Make your list with the best ideas from our Holiday Gift Guide. From comparison shopping tips to gift experiences for all ages, it’s filled with helpful features and local advertising for shoppers seeking presents that wow and great Black Friday Deals!
Find The Way to Foodies' Hearts
Great gift ideas for the home cook
Holiday Happenings Get in the festive spirit with holiday events and activities
Bargain Hunting Tips for finding the best deals this holiday season
November 2022 A Special Supplement to The Community Shopper View this section online by scanning this code or at holiday-guide
November 17, 2022 | Community Shopper | Holiday Gift Guide | 1
While I do generally wait until after Thanksgiving to put up the Christmas tree and decorations, I admit that I cannot wait for that day so our family can officially enter "Christmas Movie Season!"
There are undoubtedly many arguments about what qualifies as a Christmas movie (Die Hard fans, I'm looking at you - and if it makes you feel festive, I say go for it), but it's safe to say there are numerous ones out there considered Christmas classics, guilty pleasures, and always an abundance of new ones. There's no way to encompass them all, so here's just a few of OUR family favorites.
Christmas in Handcuffs - Starring Melissa Joan Hart and Mario Lopez, this one is definitely a cliche, guilty pleasure of mine.
Elf - We just can't get enough of Buddy the Elf in this house. We quote this 2003 film starring Will Ferrell all year round.
The Santa Clause - And the Santa Clause 2. I always enjoy these Tim Allen Christmas classics and make time for them each December.
White Christmas - A 1954 movie starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, Vera-Ellen, this classic movie never fails to bring on the holiday feeling.
A Christmas Story - Is it possible to have a holiday movie list that doesn't include this comedy? Ingrained in our pop culture, the word FRAGILE has never been the same.
Noelle - A relatively new Christmas movie that came out in 2019 on Disney+, I honestly wasn't expecting to like this as much as I did. It was a great surprise for me and a welcome addition to the list.
Dr. Seuss's The Grinch (2018) - While we also watch the Jim Carrey version on occasion, it's this version voiced by Benedict Cumberatch that my kids have really come to love.
The Christmas Chronicles - I am a sucker for Kurt Russel, this is really a no brainer, but luckily my littles absolutely love this newer one, as well!
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - Last, but certainly not least, this is the movie I will gladly watch multiple times during the holiday season, and the one we've built a tradition around. The hilarity and relatability of this classic Chevy Chase movie never disappoints. We usually watch it more than once, but ALWAYS on Christmas Eve, after the littles have gone to sleep. It used to be just me enjoying it while late night wrapping, but now my older girls stay up and laugh along with me. It is truly one of my favorite traditions.
2 | Holiday Gift Guide | Community Shopper | November 17, 2022 3 How to Navigate Shortages Tree Shopping 4 Master Comparison Shopping 5 Christmas in Williston 6 How to Find Bargains Early Shopping & Returns 7 Great Gifts for Home Cooks 8 Gifts for School Aged Children
Movie Favorites
Kary Moltzan, Staff Writer
How to navigate potential supply shortages this holiday season
Great gifts for home cooks
Many people enjoy preparing homecooked meals for their loved ones. Whether it's a large family gathering during the holiday season or a weeknight meal for their immediate families, men, women and even children who like to cook enjoy the satisfied looks on their loved ones' faces after sharing a delicious meal.
The COVID-19 pandemic might not be over, but for much of the world, its darkest days are well in the rearview mirror. Despite that progress, a few lingering non-medical issues remain, including supply shortages.
Come the holiday season, gift givers can put the same satisfied look on the faces of the home cooks in their lives by offering a variety of gifts that can make mealtime easier and/or more enjoyable.
1. Electric corkscrew: Nothing complements a good meal quite like an appropriately paired bottle of wine. Cooks who are too busy in the kitchen to utilize traditional corkscrews, which can be timeconsuming and messy, might enjoy an electric corkscrew. Such corkscrews quickly remove corks from wine bottles, requiring little effort on the part of already busy cooks.
Consumers across the globe have been forced to contend with supply shortages since the early days of the pandemic, and that same issue could cause problems this holiday season. Holiday shoppers can consider these tips as they try to navigate their way through another holiday season that could be affected by global supply chain issues.
2. Cookbook: People who understand the joy of cooking often love to experiment in the kitchen. Cookbooks can be an ideal gift for such cooks. Choose a book that provides recipes from their favorite styles of cuisine, such as Italian or Indian food. Or find a book that offers an array of recipes that allows them to explore various types of cuisine.
