2 | | August 26, 2019
MONIKA CLARKE | The Signpost
Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year…
The secret is out! Weber State is where you make your dreams happen! When I accepted the opportunity of a lifetime to lead this wonderful university, I knew
we had great students, faculty, staff, alumni, and partners. You, too, have chosen Weber State because it is a special place. For more than 130 years, Weber State has worked to meet the needs of our community and region by providing access to a quality education and lifelong learning opportunities. The core themes of access, learning, and community continue to guide our university. As we enter this 2019-20 school year, we have so much to be thankful for and so much to share. Help us share more about the great people, places, and things happening at Weber State, and help us do it LOUDER and PROUDER. Since the spring commencement, many Weber State students have been following their dreams. • Twenty-eight students, along with 10 faculty, community, and alumni, helped build a school in Fiji. 386 students overall participated in study abroad programs. • A May 2019 graduate, Victoria “Toria” Snow, won a trip to the 14th Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space in June as a part of a bigger prize, the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival grand prize for costume design (a first for Weber State). • Fifteen more graduates continued their education at the nation’s top graduate program for information security and management, Carnegie Mellon University: six in summer fellowships and nine for master’s degrees. • Weber State’s own, Nailah Mansa, was one of 10 students chosen from across the country to volunteer at this year’s 110th NAACP National Convention in July. Whether the Weber State Wildcats are receiving the Big Sky Conference President’s Cup for a record fifth time, Dr. Yu Jane Yang is being awarded the “2019 Outstanding Service Recognition Award” by the National Conference of Keyboard Pedagogy, or whether a Weber State-led survey on the effects of the most recent partial federal government shutdown is making national headlines, know that you are part of a great, Great, GREAT university that is recognized for its excellence. Our physical campus continues to transform to better fulfill your dreams. We broke ground on our new Computer and Automotive Engineering Building at WSU Davis in May, have watched the demolition of the Science Lab, and are excited about the upgrades at Stewart Stadium as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of football. More is on the way as construction commences this fall on the Outdoor Adventure Center and this spring on the Noorda Engineering Building. Thank you for being a part of the Weber State family. Weber State would not have the success that it has without you as students, faculty, and staff. Together, we are committed to student success, and I thank you for renewing that commitment every day as you serve in your all-important roles. One thing’s for sure, it’s a great day to be a Wildcat! Wishing you all the best as we work together for a dream-fulfilled year.
Most Sincerely, Brad Mortensen President
4 | | August 26, 2019
Desk Editor
Over the past academic year, financial aid at Weber State University has undergone several changes. Beginning in Fall 2018, all freshman, out-of-state students who qualified for a scholarship were given a four-year award instead of the previous scholarship structure that required students to renew their scholarship every year. Starting this semester, Fall 2019, qualified freshman, in-state students will also be awarded with a four-year award. Students who were previously enrolled at WSU do not have a four-year award. Instead, they will need to continue to renew their scholarships yearly, as in years previous. While recipients under the new system don’t have to reapply year after year for their awards, students with a four-year award will still need to maintain good academic standing, full-time enrollment and a 2.5 GPA minimum. Previously, the plan was to lower the original 150 percent cap on student awards to 125 percent in the 2018-19 academic year and then lower it again to 100 percent in the academic year of 2020-21. However, in Spring 2019, Provost Madonne Miner stated that the university was not going to lower the 125 percent cap as planned. Faculty, staff and students expressed concern about the lowered cap. With many students using these funds to pay for other incurred expenses, such as books and living expenses, students could experience detrimental effects from not receiving money they could have. “We’re hearing from faculty and staff on both ends of the spectrum,” President Brad Mortensen said, “whether the policy was disadvantaging underprivileged students or disadvantaging students with really high academic records.” While waivers — both academic and activity — can’t be applied over the amount of tuition and fees, cash-based scholar-
ships received from the university, such as departmental scholarships, can be paid to the student up to 125 percent. All private scholarships through the institution are paid out to the student based on the contract the donor signed, regardless of the cap. Lastly, the way scholarships “stack,” or in the order in which the scholarships are applied to students’ accounts, will remain as it was in Fall 2018. Under the current award stacking system, if a student’s tuition and fees were $3,000 and they had a Pell Grant of
$1,000, an academic award of $1,500, an activity waiver for $1,000 and a departmental scholarship of $1,000, the awards would stack as follows: Academic Award Pell Grant Department Award Activity waiver The total amount the student earned would be $4,500. The tuition and fees are covered by taking the Academic Award first, then the Pell Grant and the first half of the departmental scholarship. With the 125 percent cap, the student
would take home the rest of the departmental scholarship, as it is a cash award. However, the activity waiver would not go home with students, because it is a waiver instead of a cash award. With so much change in the past year, it can be hard to understand the dynamics. The Financial Aid office has resources to help students understand what they’re entitled to and how to best use their scholarship money. Comment on this story at
By JENNIFER GREENLEE | August 26, 2019 | 5
Traducido por: Danya Gil Durante el último año académico, la ayuda financiera de Weber State University ha sido objeto de varios cambios. A partir del otoño de 2018, todos los estudiantes de primer año que no pertenecían al estado que calificaron para una beca se les dio un premio de cuatro años en lugar de la estructura de becas anterior que requería que los estudiantes renovaran su beca cada año. A partir de este semestre, estudiantes de primer año que califican también recibirán un premio de cuatro años. Los estudiantes que se matricularon anteriormente en WSU no tienen un premio de cuatro años. En cambio, tendrán que continuar renovando sus becas cada año como en años anteriores. Mientras que los beneficiarios del nuevo sistema no tienen que volver a aplicar año
tras año por sus premios, los estudiantes con un premio de cuatro años aún tendrán que mantener un buen nivel académico, estar inscrito en clases de tiempo completo y un promedio de grado de al menos 2.5. Anteriormente, el plan era reducir el límite original del 150 por ciento en los premios estudiantiles a 125 por ciento en el año académico 2018-19 y luego reducirlo nuevamente a 100 por ciento en el año académico 2020-21. Sin embargo, en la primavera de 2019, la Preboste Madonne Miner declaró que la universidad no iba a reducir el límite del 125 por ciento como estaba planeado. Profesores y estudiantes expresaron preocupación por el límite reducido. Con muchos estudiantes que usan estos fondos para pagar otros gastos, como libros y gastos de subsistencia, los estudiantes podrían experimentar efectos perjudiciales por no recibir el dinero que podrían tener. “Estamos escuchando de la facultad y el personal en ambos extremos del espectro
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Contact Student Involvement and Leadership at 801-626-6349 to request accommodations in relation to a disability.
si la póliza perjudicaba a los estudiantes desfavorecidos o a los estudiantes con registros académicos realmente altos,” dijo el Presidente Brad Mortensen. Mientras las exenciónes de matrícula - ambas académicas y de actividad - no se pueden aplicar sobre el precio de la matrícula y cuotas, becas en efectivo recibidas de la universidad, tales como becas departamentales, se puede pagar al estudiante hasta el 125 por ciento. Todas las becas privadas a través de la institución se pagan al estudiante en base al contrato que el donante firmó, independientemente del límite. Por último, la forma en que las becas se “apilan”, o en el orden en que las becas se aplican a las cuentas de los estudiantes, permanecerá como estaba en otoño de 2018. Bajo el sistema actual de apilamiento de premios, si la matrícula y las cuotas de un estudiante eran de $3,000 y tenían un Pell Grant de $1,000, un premio académi-
co de $1,500, una exención de actividad por $1,000 y una beca departamental de $1,000, los premios se acumularían de la siguiente manera: Premio Académico Pell Grant Beca Departamental Exención de actividad El total que el estudiante ganó sería $4,500. La matrícula y cuotas se cubren tomando el Premio Académico primero, luego el Pell Grant y la primera mitad de la beca departamental. Con el límite de 125 por ciento, el estudiante se llevaría a casa el resto de la beca departamental, ya que es un premio en efectivo. Sin embargo, la exención de actividad no se iría a casa con el estudiante, porque es una exención en lugar de un premio en efectivo. Con tantos cambios en el último año, puede ser difícil de comprender la dinámica. Comment on this story at
LATE NIGHT AT WEBER Friday, Aug. 23 Wildcat Village 8:30–11:30 p.m.
