniels said of the banquet. “Sad, but also exciting.”

As Mrs. Daniels was presented with flowers and thanked in speeches, she was often seen quietly wiping a tear away from her face; it was evident, to even a stranger, the mutual love and admiration between Mrs. Daniels, teacher and advisor, and each of her students and FFA members.

“I hope that my members learn how to become leaders, make smart decisions, learn to work with others and, most importantly, to succeed and feel valued,” Mrs. Daniels said.

3 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM
...not of words but of deeds

St. Joseph’s Catholic School to add seventh grade in the fall

WILLISTON — St. Joseph’s Elementary School, a private Catholic school in Williston, plans to introduce a middle school grade starting the next academic year.

The announcement was made by Principal Narcel Clark and Pastor Paul Eberle, stating that the private school will begin teaching seventh grade this fall. This expansion has been made feasible by the movement of preschool classes to the new Little Joes center, which has provided the necessary space and resources.

The school is prepared for the new additions, with fifth, sixth and seventh grades

to be organized in an upstairs area that has been departmentalized. The school currently has 12 sixth graders who will be given the first opportunity to fill the new seventh-grade spots. Subsequently, the enrollment will be opened up to other interested students.

Though there is a screening process for admission, students do not need to be Catholic to attend St. Joseph’s Catholic School.

The school has indicated a strong likelihood of introducing an eighth grade by the 2025 school year, citing ongoing plans to accommodate another classroom.

Additional information, including details on tuition rates, is expected to be announced in the near future.

CHI St. Alexius Health Hospital Auxiliary donates

teddy bears to emergency department

bears will be available for young patients to help make their ER visit a little less scary. A big thank you to this amazing group.


WILLISTON — Our Hospital Auxiliary has donated 300 teddy bears to our emergency department, with hope that this will help nurses soothe our young patients by giving the children a bear to snuggle. The

Pictured are Hospital Auxiliary members with some of our emergency department staff.

4 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM News Briefs

North Dakota cropland values up more than 10% again

NORTH DAKOTA — North Dakota’s cropland values have increased more than 10% for the third consecutive year, according to an annual survey.

North Dakota cropland values increased 11.59% heading into the spring of 2024, from 2,863 per acre to 3,174 per acre, said Bryon Parman, North Dakota State University Extension agricultural finance specialist.

The increase follows cropland values appreciating 10.92% and 13.46% in 2022 and 2023, respectively.

Cash rental rates for cropland saw increases between 3.12% and 6.82% during those years.

The statewide average cash rental rate moved upward from $75.90 per acre to $78.70 per acre.

“A jump in land values across North Dakota that large is a bit surprising given the decline in net farm incomes from 2022 to 2023, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s projected decline from 2023 to 2024,” Parman said in a news release. “It is also a bit surprising that such a large increase in land prices have not pulled cash

rental rates higher, especially given that interest rates have been significantly higher over the last few years.”

The data is based on the North Dakota Department of Trust Lands Annual Land Survey. The original survey data can be found at: https://www.land.nd.gov/resources/north-dakota-county-rents-prices-annual-survey.

The largest increases in land prices occurred in the north-central and south-central regions with both increasing more than 20%. The largest increases in rental rates for cropland values occurred in the southwest and south-central regions where both region’s rental rates increased more than 8%.

Cropland values in the north Red River Valley and northwestern regions were also both up more than 10% in 2024, with the remainder of the state’s regions increasing in the mid-to-high single digits.

The last time cropland in North Dakota saw a rapid rise in land values from 2008 to 2013, there was about a seven-year period to follow where land prices and rental rates completely flattened from 2014 to 2020.

Original article can be found at northdakotamonitor.com. Scan the QR code for more

"Product of USA" label for meat items could carry more weight under new rule

NORTH DAKOTA — Big players in the beef and poultry industry face pressure to prepare for a new federal rule for "Product of USA" labels. And advocates for smaller farmers and ranchers see an opportunity for those operations to reach more customers. Companies selling meat products in grocery stores have until early 2026 to comply with the USDA rule announced this spring. "Product of USA" labels are sometimes slapped on a meat item for sale. Firms that outsource production overseas have been doing it because the item was packaged in the U.S. But now, all of the animal production has to be done domestically to use the label.

Mark Watne, North Dakota Farmers Union President, likes the move.

"In some respect, it should give a U.S. producer a distinctive advantage to the consumer that desires a product that is born, raised, slaughtered, processed in the U.S.," he said.

Watne said non-corporate farms and small processors won't have to worry about

big meatpacking companies - who opt for cheaper, less regulated production in foreign countries - making the claim. While the rule is binding, use of the label is voluntary. Watne added advocates still have a long way to go in getting stronger mandates under country-of-origin labeling. Critics of such moves worry about disrupting international markets.

