Stockyard Roundup
33 points in 35 minutes
Big Hair, big belt buckles, big yeehaws — a modern show steeped in tradition
Senior guard Meghan Nelson scores 33 points in win over Stephen F. Austin
pulSe | Section B
T h e
u n i v e r s i T y
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T e x a s
SportS | paGe 4
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a r l i n g T o n
Thursday January 21, 2010
volume 91, no. 62
since 1919
handS on art
GreeK life
First year with new rush policy Fraternity, sorority recruitment week begins along with activities, such as a barbecue and Zombieland movie night. By Joan Khalaf The Shorthorn senior staff
For Steven McKinney, Wednesday was all about students taking their time during “Rush.” The Alpha Tau Omega fraternity member and pre-nursing junior said students, especially freshmen, were antsy to formally rush this semester because a new recruitment policy no longer allows online extra freshmen to rush during their first semester. To see photos of the Some Greek organizaevent and tag yourtions set up informaself, visit The Shorttion tables Wednesday horn’s Facebook in the University Cenpage. Profile name is UTA Shorthorn ter Palo Duro Lounge. After the Greek community’s average student GPA fell to 2.58 in fall 2008, freshmen were required to wait until their second semester to Rush, including those with dualcredit hours. Transfer students must be able Resident assistant Alexa Alarcon, left, and architecture sophomore Ariel Macon paint on a canvas with other students Wednesday night in Kalpana Chawla Hall.
gReek continues on page 3
esident assistant Alexa Alarcon set up a program for her residents in the Arts and Society Learning Community of Kalpana Chawla Hall that presented them with the opportunity to paint a collaborative mural on a piece of canvas. “I realized last semester that my residents were not exposed to the art world,” Alacron said, “I think they really enjoyed it, I had residents who hadn’t come to any programs last semester that showed up this time.” The mini mural will hang in the hallway of the learning community to further represent the combined interests of a diverse group of UTA students.
A time of transition Ben Streetman discussed the importance of the transistor, which lead the way for computers and long distance phone calls. By Johnathan Silver The Shorthorn senior staff
Military Science
ROTC to begin semester with assembly Cadets to be addressed and told expectations such as physical training and academic standards. By alySia r. BrooKS The Shorthorn staff
Military science students will get a formal welcome to the spring semester today at Introductory Lab at 1400 (2 p.m. civilian time), in the University Center Rio Grande Ballroom. According to Maj. Jeannie Deakyne, military science assistant professor, the biannual event will mark the first time that all members of the Corps of Cadets will be addressed by military science professor, Lt. Col. Albert Alba. Deakyne said Alba will discuss expecta-
tions of cadets. These expectations cover physical training, residency in Trinity Hall and academic standards. Maj. Ricardo Diaz, Commandant of Cadets, added that cadets will also be assigned to their units. “We have 20 to 30 new cadets every semester,” he said. “We try to integrate them into the Corps of Cadets as soon as possible. The bottom line is, we do everything we can to get them up and running.” Deakyne said the sense of unity established by the Introductory Lab is of the utmost importance because not all cadets are UTA students. She said cadets hail from such diverse locations as Dallas Baptist University, Texas A&M—Commerce and the University
of Dallas. One such cadet is Pfc. Heather Gannt. She is new to the Corps of Cadets this semester, but has been with another unit in Grand Prairie. “I’m just really excited, it’s another unit to belong to,” she said. Cadet Staff Sgt. Aaron Renaud is likely to be a squad leader or platoon sergeant for the coming semester. “It’s a welcome-back tradition,” he said. “The modern Corps of Cadets is trying to maintain and build upon those traditions.” alySia BrooKS
The big screen in Cowboys Stadium and a USB flash drive share a common ancestor – the transistor. A transistor is a compact electronic device that controls electric current flow. In other words, it’s that piece of equipupcoMinG SpeaKer ment that’s responsible for long Former Astronaut Sally distance phone Ride calls and computTime: 8 p.m. ers that manage Date: Feb. 15 to get smaller and Place: Texas Hall smaller each year, yet manage to hold more and more information. Ben Streetman, a UT-Austin electrical and computer engineering professor, gave a guest lecture Wednesday titled “The Semiconductor Revolution.” He discussed how the semiconductor has affected all of modern life today. He belongs to a small group of guests invited by the College of Engineering to speak as part of the College of Engineering’s 50th Anniversary Speaker Series. Before about 100 attendees, Streetman recalled when transistors were valued in dollectuRe continues on page 3
Possible new trails to be discussed at city’s open house about the plan and give them the chance The city hired Greenways Inc. as share ideas about how to best provide consultants to help design and develop a to for bicycling and walking. plan for the hike and bike trail system. The city hired Greenways Inc. as conBy John harden The Shorthorn senior staff
A new citywide hike and bike master plan could make Arlington more travel friendly. The plan to create a new pedestrian and bike trail around the city will have its first open house at 6 p.m. on Jan. 27 at Arlington City Hall. The public meeting will educate those interested in hearing
sultants to help design and develop a plan for the hike and bike trail system, which will help connect more parts of Arlington together, said Alicia Winkelblech, city transportation planning manager. “It will be a citywide hike and bike system that everyone can take advantage of,” she said. “We hired Greenways who has been analyzing land conditions in the city and determining the best approach to design.”
when and where When: 6 – 9 p.m. Jan. 27 Where: Arlington City Hall 101 W. Abram St.
In the open house, Greenways Inc. and the city will report city findings and make recommendations to the public. After Arlington residents learn about the current condition within the city, they’ll have the chance to provide their input. hike continues on page 2
The Shorthorn: Will LaVoncher
Nursing freshman Donald Riddle rides his bike around campus Wednesday afternoon. Riddle rode his bicycle down the steps in front of the Central Library in order to save time.