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T h e

u n i v e r s i T y

o f

T e x a s

a T

a r l i n g T o n

Wednesday february 18, 2009

volume 90, no. 72 www.theshorthorn.com

since 1919

big bang


Obama signs huge stimulus the associated press

DENVER — Racing to reverse the country’s economic spiral, President Barack Obama signed the mammoth stimulus package into law Tuesday and readied a new $50 billion foreclosure rescue for legions of Americans who are in danger of losing their homes. There was no recovery yet for beleaguered automakers, who were back in Washington for more bailout billions. General Motors Corp. said it was closing plants, Chrysler LLC said it was cutting vehicle models and both said they were getting rid of thousands

more jobs as they made their restructuring cases for $5 billion more for Chrysler and as much as $16.6 billion more for GM. The United Auto Workers union said it had agreed to tentative concessions that could help Detroit’s struggling Big Three. Anything but reassured, Wall Street dove ever lower. The Dow Jones industrials fell 297.81 points, closing less than a point above their lowest level in five and a half years. Obama focused on the $787 billion stimulus plan, an ambitious package of federal spendstimulus continues on page 3


Enrollment up 622 students since last spring The number of full-time students at the university increased by 324 people. taiba sheerin ahmad Contributor to The Shorthorn

Total spring enrollment figures increased for the first time in three years this semester, with a total student population of 24,167 — 2.64 percent more than last year. Enrollment decreased for two spring semesters prior to spring 2009. From 24,323 in spring 2006, it declined to 23,613 in spring 2007 and dropped to 23,545 last spring. “With the current economic situation, the university is happy that enrollment has not just maintained but also increased,” said Donald Bobbitt, Provost and Academic Affairs vice president. The incoming freshman population rose to 145 from 112 in spring 2008. The increase requires the university to plan accommodations for the growing population, Bobbitt said. “We are hiring more faculty

instructors and supporting staff,” he said. The university’s affordability and education quality attracted the new students, Bobbitt said. Minority enrollment increased, and the white student population decreased since 2005. Compared to the 2005 statistics, the white student population decreased 4.3 percent. The change reflects a Texas dynamic, said Dale Wasson, Student Enrollment Services senior associate vice president. The greatest increase was seen with Hispanic students, who increased 3.5 percent since spring 2005, with increases seen each year. Biology sophomore Zoey Sanchez, a Hispanic, said she believes her race feels comfortable at the university. “Since it is more diverse here, we don’t feel like a minority,” she said. Undergraduate enrollment increased to 18,898 this semester, from 17,704 in 2008.

The Shorthorn: Michael Rettig

Astrophysicist and author Neil degrasse tyson pauses while making a point during his lecture Tuesday night in Texas Hall. Tyson gave an often-humorous speech about the place of science in today’s world. The lecture kicked off the Maverick Speaker Series for this semester.

Renowned astrophysicist speaks at Texas Hall by caroLine basiLe Contributor to The Shorthorn

The universe was seen through the eyes of Neil deGrasse Tyson on Tuesday night, when the Hayden Planetarium director and renowned astrophysicist spoke to a sold-out crowd at Texas Hall. At the opening of his lecture, Tyson removed his cowboy boots, remarking that he “might as well be comfortable” while at work. Tyson has appeared on several TV programs, hosts the PBS program “Nova scienceNOW” and has written

nine books. He was also the first guest to appear five times on Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report.” University President James Spaniolo introduced Tyson. “He may be smart, cool, but few have done more than him to get people excited about science,” Spaniolo said. Tyson, known for his simple way of explaining things, told the audience how astronomy isn’t as complicated as other areas of science. “In biology, the most important molecule is Deoxyribonucleic acid,” he

said. “In astrophysics, the most important term is ‘Big Bang.’ ” During the hour-and-a-half lecture, Tyson touched on many issues including evolution vs. creationism being taught in public schools. “It’s not a tradition of scientists to knock down the door of a Sunday school, telling the preacher what to preach,” he said. “If you don’t like the science because it’s not your belief, it does not mean the science isn’t true.” tysoN continues on page 3

“If you don’t like the science because it’s not your belief, it does not mean the science isn’t true.” neil deGrasse tyson,

Hayden Planetarium director and renowned astrophysicist and author

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reaL estate

UC to acquire a more spirited look

Housing slump gives advantage to buyers

The Palo Duro Lounge and The Plaza may be repainted to showcase UTA colors. by sarah Lutz The Shorthorn staff

The Shorthorn: Stephanie Goddard

and ... action Advertising freshman lucie Wong videotapes jazz studies freshman Brennor Schmitt, left, and nursing freshman Sammy Huda running down the breezeway Tuesday outside the Architecture Building. The students are filming for the Toulmin Analysis, a method for analyzing arguments, as part of an English group project.

The University Center will display more school pride due to a cooperative effort between Student Congress and University Center Operations. The changes could go into effect as early as this summer. SC passed a resolution Feb. 10 and awaits the president’s signature. It proposed to paint the UC interior with school colors orange, blue and white. The university was already considering redoing the Palo

how it started resolution 08-24, “Blue, white, we’ve got the might” submitted: Oct. 14 final vote: 32-0-0

With the present economy, now is a perfect time for people to purchase homes. by aLi mustansir Contributor to The Shorthorn

Duro Lounge and the The Plaza, said David Albart, University Center Operations director. He said he spoke with SC President Travis Boren in November and showed him the concepts produced by the university and KSQ Architects, a firm based in Tulsa, Okla. “With the Palo Duro Lounge, we’ve already got something back

Students in the market for a house may find the national real estate depreciation to their liking. Prices have dropped in about 70 percent of metro areas over the past several years in the U.S., according to a Feb. 5 article on www.financialweek.com. Price drops from the slump’s peak exceeded 5 percent in 116 metro

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