Thursday | October 10, 2019 | Volume 90 | Issue 20
: BELLA TORRES | The Signpost
ROBERT LEWIS| The Signpost
ISRAEL CAMPA | The Signpost
2 | October 10, 2019 |
On Oct. 6, there was a truck in the Dee Event Center parking lot. The two occupants appeared to be slumped over and not moving. The officer drove up to the vehicle and could see a male and female kissing. The officer checked on them to make sure there were no issues.
Officers responded to an open hydrant call on Oct. 6. The open hydrant was being tested in the A-11 parking lot. Facilities management confirmed they were testing systems and the officers let the fire unit who showed up know the hydrant was being tested. A fire alarm went off at Wildcat Village on Oct. 6. Officers responded and evacuated the building and fire cleared the building. The incident was reported to the alarm company as a possible faulty alarm.
On Oct. 4, a fire alarm went off in the Student Services building, and the police were contacted by Mountain Alarm. The police contacted the Fire Marshall, but when officers arrived there was no sign of smoke. It was determined there was an issue with the fire alarm. Two residents called in three noise complaints from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 at University Village. Both of these noise complainants were about the same room. The complaints were documented, and the tenants of the room were talked to. The callers were referred to housing if the problem continued.
An officer attempted to make a typical traffic stop on a vehicle on Oct. 1. The vehicle pulled over, and when the officer used his spotlight the vehicle sped away. The officer pursued the vehicle for several blocks before the driver abandoned his vehicle and ran through backyards. K-9 units were brought in to search for the suspect; they were unable to locate him. The next day, the driver turned himself in at the Kiesel Jail Facility, and was charged with possession of marijuana, methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia along with traffic violations.
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POLICE Other Side of the Hill
by B.C. Sterrett
ISRAEL CAMPA | The Signpost
ISRAEL CAMPA | The Signpost
Weber State hopes to raise the awareness of the opioid crisis ISRAEL CAMPA | The Signpost
ISRAEL CAMPA | The Signpost
Different organizations came out to raise opioid awareness
On the week of Oct. 1-4, Weber State University assistant professor Todd Hillhouse organized an opioid awareness week. The week included an awareness fair, speakers and expert panel. The event aimed to spread awareness about addiction and give resources to students who are struggling or know those who are. Many clubs and booths sat around the Steward Bell Tower Plaza to give members of the Weber State community resources to fight the opioid epidemic. Among those were the Student Well-
ness Center on campus. Kim Crookston, who is an intern for Student Wellness, said that opioids and addiction in general is a prevalent problem in the world. She said she was excited about this event because then those who are struggling with addiction or opioids will know there are people who care and want to help them. The Utah Harm Reduction Coalition was another provider of resources at the fair. The mission of the UHRC is to provide interventions to aid others in reducing health risks, diseases, social harms and more associated with substance abuse. “People who are still in the middle of their addiction are still worth something,” Shi Alex with UHRC said. “And they are
worth help, and what we want to do is help them not catch diseases and keep them alive.” Alex mentioned that they have resources to provide HIV and Hepatitis C testing, providing sterile equipment and a supportive environment at their Utah Overdose Prevention Sites. Mental health is also a key factor in dealing with opioid addiction. A lot of addictions are psychological, according to Vice President of the Psi Chi club at Weber, AnnElise Dahl. She believes that hitting the problem at the start can really combat the problem. Knowing about opioids can help those who aren’t addicted perform outreach to those around them and can get them to
resources. Dahl wants students to know that they are not hopeless, but that this is a problem, and we need to not turn a blind eye to this issue. Hillhouse wanted to organize this event because almost everyone is affected by opioids all while many students and community members are unaware of the fact that anyone is struggling. The awareness week had many different groups and people who were there specifically to target different areas of the opioid epidemic. Hillhouse said that Thursday’s expert panel would be a nice resource because students were able to ask specific questions to policy makers, doctors, and more. Comment on this story at
4 | October 10, 2019 |
By WESTON SLEIGHT Correspondent
Just over a dozen Weber State alums watched Sept. 27 at the Weber State Fieldhouse as the reigning national championship Weber State cheerleading team practiced for the Oct. 12 homecoming game, creating towers of people three levels high, throwing members up and catching them in human “baskets,” arms clasped firmly. The alums marveled at how far cheerleading has come since they formed the first competitive cheer team for Weber State in the 1970s. “We had to have jumps, and the minimum for our tumbling pass was a roundoff back handspring”, said Scott Odle, captain of that first Weber State cheer team. In honor of the 100th anniversary of football on Weber State, alums and current cheerleaders held a two-day reunion for Weber’s first ever competitive cheer squad, which formed 1976-78. A total of 15 alumni from Nebraska to California, including those from the local area, came.