· Shop local. By mid-spring 2022, the National Retail Federation indicated that congestion at ports on the west coast of the United States had lessened significantly. But the NRF noted that the same could not be said for ports on the east coast. Many big box retailers rely on imports to fill their shelves, and that could make it hard for such sellers to deliver items in time for the holiday season. Shopping local and buying items directly off the shelf can ensure no one is given an IOU this holiday season.
3. Cookware: Even the best cookware can only take so much usage, and chances are home cooks' pantries can afford an upgrade or two. Gift givers should keep in mind that many home cooks have strong preferences regarding their cookware, so it might be wise to give a gift card or ask a loved one which type of cookware he or she prefers. Of course, a covert inspection of a loved one's pantry might provide the insight gift givers need as well.
recipients increases the likelihood that the person will receive the gift by Chanukah or Christmas morning. Many online retailers now offer wrapping at additional cost, and shoppers can splurge and have directly shipped gifts wrapped to add a more traditional feel to gift-giving.
8AM - 8PM Mon. - Fri.
8AM - 5:30PM Saturday
1PM - 5:30PM Sunday
· Give gift cards. If shipping estimates make it unlikely that gifts will arrive on time for the holiday season, pivot to gift cards. Put the amount of money you would have spent on the item on the card instead. For example, if an e-reader costs $150, give a $150 gift card in its place.
4. Rolling pin: For the person who loves to bake, a rolling pin might make a better gift than noncooks may appreciate. Rolling pins are necessary to prepare many baked goods, and a customizable rolling pin can flatten dough to the exact millimeter, helping bake-happy home cooks prepare the perfect plate of cookies.
· Give homemade gifts. Homemade gifts, whether it's baked goods or crafts, don't need to be shipped, so there's no way such items will spend the holiday season sitting on a ship in a congested port. If you choose to make crafts, decide early what you want create so you can secure all of the necessary supplies in plenty of time to deliver the items during Chanukah or on Christmas morning.
Stop in for one of Chuck’s Famous Mochas!
· Ship directly to recipients. It might not offer the same heartwarming charm as handing a loved one a gift in person, but shipping gifts directly to their
5. Cooking class: Cooking classes can make the ideal gift for novice home cooks who are just beginning to explore their love of cooking. But advanced classes can help more seasoned cooks perfect their craft as they learn to prepare more complex dishes.
Supply shortages could make for a tricky holiday season again this year. Planning ahead for such shortages can ensure gifts make it into the hands of loved ones without delay.
12½ West Broadway Williston, ND 58801 (701) 572-1433
Craft an entire day around tree shopping
6. Wine aerator: Much like electric corkscrews can make opening bottles of wine much easier, wine aerators can help aerate red wine more quickly than decanters, which can take up to two hours to fully aerate wine. Aerators oxidate red wine, softening its flavors and bringing out the aromas that can make a great bottle of wine that much more enjoyable.
Though retailers may begin playing holiday tunes shortly after Halloween, for many people, no date on the calendar marks the beginning of the holiday season better than the day they pick up their Christmas tree.
Home cooks often enjoy preparing fresh meals for their loved ones. The holiday season presents a perfect opportunity to find gifts that make cooking that much more enjoyable for loved ones who can't wait to whip up the next homecooked meal for family and friends.
There are many different ways to acquire a Christmas tree. Some people prefer artificial Christmas trees that can be stored and taken out each year. Others make a yearly expedition to a tree lot or a Christmas tree farm to find the perfect fir or spruce. Historians believe a man named W.V. McGallard planted 25,000 Norway spruce seedlings at his Mercer County, New Jersey farm in 1901, essentially estab lishing the first commercial Christmas tree farm. By 1908, customers could visit the farm and choose trees for $1 each. McGallard helped create an entirely new industry that now accounts for 350 million trees being grown and sold in the United States every year.
Use this opportunity to dine out and return home ready to decorate. Make it a regular occurrence that Christmas tree shopping is followed by a family meal at a favorite restaurant.
· Watch a classic film. Many different holiday movies are broadcast this time of year and each enhances the Christmas spirit. While putting up the tree, play a fa vorite film in the background. What better way to enjoy decorating your own tree than by watching Charlie Brown adorn his meager evergreen at the same time?
How to make Christmas Eve special for kids
Selecting a Christmas tree may not take more than an hour or two, but there are ways for families and other tree shoppers to maximize their time spent looking for a tree.
Make a day of selecting and putting up the Christmas tree each year. Doing so can enhance the holidays and make for an entertaining way to spend time together as a couple or family.
Christmas Eve is viewed differently by different people, even those who live under the same Santa-ready roof. Adults may see Christmas Eve as crunch time when they must prepare food for the next day or set up presents for their children to open in the morning. Children, on the other hand, are focused on Santa’s visit and little else.
