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u n i v e r s i T y
o f
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a T
a r l i n g T o n
Tuesday september 29, 2009
volume 91, no. 22 www.theshorthorn.com
Football Fever
INDEX Calendar Oozeball News Scene Sports
2 4 2, 3 6 8
since 1919
university community shares team affiliations since uTa doesn’t have a program.
scENE | pagE 6
oozEball 2009
Maroon 5 tickets sales similar to Rihanna’s concert in fall 2007 Tickets are $15 for students and $30 for faculty and staff and about half are still on sale as of Monday. by JoHNatHaN sIlvEr The Shorthorn senior staff
The Shorthorn: Chris Hudson
mEssy takEDowN Biology junior Ben wilbur, top, tackles teammate nursing sophomore Bailey Johnson at the end of their first round matchup in the Oozeball tournament Friday.
for the story and photos see page 4
Initiative to connect campus, residents College Town, UTA, was launched Monday to keep local citizens informed on university happenings. by JoHN HarDEN The Shorthorn staff
A new community outreach initiative, College Town, UTA, is geared toward informing Arlington residents and businesses on the recent and future developments of the school and surrounding areas. The College Town, UTA, Web site, w w w. u t a . e d u /u c o m m /c o l l e g e t o w n , launched Monday by the University Communications and will provide upto-date information to Arlington resi-
collEgE towN, uta wEb sItE www.uta.edu/ucomm/collegetown
dents, including construction updates, public events and partnership opportunities. The school developed College Town, UTA, to help revitalize downtown Arlington by connecting the university with its residential and commercial neighbors, according to a press release. With more than 28,000 students and 7,000 faculty and employees at the university, the demand for com-
Courtesy: uta.edu/ucomm/collegetown
Ut arlington developed College town, Uta, to help revitalize downtown Arlington by connecting the university with its residential and commercial neighbors.
During the first day of sales, UTA sold more than 1,200 of the available approximately 2,600 Maroon 5 tickets at 3:06 p.m. Monday. Sales are comparable to Rihanna’s ticket sales two years ago, said Michael Taddesse, EXCEL Campus Activities adviser. In 2007, 400 of 2,600 tickets were left after wHEN aND the first week of sales wHErE for the singer’s show. Since tickets are sold when: Nov. 20 on utatickets.com, where: Texas there’s 24-hour acHall cess to them, Taddesse said. Tickets still “Maroon 5 is a available at www.utatickets. big name group com. and typically charges $150,000 to $200,000,” Taddesse said. “But the group charged only $85,000 as part of its Back-to-School tour.” Maroon 5’s name went into discussion during a fall concert committee meeting last summer. Only students, faculty and staff can buy tickets, with a maximum of four tickets per Mav Express card. Prices for current students are $15 and faculty and staff pay $30. The band will play Nov. 20 in Texas Hall.
JoHNatHaN sIlvEr news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
College town continues on page 3
Adding new companies positively affects area
Fourteen teams cycled for World Heart Day
Creative students and research universities are key in the economy, says Maverick Speaker Series lecturer. by JoHNatHaN sIlvEr The Shorthorn senior staff
In order for Arlington’s economy to grow, it needs to attract new companies by expanding on the creative class, economist and social scientist Richard Florida said Friday. Florida was the first guest speaker of the 2009-2010 Maverick Speaker Series. In his talk, he discussed how the creative class could take any economic system to a higher level of power and growth. Florida described the creative class as a small group of workers that combine the arts and culture with technology. Such jobs are almost always recession proof, he said. Students, with their creative minds, and universities, with their facilities and research, are the key to the turnaround of the economic downturn, Florida said. speaker continues on page 3
In the second annual cyclethon, participants rode bikes to raise money and awareness for heart disease. by mIcaEla tItus The Shorthorn staff
The university community brought World Heart Day close to home by participating in the second annual cyclethon to raise money for the American Heart Association. World Heart Day was created in 1999 to educate people around the world about heart disease and stroke because 17.2 million people die from them each year worldwide. Students, faculty and staff created teams to take turns riding stationary bikes in the Maverick Activities Center. Teams had to keep a bike going for 12 hours. Kala Ellison, Campus Recreation Department assistant director of fitness, encouraged participants to keep pedaling and get excited about contributing to a good cause. The team that raised the most money heart continues on page 3
HEart DIsEasE facts aND tIps • More than 17.2 million people die each year from cardiovascular diseases • Of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke, 80 percent could be prevented by controlling risk factors like tobacco use, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. • Some tips for becoming healthier and
The Shorthorn: Michael Rivera
Undeclared sophomore haley Cole calls for donations from passing students Monday during the World Heart Day cyclethon at the Maverick Activities Center. Last year, the university also was raising money for the American Heart Association.
avoiding heart illnesses: • Eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day. • Take the stairs or go for a walk during breaks from work. • Limit salt intake to about a teaspoon per day. Processed foods can often contain high salt levels. • Quit tobacco use. It can cut the risk of coronary heat disease in half. • Stay at a healthy weight. Weight loss leads
to lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke and a major factor for about half of all heart disease and stroke. • Know your levels of blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose, as well as waist-to-hip ratio and body mass index.
