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WESTBY LADIES TAKE 4TH AT BONSPIEL Twelve Chilis and Soups Fill Up Crowd at “A

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Sisters in Curling placed 4th in the 3rd annual Women’s Bonspiel at the Fortuna curling rink. Shown at right (left to right) are Sharla Adams, Coach Gracia Gilbertson (of Fortuna), Jayde Mangel, Lexi Hansen, and Heidi Whitney.

The team also won the “Best Dressed” Award and Mangel took home the “Best Dance Moves” title.

A total of 15 teams from Minot, Williston, Crosby, Westby, Fortuna, Canada and everywhere in between took part in the bonspiel March 24 - 25 in Fortuna. The “Sisters” lost to the championship team out of Minot in their first game on Friday, sending them to the loser bracket where they beat out four teams before losing the consolation game on Saturday night to a team from Williston.

Did You Know?

Sony sold its waterproof Walkman in a bottle of water to prove it was really waterproof.


The Westby Development Corporation held a chili/soup cook off on March 25 to raise funds for the annual Westby Community Parade of Lights and Festival of Trees at the Westby Community Center. Coming in first place was the team consisting of Garrett and Sharla Adams and Dorcas Drawbond, all of Westby. The Adams/Drawbond team served up “Dorcas’s Famous Chili.”

A free will donation was asked in exchange to sample all of the goods and to cast your vote for the best.

Coming in 2nd place were Brenda Ryals and Tara Stewart with their version of Zuppa Toscana soup. Coming in third was the husband/wife duo Robyn and Brian Wiley’s clam chowder. Fourth place was awarded to Karla Christensen and Peggy Bowman’s buffalo chicken chili.

Westby Development board member Jody Lagerquiest reflected on the night declaring “everyone was a winner.”

Funds from the event will be used to replace light bulbs for the annual parade and tree festival.

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