Watne said the revised rule being phased in should make things less confusing for shoppers willing to pay a little extra if given assurances of where the product was produced.

"So, if you want something that's labeled product of the U.S., then you want to know that it went through the same and equal standards, rules and regulations that a U.S. producer goes through, " he contended.

Supporters of the USDA action suggest removing the loophole means consumers won't be taken advantage of or have to second-guess the packaging information they look at. The move comes amid new federal data showing the number of farms shrinking around the country as market concentration remains a force within agriculture.

5 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM Oil & Ag
SOURCE: WESTERN DAKOTA ENERGY ASSOCIATION WEEKLY NEWSLETTER WTI Crude $83.85 Brent Crude $89.50 Natural Gas $1.61 North Dakota Active Oil rigs: 40 (Up 2) April 26, 2023 — 43 rigs Oil prices and rig count — as of April 26, 2024
6 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM Vacuum & Sewing Center Of Minot Big Spring Event Is Coming Back To Williston! Thursday, May 9th Noon - 4pm Friday, May 10th 9am - 6pm Saturday, May 11th 9am - 6pm We Will Be Bringing Vacuum, Shampooers, Air Puri ers, Sewing Machines, Quilting Machines, Embroidery Machines And So Much More! All At The Lowest Prices Of The Year!!! Free Sewing Seminars With Pfaff Educational Consultant Laura Luett Event Held At McCody Concrete Products 14021 Highway 2 Williston, ND 58801 For More Information Call 701-838-5996 Or Go To vacsewminot.com

Mental health is a person's psychological, emotional and social well-being, and it affects how a person thinks, feels and acts. It's more than just the absence of a mental illness and is important at every stage of life. Mental health can change over time and is determined by a complex interplay of individual, social, and structural factors.

Health & Wellness

Wellness Wednesday

May is Mental Health Awareness month

Here are some facts: 25% of adults in North Dakota reported having any mental illness in the past year, but only 20% received mental health services. Mental health and physical health are fundamentally linked. The average lifespan for people with serious mental illness is 25-30 years less than the general public. People with depression have a 40% higher risk of developing heart diseases than the general population.

How do you improve your own mental health? Start with what you can control: yourself and your home. Self-care can help

maintain mental health and support treatment and recovery if someone has a mental illness. Self-care can include taking time to do things that help you live well, improving your physical health, managing stress, lowering your risk of illness and Increasing your energy. Lifestyle changes, such as: good nutrition, exercise and adequate sleep with good sleep hygiene. In the home, create a de-stressing area, declutter and also

strategize your time management to help calm the chaos.

There are many free, new resources that have been made available to our community to help with mental health. The Upper Missouri District Health Unit has an online resource called “Credible Mind” that allows people to do a self assessment of their mental health, topics and insights to learn more and lists of community resources. There are some really great podcasts to listen to and articles to read that are specific to issues that you may be facing. NDSU Extension has a few options for lessons that I can provide in group settings as an educational resource, such as suicide prevention and stress management. Join me every Wednesday this month as I highlight May as Mental Health Awareness month. Until next time, continue extending knowledge and changing lives with NDSU Extension.

The Bookshelf Book review: "These Twisted Bonds"

“These Twisted Bonds” is the highly anticipated sequel to Lexi Ryan's "These Hollow Vows Duology.” After waiting for it to become available at my library for months, I finally got my hands on a copy. However, the months of anticipation lead to some disappointment as this book didn’t live up to the expectations I had after enjoying the first book.

Title: “These Twisted Bonds”

Author: Lexi Ryan

Genre: Young Adult, fantasy, romance Summary

After her sister is sold to the fae, Abriella's life takes a dark turn when she becomes entangled in a complex love triangle with two princes, unable to trust either. As civil war rages in the Court of Darkness, Brie struggles to find her place amidst the chaos. Prophecies reveal her inevitable role in the fate of Faerie, forcing her to confront her own identity and desires.


Brie’s story in “These Twisted Bonds” is a mix of expectations and frustrations. She’s been through a lot after the events of “These Hollow Vows” and while I expected her to take time to adjust to her now being Fae, I wish that she’d come to accept it quicker. She still holds onto the unsureness of her former self, taking a long time to actually become the empowered heroine you’d expect in a fantasy series. Despite being the strongest character magically, she often doesn’t see any worth in herself. She continually doubts herself, even contemplating sacrificing her life to

relinquish the throne's power. Her wanting to self-sacrifice is so prominent throughout the book that it feels as though she doesn’t want to find another alternative. It isn't until the final pages that she fully embraced her abilities. Suddenly, she is this super powerful character who, despite being locked up, could kill the “impossible to kill” queen. This left the ending of a rather long-winded book, feeling rushed.