This was the first time in 43 years that the were but how they were still a family just Center, alumni were able to reminisce alumni have gotten together, and it took like we are still to this day," said Tiana Jen- about their days as WSU cheerleaders as 18 months to organize, Odle said. sen, current WSU cheerleader. they watched a slide show and old cheer The first part of the reunion was watchThe final day of the reunion involved uniforms were on display. The night coning the current squad as they practiced for touring the Dee Events Center. cluded as they cheered loud and proud for game day. That consisted of halftime per“We were the first group to cheer in the the Weber State Wildcats. formances, timeouts and sideline stunts. Dee Events Center," said alumni cheerComment on this story at Both squads were able to teach one anoth- leader Laree McLean Moore. In the Hurst er cheers and the Weber State Fight song. WESTON SLEIGHT | The Signpost Alumni and current members were able to get to know each other and share their experiences with one another. “Being able to meet some of the alumni of the Weber State cheer team was a surreal experience,” said Corrine Isaac, current WSU cheerleader. “The Weber State cheer team is a very special and unique one, as no matter how much time has passed or how old you are, if you are a member of this team or were a member, you are a part of a forever family and legacy.” Even though the alumni cheerleaders haven't seen one another in many years, they picked up right where they left off. “It was so cool to hear how different the experiences of their cheerleading careers Alums and current Weber State cheerleaders pose in formation on Sept.
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27 at the Weber State Fieldhouse after cheer reunion practice.
Awarded CoARC “Distinguished” RRT (Registered Respiratory Therapist) Credentialing Success. | October 10, 2019 | 5
OGDEN O C T. 2 3
O C T. 24 - 2 5
G E T T I C K E TS ! I T ’ S T RA D I T I O N !
6 | October 10, 2019 |
Ben Jealous, a civil rights activist and former president and CEO of the NAACP, addressed WSU students and faculty for the 21st Annual Diversity Conference. Jealous urged students to fight for social justice, no matter how big or small the issue. WSU held the conference to foster an environment of diversity and inclusion on campus. WSU President Brad Mortensen announced the university had experienced a faster-than-expected 31 percent increase in Hispanic/Latinx enrollment since 2015. “While we celebrate that, we know that is not the end of the road,” Mortensen said. “We know that it is important to bring all of us together, regardless of our race, gender or religion.” The conference concluded with Jealous’ keynote speech. Jealous has specialized in bringing together people with different backgrounds to form coalitions in support of social causes. Jealous has led activism against the juvenile death penalty and
racial profiling and in support of voting rights and marriage equality. Activism is a part of Jealous’ family history. Five generations of his family have been involved with the NAACP. Jealous takes pride in the fact that his great-great grandfather was born a slave but died a state legislator in Virginia. For Jealous, his own life of activism began as a 21-year-old college student in New York City in 1990. He was attending a friend’s birthday party when the group called for a toast. The friends had a libation for their non-present friends, other young men of color, who had either gone to prison or had died before reaching their 21st birthday. “To turn the mood around, my friend toasted the fact that one more black or Latino man in America had survived to 21,” Jealous said. “The notion cut me like a knife.” Jealous faced several sleepless nights after that party. He could not stand the fact that men of color were still facing injustice, even after the Civil Rights Movement of the 1970s. Jealous began to question
what had gone wrong, and what he could do to advance the cause of men and women of color. Jealous ended up in Jackson, Mississippi. The state’s governor was adamant on shutting down or converting historically black colleges into prisons. Jealous and his team of activists set to work organizing protests and opposition to the governor’s plans. Despite a historically hostile environment towards demonstrations, especially those from people of color, Jealous and his team reached out to blacks and whites for support. Jealous had to learn to let go of his assumptions when asking people to join the cause. He found allies and enemies in unexpected places. A large gathering of people celebrating Earth Day, drunk from a day of alcohol and music, chanted “Get a rope!” when some of Jealous’ organizers asked for help. Feeling dejected, Jealous and his team met at a Waffle House to strategize and collect themselves. There, an older white male—who appeared initially antagonistic
