A beginner’s guide to: Search Engine Optimisation? By Jon-Marc Spatcher
Aim of this presentation: oWhat
is SEO? oWhat are Keywords? oWhere Do I Put Keywords? oWhere Do Search Engines Look For Keyword? oWhat Do Search Engines Not Like? oWhat Else Should I Do?
What is Search Engine Optimisation? Search Engine Optimisation (or SEO for short) is: “the process of making your website appear higher in the search engines ranking system” Over 300 million searches performed every day
70% of websites are found through search engines
76% of people click on the first page of Google
So, the higher you are ranked the better your website will perform!!!
What are keywords
Keywords are:“the words or phrases used by a searcher
and placed into a search engine”
The right keywords are those that are frequently placed into a search engine.
To be effective, Keywords must have a good level of traffic and few other websites competing for the Page one slots
High Traffic Low Competition
Where do I put keywords
The keywords need to be placed in the right place in each of your web pages
The search engine checks the content of your site – Imagine spiders crawling through a web!!
The more confident the search engine is of the content, the higher it will appear in the search results.
Certain words or phrases in a website are given preference so you need to make sure that you are putting these words in the right places.
Where do search engines look for Search engines look keywords in these areas on your website: keywords? In your Page Title As Links In your Headings In the first 25 words on your page Inside Bold Text In the URL In your Meta tags
What do search engines not like? Pages need to be easy to read for the search engines to pick them up. As well as putting in keywords they like you should also avoid the things they do not like. Such as:
Long pages Very Short Pages Dynamic URLs i.e. URLs that contain these characters - & $ + = ? % cgi Flash pages Links inside an image or a frame
What Else Should I Do? •
Links going into your site (Inbound) are a major contributor to search engine success
It is the QUALITY of links NOT just the QUANTITY of links!!
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Quality = high click through rate to your site .
To conclude: There begin to place these simple steps in place when you are building your website • • • • • • •
With this in place YOUR site will start to climb its way to up the search engine rankings, all the way to success See http://bit.ly/8ZbS0G for a more in-depth explanation of this process.
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