Source: world-heart-federation.org
Page 2
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Comedy with a Message
CALENDAR Calendar submissions must be made by 4 p.m. two days prior to run date. To enter your event, call 817-272-3661 or log on to www.theshorthorn.com/calendar
Sunny • High 82 °F
• Low 63°F
Ernie G delivers laughs and family lessons BY JOAN KHALAF
Art Exhibition in The Gallery at UTA: Tommy Fitzpatrick/Margo Sawyer: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., The Gallery at UTA. Free. For information contact Patricia Healy at 817-272-5658 or phealy@uta.edu Flu Shot Outreach - Palo Duro Lounge: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Palo Duro Lounge, University Center. Price is $15. For information contact Immunization Clinic at 817-272-2771 or healthservices@ uta.edu Charles R. Morrison, President & CEO, Pizza Inn, Inc.: 1 p.m.-2 p.m., 147 Business Building. Open to all students on a spaceavailable basis. For information contact 817272-2605 or ama@uta. edu UTA Volunteers Meeting: 2:15 p.m.-3:15 p.m., Student Congress Chambers, UC. Free. For information contact 817272-2963 or utavolunteers@uta.edu Writing with Clarity and Cohesion: 4:30 p.m., Writer’s Studio, 411 Central Library. For information contact Lisa Berry at lberry@uta.edu
The Shorthorn senior staff
Comedian Ernie G wants to send a serious message in a funny way. “I’m hilarious,” Ernie told The Shorthorn. “If you keep people laughing, they’re going to listen to you.” Ernie performed Monday night at the University Center Bluebonnet Ballroom as part of the Office of Multicultural Affairs’ Hispanic Heritage Month celebration. He joked about embracing the ghetto within, growing up in Los Angeles, his heritage and how the youth focus on image too much. “I am a MexicanAmerican-Puerto-RicanFrench-Jew,” he said. “I am this country!” Ernie said Hispanics are resourceful. In Mexico, people can get four tacos for $2, but he used to split the tortillas and make eight tacos. He talked about wanting to become a cholo, or a Mexican American who belongs to a street gang, when he was younger. He said that all changed for him when his mother found a “cholo comb” in his back pocket while doing laundry. “It turns out that I was more afraid of my mom than the cholos,” he said. “The cholos — they beat you up once. My mom beat me up everyday with lessons.”
Ernie said his mother gave him the greatest gift of all by instilling that fear. “She kicked my butt,” he said. “She knew if she didn’t do that, I’d end up on the streets.” Ernie G has performed on Comedy Central and BET’s “Comic View.” He also performed at UTA five years ago. He said he’s now appearing on TV shows nobody knows about. Lupe Leyva, Hispanic Heritage Month chair, met Ernie at a conference for the Hispanic College Fund last year and asked him to perform again at the university. Architecture freshman Hilary Morrow said the routine was funny, but it had a message. Misael Godina, a University of North Texas junior, said he identified with Ernie’s jokes. “Empowering comedy” is Ernie G’s new mantra after he removed cursing in his routines five years ago. Ernie said the feedback after shows make his comedy worthwhile. “People come up to me afterward and say ‘You made me think about my family, what’s important to me and my future,’ ” he told The Shorthorn . “That’s empowerment.” The Shorthorn: Stephanie Goddard
JOAN KHALAF news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
Comedian Ernie G performs at the Latino Comedy Night as part of Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations on Monday evening in the University Center Bluebonnet Ballroom. Admission was free for everyone.
POLICE REPORT This is a part of the daily activity log produced by the university’s Police Department. To report a criminal incident on campus, call 817-272-3381.
SUNDAY Warrant Service-Misdemeanor Campus officers assisted Arlington Police Department in arresting a nonstudent for outstanding warrants at 10:17 p.m. at 700 Davis St. Accident, Minor A student on a motorcycle hit a parked and unattended vehicle at 12:36 p.m. at 600 West St. Criminal Mischief or Vandalism A Kalpana Chawla Hall parking lot arm was damaged at 12:30 a.m. at 901 Oak St.
CORRECTION Bring factual errors to The Shorthorn’s attention via e-mail to editor.shorthorn@ uta.edu or call 817-272-3188. A correction or clarification will be printed in this space.