towards the group—threw his full support behind Jealous and his team and offered words of encouragement. "We stopped assuming," Jealous said. "We had been assuming who our friends were and who our friends were not." Thanks to Jealous’ organizing efforts and outreach to various groups of people, the governor’s plan failed, and investment in HCBUs increased. He believes that anybody with the necessary passion and work ethic can advance a just cause. “If you feel like the universe, or God, or however you interpret the order of things to be has already made it clear to you what your purpose is, pursue it with all your heart right now,” Jealous said. The audience provided a standing ovation upon the conclusion of Jealous’ speech. LaNicia Duke, an African American teacher who is new to Utah, was inspired to tears from Jealous’ message. “We can change the world together,” Duke said. Comment on this story at
ROBERT LEWIS | The Signpost
Benjamin Jealous, Civil and Human Rights Leader speaks at the 21st Annual WSU Diversity Conference | October 10, 2019 | 7
Ben Jealous, un activista de derechos civiles y ex presidente y CEO de el NAACP, se dirigió a los estudiantes y facultad de WSU en la 21st Annual Diversity Conference. Jealous pidió a los estudiantes a luchar por la justicia social, sin importar que grande o pequeño sea el problema. WSU celebró esta conferencia para fomentar un ambiente de diversidad e inclusión en el campus. El Presidente de WSU, Brad Mortensen, anunció que hubo un incremento de 31 por ciento en las inscripciones de Hispanos/Latinx en WSU desde el año 2015. “Eso sí, mientras celebramos este logro, nosotros sabemos que no es final del camino," Mortensen dijo. “Nosotros sabemos que es importante reunirnos todos, independiente de nuestra raza, género o religión." La conferencia concluyo con el discurso de apertura compartido por Jealous. Él se ha especializado en reunir personas con diferentes antecedentes para formar asociaciones en apoyo de las causas sociales. Jealous ha liderado activismos en ROBERT LEWIS | The Signpost
contra de la pena juvenil y el perfil racial, el apoyo a los derechos al voto y la equivalencia matrimonial. El activismo es una parte de la historia familiar de Jealous. Aproximadamente, cinco generaciones de su familia han estado involucradas en la organización NAACP. Jealous se enorgullece con el hecho que su tátara-tátara abuelo nació esclavo, pero murió como un legislador estatal de Virginia. Para Jealous, su vida de activista comenzó cuando era un estudiante universitario con tan solo 21 años en New York City durante 1990. Él estuvo asistiendo una fiesta de cumpleaños de uno de sus amigos cuando el grupo pidió un brindis. Los amigos tuvieron un tributo por sus amigos quien no estaban presentes, otros jóvenes de color, quienes habían ido a prisión o muerto antes de cumplir 21 años. “Para cambiar el estado de ánimo alrededor, mi amigo brindo por el hecho de que un hombre más identificado como negro o latino haya sobrevivido a sus 21 años," dijo Jealous. “Esta Idea me cortó como un cuchillo." Jealous se enfrentó a varias noches de desveló después de esa fiesta. Él no podía soportar el hecho de que los hombres de color seguían enfrentando injusticias,
incluso después del Movimiento de Derechos Civiles en la década de 1970. Jealous se comenzó a preguntar que había salido y que podía hacer para avanzar en la causa de hombre y mujeres de color. Jealous terminó en Jackson, Mississippi. El gobernador del estado se mantuvo firme en cerrar o convertir universidades históricamente negras en cárceles. Jealous y su equipo de activistas se pusieron a trabajar en la organización de protestas en oposición a los planes del gobernador. A pesar del entorno históricamente hostil hacia las manifestaciones, en especial de personas de color, Jealous y su equipo se acercaron más a las personas negras y blancas para obtener más apoyo. Jealous tuvo que poner sus suposiciones aun lado cuando les pedía a las personas que se unieran a esta causa. El encontró aliados y enemigos en lugares inesperables. Una gran reunión de personas celebrando el día de la tierra, borrachos en un día de alcohol y música, coreaban, "¡Consíganos una soga!" cuando algunos de los organizadores por parte de Jealous pedían ayuda. Sintiéndose destrozados, Jealous y su equipo se reunieron en el Waffle House para elaborar estrategias y ensamblarse entre ellos mismos. Allí, un hombre blanco quien era mayor, parecía inicialmente
Students, faculty, staff and community members assemble for the 21st Annual WSU Diversity Conference.