· Bring refreshments. Couple Christmas tree shopping with picnicking if the weather is amenable. Pack some foldable chairs into the vehicle (sitting on the ground on a blanket may be too cold) and bring along thermoses of coffee or hot cocoa. Snacks like granola bars, Christmas cookies or other filling treats can keep everyone satisfied and energized while they shop for a tree.
Parents naturally want to make Christmastime as special as possible for their children, and that may involve ensuring that Christmas Eve is just as memorable as Christmas Day. The following are some ways to impart more magic into Christmas Eve celebrations.
Attend Mass at midnight
· Pair tree shopping with a trip to see lighting displays. Find the tree lot or tree farm and then scope out potentially scenic spots to view holiday lighting displays nearby. Neighborhood Face book or other social media groups often tout homes that put up eye-catching displays. Ask around for addresses and plan your own tours.
Practicing Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas. On Christ mas Eve, churches often hold celebrations that may include late-evening or mid night masses that celebrate the birth of Christ when the calendar switches over to December 25. While it does make for a late night, it can be thought-provoking for kids and a unique experience unlike any other.
Bake fresh cookies
· Plan a night out. Everyone may be tired and hungry after a long day of Christmas tree hunting. Plus, it’s typically a good idea to wait some time for boughs to open before decorating.
Children like to leave out a plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Santa. That makes Christmas Eve a perfect time to whip up a fresh batch of cookies. Explore different recipes to come up with a unique offering each year.
Watching television or looking at a tablet or mobile phone before bed can be too stimulating when it’s time for children to wind down for bed. Choose a holiday tale or tales that can be read as a Christmas Eve bedtime story. Reciting the poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas (‘Twas the Night Before Christmas)” is a great
Why should Santa’s reindeer be left out when it comes to receiving treats? Reindeer dust, made from a combination of oatmeal, rice cereal, dried fruits, and glitter (if desired), is purported to attract Santa’s reindeer and provide them a nibble at the same time. Plus, it’s generally safe for other animals in the yard to
Caroling may not be the norm, but some families may want to revive it. Closeknit communities can organize family-centric caroling opportunities and roam the cul-de-sacs and other pedestrian-friendly areas singing popular songs.
Christmas Eve is a great time to embrace various traditions that help to make the
November 17, 2022 | Community Shopper | Holiday Gift Guide | 7
Great Daily Specials
November 17, 2022
Community Shopper | Holiday Gift Guide | 3
Trends come and go, and that impermanence can make it hard to predict how certain times of year, including the holiday season, will play out. However, one notable trend in regard to the holiday season that has seemingly withstood the test of time is the popularity of Black Friday among holiday shoppers. But even that dynamic has shifted in the digital age. Though Black Friday remains a big day for retailers, in 2021 consumers spent more on Cyber Monday (the Monday after Thanksgiving) than they did on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving). According to the Adobe Digital Economy Index, consumers spent $10.7 billion on Cyber Monday in 2021. That's nearly $2 billion more than consumers spent on Black Friday, when retailers made $8.9 billion in sales.
Trends come and go, and that impermanence can make it hard to predict how certain times of year, including the holiday season, will play out. However, one notable trend in regard to the holiday season that has seemingly withstood the test of time is the popularity of Black Friday among holiday shoppers. But even that dynamic has shifted in the digital age. Though Black Friday remains a big day for retailers, in 2021 consumers spent more on Cyber Monday (the Monday after Thanksgiving) than they did on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving). According to the Adobe Digital Economy Index, consumers spent $10.7 billion on Cyber Monday in 2021. That's nearly $2 billion more than consumers spent on Black Friday, when retailers made $8.9 billion in sales.
Tips to master comparison shopping
Tips to master comparison shopping
Savvy shoppers recognize the value of comparison shopping. By comparing prices of the same or similar products at various retailers, consumers can save considerable amounts of money. That's especially true during the holiday season, when shoppers are looking for items for everyone on their shopping list and hoping to find them without breaking the bank.
Savvy shoppers recognize the value of comparison shopping. By comparing prices of the same or similar products at various retailers, consumers can save considerable amounts of money. That's especially true during the holiday season, when shoppers are looking for items for everyone on their shopping list and hoping to find them without breaking the bank.
Though comparison shopping may fall short of being a science, skilled shoppers know that some proven methods can greatly increase the chances of finding gifts that will make loved ones' eyes light up this holiday season.
Though comparison shopping may fall short of being a science, skilled shoppers know that some proven methods can greatly increase the chances of finding gifts that will make loved ones' eyes light up this holiday season.