Thursday, Aug. 29 Student Services Room 152 Noon–3 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 24 WSU Ogden & WSU Davis 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD BATTLE WITH UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Monday–Friday, Aug. 26–30 Shepherd Union Ballrooms 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
FREE KANJAM CHALLENGE Tuesday, Aug. 27 WSU Davis–Front Lawn Outside D3 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
SESSIONS ON THE LEDGE Thursday, Aug. 27 Shepherd Union Atrium Noon–1 p.m.
CAREER CAFE Wednesday, Aug. 28 Student Services Room 230 11 a.m.–1 p.m.
FREE KANJAM CHALLENGE Wednesday, Aug. 28 Nasfell Grove in front of Elizabeth Hall 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
SAFE@WEBER TABLING Thursday, Aug. 29 Shepherd Union Atrium 8:30–11 a.m.
AWE CLUB: PROFESSIONAL HEADSHOTS $10 Thursday, Aug. 29 Wattis Business 3:30–5 p.m.
Saturday, Aug. 31 Wildcat Lanes 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 5 Shepherd Union Fireplace Lounge 6–8 p.m.
GREEK RECRUITMENT WEEK Tuesday, Sept. 3–Saturday, Sept. 7
Thursday, Aug. 29 Shepherd Union Wildcat Theater 6–8 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 4 Shepherd Union 10 a.m.–2 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 4 Belltower Plaza 10 a.m.–2 p.m
Friday, Aug. 30 WSU Ogden 8 a.m.–2 p.m.
AUTO TECH MOVIE NIGHT Friday, Aug. 30 Technical Education Lawn 7–8:30 p.m.
FOAM BASH Friday, Aug. 30 University Village 8:30–11:30 p.m.
SNAKE RIVER WHITEWATER RAFTING Student Only Trip Aug. 30–Sept. 1
WSUSA WELCOME BACK SPECIAL EVENT Wednesday, Sept. 4 Shepherd Union Ballrooms 4–8 p.m.
13TH ANNUAL BONNEVILLE CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL Wednesday, Sept. 4 Department of Performing Arts 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.
BROWNING PRESENTS! ALICIA OLATUJA Friday, Sept. 6 Val A. Browning Center 7:30 p.m. Cost: $20 Adults | $8 Students/ Seniors/Military
WSU OPEN ON SATURDAY Saturday, Sept. 7 WSU Ogden & WSU Davis 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
MAJOR NAVIGATION OPEN HOUSE Saturday, Sept. 7 Student Services Room 233 Noon–1 p.m.
WSU 1ST HOME FOOTBALL GAME Saturday, Sept. 7 Stewart Stadium 6–9 p.m.
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8 | | August 26, 2019
When I was a freshman, I thought I knew what college was going to throw at me. Unfortunately, no matter how prepared I thought I was, starting college was hard and I made plenty of mistakes. While they were painful to think about at the time, as I begin my junior year I can look back and learn from them. Here are three mistakes I made my freshman year
and how I learned to avoid them. Mistake number one was not picking the classes and instructors that would work best for me. In high school, I was assigned a teacher for my classes and that was who I got. If I was lucky there might be two and I could try to pick, but most of the time I had no say in who my instructors were. That’s just high school. When I got to college, I assumed professors were pretty much interchangeable. After all, how different can one instructor’s class be from the next? The answer is a lot. One teacher might base their whole class around tests, while others want lots of in-class participation and others want a paper every other week. There is nothing wrong with this. With so
many students, everyone has a learning preference. The problem arose for me because I'm an essay writer who’s bad at note-taking, and I was stuck in a class centered around a comprehensive end of semester exam. How I avoid this issue is by planning my classes ahead of time and using Rate My Professors. There are a number of different ways to set classes up to work for you, but I wasn’t taking advantage of them, so they couldn’t help me. I waited until the end of my sophomore year to talk to an academic advisor, which was a big mistake. I had finally declared English as my major, so I talked to Dr. John Schwiebert. Talking to the right advisor helped me understand my graduation requirements and what classes would help me graduate on time. Doing this, I was able to plan for fall semester early and had the opportunity to look into each professor on Rate My Professors in order to find out whose class I’d best fit into. I made and saved a plan on the registration tool on eWeber and woke up early on my registration day to ensure I’d get the classes that would suit me. The second mistake I made freshman year was taking morning classes and not prioritizing my mental health. I don’t know why I thought that taking an 8 a.m. Spanish 2010 class my freshman year was a good idea. At 8 a.m. I can barely comprehend English. That was the first and only class I’ve ever failed. I didn't live close to campus as a freshman and I was taking the train from Bountiful to Weber every morning. When I was in high school, I lived all of ten minutes from the school. I could roll out of bed at 7 a.m., get dressed and grab breakfast from the fridge before driving to school and still make it before the 7:30 a.m. bell. As a college freshman, if I missed my 6:30 a.m. train, I missed my class because my little car couldn’t make the 45-minute drive to campus if it was raining, snowing or if the wind was too bad. So I had to wait an hour for the next train. That was my undoing. Attendance, for the first time, was actually a part of the grade. I was also working a cashier job that kept me
out until 11 p.m. and I didn’t want to wake up at 5 a.m. every day. I needed to acknowledge that having to get up early every day for class was more than I could handle. My freshman schedule was too much for me. I would have to get up at 5 a.m., go to class and stay until 3 p.m., then go home and be at work at 5 p.m. and stay there until 11 p.m. On weekends I was pulling eight-hour shifts and then doing homework, or hanging out with friends and failing to do homework. Something had to give, and my morning Spanish class fell to the wayside. How I avoid this now is by acknowledging that I am human and balance school, work, and socialization accordingly. As a freshman, I fell into the trap of “I did it in high school so I can do it now.” That sentiment was wrong on so many levels. In reality, I was always one slip up away from a full-blown panic attack in high school because I was spreading myself way too thin. I barely made it in high school, and I couldn’t do it as a freshman and lived nearly an hour from school. I didn’t have a good balance in my schedule as a freshman. I wanted to believe that I was the type of person who could handle an intense schedule like the one I had, but I was lying to myself. I needed to acknowledge that I’m human. I need time away from work and school or else my mental health ends up worse than I started. In order to better balance my life, my schedule is set up much differently now. For one, I got a new job that has a set schedule and has weekends off. It’s a morning job where I’m off by 10 a.m., giving me time to work on homework during the day before heading to class in the evening. That way I can go to bed when I get home. I have time dedicated to seeing friends and family, and I don’t have to compromise my school work to do it. Working to build my schedule to suit my needs was far easier than trying to fit into a schedule that made me miserable and fail classes. The third mistake I made freshman year was being unwilling to take a W. When I took Math 1050 the first time, I barely passed. And by barely passed, what I really mean is I barely didn’t fail. I managed to scrape by with a D- at the end of the se-| August 26, 2019 | 9
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At Weber State, you’ll find affordable tuition, internship opportunities and flexible class schedules. For 27,000+ students — athletes, outdoor enthusiasts, urbanites, Utah residents and out-of-state students alike — Weber State is just right.
mester, which really hurt my GPA. The reason I scored so low in that class was that I was unwilling to drop it and take a withdraw, or “W.” I was failing or barely scraping by for most of the semester, but I was unwilling to quit and cut my losses. I had convinced myself that a W looked worse than an F, which really isn’t true. Once I figured out that taking a W wasn’t the worst thing that could happen, I started to use it to my advantage. The problem then became that I didn’t know all the risks, and I narrowly avoided losing my scholarship from not having enough credits in the semester. How I avoid this now is by knowing the benefits and risks of taking a W. The truth is that there are risks and rewards for everything, and that’s true of withdrawing from classes midway through the semester. Last year I withdrew from a marketing class once I realized that I wasn’t going to be able to put in the amount of effort necessary to pass the class. I enrolled in a second block class instead and passed that one with an A. This is how taking a W can be beneficial. I swapped out one class for another, and instead of my GPA taking a hit, I was able
to raise it. I tried to do the same thing again this past summer, and I thought it would work the same, but there was a catch. I was a part-time student, which has different parameters than taking a full-time course load. At full-time, whether a student is taking 12 credits or 18 credits, they all cost the same, which meant I could enroll and then withdraw from a class and not owe any more money. As a part-time student, withdrawing late in the term meant that not only would I have to pay for my new class, but that I was at risk of losing my scholarship. I wound up having to go full time for the summer in order to keep it. I’m certain I’ve made more mistakes than just these three. College is an opportunity to learn and grow, which is often stressful and difficult. Now that I understand how to learn from my mistakes, I know my limits. I know when to step up or when to quit, and I know how I work best. Those lessons have made me successful, and learning about myself will help me throughout my life. Comment on this story at
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10 | | August 26, 2019
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#connectwithweber| August 26, 2019 | 11
inclusive and welcoming campus environment
through university-wide initiatives, community partnerships and programs for current and future Wildcats. Access & Diversity
Student Services Center, Suite 150, 801-626-7006
LGBT Resource Center 801-626-7271
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Weber State’s Office of Access & Diversity supports historically underrepresented students and fosters an
Access & Diversity
Join us to learn about resources that will assist you as an underrepresented student during your time here at Weber State University. This is a great opportunity to network, make friends and build alliances with other people who understand similar experiences. This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.
