What you need to know about FAFSA: The Signpost 1/23/2023

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Tuesday | January 23, 2024 | Volume 98 | Issue 4 Cover Photo By: AJ Handley | The Signpost


Sara Staker | The Signpost

2 | NEWS | thesignpostwsu.com | January 23, 2024


Which republican candidate suspended their presidential campaign on Jan. 21?


What is the name of the film festival currently going on in Park

Which ski resort reopened to the public after a fire?

Roughly how long will the four-man crew of astronauts stay on the international space station?

A. Donald Trump

A. Cannes Film Festival

A. Powder Mountain

A. 2 years

B. Vivek Ramaswamy

B. Sundance Film Festival

B. SnowBasin

B. 14 days

C. Nikki Haley

C. Coachella Film Festival

C. Nordic Valley

C. 3 months

D. Ron Desantis

D. Tribeca Festival

D. Deer Valley

D. 72 hours


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will be holding open presentations

Jan. 19 Noon - 4:30 p.m. in the Stewart Library, HetzelHoellein Room 321,


Jan. 26 (if needed) Noon - 4:30 p.m. in the Shepherd Union, Room 404AB,

to decide where your student fees will go beginning in the 2024-2025 school year.

More information and for Zoom links: weber.edu/student-access-success/student-fees.html

For more info about Weber State Army ROTC, contact Clyde Ratliff at (801) 626-8609, or email clyderatliff1@weber.edu. Visit us at weber.edu/rotc. ©2023 U.S. ARMY. PAID FOR BY THE U.S. ARMY.



4 | CULTURE | thesignpostwsu.com | January 23, 2024

A fire fighter on top of a fire truck as they work to put out a building fire.

A snowboarder going down the mountain trail at a ski and snowboarding resort. By JACEY ROE Reporter

Nordic Valley Ski Resort temporarily closed its doors due to a fire on Jan. 15. The fire started around 1:50 a.m. in the main lodge. The cause of the fire remains unknown and no injuries were reported. However, it damaged the ticket office, retail store, restaurant and business offices. Nordic Valley was quick to email season pass holders that they would be closed until the power and other systems were running again. “We are evaluating the situation day by day and will keep you updated as soon as we get more information. Please stay tuned to our social media and our websites for these updates,” the email sent to pass holders said.

On Jan. 17, Nordic Valley operations sent another email notifying pass holders that the resort would be open to them the morning of Jan. 18 and closed for the night. “We are still in the process of rebuilding and recovering and, as a result, we will have limited amenities. Operational hours will be 10 a.m.-4 p.m.,” Nordic Valley operations said. Nordic Valley Ski Resort partially reopened to the public on Jan. 20. The resort requires guests to pre-purchase their lift tickets as onsite tickets are unavailable. “Our team has worked tirelessly the last couple of days to make this possible. We also want to take this time to thank you all for the outpouring of love and support you’ve sent our way, it has not gone unnoticed,” Nordic Valley said.

Art Elements

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6 | CULTURE | thesignpostwsu.com | January 23, 2024


“Society of the Snow” was released to Netflix on Dec. 22 and has gained a largely positive reception from critics. It is an unexpected candidate for Best International Feature at this year’s coming Academy Awards, who will announce their nominations on Jan. 23. “Society of the Snow” tells the story of the Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 which crashed into the side of the Andes Mountains on Oct. 13, 1972. The aircraft was transporting an Old Christian Rugby team from Uruguay as well as many friends and family of the team. The team was headed to Santiago, Chile for a

rugby game. The plane consisted of 40 passengers and five crew members. The passengers that survived the initial crash were forced to survive on the top of the snowy mountains for 72 days. The new film from B.A. Bayona is not the first time that this story has been adapted into a film. Aside from a handful of documentaries covering the event, the most notable feature is 1993’s “Alive” from director Frank Marshall, starring a young Ethan Hawke. The two films are obviously quite similar as they are both about the same incident, but the biggest difference is that “Alive” features an all-American and English speaking cast. Even now, “Alive” feels like a very marketable way to sell this story to American audiences at the time. Thirty years later, this fresh take on the story features an all-Spanish speaking cast and with the help of modern day filmmaking technology, “Society of the Snow” can attempt to tell this story with the hope and pain that runs through the tale. “Society of the Snow” wastes no time getting the characters onto the side of the mountain. Within the first 20 minutes, the horrific crash has happened and the characters are stranded. During this stretch of the