· Track prices over time. Successful comparison shopping takes time and patience, as savvy shoppers recognize that prices on an array of items fluctuate over time. Holiday shoppers should not wait until the unofficial beginning of the holiday season to start tracking prices, as that leaves little time for prices to change. The earlier you start, the better a feel you'll develop for how much an item might cost and how much the item might come down in price before it's time to pounce.
· Track prices over time. Successful comparison shopping takes time and patience, as savvy shoppers recognize that prices on an array of items fluctuate over time. Holiday shoppers should not wait until the unofficial beginning of the holiday season to start tracking prices, as that leaves little time for prices to change. The earlier you start, the better a feel you'll develop for how much an item might cost and how much the item might come down in price before it's time to pounce.
· Establish a price you're comfortable paying. It's beneficial to determine a price you're comfortable paying for each item when comparison shopping during the holiday season. This reduces the chances that you'll delay buying an item until it's too late to find a bargain. If you set prices you're comfortable paying and items hit that mark, then purchase them right away and shift your attention to gifts for others on your list.
· Establish a price you're comfortable paying. It's beneficial to determine a price you're comfortable paying for each item when comparison shopping during the holiday season. This reduces the chances that you'll delay buying an item until it's too late to find a bargain. If you set prices you're comfortable paying and items hit that mark, then purchase them right away and shift your attention to gifts for others on your list.
· Utilize alerts. Various comparison shopping sites allow users to set up email alerts that can inform them when items are being sold for a certain price determined by the shopper. Utilizing these alerts essentially lets the comparison tool do the work for you. Once you receive an alert, all you need to do is purchase the item.
· Utilize alerts. Various comparison shopping sites allow users to set up email alerts that can inform them when items are being sold for a certain price determined by the shopper. Utilizing these alerts essentially lets the comparison tool do the work for you. Once you receive an alert, all you need to do is purchase the item.
· Ask around. Technology has made it simpler than ever to comparison shop, but it's important that holiday shoppers do not discount the value of word-of-mouth shopping. When speaking to neighbors or loved ones, ask if there are any local businesses that offer great deals or websites that they rely on to find budget-friendly items. Word-of-mouth shopping was once the norm, and it can still pay dividends when looking for holiday gifts.
· Ask around. Technology has made it simpler than ever to comparison shop, but it's important that holiday shoppers do not discount the value of word-of-mouth shopping. When speaking to neighbors or loved ones, ask if there are any local businesses that offer great deals or websites that they rely on to find budget-friendly items. Word-of-mouth shopping was once the norm, and it can still pay dividends when looking for holiday gifts.
Comparison shopping is a must for budget-conscious holiday shoppers. Various strategies can help shoppers score great deals without feeling as though an item could have been found for less at a different retailer.
Comparison shopping is a must for budget-conscious holiday shoppers. Various strategies can help shoppers score great deals without feeling as though an item could have been found for less at a different retailer.
4 | Holiday Gift Guide | Community Shopper | November 17, 2022
Apply by December 23 Hometown Holiday Cash Loan Hometown Holiday Cash Loan A Hometown Holiday Cash Loan makes it easier and more convenient to do your Christmas Shopping! BLACK FRIDAY November 25 $19.99 Rack | 20% OFF STORE WIDE FREE Gift with $50 Purchase Sma Busine Saturday November 26 & 27 $19.99 Rack BOGO Buy One Get One 50% OFF
4 | Holiday Gift Guide | Community Shopper | November 17, 2022
Did you know? Apply by December 23 Hometown Holiday Cash Loan Hometown Holiday Cash Loan A Hometown Holiday Cash Loan makes it easier and more convenient to do your Christmas Shopping! BLACK FRIDAY November 25 $19.99 Rack | 20% OFF STORE WIDE FREE Gift with $50 Purchase Sma Busine Saturday November 26 & 27 $19.99 Rack BOGO Buy One Get One 50% OFF
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Northwest Supply & R&R Trophies, Inc. 224 East Broadway | Williston, ND 701-572-6420 |
701-572-6420 |
Falon Justice, Staff Writer
The Holiday Spirit is real in Williston, and the 28th Annual Holiday Lights Parade kicks off the Christmas Season! The fantastic Williston Area Chamber of Commerce crew will bring this community favorite to life, held the Friday following Thanksgiving (November 25th this year) at 6 pm. With the parade route running North from The New Armory on Main Street to Harmon Park, the real Santa Claus will appear at the Parade's end! This year's theme is Christmas, Then, and Now, and there is still room for more entries!
The registration deadline is Monday, November 21st, and you can find more information at: www.willistonchamber. com/holiday-lights.
The registration deadline is Monday, November 21st, and you can find more information at: www.willistonchamber. com/holiday-lights.
chocolate and treats from 6:30 pm to 8 pm! Live music, kids' activities, and Photos with Santa will be available downstairs in the Center Stage area!
chocolate and treats from 6:30 pm to 8 pm! Live music, kids' activities, and Photos with Santa will be available downstairs in the Center Stage area!