News Front Desk ......................... 817-272-3661 News after 5 p.m........................ 817-272-3205 Advertising ................................. 817-272-3188 Fax ............................................. 817-272-5009 UC Lower Level Box 19038, Arlington, TX 76019 Editor in Chief ............................ Marissa Hall editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Managing Editor .......................... Mark Bauer
Suspicious Circumstances A student reported that her apartment appeared to have been broken into at 3 a.m. at Centennial Court apartments, 704 W. Mitchell Circle. The student’s furniture had been rearranged and items were stored in the refrigerator.
managing-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu News Editor ................................. Jason Boyd news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Assistant News Editor .................. Sarah Lutz assistant-news.shorthorn@uta.edu Design Editor ..........................Shawn Johnson design-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Copy Desk Chief .......................Anna Katzkova copydesk-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
Scene Editor .......................... Dustin L. Dangli features-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Sports Editor ..................................Clint Utley features-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Opinion Editor........................ ........Cohe Bolin opinion-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Photo Editor .........................Andrew Buckley photo-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Online Editor ...................... Jennifer Cudmore
Suspicious Person A student at Tri Delta sorority house reported a suspicious person at 3:04 a.m. at 1107 Greek Row Drive. When officers arrived, no one there matched the description. Warrant Service-Misdemeanor Campus police assisted Grand Prairie Police Department in arresting a nonstudent for outstanding warrants at 3:35 a.m. at 600 UTA Blvd. Warrant Service-Misdemeanor Campus officers arrested a nonstudent and transported him to Arlington Police Department Jail after giving him a criminal trespass warning at Centennial Court apartments. A second person was issued a criminal trespass warning at 11:46 p.m. at 701 W. Mitchell Circle but was not arrested.
FRIDAY Accident, Minor An accident involving two students’ vehicles resulted in no injuries at 12:03 p.m., at 700 Nedderman Drive. THURSDAY Burglary, Coin Operated Machine A coin box and money was reported stolen at 1:40 p.m. in the Forest Glen apartments, 412 Cooper St. Accident, Minor A minor accident occurred in the UTA Bookstore parking lot at 3:27 p.m. at 400 Pecan St. There were no injuries. Accident-Hit and Run Someone struck a student’s unattended parked vehicle at 9:15 a.m. in Lot 50, 1200 West St.
SATURDAY Public Intoxication Campus police arrested a nonstudent for public intoxication at 2:07 a.m. at the 7-Eleven store, 100 Second St.
online-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Webmaster ........................... Troy Buchwalter webmaster.shorthorn@uta.edu Student Ad Manager ....................... Mike Love admanager@shorthorn.uta.edu Marketing Manager .................... Kevin Green Production Manager................ Robert Harper
For a crime map, visit
ADDITIONAL COPIES 25 CENTS THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON 91ST YEAR, © THE SHORTHORN 2009 All rights reserved. All content is the property of The Shorthorn and may not be reproduced, published or retransmitted in any form without written permission from UTA Student Publications. The Shorthorn is the student newspaper of the University of Texas at
Arlington and is published in the UTA Office of Student Publications. Opinions expressed in The Shorthorn are not necessarily those of the university administration.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Page 3
The ShorThorn
Tier One info and status available on new Web site The university launched a Web site providing information about the its path to becoming a top research institution. The site explains Tier One status, or nationally-recognized research institution status. It also gives an overview of the university’s research and status regarding Tier One. Texas residents will vote, Nov. 3, on a proposition to set up a National Research University Fund. It would help Texas’ seven emerging research institutions, including UTA, by setting up a pool of funds to aid in reaching Tier One. Four of six criteria would have to be
met to be eligible for funds. University spokesperson Kristin Sullivan said the site is a way to educate voters about what Tier One status is and where UTA is headed. “People are talking about it [Tier One],” she said. “We need people to be conversant and fluent in the conversation about Tier One.” Sullivan said the Web site tab about current research is just a representative sampling of what the university is working on.
College Town
spring. More than 35,000 newsletters were mailed and feature specific interest campus projects and programs, like campus and public events for the university’s neighbors. The Web site is the first of its kind helping create direct communication between the school and its closest residents. “We want to think of the Web site as a welcome mat for our neighbors to the school,” Schultz said. “It’s important for the school and its neighbors to have a strong relationship. When the university profits, the city does as well.”
continued from page 1
munity development has increased and it’s important to have the surrounding community’s support, said Amy Schultz, Communications associate vice president. “This initiative developed from people explaining to us that they didn’t know what was going on at the school,” she said. “For some reason, sometimes it seems like the people who are out of the loop are the people closest to us geographically.” In addition to the Web site, a College Town, UTA, newsletter will be mailed biannually to area residents, in fall and
Speaker continued from page 1
The speaker used the City of Pittsburgh as an example. He taught at Carnegie Mellon University in the same city for nearly 20 years. Pittsburgh’s economy had a falling out, nearly two decades ago, after steel and heavy manufacturing companies relocated to cheaper sites. Although factories shut down and a high percentage of the population moved, the economy had two pillars remaining: research institutes and leading universities that specialized in technology and medicine, Florida said. “The idea among the leadership of the town was if you could put together this research capability of the companies and the laboratories with the enormous talents of the university, you could create a new generation of companies and a new generation of jobs,” he said. In only a few years, more than 100 new companies started up from Carnegie Mellon University, Florida said. When companies are tied to a university, they become companies that drive high-tech jobs, foster more company creation and help rebuild economies. Another factor affecting economies is perception of roles in a company, Florida said. His examples included his father’s loyalty to a company throughout his life even after serving in the military, and how Japan’s Toyota Motor Corporation equates the car designer to the car builder. Michael Seman, an urban planning and public policy graduate student, said he’s followed Florida’s career and is always interested in hearing the speaker’s thoughts on creative industries and how they relate to the city. “I enjoyed [the lecture] because he tied together his career’s work with an eye to what he’s looking to in the future,”
— Joan Khalaf
The Shorthorn: Jacob Adkisson
catch oF the day Industrial engineering junior Buddy Vance lunges to catch a flying disc thrown by industrial engineering junior Alejandro Vargas on Monday on the Central Library mall. Both were relaxing before having to take their operations research exam later that afternoon.