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film, it can be difficult to navigate who the many characters are and what their role will be within the story. The characters’ personalities and roles only become present once they have spent some time in the Andes. This feels like a very conscious choice to show the ways people might show their true selves in times of crisis. The film makes an effort to honor anyone who died during the accident and events that followed via text on screen that reads the person’s name and age. While this tribute is appreciated, the film fails to create any audience connection with these names during the earlier points in the film. The crash scene is scary and intense, but it is hard to connect with any of the characters stuck in the situation as we do not know who any of them are. The film’s emotional beats rely heavily on narration from character Numa Turcatti (Enzo Vogrincic) which makes for an interesting choice considering a twist that the film plays during the last hour. Despite this, the film does not have a true lead even with the narration from Numa. “Society of the Snow” features breathtaking shots of mountainsides that, while very pretty, do enforce a feeling of isolation for the group of survivors. The environment is

the villain here and will not let the characters have a moment of hope with the occasional storm or avalanche. To counter the large landscapes around the plane crash, Bayona constantly uses close up shots of the characters’ faces that make for a feeling of claustrophobia, especially during the initial crash sequence. Bayona brings a lot of moral questions to the film that previous adaptations touch on but don’t delve into the way “Society of the Snow” has. While “Alive” enforces more religious undertones to the film, “Society of the Snow” doesn’t avoid but instead challenges those tones with the experiences that the survivors are having. There is an argument to be made that this creative decision makes for a more satisfying ending once those stranded are rescued, but there is also an argument to be made that it makes for a far more difficult watch. While maybe not for everyone, “Society of the Snow ‘’ is one of the most powerful films to have been released in 2023 and pays respects to those involved in Flight 571 in ways that previous adaptations have not.


January 23, 2024 | thesignpostwsu.com | CULTURE| 7

A screen grab of the actors portraying the Old Christian Rugby team from Uruguay, posing for a photo together in the movie “Society of Snow.”



“La sociedad de la nieve” se estrenó en Netflix el 22 de diciembre y ha obtenido una acogida muy positiva por parte de los críticos. Es una inesperada candidata a Mejor Película Internacional en los próximos Premios de la Academia, que anunciarán sus nominaciones el 23 de enero. “La sociedad de la nieve” narra la historia del vuelo 571 de la Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya, el cual se estrelló contra la ladera de la cordillera de los Andes el 13 de octubre de 1972. El avión transportaba a un equipo de rugby Uruguayo llamado Old Christians, así como a muchos amigos y familiares del equi-

po. El equipo se dirigía a Santiago de Chile para un partido de rugby. En el avión viajaban 40 pasajeros y cinco miembros de la tripulación. Los pasajeros que sobrevivieron al accidente inicial se vieron obligados a sobrevivir en lo alto de las montañas nevadas durante 72 días. La nueva película de B.A. Bayona no es la primera vez que esta historia se adapta al cine. Aparte de un puñado de documentales sobre el suceso, el largometraje más notable es “¡Viven!”, de 1993, del director Frank Marshall, protagonizado por un joven Ethan Hawke. Las dos películas son, obviamente, bastante similares, ya que ambas tratan del mismo incidente, pero la mayor diferencia es que “¡Viven!” cuenta con un reparto totalmente estadounidense y de habla inglesa. Incluso ahora, “¡Viven!” parece una forma muy comercial de vender esta historia al público estadounidense de la época. Treinta años después, esta nueva versión de la historia cuenta con un reparto totalmente hispanohablante y, con la ayuda de la tecnología cinematográfica actual, “La sociedad de la nieve” puede tratar de contar esta historia con la esperanza y el dolor que recorren el relato. “La sociedad de la nieve” no pierde el tiempo en llevar a los personajes a la ladera de la montaña. En los primeros 20 minutos, se produce el terrible accidente y los personajes se quedan varados. Durante este tramo de la

