1 minute read


By Heidi Whitney


Please contact Heidi Whitney at 406-672-5696 to add


Thur. April 6: Maundy Thursday Joint Parish Service at St. Olaf Lutheran in Grenora, 6:00 MST/7:00 CST pm.

Fri. April 7: Good Friday Joint Parish Service at Immanuel in Westby, 6:00 MST/7:00 CST

Once again, mother nature is ruling track season on the hi-line.

The 2023 MonDak Thunder track team has been training in the hallways of Grenora School and getting in outdoor time whenever possible to gear up for the season.

The Thunder’s first meet was scheduled for March 31 in Glasgow. The meet was canceled due to snow cover.

There are 20 athletes competing in high school track for the Thunder this season. There are 46 students competing in grades 5-8.

Head coach of the Thunder is Sue Meyer. She is assisted by Kim Meyer, Tony Holecek, and Ken Whitney.

New CeNtury Ag expANsioN

Sun. April 9: Services at Assembly of God, 10:30 am. Coffee hour at Immanuel, 10:30 am. Services, 11:30 am.

New Century Ag’s Westby location has finally seen its new agronomy cen- ter come to fruition. Stay tuned next week for a full report in the Westby Watch.

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