Don't forget to stop by the James Memorial Art Center after the Holiday
Don't forget to stop by the James Memorial Art Center after the Holiday
Saturday, November 26th, marks the start of the Spring Lake Park Holiday Lights Drive! From 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm every evening through December
Saturday, November 26th, marks the start of the Spring Lake Park Holiday Lights Drive! From 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm every evening through December
November 17, 2022 | Community Shopper | Holiday Gift Guide | 5
31st, you can drive through and view over 75-holiday displays! There is a $5 per vehicle fee, but the Williston Convention and Visitors Bureau makes it well worth it! With numerous activities handed out and special guests (REINDEER, REAL, LIVE REINDEER!), the Holiday Lights Drive is a community favorite! November 17, 2022 | Community Shopper | Holiday Gift Guide | 5
The Holiday Spirit is real in Williston, and the 28th Annual Holiday Lights Parade kicks off the Christmas Season! The fantastic Williston Area Chamber of Commerce crew will bring this community favorite to life, held the Friday following Thanksgiving (November 25th this year) at 6 pm. With the parade route running North from The New Armory on Main Street to Harmon Park, the real Santa Claus will appear at the Parade's end! This year's theme is Christmas, Then, and Now, and there is still room for more entries!
over 75-holiday displays! There is a $5 per vehicle fee, but the Williston Convention and Visitors Bureau makes it well worth it! With numerous activities handed out and special guests (REINDEER, REAL, LIVE REINDEER!), the Holiday Lights Drive is a community favorite!
The adage “the early bird gets the worm” cer tainly applies to holiday shopping. By shopping early, holiday shoppers can avoid long lines, shipping delays and crowded parking lots. Shopping early also increases the chances shoppers will find what they want, making for a happier holiday season for their loved ones.
If holiday shopping early increases the chances of finding the perfect gift, it also can make returns a little more difficult. That’s an even bigger consideration for shoppers who get an especially significant headstart on buying gifts for their loved ones, as many stores have airtight and time-sensitive return poli cies. Despite that, holiday shoppers who like to shop early can employ various strategies that could make it easier for loved ones to return gifts.
• Shop at retailers who offer extended return policies. Many retailers recognize the popularity of shopping early for the holidays and tweak their standard return policies during this time of year. Prior to purchasing any gifts, shoppers can shop around for retailers who offer extended holiday returns. Pandemic-related sup ply shortages and shipping issues may compel more retailers to offer such policies as a greater number of people shop early to ensure they get what they want and that their purchases arrive on time. But it’s still wise for shoppers to confirm if an extended return policy is in place prior to purchasing anything.
• Ask recipients to avoid opening packages if they might return items. The excitement of receiving a great gift may compel recipients, especially children,
How to find bargains this holiday season
The cost of living has risen dramatically in 2022. In a reflection of just how much the cost of living has increased over the last year, the Social Security Administration announced a 5.9 percent cost-of-living adjustment for 2022. That marks the highest adjustment in four decades.
The pinch of inflation has been felt throughout the last year, and that squeeze could feel even tighter as the holiday season draws closer. The holiday season can be an expensive time of year. Holiday celebrants must contend with the costs associated with hosting holiday gatherings, travel and spending nights out celebrating with loved ones. But the biggest added expense many people must confront during the holiday season is the cost of buying gifts for family and friends. Though inflation might be beyond consumers' control, there are still ways to find bargains when holiday shopping this year.
· Start comparison shopping early. In addition to the rising cost of living, modern consumers also must contend with supply shortages and shipping delays. Shopping early is a great way to get around those lingering effects of the pandemic, and it also affords shoppers more time to find great deals. Comparison shopping sites like make it easy to comparison shop by breaking items down into categories and producing a list of vendors and prices for an assortment of products. Utilizing these sites and shopping early is a great way to find bargains.
· Shop on consumer holidays. Black Friday used to be the only game in town in regard to holiday bargains. Consumers can still find great deals on Black Friday and also benefit from reduced prices on days such as Cyber Monday and even Prime Day, which is a two-day event from the online retailer Amazon that occurs in summer.
· Attend local holiday bazaars and markets. One of the great things about holiday bazaars and markets is that many of the businesses that set up shop at these events are local. They also tend to sell an array of items, including small items that can easily fit into shoppers' holiday budgets.
· Pool your resources. Another way to get around rising costs this holiday season is to pool your shopping resources with another friend or family member. The cost of a new tablet for a parent can be easier to bear if it's split with a sibling.