película, puede resultar difícil saber quiénes son los numerosos personajes y cuál será su papel en la historia. Las personalidades y los papeles de los personajes sólo se hacen presentes una vez que han pasado algún tiempo en los Andes. Se trata de una elección consciente para mostrar la forma en que las personas pueden mostrar su verdadero ser en tiempos de crisis. La película hace un esfuerzo por honrar a todos los fallecidos durante el accidente y los acontecimientos posteriores mediante un texto en pantalla en el que se lee el nombre y la edad de la persona. Aunque este homenaje es apreciado, la película no consigue crear ninguna conexión entre el público y estos nombres durante los primeros momentos de la película. La escena del accidente es aterradora e intensa, pero es difícil conectar con alguno de los personajes atrapados en la situación, ya que no sabemos nada de ellos. Los latidos emocionales de la película dependen en gran medida de la narración del personaje de Numa Turcatti (Enzo Vogrincic), una elección interesante teniendo en cuenta el giro que da la película durante la última hora. A pesar de ello, la película no tiene un verdadero protagonista, ni siquiera con la narración de Numa. “La sociedad de la nieve” presenta impresionantes tomas de laderas montañosas que, aunque muy bonitas, refuerzan la sensación de aislamiento del grupo de supervivientes.

El entorno es el villano en esta historia, el cual no permite que los personajes tengan un momento de esperanza con las ocasionales tormentas o avalanchas. Para contrarrestar los grandes paisajes que rodean el accidente aéreo, Bayona utiliza constantemente primeros planos de los rostros de los personajes que provocan una sensación de claustrofobia, especialmente durante la secuencia inicial del accidente. Bayona aporta a la película muchas cuestiones morales que las adaptaciones anteriores tocaron pero no profundizaron como lo ha hecho “La sociedad de la nieve”. Mientras que “¡Viven!” impone un trasfondo más religioso a la película, “La sociedad de la nieve” no lo evita, sino que desafía esos tonos con las experiencias que viven los supervivientes. Se puede argumentar que esta decisión creativa hace que el final sea más satisfactorio una vez rescatados los atrapados, pero también se puede argumentar que hace que sea mucho más difícil de ver. Aunque quizá no sea para todo el mundo, “La sociedad de la nieve ‘’ es una de las películas más impactantes que se han estrenado en 2023 y rinde homenaje a los implicados en el vuelo 571 de una forma que no lo han hecho las adaptaciones anteriores.

8 | NEWS | thesignpostwsu.com | January 23, 2024

By BRISA ODENTHAL Section Editor

provide for or raise you,” the Department of Education said. Another change that will come with the new FAFSA form is that more students will be eligible for Pell Grants, which are funding grants given to students who show “exceptional financial need,” according to the Department of Education. “Starting in the 2024-25 award year, an estimated 610,000 new students will be eligible for Federal Pell Grant. An additional 1.5 million students will also be eligible to receive a maximum Pell Grant award,” the Department of Education said. Because Pell Grants are not paid back to the government by the student, the increase in the availability of these grants will provide more students the opportunity to attend college with less debt than they would with just Stafford Loans. The maximum available Pell Grant amount is $7,395. Another change to FAFSA this year is that students will be emailed their SAI and FAFSA submission summary after their form has been submitted and processed. Though this is not an offer of aid, students will receive those through their institution, it will help students get a better idea of what kind of aid

AJ Handley | The Signpost

It’s that time of year again when post-secondary students must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, but this year’s form comes with some changes. The form, which opened on Oct. 1 every year before, was originally slated to have an opening date of Dec. 31, according to the Department of Education. However, with all of the changes that occurred with this year’s FAFSA, the form was not ready for some students until a few days after the original date. The biggest change to the FAFSA form is the Student Aid Index which will be replacing the Expected Family Contribution that was calculated in previous years. “Our Student Aid Index is an index number that’s calculated using the information that you and your contributors provide on the FAFSA form. Your SAI can range anywhere from –1,500 to 999,999. Note that it is not a dollar amount. The SAI replaces the Expected Family Contribution starting in the 2024–25 award year,” the Department of Education said on its website.

