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T h e

u n i v e r s i T y

o f

T e x a s

a T

a r l i n g T o n

friday april 17, 2009

volume 90, no. 102



since 1919

All the info about the upcoming Student Governance elections.

NEWS | pagE 6

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CampuS rECrEatIoN

Maverick Activities Center rock wall to open Monday The hours of operation will be 3-9 p.m Sunday-Friday and 1-6 p.m Saturdays. By Sarah Lutz The Shorthorn staff

After multiple issues delaying the university’s first climbing wall, the grand opening is at 3 p.m. Monday at the Maverick Activities Center. After the opening, MAC members can rent gear from shoes to harnesses and climb for free from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sun-

day through Friday and from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. The wall, which was originally scheduled to open with the MAC’s second phase, was delayed due to a number of issues, said Chris Muller, Campus Recreation associate director. The second phase opened in March 2008. “There were structural engineering issues in placing it where we wanted it to go,” he said. “We had to do a redesign to make it structurally sound and safe for students.”

After solving the structural issues, the construction company had to fit the university back in its schedule, which took time, Muller said. The university also had to pay about $5,000 for the redesign, he said. Three student employees will be at the wall at all times to control the rope being fed to the climbers, which is called belaying. There are eight available ropes and a bouldering wall. The bouldering wall, significantly smaller than the eight other 6-meter walls, does not require

a rope, though feet will not be allowed more than two meters off the ground. Muller said inexperienced students will not need any belaying knowledge, but a class will soon be available if students want to climb on their own. “As people enjoy it, they’ll want to be able to partner-climb and take those classes,” he said. Muller said the wall’s difficulty level should accommodate almost anyone with moderately wall continues on page 2

The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

The new rock-climbing wall at the Maverick activities Center will open Monday after being delayed twice since Phase II construction at the MAC opened in March 2008. Up to eight climbers at a time will be able to scale the main wall and a small bouldering wall.


INtErNatIoNaL affaIrS

Concealed carry bill worries some

Delegation’s UTA visit may open possible collaboration The visitors from Rwanda and UTA are considering working together to bolster the infrastructure of the African country. By JohNathaN SILvEr Contributor to The Shorthorn

The Shorthorn: Michael Rettig

Keller resident Tamra Jolly fires off rounds from a Taurus 9mm pistol at The Shooters Club firing range in Fort Worth. A bill is currently in the Texas House of Representatives that would allow students with concealed handgun licenses to carry guns on college campuses.

“This is a matter of colleges and universities being able to decide on a case-by-case basis whether they want to allow handguns. It’s a whole different thing for the state to require it.” peter hamm,

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence communications director

House Committee on Calenders now has the bill, which is slated for debate and an eventual vote in the House. By JaSoN JoyCE The Shorthorn staff

Mark Karwowski, an employee at The Shooters Club in Fort Worth, said business might increase if the concealed carry on campus bill passes through the legislature. But the supply might not meet demand due to ammunition shortages for popular handgun calibers like 9mm and .40 Smith & Wesson. “A lot of your college kids would like to get some protection, and we’d love to have them

for related content see page 4 come to us for [concealed handgun license] classes,” Karwowski said. House Public Safety Committee members passed HB 1893, authored by Rep. Joe Driver, R-Garland, and sent the bill to the House Committee on Calenders to schedule for debate and an eventual vote on the House floor. University Police Lt. Jonathan King opposes allowing concealed handgun licensed students to carry on campus. “The last thing we need is more people guns continues on page 6

Rwandan delegates and university faculty swapped business cards Thursday, anticipating future academic relations between the campus and the east African country. Delegates toured the Smart Hospital, School of Nursing’s Genomics Translational Research Lab, the Nanofab center and the colleges of science and engineering. Jennifer Gray, associate dean for the doctoral program in the School of Nursing, coordinated the event. “I am excited about the potential for collaborations,” she said. “The delegation was very impressed by the research done here at UT Arlington.” Potential collaborative projects, in which delegates and faculty share interest, include university nursing support for Rwandan nurses to organize a nurse registry, working on renewable energy for villages, having Rwandan faculty on campus and using Smart Hospital-like technology. Tej Kiran, electrical engineering graduate research assistant, attended the delegation’s Nanofab center tour. “This is the most research-happening place at UTA,” Kiran said. “Their presence has made me more proud to be a part of the Nanofab research facilities.” College of Engineering Dean Bill Carroll said in an e-mail he was honored by the delegation’s visit and excited about possible collaborations in the energy and health care areas. After touring, delegates and faculty returned to the School of Nursing for afternoon tea. They discussed Rwandan students’ studies and east, west and central African cultures. “For Africa to achieve its goals, it must become entrepreneurial,” Rwandan Education Minister Daphrose Gahakwa said. Gray introduced two UTA Rwandan students into the tea gathering. Gahakwa asked one to rwanda continues on page 6


Criminology and criminal justice junior Jorge Barrientos poses for a group portrait after being named the 2009 Student Employee of the Year on Thursday in the University Center Rio Grande Ballroom. Barrientos works in the Facilities Management Electrical Shop and has saved the university about $100,000 in materials by cleaning, testing and organizing used circuit breakers.

Student employees recognized at awards ceremony Eighteen people were rewarded Thursday for their work at the university. By BryaN BaStIBLE The Shorthorn staff

Jorge “Leo” Barrientos went to work thinking he was attending a normal staff meeting for his job at the Facilities Management Electrical Shop, but he had some unexpected visitors.

Career Services employees surprised the criminology and criminal justice junior with news that he received the Student Employee of the Year award. Barrientos, along with 17 other students, received honors at the 2008-09 Student Employee of the Year Awards Reception on Thursday. Two students got the Distinguished Student Employees award and a $300 scholarship, and two

students got the Outstanding Student Employee award and a $200 scholarship. Thirteen students got the Award of Excellence. Barrientos’ award comes with a $500 scholarship. Joseph Sherwin, retired Facilities Management administrative assistant, nominated Barrientos for the award because of his hard work, which saved the university about $100,000.

While working in the electrical shop, Barrientos was tasked with going through old breakers, Sherwin said. Instead of junking them, he checked each one to see if it still had power. Barrientos just did his job and what was asked of him, Sherwin said. “I always have to be going around and doing something eMployee continues on page 6

The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

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