John harden news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
richard Florida
continued from page 1
• Business and Creativity professor at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto • European Ambassador for Creativity and Innovation • Best selling author • Social scientist • Economist
won dinner, T-shirts and water bottles. “This year we have 14 teams and everyone is having fun,” Ellison said. “They are riding and texting their friends to come out and support.” Teams could receive donations from passersby and people who showed up to support them. Teams shouted and stopped almost every person entering the MAC. Undeclared sophomore Haley Cole cycled with the Spirit Group team and did backflips for everyone who donated. Cole said World Heart Day is important to her because someone she knows just died from heart failure. “Riding for a good cause puts me in a good mood,” Cole said. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 652,100 people die from heart disease in the U.S. every year. Aerobic physical activity can increase fitness and help prevent cardiovascular disease.
next Maverick Speaker SerieS gueSt Who: David Gergen, CNN senior political analyst When: 8 p.m., Oct. 22 Where: Lone Star Auditorium, Maverick Activities Center
Seman said. “I really like the fact that he stressed the connection between creativity and education and how that will help in the next stage of Texas’ as well as the national economy.” Friday’s talk was public relations junior Rebekah Karth’s second time seeing Florida. She first saw him speak at the Michigan Municipal League Convention, in March 2005, when she was 15. Karth said she wondered at the time of the convention, why speakers said cities needed young people to help revamp the local economies.“I was skeptical at the time of the convention,” she said. “Four years later, now my perspective has changed.” Paul Hendershot, Director of Research at Dallas Regional Chamber, said he liked hearing about Florida’s background. “The examples he used were fantastic,” he said. “The perspective from his father’s generation until today was really interesting.”
Johnathan Silver news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
“I really like the fact that he stressed the connection between creativity and education and how that will help in the next stage of Texas’ as well as the national economy.” Michael Seman, urban planning and public policy graduate student
Aerospace engineering senior Laura Henderson cycled with Leave the Bodies in the Pool. She said an instructor asked students to sign up and she was eager to participate. “I come to the MAC two or three times a week,” Henderson said. “Events like this make me feel like I did something important for the community and myself.” Some colleges over the world held events for World Heart Day. The Hong Kong College of Cardiology held a small film competition, heart health carnival and hosted a TV show centered on promoting a healthy heart. System analyst Hekmat Abasi cycled for Health Services. He said he loved to participate in the cyclethon because it’s good for his health. “With events like this, people focus more on their health,” Abasi said. “It makes you more aware of how important the heart really is.”
Micaela tituS news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
Page 4
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
To view an audio slideshow, visit
Page 5
The Shorthorn: Rasy Ran
Arlington Water Utilities technician Adam Wagner hoses down biology freshman Ramona Lopez, left, and business accounting freshman Denise Adeniran on Friday during the Oozeball tournament. The Shorthorn: Chris Hudson
(Top Right) Business freshman Chris Cheek tapes up his shoes to avoid losing them in the mud while playing in the Oozeball tournament. (Left) Theatre arts freshman Kali Casas jumps onto her teammate after advancing to the next round of the tournament.
The Shorthorn: Chris Hudson
Nursing sophomore Malorie Bartis stretches out for the ball during the first round of play Friday at the Oozeball tournament. Oozeball is an annual mud volleyball tournament sponsored by the Student Alumni Association and the Campus Recreation Department.
Tradition celebrates its 20th dirty year BY TEMICCA HUNTER
The Shorthorn staff
o one visiting the Oozeball lot on Friday was safe. Electrical engineering junior Anthony Madrid came to spectate but found himself covered in mud from head to toe, including his backpack. Madrid said he fell in the mud accidently after he went to grab an errant volleyball. “Actually getting muddy is part of the fun,” he said. Several students got muddy during the annual Oozeball mud volleyball tournament on Friday. The Student Alumni Association and the Campus Recreation Department co-sponsored the event on the lot located near the corner of Summit Avenue and Greek Row Drive. The event was supposed to take place Sept. 18 but was delayed due to rain muddying the dirt before it could be spread. Oozeball games are played to 11 points. Traditional volleyball scoring rules applied — for example, a serve placed inbounds and not returned is a point. The difference in Oozeball is the playing surface. Volunteers prepared the grounds the night before by stomping wet dirt into taffylike mud. All proceeds raised from the event will benefit the Student Alumni Association Sophomore Scholarship Fund. Criminal justice freshman Dina Aguirre and her teammates took a break from the muddy mess as they waited to play again. She said she took part in the event because it was something she had never seen at another school. Aguirre learned about the event from a flier posted on campus. She said she plans to play again next year and will be better prepared. “It’s not something you would usually think of — playing in the mud — but it’s really fun,” she said. “When you’re all muddy and ugly you really don’t care, you just play to have fun.” Many students represented their organizations.