Due to the switch from the EFC to the SAI, students who are in the same family may receive different grants and scholarships from their universities or the federal government because it takes the student’s financial situation more into account, rather than just the family’s if that student is considered a dependent. One factor that will greatly influence a student’s SAI is the addition of “contributors.” “‘Contributor’ is a new term on the 2024– 25 FAFSA form. It refers to anyone (you, your spouse, your biological or adoptive parent, or your parent’s spouse) who’s asked to provide their information, consent and approval to have their federal tax information transferred automatically from the IRS into the FAFSA form and signature on your FAFSA form,” the Department of Education said. Because of this, the parent/guardian portion of the FAFSA will be different than it has been in previous years. However, contributors must have some sort of legal relation to the student to be added to the FAFSA. “Unless they’ve legally adopted you, your grandparents, foster parents, legal guardians, siblings, and aunts and uncles aren’t considered contributors—even if they helped

Students spend their morning studying at the desks in Shepard Union.

they will be eligible for. The changes to the FAFSA form do not just affect the students who are receiving aid, it will also affect the institutions the students will be attending. “The U.S. Department [of Education] delayed schools from receiving the FAFSA applications until after Feb. 1. We are still in the dark since the U.S. Department is still making changes to the application,” Jed Spencer, the executive director of financial aid and scholarships at Weber State University, said. Because of this, students who have filled out the form early will be in the dark about their financial aid awards for the 2024-25 school year until February, at the very earliest. The 2024-25 FAFSA is now open to students and the deadline to fill out the form is June 30, 2025. WSU will host a FAFSA Night on Jan. 24 from 4-7 p.m. in the Shepherd Union building for those who need help with this year’s form. Students who are unable to attend or who have any further questions can reach out to the Financial Aid Office located in the Student Services Building. Share this story at thesignpostwsu.com

AJ Handley | The Signpost

January 23, 2024 | thesignpostwsu.com | NEWS | 9

AJ Handley | The Signpost

AJ Handley | The Signpost

Students await the bus at the OGX station outside of Shepard Union.

Left: Students walk past the statue of Louis Moench that stands outside of Lindquist Hall, draped in a Weber State scarf. Right: Students walk to class on a snow covered campus.

10 | NEWS | thesignpostwsu.com | January 23, 2024


POR BRISA ODENTHAL Editor de Sección

Es ese tiempo de año cuando los estudiantes de terciario necesitan llenar la Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA), pero este año algunas cosas en la forma han cambiado. La forma, que abrió el primero de Octubre cada año antes, que originalmente tenía que estar disponible el 31 de Diciembre, según el Departamento de Educación. Pero, con todos los cambios que ocurrieron con la forma de FAFSA este año, la forma no estaba lista para algunos estudiantes hasta algunos días después. El cambio más grande en la forma de FAFSA es el Índice de Ayuda Estudiantil que va reemplazar la Contribución Familiar Esperada

que fue calculado en años anteriores. “Nuestro Índice de Ayuda Estudiantil es un número de índice calculado usando la información que usted y sus contribuyentes ponen en la forma de FAFSA. Su Índice de Ayuda Estudiantil puede variar desde-1,500 hasta 999,999. No es una cantidad de dinero. El Índice de Ayuda Estudiantil reemplaza la Contribución Familiar Esperada comenzando en el 2024-25 año,” dice el Departamento de Educación en su página web. Por el cambio de Contribución Familiar Esperada al Índice de Ayuda Estudiantil, es que estudiantes que están en la misma familia pueden recibir diferentes subvenciones y becas de otras universidades o del gobierno federal porque toma en cuento la situación financiera de los estudiantes, inves de la familia si el estudiante es un dependiente. Algo que influye significativamente al Índice de Ayuda Estudiantil es la adición de “contribuyentes.” “‘Contribuyenter’ es una nueva terminó en la forma de FAFSA 2024-25. Se refiere a alguien (usted, su cónyuge, su padre biológico o adoptivo, o el cónyuge de su padre) que estén preguntados por su información, consentimiento y apruebo de tener su información de impuestos federales transferidos automáticamente del IRS a la forma de FAFSA y firmar su forma de FAFSA,” dice el Departamento de Educación. Por esto, el padre/tutor porción de FAFSA sería diferente que ha sido en años anteriores. Pero, los contribuyentes tienen que tener una relación legal con el estudiante para ser agregados al FAFSA. “Si no te han adoptado legalmente, sus abuelos, padres de acogida, hermanos, y tías y tíos no son considerados contribuyentes-aunque sí ayudaron mantener o ayudar criarte a ti,” dice el Departamento de Educación. Otro cambio que viene con la nueva forma de FAFSA es que más estudiantes serán elegibles por Subvenciones Pell, que son subvenciones dados a los estudiantes que enseñan “necesidad financiera excepcional,” según el Departamento de Educación. “Comenzando el 2024-25 año, un estimado 610,000 nuevos estudiantes serán elegibles para la Subvención Pell Federal. Un adicional 1.5 millones de estudiantes también serían elegibles para recibir una Subvención Pell máxima,” dice el Departamento de Educación.