Another drawback of the book was the theme of Brie, repeatedly, being kidnapped, which, while it added tension and conflict, became annoying. The first half of the book is uneventful, besides the kidnappings, primarily revolving around Brie's indecision regarding the princes. Despite the fate of the kingdoms lying in her hands, she seems centered around her own problems. The second half of the book is an improvement over the first as there’s more action and Brie’s indeci-

siveness is finally resolved. However, it isn’t a vast improvement over the first half due to it feeling so rushed.

As for the romantic dynamics, the love triangle from the first book is still present but has changed with Brie strongly rejecting Prince Ronan despite their bond. Even with her clear objection, he continues to pursue her, trying to convince her they should be together. I greatly enjoyed that Brie stayed unwavering in her decision to stay away from him. While at times she questions her feelings for him, she focuses on the fact that he betrayed her in many ways and she’s fed up. However, Brie’s refusal of Ronan doesn’t clear the path for Fin. She’s forced to work with him despite her reluctance to trust him, however, she doesn’t go easy on him for his own manipulations of her. Fin is forced to work to regain her favor which is very enjoyable as it showcases a different side of him.

The most intriguing part of "These Twisted Bonds" is the exploration of the Fae lands, particularly when Brie seeks refuge with the King of the Wild Lands. Overall, I think he might be my favorite character. He’s able to balance seriousness and humor while dealing with the entire mess that is the relationships between the kingdoms. I enjoyed scenes with him in it because he adds a good outside perspective. Without him, I really doubt that Brie would’ve been able to get the other characters to work together. His influence and guidance helped Brie tremendously throughout the book.

Reviewed by MCKENNA WALTER mckenna@vocella.com

McKenna is a graphic designer for Vocella, Inc. In her spare time she is an avid reader and crocheter.

“These Twisted Bonds” was a mixed reading experience. While I enjoyed the new characters and further exploration of the Fae lands, the character development of Brie felt overly prolonged. The narrative also felt bland and unhurried before rushing into a perfect conclusion. Despite those drawbacks, the book wasn’t horrible. The characters were still fun to read about and it's an interesting world to explore.

7 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM

Ekblad Appliance and Electronic celebrates 73 years of service to Williston

from the 2023

Established in 1951, Ekblad Appliance and Electronic has been a part of the Williston community for an impressive 73 years.

This family-owned business has its roots in the very foundation of the city, having evolved alongside the progress of technology and the growth of the local population. With a legacy that spans generations, Ekblad's continues to thrive by offering an extensive range of in-stock appliances and televisions, as well as expert installation and service. They even won the 2022 Best Of The Bakken Award.

Founded by current owner Jon’s father and uncle, at Peterson's Creamery, Ekblad's has grown from a small shop selling appliances to the largest display of appliances and televisions in western North Dakota. With a rich history dating back to 1951, they had their work cut out for them in the early days when they had to wire appliances themselves, as many rural areas had only recently received electricity.

Over the years, Ekblad's has always prided itself on being a one-stop shop for the surrounding area, providing delivery, installation, and service. In 1966, they expanded their product offerings by adding the Zenith line of televisions, adapting to the changing demands of their customers. As televisions evolved into flat-panel TVs, Ekblad's continued to offer delivery, installation and

service, ensuring a great experience for their customers.

At the core of Ekblad's success is its unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. This dedication is evident in their extensive selection of in-stock appliances and televisions, which are readily available for

purchase without having to place an order. The company also emphasizes its installation and service capabilities, ensuring customers receive top-notch support from the moment they choose an appliance.

Another key factor contributing to Ekblad's longevity is the strong family bond that runs the business. Jon Ekblad, who started working at the store at just seven years old, has spent 63 years contributing to the family business. Now 70 years old, Jon manages Ekblad's alongside his son, Brad Ekblad, keeping the tradition of family ownership alive.

As Ekblad's celebrates its 73rd anniversary, the company looks back on its incredible journey with pride and gratitude. By staying true to its core values of offering a vast selection of quality products, expert installation, and exceptional service, Ekblad's has become a staple in the Williston community. As the store continues to grow and adapt to the needs of its customers, one thing remains certain, and that is that Ekblad's commitment to excellence will ensure its success for generations to come.

Ekblad Appliance and Electronic is located in the heart of downtown at 22 West Broadway in Williston and can be reached at 701-572-3769 or at ekbladonline.com.