1st Place — Wolf Pack 2nd Place — Fresh 2 Death 3rd Place — Dream Team Most Valuable Player — Matt Janke
Jackie Pickard, Alpha Psi Omega fraternity member, said when he went out to play he didn’t know what to do because of the mud. “You feel like you are just playing a game of volleyball,” he said. “Then the first time someone falls in the mud, you realize that you’re dealing with a whole different animal.” Another team participating was the United Institute for Theatre Technology. Theater senior Robert Clark was enthused and covered in mud after his team won its first two rounds during the tournament. “It feels like a million dollars a year, without the million dollars,” he said. “We won, it was awesome.” Business freshman Jasmine Bell came to watch the games. She stood in the crowd with a large poster board and cheered on her friends. “I would have totally played, if I didn’t just get my hair done,” she said. Journalism senior William Doan said he wanted to participate because he never has had a chance to do it before. Doan was on team Arlington Hall Penguins, one of the teams representing residence halls. “I’m really germophobic, so I really didn’t want to do it at first,” he said. “ Then I was like, it’s my senior year and I’ve never done it before, so I thought ‘why hold back.’ ” TEMICCA HUNTER news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
“When you’re all muddy and ugly you really don’t care, you just play to have fun.” Dina Aguirre, criminal justice freshman
The Shorthorn: Michael Rivera The Shorthorn: Chris Hudson
about scene Dustin L. Dangli, editor features-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Scene is published Tuesday. Page 6
remember The Shorthorn is always looking for the scoop. If you have an event or a story idea let us know.
The ShorThorn
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Your SCENE Each week, Scene gives Mavericks the chance to be heard by voicing their thoughts, feelings and opinions.
Efrain Trejo architecture senior What’s your favorite thing about Fall? “Just getting ready for Christmas. During the fall, it’s just study, study, study. What I’m waiting for is the vacation and family.” What’s your television show right now? “The only show I watch every night is a sports show called ‘Contacto Deportivo.’ That means Contact Sports in Spanish.” The Shorthorn: Tim Crumpton
Maverick Stadium seats 12,500, but the university has not had a football team since 1985. Today the stadium is used for various community events like Bed Races and Special Olympics competitions.
Football traditions
Lizette Barrera
Absence of UTA team makes fans pledge loyalty to other collegiate teams
film and finance freshman What’s your favorite thing about Fall? “Work. That’s all I really do. I work in a day camp in Austin and the kids are really fun.” What’s your television show right now? “ ‘Betty La Fea.’ It’s Ugly Betty in Spanish. It’s actually really funny and I watch it with my mom.”
Campus Events Exhibiting Artist Talk by Tommy Fitzpatrick When: 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m., Wednesday Where: 148 Fine Arts Building Admission: Free Local artist Tommy Fitzpatrick will discuss his works displayed at The Gallery at UTA. His works are his takes on architecture, especially around the Metroplex. For photos of his work visit www.theshorthorn.com Bed Races ’09 When: 7 p.m., Thursday Where: Maverick Stadium Price: $40 to register a team, free for spectators EXCEL Campus Activities continues with the annual Bed Races. This year’s theme, Running of the Beds, will put a running of the bulls twist on the event that has teams hauling beds across Maverick Stadium for best time. Aside from the mattress pushing competition there will also be numerous activities like an eating competition and a middle-ofthe-stadium pillow fight. Teams can also dress up. Last year’s costume winners took home the prize with a Batman theme. UTA Black Student Association’s Seafood Cookout tickets on sale When: Oct. 4 Price: $5 UTA Black Student Association’s Seafood Cookout tickets are now on sale for $5. The Oct. 4 event includes all-you-can-eat shrimp, catfish and fried chicken. For more information contact uta.blackstudentassociation@gmail.com. Maroon 5 Tickets Tickets are now on sale at www.utatickets.com for Maroon 5, the rock band known for songs like “Harder to Breath” and “She will be loved.” The band will grace Texas Hall for EXCEL Campus Activities’ fall concert on Nov. 20. Students can buy up to four tickets at $15 a piece and faculty and staff tickets costs $30.
PULSE Pick up Thursday’s Pulse for a blowout on the annual Bed Races. Aside from an event rundown, The Shorthorn spoke with racing veterans about how to shave seconds off running a bed down a football field.
By DusTiN l. DaNgli The Shorthorn Scene editor
averick Stadium houses a complete football field with 12,500 seats for fans to cheer on victories and taunt opponents. But because the university hasn’t had a football team to call their own since 1985, those seats haven’t been occupied by Mavericks. Without a team to call their own, UTA students, staff and faculty, have pledged football allegiance to other universities during the collegiate football season. new Maverick Orientation associate director Brian Joyce’s love for the University of Kentucky Wildcats can be traced to his roots in Lexington, Ky. Joyce said he began watching at the age of 3. “Growing up I went to Kentucky games,” he said. “And I’ve been back to watch, I was there the first time they beat Alabama in 40 years.” His wife Brittney Joyce said she first understood the scope of Brian’s passion when she accompanied him to Lexington. “everyone is in UK gear and everything shuts down,” she said. “There are UK blue shirts as far as you can see.” She said because no professional sports are in the area, most of the local population cheers for the college team. She compared grocery store visits in Texas to those in Lexington.