Como las Subvenciones Pell no son pagadas devuelta al gobierno por los estudiantes, el aumento en la disponibilidad de las subvenciones va dar más oportunidades a los estudiantes atender la universidad con menos deudas a las que tuvieran con Préstamos Stafford. Lo máximo que estaría disponible es $7,395. Otro cambio a FAFSA este año es que los estudiantes van hacer mandados su Índice de Ayuda Estudiantil por correo electrónico y entregados un resumen de FAFSA después que su forma sea entregado y procesado. Esto no es una oferta de ayuda, estudiantes recibieran por su institución, para tener una mejor idea de que tipo de ayuda van hacer elegibles. Estos cambios a la forma de FAFSA no solamente afectan los estudiantes que reciben ayuda, sino también afecta las instituciones que los estudiantes estarían atendiendo. “El Departamento de los Estados Unidos [de Educación] demoró las escuelas recibi-

endo las aplicaciones de FAFSA después del primer de Febrero. Nosotros no tenemos idea porque el Departamento de los Estados Unidos todavía está cambiando la aplicación,” dice Jed Spencer, director ejecutivo de ayuda financiera y becas en la universidad de Weber State. Por esta razón, estudiantes que han llenado la forma temprano no saben de la ayuda financiera que van a recibir por el 2024-25 año escolar hasta Febrero, a lo más temprano. El 2024-25 FAFSA está abierto para los estudiantes y la fecha de entrega es el 30 de Junio, 2025. La universidad de Weber State va tener una noche de FAFSA el 24 de Enero desde las 4 de la tarde hasta las 7 de la tarde en el edificio de Shepherd Union para los que necesitan ayuda con la forma de este año. Estudiantes que no pueden atender o que tienen más preguntas pueden contactar la Oficina de Ayuda Financiera, ubicado en el edificio de Student Services.

AJ Handley | The Signpost


Waldo greets students visiting the Financial Aid and Scholarships office.

By JACOBA JONES Asst. Section Editor

On the women’s side, Angelyca Chapman placed first in the 400 meter and had a time of 57.11 and second in the 200 meter with a time of 25.77 seconds. Sandra Aberg in the 800 meter finished third with a time of 2:18.02. Jasmine Devers finished first with a time of 7.19 seconds in the 55 meters. Dawson Rothenbuhler placed second in shot put with a mark of 47–03.25 feet and Kapua Pulotu placed third in shot put with a mark of 46–05.50. Elizabeth Littlewood in the long jump placed first with a mark of 18–05.25 and third in the high jump with a mark of 5–05.00 “I am pleased with the team’s progress,” Paul Pilkington, WSU women’s head coach, said to Weber’s Athletics Program at the meet. “We are getting better each meet.” The Wildcat’s next meet will be at the University of Washington for the UW Invitational and will take place on Jan. 26 and 27.

Weber State Athletics

Weber State University’s track and field for both men and women finished their third meet of the season. On Jan. 19 and 20, the Wildcats hosted an invitational at WSU’s Stromberg Complex. Weber hosted runners and teams from the University of Utah, Utah State University, Salt Lake Community College, Utah Valley University, Idaho State University, Brigham Young University and Westminster College. The overall results of the meet were as follows: Utah State came in first with a score of 152.0, followed by Utah Valley with a score of 101.0, Idaho State came in third with a score of 72.0, fourth was Weber with a score of 61.0, next was Salt Lake Community College with a score of 26.0, Brigham Young in sixth with a score of 22.0, and seventh was Westminster with a score of 4.0. “It was a very competitive home meet for us– one of the biggest meets we’ve ever

hosted indoors,” Corbin Talley, the WSU men’s head coach, said to Weber’s Athletics Program. “We were grateful to have some nice community and alumni support.” On the men’s side, the stadium record was broken by JaQuavious Harris on Salt Lake Community College’s team. Harris ran a 4:07.40 mile which broke the record of 4:10.71 set in 2004 by Weber student Jace Nye. Weber’s men’s medley relay finished with a time of 10:09.54 which placed them in second, and the third fastest time in the NCAA this year. Carson Horspool finished third with a time of 8:36.63 in the 3000 meter. Rodee Brow placed first in the 400 meter with a time of 49.33 seconds. Jed Smith placed second in the pole vault with a mark of 15’11. Jeims Molina placed third in the shot put with a mark of 45’10. “We have a pretty young team, and we need to keep learning to compete with heart but we’re making progress and getting better each week,” Talley said to Weber’s Athletics Program.