sept. 24 SU BALLROOMS · 6–8 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. Access & Diversity
For more information or to request accommodations in relation to a disability, contact Andrea Hernandez 801-626-6957
12 | | August 26, 2019
Students frequently use Adobe applications — software such as InDesign, the Premiere programs and Photoshop — during classes. However, typically they had to stay after class or come early so they could use the campus computers installed with the software in order to complete the projects. However, Weber State University has
been able to negotiate alongside the Utah System of Higher Education to get product licenses from Adobe for all of its students. For the next five years, every student at Weber State will be able to download Adobe apps and use all its features to their advantage on their personal computers. Before WSU obtained the licenses for all of its students, Director of Composition Dr. Jason Barrett-Fox ran a pilot program in English Composition integrating Adobe software with English curriculum. Barrett-Fox proposed the program and crafted the curriculum.
“I feel really strongly as the composition director that if we’re not going to act meaningfully and quickly about digital technology we would be failing the students in a serious way,” Barret-Fox said. “If we don’t act now, we’re going to be behind the curve in ten years, and it’s going to be a nightmare.” The pilot program started in several of the English 1010 classes. For the pilot, 300 one-year student licenses were bought for students for the fall semester and 300 other students in tradition English 1010 courses were compared as the control group. The same was done in the spring. Those with the licensing were put into classes where the teachers actively used Adobe products in assignments. This curriculum included using InDesign, Premiere Rush and Spark for their assignments. The control classes did not have these assignments. While the spring semester results have not been finalized, the fall semester results showed students in the test group were not more or less likely to drop out of English 1010 than the control group students; however, student use of the applications in courses outside of their English class was fairly high. “In terms of preliminary data from the first semester, we did not see a statistical change in retention,” Barrett-Fox said. “Because English 1010 is a volatile class, students jump into it and out of it. That we don’t see a statistical dip as the learning curve increased is an exciting development. The most exciting statistic for me was 47% of students used these applications in other classes. I’m hopeful that we will see that number rise.” Even before the licensing for students was purchased, many were expected to still use the programs. Now
instead of having to come early or stay late, students are able to take their homework anywhere they would like and not remain entirely dependent on the computer labs at WSU. Typical Adobe licensing costs around $600 a year for an individual, with discounts for businesses and institutions that buy in bulk. However, alongside USHE, WSU was able to bring Adobe to the table to negotiate. The final cost of purchasing these licenses for one year is $13 per student. “The price per student does not just apply at Weber State, that applies to all USHE institutions,” Associate Provost Dr. Brenda Kowalewski said. “So all public universities in Utah are able to purchase the licenses for that price.” A concern students and faculty might have held was student fees rising to help cover the cost. Despite the price having been negotiated at $13, multiplying by the number of students enrolled at WSU results in a large number. However, Kowalewski explained that raising fees was tabled early on in the discussion. “It will not increase student fees,” Kowalewski continued. “That was one of the things the university explored very early on in the process. We decided, no. We can do this in a way that doesn’t increase students fees and that is the preferred path and that’s what we managed to do.” These products are now available for use and download on a home computer. The first time a student goes to the Adobe website, they can login with their student email address, and the system will automatically redirect them to the CAS Authentication page to sign in with their eWeber credentials. At that time, the student will be taken back to the Adobe page with access to the Creative Cloud apps and Document Cloud Apps. “Weber State is investing in our students and we’re investing in their professional pursuits once they leave,” Kowalski said. “We really feel like this is our investment in Adobe is going to empower them to be better performers here and in the workforce.” Comment on this story at| August 27, 2018 | 13
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The LGBT Resource Center at Weber State University strives to provide a safe and welcoming environment while offering educational opportunities and support for the LGBT community, their families, friends, allies and anyone willing to learn. Jayson Stokes, the LGBT Resource Center coordinator, said the center provides a variety of services, including advising and printed resources. Printed resources include information on healthcare, identity development, coming out and relationship dynamics. For Stokes, the LGBT center is important because when he was a student, the program didn’t exist. Stokes wants students to know that there is a visible presence and a way of connecting with people and
building a sense of community and belonging. “As a student, I often felt isolated and alone on campus and that made going to school really hard. There was times I needed support, and there weren’t these resources available on campus” Stokes said. Celebrating and honoring WSU’s LGBT community, the center holds Pride Week on October 11, corresponding with National Coming Out Day. Festivities include information tables in Shepherd Union, panel discussions and film screenings. It’s a way for students to feel important and cared for, Stokes said. “Like many other underrepresented student populations, LGBT students face unique challenges and obstacles,” Stokes said. “Coming to school and feeling engaged, part of the community, is important to support students being successful.”
Some members of the LGBT community face social rejection, discrimination and marginalization within their communities. Finding acceptance is often difficult, which is why the center is welcoming to all. Some educational programming that the LGBT Resource Center offers is LGBT 101 workshops, transgender 101 workshops and allied training. These programs are made for educating and creating a sense of visibility and community, according to Stokes. Some other programming that the LGBT center is involved in is highlighting Holocaust remembrance in the spring because LGBT people were targeted during that time as well. They also do activities during Transgender Day of Visibility and Transgender Day of Remembrance, days dedicated to raising awareness of the injustices and discrimination toward trans-
gender people. The center also provides resources like the Marquardt Peace and Possibility Speaker Series. Stokes said each year the center brings in prominent LGBTQ individuals to speak about their life and experiences. Some of the speakers in the past have been Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Kate Kendell, and President’s Advisory Committee member during the Obama presidency Bruce Bastian. The LGBT center oversees two scholarships, the Matthew Shepard Scholarships and the Hall-Weckel Scholarship, which are open to all students. “All of our resources are geared for all of our students, not just students who identify as LGBT,” Stokes said.
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or stop by for a campus tour. For graduation rates, the median debt of graduates, and other data, see
West Haven (Ogden) Campus 1890 South 1350 West
DON MATAUTIA| The Signpost
The LGBT Resource Center is located in the Student Services Center.
16 | | August 26, 2019| August 26, 2019 | 17
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Through Testing Services, you can evaluate major and career goals and be placed in correct courses. Testing Services also offers ACT, ACCUPLACER, CLEP, and graduate school preparation in addition to the tests you take for class.