8 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM Business
SEE THE NEW FIREPLACES IN STOCK! NEW MODELS! HOME OF THE BIG ONES 32” 86” 75” Watch football with the best TV in the Game LG OLED 83”, 77”, 65”, 55” SAVE $1300 ... $2495 SAVE $400.. $1395 SAVE $150... $298 ALL IN STOCK ON SPECIAL! LG Smart 4K Sets -43”, 49”, 55”, 60”, 65”, 70”, 75”, & 86” We Service What We Sell | 12 Months NO Interest Free In City Delivery FREE INSTALLATION & REMOVAL of Old Appliances Three Factory Schooled Ekblad Employee Serviceman Ekblad, Inc. TV • Appliance • Stereo 701-572-3769 22 West Broadway Downtown Williston WIRELESS Soundbar/ Surround Systems BOSH Dishwashers BACK IN STOCK YES WE INSTALL Starting at $1195 HARD TO GET 300, 500, 800 BOSH MODELS IN STOCK Over 30 Laundry Sets on Hand Set Price $1095 $200 SAVE Freezers On Hand Upright Freezer Converts to Refrigerator 30” Over the Counter Range Microwaves Starting at $348 Electric Ranges Starting at $648 Upright: 13,16,20 cu ft Chests: 25, 20, 15, 10, 9, 5 cu ft $24800 Starting at Frigidaire 18 cu ft Refrigerator White, Black, Stainless IN STOCK SAVE $125..$798 NEW! 5.3 cu. ft. front load sets Stackable Sets 1 & 2 piece IN STOCK 24” & 27” ON HAND WE WANT TO MAKE YOUR HOME GREAT AGAIN! PHENOMENAL Anniversary Deals! OUTSTANDING Delivery & Service! JON "BUMP" EKBLAD | SUBMITTED PHOTO

Winter AND Spring Fun Awaits!

Advertisement | Andrew Kuester

We aim to have a lot of fun this winter/spring as we spend time gardening indoors! Among the many topics we have planned these three will kick off our workshop series that will run from January until May.

Many are familiar with our increasing selection of Aquatics that we offer. What you may not be aware of is the reason(s) WHY you too should have a tank in your home. Not only do they make a great pastime, they also are one of the easiest ways to cultivate quality water for your houseplant friends! Join us for AQUATICS and learn more!

New this winter we'll spend time talking about closed containers in TERRIFIC TERRARIUMS. We'll also take a closer look at mosses with a selection of clubmoss items to plant in our terrarium!

Lastly, for January, our event featuring the concept of Bonsai is back yet again. Many aren't aware that the term Bonsai does not refer to a plant type, but rather a discipline, like yoga! Learn some of the basics of manipulation and cultivation of Bonsai specimens. We always enjoy sharing this topic with new and budding gardeners.

Also new this year, we're attempting some opportunities that might be more attractive to a younger audience. You will see many of our events with a "Kid Focus" theme. We have tried "kids classes" in the past and struggled to meet the attendance needs for events to be held. Instead, we'll gear our presentation in various adult opportunities more towards youth and kids.

Don't worry, we'll still be here with our expertise to help you with your more complicated questions but hope you'll register yourself and your elementary-age child(ren) for some of these fun events. Come with them and have a good time together.

Please visit our website to register. All information about each class, including dates and times can be found on the Workshop Store of our website.

9 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM Vol. 36 | No. 44 572-2051 | 1-800-201-2051 www.ritterbrothers.com Downtown Williston HOURS: M-F 10:00-6:00; Sat. 10-4; Sun. Closed RITTER BROTHERS Best of the Bakken Winner Starting at $79 Call us for a Free estimate. (701)339-2345 Metal Shingle Coatings Flat Roofs Spray Foam Directory 10 Classifieds 11 Realty & Job Listings 12 Job Listings 13 Job Listings 14 Announcements & Events 15 Business 16 JOHN’S CONCRETE PROFESSIONAL QUALITY WORK Local Contractor Over 25 Years Experience 572-5926 • 770-7217 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured ND & MT Basements • Driveways • Sidewalks • Garage Slabs • Patios • Parking Lots • Polebarn Floors • Farm & Ranch
Upcoming Workshops: 701-572-6083 701-570-1170 3515 Front St. W Williston, ND 58801 www.HandyAndysNursery.com May 7th Successful Veggies May 14th Success with Trees & Shrubs 2024


Horizon Resources

317 2nd St. W

Williston (701) 572-2171


Williston Housing Authority 1801 8th Ave. W

Williston (701) 572-2006


Ekblad Appliance 22 W Broadway

Williston (701) 572-3769


Baja Auto Sales 521 Second St W

Williston (701) 572-2252

Red Rock Ford

410 32nd Ave W

Williston (701) 577-2142


Crafts 4 U 23 Main St. N

Crosby, ND (701) 965-6106


Honey Bears, LLC 1411 West Dakota Parkway, Suite 1a

Williston (701) 577-BEAR (2327)


