At the time the BUYER has made full payment on their purchase(s), and S.C. Online Sales bank has fully secured the funds, the Seller will be notified to release the BUYER’S purchased item(s). It is the responsibility of the seller to release all items to the buyer once they are notified of full payment. It is the responsibility of the BUYER to contact the seller to setup the means for shipping or transfer on all purchased items. In the event of a purchase not collected or transferred within one calendar year of the sale date, the purchased item will be considered abandoned by the buyer and become the property of the seller whether payment was made or not. Furthermore, any shipping, storage or insurance costs from the time of purchase becomes the financial responsibility of the BUYER. All transfers will only be between the BUYER and SELLER.
All the embryos in this sale offering are of either grade 1 or 2 and will be guaranteed alike. Unless stated in the sale lot notes, all the embryos are either ET or IVF Direct Thaw. All the embryos have been collected and frozen by a reputable facility. Please note, per all major embryo facilities, it is understood there is a margin of error associated with all embryo sexing technology. Therefore, the seller cannot and does not guarantee a particular sex of any live calf.
The Seller of the respective lots will guarantee (1) 60 day pregnancy if:
1) Embryo transfers are performed by a licensed embryologist
2) All Transfers must take place in one calendar year of the sale date
3) In the event there is not an established 60 day pregnancy within the above guidelines, the buyer will be given an additional embryo(s) of the same mating or of an agreed upon replacement of similar value. This will take place until a 60 day pregnancy is established.
Please note that the sale management acts only as an agent between the buyer and seller. Josiah Pirogowicz and any representatives are not to be held liable, financially or otherwise for any livestock, merchandise or accidents. The sale book was prepared with information provided by the seller and is assumed to be correct. All warranties on cattle or merchandise sold is the sole responsibility of the seller.
1 WW SWSN Paige 960G
What a way to lead off the inaugural Legacy of Champions sale. Kendall Bremer’s 960 donor is one of the most consistent donors to come along in sometime. Not only does she grow an operations bottom line by selling calves for $100,000 (half interest)
$81,500, $80,500, $70,000, $55,000, $51,000, $51,000, you can also get your pretty picture taken when they WIN and win BIG. Some might asked what the 2025 National Western Grand Champion steer, the 2023 AkSarBen Reserve Champion steer and the 2023 Reserve Kansas State Fair steer all have in common, these and many more are all offspring of THE Paige 960 Donor. You can talk about this donor and what she has accomplished all day, or you can belly up and ride the gravy train to the bank for yourself with your own full sibs. Your call!
2 JBOY Tammy 843
As you will see, we keep heating this sale up as you keep digging through it. Kathy Lehman came to the table in a big way when I asked her to put a couple donors in this event. If you have not heard of Kathy’s 843 donor, well you are probably living under a ROCK. 843 was a show heifer that won her far share of shows from a calf on into being a bred. She capped out her show career with the honor of being the Reserve Jr. Simmental Influenced heifer at The National Western in 2020. While her show career as one for the record books, her roll in Kathy’s donor battery has been just as exciting. From a $87,000, $45,000, $34,000, and $33,000 high sellers (just to name a few) to the Res Breeding heifer at the King of the Ridge, the Champion steer at the Hoosier Beef Congress and the 3rd overall Steer at the Indiana State Fair has made 843 a money tree for years to come for the Lehman operation. If you like to cash big checks or you like to get your pretty picture taken, you so look deeper here.
3-5 NCL Darby
I-80 X Hard Drive x Vegas | Maine | THF/PHAF/DSF
Not all “donor cows” are created equal. Some look pretty and win big banners in the show ring and some work in the pasture and make everyone talk. NCL Darby is the working kind. To date ONLY 3 embryos have even been sold on this cow. Of those 3 embryos they resulted in two steers selling this fall for $20,000 and $10,500. Not a bad ROI! Beyond those two, Darby also had steers sell in 2024 for $40,500, $40,000, $15,000, $14,000, $12,500, $11,000, $7,500, $6,500, $6,250 and $5,000. In the last 3 calf crops, Darby as generated over a half million dollars in sold cattle, securing her a place in the top of this sale. Along with the being able to generate cattle that sell high, Darby’s calves have also found their way to their fair share of wins. This is a rare opportunity to get a piece of this donor that might not come along again.