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18 | | August 26, 2019
The Women’s Center’s mission is to advocate for the best educational experience for all by addressing systemic oppression, empowering communities and working toward a shared vision of gender equity in pursuit of a safe, inclusive and compassionate campus. Paige Davies, the Women’s Center director, emphasized that even though it is a Women’s Center, the organization does not solely serve and champion cisgender women; rather, the Women’s Center serves as a safe space for anyone, no matter their gender identity. Among the Women’s Center programs is Safe@Weber, available online through the eWeber portal or through in-person workshops. Safe@Weber workshops educate the WSU community on topics like bystander intervention, consent, healthy boundaries and the inter-
sections between violence and discrimination. Additionally, the center hosts Sister Circle, an educational program offered every semester. This is a space for women to gather and discuss current issues relevant within their lives. The Women’s Center also hosts annual events like Take Back the Night to educate WSU students about sexual violence and Lunafest, a film festival made by, for and about women. Proceeds from this event go toward aiding survivors of domestic and sexual abuse within the community. The Women’s Center has a leadership program ran with students where they are provided professional development opportunities, mentorship and education about gender equity. “Whether we’re just having a meal together or talking about a current issue happening around the world, we just try to have a space where people feel like they can come and
hang out, do their homework and get more involved in the programs,” Davies said. Davies will teach a Women and Gender Studies course in the fall on violence prevention education. Students who complete the course in the spring can become Safe@Weber peer educators, going on to assist and teach workshops. The Women’s Center has a resource pantry that can be useful for students in times of emergencies or need. They provide free condoms, feminine products and pregnancy tests. The center understands that these products can be expensive or forgotten. Students are welcome to help themselves whenever they are in need. After the WSU Block Party, the Women’s Center is hosting an open house Sept. 11 at 10 a.m. in its new location shared with the LGBT Resource Center. Comment on this story at
Nov 5, 2019 Keynote Speaker
5-5:45 p.m. Native Symposium Mixer (SU Fireplace Lounge) 6-7:15 p.m. Native Symposium Keynote and Q&A (SU Wildcat Theater) 7:30 p.m. Book Signing (SU Fireplace Lounge)
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LEARN MORE: For more information or to request accommodations in relation to a disability, please contact Andrea Hernandez by Oct. 29 at 801-626-6957 or
Center for Multicultural Excellence • Diversity and Inclusive Programs American Indian Council • Office of the President | August 26, 2019 | 19
La misión del Centro de Mujeres es abogar por la mejor experiencia educativa para todos abordando la opresión sistémica, empoderando a las comunidades y trabajando hacia una visión compartida de equidad de género en la búsqueda de un campus escolar esseguro, inclusivo y compasivo. Paige Davies, la directora del Centro de Mujeres, enfatizó que aunque esto es un Centro de Mujeres, la organización no sirve solamente mujeres de cisgénero; más bien, el Centro de Mujeres sirve como un espacio seguro para cualquier persona, no importa la identidad de género. Entre el Centro de Mujeres hay un programa que se llama Safe@Weber, está disponible en línea por el portal de eWeber o en los talleres en persona. Los talleres de Safe@Weber educan la comunidad de WSU en temas como intervención de espectadores, consentimiento, límites
saludables y las intersecciones entre violencia y discriminación. Adicional, el Centro de Mujeres tiene el programa de Círculo de Hermanas, un programa educativo ofrecido cada semestre. Esto es un espacio para que las mujeres se reúnan y discuten situaciones corrientes y relevantes en sus vidas. El Centro de mujeres también hospeda un evento anual como Toma la Noche Devuelta para educar estudiantes de WSU sobre la violencia sexual y Lunafest, un festival de película hecho por, para y sobre mujeres. Los ingresos de este evento van hacia ayudar a los sobrevivientes de abuso doméstico y sexual dentro de la comunidad. El Centro de Mujeres tiene un programa de liderazgo dirigido por estudiantes donde les proporcionan oportunidades de desarrollo profesional, tutoría y educación sobre la equidad de género. “Ya sea que estemos comiendo juntos o que estemos hablando de un problema actual en todo el mundo, tratamos de tener un espacio donde las personas sientan que
DON MATAUTIA | The Signpost
pueden venir y pasar el rato, hacer su tareas e involucrarse más en los programas,” dijo Davies. Davies va a enseñar un curso de Mujeres y Estudios de Género en el otoño sobre la educación para la prevención de la violencia. Los estudiantes que completan el curso en la primavera pueden convertirse en educadores pares de Safe@Weber, asistiendo y enseñando talleres. El Centro de Mujeres tiene una despensa de recursos que puede ser útil para estudiantes en situaciones de emergencia o necesidad. Ellos proveen condones gratis, productos femeninos y exámenes de embarazo. El centro entiende que estos productos pueden ser caros o olvidados. Los estudiantes son bienvenidos a usar lo que necesiten cuando quieran. Después del WSU Block Party, el Centro de Mujeres va a hospedar una bienvenida de casa nueva el 11 de septiembre a las 10 de la mañana en su nueva locación compartida con el Centro de Recursos de LGBT. Comment on this story at
Student Health Center We offer medical services similar to what you receive from your regular doctor. Most services are FREE or offered at low cost to students with a current WSU Wildcard.
Social justice education Community building events Scholarships
Violence prevention education Confidential advocacy for victim/survivors
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Be Safe@Weber: Take the online course! Search for the Safe@Weber course in your eWeber portal and win a gift card! | August 26, 2019 | 21
NONTRADITIONAL STUDENT CENTER VETERANS SERVICES There are 16 club sports every Weber State student can play.
ROOMS 322 AND 323 a.m. to p.m.
FR Women’s Center LGBT Resource Center Nontraditional Student Center Veterans Services
By BRANDON MAY Section Editor
The start of the fall semester brings the beginning of the 2019-20 athletic year for the 16 varsity NCAA sports on campus, but it’s also the start for the 16 club sports that Weber State University has to offer. Weber State’s club sports compete at a high level, but unlike the 16 NCAA teams, there are no scholarships involved for the athletes. In fact, athletes who choose to play club sports at WSU pay out of pocket to play. Clubs are student run with coaches who volunteer their time to help manage a team. Student presidents of each club receive a financial waiver for their tuition. WSU students who pay to play are given the opportunity to travel from Colorado to Texas to California, competing against schools from all over, whether it’d be universities regionally or even on a national championship setting. Club sport athletes must be willing to spend time practicing, traveling and competing before signing up. Most teams practice from 2-3 times a week and compete 10 plus times a year depending on the sport. Of the 16 teams, nine of them compete each fall and spring semester. Hockey, baseball, men’s soccer, weightlifting, men’s and women’s lacrosse, men’s and women’s rugby, rodeo and weightlifting travel regionally, competing against schools in Idaho, Colorado and Utah hoping to play nationally. The Wildcat hockey team is by far the most well-known team on the campus of Weber State. WSU plays 2-3 nights a week and travel as far as Texas playing in several tournaments across the West Coast and compete in the American Collegiate Hockey Association. More games means more travel and more money for its athletes. WSU hockey
players pay upwards of $1,000 for each season, and play all their home games at the Ice Sheet on campus. Men’s soccer, lacrosse, baseball, rugby and weightlifting teams also compete between the fall and spring semesters apart of conferences that consist of other regional universities. Teams practice 2-3 times a week and play universities on weekends. Both the women’s rugby and lacrosse teams are newer teams at WSU and are in their second year of competition. Weber State’s rodeo club has been on campus since 1970 and is the oldest club on campus. Contestants compete in bull riding, calf roping and more at multiple events across the northwest throughout the year. Among the nine club sports that compete regionally, WSU also has archery, bowling, cycling, master swim, racquetball, snowboarding and tennis. Archery, bowling and tennis compete as a competitive-recreational club, meaning they compete at a competitive and non-competitive recreational level. Clubs may travel to certain venues and practice and meet twice a week. Weber State’s cycling and snowboard clubs meet weekly and travel to many different areas riding. The snowboard club each spring break puts a trip together allowing its students to ski and board at a new mountain for several days. On top of the NCAA-funded athletics and the intramurals at Weber State, club sports offer opportunities for athletes to test their abilities at a competitive and collegiate level. Club sports give opportunities to be a part of a team and play sports they grew up playing but didn’t receive the opportunity from the NCAA. Comment on this story at
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22 | | August 26, 2019
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24 | | August 26, 2019 | August 26, 2019 | 25
To be successful in college, students need to study effectively. Fortunately, Weber State University’s various tutoring centers are an effective way to study, learn, improve skills so students can pass courses and become marketable for potential employers when they graduate. The Science Learning Center, located in Tracy Hall room 101, covers tutoring in chemistry, physics and zoology. These three courses can be some of the most difficult for students, but they don’t have to go at it alone: tutors are available throughout the week for students. Blake Merriem, a tutor in the Science Learning Center, stressed prioritizing time as a key to college success for university freshmen. “Some courses are more intuitive than others,” Merriem said. “Proportion your study time to meet the demands of your course load, starting with the most difficult classes first. Merriem noted that to effectively study, students should seek to comprehend the material and not simply memorize answers for an exam. He emphasized using a study guide as a practice exam in order to review and encouraged seeking assistance, not only for science courses but for any problems a student might encounter. Merriem cited counseling and psychological services on campus as additional resources beneficial for students.