contradictor hacia el grupo, pero resulto apoyando plenamente a Jealous y su equipo con unas palabras de aliento extra. “Dejamos de suponer las cosas," Jealous dijo. “Nosotros habíamos estado suponiendo que quienes eran nuestros amigos lo eran y que quienes no eran nuestros amigos no lo eran." Gracias a los esfuerzos de las organizaciones repartidas por Jealous y varios grupos de personas, el plan del gobernador fracasó y las inversiones en HCBU aumentaron. Él cree que cualquier persona con la pasión y la ética puede promover una causa justa. “Si tu sientes como el universo, Dios o cualquier método que tengas para interpretar el orden de las cosas y ya te ha dejado claro cuál es tu verdadero propósito, persíguelo con todo tu corazón de inmediato," Jealous dijo. La audiencia ofreció una gran ovación a la conclusión del discurso compartido por Jealous. LaNicia Duke, una maestra afroamericana quien es nueva en Utah, fue inspirada y lloro por el mensaje de Jealous. “Nosotros podemos cambiar el mundo Juntos," Duke dijo. Comment on this story at
THE VOICE "Blind Auditions" Episode 1704 — Pictured: James Violet Photo by: Justin Lubin/NBC
8 | October 10, 2019 |
Section Editor
On the heels of a “whirlwind” week, James Violet’s — known around Weber State University as Jacob Waller — family just wanted to get their hands on Celine Dion tickets. The household that had spent all week focusing on Violet was now holding its breath for Dion. Violet, a WSU business marketing student, is a contestant on season 17 of NBC’s Emmy-winning singing competition show, "The Voice." His soulful adaptation of Harry Styles’ “Sweet Creature” caught the attention of judges Kelly Clarkson, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani. Violet chose Stefani as his coach, despite his musical style aligning more with Clarkson. “I kind of wanted to throw people a curve-ball, and I feel like I could grow more under somebody out of my genre and out my area,” Violet said of his decision. Violet grew up in a household where his mother, Kathy Waller, brought the soul and blues while his father, Travis Waller, brought the rock and indie sound. Violet began playing the clarinet at the age of 12. By the time he was in high school, Violet played the saxophone, ukulele, guitar, piano and sang. Because of the constant music playing
around him and other family members’ inclination toward music, Violet said there was never a pivotal moment where he chose music; it was always around him. While pregnant with Violet, Kathy Waller would place headphones around her stomach and play composers Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven. “As soon as I played it he would just be so active,” Kathy Waller said. “It got to a point where I said, ‘I don’t know if I can do this anymore,’ because he was pushing so hard. He definitely reacted to it.” Violet stopped only listening to music and chose to create his own. Violet released his first project, “404 Not Found” in early 2019. Simultaneously, he launched his own creative label, In Full Bloom. With an EP, a creative label and the depths of being a college student, Violet was busy trying to create his own sound and getting his name out. It was during this time he was approached by people within "The Voice." “'The Voice' came along, and my voice and my genre is so underdone on TV. There’s plenty of people that are like me, that have this same sort of aesthetic, likes, interests and look, but it’s so underrepresented,” Violet said. “I wanted to break the norm of who can be on TV and who can be on the show.” Beyond changing the perception of