Here, there are cowboys and Mavericks shirts, but in Lexington everyone wears UK colors. While Joyce’s geographical roots are the premise for his UK spirit, business freshman nathan Rankin said he became a University of Texas at Austin football fanatic because of its star players. Although he grew up in Texas, he said it wasn’t until the 2005 Red River Rivalry match pitting UT against the University of Oklahoma that he became a fan. He designed his room with a burnt orange motif after watching UT’s star players stomp OU 45-12. Rankin said he hasn’t kept up with the team this season because he hasn’t noticed any star players, but now he’s been keeping a close eye on quarterback colt Mccoy. “I’m actually starting to get into college football because colt Mccoy was playing good in the first quarter against the University of Texas at el Paso,” he said. Undeclared freshman Jeff Hazelrigs said he found love for the Longhorns after attending a live game. He said when he moved to Texas several friends took him to a UT game and he became a fan. “It was the atmosphere, the spirit and the crowd that just got into me,” he said. Mike Taddesse, Greek Life and University events assistant director, said he follows the University of
uTa’s FOOTBall HisTOry 1956 and 1957 - Arlington State College wins Junior Rose Bowl 1985 - Former president Wendell Nedderman announces the end to the UTA football program. “It’s my opinion, and I hate to say this, that once football is dropped, it will never come back.” 2005 - President Spaniolo said he would like to re-examine UTA football within the next 5 years
Source - Previous The Shorthorn articles
notre Dame’s football team because of its traditions. “I’ve always been fascinated by their tradition,” he said. “When you think college football you think notre Dame.” As fans, each of the UTA community members has certain rituals to support his team through the games. Taddesse said he purchases a notre Dame’s fan T-shirt every year. The university releases a different TShirt for the notre Dame community yearly called The Shirt. “I make sure I have The Shirt washed and ready for every game,” he said. Hazelrigs said he doesn’t dress up for every game but has a post-game ritual. He said if UT wins, he wears his burnt orange UT shirt, and if they lose, he wears a special black shirt
with the Longhorn logo in white. “even if they’re dirty I got to make it work, I’ll Febreeze it or something,” he said. Joyce closes off from the world during a UK game. He said he wears UK blue from head to toe with shirts, shorts and sandals. He also takes his seat 30 minutes before game time and discusses UK’s three keys to victory before the game starts. “I like to think I’m the assistant coach or something,” he said. During the game he has foam footballs and basketballs to throw around and eats blue tortilla chips with white queso. His wife said she has to deal with his game-day rituals. She said she supports his need for 100 percent concentration by watching their dog and 4-year-old son, cameron. She said she also gets blamed if UK is losing while she watches, so she focuses on something else. If the team starts doing better her husband asks her to continue to not watch the game. Taddesse said if UTA would have a football team again he would definitely support them, but notre Dame will still be his number one. “nothing will ever waver me from my love for notre Dame,” he said. “But you know it’d be a dark day for me if UTA were to play notre Dame.” DusTiN l. DaNgli features-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
Community College Chaos new nBc sitcom views the oddities of a bunch of students By Marissa Hall The Shorthorn editor in chief
nBc’s new show “community” has all the ingredients to be a hit comedy series. It’s got emmy awardwinning directors, a comedy legend as a lead, and follows an established comedy. All the show has to do is live up to its potential. The show stars Joel McHale of “The Soup” as Jeff Winger, a lawyer who returns to college after his degree was revoked. He forms a study group with misfit students, including the wise but weird Pierce (chevy chase) and Winger’s love interest Britta (Gillian Jacobs). Though the study group’s purpose is for the students to improve their Spanish, they end up spending more time bonding with each other.