Nakota Cleaning

Williston (701) 483-4996

Pristine Pros, LLC

Williston (701) 580-0992

S&L Cleaning Service

Williston (701) 609-2545


John's Concrete Williston (701) 572-5926

Roughrider Mudjacking Minot (701) 839-9304

Soiseth Construction 1717 6th St W Williston (701) 572-8056

Williston Roofing 904 2nd St. W

Williston (701) 339-2345


Tony's Transfer Minot/Williston (701) 721-7930


American State Bank & Trust 223 Main St Williston (701) 774-4165

Edward Jones 117 E Broadway

Williston (701) 572-8765

First State Bank & Trust 22 4th St E

Williston (701) 577-2113

Stifel Nicolaus 322 Main St. Williston (701) 572-4527

Western Cooperative Credit Union 1300 Bison Drive

Williston (701) 572-4000


Everson-Coughlin Funeral Home 112 4th St E

Williston (701) 577-3738

Fulkerson Stevenson Funeral Home 218 W Highlan Drive

Williston (701) 572-6329


PS Garage Doors of Williston 731 E Broadway Williston (701) 774-DOOR (3667)


Handy Andy's Nursery 3515 W Front St. Williston (701) 572-6083

Wildrose Nursery 200 1st Ave W

Wildrose (701) 570-3089


CHI St. Alexius 1301 15th Ave W

Williston (701) 572-7651

Williston Basin Eyecare Associates 1500 14th St W #100

Williston (701) 577-3937


Braaten Plumbing 5237C 134th Ave NW Williston (701) 774-0070

Haskin Heating & Cooling 2407 2nd Ave W, Suite D Williston (701) 770-4516


Teagan's Interiors 22 N Main St Crosby, ND (701) 965-6367


Roosevelt Hotel 1001 24th St. W Williston (701) 774-0424


Ritter Brothers 319 Main St Williston (701) 572-2051


49th Latitude Land Survey 1411 West Dakota Pkwy, Unit 111 & 112, Suite 2b, Williston (701) 580-2651


Model Cleaners 1129 2nd Ave W Williston (701) 572-3734


Williams County Williston (701) 577-4500 (Auditor)


Precision Completion & Production Services 5042 Jackson St Williston (701) 774-5847


Advanced Filtration 4502 139th Ave W Alexander, ND (701) 770-2275


Finesse Painting Williston (205) 441-0009


Pro Safe Services 725 8th Ave W Williston (701) 774-3167


NCC Ray 111 Railroad Ave Ray, ND (701) 568-3331


Rugby Homes & RV Center 321 Gate Ave Williston (701) 572-2250


Dakota Farms 1906 2nd Ave W Williston (701) 572-4480


Crafts-4-U Downtown Crosby (701) 965-6106

Second Opportunity ReStore 2124 2nd Ave W Williston (701) 774-2537

Talon Smoke Shop 1804 W Trenton, ND (701) 572-5110


Braaten Plumbing 5237C 134th Ave NW Williston (701) 774-0070


Northwest Dakota Public Transit Williston (701) 577-6753 Watford City (701) 842-3440


GP Trucking Tioga, ND (701) 770-3796


Mountrail-Williams Electric Coop Williston, ND (701) 577-3765

Sheridan Electric Co-op Medicine Lake, MT (406) 789-2231

10 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM
Ready to get your business listed? Call Christian today at 701-572-4851 or email sales@vocella.com! Jeremy Heen, President Locally Owned & Operated 701-770-2275 Amsoil Dealer Advanced Filtration Technologies, Inc To Buy Wholesale On-Line Check Out Our New Website! www.advancedfiltrationtech.com   “It's All About Saying Goodbye” A Closer Walk In Memory with a Memorial from.. Fulkerson Stevenson Funeral Home Williston - Watford City - Sidney - Tioga 701-572-6329 406-488-2805 JONES Commercial, Residential Plumbing & Service, Drain Cleaning, HydroJetting, Video Pipe Inspection, Hydronic Heating, Smoke Testing, Septic Systems, Heating, Air Conditioning, HVAC (701) 774-0070 and full HVAC Services

Classified & Business Ads

HOSPITAL BED AND SEWING MACHINES Hospital bed that works well, 1 Singer Sewing machine and 1 miscellaneous sewing machine for sale. For details call 701834-2214

$5 FOR 18-PACK of Farm Fresh Eggs 570-9013 or 580-4148





years of experience. Call Darryl a local longtime resident at 701-570-6933. f10-6/27


1956 HUDSON FOUR DOOR V8, AUTO TRANSMISSION. needs completely restored $1200. Snapper Garden Tractor $650. Glynn Thomson 701-834-2214 f-tfn


CONVERTIBLE 5 Speed, 4 cylinder, fuel injected, 5 new tires, good top, good body, Motivated Seller. $6500.00 Glynn Thomson 701-834-2214. f-tfn

TREASURES AWAIT! Scan the QR code for your very own "Treasure Map" right on your smartphone of our weekly rummage sales!

