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Drama kings and queens Find out what four one-act plays are this year’s Theatrefest. pulSe | Section B T h e

u n i v e r s i T y

o f

T e x a s

a T

a r l i n g T o n

Thursday april 15, 2010

volume 91, no. 106 www.theshorthorn.com

since 1919 Student Governance

Student life

Candidates square off Student leadership candidates address questions at forum. By Johnathan Silver The Shorthorn assistant news editor

During a candidate forum Wednesday, Student Governance candidates made a final collective effort to rally votes. Campus elections are next week on April 19 and 20. Candidates for Student Congress president and vice president, and candidates for Mr. and Ms. UTA, were all asked different predetermined questions. The floor was open to attendees to ask questions shortly after. Carter Bedford, Student

Bedford asked Resendez Governance and Organizations associate director, me- that since UTA is often used as an early voting site, how diated the forum. SC program director can student government inAaron Resendez said that as crease student-voter turnSC president, he wants Stu- out for public and on-campus elections. dent ConResendez gress to be said Student more visible. Congress “We are This story is one in many covering created an here to serve student governance elections, external relawhich take place April 19-20. the 29,000 tions division students who of the student go to school governing body to combat here,” he said. Science senator Brian such issues. He said as presRavkind, also running for ident, he would utilize such president, said he would offices to get UTA students lend an ear to all student to express opinions about on- and off- campus issues. grievances. Bedford asked Ravkind, “I want to make your wildest dreams come true,” an SC presidential candidate, what are the expectahe said.


tions of a student leader, and how would he meet them. “It requires that you can unite the student body and get them interested enough to take action,” Ravkind said. Some attendees took advantage of the 30 seats set up for viewers and listeners while others stood and chanted for their favorite contenders. But Ravkind took notice to the majority of the audience being students already involved with student activities. Bedford set the ground rules for what would be appropriate questions. Referencing a candidates’ perforUm continues on page 4

The Shorthorn: Will LaVoncher

Civil engineering freshman erica Hinojosa talks to a Wells Fargo representative about its accounts during the 2010 Housing Fair Wednesday afternoon in the Palo Duro Lounge.

international affairS

Students hunt for housing The Housing Fair brought at apartments and drawings for items such as a less vendors, but same TV and iPod Touch. number of visitors. Mike Love, The ShortBy rachel Snyder The Shorthorn staff

Students joined the hunt and scouted the various housing options at the 2010 Housing Fair. The second annual fair was held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the University Center Palo Duro Lounge to help students get information on housing options near campus. New this year was the theme, a jungle hunt. Many booths were decorated in bright colors and makeshift straw in keeping with the theme. The fair also featured student discounts on move-in and rent costs

horn student advertising manager, organized the event and said there were 33 exhibitors, including apartment complexes, hotels and an insurance company. The fair had less exhibitors than last year’s 38 but had about the same amount of visitors, around 2,000. Biology junior Aji Jaiteh said she came to the fair to look at apartment options for the fall semester. She said proximity to the campus is the deciding factor since she doesn’t drive. Interdisciplinary studies junior Alesia HoUsiNG continues on page 4


MavsACT to host awareness event of death in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site. According to the site, By John harden excessive alcohol conThe Shorthorn senior staff sumption contributes to Tonight the MavsACT more than 4,600 deaths program will among youth host the Beer under 21 in the Goggle BoUnited States when and nanza, giving each year. where participants a With the use chance to expeof specialized When: 7 p.m.rience drunken goggles that 8:30 p.m. Today driving and simulate the efWhere: Rosebud bowling withfects of intoxiTheatre out taking a sip cation, daily acContact: Candice of alcohol. tivities become Freeman, 817The Mavs272-9220 more difficult, ACT program said Loretta is hosting the Pequeno-Grifevent to demfin, Leadership onstrate the dangers of Center assistant director. motor skills while intoxi“The goggles are decated. The event is co- signed to illustrate the sponsored by the Leader- dangers of drinking while ship Center, Health Ser- driving,” she said. “We’ll vices and the Counseling have booths set up in the Services office. Rosebud Theatre where Excessive alcohol everyone can find out all use is the third leading lifestyle-related cause beer continues on page 4

Beer Goggle Bonanza will have goggles to simulate drunken driving.

The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

Jorge G. Castañeda, global distinguished politics professor at New York University, spoke Wednesday in the Central Library on how immigration issues have gone on for the last 100 years but still remain a secondary issue in the United States and Mexico. Castañeda served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico from 2000 to 2003 and is a prolific political writer with an interest in U.S.-Mexican relations.

Sharing a Border, Sharing interests

The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley

Castañeda spoke to a full house on Wednesday in the Central Library sixth floor parlor then fielded questions from students and the media.

Guest speaker said U.S. and Mexico need to collaborate to solve mutual issues. By alySia r. BrookS The Shorthorn staff

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico Jorge G. Castañeda said the U.S. and Mexico need to work together to solve the problems caused in both countries by illegal immigration. His lecture Wednesday night in the Central Library sixth floor parlor covered the history of Mexican immigration into the United States, how it has and has not changed over the

years and how both countries need to enact mutually beneficial reforms. “We are one of the most diverse universities in the nation,” President James Spaniolo said. “At UT Arlington, diversity is not a tagline, it is a reality. That’s complimented by special programs like this.” Castañeda’s talk, “Ex Mex: Migrants to Immigrants” was the Center for Mexican American Studies’ 2010 Distinguished Lecture. The center chose to have him speak because of

his numerous credentials and his experience with the immigration issue in both the U.S. and Mexico. “It is a rare and precious opportunity to have such a distinguished speaker here,” said center director Susan G. Baker. Castañeda said immigration from Mexico into the U.S. is nothing new, and for many years it was the policy of both nations to simply look the other way. miNister continues on page 4

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