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T h e

u n i v e r s i T y

o f

T e x a s

a T

a r l i n g T o n

Tuesday september 29, 2009

volume 91, no. 22 www.theshorthorn.com

Football Fever

INDEX Calendar Oozeball News Scene Sports

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since 1919

university community shares team affiliations since uTa doesn’t have a program.

scENE | pagE 6

oozEball 2009


Maroon 5 tickets sales similar to Rihanna’s concert in fall 2007 Tickets are $15 for students and $30 for faculty and staff and about half are still on sale as of Monday. by JoHNatHaN sIlvEr The Shorthorn senior staff

The Shorthorn: Chris Hudson

mEssy takEDowN Biology junior Ben wilbur, top, tackles teammate nursing sophomore Bailey Johnson at the end of their first round matchup in the Oozeball tournament Friday.

for the story and photos see page 4


Initiative to connect campus, residents College Town, UTA, was launched Monday to keep local citizens informed on university happenings. by JoHN HarDEN The Shorthorn staff

A new community outreach initiative, College Town, UTA, is geared toward informing Arlington residents and businesses on the recent and future developments of the school and surrounding areas. The College Town, UTA, Web site, w w w. u t a . e d u /u c o m m /c o l l e g e t o w n , launched Monday by the University Communications and will provide upto-date information to Arlington resi-

collEgE towN, uta wEb sItE www.uta.edu/ucomm/collegetown

dents, including construction updates, public events and partnership opportunities. The school developed College Town, UTA, to help revitalize downtown Arlington by connecting the university with its residential and commercial neighbors, according to a press release. With more than 28,000 students and 7,000 faculty and employees at the university, the demand for com-

Courtesy: uta.edu/ucomm/collegetown

Ut arlington developed College town, Uta, to help revitalize downtown Arlington by connecting the university with its residential and commercial neighbors.

During the first day of sales, UTA sold more than 1,200 of the available approximately 2,600 Maroon 5 tickets at 3:06 p.m. Monday. Sales are comparable to Rihanna’s ticket sales two years ago, said Michael Taddesse, EXCEL Campus Activities adviser. In 2007, 400 of 2,600 tickets were left after wHEN aND the first week of sales wHErE for the singer’s show. Since tickets are sold when: Nov. 20 on utatickets.com, where: Texas there’s 24-hour acHall cess to them, Taddesse said. Tickets still “Maroon 5 is a available at www.utatickets. big name group com. and typically charges $150,000 to $200,000,” Taddesse said. “But the group charged only $85,000 as part of its Back-to-School tour.” Maroon 5’s name went into discussion during a fall concert committee meeting last summer. Only students, faculty and staff can buy tickets, with a maximum of four tickets per Mav Express card. Prices for current students are $15 and faculty and staff pay $30. The band will play Nov. 20 in Texas Hall.

JoHNatHaN sIlvEr news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu

College town continues on page 3



Adding new companies positively affects area

Fourteen teams cycled for World Heart Day

Creative students and research universities are key in the economy, says Maverick Speaker Series lecturer. by JoHNatHaN sIlvEr The Shorthorn senior staff

In order for Arlington’s economy to grow, it needs to attract new companies by expanding on the creative class, economist and social scientist Richard Florida said Friday. Florida was the first guest speaker of the 2009-2010 Maverick Speaker Series. In his talk, he discussed how the creative class could take any economic system to a higher level of power and growth. Florida described the creative class as a small group of workers that combine the arts and culture with technology. Such jobs are almost always recession proof, he said. Students, with their creative minds, and universities, with their facilities and research, are the key to the turnaround of the economic downturn, Florida said. speaker continues on page 3

In the second annual cyclethon, participants rode bikes to raise money and awareness for heart disease. by mIcaEla tItus The Shorthorn staff

The university community brought World Heart Day close to home by participating in the second annual cyclethon to raise money for the American Heart Association. World Heart Day was created in 1999 to educate people around the world about heart disease and stroke because 17.2 million people die from them each year worldwide. Students, faculty and staff created teams to take turns riding stationary bikes in the Maverick Activities Center. Teams had to keep a bike going for 12 hours. Kala Ellison, Campus Recreation Department assistant director of fitness, encouraged participants to keep pedaling and get excited about contributing to a good cause. The team that raised the most money heart continues on page 3

HEart DIsEasE facts aND tIps • More than 17.2 million people die each year from cardiovascular diseases • Of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke, 80 percent could be prevented by controlling risk factors like tobacco use, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. • Some tips for becoming healthier and

The Shorthorn: Michael Rivera

Undeclared sophomore haley Cole calls for donations from passing students Monday during the World Heart Day cyclethon at the Maverick Activities Center. Last year, the university also was raising money for the American Heart Association.

avoiding heart illnesses: • Eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day. • Take the stairs or go for a walk during breaks from work. • Limit salt intake to about a teaspoon per day. Processed foods can often contain high salt levels. • Quit tobacco use. It can cut the risk of coronary heat disease in half. • Stay at a healthy weight. Weight loss leads

to lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke and a major factor for about half of all heart disease and stroke. • Know your levels of blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose, as well as waist-to-hip ratio and body mass index.

Source: world-heart-federation.org

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