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Mavs drill colonels T h e

Find out the details on how the baseball team did against the Nicholls State Colonels last Thursday through Saturday. sports | paGe 3

u n i v e r s i T y

o f

T e x a s

a T

a r l i n g T o n

Tuesday april 6, 2010

volume 91, no. 100 www.theshorthorn.com

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• The College of Engineering held Engineering Saturday where students in elementary and middle schools got hands-on experience at the university level. • The university hosted a Crime Scene Investigation competition, where UTA students got to compete with other students in the Metroplex. Read the story to learn how a Maverick was able to grab third place.

University logo guidelines finalized The Identity Manual and Style Guide irons out how the logos can be used. By Joan Khalaf The Shorthorn senior staff

All changes to the university’s logos and brand-

ing were nailed down into a final set of guidelines Monday. The guidelines, fleshed out in the Identity Manual and Style Guide, specifies how items like the former UTA spirit mark, the mascot and the university’s of-

ficial logo may be used by certain organizations and departments. UTA began rolling out the changes early last semester. Some of the changes include a right-facing Blaze with a more aggressive appearance and sharpened

we are the world

lines and the former UTA spirit mark becoming the official Athletics Department logo. The athletic logo shouldn’t be used by other departments or groups. The updated guidelines won’t change much of what the Athletics Department

logo continues on page 6

student Governance

SC elections storm campus Two major camps emerge, each urging student involvement.

important dates

By Johnathan silver The Shorthorn senior staff

The Shorthorn: Will LaVoncher

was already working with, said Gregg Elkin, communications, marketing and promotions associate athletic director. “Change can be hard for some people sometimes,” he

Signs are all around campus. Supporters are rallying on Facebook pages for their favorite student leaders to win elections that are just two weeks away. Some candidates are even doing the same for each other. Candidates for Student Congress president and vice president discuss their stances and reasons why students should choose them. Aaron Resendez, the current Student Congress pro-

candidates forum When: Noon, April 14 Where: University Center mall and the Central Library mall student governance elections When: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., April 19 and 20 Where: University Center Palo Duro lounge, Maverick Activities Center first floor

gram director, and science senator Brian Ravkind want to be the next SC president. elections continues on page 4

students march with banners displaying the home countries of the engineering students of past and present Monday afternoon outside of the Maverick Activities Center.

Students carried banners of their countries to show the school’s diversity By monica s. naGy The Shorthorn staff

Sima Awaida tried her best to maintain composure as a parade of drums and banners passed by. The interior design freshman was giving a lecture on modesty to female members of the Muslim Student Association when the UTA Samba Band marched by, causing her to shimmy on the spot. The Parade of Banners took place Monday afternoon. Students carried banners representing various countries from Nedderman Hall to the Central Library mall, across the bridge around the Fine Arts building and then back to the mall. Parade participants formed a circle in the Central Library mall where Provost Donald Bobbitt gave a speech to onlookers about the importance of International Week and kicked off the first day. Fourteen samba band members decked out in bright red, orange, yellow, green and light blue T-shirts led the Parade of Banners, a group of approximately 35 students, and supplied surrounding students with beats. Advertising senior Masooma Sabir, a parade participant, said most of the people marching in the parade were carrying banners representpaRaDe continues on page 4


upcominG events tuesday food fair When: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Where: University Center mall Bring cash to buy food sold by student organizations. About $5 will buy full meal. Wednesday cultural exhibits When: Noon-1 p.m. Where: Bluebonnet Ballroom fashion show When: 7-9 p.m. Where: Bluebonnet Ballroom thursday schools Visits to cultural exhibits When: 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Where: Bluebonnet Ballroom friday cultural exhibits When: 6-7 p.m. Where: Bluebonnet Ballroom global extravaganza talent show When: 7-9 p.m. Where: Bluebonnet Ballroom

croatia haiti

st. Kitts and nevis

Democratic Republic of the congo

U.s. Virgin islands


6 new banners added in Nedderman Hall By chris hunt The Shorthorn staff

Six new banners, representing the home countries of six students studying engineering at UTA, were hung from the rafters of Nedderman Hall to kick off International Week. Engineering Dean Bill Carroll and Lynn Peterson, engineering senior associate dean for academic affairs, presented the banners of St. Kitts and Nevis, Haiti, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Croatia, U.S. Virgin Islands and Botswana Monday in the Nedderman Hall atrium, increasing the banner count to 129. “Six is a big number,” Carroll said. “Some years there have been none.” He said this event is held on the first day of International Week every year and there are more this year than in recent years. Industrial engineering junior Amy Morris, a student from St. Kitts and Nevis, was there to present her

Mavs go green in fashion, art show Students entered both artwork, clothing made out of recyclable materials. By William Johnson The Shorthorn staff

Aluminum cans littered the front lawn of Brazos House as Anais Harvey strutted in black dress of caution tape and a trash bag. This was the scene in front of Brazos House for the second annual RecycleMania Art and Fashion Show Monday night saw Brazos’s D ramp covered in various cans and bottles as a part of the recycling theme. New to this year’s festivities, hosted by Brazos House resident assistants, is the inclusion

of the recycled artwork category. Student submissions had to be completely made of recycled materials in order to participate. “This helps those who don’t feel like they can do fashion participate in this year’s vent,” Harvey, a visual communication junior, said. Harvey entered a dress constructed of duct tape, caution tape and a black trash bag. Her initial inspiration, she said, was the Lady Gaga music video for her single “Telephone.” The dress took a little over three hours, she said. Nick Guman took home first place in the event after impressing the judgfashion continues on page 6

anais harvey, visual communication junior, struts down the sidewalk wearing an outfit she created from recyclable materials at the RecycleMania Fashion Show on Monday afternoon outside Brazos Hall. Harvey received third place in the competition.

BanneRs continues on page 4


Runoff voting starts today for 1 Democrat position, 10 Republican positions The University Center Palo Duro lounge will be a voting site once again beginning today. Voters have a second chance to vote for some of their representatives at the city and state levels of government. Polls open at 8 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. until Thursday. Candidates who didn’t

garner enough votes to avoid a runoff are on the ballot again, with two people from each party vying for their party’s nomination. People who voted the first time around can only vote with the same party they sided with during the March 2 primaries. First-time voters in the 2010 primaries can choose either party.

Many eyes will be on the race between incumbent Marti VanRavenswaay and challenger Andy Nguyen for the Tarrant County Commissioner Precinct 2 post. VanRavenswaay has held the seat for almost 20 years. The job represents Arlington and Mansfield on the Commissioners Court. University spokeswoman

Kristin Sullivan said students should get out and vote because this runoff election is critical. “We want them to do everything they can to participate in the political process,” she said. “Our students should be at the forefront of political issues.”

— Johnathan Silver

The Shorthorn: Aisha Butt

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