The holiday season could be especially expensive this year, but there are still bargains to be had and ways to rein in costs.
to immediately open the box. But early shoppers can request that packages remain intact until recipients confirm that they want to keep the gift. Some retailers may offer full returns or store credits on unopened items even if the return window has closed.
• Urge recipients to return items during off-peak hours. If recipients want to return an item in person, urge them to do so at a time when the story isn’t likely to be busy. Staff might be wore willing to work with people returning gifts at times when they aren’t over whelmed by lots of people returning items at once.
• Keep tags and receipts. Recipients are more likely to get full refunds or store credit if tags are still attached and gift givers have saved their receipts. This applies even to items that were purchased months before they’re being returned.
In an era dominated by supply shortages and ship ping issues, it makes sense to shop early for holiday gifts. And some savvy strategies can make it easier for recipients to return gifts purchased well before the holiday season.
6 | Holiday Gift Guide | Community Shopper | November 17, 2022
What to do about returns after shopping early SUPER CAPACITY $2199/SET FRONT LOAD Washer & Dryer Starting at Hotpoint Electric $579 Freestanding Ranges 1520 2nd Ave W - Williston 701-572-7881• M-F 8:30-5:30 • Saturday 9-4 Locally Owned and Operated for 50 Years WWW.BODOSAPPLIANCE.COM Chest 5-22 cu ft. Upright 14-21 cu ft. Freezers!! Starting at $299 Top Load Washer $579 BUILDING OR REMODELING? A Must see! The New Cafe Color by GE SEE OUR NEW VIRTUAL KITCHEN SAVE $715 Up To 7 Year Warranty Starting at $759 SNOW THROWERS Sunheat Infrared Electric Heaters TW1500 Starting at $249 Big Savings on the Best of Brand Name Appliances! Easy Financing through Citi-Bank - NO INTEREST until Jan. ‘24 BLACK FRIDAY + SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY SPECIALS! BLACK FRIDAY + SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY SPECIALS!
Great gifts for home cooks
Many people enjoy preparing homecooked meals for their loved ones. Whether it's a large family gathering during the holiday season or a weeknight meal for their immediate families, men, women and even children who like to cook enjoy the satisfied looks on their loved ones' faces after sharing a delicious meal.
How to navigate potential supply shortages this holiday season
What They Really Want
The COVID-19 pandemic might not be over, but for much of the world, its darkest days are well in the rearview mirror. Despite that progress, a few lingering non-medical issues remain, including supply shortages.
Come the holiday season, gift givers can put the same satisfied look on the faces of the home cooks in their lives by offering a variety of gifts that can make mealtime easier and/or more enjoyable.
1. Electric corkscrew: Nothing complements a good meal quite like an appropriately paired bottle of wine. Cooks who are too busy in the kitchen to utilize traditional corkscrews, which can be timeconsuming and messy, might enjoy an electric corkscrew. Such corkscrews quickly remove corks from wine bottles, requiring little effort on the part of already busy cooks.
Consumers across the globe have been forced to contend with supply shortages since the early days of the pandemic, and that same issue could cause problems this holiday season. Holiday shoppers can consider these tips as they try to navigate their way through another holiday season that could be affected by global supply chain issues.
2. Cookbook: People who understand the joy of cooking often love to experiment in the kitchen. Cookbooks can be an ideal gift for such cooks. Choose a book that provides recipes from their favorite styles of cuisine, such as Italian or Indian food. Or find a book that offers an array of recipes that allows them to explore various types of cuisine.
3. Cookware: Even the best cookware can only take so much usage, and chances are home cooks' pantries can afford an upgrade or two. Gift givers should keep in mind that many home cooks have strong preferences regarding their cookware, so it might be wise to give a gift card or ask a loved one which type of cookware he or she prefers. Of course, a covert inspection of a loved one's pantry might provide the insight gift givers need as well.
· Shop local. By mid-spring 2022, the National Retail Federation indicated that congestion at ports on the west coast of the United States had lessened significantly. But the NRF noted that the same could not be said for ports on the east coast. Many big box retailers rely on imports to fill their shelves, and that could make it hard for such sellers to deliver items in time for the holiday season. Shopping local and buying items directly off the shelf can ensure no one is given an IOU this holiday season.
· Give gift cards. If shipping estimates make it unlikely that gifts will arrive on time for the holiday season, pivot to gift cards. Put the amount of money you would have spent on the item on the card instead. For example, if an e-reader costs $150, give a $150 gift card in its place.
8AM - 8PM Mon. - Fri.
recipients increases the likelihood that the person will receive the gift by Chanukah or Christmas morning. Many online retailers now offer wrapping at additional cost, and shoppers can splurge and have directly shipped gifts wrapped to add a more traditional feel to gift-giving.
