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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Volume 91, No. 20 www.theshorthorn.com

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Going for the Kill Volleyball team looks forward to first Southland Conference match of the season.

Pulse gives ideas for affordable, hand-made home designs. PULSE | SECTION B




Mavs take advantage of career fair in the MAC

Rain or shine, Oozeball to take place on Friday One of UTA’s oldest traditions is back on after being postponed last week due to inclement weather. BY ARIONNE WELLS The Shorthorn staff

The Shorthorn: Tim Crumpton

Hundreds of current and former UT Arlington students fill two basketball courts at the Maverick Activities Center during the fall Career Fair.

Most students came prepared with resumés to search for jobs and meet with companies’ representatives. BY HILLARY GONZALES The Shorthorn staff

A weak economy can leave many in search of good career. With a little more than 100 companies looking for employees or interns, two basketball courts at the Maverick Activities Center were filled with people at Wednesday’s Career Fair. The Career Services Office sponsored the fair, which took place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Students and alumni were invited to participate. Communication technology senior Sheena Bandy said she had ONLINE EXTRAS never been to a job fair To view a video of and found Wednesday’s Career Fair, visit this one THE SHORTHORN .com convenient because it was on campus. “This was a wonderful opportunity for UTA students,” she said. “I got my portfolio ready. Hopefully I find something.” The Career Fair topped off the office’s career-themed month. Between workshops and

The Shorthorn: Chris Hudson

Divya Praturi, industrial engineering graduate student, spends a few minutes talking to Michelin recruiting manager Warren Blackmon during the fall Career Fair on Wednesday in the Maverick Activities Center. The fair was part of Career Services’ Career Month activities.

resumé critiques throughout the month, students had opportunities to prepare for the fair. Electrical engineering senior Matthew McDonough said he had his resumé critiqued before he came.

“It helped a lot,” he said. “I hope I’m prepared enough.” Although Career Services advised stuFAIR continues on page 4

Rainstorms couldn’t put a damper on this Friday’s Oozeball mud volleyball tournament. After a week of on-and-off, mostly on, bad weather in the Arlington area, one of the university’s traditions, favorite among students, is definitely a go. MUDSTOMP “At this point When: 6 tonight we’re going full speed ahead,” said Where: Jasmine Stewart, asOozeball Lot sistant director for near the Alumni and Student corner of Programs. Greek Row While many Drive and people believed Summit that playing in the Avenue rain was the major setback, the dirt OOZEBALL brought to the When: Noon makeshift volleyball Friday courts caused the Where: postponement. Oozeball Lot “It’s the playing mud that was the problem. It’s supposed to be finely ground dirt that’s brought in, but because of the rain it would have become mud too soon,” Stewart said. Last week the rain turned the waiting dirt into clay, which couldn’t be processed through the sifting machine. The machine, which removes rocks and other debris, makes the dirt — eventually turned into mud — easier to play in. The Student Alumni Association and the Campus Recreation Department will hold the annual Mudstomp at 6 tonight to prepare the ground for the six Oozeball tournament courts. Anyone can help with Mudstomp and volunteers will get free pizza. Volunteers can show up when the event begins. ARIONNE WELLS news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu


Student Congress trying to boost voter registration on campus Nov. 3 election. National Research University On the ballot is Proposition Fund may be established if an 4, a proposed amendment to the amendment gets adopted Nov. 4. Texas Constitution, which conBY BRYAN BASTIBLE The Shorthorn senior staff

Student Congress will be encouraging the university community to register for the upcoming election by organizing voter registration tables around campus until the Oct. 5 deadline. Monday, senators and other volunteers started passing out voter registration forms, which then will be mailed to the Tarrant County Courthouse by deputized volunteers. Kachi Amajor, SC External Relations director, is coordinating the project and said she couldn’t release how many forms were filled out. The deadline is Oct. 5 to register for the

cerns the university and Tier One status. If adopted, the amendment would call for the establishment of the National Research University Fund and would move funds to it from the already-existing Higher Education Fund. Proposition 4 is one of 11 propositions on the ballot. “As students, our biggest power is our voting power,” Amajor said. “So if we do vote they’ll take us seriously and they’ll represent us the way we want to be represented.” The university will be an early voting polling location from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Oct. 26 through 30, in the University Center. Liberal Arts senator Abigail

HELPFUL REGISTRATION LINKS For links to check the status of your registration and view a sample ballot check out this story at theshorthorn. com. Important dates: Last day to register: Oct. 5 First day of early voting: Oct. 19 Last day of early voting: Oct. 30 Places to register to vote on campus: University Center mall, Central Library mall, outside the Maverick Activities Center, outside the Connection Café

Snow, who was officially deputized to register students Monday, said she wanted to help students VOTE continues on page 3

The Shorthorn: Tim Crumpton

Angela Andreu, Spanish and psychology junior, registers to vote Wednesday on the University Center mall. Andreu is originally from Spain and became a U.S. citizen a few months ago which prompted her to register as a voter.

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