6 Miss Drama Class 15C
Monopoly | THF/PHAF
When it comes to rare and hard to get genetics the 15C donor could take the cake. To Date, 15C’s genetics have NEVER been offered to the public. This is a cow that hits and hits big every year for Jake Waldock and Brian Hiebertausen. When people talk about a watering hole, this is defiantly the well for the Rogers crew in North West Ohio. The calves out of this cow family play hard, win big and bring lots of money. Whether you are talking jack pots, state fairs or national shows, 15C has won or knocked on the door of them all. To date her calves have averaged $18,500 for the last several years with some high sellers being $50,000, $32,000, $27,000, $24,000 and $17,000. There has not been an opportunity like this to sell yet this year. Take advantage of this lot, I don’t know if this will come about again.
7-9 Fat Tina
If you are scrolling or flipping you better stop and look in here, Fat Tina is in the house. When I called Craig about offering up some embryos, I was elated to get these packages. Not only did Fat Tina whoop the boys when she showed, she sure passes that talent on to her boys too. Ft. Worth Res Champion Steer and Arizona Nationals Champion Steer are just the latest wins this donor has notched into her belt. It is not often this donor is offered to the public and it is understandable when you consider what the cattle have won and what they bring. In 2024 alone, Fat Tina cashed in with an average of $30,000 on 7 head. For those of you that struggle with math, that is a total of $210,000.00. Think of the ROI you could be looking at here!!!!!!
NEW DONOR alert!!!!!!!! You can bet a cow is special when a couple heifer focused guys purchase a donor and flush her to make steers. 2118K has always been pretty special, as a calf she sold for $120,000 in RJ’s fall sale. To add to the accreditations, her flush mate brother is RJ Trust Fund 212K, a material sister is Rylee Short’s Champion mainetainer heifer at the 2025 Iowa Beef Expo as well as another material sister Carley Kintzle won the Simmental division with at the 2025 Iowa Beef Expo. Regardless of all the accolades the most impressive thing that can be said about this female is to see her in person. Let’s just say she is front pasture quality.
This mating will result in ¾ sibs to the 2024 Grand Champion steer at the Illinois State Fair.
11 Zinni 2015
When this sale was being penciled out, I knew I wanted this donor in the sale. Not only does she fit the goal for exclusivity, but quality more so. Last spring she raised a In God We Trust steer that Will Coor purchased and later sold in his fall sale to Bonham for $44,500. It might be a bit early to tell, but it is looking like lightning has hit Zinni’s pasture again this spring as 2015 has a full sib bull calf at side of equal quality. The future is very bright for this young donor. Embryos will be available after April 15th
12 Luke’s Lady Love “Frannie”
Here is possible your only chance to pull from the heart of Weston Grauer’s Donor pen. His Mom and Dad thought what better way to debut Weston’s latest donor “Frannie” than to offer embryos in the inaugural Legacy of Champions Sale. Frannie was shown successfully by Weston to many top 5 overall banners, the most prestigious of which being 5th overall maintainer at the Maine Jr Nationals last summer. This is a young cow that will make her mark, get in on the ground floor while you can.
Franny is due to calve March 20th. Embryos will be available roughly 60 days after calving.
13 Hara’s Sull Princess 4142B “Syd”
It is said, mother like daughter. Hara’s Sull Princess 4142B more commonly known as Sid has more champions backing her than you could ever hope to have in a cow family. The Harriette cow family is one that has generated MILLIONS of dollars throughout the years and have won more shows than you have time to read here. It is hard to not want to tie in to genetics that run generations deep like they do in this donor. In just the last couple years, steers out of Sid have gone on to be Champion at the Iowa State fair, 3rd overall at the Iowa State Fair, Reserve at AkSarBan and have won or placed in the top 5 of countless jackpot shows. In 2024 Sid grossed an excess of $115,000 in steers alone. Whether you are in the business to make money or winning, I would look hard here. This is a no miss opportunity.