“You’re not alone,” Merriem said. “There’s always someone to talk to and get advice.” If a student needs help passing math, the Math Tutoring Center in the Lampros Hall Hub covers Math 950, 970, 990 and 1010. Math tutor Michael Joseph identified a common concern expressed among students coming into the center is that the student will monopolize the tutor’s time. “A lot of students who come into the Hub are concerned about taking up the tutors’ time. Please don’t be,” Joseph said. “Helping students with their math is why we are there everyday. Feel free to come in, log on to a computer with your normal Weber login and ask questions.” As for a freshman success tip, Joseph, similar to Merriam, stressed time management. “Everything takes so much longer than you think it does,” Joseph said. “Things don’t go according to plan. Make space in your schedule in case things run long or emergencies happen.” After finishing Math 1010, though, students aren’t stranded without support. The Drop-In Math Tutoring Center is located in Tracy Hall room 233 and covers all Math classes between Math 1030 to Calculus 3. Cole Eckhardt, a tutor in the Writing Center and Developmental English Learning Center, mentioned that many students aren’t aware of resources like the Writing Center in Elizabeth Hall. However,
Eckhardt argued the importance of using academic support, especially since much of academic support, the Writing Center included, is covered by student fees and is, therefore, free to students. “It’s been demonstrated that students who do take advantage of those resources succeed better in their undergraduate education,” Eckhardt said. Eckhardt also stressed the importance of academic support options like the Writing Center or Math tutoring as places where a student can receive help from someone with a level of expertise in an unfamiliar or unpracticed subject. “Be open to the expertise of the writing consultants or the Math tutors because they might be able to spot problems in your writing approach or methods that you didn’t have on your radar,” Eckhardt said. “Tutoring services at Weber State are tailored to the individual student.” Notably, the Writing Center isn’t just for English classes or English Majors. “With the Writing Center in particular, I think one of the things that students don’t understand right away is that we work with writing for classes across the entire curriculum,” Eckhardt said. Eckhardt said that students who don’t practice their skills won’t improve in their writing, and that students who are not confident in their writing ability may not want to seek feedback. However, the Writing Center doesn’t criticize the students work; rather, the center focuses on
working with students in a constructive environment. Another method students can use to improve their study habits is Supplemental Instruction, a program crafted to help students pass courses the university flags as particularly difficult. During SI sessions, students work through course content under the instruction of an SI leader. More information, including SI schedules for Fall 2019, are available at https://www. In order for a student to maximize their chances of success, the tutors argued most for effective time management skills and a knowledge of the resources. College can undoubtedly be difficult and time-consuming; however, taking advantage of the resources available should ease the burden. Information about the Science Learning Center, including tutoring hours, can be located at Information about Math Tutoring, including tutoring hours, handouts and information about study groups can be located at Information about the Writing Center, including hours and resources covering writing and digital literacy can be located at Comment on this story at
26 | | August 26, 2019
Traducido por: Danya Gil Para tener éxito en la universidad, los estudiantes necesitan estudiar eficazmente. Afortunadamente, los centros de tutoría de Weber State son una manera efectiva de estudiar, aprender y mejorar las técnicas para que los estudiantes podrán pasar cursos y hacerse comercializables para empleadores potenciales cuando se gradúen. El Centro de Aprendizaje de la Ciencia, ubicado en la sala 101 de Tracy Hall, cubre la tutoría en química, física y zoología. Estos tres cursos pueden ser algunos de los más difíciles para muchos estudiantes, pero los estudiantes no están solos: los tutores están disponibles durante toda la semana para los estudiantes. Blake Merriem, un tutor en el Centro de Aprendizaje de la Ciencia, dijo que la priorización de tiempo es importante para el éxito de los estudiantes de primer año. “Algunos cursos son más intuitivos que otros,” dijo Merriem. “Proporcione su tiempo de estudio para satisfacer las demandas de la carga de su curso, comenzando con las clases más difíciles primero.” Merriem notó que para estudiar eficazmente, los estudiantes deben tratar de comprender el material y no simplemente memorizar las respuestas para un examen. El enfatizó el uso de una guía de estudio como examen de práctica para revisar. Aún más el alentó a buscar asistencia, no solo para cursos de ciencias, sino también para cualquier problema que un estudiante pueda
encontrar. Merriem citó los servicios de consejería y psicológicas del campus como recursos adicionales beneficiosos para los estudiantes. “No estás solo,” dijo Merriem. “Siempre hay alguien con quien hablar y recibir consejos.” Si un estudiante necesita ayuda para aprobar matemáticas, el Centro de Tutoría de Matemáticas en el Lampros Hall Hub cubre matemáticas 950, 970, 990 y 1010. El tutor de matemáticas Michael Joseph identificó una preocupación común entre los estudiantes que entran en el centro; estudiantes se preocupan de monopolizará el tiempo del tutor. “Muchos estudiantes que entran en el Hub están preocupados por ocupar el tiempo de los tutores. Por favor, no se preocupe,” Joseph dijo. “Ayudar a los estudiantes con sus matemáticas es la razón por la que estamos allí todos los días. No dude en entrar, conectarse a un ordenador con su entrada al sistema de Weber y hacer preguntas.” Como Merriem, Joseph dijo que la gestión del tiempo es importante. “Todo toma mucho más tiempo de lo que crees,” dijo Joseph. “Las cosas no van de acuerdo con el plan. Haga espacio en su horario en caso de que las cosas se alargan o las emergencias sucedan.” Después de terminar las Matemáticas 1010, sin embargo, los estudiantes no están hundidos sin apoyo. El Drop-In Centro de Tutoría de Matemáticas está ubicado en Tracy Hall, habitación 233, y cubre todas las clases de matemáticas entre la matemática 1030 y el cálculo 3. Cole Eckhardt, tutor del Centro de Escritura y del Centro de Aprendizaje
de Inglés para el Desarrollo, mencionó que muchos estudiantes no son conscientes de recursos como el Centro de Escritura en Elizabeth Hall. Sin embargo, Eckhardt argumentó la importancia de utilizar el apoyo académico, especialmente porque gran parte del apoyo académico, el Centro de Escritura incluido, está cubierto por las cuotas de los estudiantes y es, por lo tanto, gratis para los estudiantes. “Se ha demostrado que los estudiantes que aprovechan esos recursos tienen mejor éxito en su educación universitario,” dijo Eckhardt. Eckhardt también acentuó la importancia de las opciones de apoyo académico — como el Centro de Escritura o la tutoría de matemáticas — como lugares donde un estudiante puede recibir ayuda de alguien con un nivel de experiencia en un tema desconocido o no practicado. “Sé abierto a la experiencia de los consultores de escritura o de los tutores de matemáticas, porque podrían ser capaces de detectar problemas en tu enfoque de escritura o métodos que no tenías en tu radar,” dijo Eckhardt. “Los servicios de tutoría en Weber State se adaptan al estudiante individual.” En particular, el Centro de Escritura no es sólo para clases de inglés. “Con el Centro de Escritura en particular, creo que una de las cosas que los estudiantes no entienden de inmediato es que trabajamos con la escritura para clases en todo el currículum,” Eckhardt dijo. Eckhardt dijo que los estudiantes que no practican, no mejorarán en su escritura, y que los estudiantes que no están seguros en su capacidad de escrit-
ura no van a querer buscar comentarios. Sin embargo, el Centro de Escritura no critica el trabajo de los estudiantes; más bien, el centro se centra en trabajar con los estudiantes en un ambiente constructivo. Otro método que los estudiantes pueden utilizar para mejorar sus hábitos de estudio es la Instrucción Suplementaria, un programa diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes a pasar los cursos particularmente difíciles. Durante las sesiones, los estudiantes trabajan bajo la instrucción de un líder. Para más información, incluyendo los horarios para el otoño de 2019, están disponibles en Para maximizar sus probabilidades de éxito, los tutores dicen que la priorización de tiempo y conociendo los recursos son importante. La universidad puede ser, sin duda, difícil; sin embargo, aprovechar los recursos disponibles debería aliviar la carga. Información acerca del Centro de Aprendizaje Científico, incluyendo las horas de tutoría, se puede localizar en La información sobre la tutoría de matemáticas — incluyendo las horas documentos e información acerca de los grupos de estudio — se puede encontrar en Información sobre el Centro de Escritura — incluyendo horas y recursos que cubren la escritura y la alfabetización digital — se puede encontrar en weber. edu/WritingCenter.
