Wednesday April 22, 2009
Volume 90, No. 104 www.theshorthorn.com
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Free plants, $1 lunch and a car show comprise UTA’s 10th annual Earth Day celebration. YOUR DAY | PAGE 2
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SC approves 14 resolutions Tuesday A motion to install new TVs with basic cable connection in the UC food court passes. BY JOHNATHAN SILVER Contributor to The Shorthorn
Student Congress passed 14 resolutions in a three-anda-half hour meeting Tuesday night.
SC passed “Enforce first, then Assess” (resolution 09A), “Tier One” (09-B), “Mass Transit” (09-C), “Tuition Flexibility” (09-D) and “Textbooks” (09-E) among nine other resolutions. Many resolutions had to be addressed in Tuesday’s meeting because it was the last for the 2008-2009 elected offi-
cials, SC Vice President Bess Alvarez said. The “Enforce first, then Assess” resolution proposed that the university enforce the smoking policy currently in place rather than create a new policy. Liberal Arts Senator Eleanor Khonje said some people approached her about the future of tobacco use on
campus. “I think it’s very important that we enforce the rules so that people will know that they can’t smoke within 50 feet of the building before we say, ‘Hey, you can’t smoke on campus at all,’” she said. The “Tier One” resolution, RESOLUTION continues on page 3
The Shorthorn: Michael Rettig
Teammates mob right fielder Andrew Kainer in celebration of his 27-game hit streak Tuesday during their game against Northwood University. Kainer broke the record set by Clay Gould in 1993. The Mavericks toppled the Knights 23-7.
Kent Long selected as 2009-10 SC president
Senior right fielder Andrew For the Kainer made UTA baseball history Tuesday night as he became full story the school’s all-time leader with his see page 6 27th consecutive game with a hit. The moment came as Kainer led off the bottom of the fourth and singled to left field. Kainer passed the late Clay Gould, who set the record in 1993 and teammate and senior Matt Otteman, who tied the record earlier this year. History continued in the bottom of the eighth inning as sophomore center fielder Michael Choice became just the sixth player in school history to hit for the cycle. Choice belted a three-run homer to left field as part of a 13-run inning in UTA’s 23-7 win. Choice was 4-for-4 and drove in five runs.
Block Party gets students around the world via food, activities The Residence Hall Association-organized event includes, music, a rock climbing wall, karaoke and an inflatable obstacle course. BY ALI MUSTANSIR The Shorthorn staff
The smell of hot dogs and enchiladas filled the air on the University Center mall during the 12th Annual Residence Hall Association Block Party on Tuesday night. The party is meant to give each hall a chance to get together before the end of the year, said Tiffany Cummings, RHA Events Committee chair. More than 500 students and guests participated in the activities. Many attendees made the free food their first stop. The food, like the event, had an “All Around the World” theme. Arlington Hall’s theme was Mexico City. They BLOCK continues on page 3
The Shorthorn: Rasy Ran
The new Student Congress president Kent Long, right, embraces his new vice president Melanie Johnson moments after election results were posted Tuesday night at the University Center. Long won with 423 out of 1,067 votes among him and two other candidates and Johnson won unopposed with 905 votes.
THE RESULTS Student Congress president *Kent Long — 423 Eleanor Khonje — 385 Marjana Sarker — 259 SC vice president *Melanie Johnson — 905 Ms. UTA *Rosita Tran — 543 Toni Alvarez — 420 Mr. UTA *Omar Rosales — 481 Ricky Irving — 293 Matt Jones — 242
Other winners include Omar Rosales and Rosita Tran as Mr. and Ms. UTA. BY DUSTIN L. DANGLI The Shorthorn staff
Some candidates cheered, some cried and others left with their heads hung low after reading the Student Governance election results posted in the University Center at about 9:50 p.m. Tuesday.
For a full list of winners and more photos, visit
Student leaders to represent UTA in Austin Representatives discuss resolutions and other university-related issues. BY BRYAN BASTIBLE The Shorthorn staff
Members of Student Congress and the External Relations Council will head to Austin on Thursday to represent the student body. There, the SC and ERC will speak with legislators and take part in “A Day on the Hill,” where they will speak with UT System governmental relations officials and student leaders within other system schools, like UT-
Austin and UT-Pan American. SC will bring along the resolutions that passed during Tuesday night’s meeting, resolutions 09-B through 09-E, that deal with transportation, Tier One, tuition and textbooks. Earlier this month, ERC members went to Austin for research purposes for themselves, not the university. ERC chair Collins Watson said it’s now time to visit legislators because bills are gaining momentum, and many are being decided upon now. “Right now, our voices could be heard the loudest,” he said. SC President Travis Boren
Students elected Kent Long as the next Student Congress president. Long received 423 votes with Eleanor Khonje behind him with 385. Marjana Sarker netted 259 votes. Long said the victory was close and all the candidates’ hard work was reflected in the votes. He attributed his win to focusing his campaign on student organizations. Several students ran into the Student Congress Cham-
Collins Watson, External Relations Council chair
81st Legislature considers bills that might affect the university Concealed carry on campus, textbook prices and research funding remain on the agenda. The Shorthorn staff
AUSTIN continues on page 3
ELECTION continues on page 3
said this is the first time he can remember a student delegation from the university going to Austin to represent UTA students. He said the group hopes to speak with the university’s legislators, Rep. Diane Patrick, R-Ar-
bers shouting Long’s win. Long said the student body made the right choice. “They elected a president who will represent them to my fullest ability,” he said. Melanie Johnson won the Student Congress vice president seat unopposed. Mr. UTA went to Omar Rosales with 481 votes, trailed by Ricky Irving with 293 and Matt Jones rounding
The Legislature began Jan. 13 and ends on June 1. As both the state House and Senate are in session, the following are some bills to watch that regard students and the university: House Bill 1893 / Senate Bill 1164 What: Relating to allowing students with licenses to carry concealed handguns on campus.
Author: Rep. Joe Driver, R-Garland; Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio HB 1893 last action: committee report sent to Calendars on April 15 SB 1164 last action: referred to State Affairs on March 13 HB 51 What: Relating to funding and incentives to support emerging public research universities in developing and maintaining Tier One programs. Author: Rep. Dan Branch, RDallas; Rep. Brian McCall, R-PlaLEGISLATE continues on page 3