who can make it onto a reality competition show, Violet wants to use his newly-formed platform to represent Utah and WSU. Violet recalls a time when he wanted to leave Utah in order to begin fulfilling his dreams. He no longer wants to feel like he or others have to escape Utah to become successful. “I don’t want people to ever be like ‘I couldn’t here; I can’t in Utah because that’s not the scene,’” Violet said. “I want to be so out of the norm here that people realize they can do it as well. They can do whatever they want wherever they want.” Kathy Waller said she was proud of how much Violet talked about his hometown of Syracuse, Utah and WSU on camera. She believes Utah can have a bad reputation around the country. “I feel like, in this nation, Utah gets a bad rap,” Kathy Waller said. “I think people think we’re 10 years behind. Utah is an amazing place to live. It’s beautiful. The people here are kind. I was so happy and proud of his clip because he said that.” During Violet’s blind audition, his family watched inches off-stage. His sister Maddie Waller and grandmother Janet Waller said it was a surreal experience. Violet had one request of his family during this time; whether a chair turned for him or not, no one was allowed to cry. Immediately after Clarkson turned her
chair, Maddie Waller turned to her mother and said, “Don’t cry, don’t cry,” sentiments that are now an inside joke within the family. When Clarkson’s chair turned, Kathy Waller said it felt like the weight of the world was off their shoulders. Violet said he felt in his element during the audition but was still nervous. As the song came to a close, Shelton and Stefani pushed their buttons to vie for him. As Kathy Waller recounted the experience through teary eyes, Maddie Waller jokingly warned her mother, “Don’t cry, don’t cry.” “This was such a build up and such an accumulation of so much time,” Kathy Waller said. “This was the moment, and we love him so much. We were just there watching him make his dreams come true; it’s just every parents’ dream come true.” Violet’s family has been along his The Voice journey, keeping everything about his audition confidential. Since the Oct. 1 airing of his audition, they have been overjoyed to finally share what has been years in the making. “I think everybody has people in their lives that shine,” grandmother Janet Waller said. “He is that for us.” Comment on this story at | October 10, 2019 | 9 ISRAEL CAMPA | The Signpost
James Violet hopes to bring a new light to the music scene in Utah.
The Waller family always supports James' projects. ISRAEL CAMPA | The Signpost
Jamses' strong support system, his mother and grandma.
ISRAEL CAMPA | The Signpost
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10 | October 10, 2019 |
2 3 2018 2017 2016 By JENNIFER GREENLEE Section Editor
Each year on Oct. 1, the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is published to comply with the requirements of the Clery Act and other federal regulations. The Clery Act is a federal statute that requires all colleges and universities with federal financial aid programs to disclose information about crime on and near their campuses. Along with the annually published report, a public crime log must be available with the past 60 days of informa-
tion. Crime statistics must be available for the previous three years in the annual report. These include crimes that have occurred on campus, in residence halls, in non-campus buildings or on public property near the campus. On Oct. 1, the 2018-2019 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report was released. The report is 60 pages long and details the crime statistics for the past three years, the policies for reporting crime, emergency procedures and the protections available for students. After the safety report, the Fire Safety report
2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016
and statistics follow. The crime statistics are broken down by campus: Ogden, Davis, Farmington and West (Roy). In Ogden, there were some notable statistics for the 2018 year. There were no reports of murder, negligent manslaughter, robbery, arson or arrests for weapon possessions. There was an increase in the number of reported rapes on campus. Ten rapes were reported with nine of them having taken place in student housing. This is up from nine in 2017 and four in 2016.