11 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM
2) 8X16 GARAGE DOOR Insulated Panels 2)7x16 Garage Door Rails Panels Call 701.641.2212 2015 R.H. HEADLIGHT 1/2 ton GMC Pickup Call 701.641.2212 f-tfn 8 1/2 X10 WALKWAYS 8x16 walkways 10 or 12 Call 701.641.2212 f-tfn FOR SALE Soiseth Construction 701.572.8046 or 701.570.4293 "The Window Experts" Supplying Custom Shades and Blinds By SelectBlinds.com Residential & Commercial, Cordless + Motorized Custom Windows Multiple Colors of Double Hung, Crank Out + Slider Windows MARIOS POOP REMOVAL AND MORE - Poop Removal and Yard clean up services. 701-770-9937 f10-5/23
for sale 1300$ ready on may 17 born on February 17. For more information contact 7012029886 f10-6/6 RUMMAGE
701-572-3734 1129 2nd Ave W. WELDERS STARCH • Comforters • Starch & Press • Wash & Fold Laundry Next Door to Sherwin Williams Paints Williston - Watford City HRS: M-F 8am-6pm; Sat. 9am-12pm LOOKING TO REHOME Black lab mix • 6 years old Best as only dog but could work well with other dogs. Lots of energy needs more space He’s super sweet. 701-609-3972 Rummage Sale Multi Party Garage Sale RUMMAGE SALE: Sat., May 4, 9 - 6 611 13th Ave W Williston Tools, lawn mower, men's clothing, tires, miscellaneous ROUGHRIDER MUDJACKING Before you tear your concrete out give us a call. We’re the mudjacking company with time proven methods of re-grading concrete without tearing it out. • Driveways • Steps • Garages • Patios, Etc. 701-839-9304 Nakota Clean Commercial Cleaning Service Are you looking for... • Sparkling bathrooms • Dust free furniture • Clean floors • Clean carpets and rugs • Clean sinks • Elimination of cobwebs • Spotless glass surfaces • Exterior windows cleaned • Plants watered • High level of quality Let us solve your problem! • Budget friendly • High quality service • Professional staff • Top notch customer service Call today! 701-483-4996 Mon.- Sat. 10 am - 8 pm Sun. 11-7 pm $2.00 Off all Cartons of Sky Dancer Cigarettes Beverages and Sandwiches also available Talon Smoke Shop II 1 mile west of Trenton on Highway 1804 701-572-5110 Marlboro $63.55 Camel $60.00 Pall Mall $55.90 All Natural Skydancer’s $32.00 Copenhagen $23.35 - $25.45 Puff Bars Different Varieties Special Orders available for Cigarettes and Crafts Humidor with large variety of premium cigars American Indian Style Blankets • CBD Products • Hats CBD for Pets • Candles • Jewelry • Purses • Pipes Prices are tax free

The Housing Authority Of the City of Williston

The Housing Authority of the City of Williston is now accep�ng applica�ons for 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom, and 4 bedroom units.

*Income, eligibility, and admission preferences apply. Applica�ons are available at The Housing Authority of the City of Williston located at 1801 8th Ave West Williston, ND 58801

Monday-Friday 9am - 4pm (701) 572-2006

WISCO is hiring -

Winch Truck Driver

Medical, eye, dental insurance and 401k options available. Competitive Wages. Must have a clean, valid Drivers License. Must have a CDL Class A endorsement and be insurable. Must be able to pass an alcohol & drug test.

12 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM
Realty & Job Listings
ED RINTAMAKI, PLS www.49latitudelandsurvey.net BOUNDARY SURVEYS - TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS ALTA/NSPS SURVEYS - 3D TERRESTRIAL SCANNING Units 111 &112, Suite 2B 1411 West Dakota Parkway • Williston, ND 58801 701.774.8605 • 701.580.2651 1906 2nd Ave W, Williston, ND 58801 (701) 572-4480 Sunday Bu et Open 7 Days a Week 7:00am-3:00pm Everything on the menu is house-made, and fresh to order! BREAKFAST. BRUNCH. LUNCH. GREAT EATS. GOOD TIME. Roosevelt Hotel Under new management and making improvements 1001 24th St W, Williston, ND | (701) 774-0424 Step into C f t, Step into Bli • • PRISTINE Pros LLC FREE CLASSIFIEDS Place your classified ad, 20 words or less, for free as room allows. Guaranteed placement starts at $7. To get started, email info@vocella.com


Your Journey Here

At KS Industries, we strive for “World Class Excellence” in service. Our goal? To be the premier energy service provider. Safety, productivity, and quality are everyone’s responsibility.

Why Choose Us

At KS Industries, safety isn’t just a set of rules— it’s ingrained in our culture. We believe that our company’s atmosphere, or ‘way of working,’ profoundly influences safe behavior. Our culture is built on shared beliefs, practices, and attitudes, creating a powerful force that shapes how our employees approach safety. With us, you’ll find a team united by a strong sense of responsibility and a commitment to keeping each other safe.


