Thursday April 28, 2011
Volume 92, No. 112 www.theshorthorn.com
Since 1919
Tournament Time
Goin’ to the Rodeo
The UTA tennis teams have championships in their sights. SPORTS | NPAGE 5
Cowboys and girls can bull ride, calf rope and barrel race at Cowboy Coliseum. PULSE | SECTION B
Student could take 8 weeks to recover The Shorthorn staff
As of 8:50 p.m. Wednesday, the pre-nursing junior struck by an SUV was in sta-
junior Cameron Abelson, 21, was arrested. Barajas’ sister, Lorena Leon, said Barajas was moved to her own room in the hospital today. The past two days Barajas was in the intensive care unit. Leon said Barajas, mother of two, has been on high doses
of morphine and hydrocodone, and hospital staff lessened them today, enabling Barajas to eat and converse with visitors. Leon said her sister had fractures to her right leg, left wrist and one or two bones of the spinal cord. “She has had surgery for
UTA wins its first SLC championship in 6 years
her leg and hand, and a brace on her upper torso to stabilize the spine,” she said. “The recovery period is expected to be well over eight weeks.” The family intends to press charges against Abelson, she said.
Central Library
University Hall Cooper Street
ble condition at Harris Methodist Hospital in Fort Worth. Graciela Barajas, 30, was hit by a Ford Explorer at the intersection of South Nedderman Drive and Planetarium Place Monday on her way to class. She was taken to the hospital, and the driver, finance
COLLISION continues on page 6
Nedderman Drive
Pickard Hall Planetarium Pl.
Pedestrian had surgery for her leg and wrist, a brace for her spine.
Accident location
Funeral held for counselor’s husband today Steve McIntosh died of multiple gunshot wounds Friday evening. BY SARAH LUTZ The Shorthorn staff
The funeral service for the husband of a UTA counselor is at 3 p.m. today at Bluebonnet Hills Funeral Home and Memorial Park, 5725 Colleyville Blvd. in Colleyville. Belo Corp. executive Steve McIntosh died Friday night of multiple gunshot wounds according to the Tarrant County Medical Examiner report. Police found his body with business senior Antonio
Garcia’s lying in the parking lot of an Arlington day care where McIntosh was picking up his 3-year-old daughter. Garcia shot himself and died of a gunshot wound to the head, according to the report. Police are still investigating the motive. Garcia had received counseling from McIntosh’s wife, Adria Villarreal, assistant director of Counseling Services and licensed psychologist. There isn’t an indication that her relationship with Garcia was anything but professionFUNERAL continues on page 8
The Shorthorn: Daniel Molina
The UTA golf team congratulates each other on the 18th green of Waterchase Golf Club after winning the Southland Conference Championship on Wednesday. The win qualifies them to play in the 2011 NCAA Division-I Championship next month in Stillwater, Okla.
Coming into the final round of the Southland Conference Championship on Wednesday, UTA couldn’t rest easy with only a onestroke lead. But as senior Wes Worster approached the 18th green at Waterchase Golf Club in Fort Worth, there was no doubt that UTA had clinched its first SLC Champion-
ship in six years. With a nine-stroke lead, Worster birdied the 18th hole as his teammates ran down to join him in celebrating their title victory. “I feel great, it’s a great win for the team,” Worster said. “It’s fantastic.” Excitement filled the air as coach Jay Rees fought back tears while GOLF continues on page 4
Team UTA Lamar Southeastern Louisiana Central Arkansas Stephen F. Austin Sam Houston State UT-San Antonio Texas State Nicholls McNeese State
Rd 1 291 295 296 306 296 305 300 306 312 308
UC Palo Duro Lounge will be a polling place from Tuesday-Thursday. BY ALI AMIR MUSTANSIR The Shorthorn senior staff
FINAL LEADERBOARD Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Early voting begins Tues. for City Council
Rd 2 282 287 278 285 287 288 288 296 299 299
Rd 3 Score Total 289 -2 862 290 +8 872 299 +9 873 293 +20 884 302 +21 885 302 +31 895 308 +32 896 296 +34 898 293 +40 904 314 +57 921
Registered Arlington voters can begin choosing their next city government representatives on campus Tuesday morning. The university will host an early voting center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday in the University Center Palo Duro Lounge. Early voting in Tarrant
County begins Monday and different locations will be open at different times. During early voting, residents can vote for their district at any voting location in Tarrant County. On Election Day, they would have to vote in their district, said Arlington City Secretary Mary Supino. During last year’s election, nearly half of the counted votes were placed during the early voting period. “A lot of people take
Diggers celebrate lease extension on Saturday The event costs $10, money will fund a museum for the fossils. BY ASHLEY BRADLEY The Shorthorn staff
Before sunrise, at about 4 a.m., Euless resident Arthur Sahlstein took walks around the hillside behind his house. As the reflection of the moon hit the top of dirt, he admired twinkling lights that hit what
he thought were just rocks. After church one morning in 2003, his 6-year-old daughter Olivia asked to see where he went each morning. As they wandered through the open space, hoping to find arrowheads and talking about survival skills, Olivia sat down for a break. “What is this?” she asked her father. She then pulled up what would be, arguably, the first
dinosaur vertebrae found at the Arlington Archosaur Site in North Arlington. Derek Main, geology lecturer and site director, obtained the site for UTA for his Ph.D project in 2007. Because the site has uncovered two new species so far, and is working on a third, Huffines Communities – the owners of the property – will renew UTA’s lease for a ARCHOSAUR continues on page 3
VOTING continues on page 7
The Shorthorn: Aisha Butt
Electrical engineering sophomore Syahirah Rahman puts a hijab, or Islamic head wrap for women, on anthropology senior Cassandra Valencia for Islamic Awareness Week on Wednesday on the Central Library mall. “I really wanted to know what it felt like. And, since I am an anthropology student, we are taught to accept different cultures and get out of our comfort zone. And this is definitely out of my comfort zone,” Valencia said.