Comment on this story at| August 26, 2019 | 27
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28 | | August 26, 2019
Every year, roughly 330 student athletes compete on the fields and courts for Weber State University. The student athletes compete in 16 different sports, hoping to bring excitement and championships to Ogden on their road to glory. For the football team, running back Josh Davis, receiver and returner Rashid Shaheed, offensive linemen Ty Whitworth, kicker Trey Tuttle, defensive ends Jonah Williams and Adam Rodriquez and linebacker Auston Tesch are all athletes WSU fans should keep their eye on. Davis enters his sophomore campaign named to the STATS FCS Preseason All-America Second Team and the Big Sky Preseason All-Conference Team. As a freshman, Davis set a number of Wildcat freshman records, including most rushing yards and most all-purpose yards in a single season. He finished with nine rushing touchdowns and 113.5 rushing yards per game, which was the 12 best in the country. Davis’ freshman season brought numerous accolades, including the Jerry Rice Award, given to the most outstanding freshman in FCS football, and the Utah JOSHUA WINEHOLT | The Signpost
Collegiate Male Athlete of the Year. Junior playmaker Shaheed is another notable player to watch. Shaheed was recognized as an All-American and All-Big Sky honoree in his first two seasons at Weber State. As he heads into his junior season, he has been chosen for the STATS FCS Preseason All-America Second Team and Big Sky Preseason All-Conference Team as a kick returner. Shaheed leads Wildcat football in career kickoff return average with 31.7 yards per return and four kickoff returns for touchdowns. He is the only player in Weber State history with two 100-yard kickoff return touchdowns. Other notable Wildcats to watch on the gridiron this season include junior Whitworth, who was named to the STATS FCS Preseason All-America Third Team, and Big Sky Preseason All-Conference Team defensive All-Big Sky seniors Williams, Rodriquez and Tesch, who should make a difference on the defensive side of the ball. Tuttle is entering his junior season as a former All-American and a two-time Big Sky Selection as one of the best kickers in the country. On the soccer field, midfielder Olivia Barton, defender Haley Thomas and goalkeeper Nikki Pittman are looking to build ARIANA BERKEMEIER | The Signpost
off their regular season title from last year. Barton is entering her sophomore season with the Wildcats after an impressive freshman season. She started in all 18 games adding six assists and three goals as the ’Cats took over the Big Sky. Barton’s efforts eventually led to her being chosen Big Sky Newcomer of the Year for the 2018 season as well as being named to the All-Big Sky Second Team. Thomas aims to strengthen the defense in her junior season after her 2018 campaign. She started all 18 games for the Wildcats last season, finishing with nine shots, including five on goal and one assist. Her efforts landed her a spot on the All-Big Sky Second Team. Senior Pittman started all 18 games in net for the Wildcats’ last season. Pittman was named to the All-Big Sky Second Team after finishing with a 8-5-3 record, 80 saves and a save percentage of .808. WSU’s volleyball team enters the 2019 season led by senior middle blocker Hannah Hill-DeYoung and senior outside hitter Megan Gneiting. Hill-DeYoung enters her final season with the ’Cats as one of the volleyball team’s key contributors. In 103 sets played in 2018, she finished with 199 kills, 122 blocks and only 46 errors.
Hill-DeYoung achieved a team-high hitting percentage of .402, which also ranked as the 15th-highest in the nation. She reached single-game career highs in kills and blocks last season, and her efforts led to her being named to the All-Big Sky First Team. Gneiting finished the 2018 season second on the team in both kills (307) and kills per set (2.98) and achieved 10 or more kills in 18 games. Gneiting ended last year with 211 digs, 27 aced serves and a hitting percentage of .228. Her play resulted in her being chosen to the All-Big Sky First Team. WSU looks to seniors Jerrick Harding and Cody John to lead the Wildcats back to the top of the Big Sky later this fall. Harding, who declared for the draft in March, is back for his senior season looking to improve on his already impressive numbers. For the young women’s basketball team, senior Dominique Williams and juniors Kayla Watkins and Shianne Johnson look to lead the young team under second year head coach Velaida Harris.
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KELLY WATKINS | The Signpost
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32 | | August 26, 2019
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The Signpost Archives
Jerry Bovee, Weber State’s former athletic director, first met Jay Hill on Dec 12, 2013. The meeting was scheduled late the night before for 8 a.m. the following morning. Bovee remembers the impression Hill made. “He’s giving us a presentation, and he had a booklet with our logos embedded in it,” Bovee said. “I mean, it was his game plan on how Weber State was going to win.” As Hill removed the items from a bag, a receipt fell onto the floor. Bovee read it. The Kinko’s receipt was date-stamped from the night before at 1 a.m. “In my mind, I’m thinking, ‘He’s been up all night getting ready for this, and he was as sharp as they come,’” said Bovee. “He was hungry, he had a desire. He was looking at this as an opportunity, if the fit
worked.” Since Hill took the head coaching job in 2014, he has proven that the fit works. Back-to-back conference championships; back-to-back 10-win seasons; three straight FCS playoff appearances; ranked as high as third in the nation; all these WSU records were set in just three years. Now, fans are eagerly waiting to see what’s next. Following the retirement of Ron McBride after the 2011 season, the Wildcats went through two coaches in quick succession. “It was a difficult, dark time,” Bovee said. “Any time you change a head coach, especially in football, it reverbs your whole program.” After the 2013 season, the school was in need of its fourth head football coach in just three years. The record of those years combined was 9-25. The record proved to
the state that the program was in, familiar and desperate. “We were really looking for someone with a good understanding of the State of Utah, who knew the recruiting dynamics of Utah and who understood the culture in Utah,” Bovee said. “Jay really emerged pretty early. There were other people we talked to … but at the end, he emerged at the top.” After the three year rollercoaster of coaching changes and the Cats’ fair share of ups and downs, Hill was hired. Hill had started his coaching journey after his playing days at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. In 2001, he was hired as a graduate assistant at the U of U under McBride, who at the time was the head coach at Utah. “I first started coaching because it was my way of paying for graduate school, and I really didn’t have a huge intention
of coaching as a career,” Hill said. “When I started doing it, I just loved it and was hooked. It’s the closest thing you can get to the game atmosphere and experience that you get as a player … coaching is the next best thing.” Hill stayed at Utah for the following 13 seasons under McBride, Urban Meyer and Kyle Wittingham, coaching different positions throughout those years. Hill experienced a winning culture at Utah, as he was a part of so many wins and record-setting years with the Utes. Weber State gave Hill his first opportunity as a head coach and is seeing the fruits of his tutelage at Utah under those three head coaches. From the outside, the WSU football program is thriving. 10-win seasons, hosting FCS playoff games, conference titles and consistent rankings in the top 10 are proof of this.| August 26, 2019 | 33
On the inside, the thriving stems from a vision set before Hill arrived. Hill’s dedication to the program has only added to this vision. “I came in here looking at the job for sure, but I wasn’t really fired up at taking the job at the time necessarily,” Hill said. “When I got to meet administration and got to see the program and what it could become, I was 100 percent sold. The vision that they were trying to build got me excited.” With new facilities and support from the administration and community, Weber State is working at that vision, to be nationally relevant while competing for a national championship. “When we started walking around campus, he was surprised at what we had here,” Bovee said. “He didn’t know we had an indoor facility; he hadn’t seen the vision for a north end project. Coming in, he didn’t see that our mindset was in place to build a national program. After he left that day, I think he clearly saw that.” In his first five years at Weber, Hill has established himself among his players. Bovee said Hill has guys on the team who
are willing to run through a wall for him. They love him and love playing for his coaching staff. This attitude of discipline and the meeting of expectations came from Hill as the head coach. “I remember my first team meeting. I got in there and told all the players to turn off their cell phones and three phones went off in the meeting,” Hill said. “I told the guys to sit up and they were slouched back. It was a weird atmosphere that I was not used to seeing coming from the University of Utah.” The weird atmosphere that surrounded the program is gone, replaced by a feeling of the need to achieve Hill’s expectations. “I think coach Hill shows his players what he wants and how to achieve it. He sets standards, then holds every player accountable to those standards,” former player Jordan Preator said. “He has a good mix of pushing players to get results as well as loving them up so you feel the camaraderie.” Preator said that these expectations and sense of accountability bring belief in the head coach, other coaching staff and the players on the team. The expectations and
The Signpost Archives
