Wednesday September 16, 2009
Volume 91, No. 15 www.theshorthorn.com
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Oozeball marks its 20th year this Friday. Early registration ends today. For more information about how to sign up, visit www.theshorthorn.com. ONLINE | THESHORTHORN.COM
Spaniolo tightens focus on Tier One With stiff competition for Tier One status, the president centers resources on the race. BY JOAN KHALAF The Shorthorn senior staff
As UTA narrows its focus on becoming a top research institution, President James Spaniolo isn’t wasting any time putting that goal on the front line. “With every decision, we must ask ourselves — does this help us become
a national research university? Will that get us closer to our goal,” Spaniolo asked. “And the answer to these questions must be yes or we will not pursue these initiatives — however worthy they may be — because time is short, and resources are limited.” Spaniolo said at the Leadership Luncheon on Tuesday that the university needs more endowed chairs, professorships and fellowships — which all require more private donations. The university received the lowest amount of private donations out of
the seven universities eligible for the Texas Research Incentive Program, which was established after the Texas Legislature passed Tier One legislation earlier this year. The university is expected to be eligible for $1.1 million from the program. Spaniolo said the university had a small time frame, from June, when the 81st Legislature ended, to Sept. 1, when the applications for matching donations were due. He said he thinks UTA will be able to present more money to the Texas Higher Educa-
tion Coordinating Board by the next go-around. Tier One is a phrase used to describe schools that have achieved nationally-recognized research status. Spaniolo anticipates the path to Tier One taking 10 to 15 years. Provost Donald Bobbitt said that having a history of private donations is imperative. “Frankly, the university hasn’t had much of a history of people giving back to the institution,” he said. “It’s going to take a while for
James Spaniolo, university president
that to develop.” Bobbitt said the president’s counSPANIOLO continues on page 3
Association hosts fasting event for charitable cause For every non-Muslim who pledged to fast, sponsors promised to donate $1. BY TEMICCA HUNTER
SPEAK OUT Students who participated in the Fast-A-Thon
The Shorthorn staff
Some Muslim students have been fasting for about a month to celebrate Ramadan. In the holiday’s spirit, the Muslim Student Association hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause. The Get Hungry for Change! Fast-A-Thon was held Tuesday evening in the University Center’s Rio Grande Room. The event was held to raise money for Doctors Without Borders, a non-profit international medical humanitarian organization. The organization works in more than 60 countries to address hunger and poverty issues. Students were asked to sign up on Friday and Monday. For every non-Muslim who pledged to fast, participating donors promised to give $1 to Doctors Without Borders to help feed a child in need. The event gathered about 180 people. Communications junior Erin Tracey participated in the Fast-A-Thon because she wanted to try something different, she said. She said fasting wasn’t easy. Earlier in the day, her young son offered her some of the FAST-A-THON continues on page 6
“It’s a very spiritual thing - it reminds you how many people around the world experience hunger.” Haider Abbas, accounting sophomore “It was hard fasting because it was a dry fast.”
Abigail Goring, anthropology senior “I did it for the charity.”
Andrew Laffiteau, mechanical engineering sophomore
The Shorthorn: Meghan Williams
Spanish junior Taylor Hewitt performs a praise dance Tuesday in the University Center Palo Duro Lounge as part of the first Ivy Night of Soul. This event gave students a chance to showcase their talents and was organized by the Zeta Mu chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.
Hispanic heritage celebrations begin Upcoming events include art exhibition, a discussion forum and dance performances. BY NICOLE LUNA The Shorthorn Staff
Multicultural Affairs kicked off Hispanic Heritage Month on Monday. The month recognizes the contributions Hispanics have made to the United States and celebrates their heritage and cul-
ture. During this month, events will be held to reflect the Hispanic cultures’ traditions. These events include showcasing Hispanic students artwork, discussing issues concerning the Hispanic community, a comedy night and Hispanic music and dance. “These different events are to celebrate Latino culture,” said Lupe Leyva, accounting senior and Hispanic Heritage Month
chair. “Also, it brings awareness about Hispanic heritage.” Business management sophomore Teirra Chatmon said it is important to celebrate Hispanic heritage because it teaches history of Hispanic cultures and awareness of the different traditions. Chatmon also said it is a chance to meet new people from other cultures who share same interests. HISPANIC continues on page 3
The Shorthorn: Michael Rivera
Biology senior Alaa Ramadan, left, graduate student Dalalle Ali, center, and biology sophomore Reem Abuhandara help prepare the food which was served to attendees who pledged for Fast-A-Thon on Tuesday in the University Center Rio Grande Ballroom. The charitable event attracted about 180 students and will benefit Doctors Without Borders.
“Really, most days I forget to eat anyway because I’m really busy.” Erin Tracey, communications junior