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Wednesday September 30, 2009

Volume 91, No. 23 www.theshorthorn.com

Since 1919

Start Your Mattresses Annual Bed Races take place Thursday. NEWS | PAGE 6

A New Peril International student comes out of coma but needs funds for treatment. NEWS | PAGE 2


Ransom Hall proposed for freshman center The transformation would make the computer lab a first-year student help facility. BY JOAN KHALAF The Shorthorn senior staff

University officials are looking at Ransom Hall as their first choice for a freshman success center. By Aug. 1, 2010, the entire building would be transformed into a one-stop shop for freshman for advising, test-

ing, tutoring and most services firstyear undergraduates would need. The 24-hour computer lab and UTA Computer Store on the first floor, and the computer labs for classes on the other two floors, would be removed, said Donald Bobbitt, provost and academic affairs vice president. “In my office, we have this moral obligation to make sure every student is successful,” Bobbitt said. A temporary university officials group will draft a recommendation for

President James Spaniolo, outlining the estimated renovation cost of where they choose to put the center, among other project details to be finalized. Bobbitt said Ransom Hall’s central location, across from the University Center, made it the first choice. After monitoring the hall’s use, officials determined the labs were underused. English graduate student Matt Navy said he thought a better location RANSOM continues on page 6


More than 1,000 shots received in September Health Services administers vaccine for $15 to combat the widespread infection in Texas.

The Shorthorn: Rasy Ran

Education senior Monica Dorsey works on a science project Tuesday at Ransom Hall. The university is considering Ransom Hall to be converted into a freshman success center, slated for completion August 2010, with no finalized 24-hour computer lab site replacement in mind.

Smoke Out

Students discuss pros and cons of proposed tobacco ban BY MICAELA TITUS The Shorthorn staff


he university community has until Oct. 19 to comment on the proposed tobacco ban by e-mailing the Office of Human Resources. If President James Spaniolo approves the recommendation the campus will be tobacco-free by 2011. The Tobacco Free Campus Initiative committee made the recommendation, along with three others, which follows a trend of colleges like University of Florida and Tarrant County College with tobacco-free campuses.

BY JOHNATHAN SILVER The Shorthorn senior staff

Health Services administered more than 100 shots during its flu outreach event Tuesday in the University Center Palo Duro Lounge. Health Services held stations around campus this week to reduce the spread of flu and flu-like symptoms. Another outreach event will be held for students, faculty and staff today in Davis Hall from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Shots cost $15. FLU continues on page 3

The Shorthorn: Stephanie Goddard

Health Services registered nurse May Tam injects a patient with an immunization Tuesday afternoon in the University Center Palo Duro Lounge. Flu shots cost $15 and are available today in Davis Hall and during most business hours at Health Services.



usic media freshman Sara Baker said it’s a good idea. Most of the smokers she knows want to quit but they can’t. She smoked for a year and felt a health change in a short period of time after quitting. “With this new ban, it will be too much of an effort to get off-campus to smoke,” she said. “People will be able to stop this addictive and unhealthy habit.” Film freshman Haley Hinshaw said a tobacco ban would be amazing and will help the university become more popular outside Texas. “When I tell people that I go to UT Arlington, they automatically think I am talking about the University of Texas,” she said. “This tobacco-free ban can make UTA a major school if we are the first people in the UT systems to do it.” Mechanical engineering sophomore Michael Wallace said a ban would create a positive environment on campus. He said he doesn’t like smoke and when people are smoking on campus it catches his attention. “This ban would show that the university is initiative,” he said. “It will shed a positive light on the university and show that they care about students’ health.” Spanish senior Alejandra Maese said that when students are smoking 50 feet away from buildings it still bothers her when she has to walk by them. “I have seen people try to quit and they relapse because they can’t do it on their own. This ban will help people stop,” she said.



ducation graduate student Jason Harding said if the university enforced the rules that are in place now then a ban wouldn’t be necessary. “When the university just starts banning things that are legal, it makes me wonder what else will be banned,” he said. English junior Erica Peterson said she understands that smoking is bad for her health and second-hand smoking is bad for others, but she doesn’t smoke in places where it affects non-smokers. “I can understand the reasoning behind the ban but it favors non-smokers,” she said. “Where do smokers’ rights end and non-smokers’ rights begin. I think that smokers deserve respect too.” Accounting senior Ghenwa Sleiman said a ban is a bad idea and smokers would stop taking advantage of campus facilities and just stay at home if they can’t smoke. “When I am studying at the library and it’s late, I go outside to smoke and come right back into the library,” she said. “If I have to go off-campus late at night then I will just stay at home. It’s not worth coming to campus.” Finance senior Haseeb Ramzan said that students who want to smoke will do so regardless of a ban. “This ban could hurt the school,” he said. “When students are looking for a place to go they may not consider the university because of this. We need to focus on other things like getting a football team.”


Students trapped in library elevator for 45 minutes The glitch was repaired in the Central Library and all involved escaped uninjured. BY JASON BOYD The Shorthorn news editor

A Central Library elevator malfunctioned Tuesday afternoon, leaving more than 10 students stuck for about 45 minutes. The elevator, headed for the basement, wouldn’t open and the occupants couldn’t exit. University police responded ELEVATOR continues on page 6




E-mail university administration at hradministration@uta.edu

Check out Opinion on page 4 for more reactions to the proposed tobacco ban.

Visit THE SHORTHORN .com for a video about the situation and to submit your view on the matter. Photo Illustration: Tim Crumpton

STUDENTS VOICE THEIR OPINIONS ABOUT THE PROPOSED SMOKING BAN “They should ban chewing gum if the idea is to clean up the campus.” Harvey Ellis, Business

finance junior

“I always seclude myself when I smoke so I don’t bother other people, and where will they draw the ‘off-campus line’ anyway?” Nidal Jabri,

geology senior

“I think tobacco is disgusting and I try to avoid it, but I still breathe it in when I’m walking around campus.” Annie Donovan,

photography junior

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