accountability that Hill invites into the locker room and the program have proven to produce success. “You base your team off toughness and discipline, but I want players that are excited to play the game, that are self-motivated,” Hill said. “We build our program on that. We want it to be player run like they have ownership in it. We want them excited about what they are building each day.” The term “a player’s coach” can be understood in different ways. A coach whom players play for out of fear or a coach who is in it for his players, hoping they feel he is approachable—describe it how you want. Bovee believes that Hill has a good sense of balance when it comes to being a player’s coach. “Football is a hard one to balance,” Bovee said. “You got 105 guys on your squad. You got 10 other coaches that you’re trying to keep in the same flow; it’s a hard organization to run. He has a way of getting the players to buy in. He’s got a lot of expectations, but he showers them with a lot of love and support.” The balance of expectations and support needed for a successful football program
derives from many, but the application of this balance develops under the head coach and his coaching principles. “For me, coming out of my JuCo (Jr. College) and coming on my visits and being around coach Hill during my visits, he treated me like I was more than a football player,” said Parker Preator, the brother of Jordan Preator and a former player. “He cared about my family, my interests, my goals, my education and my religion.” Hill sees his players and potential players as more than athletes on the field; he challenges them to be their best selves. “I admired how coach Hill was always challenging me the minute I stepped on campus,” Parker Preator said. “Whether that was who could bench more or who could run to the football faster.” The program’s recent success has proven that Hill has transformed it into something special. He transformed it into a winning culture where his players are willing to play their heart out. “He wants to see the best me in everything,” Parker Preator said. “That is a coach you play your heart out for every time you step on the field.” Comment on this story at
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36 || August 26, 2019
By IAN SYME Reporter
Weber State University has always had an active and supportive student section. Unlike other Utah universities, the student section lacked an official name until 2017, when organizers decided to deem the Wildcat student section “The Destruction Zone.” The word “destruction” is the act or process of destroying and the name for a group of wildcats. “(The name is) nothing too crazy; it’s pretty unique, but at the same time, it represents what every student is,” Brant Mecham, assistant athletics marketing director, said. Similar to Utah State’s HURD and the University of Utah’s Mighty Utah Student Section, the Destruction Zone invites students to gather together and cheer on their Wildcats while also heckling the visiting teams. The Signpost Archives | The Signpost
The energy and passion that Wildcat students show for their teams has increased as the number of students in the Destruction section has grown in the past few years. Mecham noted that although Weber State is considered a commuter school, having a strong student section alleviates concerns students may have about attending Weber State athletics. Joining the Destruction Zone allows students to be a part of something big on campus with other friends and classmates and to really get the college experience. Head football coach Jay Hill believes a bunch of rowdy students intensifies the atmosphere in the crowd. “We want the students here. They make us better,” Hill said. “The better the atmosphere and the louder it is in here, the better home field advantage we have.” The growth of the Destruction Zone fuels a winning atmosphere among players. Senior defensive end Jonah Williams feels a
definite motivational advantage because of the Destruction Zone. “I don’t know the exact numbers, but we win most of our home games, and I know the Destruction Zone helps with that,” Williams said. Social media interaction is one of the biggest and best ways the Destruction Zone and its leaders are able to reach the WSU student body. The Destruction Zone operates multiple social media accounts, which Mecham called one of the best follows of any Weber State related accounts for students on campus. “As a marketing department, we could advertise as much as we want, but it all comes down to people inviting their friends and telling their classmates there’s a game,” Mecham said. “That’s usually when we see our best turnouts.” As the fall semester gets underway, the Destruction Zone has big plans to increase Ariana Berkemeier | The Signpost
their reach to the WSU student body. Mecham says that one of the biggest ways to generate interest is through incentives like various giveaways and discounts. One deal that stands out allows students to get themselves and four additional guests into any Weber State game for free. Students simply need to show their Wildcard ID at the gate of any athletic event. Online promotions will include multiple T-shirt and gear giveaways on social media. Vendors will offer discounted concessions at sporting events and promotional nights at different sporting events will be advertised on campus as well as on the Destruction Zone’s various accounts. Fans can follow The Destruction Zone on its social media accounts. Find them on both Twitter and Instagram with the handle @WSUDestruction and on Facebook under the page name “WSU Destruction.” Comment on this story at
Institute of Religion
Religion in Life Date
Guest Speaker
Aug 28
Pres Brad L. Mortensen,
Sept 4
Shaun Myers,
Sept 11
Jaynee Poulson,
Sept 18
Brian Garner,
Sept 25
Brad Burton,
WSU Track Hall of Fame, World Record Holder
Oct 2
Casey Elliott,
GENTRI singer and actor
Oct 9
Kate Holbrook,
Oct 16
Alan Russell,
Oct 23
Tiffany Hogan,
Oct 30
Joshua Pack,
Nov 6
Mike Palmer,
Nov 13
Dr. Aaron Jeffrey, WSU Counseling Services
Dec 4
Institute Singers
President Weber State University
CEO Myers Mortuary and Former Mission Pres.| August 26, 2019 | 37
Institute of Religion at Weber State University Presents:
President Brad L. Mortensen President of Weber State University
WSU Professor of Women’s Studies
Church Correlation Committee
Managing Historian at Church History Dept
Ogden YSA 2nd Stake President
12:30pm Institute Chapel
Assistant Coach WSU Track & Field
Motivational Speaker
Institute of Religion at WSU Instructor
Institute of Religion at WSU – Ogden Nov 20 Chad Wilkinson, Seminaries and Institutes Asst Administrator Campus
“The Hills Are Alive …” Great speakers Open to all students Refreshments
Institute Chapel Every Wednesday 12:30-1:15pm
Institute of Religion at Weber State University – Ogden Campus
Religion in Life Wednesday, August 28, 2019 12:30 — 1:15pm
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40 | | August 26, 2019
By WESTON LEE Reporter
At Weber State University, there are a wealth of resources available to students that can help with health, money and academics. Additionally, nearly all of these resources are covered through student fees and are therefore free to students. Student Affairs is a division at WSU encompassing a wide variety of offices, facilities and services. Dr. Jeff Hurst, Associate VP and Dean of Students, shared the hope of Student Affairs: to meet all the needs students have so that they can be more successful. “For just about every student need or concern, there is an office or expert to help them in some way,” Hurst said. Hust said finding a path and identity they want to pursue is one of the most difficult facets of college that students
struggle with during their pursuit of higher education. “Career services is a great place to start. There, you can ask yourself, ‘What do I want to be?’” Hurst said. Other resources, like the Health Center, Student Wellness, the Stress Relief Center and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can help students in need. Whether visiting the massage chairs and chi machines at the Stress Relief Center or meeting with a counselor at CAPS, students can support their health and well-being at Weber. As a newer and evolving resource on campus, The Money Management Center helps students, faculty and staff with money management and financial literacy. The center aims to support students, whether they are interested in common topics such as budgeting, credit, student loans, compounding interest, credit history or some-
thing else. Located in Shepherd Union 214A, across from the Fireplace Lounge, services are offered by drop-ins and as scheduled appointment times. In high school, many students are required to take financial literacy. However, Jesse Checkman, Financial Literacy Coordinator at the Money Management Center, recognized that many people may not remember what they learned years ago when they finally need it. “As you enter college, you’re into the adulting world a little more. So that’s why we’re here,” Checkman said. “We want to fill in the bits and pieces and help out where we can. Whatever we can assist with, we want to.” Many students cite financial difficulties as a reason for leaving school without graduating. With the resources available at the Money Management Center, students can receive advice from people with expe-
DON MATAUTIA | The Signpost
rience, who may help uncover alternatives to leaving school and reduce potential pitfalls. “We break down the options,” Checkman said. “Ultimately, we want to help students get out of here with as little debt as possible.” Another important area of resources are the academic resources, such as tutoring. Tutoring is available to students for free. Many tutoring centers offer both faceto-face and online sessions. This can be scheduled or can be done as drop-ins. Math and English are the most common tutoring options for students, but a variety of subjects are offered by appointments, and some departments also offer their own tutoring, such as the Foreign Language department. If students just need to work on homework, Open Computer Labs are available across campus. Students can access PC| August 26, 2019 | 41