8AM - 5:30PM Saturday
1PM - 5:30PM Sunday
4. Rolling pin: For the person who loves to bake, a rolling pin might make a better gift than noncooks may appreciate. Rolling pins are necessary to prepare many baked goods, and a customizable rolling pin can flatten dough to the exact millimeter, helping bake-happy home cooks prepare the perfect plate of cookies.
· Ship directly to recipients. It might not offer the same heartwarming charm as handing a loved one a gift in person, but shipping gifts directly to their
· Give homemade gifts. Homemade gifts, whether it's baked goods or crafts, don't need to be shipped, so there's no way such items will spend the holiday season sitting on a ship in a congested port. If you choose to make crafts, decide early what you want create so you can secure all of the necessary supplies in plenty of time to deliver the items during Chanukah or on Christmas morning.
5. Cooking class: Cooking classes can make the ideal gift for novice home cooks who are just beginning to explore their love of cooking. But advanced classes can help more seasoned cooks perfect their craft as they learn to prepare more complex dishes.
Stop in for one of Chuck’s Famous Mochas!
Supply shortages could make for a tricky holiday season again this year. Planning ahead for such shortages can ensure gifts make it into the hands of loved ones without delay.
6. Wine aerator: Much like electric corkscrews can make opening bottles of wine much easier, wine aerators can help aerate red wine more quickly than decanters, which can take up to two hours to fully aerate wine. Aerators oxidate red wine, softening its flavors and bringing out the aromas that can make a great bottle of wine that much more enjoyable.
Craft an entire day around tree shopping
Though retailers may begin playing holiday tunes shortly after Halloween, for many people, no date on the calendar marks the beginning of the holiday season better than the day they pick up their Christmas tree.
Home cooks often enjoy preparing fresh meals for their loved ones. The holiday season presents a perfect opportunity to find gifts that make cooking that much more enjoyable for loved ones who can't wait to whip up the next homecooked meal for family and friends.
There are many different ways to acquire a Christmas tree. Some people prefer artificial Christmas trees that can be stored and taken out each year. Others make a yearly expedition to a tree lot or a Christmas tree farm to find the perfect fir or spruce. Historians believe a man named W.V. McGallard planted 25,000 Norway spruce seedlings at his Mercer County, New Jersey farm in 1901, essentially estab lishing the first commercial Christmas tree farm. By 1908, customers could visit the farm and choose trees for $1 each. McGallard helped create an entirely new industry that now accounts for 350 million trees being grown and sold in the United States every year.
How to make Christmas Eve special for kids
Read a Christmas story
Christmas Eve is viewed differently by different people, even those who live under the same Santa-ready roof. Adults may see Christmas Eve as crunch time when they must prepare food for the next day or set up presents for their children to open in the morning. Children, on the other hand, are focused on Santa’s visit and little else.
Selecting a Christmas tree may not take more than an hour or two, but there are ways for families and other tree shoppers to maximize their time spent looking for a tree.
· Bring refreshments. Couple Christmas tree shopping with picnicking if the weather is amenable. Pack some foldable chairs into the vehicle (sitting on the ground on a blanket may be too cold) and bring along thermoses of coffee or hot cocoa. Snacks like granola bars, Christmas cookies or other filling treats can keep everyone satisfied and energized while they shop for a tree.
Watching television or looking at a tablet or mobile phone before bed can be too stimulating when it’s time for children to wind down for bed. Choose a holiday tale or tales that can be read as a Christmas Eve bedtime story. Reciting the poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas (‘Twas the Night Before Christmas)” is a great way to set the Christmas Eve mood.
Parents naturally want to make Christmastime as special as possible for their children, and that may involve ensuring that Christmas Eve is just as memorable as Christmas Day. The following are some ways to impart more magic into Christmas Eve celebrations.
Attend Mass at midnight
Make a batch of ‘reindeer dust’
Practicing Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas. On Christ mas Eve, churches often hold celebrations that may include late-evening or mid night masses that celebrate the birth of Christ when the calendar switches over to December 25. While it does make for a late night, it can be thought-provoking for kids and a unique experience unlike any other.
· Pair tree shopping with a trip to see lighting displays. Find the tree lot or tree farm and then scope out potentially scenic spots to view holiday lighting displays nearby. Neighborhood Face book or other social media groups often tout homes that put up eye-catching displays. Ask around for addresses and plan your own tours.
Bake fresh cookies
Why should Santa’s reindeer be left out when it comes to receiving treats? Reindeer dust, made from a combination of oatmeal, rice cereal, dried fruits, and glitter (if desired), is purported to attract Santa’s reindeer and provide them a nibble at the same time. Plus, it’s generally safe for other animals in the yard to eat.
