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Friday February 19, 2010

Volume 91, No. 79 www.theshorthorn.com



Service held for professor emeritus The event highlighted the life and accomplishments of retired faculty member Donald F. Reaser. BY JUSTIN SHARP The Shorthorn staff

The Shorthorn: Rasy Ran

Field trips for college students Interior design students receive hands-on experience in the Metroplex. BY SHAMBHU SHARAN The Shorthorn staff

Interior design students are stepping out of the traditional classroom environment for a different take on hands-on learning. In the history of interior design and interior materials classes, one architecture and two interior design professors take students on a field trip to historical buildings. The class spends the first half of the week in a lecture and reading, and the second half is devoted to a field trip to a building in the Metroplex. Architecture assistant professor Douglas Klahr, interior design interim director Rebecca Boles and interior design assistant professor Susan Appleton teach the combined classes. Students look at historical residences,

courthouses, churches and museums to learn about local history and interior design. Interior design junior Julie Berkes said she enjoys the class because it’s unlike any other class she has taken at the university. “Slide shows and books are great ways of learning, but being able to actually go and see the building styles we are studying really makes it sink in,” she said. “And because I grew up in the area, it is nice to learn more about the buildings I have seen all my life.” The class visits buildings built from 1899 to 2009 to learn about technologies that were available during different time periods. During the field trips, students spend three hours documenting what they see and drawing sections of the buildings they explore each week. “The different building styles I have studied are interesting, but I have also

The Shorthorn: Rasy Ran

Top: Interior design junior Timothy Ballard measures the doorway Thursday at the Magnolia Lounge in Fair Park. The history of interior design and interior materials classes take measurements as part of the weekly hands-on study with 15 different buildings throughout the Metroplex. Above: Interior design junior Stephen Norsworth records a measurement Thursday at the Magnolia Lounge in Fair Park. The students are encouraged to study the materials with their hands.

“It is nice to learn more about the buildings I have seen all my life,” Julie Berkes, interior design junior

A memorial service was held Thursday for Donald F. Reaser, geology professor emeritus, who taught at UTA for more than 40 years. Reaser died Dec. 29, 2009, from complications caused by a stroke. The memorial was held in the ACCOMPLISHMENTS Planetarium, where John Wickham, earth and environmental sciences chair, gave a presentation highlighting Reaser’s acDonald Reaser, complishgeology professor ments and emeritus personality. “He was an excel• Taught at UTA for lent teacher,” more than 40 years Wickham • Retired in 2006 said. • Has a scholarship W h e n fund named after him Reaser officially retired in 2006, his students created the Donald F. Reaser Scholarship Fund, which has been given more than $12,000 and will be matched through the Maverick Match program once it reaches $25,000. Reaser is survived by his wife, Bette Forrest Reaser. “He loved geology and he really got attached to his students,” she said. “UTA meant so much to him, as well as the students who set up the scholarship in his name.” Geology senior Lisa Moran became close to Reaser while helping to clean out his office, a perpetual

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REASER continues on page 3



School of Architecture accreditation up for renewal

Students voice concern over MAC injury care

The team will meet with advisors, faculty, staff, alumni and students when they arrive. After the team leaves, it will hold another meeting where it BY SHAMBHU SHARAN will give a report of its initial The Shorthorn staff findings of the school. “If students have issues, The School of Architecture is up for review of its accredita- opinions and concerns, they can ask the team members,” tion this week. Five team members from the Youssefzadeh said. “Our students should atNational Architectend the meeting tural Accrediting because it is their Board’s will visit ACCREDITATION degrees, and they the school on SatThe School of Architecture work very hard urday and leave to attain the deWednesday. • Accreditation lasts for up grees.” A r c h i t e c t u r e to six years The school’s Dean Donald • Last re-accredited in accreditation deGatzke said the spring 2004 termines whether team will review • If the school passes, it or not a student the curriculum, would be accredited until receiving the prostudents’ work, spring 2016. fessional degree the exhibitions of will be able to sit projects and tour for the Architect the facilities. Architecture associate pro- Registration Examination after fessor Steven Quevedo said he graduation. “The accreditation is a time has been coordinating the exhibition. Gatzke and architecture to showcase students’ work as program director Bijan Yousse- well as a time to reflect on the fzadeh led the school’s accrediARCH continues on page 3 tation effort.

The National Architecture Accrediting Board will pay a visit to UTA this weekend.

The center has several first aid kits, but lacks supplies to handle more serious inuries. BY CHASE WEBSTER The Shorthorn staff

Some students who have been injured at the Maverick Activities Center say they haven’t received

the help they expected. The treatment available at the MAC consists of several first aid kits filled with various bandages, hydrogen peroxide, ice packs, CPR masks, gloves and an Automated External Defibrillator — items used for basic first aid responses related to bleeding and cardiac arrest.

• Check out the Online Extras at interactive roster TheShorthorn.com linked to the story about the Movin’ Mavs weekend tournament. The roster includes photos, positions and each player’s unique pre-game ritual. • Today’s web cast, The Shorthorn After Dark, features a sneak peek of the interview with men’s basketball leading scorer, Marquez Haynes. Check out theshorthorn.com Saturday for the complete interview, where Haynes reveals what really scares him. • Ever wonder how much revenue the city generates from red light cameras? It’s online under News > Specials > Red Light Camera Map. • Stay current with top news by checking out national headlines on the Web site homepage. • Check out “Current leaders encourage student shadows to be active in the future” to read what students thought about shadowing campus leaders this week.

MAC employees are unable to supply additional medical supplies or equipment, such as wheelchairs, crutches and braces, said campus recreation director Doug Kuykendall. Aside from basic care, employees are trained to leave treatment of injuries to medical professionMAC continues on page 3

The Shorthorn: Aisha Butt

Accounting junior Jennifer Fox, left, and nursing sophomore Chidinma Ike, right, attend the Freshman Leaders On Campus meeting in the University Center lower level. Ike went through Fox’s daily activities with her for Shadow A Student Leader Week.

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