14-15 NCL Darcie
If you have not studied genetics there is typically one thing in common with the best donors, they come from a family of top producers. The Darcie cow is the flush mate sister to NCL Darby. This cow family has done and continues to lead the way at North Coast Livestock. Darcie is newer to the donor program there, but is already making a big impact. Her first steer out of Here I am was shown by Wyatt King and went on to be the Grand Champion steer at the YLE this last summer. The Miller Family is set to show another brother yet this winter that could possibly the best steer to date out of Darcie. This is a Donor you will want to pay attention too.
16 ACMD Jackie 909J
lot 16
New to the donor pen, but not new to the winners club. Jackie is the full sister to Benes reserve supreme heifer at the Cheyenne Livestock Expo, as well as the reserve jr. heifer at the Nebraska State Fair. Her Dam is Karlee Shiery’s reserve overall heifer at the Michigan Winter Classic, and her grand dam is the Acmoody’s Kansas City supreme heifer, Lucy. Even though Jackie was not a “show heifer” her offspring seem like that will be taking after the rest of the cow family. Jackie’s 2nd natural calf is the Here I Am steer being shown by the Poff’s family this year. Sold by Grauer for $14,000, this steer is living up to his price tag with two top 5 overall banners to date. This is a young donor with a very bright future.
A legend in her own right, Cinderella is the monarch to the North Coast Livestock program. Even with some age on her, there is not a person that goes through the pastures that does not ask about her. She was always a standout in the show ring and continues that trend as a donor for her ability to produce good cattle. Whether she has been matted to charolais or clubbies, she has always hit big. Her biggest accomplishment came this past summer when a pair of Fire in the Hole bulls hit the ground. From the time they were born they were straight standouts until the day they headed for Texas. This is a matting you will be seeing a lot of around NCL next year.
It is always said that champions make champion. Princess is a direct daughter of NCL Darby and out of Chosen One. This young donor was shown very successfully by Alicia Graham last winter and summer where she was never left out of her division and made it in the top 5 with the boys a handful of times. She ended her show career being named Reserve Market Heifer at The Ohio State Fair. Princess might be young, but there is bright future to be had here. This matting could take a program to the next level. This will be the only offering of embryos out of Princess possible ever. Get them while you can.
19-20 VLK Pebble 702
Hello Felicia. Leave it to Kathy to be holding back on all of us. . Felicia was shown very successfully by Kathy and is proving her worth by producing some legit steers. This donor is young in the program with a lot to offer. Pick the Here I Am matting and you will have full sibs to the winning steer Cooper Cummings campaigned a couple years back. Or shake the dice a grab the How Greats and go for the big timers. Either way you will love the outcome.
21 JBOY Tammy 069H “Hartz”
Sometimes putting a sale order together makes you scratch your head no matter how you move the lots around. However, when an animal is as good as Hartz, it does not matter where they fall, they can hold their own. Being the younger red head to Kathy Lehman’s 843 Tammy cow, Hartz is loaded and set to make just as big of a wave as her older sister. Never sold before, these embryos will be full sibs in blood to the 3rd overall steer at the Indiana state fair and the champion steer at the Hoosier Beef Congress. Hop on the ground floor here or get left behind.
The sultry cow family is as famous for producing champions and high sellers in the female world as any other cow family to date. When Jake asked about including this package I could not say no. Female mattings were not the focus of this sale at first, but when they are this good, you offer them. 7983E is a full sister to many popular donors such as Schaeffer’s Who’s Playing 6973D, England’s Sultry Dear 5978C, Sullivan’s Who Dat Darling and Who Dat 1602 to just name a few sisters. This mating will result in full blood sisters to the high seller in the New Era sale for $252,000 that was shown by Sara Sullivan as well as 3 heifers Nelson England sold half interest in for $35,000.00, $35,000 and $51,000, full sisters to a heifer Devon Olson sold for $24,500, Seys recent Res Supreme heifer at the Missouri AGR and many other high sellers and Champions.