Go caroling
Caroling may not be the norm, but some families may want to revive it. Closeknit communities can organize family-centric caroling opportunities and roam the cul-de-sacs and other pedestrian-friendly areas singing popular songs.
Children like to leave out a plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Santa. That makes Christmas Eve a perfect time to whip up a fresh batch of cookies. Explore different recipes to come up with a unique offering each year.
· Plan a night out. Everyone may be tired and hungry after a long day of Christmas tree hunting. Plus, it’s typically a good idea to wait some time for boughs to open before decorating.
Christmas Eve is a great time to embrace various traditions that help to make the season even more special.
November 17, 2022 | Community Shopper | Holiday Gift Guide | 3
Use this opportunity to dine out and return home ready to decorate. Make it a regular occurrence that Christmas tree shopping is followed by a family meal at a favorite restaurant.
Watch a classic film. Many different holiday movies are broadcast this time of year and each enhances the Christmas spirit. While putting up the tree, play a fa vorite film in the background. What better way to enjoy decorating your own tree than by watching Charlie Brown adorn his meager evergreen at the same time?
Make a day of selecting and putting up the Christmas tree each year. Doing so can enhance the holidays and make for an entertaining way to spend time together as a couple or family.
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Did you know?
Shopping is foremost on the minds of many people come the holiday season. When considering loved ones and acquaintances while making holiday shopping lists, tangible gifts, such as clothing or items for the home, may be the first things that come to mind. However, experiential gifts also merit consideration. Experiential gifts are those that focus on experiences rather than items. These can include anything from a horseback riding adventure to a spa day to concert tickets to getting behind the wheel of a race car. Experiential gifts can be tailored to people’s interests. A 2014 study by researchers at San Francisco State University showed people tend to realize greater well-being from life experiences and consider them to be a better way to spend their money. Overall satisfaction tends to be greater with gifted experiences than with material things. Furthermore, the Harris Group found that 72 percent of millennials actually want to spend more money on experiences rather than things.
Great Gifts for School-Aged Children
Successful shopping for adults on a holiday list often involves identifying a loved one’s favorite hobby and then finding something that makes that hobby even more enjoyable. For example, a new e-reader can be just what the family bookworm needs to make reading even more immersive.
School-aged children may not be so simple to shop for, as their interests are always evolving and they tend to outgrow toys as quickly as their growing bodies outgrow their clothes. No two kids are the same, but these gift ideas can appeal to school-aged youngsters at a time in their lives when their curiosity is always piqued.
• STEM gifts: Parents know that the term “STEM” is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. These academic disciplines have gained heightened importance over the last couple of decades, and many toy manufacturers now make products that reinforce STEM lessons kids learn in the classroom in a fun way. STEM-based toys are available for kids of all ages, including children who are still in diapers.
• Nature-based gifts: Many parents do everything they can to reduce the amount of time their kids spend looking at screens, which is a tall order in the digital era. But various manufacturers produce toys designed to help kids be more physically active in the great outdoors. From age-appropriate binoculars that encourage kids to explore natural settings to birdhouses and fairy gardens kids can build and paint in their favorite colors, shoppers can choose from a host of nature-based gifts that encourage kids to get away from their screens and enjoy the great outdoors.
• Board games: Board games remain a wonderful way
for kids to learn and have fun doing it. Board games are made for kids of all ages, and they’re not just fun, but also beneficial to early childhood development. For example, clinical psychologist Beatrice Tauber Prior, Psy.D. noted to the children’s book publisher
for school-aged youngsters, who can learn a lot from pitching in at dinnertime. Children who cook with their parents can learn valuable lessons about nutrition and measuring ingredients can reinforce lessons learned in the classroom. Shoppers can choose
and distributor Scholastic that board games requiring strategy help the frontal lobes of the brain develop. Those lobes are responsible for planning, organizing and decision-making. Board games also provide opportunities for families to spend quality time together free from distractions.
• Cookbooks: Cookbooks are another great gift
from any number of cookbooks designed for kids, and even children as young as two can pitch in when baking cookies or preparing family meals.
Shopping for school-aged children during the holiday season can be made easier with some suggestions that can reinforce classroom lessons while keeping the focus on fun.
8 | Holiday Gift Guide | Community Shopper | November 17, 2022 212 34th St W, Williston Tuesday-Saturday • 10am - 4pm Thursday • 10am - 7pm North Dakota Gift Headquarters • Jams & Jellies • Seasonings • BBQ Sauces • Bison Summer Sausage • Beef Jerky • Syrups • T-Shirts • Sweatshirts • Mugs • Honey • Children’s Items • Gift Baskets 701-774-9041