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Wednesday april 8, 2009

volume 90, no. 96 www.theshorthorn.com

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Research presented to better serve laptop users The ultimate goal is to find ways to make labs more laptop friendly. By DustIN L. DaNgLI The Shorthorn staff

The Office of Information Technology presented Tuesday night the results of surveys it opened to students and faculty to Student Congress. The three surveys, re-


A UTA wheelchair basketball player is selected to represent the U.S. in the Paralympic World Cup.

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Taste of the Nations

leased more than a month and a half ago, covered three topics: learning space, laptop usage and faculty lab usage. “The goal of the surveys was to develop the best plan for student needs for the next three to six years,” Suzanne Montague OIT vice president said. “The labs we have now were for a time in oit continues on page 3


Commencement gets modified look, new rules People share opinions on the new policies added to the ceremony. By DustIN L. DaNgLI The Shorthorn staff

Students have mixed reactions toward the changes made to the commencement ceremony that will be held this May in Texas Hall. While Amy Schultz, Communications associate vice president, said the new procedures and protocols will make graduation more formal than it has been in the past, some students said they think the mea-

sures are a bit much. Others agree with the changes, saying they will improve the ceremony. Schultz said the most meaningful changes will be made to the look and feel of the ceremony. In the past, graduates sat on the stage behind the speakers. Now, graduates and attendees will sit in Texas Hall seating. When students sat on stage, they had to look at the back of speaker’s heads, she said. Now the whole event will be directed to the grAD continues on page 3

The Shorthorn: Michael Rettig

Aerospace engineering freshman Danny tran and biology junior Ngan tran grab handfuls of greens while making spring rolls at the Vietnamese Student Association table during the International Food Fair on Tuesday on the University Center mall. Sixteen organizations shared foods from their native countries during the event.

University community ventures to try different foods What stuDENts arE thINkINg How do you feel about the new late-guest and early departure policies? “It seems a little intense. There should at least be more time, and they won’t be able to manage it.” Jake Powell, interdisciplinary studies senior

“I support that. I don’t want to be disrupted while it’s proceeding but if people have a good reason it’s OK.” Justin Adkins, philosophy senior

By JasoN JoyCE The Shorthorn staff

The scent of exotic spices and ingredients wafting across the University Center mall drew a throng of students, staff and faculty to sample dishes made by 16 organizations participating in the International Food Fair on Tuesday. Organizations representing cultures ranging from Azerbaijani to Vietnamese shared their culture along with the food. The festival was part of International

Week, organized by the International Student Organization. Julie Holmer, Office of International Education program coordinator and ISO adviser, said the fair serves a dual purpose: bringing exposure to international students and giving others an opportunity to experience different cultures. “Other than leaving with a full stomach, the best part of the event for students is just to be able to have access to a very different style of food from the typi-

cal American diet,” Holmer said. According to statistics from the Institutional Research and Planning office, 2,674 international students, 10.7 percent of total enrollment, enrolled for fall 2008. The event, which Holmer estimated drew nearly 1,000 people to sample the cuisine, increased from 11 participating organizations at the last food fair to 16. Keith Huddleston, Russian fAir continues on page 8


More than 600 sign up for The Big Event People from the university and community groups will work on projects in the area.

hoW to gEt INvoLvED To find out more information and to register: www.uta.edu/thebigevent

By CaroLINE BasILE The Shorthorn staff

More than 600 volunteers will work together Saturday to meet a common goal: helping people. The Big Event will take place across the campus, Arlington and parts of Fort Worth. The annual event, organized by UTA Volunteers, will include working on various onand off-campus projects. Registration is open to everyone and will remain so until the morning of the event. “It’s good for the community,” said

Brandon Henslee, The Big Event director and UTA Volunteers member. “It’s a good way for people to get to know each other and help out the community.” Henslee said university volunteers will join other local organizations, including Mission Arlington, Boys and Girls Club of Arlington, Arlington Parks and Recreation Department and Arlington Independent School District. University organizations represented at the event include UTA Ambassadors, Student Alumni As-

sociation, National Association For The Advancement of Colored People UTA Chapter and Freshmen Leaders on Campus. Henslee said those interested in volunteering can sign up in person with Bonnie Rodriguez, Student Activities support specialist, at the University Center lower lever. Henslee said 640 people have signed up so far, surpassing last year’s 560, and there is no limit on the number of volunteers needed. “You can sign up the morning of the event, and we’ll find a place for you,” he said. The Web site lists the projects available and how many volunteers EvENt continues on page 3

The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

aIrBorNE Economics freshman Michael Blakely leaps to catch a flying disc Tuesday on the Central Library mall. Blakely and some friends decided to throw the disc because the weather was nice after near-freezing temperatures hit the Dallas-Fort Worth area that morning.

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