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Waves of Talent

rule of thirds Learn more about the performance of the third-seeded Movin’ Mavs at a national tournament, where they took home third place.

UTa radio has its eyes open for local bands to add to their music library. scene | page 4 T h e

sports | page 6

u n i v e r s i T y

o f

T e x a s

a T

a r l i n g T o n

Tuesday March 23, 2010

volume 91, no. 92 www.theshorthorn.com

since 1919 Spotlight, a day-in-the-life series, documents unique personalities and hobbies throughout the spring semester.


Added parking helps to ease concerns

Ride ‘em Cowgirl

New lots will maximize efficiency during special events center and parking garage construction. By John harden The Shorthorn senior staff

The Shorthorn: Rasy Ran

Haley Thorne, criminal justice and psychology junior, cuts around the second barrel Sunday during the PacWest Draw at the Diamond W Arena Complex in Alvarado. Simple play dates and rides turned into competitive barrelracing when Thorne was 12, with rodeo wins from around the country. Thorne and her esteemed American Paint Horse, Jessie, won close to $200,000 during their 6-year career together.


he duo kick dirt around each barrel, taking every opportunity to shave time off the total and complete the cloverleaf pattern on the arena floor. They finish in 21.254 seconds, but didn’t take home the prize. For criminal justice and psychology junior Haley Thorne and Jessie, her prized American Paint Horse, the experience only adds to Thorne’s 11year barrelracing career rather than dampening it. “You can’t win them all,” added Thorne, walking back to her trailer after spending five hours at Sunday’s Diamond W Arena Complex PacWest Run in Alvarado.

When the Grand Prairie native isn’t cleaning the hooves off her 20-plus horses or competing nationally throughout the southwestern region, she sandwiches the time with her only online course at the university. “I don’t think I’m going to ever graduate at this rate,” laughs Thorne. “I’m on the 12year graduation plan.” Thorne grew up with parents who always had horses, but was the only child out of four who made it a career with them. Thorne said she plans to race until her body gives out. “It’s never the same, everyday is different,” Thorne said.

— Rasy Ran

The Shorthorn: Rasy Ran

Thorne slips her feet through her custom stirrups as she rides her quarterhorse, Appletini, during training at her ranch in Midlothian. The horse is four years old, which is considered young, and is still adjusting to the arena lifestyle.

View an audio slideshow at


It normally takes Robert Rodriguez 30 minutes to find a parking spot that he considers decent. But on Monday, to his surprise, it took the undeclared sophomore only five minutes. “Sometimes you get lucky, but there were a lot of spaces left when I got to school,” he said. “I normally avoid [Lot 49] and park in the lot across Doug Russell.” During spring break, Facilities For a map Management redesigned Lot 49, at of the lots South Cooper Street and West Mitchell see page 8 Street, and added 235 spaces. “The new lot layout surprised me, but I like it if it means better parking,” he said. The redesigning included restriping the lot and removing the diagonal parking and replacing it with more horizontal and vertical striping. The parking lot upgrades are designed to alleviate any issues that may occur when construction begins on the special events center this summer and the planned parking garage and residence hall later this year. The university will construct the garage and residence hall in Lot 40, located near Arlington Hall, which will remove more than 600 spaces, including Arlington Hall resident’s parking. Students, faculty and staff will have sufficient parking before construction begins, said university spokeswoman Kristin Sullivan. “Our Facilities Management team has done a review of all availparking continues on page 8


student liFe

Upgraded printers delay students Systems will be reconfigured to alleviate problems and manage printing payment. By rachel snyder The Shorthorn staff

Students trying to print in the Central Library experienced problems after the Office of Information Technology upgraded the system over spring break. Library Systems coordinator Bob Samson said outages of the library’s Pharos Uniprint print management system were reported early Monday and were resolved around noon after rebooting the system. Samson said the printing system now works, but runs much slower than normal. “We’re still tweaking the gateway back to the Mav Express

your view Were you affected by printing problems Monday? Share your story by commenting on this one at theshorthorn.com.

system,” he said. James Stewart, OIT client services director, said the upgrade has two major benefits: allowing the operating system Windows 7 to run well and to stabilize laptop printing. The lag in print time resulted in a line of about five students per print station to print on the Central Library’s second floor. Philosophy junior Corey Harris said he was going to be ten minutes late to his Latin class prinTing continues on page 5

CNN analyst to speak to sold-out crowd Jeffrey Toobin will speak as part of the Maverick Speakers Series about the U.S. Supreme Court. By Joan KhalaF The Shorthorn senior staff

The man that analyzed some of America’s latest controversies — including the O.J. Simpson trial and former President Bill Clinton’s sex scandal — Jeffrey Toobin, will speak about his latest venture, the inner workings of the U.S. Supreme Court, at the university Wednesday. His faculty roundtable at 3 p.m. in 100 Nedderman Hall, speech at 8 p.m. and book signing at 9 p.m. in the Lone Star Auditorium are part of the Maverick Speakers Series and ACES, or Annual Celebration of Excellence by Students. ACES is a day-long presentation of students’ research work in the form of posters or oral presentations. Toobin is currently the senior legal analyst for CNN and has been a staff writer at The New Yorker magazine

since 1993, according to his Web site. He has published several bestselling books, including Too Close to Call: The 36-Day Battle to Decide the 2000 Election and A Vast Conspiracy: The Real Story of the Sex Scandal that Nearly Brought Down a President. Tickets sold out for the speech on March 11. Toobin is the last speaker of the series for this semester. Toobin said he will speak about how similar the U.S. Supreme Court is to U.S. Congress and the White House in terms of political motivation. “It’s not a beacon away form politics,” Toobin told The Shorthorn. “It’s another form of expressing political belief.” The university aims for speakers in the series that will promote community-wide dialogue, said university spokeswoman Kristin Sullivan. “We aim for high-profile lecturers that are leading thinkers of our time to talk about current issues,” she said. The speech was moved to Lone

when and where Jeffrey Toobin, CNN analyst and Maverick Speaker Series lecturer

When: 8 p.m. Where: Lone Star Auditorium

Star Auditorium because of scheduling conflicts with Texas Hall. Toobin, a New York resident, said he always looks forward to coming to Texas every opportunity he gets. “[Texas] has the same sense of self-importance as New York does,” Toobin said. “I like places that think they’re the center of the universe.” Joan KhalaF news-editor.shorthorn@uta.edu

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