Vol. 3 - Issue 38
October 19, 2023
A Community Newspaper a Serving N orthwest North Dakot “HATE WRAPPED IN SCRIPTURE IS STILL HATE.” — APRIL AJOY
In the bustling heart of northwestern North Dakota’s Bakken area, a new online treasure trove awaits you – The Community Shopper. Page 3 MAIN STREET MUSINGS: EMBRACING FRESH FLOWERS IN OUR HOMES By Alyssa Stromberg
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to overlook the simple joys that nature can bring. Page 5 MEET IZZY: TIOGA’S NEWEST CRIMEFIGHTING COMPANION By Chelsy Weisz, Editor In a promising development for the Tioga Police Department, a lively and spirited two-year-old black Labrador named Izzy has joined their ranks. Page 8
Burgum encourages North Dakotans to attend 2023 Main Street ND Summit next week in Watford City PRESS RELEASE. MINOT, N.D. – Gov. Doug Burgum welcomes all North Dakotans to this year’s Main Street ND Summit Oct. 24-25 in Watford City, presenting an opportunity to connect, learn, get inspired and gain insight to build and grow communities for the future. This year’s Main Street ND Summit revolves around the theme of “Innovative Workforce Solutions,” a topic that touches every North Dakota resident. “We’ve heard from our communities about their challenges and have worked with them to develop positive solutions,” Burgum
said. “Thanks to collaboration with our legislators, we now have funding opportunities for rural food sustainability, rural workforce housing and community vibrancy. We’re committed to preserving and elevating the excellence of North Dakota’s communities, and this summit is a key step in that journey.” Community development and rural sustainability is supported by the four pillars of the Main Street Initiative: building Healthy, Vibrant Communities, cultivating a 21st Century Workforce, ensuring Smart, Efficient Infrastructure, and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. Photo source: nd.gov pursuing Economic Diver(Continues Page 2)
Avian influenza confirmed in Williams County backyard flock Press Release BISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota Department of Agriculture has received confirmation of the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in a backyard chicken flock in Williams County from North Dakota State University. The State Board of Animal Health and the North (Continues Page 8