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Weber State University Women’s Track and Field, Eliza Smith, competing against various other colleges jumping over hurdles.

By COLLYN COWLES Section Editor

Weber State University’s recent performances have been a rollercoaster of emotions, showcasing both triumphs and challenges. In their first home game of Big Sky play, the Wildcats faced a tough battle against Eastern Washington, ultimately losing 80–78 at the Dee Events Center on Jan. 18. The game saw remarkable moments, including Weber State’s strong first-half performance with a 56% shooting rate and eight 3-pointers. However, the second half presented difficulties, with the Wildcats going 3 of 15 from beyond the arc and shooting 33% from the field. Despite facing a 13-point deficit midway through the first half, Weber State managed to lead 47–39 at halftime. Eastern Washington, however, mounted a comeback with a 12–0 run in the second half, eventually securing a 20–4 run and a 61–54 lead with 13:12 left to play. The Wildcats showed resilience, regaining the lead at 72–71 with 3:52 remaining, resulting in a tied game four times in the final minutes. The statistical battle was intense, with Eastern Washington shooting 53% from the field compared to Weber State’s 45%. The Wildcats made 11 3-pointers, holding the Eagles to six, but struggled in rebounding, trailing 31–28, and conceding 36 points in the paint. Steven Verplancken led the team with 16 points, while Dillon Jones achieved his 11th double-double of the season, reaching 1,000 career rebounds and tying Eddie Gill for first in steals in WSU history with 178. “We had a six-game stretch where everything was going our direction. The last three games haven’t, and we’ll find out a lot about who we are on Saturday night,” Eric Duft, head coach, said. Weber State faced a three-game losing streak, making their next game against the University of Idaho crucial. Fortunately, the

Wildcats bounced back with an 88–65 victory at the Dee Events Center on Jan. 20. “Really proud of our team, especially our veterans, and how they rallied the team,” Duft said. “Our leaders led tonight.” The game saw Idaho taking an early 18–6 lead, but Weber State responded with a 10–0 run, eventually tying the score 35–35 at halftime. The Wildcats dominated the second half, outscoring the Vandals 53–30 and ending the three-game losing streak. Weber State showcased a balanced offensive performance, shooting 50%, making 10 3-pointers, and outrebounding Idaho 37–21. Blaise Threatt achieved a career-high with 24 points, while Dyson Koehler contributed a career-high 23 points. Dillon Jones secured his 12th double-double and became WSU’s all-time leader in career steals with 180. Duft praised the team’s energy and resilience, highlighting key plays by Koehler, Threatt and Jones. The victory marked a significant turnaround for the Wildcats, who faced challenges in defending against Idaho’s early lead. In the broader Big Sky context, Eastern Washington continued their success with a 79–67 win over Idaho State, maintaining a perfect 5–0 record, while Northern Colorado secured a blowout home win against Portland State, currently standing at 4–1 in league play. The competitive landscape within the conference remains dynamic, with teams striving for success in the ongoing season. The Wildcats quickly turned around for yet another road game, taking on the University of Montana in Missoula on Jan. 22. Despite the recent challenges, the Wildcats aim to maintain their standard of play, acknowledging the tough schedule ahead.

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SARA STAKER | The Signpost

12 | SPORTS | thesignpostwsu.com | January 23, 2024

Dyson Koehler passing the basketball to another Weber State University team mate.