Though McHale is obviously the every scene funnier with his offbeat star, all characters have distinctive remarks and pop-culture references. roles that combine to create an en- In the first episode he compares the semble feel, much like “The Office” group to the group in The Breakfast club and quotes lines from Dirty when it began. McHale is natural and easygoing Dancing. The students aren’t the only odd as the fast-talking Winger, who isn’t a far stretch from his personality as ones on the Greendale community college campus. host of “The Soup.” Ken Jeong of The He even makes a Community Hangover and couple of jokes Starring: Joel McHale, Chevy Knocked Up plays that could have Chase, Gillian Jacobs Spanish teacher been lifted straight Airs: 8:30 p.m. Thursdays on NBC Señor chang, defrom the pop cullivering biting, ture fodder show, hhh irreverent oneincluding a crack at liners that make Ryan Seacrest. But the supporting cast sets him his class shudder and the audience up for success. chase is fun to watch laugh. When the audience first meets in his eccentric role, but does well chang, he makes the students feel not to overshadow the rest of the uncomfortable by discussing why he, actors. Danny Pudi as Abed makes an Asian man, teaches Spanish. He
ends the introduction with yelling at them that it’s none of their business. The show is full of surprising oneliners that catch the audience off guard, but sometimes the jokes feel a forced in their delivery. McHale tells lines that would work on “The Soup” but don’t quite translate to the “community”. This improved from the first to second episode, though, and hopefully will continue to get better as the chemistry among the cast grows. If “community” doesn’t veer from the path it’s on, it could become a can’t-miss for fans of irreverent humor sitcoms such as “The Office” and “30 Rock.” All it needs is a little fine-tuning. Marissa Hall features-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Page 7
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DR. RUTH Q: While we were dating and right about sex. You two have to talk to each after our marriage, the sex was great, other about intimate issues. If you rebut then it dropped off dramatically. ally can’t do that, then you need the I often would masturbate in bed after help of a therapist, and if you tell your my wife went to sleep; sometimes she’d wife that the reason you want to go for pretend to remain asleep, therapy is to improve your and sometimes she’d accommunication, not just to cidentally touch me and have more sex, she’ll probwe’d end up having sex. ably agree to go along. And All in all, we’d have sex if you two can improve about once a month. Then your communication, I bet we decided to have a baby. your sex life will improve Unluckily for me, it took as well. only about two weeks for her to get pregnant, and sex dropped off again. And then Q: I just ordered a G-spot about three months after Dr. Ruth vibrator for my wife, and I our baby was born we tried Send your would like to know if there to have sex, but it obviously really is a place deep within questions to was painful to her, so I the vagina that can arouse Dr. Ruth Westheimer a woman to the point of an stopped. For the past three months we have not had sex c/o King Features orgasm that is better than or been sexually intimate Syndicate an orgasm achieved by at all. I love my wife very 235 E. 45th St., stimulation of the clitoris. much, and I know she loves New York, NY Or is it just another myth? me very much, too. I have 10017 been very patient so far, but A: When it comes to the I need help -- I really enjoy G-spot, the most important being intimate and having sex. My wife question isn’t whether it’s a myth. really isn’t into watching movies or While there is no scientific evidence, reading, and I know she would never there is enough anecdotal evidence to go for seeing a sex therapist. suggest that some women have some sort of extra-sensitive spot within their A: Your masturbation in vagina. But, since you already have the middle of the night while in bed ordered this special vibrator, the most tells me that you two aren’t commu- important question for you is how serinicating about sex very much, if it all. ous your explorations should be. If the This was your way of telling her that odds are one in a thousand, then you you were desperate for sex, as you shouldn’t spend a lot of time and effort could have masturbated in so many looking, and you certainly shouldn’t other, more private situations. While be disappointed if you don’t find anyit worked from time to time, it’s far thing. So, while it’s OK to look, don’t from the best way to communicate feel bad if you don’t find anything.
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37 Where to see wild animals in cages 39 Modelerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wood 40 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Funniest Home Videosâ&#x20AC;? host Bob 42 Zodiac bull 43 Adjusted the pitch of, as a piano 46 Skilled
47 Armstrong in space 48 Nerd 49 __ facto 50 Gratis 51 Start of many a letter 52 Diner orders, for short 53 Old U.S. gas 55 Prefix with natal 56 Brylcreem bit
2 3 7 7 4 5 5 8
8 4
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7 9
8 2 9 8 5
6 4
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about sports Clint Utley, sports editor sports-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu Sports publishes Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Page 8
sports The ShorThorn
Islanders can’t stop Mavs Team still undefeated in conference play after five-set weekend match. By Clint Utley The Shorthorn sports editor
the volleyball team defeated texas A&M–Corpus Christi (6-10, 0-2) saturday afternoon at texas Hall to improve to 2-0 in southland Conference play. the Mavericks (6-8) needed five sets to down the Islanders 25-23, 17-25, 19-25, 25-17, 15-11. sophomore Amanda Aguilera, recovered from offseason elbow surgery, returned to the outside hitter position during the match to rally her team to a victory. Aguilera, sophomore outside hitter tara Frantz and junior outside hitter Bianca sauls each registered 12 kills in the match. “It felt really good,” Aguilera said of her return to outside hitter. “I’ve been waiting for it for a long time. It’s frustrating having an injury coming off of a good year. I wanted to come back and show I can be the player I was last year.” Aguilera posted 11 digs to earn a doubledouble along with sauls, who recorded 13 digs in the match. the Mavericks have won four of their last five matches. Junior setter raegan Daniel turned in her team-leading seventh double-double of the season with 46 assists, 13 digs, four kills and two blocks. “raegan did a really good job,” Aguilera said.
