Tuesday October 5, 2010
Volume 92, No. 23 www.theshorthorn.com
Since 1919
A fair trade Former musical act PlayRadioPlay, Daniel Hunter, follows his architecture dreams to UTA. SCENE | PAGE 4 SCIENCE
Physicists receive $1.3M grant ics research at UTA. Physics assistant professor Wei Chen and physics professor Andrew Brandt were recently awarded more than $1.3 million for the research of nanoparticles in radiation detection. The National Science Foundation awarded $253,000 for this year’s research, and Homeland Security
The money will be used to fund radiation research, equipment and salaries. BY ASHLEY BRADLEY The Shorthorn staff
Detecting radiation before it enters the country could become easier and cheaper through phys-
will support the research for the remaining four years. Brandt said the money will be used for tools, equipment and salaries for the detection of radiation. Chen said radiation can harm and mutate a person’s DNA and potentially cause cancer. He said if a terrorist were to put radia-
tion materials in a city’s water source, the entire city would then be forced to evacuate, and that is why radiation detection tools are important to society. He said a nanometer is the measurement of a particle. Nano means small, as such, a nanoparticle is a very small particle. Chen said a strand of hair is
about 10,000 nanometers in size and a nanoparticle is normally less than 100 nanometers. The role nanoparticles play in the research is explained when discussing luminescence technology, Chen said. This technology deals with the energy that is trigGRANT continues on page 6
Who are you?
House takes it off for cancer Panties, bras were placed outside of dorms to attract donors for the ninth annual ‘Bra Bridge’ Monday. BY BRIANNA FITZGERALD The Shorthorn staff
Outside of Brazos House bras, briefs, boxers and thongs are pinned to clotheslines. The undergarments are a representation of Brazos House’s ninth annual Bra Bridge, designed to promote Breast Cancer Awareness month. Residents and staff are accepting donations and handing out pamphlets to students who may have questions about breast cancer or would like to donate. Collin Harper, hall council vice president and anthropology senior, said their goal is to raise awareness and accept donations for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Harper said a donation and information booth will be set up from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 AWARENESS continues on page 6
The Shorthorn: Andrew Buckley
Mechanical engineering senior Omar Rosales looks at pictures of students participating in the UTA Identity Project on Monday in The Gallery at the University Center. Students are encouraged to have their pictures taken in the gallery through Thursday and answer the question “Who are you?” to be a part of an exhibit that will be displayed at the Diversity Lecture Series event on Nov. 3.
Alumni Association to honor eight, raise money for scholarships at gala
State agency investigates Carrizo wells
Nasser Ahmed Lozi, Jordan’s royal court chief, will be commended. BY J.C. DERRICK The Shorthorn staff
The Distinguished Alumni Gala is the Alumni Association’s biggest event of the year. And this year, it’s a royal occasion.
Led by Jordan’s Nasser Ahmed Lozi, eight alumni will be honored at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 16 in the University Center at the 2010 Distinguished Alumni Gala to raise money for scholarships. “It’s amazing. I would put him up there with Gen. Tommy Franks winning an award several years ago while he was the active general during the wars in Iraq and Af-
ghanistan,” said Neer Patel, Alumni Association president-elect. “It’s not often you have someone of this stature coming to the university.” Lozi, considered by some to be the second-most powerful man in Jordan, currently serves as chief of the Royal Hashemite Court for King Abdullah II. He will be honored at the black-tie event with the first-ever Distinguished Interna-
tional Alumni Award. “Because he is receiving our international alumni award, that really does broaden the focus of the Alumni Association,” Alumni Association President Bob Watson said. The association is striving to be more globally focused, he said.
The Shorthorn: Brian Dsouza
Nursing sophomore Ronald Truong listens to Randy Anderson, Plaza Medical Center nurse recruiter, during the nursing career fair Monday in the University Center Rio Grande Room. Truong said he was looking for a full-time job but would look for a part-time one to get practice.
Recruiters from local hospitals accepted resumes from nursing students and local seasoned nurses Monday. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram along with UTA’s College of Nursing hosted the Nursing Career
The Shorthorn staff
Fair. The fair was open to nursing students and professional nurses to allow for networking and job placement. Hospitals in attendance were Baylor, John Peter Smith, Scottish Rite and Cook Children’s Medical Center. Kathy Cramb, recruitment, advertising and multi-media consultant for the Star-Telegram, said 350 people were in attendance. FAIR continues on page 6
GAS continues on page 6
Nursing career fair provides job prospects The Shorthorn staff
The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality will notify Carrizo Oil and Gas Inc. of a possible air quality violation, according to an investigation report by the agency. The TCEQ conducted investigations in July and August after an Arlington resident made complaints to the TCEQ and provided them with medical records. An October 2008 TCEQ Interoffice Memorandum requires complainants substantiate claims of adverse health effects from air contamination with documentation from a health professional. Sandra DenBraber sent letters signed by her personal physician to the TCEQ and Carrizo stating she has suffered migraines, headaches and respiratory problems which she attributes to the gas well emissions. “Carrizo has been making me ill, and my doctor’s letter can confirm this,” DenBraber said. “I’ve been going to the doctor since 2008, and the letter was sent to Carrizo and TCEQ in June.” DenBraber lives about 600 feet
GALA continues on page 6
Students networked with employers for post-college careers Monday.
The investigation was conducted following residential complaints about air quality from drilling.