Two aggravated assaults occurred on campus which is up from zero in 2017 and down from three in 2016. There were two burglaries and three motor vehicle thefts in 2018 on campus property. In 2017, there were six burglaries and two motor vehicle thefts. There were two reports of domestic violence, which is up from 2016. Both of the 2018 reports took place in student housing. Three reports were made about stalking. This is down from 13 in 2017 and 15 in 2016. Three arrests were made for drug abuse
violations, with only one in student housing. There were 40 disciplinary referrals, which all took place in student housing. Both of these are up from 33 drug abuse arrests in 2017 and 34 referrals. Only one arrest was made for liquor law violations, with 49 disciplinary referrals issued for liquor law violation. The arrests are down from six in 2017 and the referrals are up from 32 in 2017. The Davis Campus has had one rape in 2016 on non-campus property, but have had no reports since. However, there was one case of domestic violence reported in
the same year. Also in 2016, there was a disciplinary referral for weapons possession or carrying. In 2017, there were two arrests for drug abuse and one referral. In 2018, there was one case of arson reported and one case of stalking. On both the Farmington and West campuses, there have been no Clery Act crimes reported. According to this report, there were no hate crimes in the past two years. There were two reported in 2016 having to do with the individuals’ sexual orientation.
In the fire section of the report, it stipulates how often there are evacuation drills per year in residential buildings. It also details which have smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and devices and evacuation plans and placards. In the past three years, there have been no fires in any residential building. There were two fire drills per year, one per semester, in 2018. The purpose of the Clery Act is to keep the public and the students informed and safe. Knowing how to report any crime can make it easier for students to report them, and
info can be found on the WSU Police page or in the Annual Safety and Fire Report. There are also resources in both to help students find help outside of the police department. Safe@Weber has an available advocate for students and the Counseling and Psychological Center can help students get the help they need. Both resources are confidential and won’t report any identifying information to the university without the student’s consent. Other sources for students can be found on the Safe@Weber page. Comment on this story at
12 | October 10, 2019 |
Assistant Section Editor
Homecoming week has finally arrived for Weber State University, and as everyone gets ready for the dance on Friday night, the Wildcats have an unwanted date with their rivals from Cedar City on the evening of Oct.12. This year’s homecoming game will bring the Southern Utah Thunderbirds to Stewart Stadium on Oct. 12 in a clash of bitter instate rivals. SUU will be bringing in their 1-5 record as they attempt to upset the ‘Cats’. The last time WSU lost to their rivals from down south was in 2017 when they
knocked off the Wildcats in an ice-cold Stewart Stadium. The ‘Cats’ returned the favor later that year when the teams battled in the FCS playoffs and hammered them to a tune of 30-13 in Cedar City. The Wildcats will come into this game with a record of 3-2 with both losses coming to FBS level opponents. The STATS FCS top 25 poll features Weber State ranked at #4 in the nation, but it has not come easy as the ‘Cats’ have overcome injuries of junior QB Jake Constantine and sophomore QB Kaden Jenks. This week, Constantine will get the nod after returning from injury last week in a hard-fought win against the Idaho Vandals in Moscow, ID. SUU is a different team from the last
time they came up to Ogden. They went from co-champs of the Big Sky with WSU to having won only two out of their last 17 games. Before the rivalry takes place on the field on Oct. 12, Southern Utah’s campus has begun to make a few changes. The letter “W” has been replaced with a red “X” as they get ready for their clash with Weber State. This prompted a response from WSU’s sophomore cornerback Eddie Heckard who pointed out their recent woes by tweeting, “I thought it was because they haven’t been getting any W’s.” The WSU-SUU rivalry formed in 1984 and the Wildcats hold the all-time record with a 18-8 lead in the series. Weber State
Jake Constantine #8 58-90 for 419 yards 2 TDs and 2 INTs
won the first 11 games in the series and also hold the largest margin of victory during that streak after winning 62-20 in 1985. Despite the Wildcats dominance in the series, the two teams are tied with a 5-5 record in their last 10 match ups with each other. This game will be only the third game for the Wildcats as they have traveled to California, Nevada and Idaho. This will be a two-game homestand before they travel to northern California in back-to-back weeks to battle with UC Davis and Sacramento State. Comment on this story at
Chris Helbig #8 141-218 for 1398 yards 7 TDs and 4 INTs
Josh Davis #28 47 carries with 272 yards and 3 TDs Kevin Smith Junior #4 58 carries 268 yards and 1 TD
James Felila #23 69 carries for 244 yards and 2 TDs Thomas Duckett #2 37 carries for 146 yards 1 TD
Devon Cooley #85 21 receptions for 246 yards and 1 TD Rashid Shaheed #22 15 receptions for 191 yards and 3 TDs
Lance Lawson #14 52 receptions for 482 yards and 3 TDs Isaiah Diego-Williams #15 24 receptions for 213 yards and 1 TD
20 points per game 161 yards per game
41 points per game 426 yards per game
Mary Mapes, author of Truth and Duty: The Press, The President, and the Privilege of Power. AwardWinning former producer of 60 Minutes. DATE: MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020 | 7 PM Tickets: $5 Students | $12.50-$25 General Public
14 | October 10, 2019 |
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Annual Security Report and Fire Report 2015-2016
Welcome to Weber State University. Our Police Department is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. To that end, Weber State University wants to work together with you to create a fun, healthy and vibrant campus community.
