Friday September 18, 2009
Volume 91, No. 17 www.theshorthorn.com
Since 1919
INDEX News Calendar Sports Opinion Classifieds
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National Recognition Get to know a sophomore tennis player, recruited from Spain, who was ranked 112 in the nation.
Although participants want to play in the mud now, they say the delay has a good reason.
Students, staff share effective study tips
Oozeball postponed one week “I was bummed out because I was getting excited. I’m a freshman and everyone said it was the best tradition,” Sebastian Aguilar, Freshmen Leaders On Campus team member
BY NICOLE LUNA The Shorthorn staff
The Student Alumni Association postponed Oozeball until next Friday due to weather. Students were scheduled to prepare the playing field Thursday by mixing 143 tons of dirt with water provided by the Arlington Fire Department. But rain turned the waiting dirt into clay, which
cannot be processed through a sifting machine. The machine, which removes rocks and other debris, makes the dirt — eventually turned into mud — easier to play in, said Carmen Fisher, a Student Alumni Association Board of Directors member. The National Weather Service forecasts clear conditions next
week, during which time Fisher said they will sift the dirt. Any teams with changes to their rosters should notify the SAA by phone or e-mail. Players, like business freshman Sebastian Aguilar, were disappointed to hear about the postponement. “I was bummed out because I
was getting excited. I’m a freshman and everyone said it was the best tradition,” said Aguilar, who is on the Freshmen Leaders On Campus team. Although people were disappointed to hear about the date change, some agreed that it was a
Good preparation for an exam includes methods like re-copying notes and reading textbooks.
OOZE continues on page 6
BY ALI MUSTANSIR The Shorthorn senior staff
The Shorthorn: Meghan Williams
Engineering sophomore Yannick Hasenbalg attempts a longboard trick in front of his friend, geology senior Jonathan Gideon, on Thursday outside Preston Hall. Hasenbalg recently purchased his board and wanted to take advantage of the wet cobblestone by trying to perform a 180-degree turn on his board.
Maverick Activities Center holds 2nd birthday party BY ARIONNE WELLS The Shorthorn staff
Students ate cake at the Maverick Activity Center’s second birthday celebration Thursday. About 350 people were pres-
STUDY continues on page 6
The highly-popular workout facility celebrated the special day with a few hundred fans.
To get ready for tests, some suggest self-testing, reading chapters twice, rewriting notes, highlighting important sections or forming study groups, but all suggest studying in some form. Professors are beginning to distribute the semester’s first tests, and students and staff have different tips for effective study. Also, SOAR Learning Services offers tutoring throughout the semester and helps with test preparation. Political science senior Melissa Torres said she has one test today and two next week. She mostly studies alone. “I read chapters more than TIP FINDER once and write things down to Cost: Free retain informaWhat: Effective Learntion,” she said. ing Strategies Torres said When: Sept. 21, noon-1 she is mostly p.m. concerned about Where: 200 Trimble her history test, Hall but focuses on not being anxWhat: Manage Your ious. Time and Your Life Many stuWhen: Sept. 28, noon-1 dents take adp.m. vantage of the Where: 200 Trimble cost-share and Hall supplemental instruction What: Calm Down and tutoring proStep Up grams, said When: Oct. 12, noon-1 Robin Melton, p.m. SOAR SuppleWhere: 115 Trimble Hall mental Instruction director. Source: Students Obtaining Academic The cost-share Readiness program is $6.50 per hour. Student service fees and The Office of the Provost provide funding for the cost-share program, she said.
ent for cake, free MAC T-shirts, a table for education on the H1N1 virus and the singing of the traditional Happy Birthday song. Students joked about the number of people taking part in the festivities. “There was a mad rush for the T-shirts,” said kinesiology freshMAC continues on page 6
The Shorthorn: Meghan Williams
Biology sophomore Taylor Roby receives a slice of cake Thursday during the Maverick Activities Center’s second birthday celebration. Participants marked the occasion by singing Happy Birthday, eating cake and receiving free T-shirts.
Science dean has a ‘rocky’ past Following her geological and teaching experience, Pamela Jansma started new job Aug. 15. BY VINOD SRINIVASAN The Shorthorn staff
Sitting at her desk with her legs crossed and her hands at her sides, the new College of Science dean gives off the aura of a scholarly measured scientist. Although Pamela Jansma’s posture may suggest she is an average college faculty member, her experiences and adventures are ones that many would envy. Jansma, who was born in Tokyo to a Dutch father and a Canadian mother, enjoyed what little she remembers of her early years such as the cultural Japanese events. “I really enjoyed visiting the hot springs and spending time with my family when I was younger,” Jansma said. She moved to Chicago at the age 6, after her father was asked to manage a branch of the Dutch bank he worked for. Then she moved with her family to Amsterdam at the age 10. At the age 16 she moved again, this time to Scarsdale, New York. Between ages 10-16, Jansma got a taste of her future career in geology when she visited the volcanoes in the East African Rift. She said the volcanoes and the geological diversity in the region fascinated her. Jansma said the trip might have been a reason she pur-
The Shorthorn: Stephanie Goddard
Pamela Jansma, College of Science new dean, comes from a unique background that includes living in the Netherlands and Japan. Jansma says visiting the volcanoes in the East African Rift might have been one reason that she pursued geology.
sued geology. College came calling and Jansma attended Stanford University where she decided to try a hand at geology. More than her experiences, she said her outdoor-oriented friends influenced her to become a geologist. “My friends liked to backpack across the country and I would often join them and had the opportunity to see the landscape of the west and I was really interested in what I saw,” she said. After graduating college she pursued a post-graduate degree in structural geology and tectonics at
DEAN JANSMA FUN FACTS • Hates lima beans. • Her father built her an ice rink in the back yard while she lived in Chicago. • Learned to speed skate at age 10 while living in Amsterdam. • Always wanted to be an Olympic figure skater.
Northwestern University. Jansma did a lot of field research that required her to stay out in the field 100 days each summer. DEAN continues on page 6