• ND Licensed Electrical Journeyman

• ND Electrical Apprentice

• Heavy Equipment Operator

• Pipeline Labor

• Flowline Labor

• Maintenance Labor: Pumping Unit, Working Material Flow, Base Maintenance both in Tioga area and Watford City area

• Shop Mechanic

• Safety Advisor

• Insulators

• Electrical QC Inspector


• Competitive Wages

• Remote Worksite Allowance

• FR Allowance,

• Medical, Dental, Vision

• 401K match Benefits.

13 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM
Precisionat ork. The Leading Provider of Engineering, Fabrication, Integrated Maintenance, and Construction Services in Tioga ND Area Apply Today www.ksilp.com/employment -opportunities Chalene Courchene: 701-664-2270 6619 Hwy 40 | Tioga ND 58852 Job Listings
14 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM
Listings & More If your business would like to sell AMSOIL products. Please call Jeremy Heen at (701) 770-2275 for a free sign-up! Amsoil Synthetic Lubricants are Available at the following Fine Businesses NAPA-Williston..................................................(701) 577-2900 NAPA Heavy Duty Truck Center........................(701) 577-9200 Minute Lube.......................................................(701) 572-7447 Fusion Fabrication.............................................(701) 572-0129 Arnie’s Motorsports............................................(701) 572-3382 Scenic Sports....................................................(701) 572-8696 Horizon Resources............................................(701) 572-2171 Electric Magneto ...............................................(701) 572-3736 Industrial Equipment .........................................(701) 572-2393 Advanced Filtration Tech...................................(701) 770-2275 NAPA - Minot.....................................................(701) 852-5850 NAPA - Bottineau...............................................(701) 228-5850 NAPA - Bismarck..............................................(701) 223-2681 Ace Hardware - Williston....................................(701) 572-7300 NAPA - Wolf Point.............................................(406) 653-2213 All Seasons Motorsports - Sidney......................(406) 433-6712 Ironhide Equipment............................................(701) 572-5050 Williston Marine Services...................................(701) 580-9962 Trenton Community Clinic Dental Hygienist Marsha Enerson, Clinic Director (701-774-0461) • • • • Oilfield Cementer Cementing experience preferred, but willing to train the right candidate. Require a commercial driver’s license (CDL) with a clean driving record. Experience with Well Servicing and/or Drilling Rigs. Cementing Operations and other relevant Fluid Pumping experience. Strong skills in equipment operation, problem-solving, and safety. - WISCO is hiringApply today! • • www.rugbyhomesandrvcenter.com Most competitive prices anywhere Over 35 years servicing your area. 321 Gate Ave. - Williston, ND Williston - 701-776-5878 Like Us on Facebook New & Used Available. Sales Service & Parts On Spot Financing. Come stop and look at our display models. Exclusive Jayco Dealer NEW LOCATION Information and Reservations Williston: 701-577-6753 Watford City: 701-842-3440 Door to Door Service “For all your shipping & home delivery needs. Delivered daily from Minot to the Williston area!!” Tony Morgan/Owner TONY’S TRANSFER Minot Cell (701) 721-7930 Williston Cell (701) 770-1405 P.O. Box 470 • Minot, ND 58702-0470 WE ARE LOOKING FOR COVER ART! We are looking for local art & photography to feature as our cover image of the Graphic! No need to be a professional! Submit your high resolution image to info@vocella.com for your chance to be featured as Cover Art of the Week! FREE CLASSIFIEDS Place your classified ad, 20 words or less, for free as room allows. Guaranteed placement starts at $7. To get started, email info@vocella.com TREES

Announcements & Events


Events and special promotions happening in the coming weeks!

Thursday, May 2

Glaze a Flower Pot 4:00pm James Memorial Art Center Friday, May 3

Bingo & a Burger 11:30am Williston Senior Center

Cinco de Mayo Celebration 5:00pm Rough Rider Center, Watford City

Artist Reception 6:00pm James Memorial Art Center

Saturday, May 4

Laughter Yoga 10:00am - 12:00pm Midwest Metaphysics

Charcuterie Board Woodburning

Workshop 2:00pm Hansens Unlimited

Sunday, May, 5

OMF Intro to Sourdough 3:00pm Williston ARC Monday, May 6 Crafts Day 12:00pm Williston Senior Center

Jordan World Circus 4:00pm - 5:30pm & 7:00pm - 8:30pm Raymond Family Community Center

Tuesday, May 7

Caregivers Coffee Chat

9:30am - 10:30am Williston Senior Center

Bakken Area Communities


Thursday May 2nd - SB vs New Town 4:307:30pm

Friday May 3rd - HS Boys Golf @ Stanley Friday May 3rd - Music Man Dress Rehearsal