We are pleased to present the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. This report is issued the first of October each year and is intended to comply with the requirements of the Clery Act and associated Federal regulations. The information contained in the annual report pertains to all WSU properties; more specifically you will find information on the University’s policies and procedures for reporting crime, safety and security prevention and protection programs, victim assistance services, fire safety, and other materials to assist you in maintaining your safety and security. I encourage you to read the information contained in the report and consider how it can help you and the WSU community to prevent and protect yourself against crime. To request a paper copy of this brochure please contact the Weber State Police Department at 801-626-6460 or you can go to the link below and view an electronic copy. Thank you for taking time to review this information and helping to make WSU a safer community. A copy of the annual report can be found at
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16 | October 10, 2019 |
Rock climbing has once again made its way into the spotlight with the release of the feature film “Free Solo.” The film follows Alex Honnold, a free soloist (someone who climbs without rope, gear or protection), who climbed the legendary El Capitan in Yosemite, California, a granite face three times the size of the Empire State Building. The film “Free Solo” won the Oscar for best documentary in 2019 and has sparked many interviews with Honnold and other climbers that can be found all over the web and in magazines from Outside to GQ. Those who have watched movies like “Free Solo” may have the desire to learn to rock climb. Others may want a new form of exercise. Some may be attracted to the social aspect, or others may simply have the desire to shake up their routine and have more adrenaline in their life. But those new to climbing may not feel confident climbing on their own. They may feel overwhelmed by the terminology or may not know where to start on their rock-climbing journey.
According to Spencer Torman, a student and climber, someone new to rock climbing will need climbing shoes, a harness, a type of belaying device like an ATC, carabiners and rope depending on the type of climbing someone is planning on doing. All of these items can be expensive, but for Ogden residents and students, Weber State’s outdoor program is a great place to start. In addition to renting out equipment, there is a climbing wall in the Swenson Stromberg Complex located on the Ogden campus open to everyone within certain hours. “You can climb for free if you’re a student here,” Torman said. Reese Qualls, a student of the outdoor recreation program and a rock-climbing instructor, said, “Don’t be intimidated by (the climbing wall). It’s a super safe place to learn. The staff is super willing to help out and teach those new skills.” Qualls explained that the climbing wall is a great resource for climbers of all skill levels. The facilities include a bouldering wall and multiple routes for top roping. Weber State even offers classes that students can take for credit that teach more
advanced types of climbing like lead climbing. “It’s a little bit scary at first, but as you get more experience and repetitions in, it feels more comfortable,” Qualls said. The entry level climbing types are bouldering and top roping. Bouldering requires only climbing shoes, no rope or harness are required. Typically, a climber will climb ten to 15 feet off the ground and have a pad underneath them in case they fall or are ready to jump down. This pad absorbs the weight of the fall, making it a safer way to climb. In bouldering, the climber does not go that high, but it is still not a bad idea to have a spotter (someone down below) to guide the climber to land on the pad. Top roping requires two people. In top roping, the climber can go much higher and still be safe because they have a belayer (someone who holds the rope on the ground and ensures the safety of the climber). Once the top is reached, the climber will rappel (descend) down the wall to the ground with the help of the belayer. The facility can provide climbers with harnesses, climbing shoes and the rope,