“there were times when I would think the ball was coming to me and she [raegan] would go the other way. It confused the [Islanders] because we had Bianca and me up at the same time.” trailing 16-20, the team went on a 9-3 rally to win the first set. sophomore middle blocker Christy Driscoll contributed three kills and three blocks and sauls added four kills and four blocks for the Mavs. the Mavericks posted 11 team blocks in the set. the second and third sets were not as kind to the Mavs. the team put together a .035 hitting percentage (21 kills, 18 errors, 84 attacks) to lose two straight sets. Head coach Diane seymour said her team’s offense needed a change after the lack of early productivity. “Early on, we were passing the ball extremely well, but our offense wasn’t executing,” seymour said. “the adjustment had to come. our outside hitters weren’t being productive. the biggest switch was Amanda to move back to the outside.” seymour put Aguilera in the outside hitter position prior to the third set. the move placed sophomore Alicia shaffer back at libero - her position to start the season. After settling in at hitter, Aguilera led the Mavs in the fourth set with seven kills and a .600 hitting percentage. “We were planning to make that switch by next Friday [oct. 2],” seymour
remember The volleyball team will return to Arlington Oct. 14 to host Northwestern State. Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Cross CoUntry
Team comes up short, but continues to get stronger The men’s and women’s cross country teams competed at the Islander Splash meet Friday evening in Corpus Christi. The men’s team finished third and the women’s team finished fifth. Friday’s meet was the first time this season the Mavs ran against teams from the Southland Conference. Junior Zach Zura lead the men’s team with a time of 26:54 that put him at 11th place overall. Freshman Eric Montou, who led the team in its previous two meets, finished 20th with a time of 27:11. Montou and Zura were the only two runners from UTA that finished in the top twenty. McNeese State finished first with 28 points and took the top four places. Texas A&M-Corpus Christi finished second with 45 points. UTA finished with 109 points. “The thing we have to do as a coaching staff with this team is be patient and keep
trying to make progress every week,” head coach John Sauerhage said. “There are a lot of good athletes in this group.” For the women’s team, sophomore Jennifer Carey finished first for the Mavericks and 15th overall with a time of 17:57. This was Carey’s first time to lead the Mavericks this season after finishing second in the past two meets. Junior Amanda McMahon finished 19th with a time of 18:02. Texas women’s team finished first overall with 28 points. Rice finished second with 42 points. Texas A&M-Corpus Christi and McNeese State also finished ahead of UTA. The Mavericks had 145 points. The next meet for the cross country team will be at 9 a.m. Saturday in Stillwater, Okla., for the Cowboy Jamboree. — Travis Detherage
Teams struggle throughout weekend tournaments
Courtesy: UT Arlington Sports Information
Sophomore outside hitter Amanda Aguilera returns the ball Saturday during the Mavericks’ 3-2 win over Texas A&M Corpus Christi at Texas Hall. Aguilera ended the game with 12 kills and 11 digs making her one of three Mavericks to achieve a double-double.
said. “I did not want it to be today. she’s a very talented player and she can really hit the ball hard.” the Mavericks won the fourth set with a .429 hitting percentage to even the match at two sets a piece. shaffer added five digs in the set and sophomore middle blocker Eldhah Kaswatuka pitched in three kills. “I knew we could do it from the beginning,” sauls said of the team’s comeback. “this game, it was crucial to start really well. It
was hard for us to catch up when they got a lead on us.” In the fifth set, the Mavs jumped out to a 10-6 lead before a Corpus Christi timeout. the Islanders came back to trail by one point at 12-11 before Aguilera registered two kills to make it 14-11. sauls and sophomore middle blocker Emily shearin combined to a block a Corpus Christi attack to seal the match. Clint Utley sport-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu
The UTA tennis teams attempted to shake off the rust in the second week of the season as the men’s and women’s teams traveled to separate tournaments over the weekend. The men’s team headed to Waco to play in the Baylor Intercollegiate tournament. In singles play, sophomore Jason Lateko and junior Brieuc Hamon won their matches with ease as they advanced to the second round of 32 players. Lateko was overpowered in his second round match and lost in two sets. Hamon won his next match 6-3, 6-3, but retired midway through the second set of the round of 16. UTA sent three doubles into action, but had unfortunate results. None of the teams were able to come away with a victory in the matches, but each match was closely contested. The men will head back into action in the All American Tournament on Oct. 3 in Tulsa, Okla. The women looked to continue their solid start to the season as they played in the Rice Tennis Classic. Most of the success for the women came in the double’s brackets. The team of
sophomore Maria Martinez-Romer and junior Brittney Byrd were able to win the flight four doubles consolation bracket and sophomores Nikola Matovivoa and Katarina Micochova were able to win the flight one doubles consolation bracket for the Mavs. In singles action, all of the women were defeated in the first or second round, putting them in the consolation bracket. Martinez-Romer was the only one to pick up a victory. With the season’s first two weeks completed, the team will aim for success in its next tournament, the All American Tournament on Oct. 3. in Los Angeles, Calif. Martinez-Romer said both the men’s and women’s teams will need to rest up before their upcoming six-day tournaments to be successful. “We have been practicing so hard and haven’t had time to rest with all of the tournaments,” Martinez-Romer said. “We have some people with injuries and who are sore. We can do a lot better than we have this year, but we have to rest up first.” — Trevor Harris