Friday May 3rd - SB vs Glenburn 4:308:30pm Saturday May 4th - State Music at BSC/ Bismarck

Saturday May 4th - Varsity Track @ Shiloh/ Bismarck 10:00am-5:00pm

Saturday May 4th - BSB vs Renville CTY


Monday May 6th - City Commission Meeting @ Ray City Hall

Monday May 6th - Varsity Track @ Nedrose 1:00pm

Monday May 6th - BSB @ Stanley 3:006:00pm

Monday May 6th - SB vs Tioga 4:30-7:30pm

Monday May 6th - Music Man Performance (5th & 6th) 6:30-7:30pm

Tuesday May 7th - HS Boys Golf @ Crosby

Tuesday May 7th - NWC Golf @ Divide


Tuesday May 7th - School Board Election


Tuesday May 7th - BSB @ Kenmare 4:008:00pm

Tuesday May 7th - SB @ Renville CTY 4:30-8:30pm

Exercise Class 10:30am Williston Senior Center

Jordan World Circus 4:00pm - 5:30pm & 7:00pm - 8:30pm Raymond Family Community Center

Wednesday, May 8 Moms Night Out 4:00pm - 7:00pm Accent Decor & Fashion

Thursday, May 9 OMF Mommy & Me Walk 10:00am Young Bucks Coffee & Eatery

Exercise Class 10:30am Williston Senior Center

Wednesday May 8th - Kindergarten Screenings

Thursday May 9th - Varsity Track @ Parshall 12:00-7:00pm Thursday May 8th - BSB @ Watford City 4:30-8:30pm


Wednesdays: Storytime at the Divide County

Library 10:00am - 10:45am

Fridays: Cards & Games at Divide County

Senior Citizens Center 1:30-2:30pm Movie at Dakota Theater 7:30pm: FridaySunday


Thursday May 2nd - Baseball vs KBB 4:305:30pm

Thursday May 2nd - Softball vs Glenburn 4:30-5:30pm

Thursday May 2nd - Garden Club 9:3011:30am Tioga Community Center Conference Room

Friday May 3rd - Varsity Golf @ Stanley 10:00am

Saturday May 4th - State Music @ BSC

Saturday May 4th - Varsity Track @ Shiloh/ Bismarck 10:00am

Monday May 6th - Commission Meeting 7:009:00pm Tioga City Hall

Monday May 6th - Varsity Track @ Nedrose 1:00pm

Monday May 6th - Softball @ Ray 4:305:30pm

Center Thursday May 9th - Varsity

15 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM
Tuesday May 7th - NWC Golf @ Divide County
May 7th
Softball @ Divide County
Region IX Spring
Community Center
City Election Can-
Track @ Parshall 12:00pm Thursday May 9th - 6th Grade Band Concert 2:30pm Tioga Community Center Schedule Tuesdays: Pickleball 5:00 - 8:00pm Wednesdays: Storytime 10:30am-11:00am; Youth Group 6:00 - 9:00pm Thursdays: Pilates 4:45 - 5:30pm ESL Class 6:00 - 7:00pm; Slow Yoga 6:30 - 7:30pm To have your community event added, email: info@vocella.com
4:30-5:30pm Wednesday
8th -
Meeting @
6:00-7:00pm Wednesday May 8th - Last Youth Group 6:00-9:00pm Tioga
Thursday May 9th - Visitor Promotion Meeting 5:30-6:30pm Tioga City Hall Thursday May 9th - 2024
didate Forum 7:00-9:00pm Tioga
Commercial & Residential - New Construction and Service Drain Cleaning, Hydro-Jetting, Video Pipe Inspection, Home Inspections, Hydronic Heating, Smoke Testing, Septic Systems, Earth Buster, Grease-Trap Cleaning, Farm & Ranch Services, Winterization Casey Moran • License # 1572 • Office: (701) 774-0070 Plumbing - Heating - Air Conditioning
FREE Pick Up! Tax Deductible Mon-Fri
Second Opportunity ReStore
| 8am-4 pm 2124 2nd Ave W 701-774-2537

e Bakken Center 310 Airport Road Suite 300 Williston, ND

Sunday School 9:30 am (September - May)



Sunday Service 10:30 am https://www.lambofgodwnd.org

16 Thursday, May 2, 2024 VOCELLAGRAPHIC.COM
Please review your ad on the first day of publication. If there is a mistake, notify us immediately. We will make changes for errors and adjust your bill, but only if we receive notice before next week’s deadline, 3pm Tuesday. We limit our liability for any other damages which may result from an error or omission in or of an ad. All ad copies must be approved by Vocella, which reserves the right to request changes, reject or properly classify an ad. The advertiser, and not Vocella is responsible for the truthful content of the ad.

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