which will already be set up for the climbers. “All these things that you might need to buy, you could just come to the climbing wall and use for free,” Torman said. A worker from the outdoor recreation program will help any individual who comes to the wall within their hours and give them a tutorial on how to use the equipment, teach the proper commands while climbing and, most importantly, how to be safe and have fun. Jordan Schraedel, a Weber State Student, when referencing his climbing experience at the Weber State climbing wall said, “I’m having lots of fun. I was skeptical at first because my brother wanted to do it. But now that we’ve gotten through a few classes, I like it.” The Weber State Outdoor Program website states that the fall 2019 hours for the climbing wall are Mon-Fri 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Tues and Thur 6:00 p.m.– 10:00 p.m. and Sat from 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Comment on this story at | October 10, 2019 | 17
ISRAEL CAMPA | The Signpost
ISRAEL CAMPA | The Signpost
ISRAEL CAMPA | The Signpost
Top: One of the students take advantage of the climbing wall during the hours it’s open. Bottom Left: Located in the Stromberg Complex, the climbing walls offers a different way to exercise. Bottom Right: There are three walls that offer various forms of difficulty.
18 | October 10, 2019 |
University President Brad Mortensen, sixth from the left, and university officials break ground for the new Outdoor Recreation and Welcome Center ROBERT LEWIS | The Signpost
On Oct. 8, the Outdoor Adventure Center and many of Weber State University’s biggest supporters broke ground for the new Outdoor Adventure and Welcome Center. This groundbreaking is a big step for Weber and for the Ogden community. Many people attended the ceremonial groundbreaking for the new Outdoor Adventure and Welcome Center. Assistant Director of Student Affairs Brett Perozzi said in his opening remarks that this facility embodies the spirit of WSU and the Ogden Community. He stated that putting two parts in one building, the Outdoors and the Student Welcome aspect, brings together what Weber is trying to practice. All the aspects of a higher education university have to work together, and Perozzi stated that because we work so well together as a university, we
can bring more learning to students; it’s all about the learning. “The outdoor program, personally, has always been my passion for as long as I can remember,” Daniel Turner, the Outdoor Program assistant director and coordinator, said. He personally feels like the right beacon has not been on Weber State, but that this new building is the best beacon to represent Weber State and Ogden, Utah. This beacon can be something that is unique to WSU. While the Outdoor Adventure Center has a rich history and many years of experience under its belt, its mission has remained consistent. The mission is three fold: the first aspect is to promote the on and off campus recreation opportunities; second, to introduce students and faculty to the great outdoor opportunities available; and third, to offer these activities at a minimal
fee. “When I came to Weber State University in 2007, it has always been a vision to grow the Outdoor Program,” Turner said. He also feels that combining the opportunity that students have to rent equipment and get involved in the outdoors can really enhance their student experience. Weber wants its students to be able to do incredible things while also pursuing their education. Turner has personally witnessed students learn leadership skills and personal confidence by participating and even becoming a staff member with Outdoor Rec. “Thinking back to the legacy of what the students did in 1922, when they did the first Mt. Ogden Hike to symbolize not only the connection with the outdoors, but climbing the mountain was big for the college then,” President of the University Brad Mortenson said, “It was big to symbolize
that we had arrived and we were going to do big things.” Mortenson went on to say that this mantra continues today and that the new facility is one of those big things. Students can learn to conquer their own personal challenges and learn technical skills just through participating in the outdoor program. Outdoor Program Coordinator Hayley Prine said that this facility will not only help them to do their job more efficiently, but will provide resources to many students. She believes that not only is the Outdoor Adventure Building going to provide access for the community, but it will bring many, as of now, unseen opportunities in the future. Comment on this story at
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