and Mac desktops, checkout Macbooks or Chromebooks or have access to a printer. Several computer programs are available for students, at no extra cost, including the Adobe Creative Cloud, Google Suite for Education and Microsoft 365. These can be used on campus or at home. “We try to make sure that students have access to a certain software load that can help them in the most courses,” Carl Porter, the executive director of academic support centers and programs, said. “You don’t need to be, say, a computer science major to use the labs; any student can use them.” For students who want to stay on cam-
pus for a job, there are many opportunities available. Through these jobs, often leadership training, scholarships, fun activities and service opportunities are offered. Porter also stressed the flexibility in hours as a way campus jobs allow students to build around their schedules. “That’s what we have tried to do in academic support centers — make sure not only are we helping students who are struggling or need some academic help, but also it provides jobs for students and gives them something else nice,” Porter said. “Not just a job where you come, and maybe do your homework, but you learn something about what you’re doing and
how to work, how to have a job.” Another academic support system that works around student schedules as best as possible are the testing centers on campus, which offer flexible hours. The testing centers allow professors to set up times for an exam, allowing students to take exams when they feel most comfortable, including weekends. When students need to take a break from the daily list of assignments and exams, there are many campus recreation opportunities including aquatics and safety, club sports, fitness programs, intramural sports and the outdoor program. “It can seem like something that takes
away from the time that you need to attend to academics, but in fact, the more you have a healthy balanced kind of lifestyle, the more it can help,” Hurst said. “The more students get involved with activities the better they perform academically.” Although all the options for students can seem overwhelming, students can utilize these options as much or as little as they want. The options are meant to help students succeed both in classes and after they leave academia. Comment on this story at:
ALLI RICKARDS | The Signpost
Editor-in-Chief Tori Waltz
Chief Copy Editor Sierra Hawkins
A&E | Diversity Editor Danya Gil
Managing Editor Nic Muranaka
News Editor Jennifer Greenlee
Asst. A&E | Diversity Editor Landin Griffith
Graphics Editor Aubree Eckhardt
Asst. News Editor | S & T Ashlynd Greenwood
Webmaster Nate Beach
Asst. Graphics Editor Monika Clarke
Sports Editor Brandon May
Social Media Manager Benita Karo
Photo Editor Isabella Torres
Asst. Sports Editor Raymond Lucas
Adviser Jean Norman
Ad Manager KC Sanders The Signpost is a student publication, written, edited and drafted by Weber State University students. Student fees fund the printing of this publication. Opinions or positions voiced are not necessarily endorsed by the university. The Signpost reserves the right to edit for reasons of space and libel and to refuse to print any letters. Letters should be submitted online to and read letter to the Editor in the subject box. Letters should not exceed 350 words.| August 26, 2019
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44 | | August 26, 2019
By KIERSTYNN KING Investigative Reporter
Every year, college students save up and plan where they go on spring break. Some go to wild party destinations, others go on road trips with friends, but there are a select few who go on service projects during their spring break. Weber State University provides an alternative spring break program through the Center for Community Engaged Learning. The program has been around for about seven years, according to Becky Jo Gesteland, the interim director for CCEL. The program has taken students across the United States and to countries around the world. Each summer, the ASB team gathers together to plan out and budget which trips they will be going to later in the spring. “Each student on the team came up with several ideas for each trip, and then they find an advisor to help put together the rest of the trip,” said Gesteland. For the 2019 spring semester, the spring break trips included trips to the
Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Hawai’i, Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation, Puerto Rico, and Seattle. Each trip included performing some type of service project. Caden Kendall is the assistant to the alternative spring break’s director. “We met as an entire team and came up with ideas. We didn’t want to create the idea of a destination,” Kendall said. “Like for Hawai’i: we didn’t want someone picking the Hawai’i trip just because it was in Hawai’i. So we made sure that we focused on the types of services we wanted to do and then figured out which location would work best for the type of service that we wanted to do.” The focuses for the trip included health, education, and even research. But the question remains, how do college students afford to go on trips like these? The whole team at CCEL try their best to make their trips as affordable as they possibly can. A company called Operation Underground Railroad had a push-up challenge
that Alternative Spring Break Director Jacob Hutchins learned about and wanted to help lower ASB prices for their trips. WSU participated in the challenge and raised over their goal amount. OUR then was able to donate money to help lower the costs of the trips. For example, Guatemala was one of the most expensive places on the alternative spring break list. $2,690 was the entire cost for the entire trip. However with the donation of $534 from OUR it lowered the amount to $2,156. Students still had to pay that leftover amount out of pocket. That money, however, was looked at as a package for that trip. It included airfare, lodging, transportation, funds for activities they got to participate in on their days off, food and a little bit of donation money that went towards the fire department that they were helping. Teresa Martinez is the program coordinator for CCEL and was also the co advisor for the Guatemala trip. “We understand that costs for these trips can be a barrier for some students, so
we encourage them to apply for as much funding as possible. We also try to help out as much as we can,” Martinez said. “For the Guatemala trip specifically since it was one of the most expensive trips, we were able to partially help pay for part of the amount that students had to pay. We told some students that if you pay $150, we’ll pay the rest, and we were able to do that for some students.” Martinez also gives out her own fund. The fund is for students who want to be engaged in their community but can’t because of financial barriers. “So I say ‘Let me pay for that so you can participate and don’t have to worry about paying,’” Martinez said. “Or if a student is working a full time or part time job to try and pay for tuition I say ‘Let me pay for your tuition so you don’t have to work as much and then you can be more actively engaged in your community.’” Students also had opportunities to participate in fundraisers to help raise money for the service projects they were participating in.
pursue a simpler lifestyle. They then saw a country in need and wanted to give back, so they started a nonprofit organization called Cultiva out in Guatemala to help families in need. Cultivia and the students worked together to help a local fire department and make garden boxes for families who weren’t able to afford enough food. “We shadowed the fire department, and we got to go out on calls with them. They’re also paramedics at the same time, so they respond to pretty much everything,” said Martinez. “We also got trained in certain things, like first-aid, the ABCs of responding to certain calls, how to tie certain wounds. It was an experience that you couldn’t have really gotten anywhere else.” The trip to Hawai’i focused on higher education and environmental science. Students ended up visiting 16 local high schools and gave high school seniors advice on college while answering any questions or fears they made have had about making that transition.
“When I went on this trip, I realized how much I truly valued higher education because I got to go and share my experiences with people who haven’t experienced it yet,” Kendall said. “It was exciting for me to be somewhat of an influence.” In an article by “Monster,” students are able to learn about important social issues occurring around the world today and how the differences they make have a lasting impact on the communities they help out. Alternative spring breaks may not be for everyone. They may seem pricey, but with the right amount of research and help, the costs can be lowered. “I think anyone who is maybe on the fence about trips like these should really just take the plunge and just go,” Kendall said. “Going on trips like these really puts the world in a different perspective, and it’s amazing. I can’t describe it. All I can say is, just go and see for yourself.” Comment on this story at
Despite the additional costs and the sacrifice of free time to do service work, college students continue to go on alternative spring breaks. According to an article by Habitat for Humanity, alternative spring breaks give students an opportunity to help serve communities, travel, and meet people in a new way while helping others. Several organizations including Habitat for Humanity put on ASB’s for any student hoping to serve their community in a more impactful way. “The really cool and unique thing about alternative breaks is everyone’s experience and trip is completely different than someone else’s, and that’s what makes this so special,” Kendall said. “There’s no one thing that I think everyone learned at the same time.” For the trip to Guatemala, trip leaders, students and co-trip leaders worked together with a company called Cultiva throughout the entire trip process. The family who started Cultivia were from Utah and moved to Guatemala to
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