How to Create Interest In Your Website?

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How to Create Interest In Your Website? By Jon-Marc Spatcher

Introduction • Once you have built your website and placed some interesting content on there you want to try and get people to visit your site and read your posts. • The answer is by getting your site higher up the search engine results. • An easy way to do this is to create links to your site. • The more links you have to your site the higher up you will appear in searches like Google. • There are literally thousands of ways to do this but here are a few ways to get to heading in the right direction... •

Give something Away • Ok, so how can you generate by giving something away? • Well, if you are an e-based company and you have products that are left over why not give them away to entice some new readers? • You could give it away to charity, asking that the charity creates a link on their site. • It will be something you can also add to your site to demonstrate you and your companies good nature. •

Money off Vouchers • If there is one thing that we all love, it is getting some money off something. • So why not use this when trying to get people to visit you. • Advertise vouchers (for your site) that will save them money. • Ask other bloggers to use them and get their readers to use them. • It will make the readers of the blog happy and give you traffic! •

Use your list • If someone asks if they can place a link on your site and you are (quite rightly) hesitant, then why not try bargaining with them. • You can use your subscribers list. Simply offer a feature in your weekly/monthly subscription to your requestor. • They will get more exposure and you ask for your link in return. •

Be Charitable • This is all about providing something great for a good cause but also getting something back too. • Quite often, charities will list companies who have volunteered some time to help them. Offer your time to help and in return you can get your link on their site. • Not only that but news sites may also pick up on the story and create an additional link too. •

Be Green • Some Environmentally Friendly companies provide a link if that company is also environmentally friendly. • After registering with that company (which is easier than it sounds!), you can get the link added and also place their badge on your site. • This demonstrates that you are also conscious of more than the bottom line. •

Use your employees • Especially if you have call centres this is a great tip. • You can get the team members to post on social media, comment on Forums or work on your SEO in between the busy periods. • These are all simple enough tasks. • This way they are making the most of the tools and the people you have available to you. •

Just a start... • These tips are only a start. • Like I said, there are thousands of ways to get those links to your site and ensure that your site gradually climbs to the top of the Search Engine Results Pages. •

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