January 23, 2024 | thesignpostwsu.com | SPORTS | 13



Los últimos espectáculos de Weber State University han sido una montaña rusa de emociones, mostrando tanto triunfos como desafíos. En su primer partido en casa de la Big Sky, los Wildcats se enfrentaron a una dura batalla contra Eastern Washington, perdiendo finalmente 80-78 en el Dee Events Center el 18 de enero. El partido tuvo momentos notables, como la gran actuación de Weber State en la primera parte, con un 56% de acierto y ocho triples. Sin embargo, la segunda mitad presentó dificultades, con los Wildcats yendo 3 de 15 desde más allá del arco y disparando un 33% desde el campo. A pesar de enfrentarse a un déficit de 13 puntos a mediados de la primera mitad, Weber State logró liderar 47-39 en el descanso. Eastern Washington, sin embargo, montó una remontada con una racha de 12-0 en la segunda mitad, asegurando finalmente una racha de 20-4 y una ventaja de 61-54 con 13:12 por jugarse. Los Wildcats mostraron resistencia, recuperando la ventaja a 72-71 con 3:52 restantes, resultando en un juego empatado cuatro veces en los minutos finales. La batalla estadística fue intensa, con Eastern Washington lanzando un 53% desde el campo frente al 45% de Weber State. Los Wildcats anotaron 11 triples y los Eagles sólo seis, pero tuvieron problemas en el rebote, con 3128, y encajaron 36 puntos en la pintura. Steven Verplancken lideró al equipo con 16 puntos, mientras que Dillon Jones logró su undécimo doble-doble de la temporada, alcanzando los 1.000 rebotes en su carrera y empatando a Eddie Gill por el primer puesto en robos en la historia de la WSU con 178. “Tuvimos una racha de seis partidos en los que todo iba en nuestra dirección. Los últimos tres partidos no lo han hecho, y vamos a averiguar mucho acerca de lo que somos en la noche del sábado”, dijo Eric Duft, entrenador en jefe. Weber State se enfrentaba a una racha de

tres derrotas consecutivas, por lo que su próximo partido, contra la Universidad de Idaho, era crucial. Afortunadamente, los Wildcats se recuperaron con una victoria por 88-65 en el Dee Events Center el 20 de enero. “Realmente orgullosos de nuestro equipo, especialmente de nuestros veteranos, y de cómo reunieron al equipo”, dijo Duft. “Nuestros líderes lideraron esta noche”. El juego vio Idaho tomar una ventaja temprana de 18-6, pero Weber State respondió con una racha de 10-0, con el tiempo empatando el marcador 35-35 en el descanso. Los Wildcats dominaron la segunda mitad, superando a los Vandals 53-30 y poniendo fin a la racha de tres partidos perdidos. Weber State mostró un rendimiento ofensivo equilibrado, con un 50% en tiros, 10 triples y 37-21 en rebotes sobre Idaho. Blaise Threatt logró el récord de su carrera con 24 puntos, mientras que Dyson Koehler contribuyó con 23 puntos. Dillon Jones consiguió su 12º doble-doble y se convirtió en el líder histórico de la WSU en robos de balón con 180. Duft alabó la energía y resistencia del equipo, destacando las jugadas clave de Koehler, Threatt y Jones. La victoria marcó un cambio significativo para los Wildcats, que se enfrentaron a desafíos en la defensa contra la ventaja inicial de Idaho. En el contexto más amplio de la Big Sky, Eastern Washington continuó su éxito con una victoria por 79-67 sobre Idaho State, manteniendo un récord perfecto de 5-0, mientras que Northern Colorado aseguró una victoria aplastante en casa contra Portland State, situándose actualmente en 4-1 en el juego de la liga. El panorama competitivo dentro de la conferencia sigue siendo dinámico, con equipos luchando por el éxito en la temporada en curso. Los Wildcats se volvieron rápidamente para otro partido en la carretera, enfrentándose a la Universidad de Montana en Missoula el 22 de enero. A pesar de los recientes desafíos, los Wildcats aspiran a mantener su nivel de Steven Verplancken communicating with fellow Weber State University juego, reconociendo el duro calendario que players on the court. tienen por delante.

SARA STAKER | The Signpost


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January 23, 2024 | thesignpostwsu.com | NEWS | 15


The answer is D, Ron Desantis. According to NPR, Desantis made the announcement through a video on X where he also endorsed Republican candidate and former President Donald Trump.

The answer is B, Sundance Film Festival. According to the Park City website, the Sundance Film Festival annually takes place in Park City, Utah. This year the festival started Jan. 18, and will continue through Jan. 28.

The answer is C, Nordic Valley. According to Nordic Valley, the resort reopened on Jan. 20, with “limited resources available.” The indoor lodge, rentals and lessons will not be available at this time.

The answer is B, 14 days. According to KSL, four astronauts were sent to the space center on a commercially organized trip by Axiom. The crew includes Turkey’s first astronaut.

THE SIGNPOST TEAM Editor-in-Chief Kennedy Camarena kennedycamarena@mail.weber.edu

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